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I have sketches for all 4 Ace now and I'm confident in them as a little series, but I'm losing confidence that this is something I have the heart to make 56 new pieces for right now. While these pieces represent my painting aesthetic quite clearly, they feel much more like commissions to me than past Angelarium work.

I'm mulling over my options for the Tarot at the moment but I think I'm going to have to reassess what's going on with it.



King Rainbow

Maybe this could be a side project you could return to whenever inspiration strikes? Understandable you'd wouldn't want to trudge through the whole arcana in one go; that nearly drove Frieda Harris mad! Or maybe that was Crowley's backseat painting.

Andrew Tallman

Here's my two cents. Peter, may I call you Peter??? Peter, I have loved and followed your work for years. I have the angelarium Oracle and am anxious awaiting the Oracle of the Fallen. I am an avid collector of tarot and Oracle decks, my little heart skipped a beat when I saw you were working on a tarot deck, i couldn't wait to see your style translated into the tarot. So I'm of two minds on this decision. On the one hand I absolutely respect your decision to put the project on hold, the minor arcana is a whole different ball game from the major and almost 3 times as many cards.....I want that deck AND I don't want you to burn yourself out 😬 on the other hand, while you've been working on this for two years, I've been lusting for it for two years! I don't know if I can just bottle all that up and move on. So I agree with a previous poster....put the minor arcana in moth balls and put out a Major arcana only deck.