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Traveler! It's time for a low-level adventure of cleaning the house and getting rid of some petty pests. In this scenario, the characters perform valuable services for the city and are rewarded with the deed to an old mill close to town. Unbeknownst to them, the mill is shunned and said to be cursed. Giant rats live near it and the townsfolk and peasantry say a witch lives there. The rats and bats are real enough but there is no sign of anything else.

When the characters finally get to explore the newfound home, they'll notice magic circles and magical implements in the dungeon under the mill. It appears that a mage of sorts lived there but it must have been a long time ago because no one remembers the last inhabitant. As far as anyone knows, the mill has been abandoned for decades. The characters gain a base of operations but it comes with hidden danger. The mage's children, who grew up in the old mill, shall someday return and wonder why a group of strangers lives in their house!

Here's a low-def preview of this illustration:

Here's a close-up of the church's nave. Over the great arched altar, a large bulbous, fleshy cocoon grows as the cult-like organization gains members and influence. The demon's body grows within.

Outside in the town graveyard, a terrible crime has been committed. The cultists have exhumed numerous bodies so that Father Winfred can use foul necromancy magic to create undead automatons to defend the church and the dungeon below.

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