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Monday 22 August 2022

Danny awoke with a start as he felt a hand grab at his chest and heard a groaned, “Danny!” from beside him. He immediately knew what was happening and raised a hand to stroke through Chris’ hair.

“Wha…” Chris mumbled, blinking sleepily a few times.

“Hey, it’s okay, I’m okay!” Danny said softly as he continued stroking his boyfriend’s hair.

“Sorry,” Chris said sheepishly as he laid back down and rested his cheek on Danny’s chest.

“It’s okay,” Danny chuckled. “Haven’t had one of them in quite a while!” he said observantly.

Chris had always been prone to general nightmares, but following the accident that had left Chris trapped underground with Danny dying at his side, they had become a lot more specific. He would often wake up and grab at Danny to check he was still there and still breathing. Usually taking place in the middle of the night, Danny had gotten good at soothing Chris back to sleep without him even fully awakening. Today though, with the sun shining in strongly and the lively sounds of the pool area outside, Chris had woken fully.

“Yeah, been a while,” Chris sighed, holding on tightly. “What time is it?” he asked before yawning heavily.

“Nearly lunchtime,” Danny said, glancing at his watch.

“What?!” Chris yelped, sitting up. “Why’d you let me sleep in so late? We’re meant to be naked on a beach by now!”

Danny smirked at the comment and replied, “I came back after my run and you looked all cute and comfy so I cuddled up with you for a minute, then you grabbed onto me and I didn’t wanna disturb you and then I just kinda fell asleep too.”

“Oh, well… I’ll let you off for calling me cute,” Chris sniggered.

“Thanks,” Danny said as he held out an arm to get Chris to lie back down with him. “So… any particular reason for the jump scare alarm call?” he joked casually about the nightmare.

Chris shrugged as he cuddled against Danny. “Not really. Just one of those things,” he replied, sounding sincere.

“Fair enough,” Danny said, stretching his arms out above his head before letting a hand rest on Chris’ back. “I was thinking about our next visit to the beach!”

Chris gave a low, dirty chuckle as he said, “So was I!” He proceeded to playfully hump Danny’s leg.

“Not like that!” Danny said, rolling his eyes. As he saw Chris give him an incredulous look, he replied, “Well maybe a bit like that, but… well… you know we said we should take less stuff. I reckon we should actually just take NO stuff. Like, just wear this.” He gestured down to the shorts both of them were wearing. “And that’s it. No towels, no bags, nothing at all and then when we get to the nude beach, take off the shorts and like, hide them somewhere and just… spend the day on the beach with nothing!”

“Unnh, that sounds perfect!” Chris said happily. “And not just in a,” he humped Danny again, “this kinda way!”

“Well you said you like the nudism part, so I thought this was a way to really give it a go,” Danny said with a meek smile.

“Ugh, how did I get this lucky?” Chris asked, shaking his head.

“Through drama, abuse, a near death experience and a pandemic… or was that a retractable question?” Danny asked with a smirk.

“Aww, it’s cute when you try to use words you don’t know!” Chris said with a broad grin. He reached up to pat Danny’s head as he said patronisingly, “So pretty but so dumb!”

“Wait, which one did I get wrong?” Danny frowned.

“So dumb!” Chris repeated as he sat up chuckling.


Danny felt so conspicuous as he stood naked and alone waiting for Chris to return. Just as Danny had suggested, the two boys had wandered down onto the beach, along through the gay section and onto the nude beach with nothing but a pair of swim shorts, which they had promptly removed. Chris had insisted on going alone to find a place to hide them, which left Danny standing on his own for a few moments.

Thankfully, without Chris’ overt arousal as a trigger, Danny had been able to avoid getting an erection and he hoped to keep it that way for the rest of the afternoon. Danny’s relationship with public embarrassment was a complex one. It turned him on, that was absolutely undeniable, but unlike Chris who actively enjoyed the sensation of being embarrassed, Danny did not. It had always been a confusing feeling to dislike something and be turned on by it at the same time.

Reflecting on the humiliation later, or imagining potential future embarrassments were both the ultimate aphrodisiac for Danny, a guaranteed way to turn him on. It was just that annoying moment when it was actually happening that he hated.

“Afternoon,” Danny heard from behind as he stood staring up the beach in anticipation of Chris’ return.

Danny turned to see two men walking along, one in his 30s, the other his early 40s. “H… hi…” Danny stuttered.

“You okay there? Looking a little lost,” the younger man said as he stopped.

“Oh, no, just waiting for someone!” Danny replied with a meek smile.

“Ah, guessing that’ll be your ‘someone’ then,” the older man said, nodding past Danny.

Danny looked round to see Chris appear over the top of a dune before running down the near side of it, ending in a probably-unintentional barrel roll at the bottom.

“Uhh, yeah,” Danny said, nodding back to the two men.

The older man whispered something briefly, then called out, “Well you two take care. Have a good day.”

“Thanks, you too,” Danny replied politely.

“Hi. Bye!” Chris called out to the two men as he reached Danny.

“See you around,” one of them called back with a chuckle.

“Been making new friends without me? Rude!” Chris teased.

“Don’t hate me cos I’m popular,” Danny smirked. “Now, are you sure you remember where you hid our shorts?” he asked with a frown. “Cos I swear, if you pull the whole ‘I forgot where they are’ thing just to make us walk back naked, I’m dumping you!”

“Chill,” Chris said with a dismissive head shake. “I’d never do that,” he reassured the other boy, then lowered his voice to add, “Well, not now that you’re onto me!”

Danny just cocked his head as he scowled.

“Seriously, we’re good!” Chris insisted. “Come on, let’s go!” he said as he dashed towards the nearest dune.

They started walking along together, occasionally chasing each other around, racing up/down dunes and generally messing around as they made their way along. Some areas were empty, others filled with couples and groups, most of whom acknowledged their presence with either a wave or a greeting. They actually recognised a few faces from their previous trip to the beach, including the couple Danny had seen earlier who waved politely and the group who they had chatted to briefly before their first foray into the area a few days earlier.

Much to Danny’s relief, the naked walk seemed to be appealing to Chris’ non-sexual interests today, meaning he was just enjoying the act of being naked without getting aroused, which in turn meant he was able to avoid getting a constant erection too.

They eventually reached the far limit of the beach, finding a sign similar to the one at the other end that warned people of the likelihood of encountering nude people beyond it. Satisfied they had now seen the entire stretch of beach, they turned back and started playing again.

As Chris readied himself to race Danny down the next dune, Danny suddenly tackled him, the two of them falling and rolling down the slope in a flurry of limbs and loose sand. Laughing as they landed in a heap at the bottom, Chris raised a hand to wipe the sand from his face and hair then opened his eyes to see Danny laying atop him, staring into him. “Hey there,” he said with a serene smile.

“Hey,” Danny said back, smiling fondly. “Glad this went better than the last time we did that!” he added, slightly melancholy.

Chris chuckled at the painful memory of the fall that had been the first step in their shared near-death experience. “Maybe if we look around we can find a hole to fall into to really do it right. Y’know, re-live the old classics!” he said, with a smirk, reaching up to flick some sand from Danny’s hair.

“I thought you didn’t joke about that,” Danny said thoughtfully. Joking about the accident that nearly killed him had been one of many ways he had coped with the trauma, but when Chris had asked him to stop, he had forced himself to hold back from doing so.

Chris shrugged as he replied, “I didn’t, but… maybe I should! Y’know, really put that shit behind us!”

“Okay,” Danny said, leaning down to plant a kiss on his forehead, “But I wouldn’t let anyone else know it’s open season on it. Me, you and a big hole… the jokes would NOT be subtle!”

Chris snorted with laughter for a moment then returned to staring up into Danny’s eyes, almost as brilliant a blue as the clear sky above him. He reached up and gently stroked his cheek, then held his hand there for a moment.

“What are you… doing?” Danny chuckled curiously.

“Just memorising this moment,” Chris sighed. “I…” he paused and rolled his eyes, then shook his head and said, “Ugh, you’ll probably think this sounds really douchebaggy but… I dunno… this, right now and… and how… amazing you look… it makes me wanna write a song about it!”

Danny stared back before saying, “Oh no, my amazing, talented, wonderful boyfriend wants to write songs about me… how awful!” As Chris giggled at the sarcasm, Danny smirked a little and added, “And it’s a BIT douchebaggy, but mostly just sweet!” After staring down at Chris for a few more moments, he leaned in to start kissing him.

Despite the fact they were both naked, pressed up against each other and making out, neither got hard. They simply lost themselves in the embrace, losing the world around them as they felt nothing but each other.

When Danny eventually pulled away and sat up, straddling Chris, he grinned and said, “That was a good kiss!”

“Meh, I’ve had better,” Chris replied with a shrug, then burst into laughter at the scandalised look on Danny’s face.

“Come on, let’s go swim. I need to drown you for that!” Danny said as he climbed off and offered Chris a hand to help him up.

After splashing around in the sea for a while, gradually making their way back along the beach, they finally tired each other out and flopped down in the shallows, lying on their backs, side-by-side.

“Hey, people are coming,” Danny said, nodding down the beach where a small group were wandering along.

“Meh,” Chris replied without moving.

Danny considered scurrying back down into deeper water or flipping over onto his stomach, but with Chris remaining flat on his back, he decided to be brave too and remained where he was as the people approached.

“Afternoon,” Chris said with a smirk as the group walked past.

It was three guys and a girl, who all looked to be in their very late teens or possibly early twenties. Danny heard them sniggering a little at Chris’ casual greeting.

“Nice dick!” one of the guys sniggered.

“Thanks, glad you’re enjoying the show!” Chris said back. It got the other guys laughing at the first one who just blushed as they continued on past.

“That was fun,” Chris said once the group was out of earshot. “But I think I need to reapply. I feel like I’m burning!” he explained as he stood up.

“Well that’s what happens when you put an Irish person into actual sunlight!” Danny joked as he stood too.

“Oh!” Chris said, shaking his head as he stared open-mouthed at Danny. “I notice you wait until you’re not on holiday with a whole Irish family to start with the casual hate crimes!” he said pointedly.

Danny smirked as he nodded and replied, “Well yeah, you think I’d wanna piss off your mum or Ash? Aside from being scary, I can’t get them to forgive me by kissing them like I can with you!”

“Good point,” Chris shrugged as he started walking up towards the dunes. “I guess that only works on me…” he paused and added… “And two of my brothers…” His grin broadened as he added, “And my dad!”

Danny tutted and said, “You make me sound like such a slut!”

“No, your mammoth-sized body count makes you sound like a slut,” Chris teased.

“Does it… bother you?” Danny asked curiously.

Chris continued grinning as he said, “What, you sleeping with half my family? Nah, why would that bother me?”

“I’m serious!” Danny scowled.

“If it bothered me, I’d tell you,” Chris said sincerely. “Same for all the other guys. I don’t care who you sleep with. Sex isn’t love!”

“You should make that a lyric in your song!” Danny sniggered.

“Sure, I’ll slip it in right after the line about you fucking my dad!” Chris replied, and promptly received a punch to the arm for it.

“Rude. Where are we going, anyway? I thought you wanted to go back!” Danny said, confused that they were walking up into the dunes instead of back towards the hotel.

“I said I wanted to reapply. We’re gonna find someone to borrow sunscreen from,” Chris said casually.

“Oh!” Danny said, blushing a little. Seeing other people from a distance in passing (or rather being seen BY them) was one thing, but standing and actually interacting with them felt very different.

“And then we get to stand and rub it all over ourselves while they pretend not to be perving on us!” Chris added with a snigger.

“You’re so wrong,” Danny said, shaking his head. They wandered along for a few moments until they spotted some people, but Danny shook his head and said, “They said hello in German when we passed them earlier. I don’t wanna risk having them not understand us and think we’re trying to rob them or something!”

“I think most of them probably speak better English than half the actual English people,” Chris joked, “But okay!”

They continued on with Danny making more excuses, much to Chris’ annoyance. Eventually they spotted the couple Chris had seen Danny chatting to earlier. “There!” he said, gesturing to them. “You know they speak English, you’ve already spoken to them and they seem nice. Let’s go!”

Danny wanted to object as he was dragged along, but by the time they got close enough for Chris to start talking he hadn’t been able to think up a believable excuse.

“Hey, hi, excuse me,” Chris said as the two men smiled at their approach. “We were wondering if we could borrow some sunscreen!” he requested.

“Sure,” the older man said, reaching into his bag. “We’ve got SPF fifteen or thirty!”

“Thirty please,” Chris said with a smile.

The man pulled out a bottle and tossed it to Chris who nearly caught it but fumbled and missed. Danny’s hand darted out to catch it before it hit the ground.

“Wow, good reflexes,” the younger man said, then clarified, “I meant him, not you!”

Chris smirked and nodded. “He’s a goalkeeper… or used to be, he’s good at catching things!” he explained. “I’m Chris, by the way. This is Danny!”

Danny had pulled the cap off the bottle and quickly sprayed himself down before handing it to Chris. He stood self-consciously rubbing it in as he said a nervous, “Hi!”

“Well, hi Chris and Danny,” the older man said with a broad smile. “I’m Trevor and this is Evan!” he introduced himself and the younger man with him.

“You having a fun afternoon? You two here on your own?” Evan asked as Chris sprayed the lotion over himself.

“It’s so fun,” Chris said as he started rubbing himself, “And yeah, just me and Danny!”. While Danny was being as subtle and motionless as he could, Chris had gone the opposite way, making overt gestures and flourishes as he made a show of touching himself in front of the two men.

Trevor and Evan glanced at each other for a moment, apparently communicating wordlessly before looking back to the two teens.

“Having fun there?” Trevor asked with a smirk. He nodded towards Chris’ cock, which was beginning to visibly swell.

“Chris!” Danny hissed, blushing.

“Oh, did I miss a bit? Thanks,” Chris said, reaching down to stroke lotion into his growing erection.

“Well, someone’s not shy!” Evan said with a grin. “I’m guessing you two aren’t just friends then?”

“He’s my boyfriend!” Chris reported happily.

“You’re a… very cute couple!” Trevor said, looking Chris up and down for a moment.

Danny gulped slightly as the older man’s eyes turned to him. Despite Chris’ arousal, he was yet to pop a boner though he wasn’t quite sure how he was managing to hold back. Trevor and Evan were fairly attractive guys, definitely more his type than Chris’ and both were sitting there fully nude. In fact, both men also appeared to be chubbing up at the show Chris was putting on.

“You’re a cute couple too,” Chris replied, then smirked and said, “Well, I assume you’re a couple. Is this where you tell me you’re father and son and I’ve just massively offended you?”

Evan laughed. “Well I may call him daddy now and then, but no, he’s not my father!” he said playfully.

Danny winced slightly as he watched Chris take a step closer, now fully erect. Eyeing the two men closely, he saw them exchange another look before Trevor reached into the cooler sat between them.

“You two look parched,” Evan said, eyes darting round to Trevor for a moment. “Would you like something to drink?”

Danny heard the sound of a can opening as Trevor continued fiddling in the box.

“Ugh, yes please, I’m gagging!” Chris said eagerly.

As Trevor lifted out two plastic cups, Danny reached out and grabbed Chris’ wrist and said, “Actually no, sorry, we can’t, we have to go. We’re meant to be meeting Jake, remember! He’s expecting us!”

Chris looked round at Danny in absolute confusion for a moment but as he saw the look on his boyfriend’s face, he didn’t question it. “Right, yeah, Jake!” he agreed casually, then looked to the two men. “Sorry, don’t mean to be rude, but we gotta dash. Thanks for the sunscreen!”

“No problem!” Trevor said, placing the cups back down as the two boys hurried away.

“What’s going on?” Chris asked nervously.

“Nothing, just keep walking!” Danny hissed back, hurrying along up the next slope.

As they reached the top and started down the other side, they finally stopped as Chris asked, “What is it?”

“Nothing,” Danny said, shaking his head. “Just… didn’t really fancy them,” he lied.

“Oh, okay,” Chris said with a casual smile and shrug, taking Danny at his word. “Ooh, well how about them?” he asked as they spotted the group of five men they had chatted to on their first visit to the nude beach, who were sat a short way ahead.

“Sure,” Danny said with a nod, following Chris as he hurried down the slope and along to the group who were sitting chatting and drinking.

“Well, hello again,” one of the older guys said. “Glad to see you finally got the nerve to come in!” It got some chuckles from the others.

“Hey look, a guitar!” Danny said, as he spotted the instrument. “Does one of you play?”

“No, it’s just a cool decoration!” one of the younger guys replied sarcastically.

“Mind if I play it?” Chris asked, blushing a little at the slight mockery but taking it in good humour, “I haven’t played in over a week and it feels weird!”

Danny was happy to see Chris had taken the bait and as he approached and knelt down to talk to the instrument’s owner, Danny caught the eye of one of the older men and said quietly, “Can I… talk to you for a moment.”

“Sure,” the man replied, standing up, followed by one of the others.

Danny let out a gentle sigh as he moved away from the group. There were five hot, naked guys, two of which he now had alone but he couldn’t bring himself to enjoy the sight quite yet. “Umm… I… umm… well…” he stuttered shakily.

“Hey, it’s okay,” one of the men said, reaching out to place a hand on his shoulder, “Take your time!”

Danny nodded and gulped, then looked back the way he came as he took a deep breath. “I’m probably making something out of nothing,” he started awkwardly. “It’s just… there were these two guys back there and… and… we asked to borrow some sunscreen and they seemed really nice, but I… I just got this… this weird feeling I can’t explain.”

“Did they do anything to you?” one of the men asked urgently.

“No,” Danny said, shaking his head emphatically. “That’s why I think I’m probably just crazy, it was just a feeling, and when they offered us a drink I just… felt like I needed to get out of there. I can’t explain it!”

The two men looked at each other for a moment and nodded, then one of them called out, “Vic, you got a sec?”

The third of the older men got up and approached Danny and the others.

“You go wait with your friend. Cooper and Luke’ll keep you company while we look into it, okay!” the man said, giving Danny a meek smile as he nodded.

“Th… thanks,” Danny stuttered, then wandered over to join Chris and the two younger guys, Cooper and Luke, apparently.

“What’s that about?” one of the guys asked.

“Oh, umm… nothing,” Danny said as he saw Chris looking at him curiously.

The two young men shrugged casually and turned their attention back to the guitar in Chris’ hand.

“This is Danny, by the way,” Chris introduced him. “This is… wait, which way round was it?”

“I’m Luke, he’s Cooper!” the blonde twink introduced himself.

Danny smiled, feeling substantially more at ease than he had with the two men over the dune. He sat quietly as Chris played the guitar a little, clearly showing off for the two cute twinks.

It was several minutes before the other three returned, casually strolling across the sand to rejoin the group.

“Everything okay?” Luke asked curiously.

“Yeah, all good,” the man who had been referred to as ‘Vic’ replied, then subtly gestured for Danny to come over.

“Be right back,” Danny said, patting Chris on the back as he stood. “What happened?” he asked as soon as he reached the man. The other two men continued on, re-joining Chris, Cooper and Luke to leave Vic and Danny alone.

“We can’t say anything for certain,” Vic started, “They were acting very shifty but we didn’t find anything obviously dangerous or harmful.”

“So it was a panic over nothing,” Danny said, blushing profusely at his own over-reaction.

Vic sighed, clearly torn on how much to say. “Honestly… probably not!” he said thoughtfully. “There was definitely something shifty about them and they’re actually gone now. They pretty much packed up and ran which doesn’t strike me as something they’d do if they had nothing to hide!”

“Oh!” Danny said, unsure whether he felt better for potentially being right or worse.

“Look, either way, whether they were up to something or completely innocent, you totally did the right thing!” Vic said, reaching out to place a hand cautiously on the boy’s shoulder. Getting a smile and nod in return, he went on, “If your instinct says something’s wrong, it’s usually for a reason and a good idea to listen to it. Getting away and telling us… that was a smart move!”

“Thanks,” Danny said shakily. He looked down to see his own hands trembling. “I… uh… I don’t know why,” he said awkwardly as Vic noticed the shaking hands too.

“It’s okay to be a bit shaken,” Vic said reassuringly. “Have you got other people round here? Parents or something maybe?”

“Umm…” Danny said, vaguely gesturing with a shaking hand in the direction of the hotel, “No, we’re kind of here on our own!” he explained.

“Tell ya what, he seems to be pretty settled in,” Vic said, nodding to Chris who was still happily showing off. “Why don’t you two hang with us for a bit, just til you feel a bit better.”

“I think I’d like that, thanks,” Danny said gratefully before they moved over to join the rest of the group.

Chris and Danny quickly settled in with the five men. They soon learned the other two men were called Donald (or just Don) and Clyde. Chris spent much of his time happily chatting with Cooper, the owner of the guitar, as well as Don who was pretty good with it too. Chris was transfixed when Cooper performed an incredible version of Road Trippin’ by the Red Hot Chili Peppers.

Never one to be outdone, Chris had taken the guitar and promptly started an acoustic rendition of You’re My Best Friend by Queen. The best moment for Danny had come partway through the song when Luke leaned in close to him and whispered, “I can totally see why you’re so into him!” Danny just smiled proudly as he watched Chris perform.

Bizarrely, despite the fact the entire group had been sitting around naked, including a trip down to the sea that had devolved into a wrestling match, the entire afternoon remained without a single embarrassing erection. In fact, the whole situation just felt so utterly normal and relaxed that they both forgot at times they were even naked.

When the time finally came for the group to leave, they offered to walk back with Danny and Chris who happily accepted. While the others pulled shorts on to start the walk back along the beach, Chris and Danny remained naked, having explained what they had done with their clothing. As promised, Chris was able to retrieve the shorts as soon as they got close to the hiding spot and they pulled them on to start the walk along the non-nude area.

The whole group remained together as they continued on through the gay area and into the ‘normal’ beach, where Chris and Danny eventually spotted Danny’s parents.

“Thanks for today, it was really fun!” Chris said happily, insisting on giving each of the five a hug.

“Yeah,” Danny agreed, looking round the group, who by now were all aware of what had happened with the two other men, “Seriously, thank you!” He gave a meek but sincere smile, particularly to Vic.

“You’re welcome,” Vic said back, ruffing Danny’s hair, “Stay safe!”

“And we’ll probably be back around there a few more days this week, so feel free to stop by. Maybe we can duet!” Cooper offered Chris casually.

“YES!” Chris squealed happily, leaving the group laughing as they wandered on.

Eventually parted, Chris and Danny wandered over to Fiona and Philip, offering casual greetings as they got near.

“New friends?” Phil asked, raising his eyebrows. Seeing the two teens with the group of men was unexpected but looked innocent enough.

“Chris just saw a guitar and couldn’t resist,” Danny said, lying a little. He felt a little guilty for it, and in particular couldn’t look at his mother. He didn’t KNOW they had been at risk from the two men, but it remained a possibility and, much to his annoyance, it was one that meant his mum’s excessive caution may have been appropriate.

“Where’s the rest of your stuff?” Phil asked curiously, seeing the two unburdened boys.

“Didn’t bring anything else,” Chris replied with a shrug.

“You should really take sun cream with you,” Fiona said, shaking her head disapprovingly. “Don’t come crying to me if you burn!”

Danny huffed and rolled his eyes as he snapped, “Do we look burned to you?” He looked immediately sheepish and said, “Sorry, you’re right, but we borrowed some. We… we stayed safe!”

Fiona stared for a moment then nodded and smiled as she said, “Well that’s okay then. Good lads!”

“We’re gonna head back now. We’ll see you for dinner as usual,” Chris said as he slipped his arm through Danny’s to start leading him away. Once they were far enough away, Chris sighed slightly and asked, “So what happened?”

“Whadda you… mean?” Danny asked evasively.

“You know what I mean,” Chris said flatly.

“Nothing,” Danny lied. “Just… me being over-cautious. I blame mum!” he attempted to deflect.

“More like over-protective!” Chris said with a slight frown, “I think you do that a lot and you don’t need to!”

“No I…” Danny started, but Chris pulled out an expression he had only seen on Chris’ mother before. It was both amusing and scary that he seemed to have inherited it. “Okay,” he conceded, shrinking away a little. “Maybe I do, but… well… protecting you’s kinda my job now, isn’t it? Even more than it already was!”

“I guess,” Chris nodded, not wanting to be too aggressive in his challenge. “But just remember you don’t have to shield me from everything. I’m tougher than I look!”

Danny looked Chris up and down as he replied with a smirk, “That’s not hard!” As he got an annoyed growl in response, he bobbed his head gently and said, “Fine, okay, I can be protective but not OVER-protective. Got it!”

“Good!” Chris said happily. He chuckled for a moment and said, “Damn we’re good. We’re feckin’ nailing this relationship thing. God knows how everyone else makes it look so hard!”

“Yeah we are,” Danny chuckled. “And you love me so much you won’t even mind if I ditch you again this evening to watch another football match!”

“Yeah, that’s right I… wait, what?” Chris frowned, looking at Danny who was giving his best ‘don’t hate me’ grin.


“I’m gonna grab another drink before the match starts,” Phil said, moving to get up from his seat.

“Okay,” Danny said absently, busily tapping away on his phone texting Finn about the upcoming game.

“I was actually thinking,” Phil said thoughtfully, “This might be a good time to let you have your first beer with your old man!”

Danny lowered his phone and stared at his dad for a moment.

“Or a… I dunno, alternative alcoholic drink that you might want to try. I’m not assuming!” Phil added slightly defensively.

“Pretty sure gay people drink beer, dad!” Danny said in a hushed tone. Even though the area was notoriously gay-friendly, he was still very conscious of the potentially less friendly reaction sitting in a sports bar. “Umm… but… umm…”

“Duly noted! Whadda you say then? Shall I get you a half?” Phil asked curiously.

Danny felt his stomach tighten. He stared at his dad for a moment, gave a timid smile and said, “Sure. That’d be great, thanks!”

[MY DAD IS BUYING ME MY FIRST BEER!] he sent quickly to Finn.

[Is that a good thing?] Finn typed back.

[No!] [Yes!] [Maybe!] [I dont fucking know!!!!] Danny sent in a quick flurry of messages.

[Whats the problem?] Finn enquired.

[Alcohol sucks. It make people do stupid things and hurts people!] Danny typed urgently.

[I doubt ur dads planning on getting u drunk!] Finn replied.

[No he just said a half but still… UGH, I don’t no!! Danny typed out, frowning at his phone.

[Then tell him u dont want it!] Finn suggested.

[I can’t. You shoulda seen his face when I said yes!] Danny replied, then let out a sigh as he leaned over to gently bang his head on the table.

[U shudn’t do things ur not comfortable with, even if its for ur dad!] Finn commented.

[I know!] Danny replied, sighing. [I just miss so much when I’m away and even when I’m back, I’m not like a normal son talking about girls and stuff so I want him to have this!] Danny’s phone suddenly started ringing. Seeing it was Finn, he rejected the call and sent, [Wrong button?]

[No, now pick up!] Finn replied then rang again.

Danny answered and immediately asked, “Why are you calling?”

“Cos you need to fecking listen!” Finn snapped. “That’s some bullshit you just said and I needed you to hear this aloud. You’re fecking perfect and you don’t need to fecking do anything to prove yourself to your dad and you don’t owe him anything. Be yourself and if he doesn’t like it, that’s on him… but he will cos you’re right, you’re NOT normal, you’re fecking amazing. Got it?”

Danny chuckled slightly and choked up a little.

“I said have ya got it?” Finn demanded.

“Yeah, I’ve got it!” Danny said. “Thanks Finn!”

“You’re welcome, Dannyboy. Now get off the phone. It’s 2022, who fecking calls people, loser!” Finn said before hanging up.

“Who was that?” Phil asked as he approached the table and saw Danny lowering the phone.

“Oh, umm… just a friend,” Danny said as he watched the man put a pint and a half-pint down on the table. “Umm… dad… umm… would you… be offended if I said I didn’t want that?” he asked nervously. “Not cos it’s beer, just cos… umm… I don’t think I wanna drink yet!” He froze, staring wide-eyed at his father.

“Oh no, how awful, now I have more to drink!” Phil said with a smile as he reached out to slide the half-pint over next to his own pint of beer. “And no, not offended. Kinda proud actually and that’s as much as I’ll say on that!” he said, getting a chuckle from Danny. He reached into his pocket pulled out his wallet and tossed it to Danny as he said, “Go grab yourself a coke then!”

Danny gasped dramatically as he clutched at his chest and said, “A Coke? How very dare you! I’m a gay…” he said, standing sharply. “It’s a DIET coke!” he said before flouncing off to the bar as his dad laughed aloud.


“Ahhh… yeah… fuck…” Chris moaned as his fists clenched and his toes curled. He teetered on the brink of orgasm, worried for just a moment he had pushed himself a little too far and might cum, but just about managed to hold back by straining every muscle in his body. “Fuck, that was a close one!” he panted to himself as he gently slid a finger up and down his straining shaft.

Taking a few more moments to calm down, he let his head loll to the side to look at the time and let out a groan. It wasn’t even 8.30 yet, Danny wouldn’t be back for ages. As much as he enjoyed the idea of edging himself until then, his latest close call made it seem quite likely that he would end up ejaculating long before that and he wanted to save himself for his boyfriend’s return.

He knew he could head back downstairs to join Mrs Davies, Karolyn and Beth, or even head out to the sports bar to join Danny and Mr Davies, but neither particularly appealed to him. He reached down to grab his tablet and opened up the book he was currently reading but less than a page later he dropped it down onto his chest and glared down at his erection.

With a hearty sigh, he reached down and started stroking once again, but he was to the edge in no time and back to full-body clenching to hold back the release. “Fuuuuuck!” he groaned aloud. “Too horny!” he complained. He glanced round for a few moments then mumbled to himself, “There’s probably something in the bathroom I can stick in me!” He smirked to himself at his own blunt terminology as he tossed his tablet aside and stood up.

As he turned the corner towards the bathroom, he froze. Right next to the bathroom door, there it was… the main door out of their room. Staring at it for a moment, he paced closer and leaned in to look out of the peephole. All he could see was the door of the room across the hall and if he leaned either way, a small empty stretch of corridor each side of it. Cautiously he opened the door a crack and listened carefully. Silence.

With a deep breath, he opened the door fully and stood in the open doorway, naked and erect. He leaned forward a little so that his front half protruded a little into the hallway, led by his erection which he gave a few strokes and once again felt himself on the brink of orgasm. It felt exciting to do it somewhere he could be spotted. He had done things like that back at school, but as he had learned over the summer with Danny, there were lots of things that felt safe – almost normal – when they were at Kingswood that felt very different out in the ‘real’ world. He edged a couple more times before moving back in, letting the door close.

“Ohh, don’t do it!” he said to himself as a terrible idea formed in his mind. He rushed back to the bed and grabbed his phone then returned to the door and said, “This is such a stupid idea. You know you shouldn’t do it!” He nodded firmly at his own assertion, then rolled his eyes and shrugged as he added, “So we know I’m totally going to do it then. Fuck it!”

Chris pulled the door open and stepped out into the hallway then let go of the door, watching it close. Just before it closed fully, he considered reaching back to stop it, but resisted and heard the terrifying click of it shutting. Without the keycard, which he had knowingly left inside, he couldn’t get back in. He was locked out… naked and hard!

“Fuck!” he gasped to himself as his cock throbbed. “Fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck!” he repeated as he looked round. It wasn’t like he had many choices of where to go. To the right, the corridor continued along, ending in a window and nothing else. No place to hide if anyone came along or even looked that way from the opposite end of the long walkway. He had to go left, towards the centre of the hotel.

Unsure whether to walk and keep his footsteps quieter but stay exposed for longer, or run and get to a slightly safer position while making more noise, Chris opted for somewhere in between, power walking down the corridor. His erection bobbed about in front of him as he walked and he reached down to hold it still, but felt himself close to cumming again, more from the situation than the physical stimulation.

As he reached the area where the corridor opened out into a little foyer, he stopped. The corridor continued along in the direction of Beth and Karolyn’s room, but another corridor stretched off perpendicular to it, making the large building a giant T-shape. The small open area had a couple of seats in it, alongside some slightly bedraggled-looking fake plants, sadly none of which was big enough to effectively conceal the naked boy. There were a couple of store rooms used by the cleaning staff, but they were kept locked. The only other ways out were the three elevators, which would ultimately just lead Chris to the same situation on another floor, along with the risk of having it open up onto waiting people, or the door to the stairwell.

Chris took the only choice he really could and darted through the door to the stairs. Closing the door gently behind him, he moved into a corner and took a moment to catch his breath. Thankfully, the tall shaft that stretched the full height of the building was very echoey, so if anyone came in on any floor he would hear them immediately. It also meant that every breath he took seemed to echo too, potentially giving him away.

Glancing at his phone, he unlocked and typed out a message to Danny, [Hey, how’s the game going?]

Danny replied seconds later with, [1-0 to Man U. Dads pissed!] It was followed moments later by a second message that stated, [Wait y u asking about the football? U don’t care about this shit!!!]

[Just showing an interest!] Chris replied.

[Chris. What did u do?????] Danny sent back quickly.

[Umm what time are you due back?] Chris asked, feeling his cock throb as he sent it.

Danny showed as typing for a few moments before his next message popped up, [Depends if it goes into extra time and if dad wants to hang around after the game but anywhere between 10 and midnight. Why? WHAT DID U DO??????]

[I kinda locked myself out of the room naked!] Chris sent, almost cumming just from admitting it.

[FUCK! Ok gimme a sec I’ll come find you. Where r u?] Danny answered.

[No!!!] Chris sent quickly. [The whole idea was that I’d have to wait out here til you get back!]

[Wait u did this on purpose? FFS Chris ur gonna get spotted!!!!!!!] Danny sent.

[Oh no, that’ll be so humiliating. Please! No! Don’t let that happen!!] Chris grinned as he answered.

[The sarcasm is not needed!] Danny replied. [U could get into trouble. I’ll come get u!]

[No, please don’t. This is scary but SO fucking horny and I know I wouldn’t HATE getting caught, but I’m gonna do everything I can to avoid it. Besides, just think how horny I’ll be when you get back!!] Chris reasoned.

[Fuck ok fine! But call if u get in trouble. I’m only a few mins away from the hotel!] Danny replied.

[Thanks. Love you. Enjoy the game!] Chris sent, slightly happier knowing someone was aware of his predicament, as much for his safety as his arousal. He looked round briefly, considering his options. There were a few floors above him and a few below. That meant people could approach from either direction! Most people used the lifts rather than the stairs, and those who did tended to do so only for going down, which meant he was most likely to get caught from above. ‘Maybe I should go up,’ he thought to himself, moving to the central handrail that spiralled down the tall stairway. He glanced up.

‘But if I’m at the top and someone comes in, I got only one direction to go,’ he thought to himself, shuddering slightly at the thought of getting cornered. “Fuck,” he whispered to himself as he grasped his dick again. He felt like he was permanently on the edge now, ready to go off at any moment. ‘Fuck, don’t cum!’ he thought to himself. ‘This is scary enough without the after-nut comedown!’ he thought, shaking his head as he contemplated how it would feel to be stranded without the excitement of horniness.

“No, stay here,” he told himself, moving round to sit on the stairs. “Fuck, I should have brought a book!” he mumbled, shaking his head.


“Well that’s some absolute fucking bullshit!” Phil complained angrily as the half-time whistle blew.

“No no, don’t hold back, tell me how you really feel!” one of the men who had sat nearby joked.

Danny squirmed slightly in his seat. It had only been a few minutes since he had found out what Chris was doing, but he had spent those few awkward minutes trying to find the best position to sit to hide his erection. Worried as he was about Chris being stranded naked, the whole idea of it was tantalisingly exciting. He wanted to see it for himself, but at the same time he absolutely loved the idea of Chris being stuck there, waiting for him.

As he sat trying to hide the bulge, he couldn’t help cursing his own gym routine. His mum had bought a lot of his holiday clothes much earlier in the year and they had fit fine at the time, but as he had bulked up a little since then from his daily workouts most of them were a little too small or tight. Usually he didn’t mind, as they were now a comfortable fit to show off his physique, rather than the usual ‘you’ll grow into it’ style his mother inflicted upon him, but today it meant he couldn’t even use the front of his t-shirt to cover the embarrassing erection.

Instead, he crossed his legs and leaned forward to cross his arms as he rested them on the table, pulling his seat in as far as he could.

“They’ll pull it back!” Phil insisted, having been squabbling with the other two men, who supported Manchester United and had been rubbing in their early lead throughout the first half. “Klopp just needs to get his shit together. You watch, second half’s gonna be all about Salah!”

“Aww, it’s cute when they think they stand a chance,” the second man teased.

“We do. We’re kick…” Phil started, gesturing wildly. In doing so, he managed to knock over his half-full glass, sending its contents flying towards Danny who instinctively jumped to get clear. “Fuck,” Phil grunted as he picked up the glass.

“Well someone’s clearly enjoying the game!” one of the men laughed as Danny stood back.

Even without the wetness of the spilled beer Danny’s erection would have been obvious, but with the wet material clinging to it, it was absolutely unmissable. Danny immediately clasped his hands over the bulge as all three of them men, along with a couple of others nearby who had spotted the commotion started laughing. He made a quick dash for the toilets, but being half-time they were packed with guys queuing out the door. Instead he turned and dashed out the exit and round the corner. He sat down on the kerb, pulled his knees up to his chest with his arms resting on top and buried his face in them. “Fuck my life!” he groaned as he convinced himself that the shouts and chatter coming from back inside the bar was still aimed at him.

Eventually he heard footsteps, followed by the sound of someone sitting down beside him.

“Go away and let me die here!” Danny groaned without raising his head.

“I would but I’d never hear the fucking end of it from your mum!” Phil replied.

Danny laughed, but quickly stifled it. This was no time to laugh.

“So that was pretty embarrassing,” Phil said bluntly.

“Oh really? Ya think!?” Danny said dryly, finally looking round at his dad disapprovingly.

“It’s worrying just how much you look like your mother when you’re angry!” Phil said with a slight smirk.

“You’re not helping!” Danny scowled.

“Oh Danny,” Phil said, shaking his head as he reached out to put his hand on his son’s back. “I’m not trying to help! I’m here to mock you mercilessly and make sure you know this will be something I will bring up repeatedly for the rest of your life!”

Danny stared, looking absolutely dismayed.

“It’s not as bad as it sounds!” Phil grinned.

“It’s pretty fucking bad!” Danny said bluntly.

“Ah, you’ll get over it,” Phil said with a shrug. “Besides, a stray erection… you think EVERY single guy in that place didn’t deal with that a million times at your age? They’ll take the piss out of you and someday you’ll take the piss outta someone else. It’s the circle of life!”

Danny stared at his father and shook his head as he said, “Some days it genuinely amazes me I survived being raised by you!”

“Wow, now you’re REALLY starting to sound like your mum,” Phil joked as he stood up. “Come on, boner boy. Second half starts soon and I’m outta beer!”

“I think I hate you!” Danny sighed as he stood. “But hey, I guess you gave me my first beer, I just chose to wear it instead of drink it!” he joked reluctantly as he followed his dad back into the bar.


Chris held his breath as he heard the footsteps continue. He had been hiding out in the stairwell for nearly an hour now and, so far, he had managed to remain unseen. A lone woman had walked down from one of the higher floors, so Chris had slipped back into the main corridor to wait for her to pass and only just managed to slip back in before someone emerged from the lift. The second time someone had come in on the ground floor, but exited the stairwell on the second floor so Chris hadn’t had to move. Then came… someone else!

Chris had frozen as he heard the door open down below him and readied himself to slip back into the fourth floor corridor, but as the person climbing the stairs grew closer, Chris peered through the narrow strip of glass in the door and spotted some people waiting for the lift. With no other option, he had made a dash up the stairs, going as quickly as he could without giving away the sound of his footsteps, forcing himself to keep breathing so he didn’t end up gasping for breath and giving himself away.

Figuring they wouldn’t be walking ALL the way up, because what kind of psycho walks up ten flights of stairs, Chris continued up to the top, hoping desperately to hear the sound of a doorway opening. As he reached the top floor, he realised he really was cornered. The only other place left to go was the corridor and from there he would definitely be spotted by whoever was approaching.

Figuring it was best to be confronted in the privacy of the stairwell, rather than the main corridor where other people could hear from their rooms and come out to investigate, Chris prepared himself for the inevitable… then heard the door open on the floor below! They had left just in time and he remained undiscovered.

“Thank fuck!” Chris gasped. As much as he had relished the idea of getting caught, the now-three close calls had made him less and less inclined to look forward to it. He sat down on the top step to calm himself a little. While his cock had softened slightly at times, it always throbbed back up to full hardness when he had come close to getting caught. By this point, his balls were positively aching for release.

Figuring he should probably head back down to avoid the possibility of getting cornered again, he had descended a couple of floors when he heard the sound of a door slamming open below, followed by hurried footsteps and loud panting. Readying himself to either take cover in the corridor of his current floor, or head up if needed, Chris froze in place again, ready to take action.

Rather than footsteps going in either direction, all he could hear was frantic panting that started to sound a little more like crying after a few moments, before bursting into uncontrollable sobs. It was hard to tell much about the person from the sound alone, but whoever it was sounded fairly young. He found himself thinking of Jake, which was what spurred him on to cautiously walk down a couple of floors, unsure whether he would expose himself, but not comfortable just leaving a distressed person crying alone.

As he got lower, he leaned over and managed to glimpse a small fraction of the crying person. It looked to be a young boy. He couldn’t tell much about them aside from the fact he had short, gingery-blonde hair and looked to be shirtless, based on the exposed, freckle-covered shoulder Chris could see. Carefully creeping down closer, Chris stopped and squatted down to get a proper look.

The crying boy couldn’t have been much older than eleven, maybe twelve at a push. He was sitting on the stairs, sobbing into his hands and… much to Chris’ surprise, was also fully naked, though his position concealed his more intimate parts. Conscious that exposing himself to a younger boy was probably not a wise move, but worried that a disembodied voice talking to him might just scare him away, Chris hesitated for several moments before silently padding his way down the stairs. He came to a stop at the top of the flight the boy was sat on.

Covering his crotch with his hands to try and avoid looking too intimidating, he asked quietly, “Hey, are you okay?”

The boy let out a yelp, jumped up and dashed for the door. He was halfway through it as he glanced back, saw the naked teen walking down the stairs and froze, frowning. With one hand covering his genitals, the boy looked Chris up and down and asked, “Why are you… naked?”

“Why are you?” Chris asked in return.

“I asked first!” the boy replied curtly, then suddenly realised where he was standing and ducked back into the stairwell as he let the door close. He now stood with both hands covering his crotch, much like Chris.

“I locked myself out of my room,” Chris stated, not lying but not willingly offering the full detail.

“Oh,” the boy said, sniffing as he raised one of his hands to wipe his cheeks, obviously attempting to look (in vain) like he hadn’t been crying. “Are you… going to get someone to let you in?” he asked, glancing at the stairs that continued down.

“My… friend’s coming to let me back in,” Chris replied, hen frowned a little and said, “Eventually!” He cocked his head curiously and asked, “What happened to you?”

“My friends locked me out,” he said sadly.

“That’s not very nice,” Chris said disapprovingly. “Why’d they do that?”

The boy just shrugged and shook his head for a few moments and said, “Doesn’t matter. I’m not getting back in!”

“Why not?” Chris asked, taking a seat as he remained conscious he was towering over the boy as he stood a couple of steps up. Sitting, he was still higher up, but at least a little closer to eye level.

The boy was cute, despite the red, puffy eyes and dour expression. The slender frame, pale skin, ginger hair and freckles reminded him of Mikey.

“Doesn’t matter,” the boy repeated.

Chris sighed softly, feeling like he wasn’t getting anywhere but still wanting to help if he could. “My name’s Chris. What’s yours?” he asked softly.

“Brandon,” the boy replied. “Well, just… Bran,” he added awkwardly.

“Come on then, just Bran. Tell me what happened,” Chris said, offering a warm smile. He shuffled to the side and patted the stair beside him.

Bran looked cautious for a moment, but then walked forward and sat down, folding his arms across his lap to cover himself up. He sighed sadly and said, “We were just talking about girls and stuff and my friend Joey started talking about banging them.”

“Classy,” Chris smirked.

Bran ventured a slight smile. “Then I said… like… what I’d do if I had a girlfriend and my other friend Sam started laughing and he said I couldn’t do any of that stuff cos I was still a little kid and then Joey joined in too and they were teasing and I kept saying I could and then they told me I had to prove it but I said no.”

“Mmm-huh,” Chris hummed, nodding along, slightly confused but not interrupting.

“And they said I was full of shit and said that if I COULD do that stuff then I’d be willing to prove it,” Bran explained, sniffing slightly, “So they took my clothes and then they locked me out and said if I wanted to be let back in then I had to prove I can… um… well… umm…” He trailed off awkwardly.

“Oh!” Chris said, with a nod, finally catching on. “They don’t think you can cum yet!” he said bluntly.

Bran nodded, jaw quivering.

“And you don’t want to do it in front of them?” Chris asked.

Bran shook his head, eyes watering again.

Chris sighed softly as he continued, “Or is the problem that you… can’t do it yet?”

Bran started crying softly, leaning forward to bury his face in his arms.

Chris wanted to comfort the boy, but considering they were both naked, and strangers, he didn’t feel right touching him so he just said quietly, “Hey, it’s okay, we’ll figure it out!”

“Oh, got magical puberty powers, have you?” Bran snapped as he lifted his head, scowling.

Chris pursed his lips for a moment then burst into laughter, which Bran actually joined in with, still sniffling.

“Sorry,” Bran apologised, wiping his cheek again.

“Hey, did they say they actually need to see you cum, or just need to see that you can?” Chris asked as another terrible idea came to him.

“Umm, they didn’t really say. I guess either!” Bran said, looking at Chris curiously.

“This may be a bit… icky, but… I might be able to help!” Chris suggested.

“How icky?” Bran recoiled.

Chris hesitated for a moment and said, “Well… I CAN cum. I could just… I dunno, cum on your hand or something and then you can show it to them and say you did it!”

“Eww!” Bran said, shaking his head.

“Or we could always go and ask someone at reception to give you another key. I’ll come with you if it’ll help!” Chris suggested.

“No!” Bran said urgently, shaking his head. “I don’t want anyone else seeing me naked!” He sat silently for a moment, apparently thinking before he said, “I… think… your first idea’s the best one! Do I… have to… umm… do stuff?”

“No,” Chris said, shaking his head as he saw the abject terror in the young straight boy’s eyes. “I’ll… do the stuff, you just… hold out your hand when I say so!”

“Okay,” Bran nodded. “I… I’ll look away!” he said, turning his head away to give Chris some privacy.

Chris’ dick had finally softened, despite the cute naked boy beside him. His protective instincts had kicked in, which always overrode his horniness. It still only took a few strokes before he was up to full hardness again. As he wanked, his eyes roamed the pale, smooth skin of the boy at his side. He felt guilty for enjoying the sight of him, but not guilty enough to stop looking.

“Woah, you’re pretty big!” Bran gasped, then blushed, wide-eyed as he turned his head away again.

“You can look if you like,” Chris sniggered, “I’m guessing this isn’t something you see every day!”

Bran cautiously looked again and frowned a little as he said, “You don’t have much hair though!”

“Oh, no, I shaved it a few weeks back and it’s taking a while to grow back,” Chris explained.

“I don’t have any to shave yet!” Bran said, giving a slight smirk as he lowered his arms enough to reveal a completely smooth pubis.

Seeing a little more of the boy exposing himself pushed Chris to the brink of release. “Unnh, I’m close,” he grunted. “Get ready!”

Bran jumped slightly and put both hands together, inadvertently exposing himself fully.

Chris’ eyes immediately darted to the exposed cock, which sat small and shrivelled, barely more than an inch. It was not surprising the boy couldn’t cum yet. With a final few strokes, he aimed his cock into the boy’s hands and grunted as he shot a load befitting his horny evening of edging.

“Oh my god, there’s so much!” Bran exclaimed as he stared at the puddle of warm goo in his hands.

“Yeah, probably a bit more than usual,” Chris panted. “Now hurry up, get to your room and show ‘em what YOU can do!” He stood up and moved over to open the door, listened for a moment to make sure the coast was clear and said, “You’re good to go!”

“Thanks!” Bran said as he walked over nervously.

“Oh, you may wanna put it into one hand,” Chris suggested. “They might question how you jerked off if you managed to cum into both!”

“Oh yeah, good point,” Bran said, wincing slightly as he tipped the goo fully into his left hand, looking at the sticky remnants on his right with a look of slight disgust. “Thanks Chris!” he said, shooting the older boy a broad smile. He stopped just before he reached the corner and looked back. “Hey, once I’m dressed d’you need me to come back and help you?” he asked sweetly.

“Nah, I’m good, my friend’s on his way!” Chris said, grateful for the offer.

“Okay, thanks again,” Bran said before hurrying off towards his room.

Chris remained at the corner, listening as he heard a gentle knock. A few moments later he heard, “Yeah, I did it, see!” from Bran, followed by the sound of a door opening and two loud voices as he was seemingly welcomed back into his room. Glad to have helped, Chris headed back into the stairwell where the silence wrapped around him again.

Just as he had feared, cumming had taken away the thrill of the situation and left him with only the fear. Sitting down, he slowly caught his breath and glanced at his phone to see if he had any messages. There was nothing from Danny unfortunately, so he just waited once again.

A few minutes later, he heard the ground floor door open and footsteps start upwards. Chris was sat on the sixth floor and readied himself to move as the person below reached the fourth.

“Chris?” Danny’s voice echoed upwards.

“Oh thank fuck!” Chris gasped as he hurried down the stairs and found Danny standing on the fourth floor near the door. He grabbed him in a tight hug.

“You’re a fucking lunatic!” Danny giggled as he pulled back and looked his naked boyfriend up and down. “I’m kinda surprised you’re not hard!”

“Oh, umm… yeah, have I got a story for you!” Chris chuckled. He looked down at Danny’s crotch where he had an undeniable bulge and said excitedly, “Oh, you are though!” He frowned as he looked closer and asked, “Wait, did you wet yourself?” He sniffed and said, “And you stink of beer!”

“Didn’t wet myself, the stain is beer! I have been horny ALL fucking night thanks to you!” Danny growled. “And thanks to you, there’s now a bar full of guys that know me as boner boy!” he added as he grabbed Chris and span him around. He gave a gentle shove to the top of Chris’ back and said, “Now bend over, cos I’m gonna fuck you right here!”

“Yes sir!” Chris giggled as he leaned over to brace himself on the stairs.

Danny pulled out his cock, already rigid, and held it in his hand. He spat into it and used his saliva to lubricate himself, assisted by the precum he was leaking after an evening of anticipation. Knowing he was still less lubricated than usual, Danny pushed into Chris slowly but quickly built the pace. Cautious of the echoey groans filling the stairwell, Danny kept his lips pursed to mute himself as he fucked Chris hard and fast.

Chris was making no such attempts to silence himself though, moaning unashamedly loudly.

As always, Danny’s arousal had really kicked in following an evening of humiliation. Now free of the embarrassment of it, he was able to just wallow in the excitement of the memory as he fucked his boyfriend rapidly. “Ah fuck, Chris, I’m gonna cum!” he gasped.

“Yeah, cum in me!” Chris gasped happily as he stood and let Danny wrap his arms around him as he shot his load.

“Ah, ohh… yeah… fuck!” Danny gasped, panting heavily.

“HEY, IS SOMEONE FUCKING DOWN THERE?” an angry voice suddenly shouted from above.

“Feck, cheese it!” Chris said as he made a dash for the door. They both fled down the hallway as Danny fumbled for the keycard and managed to unlock the door to their room.

Safely inside, they looked at each other for a moment then broke down into absolute hysterics.


John Warren

I gotta say Danny is lucky to have a cool father like Phil. I loved my dad dearly, but we did not have a close relationship like that. My dad did instill in me my love of sports, especially college football (not soccer, definitely not soccer). My dad did walk-in on me once mid stroke, he always knocked after that and it was never ever mentioned. I was laughing at the comment about the Germans speaking better English. I agree, I don’t think I’ve ever been anywhere and heard English spoken as well as Germany. On the other hand, every time I’m in England, I feel I need an interpreter. The accents can be very heavy to an American and we don’t necessarily use words the same way, like fag vs. cigarette. Plus we would never be accused of speaking “Proper” English LOL. But yeah, that was a funny comment.


What I discovered traveling in Germany and Switzerland is that the natives spoke English with a distinctly cultured British accent -- obviously the language training was coming from England. Certainly not the difficult-for-Americans Yorkshire or Newcastle accents.

Naked Justice

I was a little surprised that Chris found their clothes when the boys left the nude beach. But his self dare on the stairs was hot, too. And probably after coming back from the nude beach without a stitch on would have put Danny in serious trouble with his mother. Nevertheless, I think Chris and Danny have to increase their clothing-free time at Kingswood like looking each other's clothing away for a day, or two, or a week ...

Stories by Matt

As always, the full time nudity you crave won't ever happen, but there are definitely some fun naked moments still to come.