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“Aaaaahh!!! This is… so humiliating!! I can’t go out like THIS! They’ll call me Bernie-bun! I’d rather be called Bernie-bear! Bears are at least strong and tough! Bunnies are prey! I’m NOT prey! I’m-”

Bernadetta von Varley freaking out spontaneously wasn’t an uncommon occurrence. Kiran understood her mannerisms well, having learned what could provoke a panic-- and there were a lot of triggers. Regardless, he never allowed her anxiety to negatively influence how he viewed her. Instead, he had put his energy into figuring out what he could do to aid her during these troubling times.

A pair of soft hands wrapped around her stomach, pulling her into the embrace of one of the few people she could feel safe around. It was the oldest trick in the book, but it always worked.

Bernie’s rambling came to a sudden halt as she melted within the comfort of another, unable to feel distressed when sensations of ease radiated throughout her body and mind.

“Relax,” Kiran spoke calmly to her. “You look really cute.”

“...w-well, maybe you think that, but the others will-”

“Be wearing similar outfits,” he purposefully interrupted her, for while he had soothed her trembling body, he still had to aid her troubled thoughts. “If it helps, you won’t have to worry about seeing many of your classmates. Ashe is the only one from Garreg Mach attending the festival to my knowledge.”

“Bernie has made friends from other worlds too, you know…” she tapped her fingers together. “So, uhm, they’ll see me, and, uhm…”

Kiran tightened the hug, making her yelp a little in surprise, but the calm exhale indicated she had enjoyed the sudden intensity. “I’m proud that you’ve made new friends, Bernadetta.”

“T-That’s not what I meant to…” Bernie tried to clash back, but knew she couldn’t justify her worry, and in turn, that realization was dismantling those very same worries.

Nobody would laugh at her if they were all wearing silly outfits too. If anything, they’d be happy to see her present; it wasn’t like her to attend a festival like this, but because she knew people she cared about were also attending, she didn’t want to miss out.

Of course, this had led to a lot of uncertainty regarding whether she’d feel like coming out of hibernation on the day itself. It had been a tough week for her, the fated festival getting closer and closer not helping her turbulence.

But against all odds, she had prevailed. Kiran was proud.

Bernadetta turned her head to the side, her eyes slanted and a little watery, but the most prominent part of her expression was her bright blush. “...hey, uhm…” she spoke, pausing to gather the courage needed to continue. “I… do not mind this outfit… though I am surprised.”

“Surprised at what?”

Bernie looked forward, and for good reason; her blush was intensifying and she did not want you seeing it any longer “I, uhm, thought you’d pick out something… lewder…”

“Lewder, you say?” Kiran was a little surprised to hear that; they were going to a public festival, so it was doubtful anyone would show up wearing anything salacious. Then again, he wouldn’t put it past a few individuals. “You make it sound like I’m a pervert.”

“Well, you are a pervert!” Bernadetta accused him of a heinous crime indeed.

Kiran didn’t mind the allegation.

It was all true.

Over the last several months, Kiran had formed something of a kinship with the reclusive girl. It had started when he was approached and asked if he could work some magic and solve a most peculiar problem. The issue? A certain somebody refusing to leave her room.

Rather than bang on her door constantly and demand her presence like many others had, he opted to talk to her in front of her door. He didn’t get much out of her at first, but frequent visits prompted her to be more talkative as she got used to his voice and gradually learned he was somebody he could trust.

Eventually, she gathered the courage to let him in.

Which was amazing at first-- until he noticed she had done a poor job of hiding some of the special… items… she had been using. The revelation almost set back all those weeks of progress in an instant, but when he reassured her that he didn’t think any less of her for it, things relatively calmed down… only to take a turn for the crazy when she asked if they could have some… fun.

Apparently, the intense emotion from getting caught owning sex toys, paired with the revelation that the individual she was talking to was quite handsome, led her to abandon all shame and ask a daring question.

Kiran accepted. After all, he was a bit of a pervert, and she was cute too.

So here they were, in one heck of an unusual relationship, but a fun one.

“I won’t be doing anything inappropriate during the festival,” Kiran, despite knowing her claim was true, felt it necessary to try to defend himself.

“During!” she huffed and puffed. “Bernie won’t be fooled! You’re going to sneak attack me when I least expect it and, uhm, pin me down and h-have your way with me.”

Kiran chuckled, always adoring how she stuttered. She had gotten quite bold in vocalizing her needs lately. She wasn’t able to voice her desires perfectly, but she had improved dramatically, sometimes saying the most wonderful things that made him question who the real pervert here was.

“When we get back, sure,” he answered.

Bernie looked back at him, her mouth open in shock. “T-That wasn’t an invitation!”

“It sounded like one.”

Her response was to squeal, though it was hard to tell whether it sounded like frustration or excitement.

Regardless, Bernadetta knew it was fruitless to worry about what would happen after the festival when there was plenty to worry about what would happen during it.

…but it would be okay. She wouldn’t be alone.

Sure, her companion was a feisty fox salivating over her while she was a brittle bunny, but she’d be protected.

The fox wouldn’t want anyone stealing its meal.


“Aaaahhh!!! That was a DISASTER!!!”

The Spring Festival had commenced, and for poor little Bernie-bun, it hadn’t gone well. Ashe had roped her into an egg-hunting tournament-- an event that had ended in catastrophe simply because it meant she had to socialize with people on her designated team and couldn’t run away, lest she let down her group. There was also the part where a giant egg came to life and tried to eat them. That was weird, but at least it was gone now.

Kiran had tagged along, being there to catch her whenever she fainted. Usually, she was good at not falling whenever that happened, but she was especially on edge due to the abundance of people attending the festival.

When the festivities had concluded, Bernadetta decided she needed to hide immediately. As Kiran’s room was closer, Bernie-bun had opted to use it as her refuge for the night, which he did not quarrel with. He had plenty of pillows for her to scream into. Currently, she was under the covers of his bed, doing just that.

“You did well, Bernie,” Kiran praised her, for despite her current condition, she had taken a substantial step towards breaking free from the shackles of anxiety and fear.

“Stupid! Idiot! Hopeless! Waste of space! I am never attending a festival AGAIN! Bernie-bun is going to hibernate forever! Ugh… wait, do rabbits hibernate?”

Bernadetta paused the screaming briefly to gaze back at her companion. Unfortunately, his response didn’t help her mood.

“They don’t,” Kiran answered.

“Well, THIS bunny is different!” Bernie declared. Right on cue, a long, drawn-out yawn emerged from her mouth. “I’m going to sleep for eternity!”

“That’s a long time,” the summoner sat down on the bed carefully, not wanting to startle her. “When do you want me to wake you up?”

“Never!” Bernie’s response was quick and sharp, but some subsequent mumbling indicated she hadn’t finished responding yet. Nothing could have prepared Kiran for what she had to say next, however. “But… if Bernie-bun is sleeping… then she can’t feel embarrassed about you fooling around with her…”

Kiran’s eyes widened.

It wasn’t like her to make bold comments like that! Usually, he was the one initiating-- not because she didn’t want to, but because she simply couldn’t.

…so to hear her mumble something like that was unprecedented.

But certainly not unwelcome.

“Is that an invitation?”

“...maybe,” she said, yawning before she continued. “I-I’m a rabbit… and you’re like a feisty fox, toying with its prey before it lunges and enjoys its meal…”

Kiran raised an eyebrow and smiled. “I am?”

He hadn’t made any analogies like that, but he liked them.

“I-I know what you’re like…” Bernie mumbled, her voice lowering in intensity and volume, and it wasn’t just because she had gotten all that screaming out of her system. She was genuinely feeling tired, and experiencing the comfort of your bed was aiding that sensation. “Y-You’re a pervert, always wanting to do lewd things with Bernie, even when she’s an innocent playful rabbit…”

Kiran snorted. That wasn’t untrue, but she was undeniably projecting one heck of a diabolical character onto him!

…which again, wasn’t far from the truth.

“You should sleep, Bernie,” Kiran put the horny thoughts on hold-- for now. His adorable little bunny needed her beauty sleep after such an exhausting day.

Truthfully, he had wanted to have a little fun with her once they got back, but that was when he had assumed their day would go at least decently.

But Bernadetta had shared an interesting proposition that would get him what he wanted… and would grant her a wonderful dream to enjoy, allowing her to later wake up feeling at peace… and warmer than usual.


Kiran was pondering whether or not she was serious. He couldn’t rule out the possibility that she had spoken some jumbled-up thoughts unknowingly due to her sleepiness. Though she had said it with such clarity, it was unlike her to bring forth wild concepts like that to the table.

He also wasn’t sure if fooling around with her while she slept would be safe.

It was not uncommon for her to wake up and momentarily lack awareness of her surroundings. This had happened a lot when he started sleeping in her room-- and when she began sleeping in his too.

She’d probably react similarly to an unusual weight on her and a sense of being full.

Of course, it would be okay once she remembered everything she had said, but Kiran didn’t want to be the cause of a freakout full-stop!

He was a pervert, but he genuinely cared about her well-being.

“...maybe I should…” Bernie wasn’t opposed to the idea, turning her head back to face the pillow so she could promptly sink her head into it.

…was she going to fall asleep in the rabbit costume?

Kiran smiled. He had made his decision.

If she was so out of it that she couldn’t even change clothes, then what she had told him wasn’t meant to be taken seriously.

Besides, he was feeling a little sleepy too. After such a fascinating day, he could benefit from an early night’s sleep. The sun was beginning to set too, so the timing was perfect.

Being careful not to disturb his adorable rabbit companion, Kiran slipped into bed after discarding his clothes. She had luckily stuck to her side of the bed when drifting into a slumber, so there was plenty of quilt to go around. Hopefully, a good night’s sleep awaited the both of them.



A good night’s sleep awaited only one of them, it seemed.

Kiran had awakened abruptly to an unusual sensation: a kick against his stomach.

Thankfully, it hadn’t been a particularly strong assault, but it was invasive enough to wake him up. Though the darkness of the night clouded his view, he could make out the silhouette of an adorable little creature who had somehow tilted her body during her sleep, now positioned diagonally in a strange manner.

Bernadetta was mumbling incomprehensible things in her sleep, but she sounded like she was in a good mood. Kiran believed that was good-- she deserved a wonderful dream after getting so tuckered out from all that social interaction.

But now he was wide awake, and somehow, that comment she had made earlier was ripe in his mind. With something like that plaguing his thoughts, there was no way he was going to get to sleep now.

Perhaps a notable contributor to the thoughts in his head was his tendency to wake up feeling very horny, and with a cute girl like Bernie sleeping in his bed, that sensation was especially prominent.

Kiran carefully turned on the lamp resting by his bed, illuminating the room just enough for him to see more clearly, but not to a level that could disturb Bernadetta.

She looked adorable.

…and her butt was right there, ready for him to pounce upon. Her skirt was short, and although she wore a pair of purple shorts underneath it, it wouldn’t be a problem once they were discarded.

Kiran couldn’t think straight.

He wanted-- no, needed her.

…so what was holding him back?

A smidge of guilt and caution, perhaps? He was going to take advantage of a sleeping lady… but she was the one who had put the idea into his head in the first place!!

Hm. Foxes did hunt at night. Maybe that was the reason she had brought up the idea in the first place.

Either way, Kiran decided it was time to stop thinking and time to start fucking. A beautiful butt awaited him and thinking about anything aside from it would delay what he desired. Though she had permitted him to fool around with her, he preferred that she remained blissfully unaware-- partly so she could sleep well, and partly to avoid the few seconds of screaming that would occur until she remembered what she had said.

Kiran removed his underwear and took his sweet time getting into position, carefully climbing onto the bed and doing whatever he could to minimize the movement of the mattress. Bernadetta was fortunately a bit of a deep sleeper, so his slow approach wasn’t too necessary, but he figured it wouldn’t hurt to exercise caution.

“Mmm…” Bernadetta hummed in her sleep. “Looovee…. your cooockkk… Kiiirraaaannn…”

Kiran paused.

…that was one heck of a dream she was having!

The most baffling part, however, was that it was the first time he had ever heard her say such a thing! Bernadetta never admitted her love for sex during the moment, preferring to express her adoration for it through her body language instead. In other words, the extraordinary compactness of her pussy whenever she orgasmed from sex… which was frequent!

Hearing her finally voice her infatuation, even in an unconventional way, was astronomically arousing. That was Bernie unknowingly telling him that she loved his cock! It was mind-boggling in the best way.

He couldn’t take it anymore. He needed to be inside her now.

Bernie had fortunately spread her legs a little in her sleep, making it easy enough to position himself between them and focus on pulling down her shorts. He exercised a great deal of patience when doing so, now further committed to not disturbing her slumber since he was now aware she was having such an incredible dream. Once they rested around her thighs, he pulled up her skirt and relished in the sight of the bubbly butt he loved.

Though she was petite and her small breasts reflected that, Bernie-bun had quite the bun comparatively! Though the view was spectacular-- especially from this angle-- Kiran was most drawn to the view of her glistening pussy. She was drenched down there, no doubt her dream the cause. More importantly, it meant penetration was going to be effortless.

Kiran couldn’t believe what was about to happen. Was he really going to fuck Bernadetta while she slumbered and dreamed about having sex?

Yes. Yes, he was.

Taking hold of his eager erection, Kiran leaned forward and did his best to push up against her folds without staggering. His positioning was far from perfect, but once he was inside her, any discomfort would become tolerable.

It took a considerable amount of effort and time, but ultimately, he was able to slip the tip of his manhood inside her. Miraculously, Bernadetta didn’t stir… for a few moments, at least, but he suspected the movement was from what was happening in her head rather than his actions.

“Soooooo goood…”

That was why.

Keen to enhance her dream, Kiran increasingly pushed more of his length inside her humid hole, the addicting warmth making him momentarily forget that he was supposed to be doing this steadily! Luckily, there was no indication that his sleeping beauty had been agitated by what he was doing.

Bernadetta hadn’t been kidding about hibernating for an eternity, apparently! Of course, she was prone to wake up eventually, but the question most prominent in Kiran’s mind was how many creampies he could give her before her awakening.

Considering nothing he did seemed to make her stir, he was confident that number would be high, especially now that he could focus his mind on nothing but that degenerate wish.

Which was what he did.

Taking hold of her hips, he started to thrust, paying no heed to the strength and agility of his motions. Her insides were notably slippery but immensely hot, a combination that felt divine coiling around his sensitive shaft. Kiran was a bit of a pervert, sure, but who could blame him when her pussy felt so good?

Bernie reacted wonderfully, her hums amplifying in intensity and frequency whenever he pushed up against the entrance to her womb. The sounds she was making were usually hushed at best, so to hear them in all their glory was an extraordinary treat. Embarrassment couldn’t claim her when she was like this, after all.

It wasn’t just his ears being treated either.  His eyes never averted from the magnificent sight below, captivated by the way her butt jiggled every time he slammed his hips forward. Kiran was determined to burn the image into his memory, and considering he was going to be at it all night, he was feeling hopeful it would.

“Mmmm… Bernie… loves being bred…”

If it weren’t for that deranged first comment, Kiran would have suspected she was awake and feeding him those shiver-inducing words on purpose. Nevertheless, they were a delight to hear, serving as wonderful motivation to speed up and fuck her hard.

If he had thought about it ahead of time, he would have made some additional preparations to take her ass too. It wasn’t a big loss though-- rabbits were known for one thing, and it wasn’t anal sex.

Tonight’s agenda was breeding the bunny. It was what she loved, after all!

Bernadetta did take contraception to avoid pregnancy, though Kiran was admittedly not certain whether or not she still did that. He contemplated the thought of overflowing her pussy and womb with so much semen that not even the strongest forms of birth control could stop him from impregnating her. It was a very arousing idea… and most importantly, something that didn’t need to remain one.

Taking hold of her hips, Kiran accelerated his thrusts even further. Though he knew this would drain him sooner, he had to ignore any exhaustion when there was so much work to be done. He had yet to cum even once yet, though that was soon about to change.


Especially after hearing that. Kiran had no idea what was currently happening in her dream, but he could feel the effect it was having on her body. Bernadetta’s pussy, already the paragon of compactness, had tightened up without warning. Although this interrupted his rhythm, her stronger defense was still not enough for his superior might to break through, treating him to far greater pleasure.

That sensation, combined with her calling echoing through his head, brought him over the edge. With one final thrust, he was there, poking against her cervix as he flooded her pussy with the semen it craved. Bernadetta hummed radiantly throughout it all, the heat within her doubtlessly contributing to an even greater dream.

Kiran’s climax was grand, but fleeting, but he was not disgruntled by that immense pressure dwindling before he could embrace it. This was only the first of many creampies. Bernadetta’s body agreed, clutching his cock firmly and keeping him completely erect inside her while he caught his breath.

“...n-not there, t-that’s my butt…!!”


She really was dreaming!

Bernadetta sounded simultaneously distressed and excited, a typical tone whenever they engaged in a little tomfoolery. How ironic of her to say such a thing when doing it there was her idea in the first place!

As tempting as it was to combine her imagination with reality once more, he was still committed to cumming inside her pussy only tonight. Besides, even if he wanted to switch holes, the grip she had around his shaft was unusually strong. He wasn’t leaving her pussy any time soon.

Satisfied he was ready to go again, he started to move. Though she had cramped up substantially, the mess he had let out inside her had magnified how slippery her inner walls were, making it effortless to resume fucking his favorite little rabbit. He wasn’t sure how much time had passed since his awakening, but he had no plans to stop anytime soon.

Perhaps when the sun started to rise…?


Until she woke up.

Whenever that was.

Kiran was confident he could fuck Bernadetta forever if he truly wanted to. Everything about her turned him on! If he ever needed some fuel, he could just stare at her quivering ass for a while, or listen to her adorable moans, or focus entirely on how warm her pussy felt around his cock.

It wasn’t long before he was unleashing another load deep inside her, this orgasm just as intense as the first.

…and as ever, Bernadetta did not stir.

She simply dreamed about Kiran fucking her silly while he did just that, and he was only going to stop once his body couldn’t take any more!


Bernadetta did not scream when she woke up.

She simply squealed.

It had been a while since she last had a dream like that, and as it was fresh in her memory, she was feeling very flustered.

She recalled an adorable little outfit being presented to her by the Summoner, Kiran. He was the man she had fallen in love with, though she was not going to confess! No way! Too embarrassing! What if he said no?! Aaaaahhhh!!!

The Spring Festival had not gone well. She remembered an egg-hunting competition, and a massive egg coming to life and trying to eat them. That was weird! Terrifying, too!

But the dream took pity on her misery and morphed into something wonderful. Kiran had brought her back to her room, and she had said some daring things to him! At one point, she had entered a slumber within a slumber, experiencing a wonderful time with the man she loved while he fooled around with her while she slept! It had been such an unusual experience, but she loved every second of it.

If only it had been real…

A knock on her door startled her. Usually, she’d ignore anyone who dared to do such a thing, but the voice she was hearing indicated it was somebody she could trust.

How ironic that it had to be him though!

“Good morning, Bernie,” Kiran greeted her once she opened the door. “Are you ready for the Spring Festival?”

Oh. Right. So that was why she had dreamed about the festival! It was today!

…and she had agreed to attend, hadn’t she?

“No! Nope! NUH-UH! Bernie is NOT going!”

“But you said-”

“No means no!” Bernadetta was very insistent. Dreams were not necessarily a reflection of reality, but she couldn’t risk it! Massive man-eating egg? NOPE!

…though… there was one aspect of her dream that she wouldn’t mind coming true...

“Well… I won’t force you,” Kiran sounded legitimately saddened by her decision, which in turn made her feel guilty.

But neither would be feeling that way for long, hopefully!

“...Bernie is going to nap instead,” she said. “But, uhm, can you check in on Bernie in an hour…?”

“Huh? Well, sure, I don’t mind that, but why?”

“...j-just do it, okay!”


Bernie shut the door, taking a deep breath.

She had an idea.

It was a crazy idea-- one she wouldn’t dare attempt under normal circumstances, but her dream had momentarily granted her something resembling courage.

Bernadetta stripped out of her pajamas and got back into bed, completely nude under the covers… and that was the plan!

The fox would come, and see the vulnerable rabbit… and if all went well…

…would pounce!



The twist at the end made the entire story a ton more amusing. Fun read! (Also, I'm struggling to remember, but is this your first time writing for Bernadetta? I can't remember for sure if there was a Bernie story posted before this one or not)


Sort of the first! She's in a Loki fic, but well, she's Loki there, so does that really count? Glad you enjoyed the read!


You really nailed Bernie's dialogue and mannerisms! Great job as always!