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Hey all! this is just something i have been writing off and on, it's still incomplete at the moment, and will probably remain here until it gets to a ridiculous 20k words or so (After which point i may release it to my fanfiction trash bin, but other than that, i hope you all enjoy!
*Linebreak Linebreak Linebreak*

I quietly roll a log across the ground, frankly, it is nearly as tall as I am... not that it matters much, I suppose, considering I'm merely four feet tall.

Before me is some incredible machine of some sort.

First and foremost, it is large, sitting at around maybe five feet tall, and ten feet wide, it is also quite thick, being five feet across. It is grey in color with numerous blinking lights of many colors across it, numerous large vats across the device slowly fill and de-fill with strange liquids, one blue, one green, and one purple, at the very top is a large dome-like sphere with what looks like an entire rainbow trapped within.

The log I was pushing glows suddenly and is sucked into the machine, causing me to let out a quiet breath.

Ten hours of work all to chop down a tree, cut a section off and roll it like fifty feet.

Fucking hell.

Curse my five year old reincarnate body.

I stretch, turning away from the machine as a large see-through holographic screen opens before me.

That log... has unlocked quite a few things for me.

Some basic wooden armor for one, a helmet, some forearm guards, some shin guards, even a segmented torso plate, then I've also gained access to a table, a chair, even some wooden weapons such as a bow, a sword, a Tekko- which is basically just a Japanese variant of brass knuckles, and a bokken... which for some reason is different than a sword?

There's a bo-staff, a mallet, and- a whistle?

Wooden Whistle  (Symphonic weapon)
Playing this whistle lets out a shrill note that can deal light damage to opponents. When a foe is struck, all nearby allies are granted the 'Maximum Resource 1' Empowerment for 5 Seconds that increases maximum, Mana, Stamina, and Bardic Inspiration by 5%.

I can be a bard. Interesting...

I look up into the sky and let out a quiet sigh, glancing to a Japanese pagoda-style single story house sat nearby.

My name is Dante... or rather, Subject Four hundred and Four.

Dante is my personal name. I saw the white hair and didn't like the rest of my 'family's naming sense, so I thought I might pick some powerful guns in the future and a red trench coat. Might as well call myself the 'whacky wahoo pizza man' himself instead of 'Fried', 'Seig' or 'Gurd'.

And if my blatant statement earlier didn't tip you off, I am a reincarnate.

I died in my sleep in a past life, then woke up as a literal test tube baby, some form of apparent living weapon.

I am apparently the four hundred and fourth subject within something known as the 'Sigurd Project' which is dedicated to creating as many clones of the mythical Norse legend Sigurd as possible.

Why the Catholic Church is making clones of a Norse hero, or why they even had Gram, I have no idea, but, my dear friends, that little plot thread should sound a wee bit familiar.

Dxd. I was reborn into the death world known as Dxd.


Ugh. Another one.

I slowly lift a long metal rod from my back, it is about as tall as I am so it is really unwieldy.

I turn suddenly, holding the brownish rod like a spear. It appears to be made of copper and has a large purple gemstone at the tip.

A large glob of a jelly-like substance bounces into view, it is roughly the size of my entire body, so yes, quite menacing.

It jiggles for a moment.

"Back you!" I call out as I jab the rod forwards causing a purple bolt of energy to sprout from the top of the gemstone.

The purple streak of slow moving energy strikes the slime being head on, causing it to jiggle back slightly as the orb detonates upon the slime's face.

I shoot another orb that explodes on contact with the green slime, then a third that causes it to pop.

It leaves behind a vial of green goop, seven copper coins and a crystal.

I let out a quiet sigh and shake my head.

I walk over, picking up the seven coins and the slime ooze.

I look to the last item.

Stable Ki Crystal:
The common spirits of the world reside within.

So anyways, Dxd. That doesn't really explain why I a five-year-old clone, am out in some forest, fighting to the death with slimes.

If I had to guess? Sacred gear shenanigans.

I went to sleep ten hours ago, and woke up here.

Of course, I was trying to awaken a sacred gear moments before I went to sleep as well, so probably sacred gear shenanigans.

Actually this world I have found myself in seems... vaguely familiar...

It's probably nothing.

*Linebreak Linebreak Linebreak*

*Clack* *Clack*

A wooden sword swishes through the air as I battle another white-haired child, we look incredibly similar, matching red eyes, same shade of hair color, albeit styled in a slightly different way. Same skin tone, wearing matching white clothes.

There is a key difference between us, however, the boy across from me has a nigh feral grin on his face as he slashes down at me repeatedly, while I keep a more reserved- and slightly bored looking expression. He also may be slightly older than I am, but I am not too sure. His 'name' implies that he was created before me, but I am unsure just how long it was.

I parry a slash here, deflect another there, it's clear at this point that while stronger than a normal five to  eight year old, the boy across from me is putting about as much thought into his attacks as his appearance entails.

I swat my arm upwards suddenly and slam the pommel of my sword into his torso.

He lets out a weak groan and staggers backwards.

"You little-"

He lunges forwards, raising the sword he is wielding above his head.

"That's enough." A voice to the side calls out.

I take three rapid hops backwards and glance to the side.

A man stands there with his arms crossed, a frown on his face, a bespectacled man in a lab coat stands beside him.

I watch the boy in front of me grip his sword tightly and raise it above his head.

The man over by the wall blurs over and chops the top of the other boy's head hard enough to drop him to the floor.

"Two-Ninety-Five." The man lowly growls. "When I give a command, you listen."

Subject two ninety five winces and slowly picks himself up off the floor. "Y-Yes sir."

'hn. I really need to work on discovering my sacred gear... if I have one, that is... I hope I have one... if I don't, I'll be shit out of luck for what's to come.'

"Four-Zero-Four, you have inherited Sigurd's innate swordplay. Continue to polish it."

I nod once.

"Both of you. Return to your rooms." He commands.

I turn walking over to the sword rack nearby and placing my sword upon it, then I leave the room.

*Linebreak Linebreak Linebreak*

I sit up with a gasp, eyes darting around my surroundings.

'what the- oh... I'm back here again...'

And I didn't remember it when I woke up this morning.

"Shit." I quietly curse. "If I don't remember anything, what's the damned point?!"

"This is totally my Sacred Gear, isn't it?" I question slowly as I get to my feet.

Maybe there will come a point in time where I will remember, so I might as well work with what I've got.

I look over the surroundings, taking stock of everything that I have currently.

I have my magic staff, I have a copper short sword in my house over there, alongside a copper axe and a copper pickaxe.

There was a cave I saw from where I was chopping that tree... I could always go and explore that!

Fuck it! I crave adventure! Being locked within the church for the past five years has been extremely dull.

I rush over to my house, grab the copper pickaxe and rush into the great unknown... with merely a magic stick as a defense!

*Linebreak Linebreak Linebreak*

"Ah fuck it's dark in here." I whisper to myself as I narrow my eyes, straining them in the darkness as I slowly creep across mossy rocks and loose clumps of dirt.

Luckily the large copper stave in my hand seems to channel a dim purple light when I infuse it with mana.

Flecks of glinting metal line certain parts of the wall, the true colors of each remaining unknown as everything is tinted in a purple light.

My eyes snap over to a large rectangular object before me.


I wander over silently, staff glowing brightly.

"What's this? A chest?"

My hands drift to the lid and fling it open a moment later.

I glance down inside of it.

A long reed pipe that allows you to shoot seeds of numerous types with surprising force. Each 'special' seed has its very own effect when striking a foe.
This can also be used with darts.

I silently stare at the reed for a long moment.

"Are you fucking kidding me?"

*Linebreak Linebreak Linebreak*

"Aim at the target Four-Zero-Four." The man commands.

I hold a gun in both hands as I look down range, a frown on my face.

I quietly wait.

"What? Are you waiting for permission? Shoot already!" The man snaps.

I pull the trigger, not earning an explosion like I expected, but a dull 'Ftwap' as the BB gun fires.

The small round pellet I shot strikes the target dead center, slightly to the right.

I fire thrice more, getting roughly around the same position.

"Hn. A little off target. Work on it." The man demands.

I don't say anything at all quietly seething in pure silence.

'Ooooh I am going to kill this bastard one day. I seriously doubt that you of all people can make comments like that? Oh? This is the first time I shot a gun ever? Better do it perfect next time.'

I think I understand why Freed became a murderous psychopath and why Siegfried wants to perform mass genocide of the supernatural variety.

First off, when making well-adjusted individuals, you should TREAT THEM LIKE ACTUAL PEOPLE!

It's not going to come as a surprise when I snap.

*Linebreak Linebreak Linebreak*

I blink as I look around my surroundings. 'wh- oh. Right. Back here...'

I let out a quiet sigh as I approach the house in the distance.

It has been about two years since I have been getting pulled into this realm.

I have accomplished nothing...

Well, maybe just a little, but nothing in the grand scheme.

I've mined a couple veins of ore, found a few more chests, basic stuff.

I've also figured something out...

WOW dying is painful.

Er, rather, different levels of painful.

Drowning is by far the worst, second only to being eaten by a slime the size of a horse.

Some are quite tame, finding a gold chest in the dark, walking over and opening it, only for teeth to sprout around the rim and promptly bite off the top half of your torso. That one was actually fairly painless, thankfully.


My eyebrow twitches.

I have spent the last few days going after that bastard.

The damned chest.

A Mimic.

It's surprisingly swift when wants to be, propelling itself with tentacles that sprout from its underside, in addition those limbs can cause it to leap incredible distances.

My fight with it is basically the equivalent of a human with a gun fighting a werewolf.

There's a method to my madness.

Monsters in this world have been proven to drop loot.

Slimes drop condensed highly flammable slime and sometimes other goodies which they have eaten, bats- for some reason- drop a Rabies shot... Zombies in the night drop a myriad of objects ranging from shackles to blood.

Then the flying eyeballs drop lenses.

It's all pretty weird, but this has helped me figure out that this world functions sort of like a game.

At first, the deaths unsettled me, but after a while? It's sort of just become natural.

I grab the copper staff from my back and turn on my heel with a grin.

That chest fucker has been slowly growing weaker. I can feel it. The scuff marks on its normally spotless body, the slight sluggishness of its leaps, when I first started flinging myself at it, I couldn't dodge it after it started leaping... now? I can manage to completely dodge it's flying bite-tackle... only to get skewered on its tentacles as it turns the tips into scythe blades like this is some form of Parasyte rip off.

With great haste I make it to the cave, trekking through the dark pathways.

After around thirty minutes I make it to a large clearing, numerous blood splatters litter the floor, walls, and even the ceiling. At the center of the large dome-like room... sits a simple chest concealed by darkness.

A bolt of energy is shot from the staff as I flick it downwards, the orb slowly crosses the distance between the end of the staff and my target in roughly a second, it crashes against the wooden outside, causing it to crumple slightly, the chest's lid slams open as it lets out a horrifying shriek, teeth extending around the rim as a long tongue lashes around inside.

It leaps forwards suddenly as I hold up the staff.

Another bolt of purple energy strikes the chest, mid-air, halting its momentum somewhat, as it touches the ground again, it is hit by a third, blood begins flowing through numerous cracks in its wooden exterior.

Tentacles sprout from the bottom of the chest as they whip and wobble across the cave floor, propelling it towards me.

It is hit by a fourth bolt, the orb of purple magic causing a deep crater to form in its chest hide.

That last blow causes it to lurch back, tentacles flailing wildly as it falls onto its back.

Another shot to the underside causes all of the tentacles to extend and stiffen...

It suddenly falls limp, lid falling open.

Numerous items spill from its mouth as it lays there, prone.

Another shot for good measure doesn't make it so much as twitch.

With great caution I approach its prone form, looking over the items.


i hear the sound of a slime bouncing into the cave from one of the many side paths, with the lighting of the cave, it's impossible to get a real read on where it is...

I lunge forwards, scooping up all of the items dropped by the Mimic, then turn on a dime and rush back the way I came.

*Linebreak Linebreak Linebreak*

I kneel on the mat-like floors of my house.

It looks a little messy, there's a blood splatter on the tatami mats, and what was once a window has been boarded up after it had been broken.

I drop my items on a large table with a grin.

The spoils of war! A month of effort and I finally killed that bastard tormenting me!

First and foremost, the gold... I got an astounding SIX gold from killing it! That's enough to buy basically ANYTHING I want from that vending machine by the machine!

That's enough to buy a mining helmet... and still have some money left over.

I shake my head and look to the other objects, buying stuff from the vending machine can wait.

The items I have found before me seem to be quite the haul! The first, is a strange red stone, the next, a book, then two gauntlets which look like they go together, and finally a cross necklace.

Let's start with the cross and work out way back!

Cross Necklace:
A simple cross necklace that protects you from harm. Whenever you are struck with the intent to harm, a holy shield of light surrounds you, helping you defend against any additional attacks that happen in the next 5 seconds.

A necklace that protects me... but it only functions on attacks made after the first attack, making it useless against sneak attacks. It also doesn't completely defend, merely 'help'. I guess five seconds of pseudo-immortality is useful. It could save my life potentially, plus this cross is small enough and inconspicuous enough that I could wear it basically anywhere.

Next I glance to the two gauntlets.

Dual Hookshot:
Gauntlets that shoot out two different colored hook shots that can pull enemies towards you and pull you towards large objects, please note that larger enemies will more than likely have you pulled towards them.

Oh! This is actually pretty useful! I could use it to get out of some holes in the cave!

There were some spots in the cave I didn't explore because I wasn't sure how I'd get back up. I was forced to follow the 'main path' which led me to the mimic.

I look to the book.

Tome of Magic Dagger:
A spell tome that teaches you how to use your mana to create a dagger made of golden energy, it deals quite a lot of damage and even retains its form when thrown.

"Oh great, another thing to learn." I sigh as I shake my head, grabbing the book and sitting it atop the pile of other books I have. Some far thinner than others.

I stretch my arms above my head as I let out a yawn, looking to the final object, the red stone.

Philosopher's Stone:
By merely touching this stone you feel cleansed and healthy, while having this item on your person, the duration of your 'potion sickness' you gain after drinking a healing potion is reduced by 25%. In addition, if you were to crack this stone open and make use of the powder within, you would be able to transform a tremendous amount of matter into solid gold, or create a potion which instantly heals a target, regenerating limbs, removing curses, and rendering the drinker immune to death via aging. In addition, it also restores the drinker completely to their prime.

Annnnd just like that I became one of the most valuable people in the world.

This sacred gear is CLEARLY Longinus level... to randomly give me something like this from defeating a MERE mimic?

I mean, said mimic did take literally a month and a little over thirty lives to kill, but at the same time, who cares? I'll genocide the Mimic race if I could get a few more of these!

The only issue I have come to... is that... I don't remember this when I wake up...

How do I pull this item out of here without knowing it exists in the first place? What's the point of my sacred gear if I can never pull items out of here? To give me a bunch of mental trauma?

I blink as a blue holographic screen appears before me.

Note: If you wish to progress, it is suggested that you defeat bosses. The first boss in your progression is 'The Grand Thunder Bird' of the desert.

"Hn? That's... curious..."

I suppose I should begin to study my books, then.

I place the red gemstone the size of a fist atop a nearby counter, placing it right beside an orange sphere with four stars.

"Alllright, which one first?"

I read the titles of each book.

"Ki Control for Dummies" "The Art of Sky Walk" "Energy Waves and You" "Ki Blast Basics" "Ki Beams and their Utilities in Daily Life."

Finally, the book that was just added to the pile, 'Magical Dagger'

There's really only two options. Ki Control for dummies and Magical Dagger. All of the others require me to know how to control Ki already.

And yes, Ki... from Dragon Ball Z. I can use that as well, apparently.

Or, well, I could if I sat down and actually tried reading the book.

I tap my chin and frown.

Actually, these magical skills could potentially be used outside provided I remember that I learned them...

I let out a low hum and grab the magical dagger spell book.

"Might as well~" I hum as I open it and begin slowly reading. "I'll deal with the great thunder whatever after learning from these books."

*Linebreak Linebreak Linebreak*

A wooden sword cracks as I deflect a slash to the side, with a small spin, I hear the tensing of a finger on a trigger, causing me to suddenly lunge to the side, avoiding a pellet from a paint gun that splatters across the torso of the young girl in front of me.

I hop up, lashing out with a kick that sends the pistol held behind me flying from the white haired boy's hand, I spin through the air, pointing my offhand backwards and fire two shots, the first striking the boy's upper torso, and the second around his lower left ribs.

"Once more Four Zero Four continues to show incredible promise." A nasally sounding voice begins from the side. "At this rate he might even surpass subject one."

I can feel the slightly older teen behind me silently glaring at my open back.

He loathes me.

He suddenly rushes forwards a fist drawn back.

"Two ninety five!" A man to the side snaps.

My elbow comes up and smashes into the boy's nose before our teacher can even react.

His nose crunches on contact as he staggers back slightly.

I turn and shoot him twice in the stomach, then once in the forehead.

He falls onto his butt, paint dripping down his forehead as a sickly red mark is forming on his forehead.

Our teacher sharply inhales then exhales. "It was bound to happen at some point... Two Nine Five this is a result of your own actions... It was only a matter of time until one of the other Sigurds put you in your place. You should be more like Four Zero Four. Calm. Collected. With less childish rage... he is four years younger than yourself, yet you do not see him gritting his teeth and stomping at every single small annoyance we place in his way. Grow up. Be Better."

The teen on the floor grits his teeth, blood dripping down his mouth from his broken nose.

I'd be mad too if I was thirteen and got my ass beat by a nine-year-old.

"Two Nine Five, you are to receive mandatory training. As you currently respond to even the smallest slight with violence with a mouth that would cause even a sailor to blush. That is not acceptable as a member of the church." The priest declares.

*Linebreak Linebreak Linebreak*

I roll my shoulders as I tightly grip a copper sword in one hand, a smirk crosses my face as I take the slightly unwieldy- for my size- sword and prop it on my shoulders.

The weight isn't an issue for myself. Sigurd's are several times stronger than a normal human due to some diluted dragon blood.

Plus, I like extra reach it gives me over a 'regular' sword made for my size...

Those are called daggers.

Sand crunches beneath my feet as I continue walking forwards.

I calmly walk past numerous cacti as I continue my slow trek onwards.

A massive pillar of brownish rock sits in the distance. My target.

I continue my silent walking with a grin on my face.

Ohoho I hope I'm ready for this!

I've come decked out in whatever I could bring.

A short sword in one hand, nothing in the other, a cross necklace around my neck and a grappling hook gauntlet on each arm. A belt full of potions and a bone to pick with anything in my way.

I'm ready to take this beast on.

The hairs atop my head stand on end as I hear a crash of thunder.

I look up to see several large orbs of electricity crashing down towards me.

I dive out of the way with a surprised shout, the sound of explosions echoing out behind me.

An ear-piercing shriek echoes out across the desert.

My eyes snap to the sky to see an absolutely massive bird, I could easily ride upon its back at my size.

Its body alone is taller than a regular human, if you count its long powerful legs it could probably stand twice as tall as a man by extending its neck, its wingspan is easily over twenty feet wide.

It lets out another shriek as a small screen makes itself known in the corner of my vision.

The Grand Thunderbird has Awakened.

"Oh joy"

The bird in question swoops down at high speeds, it looks like... a massive vulture.

It has a feather-less head with greyish skin, its torso and most of its wings are a tan-ish color, what is most striking, however, is the teal light blue feathers at the tip of its wings and as its tail feathers.

I slide under its grasping talons, slashing my blade across its leg, earning a small cry of pain for my efforts.

It pauses briefly in the air as it flaps its wings, giving me enough time to charge my next attack.

Three ghostly daggers appear floating around me and are shot at the bird's open back with a flick of my wrist.

They impact the bird's flesh at high speed, earning a shriek of pain from it

A small screen in the bottom corner of my vision pops up.

The Grand Thunderbird: 93.9%

Oh good. That did some damage. If I can keep this pace up, I should be able to take it down in about forty-five more shots like that... which is a shame considering those three magic daggers took literally all of my mana to conjure...

At least I have other ranged options.

I point a finger up at the bird as it rapidly regains height.


A thin beam explodes from my fingertip and crashes into the crook of the bird's wing, causing it to let out a shriek as four more follow, striking all over the massive vulture.

Each does about half of the damage of one of the daggers.

A smile crosses my lips as a large white aura explodes around me, shunting sand away from my body as I raise a hand, steadily drawing Ki into it.

I watch the bird circle overhead, my eyes tracking it as I remain motionless.

It lets out a shriek as lightning sparks off its body, shooting down towards me in numerous bolts.

They are easily avoided by rushing towards the side.

The vulture lets out a shriek as the sky is darkened, four vultures the size of men, each sharing the color of the large one in the sky, flies into the battle.

"COME ON THEN!" I cackle with a grin.

I duck the first as it swoops down, slashing it across the wing and causing it to spiral out of control and slam into the ground somewhere behind me.

The next has its head cut off and the third gains a deep gash across its body.

My eyes track the larger bird as the next swooping vulture is cut in half, it seems to be lining up for another divebomb.

I glance to the large orb of Ki covering my hand, a feral grin on my face.

'Well now. Why don't you come on down here, then.'

The bird lets out a shriek as it swoops downwards, hovering just above the ground, causing the sand beneath its body to shift and churn as it rapidly approaches me.

I swing my offhand forwards. "HAAAAAAAAAAH!"

A beam about as wide as my torso shoots from my hand and smashes into the bird as it lets out a squawk of surprise.

Its charge is utterly halted as it flails in the sand.

Two daggers appear above me and shoot off towards the flailing bird as it lets out shrieks of pain.

My energy begins to drain rapidly as I continue to fire the beam, but I am so close, it must die now.

Another dagger appears beside me and is shot towards the giant bird.

Eventually my energy runs dry as I let out a tired pant, my mana is out, my ki is empty, but at the end of the day? I've done it.

A charred blackened vulture-like creature lays in the sand unmoving.

With a dull flash it disappears leaving behind nothing more than a bag.

The Grand Thunder Bird has been defeated!

New items have been unlocked in the shop!

Special Rewards have been generated back at the Crucible of the Cosmos

Congratulations! New parts of your sacred gear shall be unlocked for you!

1: You are now able to remember what happens within this realm

2: You are now able to communicate to the spirit guide residing within your sacred gear.

Forming connection!

There's a ripple in my vision, causing me to wince as a purple wispy screen appears before me, upon the screen is a purple haired girl with her hair tied up in a pony tail, she has purple iris, the same shade as her hair, and has milky white pupils. She wears a grey dress that looks almost like stars in a dark sky, and has a choker around her neck with a blue glowing gemstone.

"I- t- w-ki-g?" A quiet hiss comes through the screen as she speaks, sounding similar to static.

"hel-o?" She tries again, her voice sounding muffled and distant

"-Rt-r?" The static returns for a moment before clearing up. "Partner?"

"Hello? Can you hear me?"

I blink owlishly and nod slowly. 'what the hell?'

A bright smile crosses her lips as she closes her eyes and gives me a small fist pump. "ALRIGHT!"

She looks over me slowly. "It's nice to meet you! My name is Eridani, and I guess I'm the spirit sleeping inside your... sacred gear... was it? I'm going to be honest, I'm just as new at this as you are."

The screen floats around me slowly, the girl seemingly taking in my appearance. "Hn. You're pretty young... how'd you even manage to kill that big bird anyways at your age? That's seriously impressive."

"I'm the clone of an ancient hero that was trained to kill things since the day I could walk." I boredly explain.

"W-What?" The girl blinks.

"Oh yeah, it sucks. They didn't even give me a name. They just call me 'Four Zero Four'."

"That's horrible!" The girl gasps.

"But you, my friend, may call me Dante." I smirk.

"Alright... Dante... I do not know your circumstances as of right now... I was confined to this world the same as you are every time you rest. But that seems to have changed now that you managed to defeat the first boss of this realm. Allow me to tell you a little about what I can help you with, Partner!"

"Okay?" I question as I wander over and grab the sack of loot that had dropped from the large bird.

"First and foremost, I can grant you powers after you defeat powerful foes! Not for this enemy, though, your power for this one was merely unlocking this power."

"I see." I mutter as the screen drifts alongside me.

"I can help you figure out crafting recipes and where to find items!" The galaxy woman chirps.

"Really? That's actually extremely helpful. I've been going in blind here." I note with a small smile.

"I can also condense essence down into a physical object which can be used to create powerful weapons for you to command! Er... well, that's actually about it, really, that's the limit to what I can do as of right now... who knows what I'll be able to do in the future!"

"Oh wait! I forgot! I can do this!" The girl exclaims.

There's a slight warm feeling that passes through my body, I pause my walking and look down at my hands, slowly clenching and unclenching my fist.

"I just increased your mana capacity by quite a bit!" The girl exclaims.

I hold up a hand conjuring six magic daggers that float around me.

She didn't just increase my mana by 'quite a bit' she doubled it.

"Can... we please get out of the desert now?" The girl questions. "I hate the heat, and the next boss you have to beat isn't a desert boss!"

"Alright, alright." I nod slowly.

*Linebreak Linebreak Linebreak*

'so... what's all this junk?'

I look to a tan and blue bag that sits on the table in front of me.

"So are you going to open it?" The apparent sacred gear spirit questions slowly.

Thunderbird Bag of Holding:  
This bag, when emptied of boss loot, functions as a supernatural storage space, allowing you to hold up to 2 different items within, materials, such as wood, ore, or types of stone stack into the same 'slot', allowing you to potentially carry far more than two instances of the item in question. Weapons, armor, and accessories on the other hand, cannot be stacked and take up a space all on their own. This bag can hold up to 500 Lbs of material, and treats the items within as being weightless for the duration they remain inside.

"OH! That's REALLY good!" I gasp.

I reach over to the bag and open it, gazing inside.

The inside is so much bigger than the outside.

With some serious effort I free an egg about the size of my torso from the bag.

"Huh?" I mutter as I cautiously sit the egg on the floor.

"Oh! A Grand Thunder Bird Egg! If you hatch this, you'll be able to have your very own as a pet!"

"Neat... that bird was pretty weak, though." I point out with a small frown.

"Don't say that! Once it gets to be larger you can fly it anywhere! It'll cut your travel times in half or more!"

"True, true." I relent with a small frown. "Do you know how long it'll take for it to hatch and be fully grown?"

"Fully... grown?" The girl questions slowly. "These never stop growing... the one you beat, however, was probably... ten years old or so? You could probably ride yours within five, at least."

"Hn, so a little useless right now." I sigh as I shake my head, pulling out another object.

"A bow?" I mutter to myself.

It has a large yellow spike on the front, arching over a wrapped section of the bow behind it the bow itself is a deep tan color with blue arms sprouting off the outside, a yellow bowstring of what looks like lightning connects all of the arms of the bow into a single line.

Talon Bow:
A magic bow which is capable of transforming normal wooden arrows into 'Storm Bolts' which take the appearance of feathers, these feathers sometimes are charged with electricity, allowing the bolts to do 2 times damage.

I don't really want to use a bow, I'm more of a gun, sword, and magic guy.

I sit the bow aside and reach into the bag, pulling out a bar of... stone?

Sandstone Ingot:
Devoid of all moisture and warm to the touch.

"What am I supposed to do with these?!" I question the Sacred Gear spirit's screen right next to me.

"Uh... make tools... out of? Maybe some armor" the purple haired girl supplies.

"Out of sandstone?! I can crumble that stuff with my bare hands!"

"it's magical sandstone, about as tough as iron."

"Oh. I see." I mutter with a slight frown, scratching my chin as I look over the tan-ish material, thinking about what I could do with it.

A sword seems worthless as it'll be outclassed by iron... I'll probably make use of it later.

"Oh! There's actually something you can do!"


"In this world, there are these things called 'Enchantments' by converting certain items into an enchantment, you can typically unlock the full power of the items while not having to carry it all, say for instance, with a full set of sandstone armor, you would get the ability to manipulate desert wind to grant you propulsion through the air, sort of like a double jump, but with the enchantment, you wouldn't even need to wear the armor!"

"Armors have set bonuses?!" I mutter, my eyes widening as I cup my chin.

"Yes they do! And you can even create this enchantment right now! Just take this cool bow of yours, craft a set of sandstone armor, go buy that new yoyo you got in the shop, and go grab some wood and stone for the big forge to craft a set of stone throwing spears!"

"That's it?" I mutter in confusion.

"For this enchantment, yes, but keep in mind, all armors can be transformed into enchantments... and what's even better is that these enchantments can be further combined into something called 'Forces'!"

"Oh? Can I craft the force that includes Sandstone?"

"Er... no... not yet. You'll need to defeat quite a few enemies... in fact, there's a certain boss that all Forces are locked behind- wait... there is a singular force you are able to make. It requires you to complete the Copper, Obsidian, Tin, Lead, Tungsten, and Iron enchantments. Once you do that, you'll be able to make the 'Terra Force'. And forces don't just combine all the effects into a smaller form, it also significantly increases the power!"

"I see... I suppose I should work on this, then." I mutter under my breath as I scratch my chin and slowly rise to my feet.

"But first! Double jump!"

"But before we move on, do you want to check your special rewards?" The purple haired girl questions.

"Hn?" I hum.

"It said you got special rewards for defeating the boss."

"Oh yeah!" I gasp.

*Linebreak Linebreak Linebreak*

I duck a slash of a wooden sword, my own blade coming up and nearly smacking into the chin of my teacher, but he steps back.

My body is stronger.


Far more durable.

And it was all a result of touching that strange red heart shaped crystal that appeared by the 'Crucible of the Cosmos'.

I'd say that overall, it increased my abilities by roughly... fifty percent.

And not only that, there was some form of blue crystal star which increased my total man by fifty percent.

My teacher's hand slightly shakes under the force of my blows, with a sudden attack, I sweep a leg out from under him and send him flipping through the air with a kick.

He lands with a slight roll a short distance away, eventually landing on his feet, taking a few quiet breaths to steady his heart beat.

He looks to his wooden sword which has numerous large cracks traveling down the length. "huh?"

*Linebreak Linebreak Linebreak*

"How the HELL is THAT the second boss?!" I scream as I sprint away from an absolutely titanic whitish grey slime.

Every time it bounces globs of rainbow sludge explode off it, shooting forwards in a slight cone, everywhere this ooze lands, the ground hisses and bubbles, each globule creating a steadily deepening holes into the earth.

I crouch and leap with all of my mind, a torrent of wind carrying me through the air as my enchantment activates.

I point backwards with one finger, shooting many tiny beams of light into the massive slime without even looking back.

With a flick of my wrist, the gauntlet on my other hand shoots out a long greyish blue chair with a blue hook, the end sinks into the trunk of a tree and as a whirring sound is heard in the gauntlet I am pulled forwards at high speed.

The gauntlet stops pulling after a moment, allowing gravity to take me and swing me downwards, using the trunk as a pivot point to slingshot me through the air.

Another gout of sandy wind shoots from my feet as I stop my fall just before crashing into the earth.

I cup my hands together, charging to beams at once, energy begins to crackle around my body as I watch the slime bounce forwards.


The twin beams of energy lurch forwards at the crowned slime, striking its gel body and causing ripples to pass throughout.

After around ten seconds of shooting, I hear an explosion...

The large gemstone in the center of the giant slime's crown explodes out of its setting as it begins to glow a deep red light.

A beam shoots from the gemstone, causing me to let out a weak grunt as a red laser crashes into my shoulder.

"Whatthefuck-" I lowly curse, my face twisted into a pained grimace.

I abandon my attack as I dive to the side, reaching into my bag and freeing a red potion from it.

I pop the cork off it and chug the entire thing as the large slime before me begins to bound rapidly towards me.

With a swing of my hand, ten daggers appear in the air and shoot off towards the large slime.

They impact its jiggly hide and detonate, causing it to splatter moments before it hits me.

The crystal in the air stiffens and falls to the floor, landing with a dull 'Thunk' as it begins to rapidly shrink in size.

The King Slime has been Defeated!

New items have been unlocked in the shop!

Special Rewards have been generated back at the Crucible of the Cosmos

Congratulations! You are now able to use 'memorized' attack magics within the other world.

A blue bag with a yellow crown on the side sits before me.

Slimey Bag of Holding:
Functions like the Thunderbird's bag of holding, yet it can hold 3 different items of up to 750 pounds of weight.

I slowly step over to the fist-sized jewel and pick it up.

Crown Jewel:
Increases your defense passively, Boosts life regen even while under the effects of a damaging debuff, and should you be affected by a 'damaging debuff' such as being on fire, poisoned, or bleeding, you’re the defense this item grants you is improved by an additional 2.5 times the original benefit.

'Life Regen?' I mentally question.

"Oh? You didn't know you had a small passive regeneration?" The sacred gear spirit questions as her screen appears beside me.

"No... I didn't. Most of the time I get injured, I either heal the wound with a potion or die horribly."

"Oh... well, you do have some passive regeneration, but it's seriously slow. Broken bones which would take possibly months to heal now take weeks, it's not enough to be noticeable, but it is there. With this item your regeneration time will me massively improved, however."

"Oh?" I question.

"Yes, it should multiply your current regeneration by three by merely holding it!" The girl beams. "Plus you've even got this cool new power!"

Cylclic Hunter:  
When you use ammunition, you restore a little mana, and have your movement speed and damage improved by 10% for half a second... you can only benefit from this power once every two seconds.

"Oh? That's... not too usefull right now considering I don't have anything that uses ammunition, but soon? This'll be great! Thanks Eridani."

"Heh, no problem, partner!"

"So what's next?" I question as I turn and begin to slowly walk towards my house.

She seems to pause, letting out a sudden loud sigh. "The desert. Ugh. I hate sand. It's coarse, irritating, and get's everywhere!"

"Hn, yeah. I agree." I slowly nod as I fold my arms behind my head. "The desert's hot... and annoying. I'd rather be too cold, than too hot, in my honest opinion."

"I know, right?!"

*Linebreak Linebreak Linebreak*

"Four Zero Four. You were selected for a mission." The man before me declares.

I blink slowly, a little surprised at the statement. I offer the man a slow nod and slowly turn and walk away.

YES! Fucking FINALLY! A chance to leave this hellish place behind!

'It has been a while, hn?' The voice of Eridani questions in my head.

It has...

Seven years of preparation since I knew about my sacred gear.

Numerous bosses have fallen a lot of loot was collected.

I have several guns now.

Several powers cool new powers.

Big ass swords.

Cool new magics which somehow manage to be weaker than my magic dagger spell.

I've become able to pull my items from my sacred gear finally, and in addition, I've got some more fun enchantments... one in particular I enjoy a little too much.

Other than that, I have become a lot more powerful.

How powerful? I'm unsure in the grand scheme, but I am at least dozens of times more powerful after I got some more of those heart crystal steroids.

I guess I just have to wait and see.

*Linebreak Linebreak Linebreak*


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