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Commission for f4pp3r2 on DA.

After a brutal battle with the legendary Viltrumite warrior Conquest, Mark Grayson was left catastrophically injured, his body battered and broken almost beyond any repair. Struggling to heal and with time running short, his girlfriend Atom Eve used her matter manipulation powers to heal and rebuild his broken body, pushing her abilities to their limits to build living matter. In her concentration however, Eve failed to notice Mark was being rebuilt in her own (enhanced) image.

Mark awoke hours later, surprised to feel suddenly refreshed and completely healed. As he sat up in his bed however, he felt the weight of 2 large breasts pressing down on his chest and blocking his view, shocked to see Eve's features on his own face, her DNA now spliced with his own. Mark expresses his confusion as to why his new curves are so large compared to Eve's own, as a embarrassed Eve admits she accidentally gave Mark her ideal body for herself. After some time with an apologetic Eve helping him coming to terms with his/her new form, the new Mark is presented with his new suit by Eve who made some alterations to fit his new curvy "Eve" body.




Came out perfectly!