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The apartment feels... empty...

Neo is busy, Serafall is also busy, the reconstruction of Kuoh took a lot of their time, in addition, it's the start of the new school year so she has been even more busy.

Yukari on the other hand seems to have actually started acting like a leader and took Kokoro to be looked at by one of the other 'Object Youkai's to see if there are any potential bad things wrong with her body or soul.

Basically a doctors check up for Youkai.

Though with Kokoro it's probably more along the lines of figuring out what the hell is different about her and if anything can be duplicated for other youkai like her.

Not all youkai are exactly sentient or take on humanoid forms, after all.

The lack of anyone at all is sort of a bummer, as today was the anniversary of the day I was first officially placed within this world! My 'birthday' if you would.

Damn. And here I was about to take the initiative and ask Neo on a date.

Now the extra ticket to that movie I wanted to see is going to be pretty useless.

Ah well.

I sit a plate in the sink and run water over it, then quickly turn and take a seat at the couch where I slip my shoes on.

'well, I've got a couple hours to kill before then. Plus I've got quite a bit of pocket change. Maybe buy myself a game console?'

I cup my chin with a smirk as I quietly shake my head in amusement, a slight smirk on my face.

Dxd is so far behind compared my previous world, but, strangely enough, it has a lot of the same media as back home. Star Wars, Dragon Ball- which is strange because Chronoa exists here- Pokemon, One Piece.

Admittedly, for the Chronoa thing... Dragon Ball Xenoverse doesn't exist. But that's more because of the current time than anything and in addition, Dragon Ball is... different...

Some things are the same, but most are different.

Aliens still exist, but... Goku is decidedly a youkai.

Maybe Sun Wukong stepped in and made a few changes, killing the 'Goku's an alien' plotline dead?

Frieza still existed but honestly, he sort of appeared when you would have expected the cell saga.

Goku fought against 'evil youkais' in the form of Vegeta, Nappa, and his brother, in one arc, then human made a clone of Goku. That was pretty much the cell arc. Goku unlocked his special super saiyan transformation which looks slightly different than what I remember super saiyan looking like, and just a bunch of other slightly different changes.

This world is a little strange because Naruto just... doesn't exist? Like, I was shocked when I found that out, Naruto was part of the 'big three' alongside One Piece and Dragon Ball.

I wonder what happened to cause the supernatural to erase Naruto like that.

Luckily shows and stuff that more or less have nothing to do with supernatural races or techniques are more or less unaffected, giving us unabridged pokemon and one piece.

Anyways, It is currently the wild and whacky year of two thousand and seven!

I could totally go into literally every fandom I know of and casually reveal the future- at least for the ones that haven't changed-

I might fuck around, take some ranks in 'Craft: drawing' and circulate a few images of 'Gear Fourth' Luffy and the idea of Haki before it exists.

Maybe reveal the true nature of Luffy's devil fruit. A good sixteen years ahead of time.

Probably not. That's monstrously evil. That's something I would ONLY consider if I am literally dying of boredom.

Which I probably wont be after today considering I'm going to buy myself at least one game system.

As much as it pains me, a playstation two will probably not be the way to go. A lack of one hand would probably put a bit of a dampener on my fun.

A Nintendo DS on the other hand... pokemon diamond and pearl came out recently and that sound like it'd be right up my alley. A good time waster as I wait for my quests to progress.


I bring a milkshake to my lips as I stare down at the table in front of me.

'Fucking Purugly. How the hell does this bitch even have that. Glameow doesn't evolve until level thirty eight... Staravia's dead, Turtwig's dead, Shinx is dead, all that's left is Zubat.'

Probably a doomed battle, Purugly is a fucking tank and Zubat has shit stats. The only chance I have would be to confuse this guy and have it hit itself over and over and over again.

I sit my drink down and quietly press the power button. 'hn. Need to do a bit more grinding. Get Turtwig up into at least a Grotle first.

I close the device with a nostalgic click then place it in the pocket of my jacket.

I pause as a quiet noise reaches my ears.

'what is-'

I quickly glance over my shoulder, doing it fast enough to not draw attention to myself.

The girl sitting at the table behind me is crying... like... legitimately sobbing.

In the middle of a fast-food burger joint.

What the fuck?

People nearby glance over, but they are well practiced in the art of minding their own business.

Normally I would join them, yet... this girl is special.

She has a one in three chance of being really into fox boys.

A blonde girl in a black and white skirt sits at the table by herself.

She sniffles, rubbing her eyes with a forearm.

Her short blonde hair is tied up into two messy pigtails, she has blue eyes which are stained with tears at the moment. She appears to have had a little makeup on, but it has smeared slightly, leaving a couple trails down her cheeks.

Yes, that random throwaway fallen angel from DXD has shown up in my burger place.

What was her name again? Matty or something?

I let out a quiet sigh. 'Curse my bleeding heart.'

I turn around loudly scraping my chair as I boredly prop my head up on my own table. "So, crying girl, what's wrong?"

She freezes at apparently being noticed and called out like that.

She takes a couple of quick hyperventilated breaths as her eyes dart around the room, seeing that people are looking at her.

She stands abruptly looking as if she is about to run out the doors.

"Ababa." I chastise as I point downwards. "Sit. Tell me what's wrong. I'm not about to let a girl who's sad enough to break down in a Wendy's leave without making an honest attempt to help her... more often than not, telling another person your problems helps."

The girl stares at me, letting out a quiet sniffle as she dries her eyes with her sleeve, eventually complying and taking a seat back in the place she was sitting at before.

"I... got stood up." She weakly announces.

"Oh... I see." I sigh as I rub the back of my hand. "Yeah... sometimes things like that happen. People can be unrepentant assholes all the time. But... if you keep on trying, you will certainly find someone to go out with you."

"This is the fourth time." She whispers, glaring down at the table in front of her.

"Seriously?! That's bullshit. You should be able to find someone easily."

"You're just saying that!" She snarls. "I-I know I'm not the most attractive person in the world... I-I... I know I'm small. I've got tiny boobs, and nobody wants to go out with someone who looks like a kid!"

"Look, you might be petite, but that doesn't make you instantly look like a child. You've got clear skin, silky hair, I'd still place you in the top... thirty percent or so of attractive people."

My eyes skim over her as she stares down at the table.

Bashfulness, hope, fear, embarrassment, happiness.

"Y-You're just saying that." She whispers.

'Well, that's quite a few emotions.'

A small smile crosses my face. 'Well, she seems like she'll be a little treat to tease, I might as well.'

"So, anyways." I begin slowly. "I was originally going to go see a movie with a friend, but they had prior obligations... it’s a shame I already bought the tickets though... you've got nothing planned after this, right? Wanna hang out?"

Shock, hope, excitement, joy.

"YES!" She exclaims as she rockets to her feet.


*Ahem* The girl awkwardly coughs as she blushes and looks away from me. "I mean, uh... sure... sounds good."

"Oh, that good, I really don't like wasting money, my name is Nagure, what's yours?"

"Milly." She answers.


"Huh... that was pretty good." I note as I cup my chin.

The blonde to my left nods slowly, a pleased smile plastered on her face. But beyond said smile, a churning storm of emotions reside.

Nervousness, fear, dread, anxiety, melancholy, slight joy, slight contentedness.

"Are you alright?" I question, snapping her out of her stupor.

"I-I'm fine." She replies as she looks away.


"S-So... Nagure... I have a bit of a question." The girl begins quietly, nervously scratching the back of her hand.

"A-Are you seeing anyone right now? L-Like do you have a girlfriend?"

"Nope. I don't have a girlfriend." I deny with a small head shake.

Surprise spikes through her body, followed quickly by eagerness and excitement.

"T-Then... w-would you like t-to maybe? Uh... be my boyfriend?"

"Sure." I shrug.

Excitement, happiness, joy, giddiness, lust, lust, lust, lust, lust, caution, wariness, contentment, eagerness, lust, restrained lust, annoyance, desire, passion.

She seems to be shoving off any 'physical' feelings until later and is annoyed at the fact that she keeps being drawn into thinking lustful thoughts

I quietly pull out my phone. "Here's my number so we can stay in contact."

A smile works its way across the girl's face as she memorizes the number.

"Alright!" She cheers as she turns and skips away, offering a wave. "I'll send you a text later! Bye!"

With that she turns and rushes off.


Huh... I have a girlfriend now. Neat.


Pov: elsewhere.

She did it! She finally did it!

A boyfriend!

She FINALLY got a boyfriend!

An attractive one at that!

A shame about the eye and hand though... he'll never be able to hold her close if she's on his right, he'll never be able to pick her up and spin her.

It's sad.

But she doesn't care! He's a hunk!

She rolls in her bed, getting wrapped up in her blankets as she inches across it like a little caterpillar.

This is a momentous occasion for her!

She may have told a... slight... fib to him when they first were talking.

She had been stood up four times...

This month.

Overall, she has incredible bad luck with dating.

Most of her dates turn tail the second they look at her sitting at the table alone... and those that do show up are typically the ones you wouldn't want to date. People who lied on their dating app page, genuine pedophiles, once while she was on a mission in America she even got catfished by Dateline's 'to catch a predator'! What the hell?! How is her luck so fucking bad!

Why did they think SHE was a predator! She's sixteen damn it!

Well, fifteen at the time but that doesn't matter! THEY are the predators here!

Anyways She FINALLY got a boyfriend! Her bad luck is over!

Now all she needs to do is keep Raynare and Kalawarner away from him. Those two fucking bitches would probably try something with him just to mess with her!

This is actually the first time she has ever gotten through an entire 'date'.

Damn it.

She needs advice!

She grabs her phone and texts the one person who always has her back!

Her mother.

The girl taps out a quick message on her flip phone eventually sending it with a resolute nod. "Hey, uh mom? Just a small question but I actually went on a date today and I need some advice. I like him, he's hot, he likes me and we've agreed to go out on a second date. This is extremely new for me... how do I proceed? What do I do? How do I not mess this up?"

She sits in her fort of blankets quietly waiting for a response.

She's so nervous! The first attractive guy to show ANY interest in her! What if she messes it up!

She gets a text back far faster than she expected. "Sleep with him after the second date to see if he's good in bed, if so, keep him around, if not, ditch him."


She forgot her mother was such a massive slut.

She forgot that AZAZEL, the very same person who is making an actual effort to sleep with every single race under the sun- wouldn't give good dating advice because she's the queen of one-night stands and has literally never been actually married or has dated anyone for longer than a year.

Honestly it's surprising that SHE is one of the only children to come out of Azazel's escapades.

The rest all died ages ago.

A curse of being a mere two winged or four-winged fallen angel. People generally use them as disposable pawns, and if they are known to have relation to Azazel, it's practically open season for them.

She's kept her connection to Azazel quite limited in the public eye, yes, people know that Azazel had a son or daughter sometime in the past sixteen years, yet... it was never Azazel herself that took care of her when she was young. The only people who know of her connection to Azazel would be some of the Cadres. Primarily Penemue.

"BTW what does this guy even look like?" Her mother questions.

"White hair, fairly athletic looking, has an eye patch and a prosthetic hand." She replies.

"He HAS to be supernatural, you know that, right? He sounds like a damn anime protagonist."

The blonde girl blinks at her mother's last message. 'huh? He didn't feel supernatural though. Him being supernatural isn't a possibility... is it?'

It sort of sucks that her boyfriend will die centuries before she will... but... maybe she should enjoy it while it lasts!

Now she needs to plan their next date!


"So... where were you today Nagure?" Yukari questions as she lounges on the couch.

"Isn't it rude to ask questions you know the answer to?" I shoot back as I quietly flip a sizzling chicken breast.

"How was your date?" The blonde woman continues.

"DATE?!" Serafall shrieks.

"Yukari. I don't like you very much." I announce as the black haired devil rockets up from her place at the kitchen table and dives across the room.

"WHAT DO YOU MEAN DATE?!" The woman exclaims as she shakes my shoulders.

"Oh, nobody was here today, so I went out and went to see a movie with a girl." I shrug idly, activating touki to strengthen by body enough to resist Serafall's shaking of me enough so that I could flip the chicken yet again.

"Oh? And I had heard it was a fallen angel as well." One of the causes of my pain and suffering states.

"WHAT?!" Serafall shrieks yet again, causing me to cringe and plug a finger into my ear. "Why would you go out with a fallen?!"

"Because she was pathetically sobbing in the middle of a Wendy's after being stood up." I shrug.

"That could have been a trick!" Serafall points out.

"It wasn't. I can sense emotions with Senjutsu and I was monitoring her emotions the entire time. Not even once did she get angry, distrustful, or wish any sort of harm to me. She genuinely seemed absolutely ecstatic that I was spending time with her." I mutter while taking a single step out of Serafall's grasp

Jealousy. Envy. Envy. Envy. Lust.

I give her a half-lidded stare over my shoulder. "And yes, I can feel that."

The woman pouts at me as she slumps, slowly stumbling back to the table and letting out a quiet sniffle. "I can't believe Gure-tan was stolen out from under me..."

I take a quiet sip of water. "I mean, harems exist."

"Pfft-" I hear Yukari spit take in the other room.

A rip opens beside me as the blonde woman leans through narrowing her eyes slightly at me. "Well, aren't you an eager boy."

I simply shrug. "Don't all strong dudes in the supernatural have harems?"

"You aren't strong." She bluntly points out.

"Fair, fair, but at the rate I am growing, it won't be entirely too long before I am strong. In one measly year... one year where I wasn't training, mind you, I went from a mere singular tailed kitsune all the way up to three tails."

"But yeah, I'd only consider a harem if Milly's cool with it." I state as I look back down to the food. "I'm not about to declare that I'm getting a harem when she one: doesn't know I'm supernatural and two: isn't able to give her opinion on this at the moment."

I look over my shoulder to see Serafall cupping her chin, seemingly deep in thought.

Well, that bodes well.

I wonder where Neo is.


The girl appears with a noise akin to shattering glass. Face planted against the floor as she trips over a chair leg.


Pov: elsewhere, time has passed.

A blonde girl with red eyes crouches in the bushes, there's a red ribbon in her short chin-length hair, she is clad in a black dress, the ends frayed slightly from traveling through the forests of Japan.

Darkness pools around her legs as she remains hidden in the bush, hissing and coiling as she hunches over.

Her blood red eyes stray across a playground, drool drips from her mouth as she spies multiple children running around unsupervised.

Her lips pull back into a hungry grin, revealing monstrous, sharpened, shark like teeth that come to points.


She is so... hungry.

Humans exist to feed Youkai... she must feed.

Her legs tense as she watches one her prey inch closer and closer to her hiding spot, the shadows underneath a ball causing it to bounce closer and closer to the bushes

A figure crouches next to her.


The red eyed girl blinks slowly and looks to her left to see a white haired boy crouched beside her, one hand on his brow as he gazes off into the playground, in the same direction the human eating youkai is staring.

He turns slowly, revealing that he has an eyepatch.

Two fluffy ears sit atop his head.

A smirk crosses his lips.

Something prods into the center of the girl's back twice causing her to whirl around and lash out with a hand tipped with razor sharp claws.

Nothing is there.

Her eyes track a white blur, causing her to turn back to the other person residing in the bush just in time to see a fist rocketing for her face.


She is shot out of the underbrush in the opposite way of the playground, deeper into the surrounding forest.

She rolls through the dirt with an annoyed snarl eventually flipping to her feet and halting her momentum on all fours.

Blood drips down her chin from her temple, her hands shake.

Fear grips the young youkai's body, that one punch caused incredible damage. this isn't something she can defeat.

She needs to get away. Flee.

A bright smile cracks the girl's face as she lets out a quiet giggle. "heheheheh."

Nothing about this is humorous... why is she laughing.

"PAHAHAHAHAH!" She cackles, clutching her stomach as she tosses her head back and unleashes a tremendous boisterous laugh.

No. Stop. She needs to get away.

The white haired boy slowly walks forwards, three absolutely massive white tails lashing behind him.

He raises a hand and smiles, then snaps a finger causing an illusion to spring up around the surroundings.

The blonde girl just continues giggling.

The white haired kitsune smiles as one of his tails lunge forwards, wraping around the ankles of the girl and tugging her feet out from under her, causing her to fall roughly to the floor.

The two remaining deceptively long tails raise up and shoot downwards, rapidly prodding the girl's chest and stomach.

Her laughter ceases as her ribs ache, spit flies from her mouth as numerous blows rain down on her torso, each landing with the force of a sledgehammer.

The man-eating youkai lets out a few weak whimpers as she writhes on the ground.

"That should be enough punishment." The boy notes as he snaps his fingers. "Slumber."

And the next thing Rumia knows... is darkness.


(Pov: returned)


I let out a long sigh as a blonde girl thrashes in her bindings, a phone brought up to my ear. "Hey, Serafall, can you get someone to come down to the park and grab this man eating youkai I found."

I silently listen to her barrage of questions on the other side of the line.

"It looked like she was about to grab the nearest child and literally bite their heads off, so I mean, maybe you should send someone to put her somewhere until Yukari drops by."

"And then what?" A voice questions behind me.

"Oh... scratch that. Yukari's here. Bye Serafall." I state as I turn and hang up the phone.

A woman sits in a large rift, lounging upon it as if it were a hammock.

"Can you take that." I question as I point to the thrashing blonde youkai.

Her squirming had intensified massively as the gap youkai showed up, seemingly sensing the raw danger that Yukari constantly exudes.

"Hnnn." The woman hums as she looks over the girl, using a paper fan to hide her disgusted frown. "Oh, one of those types of Youkai. I don't condone her eating humans, yet... at the end of the day, that is all her species can eat, being created from the human fear of the darkness."

"You are quite lucky as well." The blonde woman huffs as she glances back over to me. "It appears that her powers were sealed quite some time ago. What you fought was merely a husk. Barely even medium class."

"I see." I frown as I pull a ring out of my pocket.

I walk over to the girl who shakes at my approach.

I casually slip the ring over one of her fingers.

"If her hunger is the issue, that should solve it. A ring that satisfies the wearer's need to eat, and to an extent, sleep... but it must be worn for a week to get it to work... and if it is ever removed, they would have to wear it another week."

"An... interesting enchantment... I see... in which case, instead of killing this poor soul, I will hold her for one week to see if your little ring works... if it does, well... perhaps your life will become even more valuable to the Youkai race... far more than Yasaka already claims, at least."

"Numerous Youkai are just like her. Born to feast upon humans, and most die to the five principal clans or other humans allied with the four youkai factions, if this works, perhaps we could steal some of the power base from the southern youkai faction... though, knowing them, it is probably more than likely that most of those youkai enjoy eating humans due to the sick pleasure they get out of it instead of any form of sustenance they gain... but we could theoretically curb this habit in younger youkai if they work..."

"Have fun with your schemes, Yukari... I've got to get to my date now."

The woman smiles as she gives me a smug look, but she doesn't say anything.

"Yes, I am aware that Neo and Serafall will probably be stalking me the entire time." I sigh as I turn and walk away. "Goodbye."

A quest has been completed!

Deeper Darkness Twisted Youkai:
A vile man eating youkai has been seen within Kuoh, it lures people in with its child like appearance and brutally kills and eats them, perhaps you should show her the error of its ways... violently if possible. We all know they deserve a bonk on the head.

Defeat Rumia: [x]

Bonus Objective:
Unseal her and proceed to beat her half to death: [-]
Defeat her without being hit once: [x]
Solve her hunger for human flesh: [x]

Rewards: 1750 Electrum.

'annnd that's enough for a level up.'


I quietly purchase a level up and continue walking without missing a step.

With the new feat I got, I should probably invest in some Youjutsu

My other quests have been progressing nicely.


Last 1 Day with the loss of your arm and eye [x]

Bonus Objectives:  
Total Number of days without regenerating your crippled limb or eye: 401 (Ongoing Objective)
Refuse regeneration for 7 days: [x]
Refuse regeneration for 1 month: [x]
Refuse regeneration for 6 months: [x]
Refuse regeneration for 1 year: [x]
Refuse regeneration until 'Canon' starts: [ ]

Rewards: 3555 Electrum, 1 Free Feat, 2 free stat points to place wherever you wish, 'One Handed Berserker' Special Quality.

One Handed Berserker:
Nothing can slow you down, wielding big ass Zewihanders in one hand is just how you do things. Even oversized weapons are easily swung by you. You may now wield greatswords and other large blades as if they were simple one handed weapons while still treating them as if you are using two hands. (Thus adding 1.5 times your strength modifier) in addition you may now wield weapons that are meant for creatures up to two size categories larger than you as if you were that size. In addition, when dealing weapon damage, your strength is treated as if it were 4 higher.

A decent perk for myself... it also allows me to wield large swords in each of my tails which is quite interesting.

Hidden among the supernatural:

Appear to be 'Non Supernatural' for 1 day [x]

Bonus Objectives:
Total Number of days without Rias or Sona discovering you: 386 (Ongoing Objective)
Remain undetected for 7 days: [x]
Remain undetected for 1 month: [x]
Remain undetected for 6 months: [x]
Remain undetected for 1 year: [x]
Remain undetected until 'Canon' starts: [ ]

Rewards: 6960 Electrum, one (or more) magic item(s) worth up to 29,500 GP, 'Tail Warrior' Special Quality, 'Faux Normality' Achievement.

Faux Normality:
There's CLEARLY nothing supernatural with you... anyone who thinks otherwise is wrong and stupid!
Little do they know YOU ARE supernatural! Making you the perfect spy!
You can hide all aspects of your supernatural nature at will, allowing you to cast spells without creating a magical aura, and disguise your own supernatural aura practically whatever you want.
Note: Despite you being able to hide the magical aura of your spellcasting, extremely obvious effects, such as a beam of fire shooting from your hand may blow your cover.

I have long since ditched those two magic aura hiding items.

At this point, all I really need to do is do nothing crazy and I'll always seem non-supernatural to the main cast.

I mean, dating a fallen could technically be seen as a red flag, but eh if I just play the innocent 'he doesn't know what he is doing and is in over his head but doesn't know it' teen, I'll be fine.

I spy Mittelt sat alone in front of a small time diner.

Confusion, mild annoyance, concern.

I'm a little bit late.

"I'm so sorry that I'm late." I sigh as I take a seat across from her. "I dropped a pickle jar and I had to pick it up before it messed up the wood floors."

Relief, joy, amusement.

"Oh, I don't mind... I haven't been waiting all too long." The girl states with an amused smile. "And pickles? I thought you said you said that 'Jars are hateful abominations that exist only to cause me pain and suffering'."

"Oh, I can open jars." I nod slowly. "It's tough, but pickles are good enough for the effort."

"So, what's on the agenda today, Milly?" I question with a small smile. "A movie perhaps? Should we go out to eat somewhere? Go to an arcade?"

"You... wouldn't like an arcade... would you..." The girl questions, blatantly showing her touching care for me as I smile.

"It's not about what I like or don't like. It's about you. What do you want to do?"

Joy, Excitement, Love.

I watch her face freeze.

Shock, annoyance, anger.

"Oh, hey Milly." A female voice calls out as a third person sits at our table. "So this is where you keep running off to."

I glance over to see a black haired woman take a seat at the table, her eyes stray across me as she smirks. "Playing house with some cripple? Don't you have better things to do? Oh wait... is this a DATE?! PHAHAHA! Oh god! That's hilarious! Of course YOU would only be able to find someone like him to date you."

Raynare has arrived.

What joy.


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