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If you don't want to read a personal post, I'd recommend you just skip this one; there's KD:M content coming out tomorrow and Sunday!

So I hate to say this, but the past couple of days I've been getting scorn, rudeness and in some cases borderline harassment from members of the KD:M community because I've tried to sell of some of my painted miniatures for the same price which I've painted them on commission. (Honestly I couldn't in good conscious sell my minis for less than the amounts I've charged clients for the same paint job, it would not be fair to them).

The way people have behaved and the weak way that the administration in the Kingdom Death Night Market responded to the behavior has made me decide to drop out of the social part of the KD:M community.  This isn't a response to just the first incident; I have had someone impersonate me/witch hunt me on Reddit (I still don't fully understand what happened, but the Reddit admin dealt with it in a fair manner), I've had a minority of people be very unpleasant about my contribution to the game with the Black Lion, my involvement with the Community Edition and even the GGH Podcast. I guess that's just life in the public eye, but it's not something I want.

To provide some background, my health is getting progressively worse - I believe this is because I'm in an apartment which has black mold in the walls and I cannot afford to move out. This black mold claimed the life of one of my cockatiels earlier this year; the other one seems OK for now, but it's a constant worry - for me and for him.

Additionally, the injuries from a road traffic accident a couple of years ago are not getting better and my mental health is suffering because of the delays in receiving compensation for that. 

So these days I have trouble breathing, experience pain in my right hand side, my left arm switches between being OK, numb and having pins and needles and my left leg is agony to walk on. I also experience headaches/a burning sensation inside my head, stress, anxiety and a lot of other things (I have to be very careful with my diet). All of which is making it harder and harder to get decent enough working windows in order to be productive.

Dealing with all of that means, I just am not well enough to be able to put up with the usual bullshit that comes from a fair portion of the more bullheaded and entitled part of the KD:M community any more. So I'm going to be avoiding most parts of social media in order to concentrate on this Patreon. I'll be continuing posts here (along with videos), plus Instagram and my Discord.

In respect of the Great Game Hunters; it's just on temporary hiatus until Josh and Matt can sort out a new time that suits their jobs without pushing into the TWIST Gaming Schedule. Exactly when is out of my hands.

What does this mean for the community edition? I'm going to work with the rest of the team on the next wave, but I'm going to be doing the work 'backstage' in the private areas I have to discuss things with them. But I am going to take up 'lurking' on the Lantern's Reign discord rather than being active. I'd also rather increase the activity on my own discord if I'm honest. :)

If you need to reach me for whatever reason, you can @ me on my discord or you can message me here on patreon, if you do have any commission enquiries I can be contacted on fenbatten@gmail.com - I think I am not going to take commissions from non-Patrons for a while.  

And that's going to be it for the foreseeable future, I have to make a decision between providing stuff for you guys, or the community as a whole and it's clear that the community as a whole just wants to take a huge dump on me at the moment. So I'd rather spend the time I have available on you patreons.

Even just writing about this is a huge load off and it's re-energised me a bit. So thank you for your patronage during a tough time. 

Normal service resumes tomorrow! :D



Fen - your work with the CE and the Black Lion have been fantastic. Please don't let people who hide behind the anonymity of the internet get to you! They are cowards and not worth your time. You do great work and are a great talent. Don't give up!


I've noticed (to my eyes) baseless and unproductive animosity towards you on a few occasions on BGG and Reddit. Your work is much appreciated on my part, and I look forward to your articles every week. Full stop. So thanks. And you know what, I bumped up my support level. Take care of yourself.