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I have been testing out methods for producing 56 minor arcana paintings in a way that's fast and efficient enough for me to cover the whole series in a reasonable timeframe and it's left me feeling rather cold.

One of the options I was considering was to create illustrations that were largely similar to the Rider Waite deck but with my own spin on things. This is doable. If this was the only path for me, I would make a schedule and start delivering finished versions of pieces like this every week for the next year until the whole collection was complete. The problem is, that sounds more like commission work to me rather than a personal project.

I'm frustrated with Tarot. I just finished a troubled 2-year stint trying to complete the Major Arcana and it's a relief to be done with it.

There is a way for me to do the Minor Arcana in a passionate, creative, and authentic way, but the fact that I've been trying to worm away from that path is a sign that I'm not ready for it. In the meantime, I've got other paths to explore.

So, with a heavy heart, I'm shelving future work on the Tarot deck. I need to either commit to publishing it without creating unique illustrations for the number cards or I need to wait until a time when I'm ready to do them fully. I'm not sure which route I'll take, but either way, the next step is to start something new.

I need to create work that looks forward instead of back. Something interactive. Exploratory. Collaborative.

I'm going to experiment a little and see what sticks. You'll get to see those experiments whether they make it to the public or not.

Thanks for supporting me through all this. Your money is noticed and appreciated every month.

Much love,




Like a bat out of The 9 Hells I’ll be gone when the morning comes

Just joined and I’m excited for anything you put out. Your art is so beautiful and I love it so much. I’m happy to see it in anyway I can. (I currently have “The Star” and “The Moon” as my lock screen and wallpaper on my phone and I get a little dopamine every time I see them ❤️

Katarina Adriano

Glad to hear that you're taking a break! I have been excited and thrilled for the Tarot deck, but am far more happy that you are taking a break from it and shelving it for now for yourself! You're doing great!