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What's up, homies! Your morbidly terrified trio is back with another reaction to The Last of Us. The premiere was so damn good, and we expect nothing less from this week's second episode. There are some great moments in here, so be prepared.



Josh Hoyt

I read that clicker actors were real fans of the game, that’s why they nailed it.


Agustin this show would have had you on a emotional rollercoaster with or without the pandemic. Just wait they have barley scratched the surface.

Michael Pallada

I've played the first game when it came out all the way back in 2013. Played the remaster in 2014 and I'm about to play the remake. So I played it before Covid but playing it now won't have a huge effect on me. Just because it's so different. In the game it's a fungus and not a virus. What has been changed in the series is that it isn't airborn like in the games. Otherwise it would hit closer to home for anyone who hasn't played the game(s). This episode was awesome and every bit as scary as the games. I effing hate clickers! Can't wait for the next episode.

Flat Satire

I'm looking forward to next week's episode with Bill and Frank. I get a little nervous when I consider scenes with ONLY Papa Pedro and Ellie. They just don't have chemistry together, and maybe that's intentional as the 2 have not bonded within the story yet. The true test is seeing some more dramatic scenes from Bella Ramsay. So far she's been either mysteriously subdued or spouting dumb teenager wisecracks. I want to see the writing and acting hit some high notes with Ellie in the upcoming episodes. She needs to show us that she can carry this show.


Really hope they continue showing us the downfall of society during the beginning, i find it really interesting. Cannot wait for the next episode and reaction!


I wasn't sure I was going to enjoy this show as I played a bit of the game, maybe a bit further than the events in this episode, but it didn't grab me enough to keep playing, however I'm really enjoying the show and I'm so glad I can watch along with you guys because it's way too creepy, there is no way I could watch it by myself XD


Love the reaction. I believe they filmed it in my home country on the west coast, Alberta, Canada. Can't wait for the 3rd episode.


As someone who's never played the game and just knows about it from pop culture exposure, this show is so damned good already after just two episodes. The cold open was one of the most compelling and devastating 5 minutes of television I've ever experienced, as it struck so close to home with how fragile we are as a world and a species. When the doctor started shaking and just said "Bomb"...I got hardcore chills all over.

Roman Penna

Man that was intense. Tess dies at the same point in the game, although the situation is slightly different in the game (people instead of infected.) But I love how they are adapting this show, Also yes the pandemic has changed my view massively, from playing both games. In the games more levels are done with humans as the main villains and threat. When there are infected it's basically, one infected is a massive threat. So curious to see what they do with that in the show.

Myles Away

When you guys started talking about the intro and going back to the old school name card style ... I can't help but start singing "Too many cooks!"