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Mist exhaled, resting her body against a wall in the encampment.

It had been a surprisingly stressful day. Clerics were in short demand, and because of that, she had to spend a substantial amount of time tending to the wounds of countless allies. The last battle had been a grievous one, leading to many injuries that had to be tended to.

Reinforcements that included an excess of healers were scheduled to arrive the following morning, meaning she hopefully wouldn’t have to deal with such a lengthy job again. While Mist was grateful she’d have an opportunity to rest tomorrow, that did not mean she was completely happy. It was already almost the end of the day! How many hours did she have to herself before it was time to sleep? Three? Four at most?

It wasn’t enough.

Be that as it may, she had no desire to waste her precious limited time sulking. The only issue was that she was exhausted, not to mention stressed! Finishing her tasks for the day was no cure for the latter. Therefore, finding a means of cleansing that feeling from her body and mind was a top priority! Only then could she rest well.

Luckily, it just so happened there was a special individual who was rather good at helping her whenever she was in these kinds of situations.

Although he was the commander of the Laguz Alliance, her brother, Ike, was spared from some of the responsibilities one would usually have with such a role. He would lead on the battlefield, but outside of it, he would focus on training. Soren and Titania effectively acted on his behalf during the less important war council meetings. He was not well-suited for those, after all.

However, she hadn’t seen him at the training grounds at all today… which meant he was probably doing the only other thing she knew he liked to do.

Mist’s suspicions proved correct once she ventured to his personal quarters. Before she was even able to think about knocking on his door, she heard some suspicious sounds. Well, suspicious for anyone but her. She knew what was happening. Therefore, she carefully opened the door, keen for a peek, and what she saw surpassed her expectations.

Ike and Lethe had an unusual relationship. They loved to spar with each other… but they also did something that only she knew about.

Far from the prying eyes of literally anybody else,  they liked to clash in a different kind of fight. While Lethe was fierce and packed a mean punch when brawling with Ike during an ordinary training session, she was very much the opposite in private.

Submissive. Eager to be dominated. Used.

Preferences that Mist could relate to.

It was a very secret side that Lethe kept hidden from everybody. The only individuals who knew were a pair of siblings who were in no position to judge her, not that they would, of course.

Mist expected to see Ike dominating Lethe.

Well, that was what she was seeing… but things looked a little different than what she was used to.

Lethe was on her back, her arms and legs stretched and attached to the corners of the bed with rope. She was trapped, but knowing her, she certainly did not see that as a bad thing.

Now, if it was just that, it wouldn’t have been enough to shock her.

It was what Ike was doing that was making her feel so awfully dizzy…

Lethe’s head was tilted back. She could not move it-- not when there was a cock remorselessly pounding her throat. Ike was paying no heed to whether or not she needed to breathe, as demonstrated by his ruthless speed. He was not afraid to sheathe everything as deep inside as it could go, even going as far as to remain perfectly still during those moments, listening to his kitten purr so distortedly. It was the only noise she could make.

Mist adored what she was seeing! It was unbelievably rough.

Lethe loved it as well! She was perhaps even having the time of her life! Mist understood her friend’s preferences very well, though it was still surreal to see her submissiveness reach a new level. The juxtaposition between her ordinary and secret lives was something to behold.

Mist was enjoying this show, though she was beginning to feel annoyed at herself-- she couldn’t decide whether to waltz in or stay and watch the depravity!

Fortunately, that decision was made for her

“Don’t just watch, Mist,” Ike called out to her, purposefully pausing while his manhood was deep inside Lethe’s throat. “I can tell you want to join in.”

Ike and Lethe had a thing.

Mist had a thing with Lethe too!

Mist also had a thing with Ike!

It had been some time since these unusual relationships came to fruition, but their benefits couldn’t be denied. It was fun getting to exercise her sexual needs in extravagant ways, and wow, did it do wonders towards curing any stress she had accumulated! Whether or not it was Ike making passionate love to her, or the feeling of Lethe between her legs… she always had a good time.

It was not surprising Ike had spotted her. He had to keep a close eye on his surroundings at all times, lest some unwanted company show up. Lethe couldn’t help-- not when she couldn’t exactly see or smell anything other than cock. Even in tamer scenarios, she usually had her head buried in some pillows, too occupied with trying to maintain her sanity while she was fucked mercilessly.

“I wouldn’t have minded an invite, you know,” Mist playfully adopted an agitated tone as she stepped into the room, closing the door behind her. There was no way she could be legitimately annoyed. In fact, nothing could legitimately upset her right now-- not when she was going to get her holes screwed very soon!

Even so, it would have been nice to know she had this to look forward to. That alone would have dampened her stress.

“You had an important task to do today,” Ike justified the lack of an invitation. “We didn’t want to tempt you to leave early or rush your job.”

Mist crossed her arms and smiled. “What about your responsibilities, hmm?”

Fooling around with his kitten all day wasn’t what a commander was meant to be doing!

“Our responsibilities are to train and become stronger for the fight ahead,” he answered just as she expected he would, not realizing she was just teasing. It was honestly impressive he was able to speak so coherently considering what he was currently doing. Not even a single stutter or a hot and bothered breath! “We sparred in the morning for a few hours, got a little too sweaty, and Lethe here decided she wanted some… private help with her endurance, shall we say.”

Mist couldn’t help but chuckle. What a way to justify it! Endurance training, huh? She could do with some of that, honestly.

Their sparring only lasted a few hours too? That explained why she hadn’t seen either of them until now; she hadn’t needed to visit the training grounds until the afternoon, so they were long gone by then.

But if they had been here since then… that meant they had been going at it practically all day!

Mist would have been impressed if she wasn’t already accustomed to this kind of behavior. She did feel a little envious though. All that time she had spent helping the wounded, they had been having so much fun behind the scenes! She didn’t regret any of her actions, but the thought of spending an entire day getting screwed silly instead was making her heart race.

Lethe, of course, had nothing to say, for she still had a cock down her throat. Considering her brother’s words, it was impressive she hadn’t violently reacted due to the need to-


Ah, there it was.

Ike pulled out immediately, freeing his kitten from the throat-stuffing she adored. She panted heavily, albeit not as wildly as one would expect.

“...one minute and seven seconds,” she said before resuming her breathing.

Lethe had endured that for how long?!

…Laguz were built differently.

Mist was confident she could not compete with that. Even so, she couldn’t help but wonder how long she’d last. Learning one’s limits was an exciting adventure! That was going to be her justification! It totally wasn’t because seeing her brother’s big dick always made her feel faint. Totally not.

“Ike…” Mist knew her voice was quieter and sultry, but she didn’t care. “...could I… have a go?”

Ike took a moment to realize what she meant by that comment. “...you mean… that?”

He sounded a little shaky, and that was expressed through some hot breath as well. Did the idea resonate with him?

“Yeah…” she whispered. “I… I want to feel what she’s feeling. I want you to do to me what you’re doing to her. I want to experience it too…”

Lethe hummed approvingly, doubtlessly listening in on the conversation. She sounded like she was in heaven.


Ike was hesitant. She could tell before he even opened her mouth.

She understood why. Ike just wasn’t as rough with her. It heavily contrasted how he treated Lethe, and while this difference did bother her at times, it was hard to latch onto that feeling when she always felt immensely satisfied by the end anyway. Besides, it wasn’t like he was unbearably gentle either. He was actually quite fast and firm with her! Any girl would consider it rough, honestly.

But whenever he was going at it with Lethe… it was like a whole different level of domination. Mist wanted to sample a taste of that. After witnessing this depravity firsthand and feeling a craving unlike any other building up within her, how could she not?

“Ike,” she called out to him earnestly, recognizing he was lost in thought regarding a question that did not have a difficult answer. “I hope you’re not underestimating me or treating me differently just because I’m your little sister.”

She suspected that was his main reason for being so apprehensive. At the end of the day, she was the little sister he had sworn to protect… but she was also the little sister he had fucked too many times to count! They were already far past the point of no return. He could do this!

“I’m not,” he defended himself. “But this is far more intense than it looks. Do you think you can handle it?”

Mist smiled joyfully, placing her hands on her hips and standing proudly. “If I can handle your cock in my pussy and my ass, I think I can handle it deep down my throat, big brother!”

Well… she hoped she could. Ordinary sex, well, her body was meant to withstand that anyway. Anal sex was unorthodox, but so long as the right preparations were made beforehand, all was well. Getting her throat pounded didn’t sound too difficult on paper, but could she hold her breath while withstanding that immense pressure against the back of her mouth?

Perhaps she was being reckless…

Yet…  it was hard to care! When the mere thought was enough to make her feel so horny, it was effortless to dismiss any concerns. Who wouldn’t want to be tied up and have their throat with their big brother’s cock?

…not many people, actually. It was sometimes easy to forget that what she did with her brother was not exactly normal. She had gotten so used to his cock!

Ike was grumbling quietly, doubtlessly still contemplating whether or not to go through with this. Mist wondered what he was specifically thinking. She liked to think there was a part of him that wanted to just pin her down and fuck her senselessly after hearing her desperation for his dick. Was that her arousal talking? Absolutely. Did she care that her mind was being consumed by degenerate thoughts? Of course not.

It had been such a long day. She had earned this.

When her brother ultimately sighed, she knew she was going to get her way. Though she did feel a little bad about being overly eager and a little bratty about it, this just so happened to be the type of activity where he could vent out any possible frustrations rather easily. In other words, everything would work out wonderfully.

“Alright then,” he sounded at peace with the idea, especially knowing that Lethe would be there to provide assistance. “But I hope you know what you’re getting into, little sister.”

Ike couldn’t deny the facts. His little sister was beautiful, and she’d look even more gorgeous with her throat stuffed with his cock. Ike wanted to be a good big brother too. That was why he wasn’t going to deny her wish.

“Let me help,” Lethe finally spoke up, having had an opportunity to breathe and recover her senses. “...after you free me though. My body is stiff, and I need to stretch.”

The two siblings accepted the aid and worked together to free their kitten. Mist observed that the rope used to tie her up was surprisingly sturdy, as indicated by how frustratingly difficult it was to loosen up. The implications were very fun though and stopped her from getting annoyed at the challenge.

Lethe was one wild girl! Not even somebody with her strength could probably escape. She obviously wouldn’t even dare think about trying to do so, but just knowing she couldn’t was probably a massive turn-on.

By the time she had freed one of her arms, Ike had already freed the other one and her ankles. Her lack of strength didn’t bother her. If anything, it was a plus, for just knowing her big brother was around three times as strong was making her quiver. He could do anything he wanted to her if he wanted. She wouldn’t be able to resist at all…

…was everything turning her on right now? Probably.

Lethe moved slowly once she was freed, her muscles aching from the immobility. She ended up crawling onto all fours, stretching in such a way that was reminiscent of the animal she resembled. It was an adorable sight, almost making them forget just how strong and tough she could be.

“You’re lucky. Mist,” Lethe sounded a lot less groggy and substantially more cocky. “He’s fucked me silly several times today,” she continued to stretch continuously, making Mist suspect all that stiffness wasn’t because she had been laying still for a while. “Otherwise, I would have made you watch for a while first.”

Mist exhaled. She wouldn’t have been against that! It would have gotten her all hot and bothered, and that would have made her inevitable turn all the more satisfying. Be that as it may, she wasn’t against getting to have her brother now, especially since she was probably as hot and bothered as she could be.

Satisfied she had rejuvenated her muscles, Lethe departed from the bed, approaching her partner in crime. Mist expected Lethe to pause at some point and perhaps explain why she was smiling so sinisterly, but that never happened.

Instead, Lethe locked lips with her without warning, and it wasn’t long before her tongue came into play.

It became apparent very quickly that this wasn’t an ordinary kiss-- not when a warm substance that wasn’t saliva entered her mouth. Mist recognized what this was immediately, and was pleasantly surprised to receive it so soon! Yet, the moment was fleeting. There was only so much that could be shared, and that became unfortunately apparent when Lethe backed away, leaving her partner dazzled and a little faint.

“He’s come a lot today, so it might take him a while to cum again,” Lethe justified what she had done, as if she needed to. “But his little sister asking to be roughed up did get him there. Did you notice?”

Wait… was that why he was seemingly so hesitant? Was it actually…

“I… I didn’t…” she confessed. She truly had no idea! He had hidden it so well! To think, the entire time he was chatting to her, he was suffocating Lethe’s throat with semen…

“How did your big brother’s cum taste?” Lethe never hesitated with the lewd questions. “I was able to save a little for you. I figured it was only fair. You helped him cum, knowingly or not. Consider it an appetizer.”

Mist breathed heavily. “It was amazing… but it always tastes amazing.”

She was horny before this. Very horny, in fact!

But this singular kiss, and the revelations surrounding it?! Her arousal had doubled-- no, tripled.

Although they shared the same man, Lethe and Mist never really competed over who got to have him… well, unless they were purposefully being bratty and wanted Ike to punish them for being naughty, of course. It was a fun relationship for all involved. They shared, and got to reap the benefits of working together every once in a while, such as that mesmerizing cum-sharing kiss…

Lethe wasn’t wrong to call it an appetizer-- it was gone before she could truly appreciate it. That meant she had to get more from the source.

Mist stripped her clothes hastily, not hesitating to show her big brother and one of her closest friends her nude body. She then climbed onto the bed and laid down, stretching her arms and legs while relishing in the leftover warmth enveloping her body. It was imperative she got comfortable while she still could.

Ike and Lethe worked together on tying up the eager little sis, with one focusing on her arms while the other focused on her legs. It took some time for everything to be fully secured, leading to some impatience on Mist’s end, but the accumulating thrill coursing through her veins more than made up for the wait.

She could no longer move her arms or legs… and it was exhilarating.

Not only could Ike use her as she pleased, but so could Lethe! Though she suspected the cat would take a backseat role after all the intense fucking she had participated in all day, it was likely she’d intervene from time to time when Mist least expected it. It was a wild card that would make everything all the more exciting.

Mist’s only complaint was that she was missing something to gag her mouth… but that would come, in time.

Admittedly, she was hoping she’d be immediately silenced by his big cock. It was what she wanted above all else. Luckily, she was able to exercise some patience.

Especially when what Ike was doing felt so good.

He had opted to observe, caress, and worship. He started by placing a hand on her thigh, getting a good feel for how silky smooth she was. His hand adventured upwards, purposefully avoiding her soaking wet pussy. While that was upsetting, she wasn’t mentally ready for that kind of pressure just yet.

Mist giggled when his fingers slid against her stomach, the slight tickle something she wasn’t expecting… but more importantly, something she couldn’t defend herself against. Her arms tried to move subconsciously, but they couldn’t. She suspected that was why Ike had decided to play with her a little. He wanted to make sure she understood she could do nothing.

He was willing to grant her some mercy by continuing upwards towards her breasts, but the realization that he easily could have been merciless… goddess… it was mind-boggling! She had willingly given herself up, hadn’t she? She was like a pet… another kitten to play with…

Although her chest wasn’t anything special, there was enough to squeeze, so that was what he did. The sensation made her hum, especially when he teased her nipples a little.

Mist observed that Ike wasn’t being that rough with her, though she suspected it was purposeful. Right now, he was acting like a beast playing with his prey before he pounced…. and that comparison resonated with her greatly. No wonder Lethe was such a fan!

“Your little sister is so cute, Ike,” Lethe was observing with the utmost fascination. “I think she loves being touched by her big brother~”

“I do…” Mist was eager to confirm that.

Lethe chuckled. “But look at her… she’s salivating! I think you need to do something about that, Ike.”

Mist realized she couldn’t wipe her face clean. She couldn’t hide just how bashful she was looking either.

That meant Ike was able to see just how cock-starved she truly was…

“What do you propose I do?” Ike played the oblivious card.

“I don’t know…” Lethe did too. “What do you think he should do, Mist?”

They were asking her?!

Mist knew what to say, but she was convinced her words would come out as a clutter of stutters. She was hot and bothered and her mind was mush.

But she also didn’t really care. She desired her big brother’s dick above all else, but if anything, her messy response would help communicate that!

“I… aaaahhh… w-want I-Ike’s… b-big brother’s… c-cock… I neeeedddd itt… in my m-mouthhhh… pleeeeaaaaaseeee…”

Only Ike’s semen could quench her thirst. Lethe’s sample was not enough! She was that deprived, and as she locked eyes with her brother, she could tell he was enjoying her shamelessness. It was impressive that he had so much restraint. She had clearly not inherited such a trait.

Ike said nothing, but he departed from the bed. She tried to follow him, but while she could move her head freely, not being able to lean her body up was hindering her view.

But when she saw something in the corner of her eye, it led to her curiously tilting her head back, and what she saw rectified her earlier complaint.

Ike’s cock stood tall and proud, ready to drive her mad. It was already driving her mad. The stench was unbelievably strong, and it soon reached a point where it was the only smell filling up her nostrils. By the time his manhood was resting on her face, teasing her relentlessly, she was already drooling.

“Last chance to back out, Mist,” Ike warned his little sister. Of course, he knew she wouldn’t, but he was curious whether or not she’d pay attention to her words. After all, she was already kissing and licking what she could and doing it so passionately. Had she already lost her mind to lust? He suspected as such.

“P-Please… please… I want it so bad… biiig brrooootheeerrrr~”

Mist’s tone reinforced his belief, but she couldn’t help it! Whenever she saw or smelled her brother’s cock, it was like a switch would flip inside her. If she wasn’t so surprised by the extraordinarily rough play she had witnessed earlier, she would have already gobbled his cock up long before she reached the bed.

It had been a difficult ordeal, but she was now being rewarded for being so patient. Mist did not need to be instructed to open her mouth-- she did so subconsciously, desperate to feel his cock slide into her salivating mouth. She kept her head tilted as far back as it would without hurting, and thanks to the comfortable pillow she was resting it on, she didn’t feel discomfort in the slightest.

Ike had no desire to keep his little sister waiting. Though this was going to end up being rough and rowdy, he took his time in these initial stages, gradually lowering his cock into Mist’s salivating mouth. She had to get used to this first. Then he could get a little wild.

Fortunately, this approach wasn’t one she minded, though he had a feeling it was only because she was having so much fun slobbering all over his shaft. Indeed, Mist was having the time of her life, committed to showing him how much she loved what he was doing. She had to account for some potential doubts that would inevitably hinder his speed, though she was certain demonstrating just how drunk she was on his dick would eradicate them. He could go easy on her at first, but not forever!

As Ike pushed further in, getting closer to the back of her throat, Mist made sure not to let that gradual overwhelming feeling stop her in her tracks. She had to make sure this was as pleasurable as it could be for him! Her tongue was currently swirling around his member energetically, and she constantly made sure to suck in her cheeks and coat his length in all the saliva she could muster. Mist had sucked his cock enough times to more or less conquer her gag reflex, so that thankfully wasn’t a factor. Hopefully, she could withstand a lack of breathing for a while…

Once she felt her nose tickle his crotch, she knew he had breached her throat… and it was just as amazing as she hoped it would be, if not more so!

The pressure was intense, borderline overwhelming, but incredibly satisfying. She felt so fulfilled and full! Her brother’s cock had teased the back of her throat a few times before, but this was the first time she was experiencing this sensation for a prolonged length of time. Her nose was stuffed with his sublime stench, making her feel so dizzy despite lying down.

Then Ike started to move, intoxicating his little sister further with slow but steady movements that quickly ramped in intensity. He was still exercising a bit of caution, but that restraint was gradually being lifted as he realized just how much she was truly loving this.

She needed this! Badly! This sensation was the perfect eradicator of stress. Nothing did it better than being her big brother’s cumdump. Long gone were the days when she was pure and innocent. She'd appear that way in public, but in private, she belonged to her big bro.

Mist’s depravity was unprecedented, but it hadn’t reached its limits. Just as she was getting used to this exotic feeling… somebody decided to ambush her down below, ready to test how much her friend could take.

Lethe apparently did not want to watch. Instead, she had dived between Mist’s legs and helped herself to her pussy, eating her out without warning nor mercy. The act caught her off guard, almost making her choke on her big brother’s cock, but she was able to miraculously maintain herself.

“Sorry, Mist,” Lethe apologized, though whether or not she meant it was a whole other story. “You’re so drenched. It made you look so delicious… and you absolutely are.”

Who could blame her for being so wet down there? Just thinking about Ike’s cock was enough to make that happen.

This was going to be a problem though. She was already feeling quite faint without Lethe’s interference, but with her entering the fray, she wasn’t sure if she could hold onto her consciousness. The last thing she wanted was to pass out.

…but then again, the thought of succumbing to the pleasure in such a way, and Ike continuing to ravage her throat anyway… ooohh…

…and t-then he’d test to see if slamming his cock inside her pussy would wake her up!

The thought of being awakened in such a fashion… it was… it was..

…a short-lived fantasy, for a sudden and very fast thrust against the back of her throat made her eyes widen.

“Falling asleep on me, Mist?” Ike called out her daydreaming state, having noticed her eyes were barely able to remain open. “If you want, we can do this another time.”

Absolutely not!

Ike could be such a tease sometimes… but well, she liked that too.

Unfortunately, she was in no position to respond for obvious reasons. The best she could do was hum and hoped it communicated that she was very much awake!

“Not rough enough, you say?”

She did not say that!

…though goddess… she wished she could say that!

To think that moments ago, Ike had been so apprehensive! Regardless of the true reason behind it, he just couldn’t resist his little sister. No longer was he skeptical about whether or not she was able to take it. She could.

Mist hummed, letting it purposefully sound as dreamy as a hum could be.

“Is that a yes?”

She hummed again, this time even more extravagantly!

Ike let out a chuckle, reaching out his hand and placing it on her chin. He then traveled downwards, feeling the slight bulge within his little sister’s throat. That was his cock, and as he resumed his thrusts, he kept his hand there, wanting to experience firsthand just how much he was suffocating her. Considering he was being a little faster with his movements, he seemed to be quite the fan.

Mist had done well with her breathing so far, but it was becoming increasingly clear she was reaching her breaking point. As if detecting those slight indicators, Ike pulled out, giving his little sister an opportunity to breathe properly.

To an extent, of course. She was still being eaten out, and that was not exactly helping her recuperate swiftly.

“Not bad, Mist,” he complimented her. “Twenty-eight seconds. A promising start.”


It felt like it lasted an eternity. She wished it had.

How was Lethe’s record double hers?! She thought she could at least exceed half that amount! What a frustrating thing to hear!

Though not as frustrating as the lack of cock in her mouth. Ike’s member stood teasingly above her face, close enough to fill her nostrils with its scent, but too far for even her tongue to reach.

“Ikeeee… pleaaaseeee…” she purred and purred, her craving not yet fulfilled. “I want it so… ahhhhhh…!!”

What an awful time for Lethe to hit a really sensitive spot! Could a little sister not beg for her big brother’s cock without getting interrupted?

Mist wasn’t that upset about it, of course. It felt amazing down there, and she couldn’t deny her body was still in desperate need of oxygen. She focused deeply on this deprived feeling, adoring how dizzy it made her feel, but loving most what had caused this state in the first place.

“Cut her some slack, Lethe,” Ike recognized his lover wasn’t faring too well.

“Mmm, alright,” the cat compiled. “She tastes good, but she’ll taste better once she’s leaking your cum.”

Although Mist appreciated Lethe finally leaving her pussy alone, it didn’t particularly help her breathing as well as she would have liked.

That passing comment was to blame.

Mist wanted Ike to cum inside her mouth… initially… but now she was desiring it somewhere else.

“Ikeeeee~” she hummed in delight. “I likeeee that ideaaaa~”

“Is that right?”


Her mind was mush. It was full of nothing but degenerate thoughts.

Through her misty eyes, she watched as her brother climbed onto the bed and positioned himself between her legs, pushing up his cock against her pussy. The intersection alone was enough to cause a sensensual shiver.

“Pleeaaaaaseeee!!” she begged.

Feeling it against her wasn’t enough. It had to be inside!

But Ike did not grant that wish. Instead, he decided to resume what he had been doing earlier. His coarse hands returned to her body, getting a feel for how warmer she had become.

Mist wasn’t against this. It did feel good, and it was a welcome break from the earlier intensity.

But at the same time, this was not the time for this kind of treatment!

It was… too gentle!! Why was he doing this after messing up her throat?! It made sense before. It didn’t make any sense now!

“Ikeeee…” she tried her best to sound enthusiastic about what was inevitably going to happen… but she couldn’t hide her disarray. “Ahh… stop teasing-”

Mist’s eyes suddenly widened in shock as she barely held back a scream.

Her brother was cruel! He had distracted her from what he was planning, catching her completely by surprise.

…but well, she couldn’t complain about the results.

Ike had taken hold of his shaft and plunged inside her little sister’s greedy pussy, filling her up within a single moment. It was an effortless task not only because she was incredibly wet, but because her insides were already very used to welcoming his cock.

Although it had disturbed her breathing and caused her body to spasm, these drawbacks were minor compared to the immense pleasure radiating throughout her body. That single motion had tickled all of her sensitive spots simultaneously! It was such a relief! She hadn’t been able to do anything about them thanks to her hands being tied up!

“Mist,” Ike called out to her, wanting to make sure she hadn’t passed out. Though she couldn’t see her expression, she had no doubt she looked mesmerized. “Are you ready?”


Truthfully, Mist wasn’t too sure if she actually was. That ambush had really knocked the air out of her lungs. At least she didn’t have anything down her throat this time, meaning she could breathe.

But goddess… if only there were two Ikes…

That newfound fantasy wasn’t able to remain for long once her brother started to thrust. While he was exercising some caution with his initial  movements, she could thankfully tell they were fleeting. He was rapidly speeding up, more so than usual! Her sensitive insides were barely able to hold on as the pressure quickly started to overpower her.

Her insides were not used to this rough treatment. Ike was constantly pushing up so strongly against her cervix, demonstrating not even the slightest hesitation or restraint even though she was his little sister-- which was good!

Ike had conquered her pussy so effortlessly, a testament to his astonishing strength. All she could do was sit back and enjoy this ruthless pounding while trying her best to stay sane, and what more could she ask for than that?

Mist soon learned that this was only the beginning. When his hand landed on her breast, she figured he'd start teasing her chest. What she was not prepared for was for his hand to travel further up, seizing her throat with a sudden grasp. She exhaled messily, the action completely unexpected… but certainly not something she was against.

Ike exercised the right amount of strength with his grip, letting her experience just how breathtaking this was without it being too much. Choking had its thresholds of intensity and he had already found the level with the most benefits.

Mist now understood that it was ridiculous of her to ponder the thought of two big brothers having their way with her. She was barely able to handle one!

Admittedly, this did make that fantasy even more arousing…

“You look so beautiful, Mist,” Ike complimented her, the sudden clutch nor his words having no impact on his movements. She was certain she had tightened up down there too, and even that wasn’t enough to stop him.

She was tied up. She was his. His to use.

Nothing could make her happier.

Well, nothing except Ike speeding up even more, which was exactly what he did! Did he truly find her beautiful right now? Her eyes were barely able to remain open, her mouth was glued open, drooling everywhere… it was far removed from what one would deem beauty.

But perhaps that was why he liked it. How she looked right now… it was evidence of his conquest.

“I-I-Ikeeeeee…” Mist could barely function. It was a miracle she could even mumble his name.

She wanted to tell him that she loved this. She wanted to tell him to go faster! She wanted to tell him to make her go crazy… crazier.

But she couldn’t. The only thing coming out now were moans. Loud moans, but they were urging him on, so she didn’t care much about her volume. Besides, there was no reason to believe he wouldn’t grant those untold wishes anyway.

"Is that how I look too, Ike?”

Lethe was having the time of her life watching this unfold. It wasn’t every day she got to witness this degradation from a different angle. Truth be told, she already had a pretty good idea of how it looked. They may or may not have fucked close to a mirror a few times, letting her witness just how tainted her expression could become. Seeing Mist show off such wild expressions though… it was very fun.

Ike, however, did not respond to his kitten. He was far too committed to pounding his little sister mercilessly; nothing could distract him from this task whatsoever. Lethe smirked, understanding it was best to continue to observe… for the time being, of course. There was something she wanted to try, but it could wait, especially when she had front-seat tickets to two siblings making love. She didn’t want to miss a single second.

Mist could feel her senses betraying her.

Her sight? Blurry beyond belief, which was sad! She wanted to see her brother pounding her!

Her hearing? Well, she wasn’t too upset about that falling apart. The last thing she wanted was to get distracted by her volume.

Her sense of smell was working just fine though. The sublime stench of sex was strong, and it was making her grin happily-- as well as a drooling person could grin, that is.

It was hard to comment on her sense of taste. She needed some cum in her mouth to test that… but at the same time, that would mean he wouldn’t cum inside her pussy! Right now, she craved nothing more. It would be the perfect end to this moment of degeneracy.


It was faint, but she could hear him call out to her.

Her big brother sounded ecstatic. Was she making him feel this good? Considering his grasp around her neck was loosening a little, she suspected he was starting to lose his mind as well, or perhaps… perhaps…

Ah, it was that, wasn’t it?

Mist giggled. She wasn’t sure if it even sounded like laughter thanks to how deprived her lungs were, but she didn’t care.

Mustering all of her willpower, she held back her groans and spoke. “B-Big brooootheeeerr…”


Her inquisitive tone was noticed, and she couldn’t be happier! He was focusing completely on her, looking a little hypnotized through that blur.

“P-Please…” she cried out. “C-Caaahmmmm… inssshiiideeeeeee… mheeeeeeeee…”

It wouldn’t be the first time he had done such a thing, but this was undeniably the most she had ever craved a creampie.

Ike did not say anything, yet he did respond-- by speeding up dramatically. He freed her throat to do so, holding firmly onto her hips instead so he could pound her with all the strength he could muster. This sudden acceleration was on a level higher than anything she had ever experienced, and what that signified made her heart beat all the more robustly.

Mist could feel her sanity and grip on reality slipping, but she held on for dear life, not wanting to miss the warmth she would soon feel inside her womb.

It was threatened, however, by her pleasure amplifying dramatically and suddenly. Mist had reached her orgasm first, but it proved to be at the perfect time. The sudden contraction of her walls was enough to slow even her brother now, but he was happy to push deep inside one last time, nudging against her womb. The pressure was precisely what he needed to reach his peak, and as the little sister experienced tranquility, so too did the big brother.

The warmth she could feel spilling into her womb elevated her pleasure to levels her mind could not comprehend. Mist was confident her pussy was doing all it could to force out as much semen as possible. Why else would Ike look like he was losing his sanity too? Both siblings were gifted with an immaculate view.

Though it was an extraordinary moment, Mist wasn’t too fussed about it coming to an end. She was feeling a little concerned about her… well, everything. For one, she needed to breathe, and as he pulled out and felt his cum leaking out of her, she was finally able to take a deep-


Mist responded immediately to the ambush, her heart racing, and her breathing worsening, all thanks to the kitten that had dove between her legs. Lethe had a simple objective-- she wanted to clean her friend up, and reap the rewards for doing so. Mist’s pussy was absurdly sensitive and nowhere near close to recovering, so even the slight touch of Lethe’s tongue was enough to drive her mad.

Thankfully, Lethe didn’t stay down there for too long, though she had apparently pledged to the idea of not letting Mist breathe whatsoever. This was demonstrated when she crawled up onto her body, meeting her in a sudden kiss.

But when she felt her big brother’s seed enter her mouth, she decided she couldn’t be more thankful. Tongues danced around one another for some time as the tasty treat they both revered was fairly shared.

Finally, Mist was allowed to rest.

…for a moment, of course. The night was only just getting started.


Mist shivered at the sudden cool liquid touching something that was just as sensitive as her pussy.

She had been granted about five minutes worth of recovery time. Was it enough?

Of course not.

Yet at the same time, Mist didn’t mind her lack of recovery. It was going to make what was about to happen all the more intense!

Lethe had volunteered to help with preparations, and those preparations meant inserting a finger inside Mist’s butt. The reason was simple-- it was the only hole that hadn’t had Ike’s cum inside it!

Though she had done this kind of sex before, it required some adequate preparation beforehand. Usually, she would prepare herself, so it felt fascinating to have somebody do it for her. Lethe’s finger was fully inside, twirling around and covering her hole in all the lubrication she had covered her digit in beforehand.

Mist had dismissed anal sex as an option during wartime, figuring such exotic supplies weren’t available… but she had underestimated Lethe’s love of being fucked silly. The cat had stockpiled!

That was good.

…she may or may not have been craving this kind of sex. Well, she was craving pretty much anything that had to do with sex and her big brother, but that was beside the point.

There was another reason Lethe was helping her get ready.

It was because, well… she couldn’t do it herself!

Mist had been momentarily freed from the clutches of restraint, only to end up tied up all over again not long after! They spared her no mercy, though that might have been because she demanded to be subdued again upon experiencing freedom and deciding she disliked it.

This time, she was on all fours, with all of her limbs immobilized. It was a suitable position for an act that specifically targeted her ass. Her big brother made sure to share his appreciation for the view, smacking it hard once his little kitten helper had finished getting her all ready.

“Too deep, Mist?” Lethe inquired, wanting to know whether or not she was being a little too hasty with her finger.

“Not deep enough…” Mist mumbled quickly, her voice already tainted by the apprehension of what was to come. Lethe’s finger certainly felt nice and was doing a good job at preparing her, but it was making her desire for the main meal all the more insatiable!

Ike had chosen such a wonderful-- and slightly embarrassing-- position to take her in. Both of them could see how much her pussy was leaking. Mist was extraordinarily turned on, and she doubted that state was going to fade anytime soon.

Finally, Lethe pulled out, and while the pleasure she felt from that was missed, it did not matter when it was about to be replaced by something far more grandiose. When she felt Ike’s cock slither up against her backdoor, she shivered, and that feeling intensified as its superior strength started to open her up.

Feeling her brother’s cock slide into her ass was overpowering, but thanks to the countless times they had done this and Lethe’s preparations, it wasn’t painful in the slightest. All she felt was an immense feeling of fullness as he buried himself deep inside, and this extraordinarily unique feeling was very welcome.

Ike was about to inquire about her well-being, but he figured the newfound abundance of moans communicated everything he needed to know. Therefore, he retracted his member, only to slam it back in forcefully, emitting a hum that was delightful to his ears.

One thing he liked about his ladies was that while they had similar bodies, they excelled in different areas. Lethe had a larger chest, but Mist undeniably excelled when it came to an ass. That was part of the reason he had chosen this position-- he wanted to see this thing jiggle, and even seconds after his thrust, it was still trembling.

Of course, while this view was wonderful, the most incredible feeling of all was her tight ass wrapped around his cock. The grip was shockingly strong, even now, but that didn’t mean he couldn’t conquer it. Ike proceeded to do just that, beginning with strong and sturdy thrusts that grew swifter in no time. Her backdoor completely surrendered to his might, just as it had done many times in the past, and just as it would do again many times in the future.

“Ikeeeeeeeee~” Mist purred.


Ike suspected she had nothing to say and wanted to just moan his name.

But now she’d feel obligated to say something, and that was good-- he wanted to hear just how messed up her voice sounded.

Surprisingly, Mist responded rather quickly, sounding just as wild as he believed she would, but the contents of her speech proved to be far more satisfying. “Tug on it… m-my hair…”


“It’s… ah… fuuuckkk… w-why I… g-grew it out… a-after all…”

Ike didn’t know that.

It was probably her arousal speaking there, but it did add up. Mist had started to grow her hair out after their sexual adventures began. Therefore, he did not hesitate to grant her request, grabbing a chunk of her hair and pulling back on it. He exercised some restraint, not wanting to accidentally rip it due to his strength, but it was a pull powerful enough to force her head back.

Mist was in the middle of a moan when it happened, and though she knew it caused her voice to sound all crackly and strange, she did not care. So long as it communicated her pleasure to her big bro, it did not matter how she sounded. These quivering gasps continued as he not only tugged harder on her hair, but used his spare hand to spank her butt. Though she could not see things from Ike’s perspective, she knew her ass was jiggling like mad. Why else would he continue to spank her? He had expressed how much he loved the view.

But he loved how it felt even more.

That was why despite the multitasking, he had not slowed down whatsoever with his thrusts. Her insides were being ravaged by his cock.

And that was how she liked it.

If there was no war, she would not have minded being her big brother’s personal cumdump for the rest of her days. Alas, there was plenty of fighting still left to do, but that didn’t mean she couldn’t provide relief during those precious spare moments!

Mist’s mind was a blur, completely consumed by her lust. She could think of very little outside Ike and his cock. It was embarrassing… but it also made her happy. Nothing else mattered at the present time. All she had to do was let herself be used. All she had to do was let Ike use her ass for his own pleasure. What more could she want?

Ike, too, was enamored by everything that was happening. The constant spanking and tugging of his little sister’s hair was happening subconsciously by this point. His undivided focus was on how good it felt to bury his cock deep inside her asshole. Despite having decisively dominated it, her insides were still hot and compact. It was honestly beginning to exhaust him a little, though he suspected the constant sex he had been having with Lethe throughout the day had contributed to that heavily. Regardless, it was still quite rare to experience fatigue during sex; these two ladies were becoming quite the handful.

“Ikeeeeeeee~” Mist cried out, undeniably on the edge of exhaustion and satisfaction too. “Pleeeaaasee… inshiiiideeee my aasssssssssss…”

Ike was already planning to do that.

That said, it was still thrilling to hear her greedy wish, and it was perhaps the final trigger he needed to grant it. A few mighty thrusts against her deepest parts later, and he was there, sheathing his member fully inside as he came, flooding her ass with all the remaining semen he had left. These naughty girls had really drained him dry, but he didn’t mind, not when a single drop of his semen had been wasted. All of their holes had tasted it today, and when he hadn’t filled one of those up, he had showered their beautiful bodies with it.

Satisfied he had filled her up, he pulled out, marveling at how much had been buried inside her. He was never going to get used to how much could fit inside them, nor how both could take it so well. Lethe was still ahead of the curve when it came to overall endurance, especially with throat-fucking, but Mist’s unwavering determination would help her catch up quickly.

Mist wanted to collapse, but the restraints around her prevented that. Lethe granted her some mercy, setting her free while Ike recuperated on his own.

“...Mist, I think you’ve beaten me at something today,” Lethe commented once she had freed her friend.

Mist was in no position to talk, but her expression radiated curiosity.

“Your screams,” Lethe elaborated. “They are louder than mine.”

Mist merely giggled, coughing when it became a little too much for her. The poor girl was unbelievably exhausted.

But eventually, she did respond.

“T-That’s… ah…” she mumbled. “...b-because I… love my… b-big brother’s cock~”

Lethe laughed.

All this time, she thought she was the nymphomaniac of the three. Apparently, she had competition. She had never seen Mist lose herself that much to lust.

But it was such an amazing sight.

“I think we should sleep,” Ike recommended. “And hope nobody heard all that.”

Ike was optimistic. He had asked for his personal quarters to be fairly away from everybody else for a specific reason.

He wasn’t going to worry about it, especially not when his two favorite girls snuggled up with him under the covers.

The war would continue when they awakened, but for the time being, it did not exist. Right now, they were all experiencing a taste of the life they wanted to live after everything was over, and they could not wait for that moment to come.


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