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Build's not ready yet. So here is a sneak peak of what I am working on and what you can expect on the next build.

Added a combat tutorial/training side mission that tries to explain the basics of the combat system. The environment might look different in the patch/changed in the future - I'm more focused on the scripting side of things atm.

Next thing I want to add is an entire new zone. Let's call it Woods. (Since Forest is taken) It features new unit types. 

The first is "Plant Girl" (Yes I know there are alternative names but not everyone is familiar with them). There are ranged attackers. Eventually I want them to attack using vines, but that's probably not going to make it in the next patch.

Next is "Bee Girl." Not really happy with how they are swinging their "stingers" like swords. So I decided to add a new weapon set - rapiers, that features thrusts. Havn't started on that yet so that will take some time.

A note on monster girls. Monster Girls are a "combination" of monster and girl. And one could choose to lean more on the monster side of things, or on the girl side of things. As for me, I like to lean more on the girl side of things since Monster Girls may not be for everything. 

Another common inhabitant of trees and forests are elves (in fantasy games at least). And here they are. As expected, they prefer range and uses a lot of archery. This is an "Elf Apprentice," the lowest tier unit of the elf race. Expect to see higher tier units in the future.

Finally, I discovered there is a pathing issue regarding thin objects like the steel fences in Goblin Camp. Some people reported that units tends to get "stuck" on them (thanks for the reports!). It's actually a pathing problem. I tracked down the problem and I know what causes it, but so far, I don't have a good solution. 

A workaround for now is that if you see your followers get stuck on these thin objects, move to the same side of fence as the stuck units and give a follow command. Once they are no longer right next to the fences, pathing should resume to work.



AJ Parker

Sweet, question though, if there is a thrusting sword type, does that mean we can get the infamous dildo sword? The most powerful "thrusting" weapon of all!


wonderful. I like the ideas. Good luck. ;)

Icarus Media

<a href="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oST_t2XaBaY" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oST_t2XaBaY</a> :-)


how do you get your commander points up still can only take one person withe me in dungeons?


A few questions if you dont mind: Will the day and night cycle return? Any possibility of rain in a future update? Will future races become playable? Loving the steady updates &lt;3!


I hoped the MG's would be a bit more than costumes but understandable


You know what would be great? If monster girls had at least one specific move : bees use their stinger to you know what, plant girls use their vines to you know what.


Also, when it comes to vines, this would be a nice opportunity to create whip type weapons.


I need to know, how much of the enemies in upcoming areas will be futa?




Currently, none of them are futa. But that should be easy to change/mod