Coming next... the rival! (Patreon)
Hi all, hope you're doing well!
I'm currently working on the next, and possibly final, NPC for the office career: the office rival.
This is a female NPC who takes a dislike to you and will do what she can to drive you out of the company. It was a tricky one to write at first because the PC's personality can vary so much that it's hard to pin down a single reason for her to be hated that would always apply.
So, the rival comes in a bunch of different variants with their own reasons for disliking the PC - you'll get one in each game chosen based on your traits. For instance there's an uptight rival who hates sultry characters, and a seductive rival who can also hate a sultry PC (because she views her as a rival in her plans to sleep her way to the top) but can also hate a refined PC (who she thinks is judging her) or a beautiful one (from pure jealousy).
There's seven of these variants, with the strangest probably being the nice rival: a sweet and pleasant young woman who hates the PC for being a vicious bully. You can probably guess what trait allows rivals of this sort!
The rival will be spread over multiple releases. This one will come with a scene where you meet her and a few where she tries to sabotage the PC. Later releases will add more events, including ones that let you turn the tables on her.
It's hard to say how much progress is done. The introduction scene, which has a lot of variation on rival types and is therefor quite large, is complete (but not tested). I've reached a bit of a block on one of the other scenes though and am having trouble thinking up a good way to continue. For now I'm switching my efforts onto the third and then I'll revisit it.
Hope you're all staying safe. Have a good week everyone!