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'Is this... for real?'

I am currently sitting cross-legged on the floor of my room, as when I had tried to stand up moments ago, I was jump-scared ruthlessly.

I tilt my head slightly as I gaze at a blue floating screen in front of me, the first word at the top of the screen glowing like gold with small sparkles radiating from it.


You have been selected via our monthly lottery system to be placed into another world!



Every month, we pick ten lucky humans to be sent to another world! Some with fun abilities and overpower items, while some are just granted a new body to start fresh! And you, sir- your name is unimportant because it is going to be changed shortly- have won the JACKPOT!!!


Every human who is unsatisfied with their life is entered into a world-wide lottery to see if they can change their fate, and you, soul number 2938588 (Of unsatisfied souls) have won the GRAND PRIZE of this month's lottery!

I stare at the screen with narrowed eyes and get up, ignoring the screen as I walk to the kitchen of my shitty apartment and get a glass of tap water.

Hello? Are you... ignoring this?

I rub my eyes slightly, 'ugh... is there a gas leak or something?'

You don’t think this is real? Understandable! So, we have taken the time to grant you some proof of our legitimacy.

I raise an eyebrow at this.

Look in your glass of water!

I look down to see a crystal eight-sided dice made of some black onyx with gold numbering.

"What the fuck?"

So, you believe us now?


"Sure." I sigh as I reach into the glass and pull out the dice, then I take a simple drink of water.

If you do not wish to be transported to another world, you will simply forget about all of this... you have a day to decide

"No," I let out a small sigh and set down my glass on the table as I take a seat in one of the chairs, waving my hand towards the screen in a shoo-shoo manner. "Do the thing then, I am tired of this world."

Grand! Please present your dice!

I look down at the table where I had placed the dice and slowly pick it up, the screen morphing to show a small black diamond slot that I wordlessly insert the d8 into.

I blink once as nothing seems to happen, but when I re-open my eyes, I am in a dark void, surrounded by small galaxies that are slowly spinning around me.

A female voice makes itself known.

"As the grand prize winner, you get to pick, the world you are being sent to, an item, and a skill/ability to help you on your way!"

"Now, what item to you wish to have?"

"…" I briefly flinch at the sudden noise, but accept it as that wouldn't be the strangest thing that has happened to me today.

"Wouldn't it be better to decide the world first? That way I can have an item and skill that fits nicely with the world so I am not too much of an oddball?"

"Hm, sure, sounds nice! So, where do you wish to go?"

'Hm, let's compile a short list of tv shows, games, movies, and anime that I have seen or played...'

'Tv shows and movies elude me... so let's do games! Touhou? Mn... I know literally nothing about that world, I haven't even really played it so all I know is that Yukari can kill you with bullshit... so maybe not there... Borderlands? Hm... probably not... I never played one and while I know a little bit about the plot of two, I am no-where close to memorizing it.'

'Skyrim? Tempting... it is definitely tempting.'

'Spyro, Crash, and Ratchet and Clank are out, I'm not a furry. and I had the Hyperdimension Neptunia games on my steam account because of a sale and me swearing I was going to eventually play them, but I barely played even the first one... so that's out... shame, I never did get to play them, did I?'

I tap my chin.

'might as well move onto animes... My Hero Academia? No. Quirk law, All For One, and Bad Touch Man is a mega turn off. Dragon Ball? Pfft- it sounds cool, but when planet busting becomes a meager feat and power suction goat appears- which is a dumb fucking villain by the way-... I'm fucking out!... Roshi blew up the moon in dragon ball when his power level was like two-hundred!!! POWER SCALING IS TOTAL BULLSHIT!!!'

'Toriko? I only saw up to like the end of the English dub... but the food though! But, well the bird-anteater-robot-plague-mask-monsters scared me as a child'


'putting it under a 'maybe'.'

'One piece? I am up to date with the manga and remember most of the storyline... and I mean... the anime is like nearing like nine-hundred episodes! So I would have a lot of time to muck around... maybe meet with the main cast... there are also tons of cool techniques and treasures to collect, such as the grade swords, dials, the six powers and haki... I wonder what an armament haki infused iron body would look like- so this one has been the most plausible so far.'

'Jojo's? Mn... stando-powah is tempting... but four seasons take place over like one hundred and fifty years so that's a big 'no' unless I want to waste my ability or item on immortality... Fairytail? The time skip would give me a lot of time to myself... and I do sort of want to figure out why the hell Draco, Hydrus, and the Pheonix aren't important celestial spirit keys... but no, Immortal foes who can kill people by loving too hard and the damn EVERYTHING DRAGON SLAYER of Acnologia is a big no for me.'

'That time I got reincarnated as a slime? Fitting, but no...'




'One Punch Man? A cool world in theory, but probably poor in execution... a place where monsters literally show up everywhere is sort of bad... though having to work my way up through the ranks to S rank would be pretty cool... but Saitama... a gimmick character... who could kill me in literally one punch regardless of how strong I get...'

'if I want waifus, I could always go to Dxd~! mn... fighting gods is a little eck though.'

'Pokemon or digimon? They could be swapped fairly easily, and seem cool, but no, I think I will pass on this one, there isn't really any way to empower humans in those worlds and I really don’t want to rely on my partner.'


'hn... not a bad descision, it has waifus, gun swords, sword swords and gun guns... I'd like to get aura and a semblance, but there is the problem of an immortal witch bitch and an immortal coffee addict who fucked said witch... meh, I could always try to put the immortal one on the broken moon and just tell the reincarnating one to leave me the fuck alone.'

'hn... yeah... sounds pretty good!"

"I have made my decision!" I exclaim into the milky darkness of space.

The screen appears once more.

"GRAND! What location did you choose?"


"From the ashes or Rwby?"

"Rwby, obviously?" I slowly murmur.

"Oh, cool, for a second there I was a little scared for your sanity."

"Also. Sweet! We have been meaning to send someone there! Now, what sort of power or skill do you wish to have?"

"The ability to stop ti-"

"No. Too stronk pick something else."

"Fiiiine" I sigh dramatically. "You know the six powers from One Piece?"


"I want to be able to do that, but also have a seventh power where I basically just pull off Toriko's spike punch where I use shave with my arms to strike something several times in the same place..."

"Sounds reasonable, sure!"

'wait... seriously? Wow... okay...'

"Now for your item?"

"This can be any physical object, correct?" I slowly ask.

"Within reason... so no dragonballs, genie lamps, or wishing for one of the rwby relics to be within your grasp."

"Fair enough I suppose..." I hum as I tilt my head.

I am silent for a little while.

"Can you make my body much stronger than normal so I can actually pull off these martial arts moves?"

"Snrk- you know us well; we totally were going to put you down there with just the knowledge of how to do it and not the physical capabilities~"

"but, to answer your question, sure, why not?"


"Now!" The voice cheerful says. "Grit your teeth."


I clutch my head and scream in agony as I feel like somebody took a power drill to my brain.


*Linebreak Linebreak Linebreak*



"That’s what happens when you want the knowledge on how to use six- now seven- supernatural martial arts with little to no training or muscle mass."

"Anywaaays, you got your ability, your new strong bod, and my higherups have decided a drop location, I can place you into the wor- wait... what do you mean I have to go with this prick? "

"…" I glance to the left and right awkwardly as the voice in my head seems to be talking to someone else.

"I need to set up the automated system and give him a tutorial on how to use it? Whaaat? Why do *I* need to do that..."

"Do it or I'm fired? what about the other nine winners?"


"An Intern will do it? That is fucking retarded!"


"Right, sorry sir, no more back-sass."


"*Sigh* looks like I will be sticking around for slightly longer then~ damn interns... couldn't even install the automated system."

"Grand. This prick desires your company for a couple more minutes." I frown.

"Hey, I just Isekai'd you... I can you whatever the hell I please!"

With a flash I find myself... in a forest... with massive trees each probably larger around than my torso.

A screen appears in front of me with the text 'Please Select Your New Name.'

'a name? Namey name... names...'

After about maybe a minute of pondering I finally settle on a name.

WELL, I am finished setting up the automated system and you have even picked a name! Grand! Now we move onto something else!

Level 1, Alex Grey

Skill Points: 0.000
Shop Points: 0.000

'I have the gamer system?'

"Incorrect! You have our own system... but yes, we did take a couple of these assets from elsewhere, let's take a quick look at your 'skill list' for a moment."

Skill List:
Seven Powers Mastery: Lv 1

'o...kay? So I can increase the level of my skills by training?'

"No- Well, I mean, technically you can, but I don’t see why you would, you can't generate skills by doing certain things, you can only purchase them, and while you COUUULD technically get better at a thing through use, an example being if you if you had some sort of flight ability you would probably fly into walls or ceilings till you got the hang of it, the skill level will not increase, meaning you won't get that significant of a boost. Say or think 'I want to upgrade 'Seven Powers Masery'!'"

'I want to upgrade My Seven Powers Mastery?'

Insufficient Skill Points! Skill points required: 250.000


'wait... I just noticed something... are you... reading my mind?'


'oh my god.'

"Dooont worry about it! I'll be out of here in, what, five minutes?"

I shake my head and let out a small breath through my nose.

'I assume that shop points allow me to buy or upgrade items? And I get these through leveling up?'

"Your first assumption is correct! But you only gain points through doing quests which the system will give you! As stated earlier, you can level up your skills, but what does that do? Well, why don’t we take a look at the descriptions of your skill."

Seven Powers Mastery: Lv 1: (250 Points to Level Up)
You have the knowledge to perform the Rokushiki, also known as the 'Six Powers', additionally you have created your own technique!
Techniques Known:
Soru (Shave): A technique that allows you to move at great speeds by kicking off the ground several times in less than a second.
Tekkai: (Iron Body): A technique that allows you to harden your body to that of steel, allowing you to shrug off attacks, additionally, some masters of Rokushiki can use it for offense as well as defense.
Geppo: (Moon Walk): A technique that allows the user to jump on air itself, people training in Rokushiki have been known to first start trying to jump on water before moving onto air, as is a lot thicker than air.
Shigan: (Finger Pistol): One of the two attacks of the six powers, it allows you to pierce your enemy with your finger as if you had shot them with a pistol, adept users can also make ranged attacks with it like master swordsmen can create wind-blades.
Kami-e: (Paper Arts): allows you to make your body as light as flexible as a sheet of paper, allowing you to bend unnaturally and flutter out of the way of attacks.
Rankyaku: (Tempest Kick) a technique that allows you to create blades of wind with your kicks that can cut through stone easily, and for some, even steel.
X Fold Punch: The creation of Alex Grey that takes the idea of Shave and applies it to a punch, a technique that allows you to strike your foe multiple times in an instant, creating a much more dangerous attack that hits an opponent as if you were driving in a metal stake. However, striking the same spot in quick succession is very strenuous, meaning you may only be able to do a 2 or 3-fold punch at your current level and a fucking ridiculous cramp afterwards.


"Now, take a moment, look around, realize we placed you in a new body, freak out, realize you are in Patch, freak out some more, then go fight something."


*Linebreak Linebreak Linebreak*

'I'm a fucking child! Why did they put me in the body of a child?!'

"One sentence. Ease for the User."

"You think your OTHER body could hold up to this world? Humans in that world break their arms from falling wrong... do you think one of them could EVER keep up in a world where getting stabbed repeatedly and fighting with people who wield GUNCHUCKS is commonplace?! Also they are fairly ugly compared to this world's definition of 'humans', so you wont be able to woo all those sweet babes n stuff~"

"I thought I took care of that when I wished for a stronger bo- *Sigh* this is because of my wish... isn't it..."

"I just wanted to make punch things... is that too much to ask?"

"That's pretty sad. You literally have infinite power here as long as you gain enough skill and shop points..."

"You said Patch, correct?" I slowly ask with a deadpan. "You absolutely put me in the time period when Yang takes Ruby out as a child, didn't you?"

"I have no idea what you are talking about"

"Well, I'm off, I have other things to do, your automated system- now that it is installed- has mental controls, or verbal if you want, but it's on you if everyone thinks you are fucking bonkers and talking to yourself."

"*Sigh*… those damn interns installed the wrong anti-virus system... that's why it took so long... I mean really? Who uses fucking MCAFEE?! Annnyway, I fixed the issue, downloaded the appropriate anti-virus software and fixed it."

"Your job sounds pretty dull and annoying..."

"You have no clue. You are actually one of the more bearable people we have isekai'd, at least you aren't a creepy bastard who chose 'mind domination of the opposite sex' as their first power... you just seem sort of selfish and power hungry, but good-hearted down deep inside. So, I wish you luck~"

The screen fizzles out of existence slowly leaving me with my simple status page open... I don’t appear to have any 'stats' per say, just a level, 'Skill-points', 'Store-point' and a skill list, but I don’t even have an inventory, so If I want to buy anything, I would just have to carry it around with me until I purchased a bag of holding or something.

I look down at my body revealing... that I am maybe seven or eight at most, and I have been given a simple black t-shirt and some simple cargo pants, around my shoulders they have given me a tattered grey hooded cloak that trails down to about my shins, on my waist, is a small bag containing several lien cards in a stack, each with the number '1' on them, so about twenty five lien in all.

I stare into a nearby puddle to reveal I have short messy black hair, pale skin, and dark blue eyes.

I look up and let out a long sigh. "Welp! Let's walk!"

*Linebreak Linebreak Linebreak*

'ugh! I wish I had at least a few shop points... then maybe I could purchase a knife or something...'

Would you like to select a daily quest?

'Daily Quests?'

Correct, you have 4 daily quests currently available, more may be unlocked temporarily or permanently depending on current events, but you may only take one. Each has a different reward based on the difficulty of the task.

'uhh, yeah, a daily quest sounds pretty good.'

A new screen pops up in front of me with a small list.

Defeat Thugs: [0.3 Star Difficulty].
You must defeat 4 people of negative alignment before the day is up.

Walk 1 Mile: [0.1 Star Difficulty].
Walk 1 Mile before the day is up.

Greetings~: [0.4 Star Difficulty].
Greet 6 people of mild importance before the day is up.

Grimm Extermination: [1 Star Difficulty].
Slay 5 Grimm before the day is up.

'why is the grimm extermination quest so low- actually now that I think about it... it is more than three times the difficulty rating of the 'defeat thugs' quest...'

For stronger grimm, you will most likely gain a separate quest for the actual grimm extermination, the 1-star difficulty quest is just a one-a-day bonus for slaying five grimm.

'I... don’t think I'll be able to beat grimm currently with my whimpy body sooooo.'

A Quest Has Been Received:

Walk 1-

'yes, yes, I get it, minimize.'

*Linebreak Linebreak Linebreak*

A Quest Has Been Completed:

Walk 1 Mile: [0.1 Star Difficulty].
Walk 1 Mile before the day is up.

Reward: 0.100 Skill Points, 0.100 Shop Points

'that's... not much...'

'hey system, how much is a regular kichen knife?'

Kitchen Knife Set: 0.100 Shop Points

'no, I mean, like a singular knife.'

Kitchen Knife: 0.010 Shop Points.

Would you like to purchase this object?
[Yes] [No]

I shake my head, 'it probably isn't worth it to buy one at the moment considering I would probably deal a lot more damage with just my hands, but, I suppose it helps to know I have the option.'

I continue my bored walk for about ten more minutes, then I reach an abandoned house with broken windows, the front door is broken down and laying a couple feet away from where it should have been, I look the other way to see a red wagon being pulled by a child with yellow pigtails, in the back, a little bundle of red and black.

"Oh, son of a-"

A Quest Has Been Received:

Big Bad Wolf: [3 Star Dificulty]
What's this? A couple of girls are about to be killed by a pack of shadow werewolves AND THEIR UNCLE IS GOING TO BE LATE?! (Sorry not sorry) Well, I guess it is up to the resident feral forest child to put those puppers in their place!
Survive for one full minute (Not Started Yet)/60 [ ]

I sharply inhale as Yang leans forwards, seemingly observing the inside of the house, only to flinch back and let out a squeal as a form slowly prowls its way out of the house.

It has pitch black fur and a while boney mask, it shifts from four legs to two as it steps fully out of the house, putting a hand on the doorframe as it stalks out, its deep, blood red eyes lock onto Yang and her sister, then it begins to leap forwards.

I dash forwards, the world becoming a blur and I blast across the clearing, sliding to a halt about half of the way between the sisters and the Grimm. "Sup."

It briefly pauses as if to confirm my existence, then it runs forwards, followed shortly by two more that leap out from one of the windows of the dilapidated building.

I, with what would normally be unnatural balance and flexibility for me, lift my leg up so I am nearly pulling off a split, then I swing my leg downwards and a visible rift forms, rocketing quickly towards the charging grimm.


It cuts the first in half, right down the middle, the second losing its front arm as it barely dives out of the way, and the final one easily avoiding it as it hops to the side.

A fourth and final beowolf crawls out of the house, this one about twice the size of the other two and covered in actual armor, bone spikes on its knees and elbows, boney ribs jutting outside of its body, a bone mask that extends down its neck slightly and large bone plates over its chest and shoulders.

'fuck. An alpha'

I do a quick roundhouse kick with my other leg, sending a wide horizontal blade of wind at the three bipedal grimm, it catches the first two, bisecting them at the stomach, but the alpha leaps over it with a growl and lunges forwards as it lands, keeping low to the ground and leaping back and forth as it makes its way towards me.

I launch another blade of wind, but it lunges to the side and reaches me, raising its arms up above its head in order to slam them down on me.


It slams its paws down, but my body turns sideways and loosely slips through the gap in between the two clawed hands, my body suddenly becomes ridged again and I strike upwards with a finger extended, only for it to lean back, and hop away, when it lands again, it leaps forwards once again and this time goes for a sweeping attack, and I respond by leaping up and over the attack, over the grimm, and land behind it where I strike its exposed spine with a blade of wind, however it is weaker than normal because I don’t have a lot of time or space to build up momentum so it barely leaves a scratch in its thick hide.

I let out a quiet pant as strike forwards with another finger pistol, but it leaps to the side and turns around to face me again.

'alright, then... its smart, quick, and powerful, I wont be able to land any decisive blows before I get tired... it has infinite stamina... I can't keep dodging it forever... and even with my strengthened body, my moves are starting to take their toll...'

'fuck it. All or nothing gambit. Qrow will show up in time to save me if this fails anyway and well, I assume that the quest has hidden bonus objectives~'

I take a step forwards, raising one arm up as the other is pulled back, the muscles in that arm spasming slightly as the veins bulge and pulse.

It swings its clawed hand at my shoulder on the side of my raised arm. 'heh. Perfect.'

My body freezes as I swing my arm outwards, its clawed hand smashing into my shoulder and cutting a couple small wounds, after the force is mostly dissipated, I unfreeze, wincing as the claws dig deeper into my flesh and grab its forearm.

I take a step forwards and turn my body, my other hand swinging forwards towards the grimm's abdomen.



It flies backwards about five feet from the force of my strike, tumbling backwards where it is about to land on its back, only for a second wave of force to hit and launch it further and create a large dip in its stomach, this time the grimm makes it another ten feet before it is struck again, *Splrt-* its stomach folds inwards as it rockets into a tree and snaps it in half as it flies through and smashes into another tree, causing both to fold in on themselves and bury the grimm under a couple log.

I flinch as a wave of pain hits me, both from a couple bleeding wounds on the shoulder of my right side, and a twitching entire left arm, I quickly bring up my slightly less wounded arm up to cradle the twitching one. "Owowowow fuck. This sucks."

"Fuuuuck why did I do that?" I whisper to myself as blood drips down my elbow, I suck in a deep breath of air through my teeth. "I could have just cut it in half with a tempest kick, or poked a hole in its throat with finger pistol, but noooo I had to do the cripple move... I'm a colossal dumbass."

A figure landing in front of me snaps me out of my pain-filled daze, and I look up, blinking away a bit of water in my eyes to see Qrow Branwen himself looking down at me looking slightly worried. "Oh fuck, kid are you alright?"

"Peachy~" I sarcastically hum through grit teeth. "It's not like I punched a grimm so hard it EXPLODED."

A Quest Has Been Completed:

Big Bad Wolf: [3 Star Dificulty]
What's this? A couple of girls are about to be killed by a couple of shadow werewolves AND THEIR UNCLE IS GOING TO BE LATE?! (Sorry not sorry) Well, I guess it is up to the resident feral forest child to put those puppers in their place!
Survive for one full minute 60/60 [x]
Bonus Objectives:
Kill 1 of the Grimm: 1/1 [x]
Kill 3 of the regular Beowolves: 3/3 [x]
Kill the Alpha Beowolf: 1/1 [x]
Kill all of the Grimm before Qrow shows up: [x]

Rewards: 25.000 Skill Points, 25.000 Shop Points
Bonus Objective Rewards: Aura Skill, 100.000 Skill Points and 100.000 Shop Points, Random Skill x2 and Random Item x2

Would you like to roll your random skill and random item?

'no, save it.'

I let out a slow breath as green sparks cascade around my body, then stop a couple second later.

"You have... aura?!" Qrow slowly whispers.

"What do youuuu think?" I growl as blood continues to drip down my arm and onto the dirt below.

*Linebreak Linebreak Linebreak*

Qrow basically took me back to the Xaio-long household where I was thanked, yes, but also granted a room to stay...

My wounds were healed by my- admittedly meager- aura, and now that I actually have Aura, I am rearing to go!

The thing is, I heard Qrow talking to Ozpin about me in the other room last night and he is probably going to make his way over here sometime tomorrow... I really don’t want to deal with him watching me juuust yet, so that leads me to my current decision...

I crack open the window and look outside, I am on the second floor of this fairly large log cabin, so there's about a ten foot drop from here to the floor.

Easy enough.

I activate my aura and leap out of the window.


Then with a simple kick I am launch away from the house and the flowerbed I was destined to land on, and soar across the yard.

I couldn't actually do that before I got my aura unlocked, believe me, I tried to when I was walking earlier today, it would have made me finding the house SOOOO much easier, buuuut all I was doing was just jumping about ten feet off the ground, not the double-jump I needed... but aura increases my abilities juuust enough for me to pull off a couple before my legs cramp up a bit.

Aura: Lv 1: (50 Points to Level Up)
The power of the soul. It allows you to create a barrier around yourself and increase your physical abilities, it also grants every single person who has it a special one of a kind- (Barring certain Circumstances)- power that can range from increasing gravity to flying. Sadly, you don’t really know what your semblance is, and your control is absolutely horrible, so bad to the point that you actually have to focus on keeping it active amidst combat! Some users of aura can even unlock it in others! Buuut with your current control, you aren't one of them.
Your physical abilities increase by 25% when you use Aura.

'I can technically upgrade it right this second, but nah... I'll pass for now.'

I land with a sigh, glancing over my shoulder to the log cabin about thirty feet back, then I shake my head and continue walking forwards, down the path in the opposite direction we took to get here.

'step one: get off Patch.'

'System, you can roll my random skills now.'


You have Gained the skill 'Martial Arts Mastery'

You have gained the skill 'Double Jump'

'Double Jump' has been combined with 'Seven Powers Mastery', making it easier for you to use Moon Walk, but not changing the skill enough to justify a level up.

Martial Arts Mastery: Lv 1: (500 Points to Level Up)
You are a prodigy for any sort of unarmed combat, you learn fighting styles quickly and can perfect them much easier than normal. You gain a permanent 10% cost reduction on buying or upgrading any martial-arts-based skills, additionally, skills of this type, are 5% more effective than usual.

I nearly trip.

'W-WHAT?! H-how did I get two skills that effect my six powers ability?!'

Random skills and items aren't truly random, they are divided into five categories, Basically Useless, Average, Good, Great, and Legendary. The user just got REALLY lucky.


I let out a long sigh. 'am I really going to have to play the careful game of balancing between saving, and buying just enough skills to make sure I don’t die?'

The min-maxer inside of me says to play dangerously and max the fuck out of that, and honestly, I am agreeing, even at level 1, it takes off TWENTY-FIVE points from Seven Powers Mastery... that's two hundred and fifty mile walks...'

I crack my knuckles. 'alright... let's see if I can get to the main city before the sun raises.'

Then I dash forwards, down the path, my feet and body just a blur.

*Linebreak Linebreak Linebreak*


I managed it in about two minutes, buuuut kicking the ground several times per second for one hundred and twenty seconds?


Aaanyways, I made it to the small walled city of patch, then with a few kicks I make my way over the wall entirely and drop into the city below.

*Linebreak Linebreak Linebreak*

I sit up from my messy bed of shirts and blankets. "Mrhn?"


"Mnnn." I groan as I lay back down.


I let out a really long sigh after about five or so minute then sit up again, then slowly crawl my way to my feet.

"Well, that was certainly something..." I murmur. "I normally don’t get dreams like that."

I stretch slightly, twisting my body and popping my joints as I get ready for my day filled with 'fun.'

You see, it has been about five and a half years since I came to this world... making me... twelve or thirteen, I think? Annnyways. Not much has happened. I got to Vale, I would like to say that I crippled the criminal underworld, but, I'm not that foolish, I, at most, am just a small problem.

Beating up four thugs per day has DEFINITELY worked out! I managed to increase my 'Martial Arts Mastery' and 'Aura' skills to a reasonable level... they have actually been the only things I have been spending skill points on...

Martial Arts Mastery: Lv 3: (2000 Points to Level Up)
You are a prodigy for any sort of unarmed combat, you learn fighting styles quickly and can perfect them much easier than normal. You gain a permanent 30% cost reduction on buying or upgrading any martial-arts-based skills, additionally, skills of this type, are 15% more effective than usual. Your Martial-Arts Based Skills also start at 1 level higher than usual.

Aura: Lv 4: (400 Points to Level Up)
The power of the soul. It allows you to create a barrier around yourself and increase your physical abilities by a large margin, it also grants every single person who has it a special one of a kind- (Barring certain Circumstances) power that can range from increasing gravity to flying.  
Your control over aura is great, and allows you to even activate someone's aura!  
Your Semblance is "Friction Control" allows you to control the amount of friction you, or an item you are touching, has against all things.
You increase your physical abilities by 200% when you use your Aura

Of course, that effect from Martial Arts Mastery retroactively went into my Seven Powers ability, but not much has changed... I mean, sure, now I can hit things with a twofold punch without cramping up, but any higher than that starts to hurt.

Ah yes... my semblance, Friction Control... about as op as it sounds, I can make it so everything I touch loses or gains friction... it lasts until I will it to stop- at least when I am touching the object, otherwise, it goes away after like five seconds...

It’s a shame that every time I level something up it DOUBLES the cost... so to level up Martial Arts Mastery from four to five I would need four THOUSAND skillpoints... after I get the two thousand required to level it up to level four, of course... at least Aura is a bit more manageable, so I might try to get that and see what I get at level five.

'Welp... time to start I guess... I accept the thug daily quest.'

Defeat Thugs: [0.3 Star Difficulty].
You must defeat 4 people of negative alignment before the day is up.
Defeat 'Evil' People: 0/4

I hop out of the broken window and land on the street below, bleeding off some of my momentum with a couple moon walks

'aaahhh... good ol slums... how I adore you.'

*Linebreak Linebreak Linebreak*

I crash through the glass window of the warehouse with a savage grin, then land on the floor behind a group of eight who are quickly turning to face me, looks of confusion across their faces.

I glance to the little titles above their heads as they each try to draw a weapon.

Thug Level 8

The thing about 'Levels' in this system, is that they don’t really matter... it is basically just a calculation of 'How big of a threat they are', so someone with zero combat experience would be at a one, Qrow was just three question marks, which was spoopy, but anyways, back to my point, the max I have ever seen for someone without aura has been five... and that was a fuckin BUFF body builder guy.

Level 57, Alex Grey

Most of these guys range from eight to twel-

Roman Torchwick, 'Huntsman Dropout' Level 80

Oh. That's new.

A quest has been received:

Torchlight: [2.8 Star Difficulty]
You have stumbled upon Roman Torchwick years before canon, stop his criminal empire dead in its tracks before it even fully begins!
Defeat Roman Torchwick [ ]

I blur through the seven mooks, easily disabling them in under twenty seconds, even with aura, they weren't much of a challenge for me, my sudden attack didn't give them warning to activate said aura, so  now they have large holes in their limbs and are groaning on the floor.

A quest has been-

I minimize the screen immediately with a mental que


"Hey!" I exclaim. "I'm BOOORED and you look strong, fight me!"

He looks a bit younger than he did in canon, and well, that's understandable, there still is a good seven years until then... buuut that's not all that's different... he has no hat or guyliner! I don’t even think I can call him Roman at this point... he is also looking at me with a glare that is perfect mix between confusion and annoyance.


"I'm bored. I have nothing to do, so I punch people. That's my thing." I scoff.



I he stops talking suddenly as I suddenly appear before him, it looks like he had actually managed to somewhat track my movements, as his cane is rocketing towards the side of a fist that is going right for his stomach.

His cane smacks the side of my hand, only for him to widen his eyes as it seems to stop completely.

I smirk as I bring my other hand forwards, my hand twitching slightly from the strain.

"Three-fold punch!"


He begins to fly backwards, a small hole in his shirt which allowed me to punch both his clothing and bare stomach, his body violently stops in the air, he seems to grit his teeth and wince as his coat begins to smoke slightly.

He is hit by a second wave of force, his white coat bursting into flames as he stays stagnate in the air, barely moving even an inch backwards.

He suddenly falls backwards and is slammed into the ground by another wave of force.

'oh wow... his aura absorbed most of that...'

I leap into the air and lash out with a couple tempest kicks which pepper the area where he landed, kicking up concrete chunks and dust, just in general making it hard to see.

I narrow my eyes slightly, then cup my hands and slam them together, creating a clap of wind that blows away most of the smoke revealing Roman standing there with his cane pointed up at me, the tip flipping outwards with a *Thoomp*

A ball of fire is launched at me, but I simply extinguish it with another blade of wind, and by extinguish, I mean blow up... it would probably suck to be hit by that...

My fist hardens as I flip my body and kick off the air above me, launching myself at high speeds towards Roman.

He changes his aim and shoots again, causing me to stop my attack in order to unnaturally twist my body around it as it flies past.

I launch another tempest kick at him, causing him to jump to avoid it.

I leap off the air again, causing roman to widen his eyes as another fist rockets towards his stomach.

He uses his cane to hook my wrist and twists his body in the air, flinging me downwards where I crash into the stone floor, cracking it.


He flips his cane, allowing it to fly through the air before he catches the curled end, he shoots three blasts that detonate all around me, bringing my aura low.

'that thing has some fucking HUGE firepower...'

I flip over and swing my legs upwards, sending two blades of wind at him that launch him into the far wall.

I stand up, panting slightly.

Roman removes himself from the rubble with a glare.

I tilt my neck left and right, cracking it briefly.

I clench my fists and grin. "I think it's time to end this."

I hold my arms down at my sides.

My arms twitch slightly as I narrow my eyes.


I disappear, rocketing towards him. "Dual... Five fold-"

He lowers his weapon and smiles cockily.


My foot land on an unsteady piece of rubble, causing my ankle to twist and my shave to launch me horribly off course.

My back smashes into the wall about ten feet to Roman's right, shattering my aura.

I cleanly go through the wall, landing in a heap on the outside.

'welp. Fuck this.'

I roll to my feet and disappear with a quick application of Shave and Moonwalk, bringing a shuddering hand up to my side.

'ugh... I can't believe I missed... that attack would have easily knocked that bastard out... tripped on a fucking PEBBLE of all things!'

'I think I even cracked my ribs! Bullshit!'

*Linebreak Linebreak Linebreak*

I finish wrapping bandages around my chest and sit down on my makeshift bed with a long sigh.

'at least these are re-usable because I'm not bleeding on them...'

Magic Bandage: Enhances the healing of any wounds you have while you use them.

'hell, I didn't even complete that one quest...'

Torchlight: [2.8 Star Difficulty]
You have stumbled upon Roman Torchwick years before canon, stop his criminal empire dead in its tracks before it even fully begins!
Defeat Roman Torchwick [-]
Bonus Objectives:  
Impress Roman Torchwick [x]  
150.000 Shop Points, 150.000 Skill Points, Random Skill: Dishwashing.

Dishwashing: Lv 1: (10 Points to Level up)
You have a knack for getting rid of those pesky bits of food. You wash dishes 25% faster.

'I don't even HAVE dishes! But hey, at least I got some sort of reward for tripping and nearly dying.'

I look over to the steadily growing stack of pizza boxes. "It's about that time, hm?"

I slowly stand up and sigh. 'let's see here... should I try something else today? Last time I got a Valean Cheesesteak pizza... and that was pretty good... had a meat lovers the time before... maybe I should skip pizza this time and go for a footlong sandwich instead... hrm... choices choices...'

*Linebreak Linebreak Linebreak*

I had actually climbed up the stairs for once to get to my dilapidated penthouse, I open the door with a grin, two sandwiches wrapped in a plastic bag under my arm.

I step over to the fridge and open it, only to frown and place both sandwiches inside.

I close the door and stare blankly ahead at the fridge

"You have two seconds to get out of my house before I take the kiddie gloves off... and kill you." I frown. "It's an assassination martial art for a reason... Roman Torchwick..."

I glance to a completely empty chair in my room.

"Also, small multicolored girl."

Half of my room suddenly shatters revealing an orange haired man with a raised eyebrow and a little girl about my age peeking out from around the chair with a slightly startled expression, she has pink, brown and white hair split down the middle, heterochromia, yada yada it's Neo fucking Politan.

She is also wearing an oversized hoodie.

Roman raises his hands in surrender. "Yeesh, calm down kid... I just wanted to ask you something."

"Ask and get the fuck out."

"Language." He chastises.

"You're not my fucking dad."

He sighs and shakes his head. "That's not the point... you singlehandedly crippled all of my men..."

"They honestly were absolute trash... literally almost no better than a body builder without aura... the girl behind you is easily three times any of them and she's what, eight, nine years old?"

Neo Politan Level 32


"That doesn't really matter." I sigh. "They were beaten in under a second by a twelve-year-old, then are outclassed by a second twelve-year-old."

"May I talk please?" He asks with a raised eyebrow.

"Bitch don't act all superior." I frown as I point at him. "if you had taken my final attack your vertebrae would have shot out your back like a gory fragmentation grenade."

"That is a... pleasant image... but it brings me back to my original point... you are good... surprisingly good for someone your age... 'The Scourge of the Criminal Underworld'… you've made quite a name for yourself, Alex... small gangs obliterated in a single night, enforcers of the mafia crippled like it was nothing... all because of... boredom?"

"Pretty much, yeah." I shrug.

"What if I... gave you a direction to channel that boredom... a method to ease your boredom?" He asks. "I have an eye for talent... and well, I've already collected one brat. Why not two?"

"Are you offering me a job?"

"Yes. Exactly." He nods with a charismatic smile. "What do you say?"

I open my mouth to say something along the lines of 'go fuck yourself' but pause for a moment.

'wait... what would the perks of this be?' I close my mouth and scratch my chin as I glare at the floor, Roman's smile growing as he sees me honestly considering it.

'One: I'd get closer to a top tier waifu. Two: I'd be closer to the bad guys when Cinder shows up to fuck with everything... I can't join Beacon- or well, I could, just not on team Rwby or Jnpr- so that's out... this could be my chance to stay plot-relevant... are there any more perks to joining this guy?'

New Daily Quests Will Be Unlocked.

'hrm... that's three... plus, Ozpin can really just go fuck himself... I've read way too many fanfics where he's a manipulative bastard, and well... I don't even want to touch that.'

"You know what? Sure." I shrug as I walk past the two of them. "Just don't try shit, Roman, I'll follow your orders, I'll do some crimes, but try to manipulate me and you'll die. I'm no one's pawn."

"I'm sensing a backstory there." He asks with a small smirk.

"Get out. I'm not telling you my backstory, there's no point." I growl.

"Can I ask about the whole 'assassination martial arts' thing?"

"No. You can't. I'm smart enough to not trust you... tell even one person, and suddenly every huntsman from here to Atlas are flying, moving faster than a huntsman with a speed semblance, and poking through steel plates with their fingers... swear to the twin bastards, I'll become a fad and requirement faster than mechashift weaponry."

"Huh... well... maybe later, then." He shrugs as he tugs out a scroll from his sleeve. "I'll give you this because as... nice... as this place is... I don't think you'd have the lien or opportunity to buy a scroll."

"Mhm." I hum disinterestedly.

"Actually, if you're interested... I have a job for you."

"Okay? What is it?" I ask, pausing just in front of my bed of chaos.

"You see... as a simple businessman of the less than legal variety."

"You're a gang leader." I deadpan.

"As a simple crook." He hums. "I pride myself on a couple rules... one: steal from those who deserve it and can afford it, two: never hurt a kid- who can't defend himself."

"Had to correct that last one after I nearly beat your ass, hm?" I ask.

"Three:" he continues as if I hadn't even said anything. "No hard drugs."

"Ah yeah, that last one's understandable..." I shrug. "Kind of respect you for it."

"And four: No trafficking of the human or faunus variety."

"You see, my gang has its own little... territory... and it just so happens, another gang is encroaching on it... they absolute scum worse than the gunk you scrape off your boot after walking through a damp forest... they sell drugs, mug people on my turf, target children and seem to be in human trafficking."

"Hm. Alright." I shrug. "Where are they, how badly do you want me to hurt them, and do you have any other special requests?"

"You know that old factory on the west side of this... area?"

"You mean shithole?" I ask.

"I do... but... I'm not going to lower myself to swearing in front of children." He sighs.

"Why not? You've already tossed me through a wall." I scoff.

"I think you'll find that you did that to yourself."

I narrow my eyes slightly at him. "Is it the cereal one?"

"The factory? No, it's a distillery."

"Ahhh." I nod. "I know the place."

"I want you to wreck their shit completely."

"Language." I hum with a small smile. "Wouldn't want to swear in front of children, now would we?"

"Violently, brutally, I want to send a message."

"Mhm..." I slowly nod. "Any special requests? Do you want me to gather any weaponry, locate the drugs? Interrogate people?"

"I'll just comb through it later... just cause as much damage as you can." He shrugs. "Nobody takes me seriously, so I want to change that..."

"Alllrightly." I hum. "Anyone I should be worried about?"

"Each of their guys are probably about on par with Neo here, and the boss is possibly as strong as me... never really fought the man, so I don't know." Roman explains.

The girl behind him flinches at being the focus of the conversation for a moment.

"Mhm." I slowly nod. "That may be a slightly larger problem... but I should be able to handle it if I get the drop on him."

"You do that." He states. "Try to finish this within a week, alright? If you do, I'll find something else for you to do."

He stands up. "Come on, Neo... you two can become friends at a later time..."

The two walk towards my front door and pause in front of it. "A pleasure doing business with you, Alex... I hope this is the start of a beautiful friendship."

He glances to the girl. "Say goodbye, Neo."

She gives a small shy wave as she hides behind his leg.

"She's shy." Roman shrugs.

"Okay? That's fine?" I ask with a raised eyebrow

"See ya, kid." He states as they both leave.


'eh, this could be worse.'

A quest has been received:

Fall of the Red Hand: [2.5 Star Difficulty]
You have been tasked with clearing out a gang in Roman's territory, you better get on that.
Defeat Members of the Red Hand: 0/32
Defeat the Leader of the Red Hand: 0/1

'hrm... I should get a mask...'

Shop Points: 3423.025

'I have the shop points for it...'

*Linebreak Linebreak Linebreak*

"Alric? Gol? Where are you two bastards?"

I blur forwards.


A gauntleted finger enters the man's throat as a look of shock crosses his face.

My other hand blurs as I quickly punch three holes in his chest, right lung, left lung, and heart.

He drops to the floor like a sack of potatoes.

I look down at him.

Orchie Mul Level 68

This guy is the boss... which is good for me, because now I don't have to be as careful.

I quickly blur away with a use of Shave.

With a spinning kick, I cleave two men completely down the center, the wall behind them getting a large gash that creates a fairly loud noise.

'that makes fifteen... I'm about half way done.'

With a couple moonwalks I skip up to a nearby silo and look around, the night surprisingly bright for me due to my mask.

I spy a couple men rushing towards the noise, regretfully with aura active...

'Ah well' I shrug. 'I knew they'd wizen up after I started making a little more noise.'

I leap off the silo and cock a fist back.

'three fold...'

My hand crashes on top of one of their heads, shattering their aura and snapping the neck.


I land with a crouch, doing a small spin before sweeping the legs of the two remaining men.

'this will be over soon.'

*Linebreak Linebreak Linebreak*

I calmly sip a juice box as I sit on my bed, thoughts of murder and savagery pushed to the back of my mind.

The reason I am so calm about this is... well, when using a martial art based around assassination you need to be careful...

I wasn't.

My proverbial murder cherry was popped years ago.

I freeze in place, juice box tugged from my mouth.

I lift up the collar of my shirt and sneeze into it.

I continue sipping on the juice box.

My scroll begins to ring.


My eyes trail across the room.

'do I really want to get up and grab that?'

Fall of the Red Hand: [2.5 Star Difficulty]
You have been tasked with clearing out a gang in Roman's territory, you better get on that.
Defeat Members of the Red Hand: 32/32
Defeat the Leader of the Red Hand: 1/1

Rewards: 400.000 Skill Points, 400.000 Shop Points, Random Skill: Mana Spark

Mana Spark: Lv 1: (250 Points to Level Up)
Pure mana flows through your veins, you may channel said mana to shock foes you are touching with bolts of magical energy

Mana Spark sort of sucks... not gonna lie... but it's a new skill, so I guess I'll accept it...

Hell, it didn't even level me up!

'I mean, I'll probably get more quests if I do answer the phone- sorry, Scroll... and I need four thousand to get Martial Arts Mastery up to level five- and yes, that four hundred granted me enough to level up Martial Art's Mastery to four.'

I stand up walk over to the communication device and press the accept call button.

Roman's face quickly pops up, causing my expression to fall slightly "Does this thing really only do face-to-face calls and texts?!"

"Yes. But that doesn't matter... it seems you've been busy."

"I mean, yeah" I shrug as I turn around, taking a quick sip of the apple flavored juice box before flopping on my bed. "You told me to do it, right? So, I did it."

"I guess I did... I'll stop by later today with some lien."

"Cool, Cool... anything else you need me to do?"

"Not particularly, no."

"I guess I'll have to find something else to entertain myself, then."



"You are good at judging strength, correct? You got an accurate read on Neo without even seeing her fight"

"Eh, somewhat... I can get a general feel on a person... I judge their 'threat level'."

"Okay? I'm hiring more mooks, and I wanted you to be there to sniff out any talent... hell, I can even give you, your pay when you get here."

"Sounds a little interesting" I shrug. "So where do I need to go?"

"You know that warehouse you destroyed?"

"Yeah? Did you fix it already? That's a little surprising... it's only been like a day..."

"Across the street."

"oh... alright... I'll be there."

*Linebreak Linebreak Linebreak*

I sit up in the rafters with my scroll, my face hidden by my black mask with no eye holes, a jagged, dim, red led smile over my mouth.

I frown slightly, the mouth on the mask mimicking the action.

Thug Lv 18

Thug Lv 19

Thug Lv 28

Thug Lv 8

Undercover Officer Lv 21

I tap out a message to Roman.

"Red Shirt, black hair, and faunus are good, each better than your previous henchmen by a fairly large margin, faunus quite a bit ahead, nearly even reaching Neo's ability, uncertain if it is because of a weak body and strong semblance, or strong body and good aura control... hoodie is about on par with the worst of your previous crooks, and glasses is an undercover cop, weaker than faunus, but stronger than all the others. Aura definitely unlocked."

He pulls out his scroll and frowns, his eyes straying over the five potential mooks, briefly pausing on the officer.

"Well... I certainly was expecting a little more..." He announces as he begins walking in front of them all. "But I suppose this is a start... if you are here, you are looking for a job, correct?"

He gets a quiet murmur of confirmations.

He points a finger at the cop. "What's your name, kid?"

"U-Uh Sall, Sir."

"Don't call me sir." Roman states as he looks over the five. "Call me Roman... Roman Torchwick... now, Sall... what are your aspirations in life? What do you hope to gain from joining my gang?"

"I-Uh need money for rent, S- Roman... if stealing, mugging, and selling drugs is what I have to-"

Roman holds up a finger. "I'm gonna stop you right there. No drugs. I don't do drugs."

He steps over to a woman with pointed elf-like ears. "What about you? What do you hope to gain from joining me."

"I-I need a stable job... it's hard for a faunus like me to get work in the city, and well-"

"You're in." Roman smirks. "I can work with desperation... they give it their all. You're hired and will be paid depending on how useful you are."

He looks over to the man in red, then the gruff-looking man with black hair. "What about you two?"

"My last gang was destroyed in a gang war... so I'm looking for work." Gruff man states.

"Got a name?"


"I see..." Roman slowly nods. "You've got experience... you're in."

He looks to red shirt. "And you?"

"The name's Cap, I'm backed into a corner and have three arrest warrants, I need Lien."

Roman raises his eyebrow. "Oh? What are they for?"

"Failure to appear in court."

"Hn... I meant the actual crimes."

"Hit and run."

"Ah, alright then... that's on the desperation thing." Roman nods. "You're in."

"What about you, runt?" He stops in front of the youngest, a boy about eighteen.

"I need money to pay for my sibling's operation."

"Touching." Roman scoffs. "Hn. Ah well, I guess we need all the help we can get... you see, I have an asset that is pretty bored... maybe training you to a point where you aren't just dead weight can entertain him for a while."

"W-What?" The boy mutters.

"As for you." He looks back to the cop.




He stares him down for an uncomfortable amount of time.

"I don't like the way you look. Get out."

"Pardon?" The man slowly asks.

"Out. I don't need you." Roman frowns with a small shooing motion. "Leave. Begone. Don't let the door hit you on the way out."

"I..." The man frowns, shoulders slumping slightly. "Ugh... now where am I going to get the money for more grapefruits?"

"…" the awkwardness of that sentence causes even the other four who aren't in the know about that guy being an undercover cop to slowly look at him.

Roman lets out a sigh and pulls out a cigar, then lights it with a lighter he fishes from his other pocket.

He takes a long puff and looks dead ahead at the man. "You really should have just left in peace, friend."


"Kid... you can come down now..." Roman states.

I shrug to myself and hop from the rafters.

I look at the side of Roman's head.

He gestures to the undercover officer. "Can you toss this guy out and deal with the rest of the boys in blue?"

The man's eyes widen as he reaches for his waist.

I nod once and blur over to the cop with a smile, my mask creating a jagged red smirk that covers the bottom half nearly completely.

I grab him by the throat, kicking his legs out from under him and bring him down to my level.

"Who the hell is this?!" The gruff man asks.

"My asset... who is taking care of our dear undercover officer."

I tilt my head as I examine the officer, then simply drag him behind me as I shave to the door.

I kick it open, sending the now worthless hunk of metal crashing into several people preparing to breach the door.

With a spin I hurl the man at the nearest one, karate chop another, cracking his visor, then with a final spin kick I launch the next into a nearby street post.

I blink slowly as I see several people around the street pointing guns at me.

I blur through their ranks, breaking arms, legs, smashing faces into pavement, then as the last guy opens fire on me with some sort of semi-automatic rifle, I blur over to him and kick it out of his hands.

I poke my finger through the police car door right next to his head and smile, then promptly deck him in the face with my other hand.

A van slowly drives its way down the street, it swerves slightly, but corrects a moment later.

It slowly skids to a stop, breaks squeaking.


The strangest part is that from where I am standing, I... can't see anyone driving...

Roman, followed shortly by our four new recruits make their way out of the warehouse, they all seem a little startled by the destruction, a police cruiser cut in half, an entire swat team of twenty people all on the ground, either unconscious or weakly groaning, dented lampposts, torn asphalt, it's just a lot of destruction, really.

"Well." Roman states. "This is a bit of a mess..."

He steps over to the van, a small black-haired girl stepping out of the driver's seat, she couldn't even see over the steering wheel. "Well, Brat, I don't see any dinks or scratched paint on it... so I'd say you did pretty good."

The girl beams.

'Ah, a disguised Neo...'

"You... employ children?!" Gruffy mc grufferson asks.

"Eh, these two do their job much better than anyone else..." He scoffs before gesturing to the van. "Well, everyone get in... I'll take you all to the place where you're actually going to work."

Neo gets in the passenger seat, much to my slight annoyance, so I am forced to sit in the back.

The four recruits are trying really hard not to look at me as I tap my fingers on the van's floor.

A Quest Has Been Completed

Recruitment: [1.1 Star Difficulty]
Roman has decided that he needs a little more help and has decided to hire a few new members to his gang!  
Make the recruitment run smoothly: [x]

Rewards: 50.000 Skill Points, 50.000 Shop Points

A Quest Has Been Completed

Cops? Who needs em? [0.5 Star Difficulty]
Defeat 5 'Good Aligned' combatants before the day is completed: (5/5) [x]
Rewards: 10.000 Skill Points, 10.000 Shop Points

I cover my virtual mouth as I yawn and lean back against the wall, wrapping my hands behind my head.



"You said that the runt was a little disappointing, right?" Roman asks.

"Not the exactly the words I would use... more like 'How is he so pathetic when he has aura unlocked?' But yes, he's a little disappointing." I state, my voice heavily modulated by my mask as I stare directly at focal point of our conversation.

The teen wilts under my gaze

"Yeah... I want you to fix that... train him up. Make him at the very least on par with the rest." Roman states before sighing and shaking his head. "Really can't believe the second and third strongest people in this van are less than half my age."

"It's not much to work with... he is literally about as affective as a civilian that works out." I frown. "But I suppose I could always just shout 'Dodge' and then proceed to punch him through the nearest wall when he fails to do so."

"You do you, Kid..." He sighs. "Runt?"

"Y-Yes Roman?" The black haired teen asks.

"Try to survive... if you can start dodging the little hellion's attacks your worth to me will skyrocket and I might pay you a little more."

I smile and gaze around to the other people sitting in the back of the van, the faunus woman breaks eye contact immediately, the gruff man scratches the back of his head as he looks to the floor, while the man with three arrest warrants wonders if this is all worth it.

"Don't worry, friends, after I get the runt up to snuff, I'll take time out of my busy day to help all of you reach new heights as well."

I grin at their nervous expressions.

*Linebreak Linebreak Linebreak*




I look down at the teen with a frown as I cross my arms, he is slightly sunk into the floor as a crater had formed around us, his freshly broken aura still crackling wildly around him.

Cole Burgundy Level 16

It's been about a month since we've gotten the new recruits... Roman is making a name for himself! I'm so proud!

I of course have been farming a certain quest every day...

Bootcamp: [1.0 Star Difficulty]
Train one of Roman's recruits. (1/1) [x]
Rewards: 20.000 Skill Points, 20.000 Shop Points

I scoff down at the teen. "Cole... I am only going to say this once, so you better listen up..."

He flinches at my distorted growl.



"You have improved... you are now twice as strong as when you first started... good job."

His clenched eyes slowly open, he was probably expecting an absolute verbal demolition to massacre his puny ego.

"I-I... what?"

"You're still pretty pathetic. Worst of everyone in Roman's group."

He flinches, pride shattering.

"But better than every single one of Roman's last gang... I would know... I'm the one who took them apart."



"Alright! Get the fuck up you pathetic bitch!" I snap. "Aura is like a muscle, the more you use it, the stronger it gets, but more than that, it improves your strength by a percentage! The stronger your base body is... the stronger your body with aura will be! So, you are going to do some weight lifting."

"Without Aura."

"Y-Yes Sir!" Cole whimpers as he pulls himself from the floor.

I hear a quiet clapping, causing me to look up to the black-haired disguise of Neo as she sits up on a couple of crates.

Neo Politan Level 36

She has improved... by watching me beat the snot out of Cole.

"You enjoy watching me torture Cole again, sadistic wench?"

She covers her mouth as she lets out a silent laugh.

"Oi. Don't call her that." Roman states with a frown as he walks up behind me.

I turn to look at him. "Need something?"

"Yes, actually." Roman frowns... "Alright, Kid, apparently... people didn't get the message about staying off my turf... Abandoned flats, west side of my territory... Ogre's Nose is what they call themselves. They are human traffickers, particularly of the children variety, but luckily no drugs..."

He gestures to the warehouse door. "Kill."

"Alright." I shrug as I look up to Neo. "Want anything? Maybe burger queen? A pizza? I mean, I'm going out... I could always get food~"

She does a couple of signs.

I shrug at her question. "If I feel like going that far. But don't get your hopes up."

Roman slowly blinks down at me. "Wait... you can understand her? How long have you been able to do that?!"

I scratch my chin and tilt my head. "About... two weeks?"


I shrug again.

"I'm off." I wave with one hand as I turn away, walking for the back door.

A Quest Has Been Received:

Food Run: [0.1 Star Difficulty]
Fetch food for the one you simp for: [ ]

'alright, fuck you, system... give me a quest to get a bowl of icecream but not to kill a load of human traffickers?!'



A Quest Has Been Receiv-

*Linebreak Linebreak Linebreak*

Blood drips from my hands as I calmly walk through the apartment building, my mask allowing me to easily see in the dark rooms, and heightening my hearing and smell.

It also filters out unnecessary noises like gunfire, making them just dull pops, while enhancing softer sounds like whispering... as for the smell thing? It can turn off and on, really.

Best one thousand shop points I've ever spent.

I pause as I turn the corner, a man standing there with a gun to a little girl's head, she's about twelve or thirteen and has darker skin.

"Don't come any closer or I'll blow her fucking brains out!"

Thug Level 8


I blur forwards, faster than the normal human eye can track, hand crashing into the man's throat as the other cups the barrel of the gun.

His throat folds inwards from the sudden strike of three blows on the same spot, and he is blasted into the back wall... even his aura didn't help much.

The girl widens her red eyes as she shivers at my appearance.

"Are you hurt?"

"I-I wh-who are you?"

"Unimportant... are you hurt?"

"M-My ankle is sprained but, it's not that ba-"

"Through it is in passing we achieve immortality, through this, we may free ourselves from the shackles of weakness and cultivate a power deep within ourselves, infinite in potential, and unhindered by death, I unleash your soul, and by my strength, empower you."

Green passes over her body for a moment as she looks down at her hands. "What?"

"I unlocked your aura... you have two choices... you may leave here by yourself, surviving in this city by your own power... or you may join my boss... he has his own gang, but cannot stand things like drugs or human traffickers... the latter will be considerably safer for yourself, but I will not hinder you if you want to leave by yourself."

Her eyes widen as she grabs onto my shoulders, we are about the same height, I am only an inch or two taller. "D-Don’t leave me! P-please don't leave me... n-not you too..."

I slowly nod, my mask smiling viciously. "Do you have a name? I am now completely finished killing your captors."

"E-Emerald... Emerald Sustrai."

I wipe my hands on the downed man. "Please come with me, then."

As I turn away, I smirk.

Emerald Sustrai Level 19

Another pawn taken from Cinder.

*Linebreak Linebreak Linebreak*


"Why is there a girl behind you?" Roman slowly asks.

"New recruit."


"She was at the abandoned apartment building, hurt, I sensed potential so I unlocked her aura... she has only had aura for less than an hour and her threat level exceeds Cole's... and even Crimson's."

Roman's eyes widen. "That... is surprising."

He kneels down to the girl who hides behind me at his gaze. "What is your name?"


"Well, Emerald, think of this as your new family... don't worry, I don't plan to send you on any sort of missions just yet, the only one at your age who has that honor is kid here... since your aura was just unlocked, you should focus on growing stronger and unlocking your semblance."

"Y-Yes sir." Emerald nods.

"Now, some have gone home, but I guess I could introduce you to Cole... he's still training." Roman states as he gestures for the girl to follow him.

I feel a tug on my sleeve.



Neo does a couple gestures.

"I had other things to deal with. If you really want it that badly I guess I could go grab it right now."

She does a small clap and smiles.



"Maybe I should add eyes to my mask... without eyes you can't tell the intensity of my disappointment."

The girl shrugs and looks away with a smug smirk.

*Linebreak Linebreak Linebreak*

I let out a pitiful groan as my scroll rings loudly. "Noooo stop... I don't want to get up..."

I eventually find the power to grab my scroll and hit the accept button. "What do you waaaaant"

"I'm going to meet with someone today." Roman states after a moment of looking over me.

"And you want me to go with you, hm?" I growl.

"Actually, no... I was going to send Neo and Emerald over to your place to keep them out of trouble."

I slowly blink at him. "I'm going back to bed."

Then I hang up, the scroll folding inwards as the screen disappears, then I simply just put the scroll back in my pillowcase.

I stare up at my ceiling for about ten minutes in silence, quietly attempting to return to sleep.

I hear my lock being picked.


The door slowly opens

I look across the room to the front door to see Neo looking pleased, she is undisguised currently as Emerald stands behind her.

"A-Are you sure we should be doing this? What if Roman hasn't called him yet?"

The multicolored girl waves her off, strutting into my home like she owns the place.

She pauses mid-step as she notices me glaring at her from under the assorted blankets of my bed where a couch would normally be.

She smiles brightly and skips over to me.

She starts prodding my forehead.



"O-Oh... A-Alex... I'm sorry if we woke you up." Emerald mutters.

Neo continues prodding my face.



"Neo. If you don't stop poking my face, I am going to toss you out the fucking window." I snarl as I abruptly sit up.

She lets out a single huff as she brings a hand to her mouth, basically saying. 'bitch, you won't.'

Neo Politan Level 114

I sigh and lay back down, causing the girl to pout.

It's been a grand three years since I joined roman's group of fun... I'm... fifteen now? Sixteen possibly? That places me at... four years before canon? Ish? Three and a half? I don't really know or care... I'll know when canon starts after a spooky black-haired bitch pops in with magic powers.

Neo begins poking my head again.

I fling my blanket off with an annoyed growl. "alright, fuck it. No sleep for me I fucking guess! Who cares that I had to kill a lot of people yesterday?!"

"In fact, to weed them all out I had to pull a fucking all-nighter! But I guess I can't sleep that off... so, Neo, how are you? what do you want your literal slave to do today, hm?!"

She is staring and me with a slight drool, a pink blush covering her cheeks.

I look down to see that I'm not wearing a shirt, a toned chest, amazing six pack, and muscled arms on full display.

I look over to Emerald to see her covering her entire face with her hands, not so subtly peeking through gaps in her fingers.

"What?" I ask. "I always sleep without a shirt on..."

Emerald Sustrai Level 74

All of Roman's gang have surpassed level forty... well, the old group at least... I made sure they all got pretty good training... Cole isn't even the weakest anymore- out of the four original gang members I mean... we also have like thirty level twenty-ish mooks running around, easily surpassing most law enforcement who don't even have aura unlocked.

I roll my eyes. "if it's that distracting, I guess I'll put on a shirt."

I grab one of the shirts tossed on my bed, but Neo quickly stops my hands.


I give her a half-lidded glare. "Neo... why are you stopping me from putting on a shirt?"

She rapidly signs at me.

"What do you mean. 'putting on a shirt is now illegal'?! Do you know how many people I have killed? Do you honestly think I care about laws?"

'Why did the system give me that fucking skill as a quest reward?!'

Draconic Scent: Lv 1: (800 Points to Level Up)
You emit an unnoticeable, but highly alluring scent, for every minute a female is in your presence, they have a 0.01% chance for their opinion of you to move to the next stage, this can eventually turn your most hated enemy into your best lover... this chance is doubled for 'named canonical characters'.

I rub my forehead with my other hand. "Do either of you even know what Roman is doing?"

"Meeting the leader of the red axe gang... or something, I don't really know or care." Emerald states, running a hand through her hair trying to act nonchalant and cool, but failing horribly as she has a massive blush on her face and the fact that she can't seem to stop staring at me.

I cover my mouth as I yawn. "I'm so fucking tired..."

I walk past them and into the kitchen. "You guys want anything?"

Neo points at me.

"Look, I get it, you both are in your hormonal teen stages where you only think about boys, but really? You need to calm down."

Neo's hand shifts slightly so she is pointing slightly above me, acting like she was pointing at it the entire time and didn't just point at me blankly.

I turn around to see that she is pointing at my freezer.


I open it and set a tub of ice cream on the center island, causing the ice cream girl to loudly tug out a chair and sit down.

"What about you, Emerald?"

"I-I am fine... thank you for asking."

"Alright." I shrug, pulling a tv dinner out of the freezer.

I poke holes in the plastic wrap with a fork and put it in the microwave. "Are you two planning to just stay here all day? Because, I mean, I sort of wanted to just walk around the city."

Neo abruptly stands up with a smile, spoon in her mouth and nods, pointing towards the door.

"Sure, we'll go after I finish my tv dinner." I state as I turn on the microwave.

I sit down at the table and tap my fingers, Neo seems satisfied with her ice cream treat, and Emerald is trying not to look directly at me... the only thing I have are my thoughts... and the gentle hum of the microwave behind me.

*Linebreak Linebreak Linebreak*

I tug my arm free from Neo's for the third time in this ten-minute walk with a small frown... it doesn't help that she keeps smiling mischievously up at me a second or two after the fact.

"So, what do you two want to do today? I'm personally sort of looking for a fight, but... eh, I could also go for a nap." I state, fighting off a small yawn as we exit the Valean Shithole and enter the part of Vale where the buildings are actually sort of nice.

I look back to Emerald... who is currently putting lien cards into her own wallet.


I glance to Neo who just looks happy to be with me.

She is the only person ever to have been touched by my ability... twice... at first, she was sort of indifferent, maybe a mild crush considering I just kept giving her stuff she asked for, then I got the... ugh... 'Dragon Scent' skill and not even a month later she started actively looking for my attention... showing up at my house, playing games, just being in each other's company...

Then she fell completely head over heels about two months ago... at this point, I honestly believe if she had to pick between me or Roman, she'd pick me...

But I won't have her make that decision because it would still probably hurt her... and I admittedly sort of like her.

"H-HEY! You better leave my sister alone! O-or I'll beat you all up!" A childish voice shouts.

"Ah yes. Conflict." I nod with a great big smile.

Neo tilts her head and the voice seems to have snapped Emerald out of her money-lust.

"You two can stay here, this'll take... a minute maybe?"

"I have Aura, so you better run before I get mad!"

Neo shrugs and points to the alley, either asking why she can't come or telling me to hurry up and finish, I can't really tell...

I shrug and walk into the alleyway, seeing a short blond standing in front of a short black haired girl.

Yang Xaio Long Level 6

Ruby Rose Level 3


I look across from them.

Thug Level 7

Thug Level 6

Gang Leader Level 15

Thug Level 9


Everything stops for a moment as the group turns to look at me.

"Better leave the kids alone before I break your bones."

"Who the hell are you?" The 'Leader' asks.

"Just a huntsman for hire." I shrug.

With a small flourish, a leaf is now in between my finger and thumb. "And this is just a regular leaf."

I turn my hand slightly and flick the leaf.


They freeze in place as dust rains down on them, slowly and shakily turning their heads to see a leaf imbedded in the brick wall behind them.

I smirk. "Looks like you guys should maybe... make like a tree... an-"

"AND LEAF!" Yang shouts with stars in her eyes.

My smirk falls. "Not the first time I have had my thunder stolen by a thirteen-year-old... and probably won't be the last..."

I mutter under my breath. "Fuckin' Neo..."

The four men slowly rush down the alleyway, away from me, quickly turning a corner and disappearing into the city.

I brush my hands together and snort. "Good riddance."

I feel a tug on my shirt "Y-You're a huntsman?!"

I look down to see Ruby rose herself looking up at me with wide eyes.

"When did you even get over h-"

"THAT'S SO COOL! You are SUPER strong! I want to be a hunter too, y'know! I'm gonna be awesome, I'm gonna kill grimm and I'm gonna beat up bad guys!" The girl cheers.

Yang walks over with a sigh, shoulders slumped in relief. "You really saved us... what's your name?"

"Alex Grey." I state.

'please don't remember. Dear god please don't remember. I'm not even sure I told you my name all those years ago.'

"That sounds... a little familiar..." Yang mutters as she scratches her chin.

"It shouldn't." I state. "We have never met before."

Yang tilts her head slightly and shrugs as Ruby tugs on my shirt again. "Hey, can you sign my notebook?"

"Uhhh... sure."

She pulls out a small notebook with a rose on the cover and hands me a pencil.

I write my name on it and give her back the pencil.

"Thanks!" She grins up at me.

Her smile falters for a second but it quickly returns.

"Well, I'm off... stay out of alleys, you two." I state with a small frown.

They follow me out as I turn to Neo and Emerald.

"Sooo... ice cream parlor?" I ask my two companions.

Neo nods repeatedly.

"Ruby, Yang! I've been looking for you for the past ten minutes!" A man shouts as he rushes past Emerald, Neo, and I.

I glance over my shoulder.

Taiyang Xaio Long Level 184


Alex Grey Level 228

I put my hands in my pockets and walk away, Neo following shortly behind with a skip in her step, Emerald casting a glance to the father and two daughters as well, but shrugging and following along after a moment.

*Linebreak Linebreak Linebreak*

"Ugh! What the hell! Why is my luck so bad?!"

"Dumped again?" Emerald asks.

"These bitches go on one date with me, then they just block me or tell me to go fuck myself! What the shit?! Am I not attractive or something?!"

Neo leans over the back of the couch, looking me from head to toe, then smirks and gives me a simple thumbs up.

"Are you two responsible?!"

"I mean, at first? Yeah." Emerald shrugs, Neo nodding along. "But then you forgot to tell us you had a date once, and we weren't able to meddle, so we just realized you have extremely bad luck with dating.

"Why the hell did I even download this stupid fucking Huntyr app?!"

Neo points at her face and then to me.

"Eh, I'd rather not... relationships between coworkers are a little egh and I sort of want to meet someone who wouldn't disembowel someone with a spoon if I asked them t- wait... you don’t think I'm being sabotaged by someone else, right?!"

Neo tilts her head and shrugs, silently stating that it could be a possibility.

I tap my arm on the leather armrest with a frown. "I haven't... done anything to get acknowledged by someone else, right?"

"Maybe someone who dumped you is having second thoughts." Emerald supplies with a shrug. "I'm just waiting for the day you just get tired and rebound to one of us, honestly."

I frown at her with narrowed eyes. "You are suuure you're not the ones doing this?"

"Positive." Emerald answers.

Neo nods aggressively.

"…" I am silent for a moment. "Okay... but if you're not... then who is?"

*Linebreak Linebreak Linebreak*

Pov: ???

A girl sits alone in a dark room, curtains closed, door locked, a secret box taken out from under her bed.

The girl has a slightly shaky smile as she looks over objects inside the box.

"hnnn why do you keep going out on dates my king? Is your queen not enough for you?"

The girl shakes her head and lays on her bed dramatically, placing the back of her hand on her forehead. "Why do you harm me by ignoring my presence? I am right before you, yet you do not acknowledge me for what I truly am!"

She looks over the box of her 'treasures'

Several ketchup packets opened by her significant other, an empty soda bottle, a pencil, and a picture of a blue-eyed teen that has been abruptly cut in half and stitched together with another cut picture of a certain girl, he isn't facing the camera... this was taken on one of his many dates with other women, but luckily, she edited it to be like it truly should.

Originally, she didn't really care for boys... but he... he made her feel alive! Truly alive! What she was living before was nothing more than a sham! She will have him! He is hers! His prince to her princess, his king to her queen, his huntsman to her huntress, his milk to her cookie! if only he would acknowledge her, they could be happy... have a small cottage out in the forest and have hundreds of children... like a perfect little fairy tale.

She clutches the photo to her chest and lets out a sigh as she daydreams.

The question is... 'how does she get the love of her life to notice her?'

From what she can gather from her research on her love - which is ABSOLUTELY not stalking... just a romantic walk where only one knows about the other- anyways, he likes to fight... so maybe... if she gets strong enough to put up a challenge, he will like fighting her... then by extension learn to love her?

Originally, she lacked motivation, she had average grades, and just preferred to wallow in games... why try to be social when you are bullied by your classmates? But now... she refuses to be weak any longer.

She hears a noise down stairs so she quickly closes up the box, slides it under her bed, and unlocks her door.

*Linebreak Linebreak Linebreak*

"You know what? I'm going to try again!"

"You're just going to get dumped again... why hurt your own feelings?" Emerald shrugs from the other side of the couch.

"Ouch... I won't have a chance if you do it for me apparently." I frown.

Neo smiles condescendingly and pats my head like I am a small child.

I glare at her causing the mute to let out a huff of silent laughter... it doesn't really help that she's laying in my lap, using me as nothing more than a cushion as she lounges about.

"You irk me sometimes, midget."

She pouts at the final word.

"Ouch. Going to the 'M' word right off the bat? You must really be annoyed." Emerald snorts as she plays on her scroll.

Neo points to her chest and taps the side of her head with her index finger, roughly translating to 'I'll remember that.'

"Oh, sure... you'll remember it and do what?" I ask with an impassive expression.

She tilts her head and taps her chin, then a moment later she perks up so she clearly has gotten an idea.

She creates an o with one hand and rapidly shoves her index finger through it.

After a second, she flinches and freezes in place with wide eyes, her head slowly turns as she looks up at me with an OVERLY smug smile.

I look out the window.

Neo shifts slightly and tilts my head down to look at her.

She is now sitting fully on my lap facing me.

"Neo..." I warn.

Her smirk grows.

As she leans closer, I can feel her breath on my face.

She stares deeply into my eyes, her quiet breathing being the only thing I can hear.

I pick her up by the shoulders and move her to the spot beside me. "Alright! that's enough, you little shit, I'm going to bed."


I freeze in place as I now see her sat on sofa I normally sleep on.


"Neo... I'm getting a little tired of being harassed by you y'know... let's call it a day, mkay?"

She plants a kiss on the tips of her fingers and blows it at me.

I point a finger at her, causing her to gain a green outline.

She floats off the ground and is moved to the foot of the couch as I lay down.

She lays down in front of me with a wink.

"Neo... if you keep this up, one day, I may do something I'll regret."

She holds up a pinky finger and smiles a cocky grin as if to say 'You Promise?'

"Why are you like this?!"

She just smiles and makes a heart shape with her hands.

I narrow my eyes at her, our faces not even half a foot away.

She leans forwards- only to come in contact with my hand as I cover her mouth.

She promptly licks my hand causing me to withdraw the appendage with a grimace. "You are... so difficult."

She shrugs and sits up, only to lay back down, tugging a blanket over me and up to her chin.

"Listen, Neo... if you are really adamant about sleeping in the same place as me, fine... I don't have enough energy to care, but can it at the very least be in an actual bed so I can be more comfortable?"

She covers a mouth with one hand containing a smirk, as if to say 'my my... something something scandalous, but I relent.'

She does a single gesture at me.

"No, I'm not going to carry you."

She brings both hands in front of her face in a pleading manner.

"Give me one good reason why I should?"



"Just because it's on your bucket list to be carried to bed by a 'strong boyfriend' doesn't mean I'm going to do it... besides even if I did it still wouldn't be fulfilled considering we aren't even dating!"

I stare at her with a deadpan expression after seeing her statement of 'that can change.'

I wordlessly sit up, glow green, and float over her, then turn around and pick her up in a bridal carry.

She claps happily and lets out a silent cheer.

Emerald sees me begin to walk out of the room, so she calls out. "H-Hey, uh... you wouldn't mind if I-I joined you, r-right?"

Neo gives her a light glare over my shoulder as I glance at her with the most unimpressed stare I can manage. "Do what you want... I don't care."

I turn and walk into the bedroom which is looking a lot better than it used to.

My shoulders slump as I hear Emerald stand up.

*Linebreak Linebreak Linebreak*

I stare blankly upwards at the ceiling, one arm forcefully wrapped around a petit ice-cream themed girl, and in the other, a girl that could technically be mint chocolate chip, hair color and skin tone wise...

Ah yes, shame I can't enjoy it because I don't want to make our relationship awkward by absolutely DEMOLISHING one of these two...

It'd probably be Neo... gonna be honest.

But this really isn't doing any favors for my 'why-are-you-making-me-so-horny-itus'. It’s a really bad condition and Neo is getting really close to breaking me.

Her fingers are currently tracing their way along my chest

I sharply inhale and let out a long breath.


The side of my head bumps against her forehead with a dull crack.

She sits up, rubbing her forehead with a pout as she glares at me.

Emerald barely contains a huff of laughter as Neo and I glance to her, barely catching her eyes slam shut, pretending to be asleep.


"Neo... you are actually breaking me... stop it."

She reaches for the bottom of her t-shirt, but I grab her shoulder to stop her. "look, Neo and you too, Emerald I know you are awake... I'm willing to cut you two a deal."

Neo perks up, Emeralds eyes cracking open ever so slightly.

"I will teach you both a martial art... and if you can manage to bring it up to an acceptable level, I will do *sigh* whatever you want..."

Neo lets out a small gasp and rams a finger through a hole created by her other hand.

"Yes... Neo..." I allow my shoulder to slump slightly. "even that."

She leaps out of bed with a colossal grin, raising her hands in a mock boxer style.

"There is a catch to that, though." I hum as I hold up a single finger.

She blinks as her smile falters.

"You can't do your whole seduction gimmick."

"…" Neo frowns slightly.

"I mean, I'm basically giving you what you want." I state with a glare.

I hold up a hand. "The ability to grow stronger... and potential to get the fucking you really want."

I hold up the other. "or Sex, but it strains our relationship, potentially driving me away."

Neo lets out a quiet sigh.

She nods once resolutely.

"Emerald?" I ask. "I mean, you are too shy to try and seduce me like Neo does, so this is basically just a win-win for you."

"I-I... okay..." She mutters.

Neo grabs my hand and gives it a tug.

"You really want to start right now?"

She nods once.

My arm easily slips out from under Emerald, not even moving the girl. "Alright, I guess we can start now... I'll try to teach you something you can use with your parasol."

*Linebreak Linebreak Linebreak*

I punch forwards, widening my eyes as the back of a diminutive hand presses into my wrist and guides my attack around the face it was meant for, as the attack slips just past her body, her hand twists around, fingers wrapping around my wrist as my sparring partner tugs me forwards, causing me to overextend, an ankle crashing into my shin and flipping me forwards.

My back hits the ground and I immediately slide away, body lifted about an inch off the ground as I extend my legs, using the tips of my toes to propel myself a small distance away before my hands press against the ground and flip me back to my feet.

A parasol is deflected by the back of my hand as I lunge forwards with a grasping attack.

I abruptly twist, avoiding a kick as my hand wraps around the knee, thumb pressing hard into the flesh just above the back of the knee.

The girl winces as I tug her past, leg coming back down as she stumbles forwards, her leg weakened and shaking slightly from the pressure point I just stabbed with my thumb.

My palm crashes into the back of the girl's head, sending her faceplanting against the floor.

I let out a long pant as the girl's pink, brown, and white aura crackles around her.

She sits up with a frown.

"Well, don't look so down... you have somehow managed to get decent at two things... how the hell you managed to combine crane style and Crashing Wave style, I'll never know."

*This is where I stopped writing*


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