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New build is here. Couple of highlights.

The first is a new area/side mission that introduces players to the restraining mechanic. I think what the game lacks the most atm, are better in game tutorials that demonstrates and explains various game mechanics. So that's what I'll be focusing on making first. This mission is probably fairly easy if you are already familiar with the game. And that's okay. It's meant to be one of the earlier missions that players can take part in. 

Right now, it is a stand alone kinda thing, repeatable if you want, but you can imagine eventually, I'll string a couple of these missions together into one quest chain.

The second cool feature is that I added support for temporary objects during grabs. Such as dildos. And using this feature, 2 new moves are added into the game: "h_dildo_tease" and "h_dildo_step."

Also did some balance adjusting. The fact that the game uses a shared global ammo pool is a constant source of confusion. So I thought about a couple of ways to handle this. And I think the simplest and perhaps the most effective is to just give ranged weaponry infinite ammo. I don't think they are so strong that they must be constrained by ammo. Adding an ammo item type is certainly do-able but I don't think it does much to the game beyond minor money sink and inventory management. So infinite ammo it is. However, the flasks are very powerful and I think it's still correct to limit their usage.

I felt the heavy 2hander weapons are a little too strong, with BiS damage, stagger, reach and cleave. So I think its necessary to tone them down a little. So their damage got reduced but keeping their characteristic stagger and cleave intact.

Finally, added BGM music volume controls and keys rebinding. There were quite a few people having trouble with the ` key to open the console so hopefully this key rebinding will solve that problem. 


    - added BGM music volume option under options-sounds

    - fixed game crush when changing zones while restrainted on a device

    - added key binding customization under options - controls 

    - removed the controls display list on left of screen

    - fixed bug that cause NPCs to stop refreshing inventory after a few playthroughs

    - ranged weaponry now have infinite ammo. (flasks still use the same global ammo pool)

    - reduced damage of heavy 2handers by ~20%

    - grasses are back! with a new implementation

    - grab animations can now use temporary equipment (eg. dildos)

    - added 2 new grabs - "h_dildo_tease" and "h_dildo_step"

    - added some checks on save to prevent unique unit duplication

    - fixed game crush due to bad data on "whitestuff_face"

    - non-uniques foes no longer break free from restraints

    - implemented spawning waves for new Map system

    - implemented a new side mission




Will there be any unique skills used by male / female foes towards male characters in the future?


Can you change the game back where the game won't auto drop my character back to camp when my HP is zero?


I have a question. How hard would it be to add an open-door inn in the village where the named units can stay? You could put it in the far right side of the village. Replacing the building to the left of the interactable crate. By open-door I mean no doors at the moment. You just walk in and there is a NPC that would welcome you and ask if you were looking for someone specific. Yes + Name = add unit to party No = walk around inn The inn would have a main desk to the right where the NPC would be, a hallway straight in front of you, and a commons area to the left with tables and chairs. Down the hallway would be rooms on either side where the named units would stay. Each room could have a bed, a desk, and a chair and if you asked the unit to show you a move or to let you practice a move on them it could be done on the bed. You could talk to the units and deepen your relationship with them. Turning them from units to companions, or even more, and unlocking more tactics later on. It is your game at the end of the day, so add what you want and keep up the good work.


Total noob guess from a non-programmer is that it's totally doable, but I think Enlit has a lot of other more pressing matters to take care of at the moment. If all focus was on this idea, it would probably take less than a week, but we're already getting tons of updates with huge changes to core gameplay at the moment.


Found a bug. If you take a dungeon girls equipment away and send them back to town, they will respawn in town with their gear magically back. Checking equipment then causes a bug splat.