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Tuesday afternoon, 18 January 2022

“Ah, Michael!” Mr Everett said as Mikey approached. “Or should I say Mike, or is it back to Mikey now?”

Mikey frowned a little, unsure whether the man’s knowledge of him was a professional courtesy or a creepy over-interest. “It’s Mikey please, sir,” he requested politely.

“Of course, Mikey, have a seat. Good to have you here,” the Headmaster said cheerfully. As Mikey sat down Mr Everett asked, “Are you excited at the thought of becoming a mentor?”

“I’ll do it as well as I do everything else,” Mikey said with a slightly dismissive shrug.

“Ah, that I don’t doubt, you’re a very capable young man. Mr Rudd and Mr Bombelles in particular both speak very highly of you,” Mr Everett said with a nod, “But that’s not really what I asked.”

Mikey shrugged again. “Wouldn’t say I’m excited,” he explained, “But I’m not scared or anything either. Just one of those things, innit!”

The Headmaster raised a contemplative eyebrow, deliberating whether the boy’s attitude was confidence, arrogance or simply indifference. “I suppose it is,” Mr Everett said thoughtfully. “Anyway, try to have fun and enjoy the day if you can!”

“Yes sir,” Mikey nodded as Mr Everett headed into the interview room. He had chatted with David over lunch, and while the other boy hadn’t shared full details of his interviews that morning, Mikey certainly got the impression he was in for an eventful afternoon.



Mikey was beginning to get impatient by the time the door opened and the Headmaster led a young boy out into the waiting area.

“If you can just wait out here for us please, Ryan. I’ll have your parents back to you as soon as we’re done talking,” Mr Everett said with a smile. He gestured to Mikey and said, “This is Mikey, he’ll be here if you need anything. Mikey, this is Ryan.” With the boys introduced to each other, he turned and returned to the room.

Mikey stared at the timid boy for a moment, scowled and said, “My mate’s brother’s called Ryan and he’s a cunt!”

The young boy looked just about ready to burst into tears, not quite sure what to make of the comment.

Mikey rolled his eyes and said, “Chill, I know you’re probably not a cunt. Do you even know what a cunt is?”

The boy shook his head.

Mikey nodded. That was potentially a good sign. “Let’s go hang out somewhere else,” he said as he stood up. He looked back to see the boy still standing there, rolled his eyes again and moved back to him. “Relax, I ain’t gonna hurt you… and I’m sorry for saying cunt three times… well, four now I suppose. Come on.”

The timid boy followed, unsure what else to do. “So… do you go to Kingswood?” Ryan asked nervously as he walked alongside Mikey.

Mikey looked down at his school uniform, then smirked at Ryan and said sarcastically, “Sharp one, aren’t ya!”

“What’s it like?” Ryan asked, ignoring the sarcasm or oblivious to it.

“People are cool, teachers aren’t cunts… sorry, that’s five times now… lots of fun stuff. I like being there a lot,” Mikey summarised his feelings confidently.

“Isn’t it hard being away from home?” Ryan asked, the question very clearly a big thing weighing on his mind.

“Meh,” Mikey grunted. “Well, not so much for me cos my parents are cunts… that’s six… but I guess for normal people it’s hard, but if you get a good buncha mates like mine it makes all that stuff a lot easier.”

“You’ve got lots of mates?” Ryan asked.

“Well fuck you very much for sounding surprised,” Mikey said, shaking his head despite actually quite liking the slight insult, “But yeah, I have… it’s a good place, you’d be lucky to get in!”

Ryan frowned at Mikey. His words seemed sincere, but the delivery was so aggressive and abrupt that it was genuinely confusing. “That’s what dad keeps telling me,” Ryan said, sounding unconvinced.

“In here,” Mikey said as they reached the door to a lounge that was commonly used during these interviews. “Is your dad normally right about shit like that?” Mikey asked.

Ryan nodded.

“Then quit fucking worrying!” Mikey said abruptly, “Or else I’ll call ya a cunt!”

“That’s seven!” Ryan said with a cheeky smirk.

Mikey’s eyes narrowed as he looked at the boy for a few moments then smiled, flopped down onto the sofa and said, “Nice. Cunt’s another word for pussy!” He frowned a little and added, “Not as in cats, but, like… the bit on a lady where the penis is supposed to go! Guessing you know what a penis is!”

Ryan blushed heavily but nodded slightly, cautiously taking a seat on the other end of the sofa.

“You ever play with yours?” Mikey asked without even a hint of shame.

“No!” Ryan said sharply like it was some vile accusation, avoiding eye contact.

“Makes sense,” Mikey shrugged, “At your age you probably got nothing going on down there worth playing with anyway!”

“I’ve got plenty… to play with!” Ryan scowled at the older boy.

“Oh, so you DO play with it?” Mikey asked with a wry grin, enjoying the teasing. As Ryan looked increasingly flustered, he smirked and said, “Chill mate, literally everyone does it, even if they say they don’t!”

“Wait, really? Everyone?” Ryan asked, shocked.

Mikey nodded emphatically. “Yup, every dick gets played with, believe me!”

“Huh, cool,” Ryan nodded, feeling his entire world suddenly shift.

“You ever play with anyone else’s?” Mikey asked, giving the boy sneaky side-eye.

Ryan stared back briefly, then stared down at his lap silently.

“Come on, who was it?” Mikey demanded. “Don’t worry, I ain’t tellin’ anyone, and I’ve played with plenty… well… not PLENTY, I’m no Danny but… yeah, I’ve done it. So let’s hear it!”

Ryan frowned at the comment, not following all of it, but he ventured a glance at Mikey as he said, “It was my friend, Paul. We were just… wrestling one day and… and he… got a stiffy and…” he paused, his blushing intensifying, “And so did I… so we compared them to see who was bigger, then… touched them a bit.”

“You enjoy it?” Mikey asked, smiling mischievously.

Ryan nodded, leaning towards Mikey a little.

“Is it something you’d like to do more someday?” Mikey asked casually.

Ryan nodded again, leaning even closer in anticipation.

“Great, thanks for that, good to know!” Mikey sniggered, happy that the boy had managed to tell him what he needed with very little prompting.

“Oh, I thought you might… erm…” Ryan trailed off.

“Nah, I’m good, but you go for it if ya like!” Mikey said with a confident nod. Mission accomplished. Candidate one, good potential for Kingswood!



Mikey watched as candidate number two was led out of the interview room and was introduced as Edward before Mr Everett disappeared back inside. The boy looked round at the seats with a look of utter disgust, sneered, huffed and sat down.

“Interview went well then?” Mikey asked with a smirk.

The boy stared at Mikey for a moment, looking absolutely scandalised, then snapped, “Did I SAY you could talk to me?”

Mikey felt a knot in his stomach as his fist clenched. It was only thoughts of his friends, Nicky and Danny in particular, that prevented him from just walking across the room and slapping the sneer off the unpleasant little creature’s face. Admittedly they weren’t here to see it, but striking a (potential) student with the Headmaster in the next room didn’t seem the wisest thing to do. Instead, Mikey forced a smile and said, “No, but you didn’t say I couldn’t, either!”

“Well… you can’t!” Edward replied, virtually spitting the words.

“Yeah, sorry mate, but you can’t exactly stop me!” Mikey said, still fighting the urge to strike him.

“Mate?” Edward sneered, clearly repulsed. “I am certainly NOT your ‘mate’, you… Northern peasant!”

Mikey moved forward but just managed to hold himself back. His accent was something rarely commented on, likely because most people knew exactly how it would end up. Admittedly, the Newcastle twang had lessened significantly during his time at Kingswood, largely through choice, but also through simply being away from his home city for so long. “I may be a ‘Northern peasant’, but I’m still a student at a school YOU’LL never get into!”

“I’ll get into whatever school I like!” Edward insisted. “In fact, I think I might get into this one then have daddy get you expelled for daring to speak to your betters like that!”

As Mikey felt his fist clench he heard Danny saying, ‘No violence. Ever!’ An instant later, the voice changed to Josh, taunting him with, ‘Come on Psycho Mikey, kick his ass!’ The imagined Josh almost won until Nicky floated through his mind. He didn’t speak, he just cowered in fear at the sight of an angry Mikey, staring at him with so much hurt in his eyes. On the verge of hyperventilating, Mikey stood up and turned away.

“Good, you’re leaving, maybe the smell of poor people will go with you!” Edward hissed bitterly.

Mikey turned and glared, then snapped angrily, “Be glad I care about my friends’ opinions of me more than yours, or DADDY would need to be bribing your way into a good graveyard, not a school!”



“Mikey here will keep you company. We’ll be done soon!” Mr Everett said politely, having just introduced Leonardo to a somewhat flustered-looking Mikey.

While some minor property damage in one of the nearby rooms had calmed Mikey a little after his encounter with the spoiled brat, Edward, his temper was still a little frayed. A little more antagonistic than he knew he probably should be, he smirked as Leonardo sat down and asked, “Great name. Any chance ya got three brothers?”

Leonardo let out a low moan. “Two brothers and a sister, actually,” the boy replied sheepishly.

Mikey’s eyes lit up as a wicked grin spread across his face. “What are they called, what are they called?” he demanded eagerly.

“I’m not telling you,” Leonardo insisted, folding his arms as he pouted.

“Is one of them Michaelangelo?” Mikey smirked.

“No!” Leonardo snapped back at him, then lowered his gaze as he said, “It’s just Michael,” then lowered his voice a bit more as he muttered, “Angelo’s his middle name!”

“Fuck!” Mikey exclaimed before bursting into laughter.

Leonardo’s eyes lit up at the swear word, not used to hearing it so openly.

“Don’t stop there. Lemme guess, your other brother’s… Donatello?” Mikey asked, barely containing his laughter.

“No it’s not actually!” Leonardo said a little petulantly, then lowered his voice again to add, “It’s… Rafael!”

“Fucking perfect!” Mikey laughed. He suddenly stopped, jaw agape as he leaned forward to stare at Leonardo. “A sister? You said you got a sister, right? Please… please please please… tell me… her name isn’t…”

“Donna!” Leonardo sighed, shaking his head. He scowled at Mikey’s laughter and snapped, “It’s not funny!”

“Mate, it’s fucking hilarious!” Mikey replied, still giggling.

The younger boy scowled angrily, obviously sick of the joke that had followed him since birth. Knowing he probably shouldn’t try to hit the older boy (who looked like he would be happy to hit back, and much harder too) he opted for another way to try and shut him up. “Mate, it’s fucking hilarious!” Leonardo taunted back in a mocking tone.

“Oh, real mature!” Mikey said, rolling his eyes.

“Oh, real mature,” Leonardo mimicked.

Mikey gave a wry grin and asked, “Oh, playing that game, are we?”

“Oh, playing that game, are we?” Leonardo copied derisively.

“You won’t win!” Mikey said, knowing how he had always won this when kids at his primary school used to do it.

“You won’t win!” Leonardo copied.

“My name’s Leonardo and I’m named after a cartoon character who lives in a sewer!” Mikey said, starting off easy.

“My name’s Leonardo and I’m named after a cartoon character who lives in a sewer!” Leonardo shamelessly copied.

“I’m an annoying little prick!” Mikey said, grinning.

“I’m an annoying little prick!” Leonardo repeated, flinching a little, possibly from saying that about himself, but mostly just for using a rude word.

“I’m gay!” Mikey blurted out.

“I’m… gay!” Leonardo said, then immediately looked scared.

“Ha, you just admitted you’re gay!” Mikey sniggered.

“Yeah, well so did you!” Leonardo insisted defensively.

“I win!” Mikey declared. “Also, that’s no big deal cos I am!”

“You are?” Leonardo asked, eyes suddenly so wide Mikey could see the whites right around his deep green irises. “Like… for real?”

Mikey was unsure how this was going to go. Coming into the interviews, he had been prepared by his mentor Andy for adverse reactions or outright homophobia, just in case. He had thought he was mentally prepared for aggressive reactions, but with his tolerance lowered by Edward, he felt his fists clench just a little in anticipation of the boy’s response. “Yeah, why?” he asked pointedly.

“I just never met another…” Leonardo suddenly gasped as he realised what he had said, his eyes going wide again.

Mikey’s fist unclenched. In an instant, his potential anger had melted away and been replaced by something else… an urge, one he hadn’t expected. ‘Fuck you, Chris!’ he thought to himself as he realised what it was - he wanted to hug the terrified-looking boy. “It’s okay,” he said with a sweet smile.

“Don’t… don’t tell anyone what I said… I mean… I… I didn’t… say anything… but… but… if I had… said… that, erm… I… umm…” Leonardo stuttered, visibly shaking.

“I said it’s okay!” Mikey insisted as he moved across to sit next to Leonardo. Resisting the voice in his head that was literally screaming at him, he just reached out and touched the boy’s arm. “I’m not saying anything to anyone!” he said softly.

“Okay,” Leonardo nodded, panting heavily. “It’s just… my parents… don’t know,” he said as he looked at the door to the interview room. “In fact… nobody does, well… except you, I guess!”

“Really? Just me?” Mikey asked, the knot in his stomach that had formed during his brief conversation with Edward finally coming loose, replaced with a warm, altogether-more-pleasant sensation.

“And I don’t want Mr Everett to know either cos I don’t want it to mess up my chances of getting into Kingswood!” Leonardo added nervously.

Mikey grinned. If his parents had applied for Kingswood, there was a good chance they already knew anyway, that was something most students eventually came to discover. Mikey figured it best to let that run its course rather than spoil it for Leonardo. “Don’t worry! Being… different is… well let’s say Kingswood is a safe place for it. I know I feel safe there!”

“I can’t believe I just told someone I’m… ya know…” Leonardo said, obviously not quite ready to say the word again.

Mikey nodded and stroked his arm briefly, then slapped him on the back as he laughed, “And I can’t believe you’re named after a fucking turtle!”



Mikey’s afternoon had not started great, with his own nervousness causing a not-great start with Ryan, followed by Edward’s truly hateful personality hindering his second encounter. Thankfully, things had taken a turn for the better with Leonardo and that had continued on into his final candidate, Darren.

The two had started out chatting quite politely about Darren’s interview, followed by some general chatter about the school before Mikey had led the young boy away to try and establish his compatibility with Kingswood’s sexual attitude. Wandering into the lounge down the hall, Mikey hadn’t even been subtle in his approach, directing Darren to sit down before he pointed at the TV and declared, “They’ve got sex stuff on here!”

Darren had looked both nervous and excited at the older boy’s comment, staring intently at the screen as Mikey started up one of the adult channels.

“You like that?” Mikey asked, nodding to the close-up shot of a woman fingering herself.

“Mmm-huh!” Darren hummed, squirming slightly.

Mikey changed the channel and it switched to an impressively large cock being deep-throated by a scrawny twink. “How about that?” he asked with a smirk.

Darren stared at him, silently.

“It’s okay to say yes,” Mikey said casually. “I like it!”

“You do?” Darren asked in surprise, then stared back at the screen and nodded as he said quietly, “Yeah, it’s… I’ve never… seen stuff like that before!”

“Ah, so you only think about this…” Mikey started, switching back to the woman, who now sounded like she was either being murdered or trying to attract a seal to mate with, “… when you’re knocking one out?”

“Knocking… what out?” Darren asked curiously, though he remained transfixed by the screen.

“Ya know… jerkin’ off, wanking, masturbating, whatever you wanna call it!” Mikey said, flicking back again to the twink giving the blow job.

“I don’t know what they are,” Darren blushed.

“Daaaamn!” Mikey said, shaking his head. “Then boy have I got a treat for you! Your dick ever get stiff?”

Darren gave him brief, awkward side-eye, his cheeks burning red.

“So that’s a yes,” Mikey chuckled. “And when it gets hard, you ever… touch it?” He waited barely a few seconds before he said, “Of course you do, you don’t even need to say it. Well playing with it a certain way… they call it masturbating, but you’d only hear that in, like, text books or from grown-ups who are too fucking embarrassed to call it anything else!”

“Oh!” Darren exclaimed, completely shocked at someone talking about something private so openly. “So it’s… not… naughty?” he asked shyly.

“Depends on what you consider naughty,” Mikey replied, just being honest rather than evasive. “But I tell ya this. EVERYONE does it. Like… every kid once they get around your age… maybe a bit older. Every guy out there. If they’ve got a dick, they wank. Most won’t admit it, cos most adults are pricks who lie about everything, but they definitely do it too.”

Darren nodded, interested by the concept but a little cautious of the apparent disdain Mikey had for adults.

“I can show ya how to do it if ya like,” Mikey offered, as if he were offering something as innocent as a handshake.

“Sh… show me?” Darren stuttered. “You mean… on… you or… on me?”

“Both if ya like!” Mikey said with a shrug.

Darren nodded silently but emphatically.

Mikey raised his hips and pulled his trousers, tugging them down without undoing them. His underwear slid partially down with them and he saw Darren stare, once again wide-eyed, as he dick ALMOST came into view. He smirked a little at the obvious interest. As if the choice of TV channel hadn’t already confirmed Darren’s suitability, this certainly made clear he would fit in at Kingswood. He yanked his underwear down to join his trousers round his knees and his cock flopped free. Sitting there, small and flaccid, his dick was topped by a small but thick patch of ginger pubes.

“You’ve got hair down there!” Darren exclaimed in surprise.

“Yup,” Mikey said casually. “You… know what puberty is, right?” As Darren stared back at him, his eyes saying no but his expression looking ready to say otherwise, Mikey shrugged and said, “We’ll talk about that after. For now, come on, get your dick out. We don’t have long!”

As the boy copied Mikey, exposing himself nervously, his cock sprang free, rigid but mostly undeveloped. “It’s really small,” he said apologetically.

“So was mine, til it wasn’t!” Mikey said, again not trying to be clever but simply stating the fact. He tugged on his own dick and it gradually stiffened, much to Darren’s delight.

Mikey started masturbating, demonstrating to the younger boy what he was doing, talking him through how to do it himself and, on one occasion that made Darren let out a high-pitched whimper, reached across to physically demonstrate.

“This feels… nice,” Darren said as he sat jerking off for the first time.

“I know right,” Mikey grinned. “Eventually, it’ll start to feel REALLY good and it’ll, like, throb and pulse and stuff. That’s called an orgasm but most guys just call it cumming.”

“Awesome!” Darren declared, speeding up.

“When you get older, when you cum white stuff shoots out too and it feels EVEN better!” Mikey said, stroking away at his own cock.

“Eww, like peeing?” Darren asked, his face screwing up a little.

“Kinda, but less gross,” Mikey grinned. “And not as much. It might be really watery at first, mine was, but then it started to get, like… thicker and… and gooier and mate, seriously, there ain’t a feeling like it!”

“When can I do that?” Darren asked eagerly.

“Like I said, when you’re older, but it’s like… different for different people. My friend David only just started and he’s thirteen, but my best friend Nicky started SUPER early at, like… eight or something, so… any time I guess!” Mikey explained. “Okay, I’m gonna cum!” he declared as he continued wanking, more caught up in the demonstration than his own enjoyment.

“Oh my god!” Darren exclaimed, his own hand speeding up. He actually gasped as he saw Mikey shoot, then stared with his jaw agape. “So cool!” he muttered. “The way it… oh, wait… something’s… this is… weird, do I… keep going?” he suddenly asked, seemingly on the brink of his own orgasm.

“Yeah, do it!” Mikey encouraged him.

“Oh… unnnh… oh… oh my god… I’m… I think… oh my god!” Darren gasped, staring down at his small erection as he let go of it. It started twitching wildly as his face contorted into one of shocked pleasure. “I’m cumming!” he grinned happily. “Wow, that was… amazing!” he said as it stopped, with no sign of any semen or even pre-cum.

“Enjoy your new favourite hobby!” Mikey sniggered as he pulled his underwear and trousers back up.


Mikey had not long said goodbye to Darren and his family when Mr Everett emerged from the interview room. “So, Mikey… how did it go?”

“Really well sir,” Mikey replied happily.

“All four of them?” Mr Everett asked, raising an eyebrow. “Even… the second one?”

Mikey scowled as he thought about Edward and snapped, “Definite no on him.”

Mr Everett smiled. He had caught on almost instantly that they had a brat on their hands but was curious to find out Mikey’s take on him. “Why?” he asked casually.

“Every word he said made me want to punch him!” Mikey answered honestly.

Mr Everett held back a smirk and asked nervously, “Did you... punch him?”

Mikey scoffed and replied, “No. I only do things that'll get me in trouble when I know I won't get caught.”

Mr Everett nodded. “That sounds dangerously close to a confession,” he teased slightly.

“Maybe it is, sir, but for a crime you'll never know,” Mikey answered, sticking as usual to blunt honesty.

The Headmaster’s eyes narrowed for just a moment. “I feel proud and I don't know why,” he replied, shaking his head a little. “But the rest were good then? Ryan seemed like a good kid.”

“Yeah, he was okay!” Mikey nodded.

“Same goes for Leonardo and Darren,” Mr Everett offered.

Mikey smirked at the mention of Leonardo’s name.

“Something funny?” Mr Everett asked.

Mikey shook his head. If the man had not caught on to the names, he didn’t deserve to laugh at the joke. “No sir. Anyway, can I go now? David said we don’t decide right away, so I’m done here, right?”

“I guess so,” Mr Everett replied, gesturing for the boy to leave. As Mikey stood and headed for the hallway, the Headmaster called out, “Good job today Mikey. You did Kingswood proud.”

Mikey looked back for a moment, slightly awed, looking almost tearful at the genuine compliment. He forced a stern expression back on his face, shrugged and said, “Thank you sir. It’s my home and I love it!”

Mr Everett smiled proudly as Mikey left.


Naked Justice

Well, I think Mikey should vote for Leonardo. Ryan has a history with probably much harassing and it would be good for him to get admitted to Kingswood. Darren would fit in, too. But he'll make his way anyway. After fearing to get rejected for being gay, it would be a desaster for him not to be chosen. And Edward is a great candidate for King Edward's.