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Stress was a sensation that fluctuated in intensity. Sometimes, it was unbearable and heart-wrenching. Sometimes, it was present… but tolerable.

Regardless of its magnitude, you were used to it always being present in some form. You were the only Summoner of Askr, after all. Stress came with the responsibility.

But it was currently difficult to feel anything remotely resembling that feeling as of late.

…which was bizarre, and ironically, almost a source of stress in of itself.

Of course, it wasn’t as ludicrous as experiencing Ophelia’s bountiful breasts smothering your cock every single day.

In all honesty, that was probably what had slaughtered any potential stress.

Today was no different from the many incredible days before it. Ophelia was happy to fulfill your daily request, having grown quite skilled at disregarding her clothes thanks to servicing you so often. While it was enjoyable to witness her developing proficiency at sex, there was a different kind of development you adored witnessing more than anything.

Perhaps another contributor to the absence of stress was the promise of a new life on the way. Ophelia’s pregnancy was an inevitability ever since she realized how much she loved creampies.

The unborn child was by no means an unfortunate and undesired consequence of that adoration though! It was very wanted. Although your relationship with Ophelia hadn’t started traditionally, nor had much time passed since its beginnings, the love was genuine.

You liked to believe it was always there, to an extent. You looked out for one another on the battlefield. You got along well. You always had fun in each other’s presence!

Sure, the relationship ended up blossoming quicker than expected, but was it really a surprise? You were weak to how dramatically endearing she was.

It was sometimes miraculous to think that you had accidentally seduced her, but the subsequent relationship that unfolded out of that fateful encounter made certain there were no regrets.

Although one would think inevitable fatherhood would be the cause of some stress, it wasn’t something to worry about during these early stages of the pregnancy. Either that, or the constant sex left no opportunity for some deep thinking…

Ophelia’s mindset was similar. The main pregnancy-related focus she currently had, as befitting as someone as wonderfully weird as her, was on how large it would make her breasts grow.

That was the reason for the daily titfucks-- it was an easy way to gauge the growth! Currently, she was able to conceal pretty much everything, but your head would barely poke through her cleavage at times. How long would that last, however? Would she soon be able to envelop everything, keeping your manhood concealed within her comfort no matter how she played?

It was an exciting time to be alive.

“How does it feel, enveloped by the twin suns of destiny?” Ophelia spoke confidently, speaking as she always did… for the most part.

She did have a habit of breaking character whenever the sex got especially intense, forsaking it all for the sake of being direct with her desires. Be that as it may, Ophelia always showcased a strong resolve to maintain her persona as long as humanly possible.

Nothing about smothering your cock within her bosom would disrupt that yet, of course, but you were keen to learn just how long she’d last today. It would all depend on how needy she was feeling, and because of her pregnancy, that could fluctuate as her hormones were all over the place.

Currently, it was difficult to tell. She looked as joyful as always making you feel good with her big boobs, taking much pride in their size and how much you loved them.

Regardless of the current condition of her vocabulary, it was always hot to hear her speak. She could say the craziest things sometimes, but you always found it erotic to hear. Something about the sultry tone she used to share her extravagant thoughts certainly contributed to that. Like, seriously, you knew what she meant by ‘twin suns of destiny’-- and you also knew it was a silly way to describe her fat tits-- but it was just so amazing to hear anyway! If that wasn’t proof that you had fallen for this dorky girl, you weren’t sure what was.

“It feels incredible…” you answered honestly, a little too intoxicated by the combined heat and squishiness from her tits to elaborate further or speak colorfully back.

It looked incredible too! Ophelia had recently acquired a new outfit, one very her. The eyepatch, the bat wings accessory, and all the other ornaments fit her personality perfectly. She had decided to wear it partly in light of a new tome she was using in battle, as well as to aid in her pregnancy. Ophelia’s usual outfit wouldn’t fit a growing girl, but this one left her stomach exposed, giving it plenty of room to breathe in preparation for its gradual expansion over the coming months.

There was also the matter that the loincloth and her preference for not wearing underwear made her body very easy to access. That was a purposeful choice on her end; she was arguably more addicted to sex than you were!

To anyone else, the attire was ridiculous, but you had fallen in love with this woman and all of her quirks. You loved it just as much as she did.

You also loved how good her tits made you feel! Had that part been mentioned yet?

The warmth was no joke; the intersection between her boobs was absurdly hot, perfect for a sensitive shaft that found pleasure in melting in such an embrace. Her chest was immensely squishy too, allowing your manhood to sink into her skin like resting your head against your pillow after a long, hard-working day.

Although this special service was a daily occurrence, it was nowhere close to feeling old and dated-- far from it, in fact! Ophelia knew what you enjoyed the most from her titfucks, but also made an effort to spice things up, either by inventing some erotic nonsense on the spot or being playful with how she used her chest to massage your cock. She was presently doing just that, boasting a prideful smile that originated from her knowledge that she was making you feel phenomenal.

“You must hurry, my chosen hero,” she spoke calmly, betraying the absurdity of her actions. “The ancient, overflowing power within you-- it must be unleashed all over the twin globes! If you cannot unleash that which overwhelms your soul, you will fall to darkness!”

Ophelia was a greedy girl, desiring that “power” quite frequently, but you were always thrilled to give her it every time. The translocation of magic was a pleasurable procedure for you, after all! You always enjoy raining upon those dual worlds with your magical powder!

Good grief! Since when had you gotten so into this too?! The jargon was jarring to think about, let alone say, but it achieved its goal of being so strangely erotic.

Your lover from beyond the stars continued to massage your staff-- your throbbing cock. With an unyielding smile of satisfaction on her face, she coated it in sweat and sultriness, all thanks to the absurd size of her two planets-- her fat fucking tits.

That was good! A mix of both traditional and exotic vocabulary!

Unfortunately, you feared you'd have to put this little experimentation on hold; the closer and closer you reached your breaking point, the more erotic it was to just stick to the classic words that tickled the aroused mind.

You really wanted to cover those big boobs in your cum, for instance. You longed to see her dazzling expressions as your cock erupted, splattering her face in the seed she craved. That was what she wanted! Ophelia-- the beautiful woman who was carrying your child-- had not stopped craving your semen even after being impregnated.

The visual thought started to bring you to your peak, but just as those sensations began to increment in frequency, somebody decided to put a pause on the pleasure. Ophelia backed away at the worst possible time, breaking that buildup as cool air danced against your shaft as opposed to the surreal heat you had grown accustomed to.


This was unorthodox of her! She was always thrilled to have her body painted white. What had changed her mind this time?

“The prophecy has changed,” she justified her actions in her own special way. “The two worlds of destiny must remain free today.”

“Is that so…?”

That was disappointing. You really loved seeing her tits covered in cu-

“Instead-- that legendary magic must be inherited directly into the body of the chosen heroine!” Ophelia pointed to her mouth, opening it slightly to lick her lips, purposefully being seductive. It was awfully cheeky of her, but it communicated her intent well. “We must hurry! If you don’t, you will descend into the depths of despair and become my arch-nemesis!”


You could get behind that too!

The blowjob part, that is.

…well, maybe the “arch-nemesis” part too, depending on how that translated into sex.

Ophelia liked either having your semen splattered across her body or inside it. Typically, the latter would be achieved through some intense sex-- hence the quick pregnancy-- but it wasn’t often she decided to swallow. She didn’t dislike it by any means, but it was just awfully easy to fill up her womb or lose the battle against her boobs in comparison. An invitation to satisfy her stomach wasn't one you were going to pass up.

“You'll find my elixir potent,” you wanted to keep her smile shining-- for now, at least! It wouldn't be long now before you'd be unable to see it, the view replaced him with something just as spectacular. “Make sure you don't waste a single drop, Ophelia. This liquid is rare to accumulate.”

“Rest assured, my chosen hero!” she struck a dramatic pose with her hand. “For the sake of our happiness, not a single slither will escape my grasp! We must prevent your ascension to a life of villainy!”

In other words, you were in for a good time.

Unable to resist her urges any longer, especially when driven by an exotic response that tickled her adventurous mind, Ophelia brought her lips to the magical rod she treasured. A simplistic kiss started her adventure, but she hastily leveled up her advances, enhancing her agility and covering your manhood from top to bottom with wet marks from her kisses. She spent most of her time at the bottom, tending to your balls while you enjoyed the magnificent view that was your cock resting against her face. The light humming as she licked and sucked away perfected the scene.

Though this was all magnificent, it paled in comparison to the humidity of her mouth. You craved its warmth, and the inevitable sensation of your seed flowing down your throat. As if sensing your desperation to experience that tranquility, Ophelia began to climb your mountain eagerly, each subsequent smooch bringing her closer to the summit. Her eyes remained glued to yours, not wanting to miss a single one of your exhales invoked by her actions.

Once she reached the peak, she paused, staring at you momentarily just to make sure you were watching. Satisfied she had your undivided attention, she promptly gobbled up most of your cock, only slowing down when she approached the base and started to feel her gag reflex kick in.

But that didn’t stop the Starlit Maiden; an obstacle in her path was going to be conquered, and that’s exactly what she did, fighting against her bodily instincts and taking your entire member into her mouth. Her slanted eyes gazed up, and if she were capable of smiling, she would do so. You had no doubt you looked very pleasured… for you were! The scorching heat of her mouth drenching every inch of your manhood? How could you not feel like you had ascended?

Ophelia was doubtlessly feeling the same way, the euphoria emitting from her expression alone singlehandedly confirming she was in a state of bliss. This wasn’t an activity that felt good for you alone-- overcoming her limits and stuffing her face full with the one thing that could threaten her typical speech (in this case, silencing it completely) was always a phenomenal experience for her. Ophelia was the type who always wanted to become stronger! She was the chosen heroine, after all! It was her duty to remain strong and resolute, even when her opponent was once again the cock she was addicted to fighting against.

Having adjusted to feeling your cock wedged down so far down her throat, Ophelia began to bob her head, doing so at a pace far more frantic than what you were used to. She was really into the idea of surpassing her limits today! Hopefully, that wouldn’t come at the cost of your consciousness.

Although she had to pause occasionally, disrupting any chance of a rhythm, the intense pressure more than made up for it. It was so good that you felt the need to hold onto the bed sheets to calm your quivering body! Ophelia continuously deepthroated your cock, experimenting with how much she could keep concealed within her confinement before inevitably backing away and showcasing how much your shaft was shimmering with her saliva. Such a sight was short-lived, for one quick breath was all she needed to recuperate and return your manhood to its current home.

You weren’t sure what had driven her to pleasure you like this, but you certainly weren’t going to complain.

Well, maybe a little, because there was such a thing as too good. Her commitment to sucking your dick like this with minimal breaks meant the pleasure wasn’t consistent, but rather steadily amplifying in intensity. It was a fantastic feeling, and more importantly, comprehensible for your mind.

For now.

There was a reason you had grabbed the bed sheets, but even that had only done so much. The bliss radiating throughout your body was starting to invoke a stinging feeling as your body struggled to fathom the level of pleasure it was experiencing, and while that was bizarrely sensational too, it was causing your vision to blur and your ears to ring.

“O-Ophelia… I… fuck…”

There was one saving grace; your climax was approaching fast, and semen ambushing her throat would undeniably cause her to stop her advances, letting you finally breathe while you experienced what was hopefully a blissful but comprehendible orgasm.

Ophelia finally decided to look up at you, having abandoned her tendency to do so upon getting completely carried away with the blowjob. Once she saw you were about to erupt, she did what any perfect lover would do and allowed you to unleash it all inside her.

…well, that was the hope, at least.

Instead, Ophelia completely backed away from your cock, exposing it to cool air rather than her hot humidity. She grinned, chuckling mischievously, somehow greatly amused that she had denied your climax not once but twice!

To some extent, you were thankful-- there was a chance that orgasm would have been too much for your body… but on the other hand, she had said she wanted you to cum inside her mouth! What had happened to that?! Needless to say, she had you under one heck of a metaphorical spell. Your mind was a mess.

But there was one way to find clarity. It always worked.

“Ophelia… please keep going…” you knew you were sounding a little pathetic and needy, but you didn’t care. Hopefully, she’d feel prideful about how she had caused your present condition and grant you pity.

“I can’t,” she gave an awful answer, one that somehow boggled your mind the most. “Do not forget the prophecy! Your legendary power must be unleashed inside me.”

“Does filling up your stomach not count…?”

“No, it has to be inside me,” she placed emphasis on a particular word, and though you understood what she meant, it wasn’t a thrilling answer. Why had she presented her mouth earlier then?!


Ophelia had mentioned numerous times that making you cum would prevent you from becoming a villain. It was all typical talk from her, but in hindsight, it was interesting that she had prevented your climax twice despite what was supposedly at stake.

…unless she was trying to communicate a fascinating desire of hers.

“It’s too late, Ophelia,” you grasped your head suddenly, feigning a roar of pain. “You, my Starlit Maiden… have failed. I am… no longer your chosen hero…”

Invoking your dramatic side was always fun, but not as entertaining as seeing her reaction. Ophelia wore an expression of shock, appearing distressed at what was happening, but the loud exhales communicated how she was truly feeling.

“N-No, this cannot be…” she tried her best to sound saddened at the plot twist. “My light-- it could not vanquish your shadow, and you… you have fallen… and I a-am… c-completely defenseless b-before you…!”

That last bit was debatably breaking character, but you appreciated the clear instructions. It completely confirmed what she wanted you to do.

Now, you weren’t sure about whether a blowjob could turn someone to the dark side-- if anything, the reverse would be true!

But Ophelia’s stories were always nonsensical anyway.

And that’s exactly what you loved about them.

“O-Ophelia, r-run…”

“I… I cannot… I am immobilized by your dark might… I… am at your mercy…!”

Goodness. She was not good at holding back her excited breathing.

Satisfied your transformation was now complete, you stood, staring down at her. “Stand.”

She did as she was told. “Y-Your dark power… is controlling me! U-Unhand me, fiend!”

This was a little silly.

But also really fucking hot.

Ophelia wanted you to dominate her and use her. She wanted to be conquered. She wanted to be at the mercy of a vile villain who had defeated her and laid claim to her body.

“On the bed,” you instructed her. “On all fours.”


It would not be granted; she didn’t want it either.

Ophelia did as she was told, her unique outfit combined with the pose leaving little to the imagination. Her bubbly butt was practically on full display, a sight that was admittedly surprising to see. You figured her bat wings and the attire she wore around her waist would hide it well, but they had both been conveniently discarded at some point. The only thing she still had on was her loincloth, but that wasn’t something that hindered the view from behind.

A playful smack against her butt emitted a genuine moan from your lover, something she was quick to justify. “I-I will not succumb to you, m-monster!”

While it was tempting to tease, you decided you’d rather her adorable attempts at “protesting as you fucked her.

“You, Starlit Maiden, are now mine. Do you have anything to say?”

“I… I have no words for you, f-foul creature! Aside from, uhm… y-you must n-not use my b-butt! I w-would h-hate it if you c-conquered it with y-your repulsive s-scepter of darkness! S-So please… d-do not… n-no matter what…!”

…that was a lot of words.

Was she serious?

You had never done it there before. You weren’t opposed to the idea, but you had never brought up the topic before, so to hear her practically beg for it was unexpected.

Not nearly as unexpected as discovering she already had something inside there, of course. Her fat ass had done a good job at hiding it, but a curious spreading of her cheeks had revealed that the mother of your child was more kinky than you expected her to be. How long had that toy been in there…?

“T-That is… p-protection against contemptible villains l-like you!” Ophelia realized you had uncovered her secret and was quick to justify it. “S-So don’t you d-dare pull it out and s-shove your t-thing inside instead!”

You were glad the position meant she couldn’t see you. The enormous smile you had on your face did not belong to a mastermind of villainy! You had no doubt her expression betrayed her voice too, so it was a good thing you couldn’t see her either.

Ophelia’s proposition was a sound plan. You gripped the plug that sealed her backdoor, gently pulling back to gauge her reaction. Though something like this was happening spontaneously, you understood it needed preparation and for things to advance gradually; Ophelia had managed the former, so it was up to you to handle the latter.

As expected, Ophelia couldn’t hold back how good this was making her feel. Her hums sounded radiant, betraying the distraught persona she had failed to sell. As the seconds passed, you understood why she was feeling so good; this thing was wedged in deep. It was almost the size of your manhood.

You pondered whether or not she had purposefully treated you to an incredible blowjob to lubricate your length fully; it was still glistening with so much of her saliva!

Once you managed to remove her buttplug, the temptation to push your entire manhood inside her rear almost got to you, but you remained adamant that something like this had to be done carefully. It mattered not that you were playing the role of an evil villain that-

“P-Please d-don’t put it all in a-at o-once!” Ophelia begged. “I-I can-- c-can’t… take… ahhhh…”

…maybe you could get a bit carried away then.

Just a little.

You got into position, pushing your cock up against her backdoor. The thought that you were about to pound her ass was doing wonderfully distracting things to your heart and lungs, but you held it together, eager to experience what it was like to fuck a girl like this for the first time. Despite having something inside her butt mere moments ago, you expected it to be a tight fit.

…and it was!

To an extent.

It was clear her rear was trying to resist your advances, but after having something stretching it out for a while, it was weakened enough for your tip to enter relatively easily.

Ophelia didn’t protest as inch after inch entered her asshole. Even she couldn’t conjure up any fanciful vocabulary to describe her disgust at what this villain was doing to her.

All she could do was moan, and moan, and moan…

Confident she didn’t need any looking after, you diverted your attention to her gorgeous ass and the cock currently sinking inside it. It looked heavenly, and also felt transcendent too; the tightness far exceeded her pussy, and while it wasn’t as humid, it was scorching hot.

Ophelia was quivering, unable to withstand the pressure emitting through her body even though she was on all fours. It was a pleasant role reversal to witness, but if her pleasure was anything like yours, you wanted to do something to support her and prevent a complete collapse.

“Lean up.”

It was a tall order for somebody with a big dick currently buried inside their ass, but she complied nonetheless. You placed your hands on her hips, sliding them to her belly and holding her carefully. Though her pregnancy was in its early stages, you could feel a slight bump.

Usually, you’d appreciate what that signified, but you had an ass to pound. Holding firmly onto your lover, you started to move your hips, sliding in and out of her butt at a moderate pace. Although she was prepared for a brutal ass-fucking, you still needed to adapt to the insane compactness. It took a considerable amount of effort to push deep inside, but it was especially rewarding.

Her ass truly felt phenomenal. This was not going to be the last time you’d fuck it, and considering the tranquility of her moans, Ophelia doubtlessly was thinking the same.

Eager to discover whether she could take everything, you started to plunge everything inside. The reaction was precisely what you expected-- a chorus of delightful sounds that revealed just how much she loved what was happening. Once you bottomed out, you relished in the sight that was your cock completely submerged within her anal depths for some time… until the mother-in-waiting wiggled her butt, communicating her dissatisfaction at your momentary pause.

It was a mistake you promptly rectified, pulling out rapidly and swiftly slamming your hips forward, the resulting moan from her lips crackling and broken. You repeated the motion, establishing a rhythm that kept her stuck in a cycle of degenerate pleasure. Keen to do whatever you could to amplify it, you moved your hands up to her breasts, fiercely groping them and playing with her nipples while you pounded her butt. It took a lot of energy to multitask like this, but for Ophelia, it was worth it.

“I’mm…. caaahmmiiiingg….!!!”

Ophelia abandoned her facade, warning you about her impending climax in her broken voice. Luckily for her, the grip her ass had around your cock was too great to even consider pulling out and getting a little payback.

Not that you would do that even if you could, especially when you could feel your own orgasm approaching too.

You wanted nothing more than to fill her up to the brim… so that’s precisely what you did, pushing deep inside one last time and letting out everything that had been building up. Ophelia’s orgasm was triggered by the sensation of your warm seed flooding her anus, and though her instability had reached its peak, you held onto her firmly. You both deserved to experience this intensity undisturbed. The mother of your child had been cheeky today, but you just couldn’t hold it against her when it had led to something so magical.

It felt terrific. The firmness of her ass worked in your favor, squeezing your cock and forcing out a lot more semen than usual, but you had no complaints. Her first anal sex experience needed to end in a messy creampie, and that’s precisely what happened. When you pulled out after some time, you witnessed the damage you had done, and it looked beautiful. Cum flowed out of her ass like a waterfall, dripping down onto her pussy. It was simultaneously incredibly erotic yet so beautiful.

After experiencing something so extraordinary, a moment of clarity and comfort was needed.

Ophelia, in particular, appreciated being cuddled and embraced.

“My chosen hero is back…” she mumbled adorably. “My ass felt so good… that it saved him from corruption, ehehehe~”

You scoffed. What a way to word your redemption arc! It was ridiculous, yet so endearing to hear.

The relationship you had with the chosen heroine of destiny was unorthodox, but you wouldn’t trade it for anything in the world.

And soon, you would welcome a new life into this world too.

You couldn’t wait.


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