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What's up, homies! This season of X-Men has been a fun ride and featured some of the best story arcs and moments. We can't wait to see what Season 4 has in store, as the longest season of the entire series. You might see a little gap in time before we get into the next season as we try to focus on one or two other shows. But we'll be announcing the drop for season 4 soon!



Michael Guedri

THAT WAS COMPLETELY BANANAS. I don’t remember this episode whatsoever. Incredible to first experience this madness “with” you guys.

Marcus Walker

Season 3 WAS WILD. This one takes the cake! Can't wait for season 4 with you guys!


That was The Brood, guys. Or the animated series' take on them. Wild, huh?

Gurinderpal Johal

This season was all over the place, this is my first time ever watching the series so to me this all new which has been amazing yo watch along you three!! Can’t wait for season 4 and 5, look forward to every weekend to watch some X-Men with the lads.


Season 4!!!!

rickie woodson

though they never said it this was the brood. dont know why that is a bad term to them so they used colony instead but all the hints are there: called cockroaches, the acanti, cant reproduce sexually, matriarchy society. the look was all wrong. as was rogue's voice. i personally like it and the title