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“Now…. It’s time for the story of the Nakamas and the Shinras. Both are said to be clans born from the Gods. Mere legends to us normal folk. Some villagers here in Dunaka (pronounced Doo-nawka) say these clans are people born from thin air. Stories say they have both been around since the God’s first came down to Minerva.

The Nakama’s are said to be servants of the God of Chaos, wielding lightning at their fingertips and moving faster than lightning. The Shinra’s are said to be servants of the God of Prosperity, guiding animals of all nature into battle and even being able to speak to them. Plus having strength enough to break boulders with a single punch.

Though no one knows for sure. Both clans were ruthless in keeping their abilities and practices secret. If ANYONE, anyone at all, was caught spying on their training regimens or even shown confidence in hearsay about their powers, they would go missing and found later that week, dead and in severed pieces, always with a certain mark to determine which clan did it. A four pointed star for the Nakamas and an inverted triangle cut in three pieces for the Shinras.

Due to accidents from construction and fires and such, it has become known that each clan used their own symbols to mark their victims. Their symbol, or mark if you will, could be found on the bottom of the left foot, for every single member with no exceptions, as if a birthmark on a child.

These two feel under a great war of their own just a millennia after The Beginning. Members of each clan would turn up dead on their own doorstep but never were words exchanged between the two. This war never involved civilians but luckily for us, both clans have been confirmed to have been wiped clean from Minerva due to a flood that caused them to drown. That was ten years ago.”


Keith Rogers

I am liking this lore.