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OK so it's that time where I want to take a little bit and update you guys on what's in the pipeline.

I've been away on holiday for part of April, first break I've been able to take since before the discrimination that my ex-employer undertook started. I won't bore you with the details, but they've left me unable to work because of health issues so legal action is slowly happening.

So because of this patreon I don't qualify for any form of ill health support, which means I'm dependant on commissions to be able to afford to live from day to day (food/bills etc). So I really, really appreciate your support, thank you everyone, it makes a huge difference!

Onto various things:

  • As you can see last week the Community Edition's 1st wave was released, we're not done with that, but it's hard to fit it in amongst everything else that people have going on so it's always going to be slow progress.  I'd hope we have something out again before the Gambler's Chest lands, but there is no set timeline at this point.

  • I'm still working on the Mumbling Goat, I aim to release the AI deck for the L1 monster soon for proof reading and to ensure that I haven't written anything that makes no sense. It's around L1 Phoenix Tier for the AI section and stats. That will go out to the $5+ tier patrons to check over.

  • Top Lists will continue on alternate Sundays along with the Seasoned Hunter. I wanted to have it out this week but getting home and the release of the CE has taken up a lot of time I would have spare to write about The Butcher, so normal service on those two items will commence shortly. 

  • As discussed on my Discord and here I'm going to reupload the reviews I wrote for the various expansions, with a bit of revision to take into account 1.5 changes and extra stuff as and when I can. Don't expect much more for the Lion God though, that expansion is really hollow and lacking in content. I'm also going to occasionally write about other board games within the approximate genre because I can't stick on just Kingdom Death forever. Don't worry KD:M is going to remain a central focus, but I need to diversify a bit more to become sustainable - at least until I can get well enough and retrained for the workforce. especially in the painting department. As part of this I've been painting up and playing Darklight: Memento Mori and I can say that I am seriously impressed with the game, the components and the miniatures already. It's clearly from the same ancestors as KD:M, but it's on the dungeon crawl tree rather than the sandbox monster rush genre. Some of the monsters in it are really, really freaky!

  • I have articles to write on some patreon requests, so those of you who asked for stuff on the Wet Resin Crafting, Terrain, Thoughts/Reasoning on the CE and difficulty in KDM. Stuff is coming in the near(ish) future.

  • The custom campaigns I have started on have run into some issues, I have the ideas, but I do not have the time because of the need to focus on commission painting. But gradual progress is happening on them; it's just taking a little time to turn Spidicules into an interesting nemesis monster! (And I need the Goat/OMP completed before I can finish fleshing out the campaigns).

  • Finally; I have an idea for a board game within the same mechanical genre as KD:M (sandbox, boss fight, crafting, monster hunter inspiration) that I have been working on in the background. I hope to maybe, one day in the next couple of years, get it to some crowd funding platform. However, this project has to be seriously back burner because I'd need about 2-3 times the patreon support before I could concentrate on it over commissions.  Maybe if things grow more I can get there, and if I do there will be a special Patreon only expansion as a thank you to you guys (I've already planned it out). I'm actually at the point where I have creature and player design mapped out, but doing the rest is a huge undertaking and unless I get a windfall I can't really get going faster.

So, thank you everyone for the support and commissions so far, you have made a difficult time in my life quite a lot easier and given me an outlet for doing the things I love!



My friend, how the hell can a Patreon income disqualify you for all health support??? Aren’t you in the UK? This is a terrible state of affairs. My heart is also breaking at the thought of you selling the dragon king. There has to be a better way. Your patreon here offers much insight and value, but I would have only found it from the podcast. Are there ways we can drive up more support for you as more and more people come to the hobby? I am upping my pledge right now, and I will investigate options for commissions, but frankly I want to see you achieve a more stable base income and I’m sure we can help you do it. Hang in there. JC


Thanks John, we're looking into the situation with the DWP. It's possible that the civil servant who talked to my representative is completely wrong, a lot of stuff the told us has since turned out to be incorrect (found out yesterday). So we have to talk to someone else next week and see if they disagree with what he told us. Either way I'm super not happy about the idea of going through this process of some kind of support from the Government, they try and force you into jobs and my health isn't good enough for that, I don't talk about it much, but I am not a well man and the doctors I visit just seem baffled and unwilling to investigate. Any involvement with the Government causes me a lot of stress, they have not treated me kindly in the past. As for raising the profile of my patreon, I'm not sure. I use FB, Instagram, Discord, Reddit, BGG and Twitter and things like the Black Lion have helped (along with TWIST's promotions). I'm open to ideas, but I'm also rather bad at hyping myself up. I'm OK with selling the Dragon King if I can get a replacement tbh, I'm super into doing a new paint scheme for the models - that's the one advantage I have, I can always get access to models painted to my standard. :) So thank you for the kind words and the additional support, I didn't expect that, I just wanted to vent a little after my rent payment bounced (resolved now).


All the best - would love to see a game produced by you down the road!