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“The world we now live on is referred to as New Minerva. The reason why it's known as ‘New Minerva’ is, according to legend, Minerva fell upon a time of war over two thousand years ago. Legends say the God of Chaos and the God of Prosperity fell to the world from the Heavens and began to see Minerva for what it was: alive and well, and without a lot of believers in them. Now this next portion has been twisted into four variations overtime by Believers. So I’ll tell you the version I know: The God of Chaos saw Minerva alive and without many believers in her, so she decided to rain calamity and...well chaos onto the world. Of course this sprang believers for her faster than her wildfires could spread. Now, the God of Prosperity was having none of this, so she fought against Chaos’ reign of fear by creating fertile land and livestock. This is where the war began. Both Gods gathered their followers to put a stop to the other god’s progress. This battle of the gods lasted a century and killed hundreds of thousands of Believers. Nowadays though, this was is known as ‘The Beginning’ because most of the remaining population saw the end of the war as the beginning of our new lives and new world. There are not as many believers as time went on past the war. People just stopped believing in the God’s and saw it as another history lesson in class. But there were two clans that believed in the gods for 2000 years after the war. The Namakas and the Shinras. But they are a story for another time.” The quotations have purpose, don't worry. Just the start of what's to come. I'll post lore as I come up with it. But the story itself will start mid February.
