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New build is here! Patch notes below.

First of all, I like to thank everyone for participating in the previous poll and for writing all the feedback. To be honest, it's a lot more comments than I anticipated because I don't usually get many comments on my posts, but nevertheless, I did read them all. However, I wouldn't be responding to them individually.

I have not decided on the button mashing as of v0.61, however, there were a lot of good discussion touching on other areas of the game. So I decided to take another look at some of the "old" game mechanics and give them another pass. In particular, separating how the H-content is handled during battle and in safe areas (such as Town) is a good idea. So I think you'll find that the H-content in safe areas is a lot more ergonomic now.

The new feature in this patch is the Prison map. (Because Dungeon was taken already) In there, you can interact with your prisoners/captured units. Talk to the Receptionists for an overview of what you can do in the area. In addition, there were some confusion on how to get your allies to engage in H-moves, so the Receptionist is a good opportunity to clarify on how to do that. Hint: the "Go!" and "Escort" commands.


- Added new Zone: "Your Room," this is a replacement for "Tent" area

-   You now start the game in "Your Room" rather than "Town"

-   "Tent" area is now inaccessible, but if you wish, you can go back to "Tent" via the command: m_goto "Tent"

- Added new Zone: "Prison," here you can get close and personal with your prisoners

-   Accessed via talking to Talia in town, talk to the Receptionist in Prison for an explanation of the area

- H move changes:

-   In safe areas, the player can now instantly escape from any friendly grabs and devices

-   In safe areas, Allies will no longer attempt to escape from grapples and devices

-   The "Grabbing Escape" Meter will not show up when neither party is escapings

-   In safe areas, H-grabs lasts x2.0 times as long (H-damage reduced by 50%)

-   In safe areas, friendly units can now interact with units already placed on devices, but they still wouldn't carry and place them onto device

- The "Escort" Command now also commands allies that are currently grabbing somebody else to cease that immediately 

- You can now get up from downed state with less than 50% of total HP

- Stats rebalance

-   Command Point increase per level changed from 0.5 to 1.0 per level

-   Command Point bonus per INT/CHA changed from 1.0 to 0.5 per point

-   MIG and DEX now gives a 5% escape rate increase per point

-   CON and WIL now gives a 10% increase in HP regeneration per point

- Added a "weaponSwitch" tag under "canDo" that determines if the AI units can switch between ranged and melee weaponry. 

-   Also requires the unit to have valid melee/ranged weapons in inventory to switch to

- Elf units in "Woods" can now switch between bows and spears

- You can now find supply-refills in containers 

- Added the entire "demon_set", "wolf_tail", "kitty_tail", "cat_ears" and "toy_gun" to the Strange Merchant until when they can be acquired in game again

- Removed acquiring new weapon and armor upgrades (the +1, +2, etc) from the game, they will come back in the future in a different form

- Added new Map metadata flag: "saveChanges", if set to true, then the game will save any changes made to the map like the "Tent" area

- Game no longer tracks changes to unique units belonging to the enemy and wild team

-   this should make authoring new unique enemies easier, as previously edits in the unit json file is ineffective because it is shadowed by the saved unit state

- Added a "can_not_guard" under weapon_move_set to indicate that particular melee weapon can not guard




m_goto "Tent" it glitched for me, i just float in space when i input it


some more glitch reports crashes freezing when leaving areas. devices not saved in my room


can not access the new area


how can i use weaponSwitch


Its a modding feature, not a gameplay feature. Should have made that clear.


Send me the savefile and in the meantime, try a fresh save and see if everything works.


not sure how to "Refresh" also not sure where the save files are located


ok it is a mod in the data file messing everything up but i have no way of knowing which one it is


Question about converting enemies in the new Prison, is there a set percentage chance? It seems to be higher than the base 33% from the demon girl in the village


Hello. I'm not happy. I tried the new version. I will not use this version. I don't understand why the tent had to be deleted at all. (m_goto "tent") I don't understand. How does it work? I worked a lot in that area. If you want, I will somehow upload the "New Map" file. You may understand my indignation. In the next version, restore the Tent area. Thanks.


You can get the save file folder by going to options-other-saves folder.

Egor Eshcherkin

the link is unavailable, can you change or restore it?