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It came to my attention that not everyone is happy with how the escape system works. In short, they felt that a button mashing or some other QTE (Quick Time Event) is better than the current "passive" system. So, here is a poll, do you prefer the current escape system, or something more "active", like button mashing?



I prefer the least hands on approach. Button mashing is okay if I can do it with one hand, since I don't have to focus to much, but with the control scheme of this game I'd have to use the left hand, which is the one I'd prefer to have free, lol. I dislike systems that make you focus to much on the prompts, like QTE, because they distract you from the sex content.


Absolutely not. I don't want an active approach since I prefer enjoying the content instead.


Why not both? Options menu exists for a reason :)


What about the NPCs ... And the Bot.


Why not a timed thing like press at the right time ... I don't like button mashing simply because my PC mouse probably don't like it ....


The current system seems to work better with the game imo. Also I feel the passive style is enlit's style when making a game which I like


seems everyone is divided on this so is it possible to have the option to change the controls on the battle aspect ?


My native language is not English so sorry for Grammer: I think that the current system is fine but you're right, just pressing a button and waiting is not the best system. On the other side button mashing is to much. I prefer it if there would be a reaction-type system or a button-combination (like A D S D E S W or so) system but nothing that takes too much effort, time or patience. I think just making it possible to choose Ingame what system you want is the best option. But i believe that you an all the others will pick the best System.


I think an instant escape should be an option if cheat mode is enabled


Can we not have an option in the settings? I think heroine rumble had something similar. Personally I prefer the current system so I can just 'enjoy' and not have to do anything.


I think the two ideas together would be neat. Where your character is resisting like normal (or not) but you could also hotkey your own number of keys seen fit to get out a bit faster. For example, you right or left click to start the resisting process and have bound the 1 and 3 key on your Numpad to alternate between to struggle a little bit harder or just press the hell out of your left mouse button. Really just whatever you prefer. This still lets people sit there and have a relaxing go at the game. While allowing those who don't wanna wait and keep swinging or shooting do what they love. Most of all I have to agree with Rhys that a cheat enabled instant escape would be appreciated.


Instead of just button mashing, the QTE should be randomized on-screen WASD prompts that fill up the escape bar when correctly by the player.

Timothy Cowher

Passive based on time interrupts the player. Allow the player to do something if they wish to get out faster.


I prefer the button mashing because it let me watch the fighting, QTE isnt very ideal because it pulls your attention and forces you to pay attention to the correct button inputs. It works for action platformers on console games because you're not missing anything when qte happens. Its just an distraction/annoyance and immersion breaking when you're in a hentai though.


While the current system works well with the style of the game and definitely keeps things at an enjoyable pace, i agree that there should be an option for those of us who don’t want to wait through the “recovery” period of an animation we don’t like. Button mashing works well for that same with a QTE.

Lucas Tigy

i feel like the main issue is when troops are outnumbering you by too much, and as a result, you just have to kite them and hope since they all become a mass of bodies, like an octopus with a sword in each hand so there's no chance it blocking, so you need to just swing once then dodge and hope none of them catches you with a hit to stun you with. if you do go down, then you're waiting there for something to happen, especially since it's easy to get knocked down after already getting knocked down so the game just becomes laying on the ground for long periods, waiting to get back up. maybe for getting up, button mashing could consume stamina at a fixed percent to get up faster. you could use the above comment about hitting specific keys to get up faster or for less stamina.


Ugh, QTE would be horrible imo. The escape system in HR kinda took away from the game for me. Ericridge hit the nail on the head with his explanation. I've played plenty of hentai games where button mashing is fine. I just hope the current system will be a toggle-able option.


The three. Toggle at options. Qte/BM make it possible to take less damage. I love when options are important gameplay wise


I think it would be good to give the player the option to have BM but also have the ability to turn it of if the would rather sit back and watch the show.


An odd "Hybrid" suggestion I think people might like, I hope. Instead of passive, QTE or button mashing, it comes down to turn-based events. A neutral bar appears that fills up the direction that the starting grapple pushes it towards. Depending on your AGI, you select an action first, or second. Your STR is what delegates how much you can subdue, punish your opponent, move the grapple to your favor, or try to cancel their last actions. The goals for the person being grappled is to escape or reverse the grapple. Naturally, you can just choose to "pass" if you want to enjoy the snuff. The goal of the dominant partner is to either completely restrain the enemy, lewd the enemy to orgasm (and giving themselves more turns as the submissive partner cools off) or to do Humiliation damage. If there are 2 possible dominant partners, the first dominant partner can invite the other when it's the first one's turn, and they've restrained the submissive partner enough. So TLDR it's "passive" but a bit more procreative.


Personally, I fucking hate QTE's...they are way too overused and even when moderately applied, they distract and pull attention away from the experience. It forces you to have to choose between watching the action but failing in turn, or succeeding at the cost of loosing out on the whole point of what you are doing: the scene. Button mashing mechanics are often nearly as bad, but they aren't so prevalent and they at least only steal your focus briefly. Still not ideal, but it's miles ahead of QTE systems. I would say in order of preference to keep the current system, add a BM style system, then if nothing else a QTE system. I gather from the fact that you (Enlit3D) are asking is evidence that adding two or all three options at once is impossible or at the very least questionable in terms of coding them in and maintaining them, but having them as toggle-able options would be awesome if possible. Hopefully you're just gauging interest and not concerned that it would be much more challenging to have more than one of these options because I think it would make so much more happier if it can be done that way.


That sounds horrible for this game, but it could work if it was a new game based around a turn based system.


i hate qtes with a passion, after lootboxes the worst thing for gameing ever made (in my opinion). buttonmashing is... meh well for passive regeneration i would love to see a resemblence like, int reduces the delay between " the next freeing interval" . meaning instead of a continual freeing progress its every 4 s + int modifier, after 4 s the progress bar will fill by a value depending on dex+wil (for h moves) and mig+dex (for the others) thus resulting in a "sturggle" , you know a pinned down character is gathering some strength to oppose the opressor


I'm not against the current version, and I can't say I like the idea of button mashing. But the escape system you have for Heroine Rumble might be good.


I prefer the current system overall, but I prefer LITERALLY ANY OTHER SYSTEM to button mashing, button mashing is overdone and my keyboard and mouse both hate the idea just as much as I do :P It's boring, annoying and can really easily be abused by gaming mice and keyboards that allow macros. Stick with the current system I say, or if anything make certain stats affect how easy the sequence of buttons is to get through. Maybe it starts out with a 20 button combo and as you raise some stats it shortens the sequence to something more manageable? Just an idea.


i love the System of Heroine Rumble, wouldn´t mind to see it again or Up/Down/Left/Right Arrows to press, the arrow variation could have a benefit towards getting a debuff that makes it harder to see them or have you do more or you know just something to make it harder, but whatever you do pls get rid of the actual struggle System i hate it so much xD


Some time ago I started (but abandoned) am mod for Koooon Soft's "witch girl" and designed an escape mechanic that i quite liked. Feel free to take these thoughts into your consideration ;) Basically it was an auto-escape-mechanic, just like it is now, but with a skill-check: In my case the skill check was a continouts, static sequence of 4 keys (w,s,a,d) in a random permutation. The length of the sequence was quite good imo, because longer inputs are too distracting and shorter ones are too much button mashing and boring. If you pass the skil check you get a small bonus on your escape meter and if you fail you get a "penalty". This had the effect that that the player was not forced to do a qte, but could decide: Do I want to accelerate (or delay) the escape? How fast can I do the qte without getting a penalty? Do I want to escape at all ;P It is also possible to implement different rewards or punishments for passing/failing the skill check eg: bonus on Pleasure meter, HP or dark pink meter (dont know how you all it), maybe a reversal mechanic or a fancy buff/penalty after the escape etc... Feel free to take a look: https://ulmf.org/threads/koooon-soft-witch-girl-corruption-mod-by-mc-swagger.12674/

Criss Cyanide

Played an HGame (forget what it's called nowadays) a couple years ago maybe a year ago that had an Escape mechanic wherein if the Heroine was grabbed by an enemy a small bar would pop up showing the player a set of Arrows in various patterns and amounts that you had to input to reduce a Grab Gauge but if you ran out of time or messed up the input it would fill up the Gauge a bit. It wasn't quite button mashing but it also wasn't all that hard either at the games defualt Input Settings. The game did give you an Option Setting to make the Arrow Inputs longer and harder or just give you less or more time etc. It was a pretty nice system even though I wasn't a big fan of the game overall.


sounds like one of dirtyc's games (dirtyc101.blogspot.com). Yeah I really liked that system but am not sure whether it is applicable to this game. The H-system in eg Furry Fury was made for this escape mechanic because it used a sub/dom system which fited perfectly. Never the less its worth a look / consideration ;)


I've played all of Kooonsofts games. The escape mechanic is perfect in them. (mash left and right) If it was anything else those games woulda have been pretty annoying to play imo. The concept of "do I escape or do I want to escape?" holds true in the current system and in koons games as well. I've played over 100 H-games and the ones with complicated escapes are always a big take away for me. I want to focus on the "action", not play a minigame. But everyone has different tastes. :) Though I will admit, the qte system can lead to intense moments when youre fighting a potential game over.


I think I'd rather a QTE like a randomized series of button presses. Button mashing tires me in some games...


The first question you need to ask yourself as a developer is: "Do I want my audience to be fapping to this?" NO: A traditional game approach with the fapping in camp or recollection mode. This approach you should shorten the sex animations and force the idea of either button mashing or mini-game whereas the need to press faster and the needle moves faster (respectively) as the player experiences more holds. To take this approach further, you can scale down the PC's offensive power depending on how developed the situation has become. YES: Implement a ONE-HANDED system that communicates to your audience that "This feels good". Have the duration of the hold scale with how much pleasure the player has endured. As it is now, the duration is fixed, but climaxes are more frequent. Find a way to remove that pop up list of sex positions. Ideally you want a smoother process like allowing the player to pool their favorites and then randomly choose from it. At the very least make it optional to have that pop up. (Tip 1) Your audience has a hidden scale. (Masochist) ----|----(Sadist) Use stats like Mind, Charisma, and Strength to have a major impact on holds and their duration. This way you cater to everyone and their needs. Change the scaling of command points to the PC's level so the player isn't forced to put every point they have in charisma. (Tip 2) If its possible, change the ability to move with the mouse alone. Holding the right MB and clicking the left MB to move forward, opening boxes with right MB etc... Devs should try fapping to their own games sometimes to what it feels like to input keyboard commands with their feet.


Option for either or

Random Guy

Well, I think even button mashing (e.g. hitting left and right alternatively) would be more enjoyable than the current system, but I like QTEs much more. Some ways to implement them: 1.) The game shows you an arrow, and you have to press the related arrow key within a time window. Pressing the wrong arrow key decreases the struggle bar, not pressing anything does not change the struggle bar. Depending on how aroused you already are the time window becomes shorter and shorter. 2.) The game shows you a random sequence of arrows (e.g. Left, Up, Up, Right), and then you have to press the related arrow keys. No time window, but the string becomes longer and longer the more aroused you are. 3.) The game shows you a random sequence of arrows for a few seconds, but then hides them and you have to input the sequence out of memory. Again, the sequence becomes longer the more aroused you are. How much each success advances the struggle bar could be affected by your current health.


I'm thinking, something else. At random times, arrows will appear on the screen: A green arrow will be on screen for an unknown amount of time. (Not even half a second to almost 2 seconds), holding that arrow will increase the escape bar. A yellow arrow will be much like the green arrow, but you have to tap that arrow repeatedly instead of holding it. A red arrow will appear for much shorter than a green or yellow arrow, but hitting that arrow will instead reduce the escape bar.


I rather not have QTE since that would distract from the action. Button mashing can be ok if you make it hard(or you could let us adjust the difficulty of the button mashing).


I usually play these sorts of games late at night when everyone else is sleeping, so button mashing can be a little risky unless mouse clicks also count.

Grei Glace

Would much prefer a qte or other skill-test to mashing, but if mashing does get added then the option to revert to the current system would be nice, since it's basically auto-mashing anyway.


I'd prefer timed button presses, myself.