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Denizens of the Tower! It has been two years since Kieldrith , a juvenile blue dragon, came into the Northern Desert and made its lair in an old human temple. The mighty dragoness subdued a whole tribe of kobolds, which now venerate her. The greedy dragon terrorizes every single town near the Northern Desert demanding tribute. The only ones who resisted were the people of Goldenspear. They soon learned to regret that decision.

The dragon retaliated with fury and the city was forced to pay triple what the dragon asked for in the first place. For months, the city's coffers have dwindled and all negotiations with the dragon have failed. She won't change her terms... The authorities of Goldenspear have a last resort plan: The dragon must die. But who could be brave or foolish enough to accept such a task? We need valiant heroes!

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Until the next one, Elven Tower.



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