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A short post just to bring something to your attention. So you should already be aware that there are AI cards that cause monsters to 'idle' as in they either get stuck in a repeated harmless action (hiccup) or literally do nothing (Ground Fighting).  

Now the usual tactic with this stuff is to gather up all the resources you can from the terrain and position in the most favourable way possible.  However on the Lantern's Reign discord it was recently pointed out that there is another thing you can do because certain gear cards do not have a 'once per showdown limit' on them.

Here's an example of the type of gear card involved:

So. This is a repeatable action that gives insanity out. Now the important thing to understand what's happening here is to break it down into parts.

  • So when this is activated.
  • Non-deaf insane survivors gain +1 movement until end of round
  • non-insane survivors gain +1 insanity.
  • Deaf insane survivors gain +1 insanity.

The second group will eventually become insane and because they are not deaf they will gain movement. But the deaf survivors will keep gaining insanity, over and over, forever.

How can we apply this?

Well essentially if you get a deaf survivor(s) you can go out and hunt white lions with a screaming armor set equipped until it ground fights or Gorms until they hiccup (AI manipulation can help with that).  Then while it's flopped on its side/hiccuping you can take advantage of the Screaming Armor to get as much insanity as you desire (say 100,000,003).

This makes your survivor effectively immune to brain trauma for the rest of the game, though there are events that will reduce insanity to zero and things like the Screaming Antelope aftermath that have to be watched out for.

On top of that, Murder becomes a very beneficial event, basically when it happens your super insane deaf woman could (with accept darkness and possibly some help from SotF) become the settlement's boss and gain 3 disorders of your choice. Pick immortal amongst these and suddenly you have someone who's not going to die from damage.  

From there, well you can go face the L3 Lion God and steal the Butcher's Blood from the ground before stomping it into the dirt - and as per one of my previous posts, Butcher's Blood + lots of Insanity  + Counterweight Axe = won campaign.

I'm sure there's a lot more you can go and explore by looking for gear that works in a similar manner, so next time the White Lion flops down on its side - take advantage in whatever manner you can!



Wow this mask just got a huge buff in my eyes lol. I thought, once your insane, you don't get the +1insanity and are granted the movement speed buff instead. Wow taking advantage of that can be so broken if played right. I may or may not introduce that too my friends. They are the type that like to break board games to make them easier. But then again .... Kdm isn't exactly an easy game. Hmmm. Great post fen !


I'm pretty sure that what Poots had in mind was that only non-deaf survivors would be affected by Scream and that deaf survivors wouldn't get any insanity or movement since, well, they can't really hear anybody screaming. But with rules as written, you guys found a huge way to game the system. Very cool!!


Or!!!! He sees his friend screaming and becomes mad because he doesn't know what's happening!