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The good audio kicks in around 7mins. But during the bad audio Gareth calls Dave a 'dicklick', so it's worth listening to the whole thing.


567 - The First President's Slave Ona Judge - Video



What an absolutely insane story, one that I'd never heard before smh


Such an interesting story!! And there’s some great character names in this one. Seaman Jack Stains, Burwell Bassett Jnr and who could forget about the little ceramic dogs 🤣👌🏼👏🏻


I hate when people say slavery was soooo long ago. It was going on until about 150 years ago. I live in a city where there are houses here older than that. It was only a few generations ago.


Y'all had me dying being, what was his name, Whipple? And his wife giving him an over the pants hand job. Oh my god, y'all are too much 😂💀


The image of Martha Washington throwing little ceramic dogs in a rage, then cowering in fear from her slaves in her old age, is truly another treasure from the Dollop. What a monster. For all she suffered, she did not suffer nearly enough.


I went to DOD schools when my dad was in the Navy. At 8 years old, I came home and said, "Dad, isn't it lucky that we were born in the best country in the world?" My dad's eyes widened and mumbled something about there being a lot of different countries and people out there and we're all different. Sweet childhood imagination...


Benjamin Franklin - Benji's favorite President!