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If you are wondering why the next patch took so long, look no further than the picture below. I’ll admit, I don't have experience animating tentacles, so that took some trial and error in blender to model, rig and animate them. That wasn’t too bad. The problem is, how to make the tentacles animations work for different body sizes. And that took much longer. But it is done, functional, and you will see them in the next build.

The vines animations were finished by the end of last week. And I went on to implement the boss for the Woods stage. She’s more or less done now. She’s a “real” boss with a couple completely new abilities. I want to open this post for public so there wouldn’t be NSFW previews here. But suffice to say, she utilizes the new tentacle/vine animations well. :)

What’s left to do is the boss arena and a couple other loose ends. Normally, I can work on them over the weekend and release the patch when it’s ready. However, I am going to be busy this weekend and I don’t know if I will find time to work on it. If not, expect the next build to be out early next week, or if I can find time, maybe sometimes during the weekend.




Next game will only have three sizes making a total of "just" nine animations per action to do, right? Now I see why it is important


Neat! :)


Did you get more people to look at your post ? Yes What did it took ? Memes


I found a bug in the forest at the entrance to the boss , the game freezes and then turns off ..


Public thing is just text for me, Would someone help me?