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Wednesday morning, 19 January 2022

“We all set up?” Mr Everett asked as he approached Joseph, ready to start the second day of interviews.

“Yes sir,” Joseph replied politely.

“Does it feel strange being back here?” the Headmaster asked, the sort of question he posed to all Year 12s who attended the interviews to support their mentees.

Joseph took a deep breath in, thinking, then nodded as he exhaled. “Really doesn’t feel like three years since I was where Danny is!” he said wistfully.

“It never does!” Mr Everett said back with a gentle head bob. “And how’s Danny doing this morning?”

Joseph looked back down the hall for a second, towards the waiting area Danny now sat in. Turning back to the man before him, Joseph nodded again and said, “He’s good. Nervous, but… who isn’t at these things?”

“Oh you certainly were!” Mr Everett chortled. “I seem to remember you saying you weren’t sure whether you were going to pass out, or throw up…”

“Or maybe both, so don’t let me drown on it!” Joseph finished, grinning. “Wow, I forgot that!” he said with a slight awkward chuckle.

“I didn’t, but I don’t tend to forget much of anything,” the Headmaster said, raising an eyebrow. “And do you recall when you stopped being nervous?”

Joseph blushed a little as he glanced back down the hallway again for a moment, remembering the moment he had met Danny.

The man let out a hearty laugh as he nodded at Joseph and said, “It was certainly something to behold! Every student forms a bond with their mentor, it’s literally how and why the system exists, but sometimes… every now and then… I get to see one with the special little spark of magic. I don’t think I even needed to ask who you wanted, did I?”

“No sir,” Joseph replied, thinking back fondly to how excited he had been at the thought of getting to know Danny when he joined the school.

“And he’s certainly given you plenty of challenges,” Mr Everett nodded, his smile shrinking somewhat.

Joseph nodded back at him and said, “Sorry for the colourful language sir, but that’s a fucking big understatement!”

“Hah!” Mr Everett cackled, patting Joseph on the shoulder. “That it is, Joseph. That it is. But I tell you what, we’ve given Danny a lot of praise for the way he’s handled himself, but I hope you know a large chunk of that praise is due to you as well.”

“I didn’t really do anything, sir,” Joseph said humbly. “It’s all Danny!”

“Mmm-huh, maybe so, but who d’you think helped make Danny the young man he is?” Mr Everett asked rhetorically.

“I guess. Thank you, sir!” Joseph reluctantly accepted.

“Anyway, don’t want to keep anyone waiting, have a good morning, Joseph. And well done!” the Headmaster said, patting Joseph on the back as he walked on.

Joseph stood watching him for a moment, then thought about Danny again, about to take his first step into the next phase of his time at Kingswood. He smiled for a moment, but it dropped as he thought about his own transition – the beginning of the end!



Danny’s first potential candidate of the day was a diminutive, scrawny-looking boy called Charlie who had looked so scared as he left the interview room that Danny almost hugged him before they had even been introduced. He held back and just started talking to the boy and it quickly became apparent that they had a few things in common, but mostly football.

While Charlie was much more interested in watching it than playing it, he was still excited to hear about the football teams and the SCIPS tournament that the school competed in each year. They had still been talking sports by the time Danny started leading the boy towards the suite that was reserved for ‘testing’.

“Won’t we get in trouble for coming in here?” Charlie asked nervously.

Danny shrugged and said, “You don’t seem that keen on coming to Kingswood, so getting in trouble might actually help!”

Charlie thought for a moment, then nodded as he wandered in. “It’s not that I don’t wanna,” he mused quietly, “It’s more like…” he paused, thinking.

“Shit-scared of leaving your family and having make a whole new buncha friends?” Danny suggested, remembering his own feelings on it when he had been in Charlie’s place.

“Yeah, I guess,” Charlie shrugged, casually exploring the room. “Ooh, fancy!” he exclaimed as he opened the door to the bedroom and saw the large four-poster bed. He looked back to Danny and asked, “Was it hard for you?”

‘Something’s hard for me!’ Danny thought to himself, suppressing a smirk. It was mid-morning and he had yet to get any action, and considering his gajillion-times-a-day sex habit lately, it was proving tough. He shook his head, trying to think clearly as he said, “For about the first hour, but then I met the guys I was dorming with and… everything changed!”

“Yeah, that sounds weird to me,” Charlie explained as he continued nosing round the room. “I had my little brother share my room one night once and even THAT felt strange. I can’t imagine sharing a room with SEVEN other boys!”

‘Ugh, I’d settled for one boy right now,’ Danny thought to himself as he sat down, groping his erection through his trousers, knowing his lower half was concealed from Charlie by the sofa he had sat on. “You get used to it pretty quick,” he said with a shrug, then frowned a little as he said, “Actually it’s only like half a year til we move to four-person dorms and that’s gonna be… weird!”

“So you really like it there then?” Charlie asked, smiling as he approached Danny, seemingly bored of exploring the largely-empty room.

“SO much!” Danny grinned, then grabbed the TV remote and said, “Let’s see if there’s anything good on.” He suddenly found himself thinking about his mentor, Joseph. He had used the old ‘gay porn’ test during Danny’s interview to establish his proclivity for boy-on-boy action and it felt wonderfully fitting for Danny to now be doing the same. Inappropriate, definitely, but fitting.

Danny quickly clicked his way up through the channels, barely even maintaining the pretence of browsing as he hurried his way to the adult channels. He slowed down a little as he passed them, giving Charlie brief side-eye to check for a reaction.

“Wait, go back!” Charlie called out.

Danny held back a smile as he clicked back down, stopping on the channel showing a guy getting spit-roasted by two bigger guys. “Ah, hot!” Danny said, barely resisting groping himself again.

“Oh, I thought I saw boobs,” Charlie pouted, then blushed heavily. He looked at the men on screen and frowned, then looked to Danny and asked, “You like this stuff?”

“Yeah,” Danny admitted, hoping a confession of his own sexuality might prompt the boy to ponder his own.

“We learned about gays and stuff a few months ago at school. Does that mean you’re gay?” Charlie asked, sounding surprisingly comfortable talking about it.

“Yeah, I am,” Danny replied, curious to see what direction this would go.

“I thought about it,” Charlie said, nodding thoughtfully. “Cos I mostly like hanging out with other boys, but I think that’s just… ya know… not in like a boyfriendy way. I mean… girls are… weird, but…” He paused to giggle shyly before finishing, “Boobs are cool!”

Danny laughed. It was not the answer he was hoping for, as even at such a young age the boy seemed impressively self-aware and confident in his sexuality, but it was still nice to hear. “We never got taught about LGBT stuff at my primary school!” he said, slightly bitterly.

“That’s it, LBGT!” Charlie declared. “So you’re the first LBGT person I’ve met and you seem really cool.”

“Well thank you,” Danny nodded. He glanced at the TV and sighed slightly, then clicked down a channel and said, “Oh, I guess ya did see boobs. Enjoy!”

“Oh-em-gee!” Charlie declared, staring excitedly at the screen.



Danny was a little downhearted after Charlie left. Danny had made an amazing connection with Joseph during his own interview three years ago. Others had done almost as well, like Nicky, who had fallen in love at first sight with his mentor, Will (though that love had proven short-lived) or like Chris, who had bonded so thoroughly with Brian that they genuinely thought of each other as brothers. Danny had hoped for something like that today, and as nice as Charlie had been, even if he had been gay or bi, there was something missing. He remained hopeful as he was introduced to Harrison.

“Harry!” the boy had insisted, as soon as Mr Everett was gone. “Harrison sounds so nerdy!” he complained.

Conversation hadn’t flowed quite as smoothly as it had with the first boy, but Harry was much more at ease, so Danny found the whole thing a little easier. The big hurdle with Harry appeared to be his feelings about going to a boarding school. While Charlie had been nervous and trepidatious, Harry was outright resentful of the idea.

“My parents just wanna ship me off to school like they did with my sister to get rid of us,” Harry grumbled.

Danny did his best to stay positive as he replied, “Oh well, maybe they do, but that doesn’t mean you wouldn’t have fun. Kingswood’s great!”

“No,” Harry insisted. “Staying at home where my mates and my house are… THAT’S great. Like, not dissing your school or whatever, I’m sure it’s great.”

“Well I like it, and so do all my friends!” Danny said, still trying to sound cheerful as they wandered into the other room.

“I’m going to jump on that!” Harry declared matter-of-factly as they peered into the suite’s bedroom, pointing at the bed.

“Okay,” Danny chuckled, following the boy in. He wanted to get him back to the TV to try and establish his compatibility for Kingswood, but he seemed so miserable about the whole idea that letting him do something fun was probably the smarter move. He watched as Harry launched himself onto the bed then climbed to his feet and started bouncing.

After a few moments, Harry ceased his jump, slowly coming to a stop before he flopped down to sit cross-legged and said, “Wasn’t as much fun as I hoped!”

Danny moved over to him and sat down on the bed, leaning against one of the posts at the foot, but remained silent.

“I’m not very good at making friends,” Harry sighed. “It took me years to really make the friends I’ve got and I think even they don’t like me half the time!”

“Why d’ya think that?” Danny frowned. He sounded a little like Mikey, making assumptions about what people thought with no real basis.

“They told me!” Harry said with a shrug, his gaze focused on the bed where he was tracing shapes in the loose covers with his finger.

“Well that sucks!” Danny said. Obviously not entirely like Mikey then. “Maybe going away to school might be a chance to make friends who DO actually like you!”

“What if I don’t?” Harry asked, finally raising his gaze to look at Danny, his eyes wide and slightly watery.

“You will!” Danny insisted. “You seem like a nice kid. There’s friends out there for you, I’m sure of it!” he said with a confident nod. As he looked at the boy, he thought to himself, ‘Those friends might be at Kingswood if you’re riding the rainbow! It’d be really helpful if you just came out now please!’ He smirked slightly, knowing it wouldn’t be that easy.

“I’m glad you’re so sure,” Harry sighed.

“Hey, you wanna see something that’ll…” Danny paused, not wanting to over-promise. He grinned a little as he said, “Well, it’ll either cheer you up or gross you out, but it’s gotta be better than moping around here, right?”

“Sure,” Harry shrugged, quickly climbing off the bed to follow Danny back into the lounge. “What is it?” he demanded.

“Just watch!” Danny said with a grin as he turned the TV, straight to the gay channel.

“Ewwwwwwwwww!” Harry called out. “He’s touching that guy’s willy. Eww eww eww!”

Danny let out a sigh as he flopped down onto the sofa. Two for two on the straight boys. Today was not looking like his day.



The boys tended to stay clear of the waiting area until the families were in with Mr Everett. It was all part of the intended plan to make their time together a true, proper first impression. Danny had managed to break that a little for his third candidate, covertly spying on them as they headed in to see Mr Everett. He wished he hadn’t, because he had recognised the two adults, but couldn’t quite figure out where from.

By the time Mr Everett led the boy out and introduced him as Stephen, Danny was still racking his brain trying to place them, much to his annoyance.

“Hey,” Danny said politely, resisting the urge to just scream at him, “HOW DO I KNOW YOU?”

“Hey,” Stephen replied with a smile.

Just as Danny was about to start the ‘getting to know you’ routine he had trialled with Charlie then refined with Harry, the younger boy raised a hand to stop him. “Lemme save ya some time!” he insisted.

Danny frowned and said awkwardly, “Umm… okay…”

“You don’t need to do this. I’m straight!” Stephen said confidently. As Danny stared at him, visibly perturbed by the comment, he smirked and continued, “And I know Kingswood’s a mostly gay place, so that won’t work. And you wouldn’t want to mentor me, cos… ya know… you’re always doing all the gay sex stuff with everyone you meet and I’m not into that!”

“Do I… know you?” Danny asked, confused by the unexpected knowledge the boy had.

“I’m a Moore!” Stephen explained.

“More what?” Danny asked, frowning.

Stephen sniggered and shook his head. “No. MOORE is my surname. You know my brother, Aaron!”

“Aaron?” Danny asked, taking a second. “Oh, Aaron Moore! Yeah!” he said, catching on. Aaron was in Danny’s year at Kingswood. They were both on the football team. In fact, Aaron had been team captain the previous year before Danny took over. Aaron had also pranked Danny in many humiliating ways and ended up receiving similar treatment in return, but Stephen didn’t need to know about that. “So you’re Stevie!” Danny said with a grin. It all came back to him now, he had seen Stephen’s parents during pick-ups and drop-offs for Aaron at the end of each term.

“Ugh, does he actually call em that?” Stephen pouted. “I told him to stop. I hate it!”

“Oh he knows,” Danny nodded. “That’s probably why he does it. Aaron… definitely likes to tease!”

Stephen nodded and replied, “I know, he’s SO annoying! Yet another reason not to go to Kingswood!”

Danny nodded, thinking about the comment, on top of what the boy had said earlier. “So Aaron’s told you a lot about Kingswood, has he?”

Stephen smirked and said, “Yeah, way more than he tells mum and dad. They’re so clueless. They still don’t even know he’s gay!”

“But you do?” Danny asked, raising an eyebrow. He got a nod. “And you’re not?” he asked and got a head shake.

“Well, there we go then,” Danny shrugged, glad to have an answer, even if it wasn’t the one he wanted. “Guess we got some time to kill!”

“You could always tell me embarrassing stories about Aaron to pass the time!” Stephen said with a mischievous grin.

Danny chuckled as he nodded. It was a shame Stephen was straight, he actually quite liked the boy, but alas it was simply not to be. Three down, only one chance left!



“What if I don’t like any of them?” Danny had asked Mr Everett before the final interview started.

The Headmaster had nodded thoughtfully and said, “There are other candidates if needed, but… I’m confident you’ll find a good match.”

“I don’t just want a ‘good’ match,” Danny pouted. “I want… I don’t know how to put it…”

“That special little spark of magic?” Mr Everett suggested.

“Yes, that! Exactly that!” Danny said emphatically, oblivious to the man’s smirk over repeating the same thing he had said to Joseph that morning.

A short while later, the interview had begun, leaving Danny waiting for it to conclude. As it got close to the time for his final candidate to emerg, he felt his phone vibrate. Pulling it out, he saw a message from Nicky, who was also at the hotel, ready for his own interviews that afternoon. [Saw the guy you just had. He’s cute. Are you having him? Lol] Nicky had written.

[Nope, he’s a straight (eww), he’s also Aaron Moore’s little brother!] Danny sent back. He quickly typed [gtg] and slipped his phone back in his pocket as he saw the door open.

“… And I told him that’s really no way to treat a donkey!” Mr Everett finished whatever he had been saying as he opened the door, a roar of laughter coming from the adults inside. “Oh, sorry about that,” he chuckled as he looked to Danny. He looked to the boy following behind him and said, “Avery, this is Danny. He’ll look after you while I finish talking to your parents.”

Danny gave the boy a smile and got a timid one in return.

“Danny, this is Avery. Be nice, he’s a little… nervous, okay!” Mr Everett said softly. He patted the boy on the head before disappearing back inside the room.

“Hey, no need to be nervous. The tough part’s over with now!” Danny reassured the boy as the door closed, standing up to face him.

Avery stood a good twenty centimetres shorter than Danny, his dark brown, almost-black hair neatly and impeccably styled into a formal side parting, while his deep brown eyes just stared at Danny intently. Dressed in a shirt and tie that looked about as small as it was possible to get, yet was still a little baggy on him, Danny could only imagine how scrawny the boy was underneath it. Avery nodded at Danny’s comment but remained silent.

Conversation looked like it wasn’t going to be easy, so Danny decided to forego his usual attempt, partly to avoid wasting his time but largely just to get the rest of it over with. After three unsuccessful candidates, he had been desperately hoping for that ‘spark’ that Mr Everett mentioned, but alas… there was none. “Come on, let’s get outta here,” he said, nodding out to the hallway. “Avery’s a pretty cool name,” he said, trying to fill the silence.

“Thanks, it was a birthday present,” Avery replied quietly.

Danny was confused. The comment showed obvious humour, but the expression was utterly humourless. Danny chuckled at it anyway, if only to try and make the boy feel better. “We can hang out in here if you like,” Danny said as he entered the suite.

“Okay,” Avery replied, looking round at every inch of the room nervously as he walked in.

Danny let out a slight sigh. This boy was clearly not for him, but he figured he should at least complete his ‘duty’. Maybe he would be 100% straight too and then Mr Everett might have to offer up some of those ‘other candidates’ he had mentioned. “Hey, you like porn?” Danny asked, skipping over subtlety entirely as he turned the TV on.

Avery gasped and looked away as he insisted, “I’m not allowed to look at stuff like that!” His voice, already high and years from breaking, had shot even higher in surprise.

“Yeah, well I say you can!” Danny insisted, knowing it was by far the easiest way to establish the boy’s potential interests.

Avery glanced at the screen, frowned and looked away as he said, “Eww, they’re so old!”

Danny let out a low growl as he turned the TV off. Clearly not a winning strategy. “So you’d rather look at someone your own age then?” he asked, hoping to still find a way to progress the issue.

“Maybe… a couple of years older is okay,” Avery said, giving Danny a brief, shy glance.

“Oh, so… would you… like to see me?” Danny asked, still not enamoured by the boy but spurred on by his own arousal and the prospect of showing off. While being naked in front of younger boys usually embarrassed Danny in a less exciting way than he liked, he was starting to feel a little desperate for relief and this was better than nothing.

Avery stared back for a moment, then nodded.

Danny stood and quickly began to strip. He would have liked to take it slow, to tease the boy and see how keen he might get, but time was short so he pulled off his tie, undid the top two buttons on his shirt and pulled it off over his head. “You like this?” he asked, genuinely curious rather than cocky as he ran hhis fingers down his own abs. As Avery nodded again, Danny reached down to undo his trousers, then slid them down in a single motion along with his underwear.

“You’ve got a stiffy!” Avery declared, staring wide-eyed as Danny stood up, his cock reaching for the ceiling.

“Yeah. Do you… wanna take a closer look?” Danny asked, starting to get more into it.

“I’m… scared,” Avery said, taking a step back.

Danny nearly pulled his clothes back on, worried about upsetting the anxious boy too much, but despite his obvious fear, there was undeniable interest in his eyes too. “It’s okay, I won’t hurt you!” Danny insisted.

“You might try to touch me,” Avery said, lowering his gaze as he looked increasingly nervous.

“I promise I won’t!” Danny assured him.

Avery just pouted, taking another slight step back.

“Hey,” Danny said, glancing at his discarded tie. “You can… tie my hands behind my back if it helps!” he offered.

“Hmm, maybe…” Avery mused, starting to sound more willing. “How about if we…” he paused, shook his head and said, “No, never mind, forget it!”

“No, what?” Danny demanded, taking a step forward. He nearly tripped on his trousers so he pulled his feet free, slipping his shoes off at the same time.

“Would you…” Avery started, then glance at the door to the bedroom. “Would you… let me… tie you to the bed? That way I’ll be absolutely certain you can’t… ya know… do anything bad to me!”

“Aww, I won’t, I promise!” Danny insisted, but smiled and added, “But if that’ll make you feel safer. Sure. I trust you!”

“You do?” Avery asked, smiling broadly for the first time.

Danny felt a sudden swell of affection for the timid boy. So scared, so nervous, but clearly so eager. It was quite sweet. “Yeah,” he replied. “Let’s go!” He grabbed his tie and headed for the bedroom, quickly pulling off his socks to complete his nudity before he left. He smiled as he saw Avery’s eyes fixed on his erection bobbing ahead of him as he walked.

As they walked into the bedroom, Danny quickly hopped onto the bed, still messy from Harry’s brief trampolining. He looped his tie around one wrist and knotted it, then lay down and offered his hand to Avery as he said, “Loop it round the post and tie it to my other wrist!”

“Okay,” Avery said, approaching nervously. He edged closer and took the tie, securing it as instructed. With Danny tied in place, he took a step back and said, “You could just untie it with your hands together like that!”

“I promise I won’t!” Danny said, getting a little frustrated at the boy’s nervousness.

“Here,” Avery said, untying the wrist. He tied the end directly to the post and said, “Shuffle over!” before walking round to the other side. He undid his own tie and secured Danny’s other hand in a similar way.

“Happy now?” Danny asked, his cock throbbing.

Avery climbed onto the bed and stared down at the naked, restrained boy. He smiled sweetly, but it quickly spread into a manic grin before he giggled a little and said, “You are WAY too gullible!”

“Erm… what?” Danny asked nervously, absolutely bewildered by both the expression and the undeniable change in tone of voice.

“Shut up!” Avery snapped. He knelt down beside Danny, pulled a pillowcase off one of the pillows and placed it over Danny’s head.

“Wait, what are you… stop it!” Danny demanded, now mostly blinded, shaking his head to try and get it free.

“Quiet, d’you wanna be gagged too?” Avery asked sharply.

“Kinda!” Danny muttered, then shook his head and said, “No, no I don’t! You don’t have to do this,” he insisted. “I’d let you do what you want to me anyway!”

“Yeah, they all say that… until I actually do what I want!” Avery sniggered.

Danny felt a hand take hold of his dick and start stroking. It was firm and eager without being rough. This boy very clearly knew what he was doing… which only made Danny’s cock throb all the harder. “Does this mean you’ve…” Danny started, but stopped and let out a pained grunt as he felt Avery’s other hand squeeze his balls sharply.

“I said shut up. If I wanted you to talk, d’you think you’d be tied up naked?” Avery demanded.

Danny didn’t reply, he just lay silently reluctantly enjoying the rapid handjob. With his legs unrestrained, he could probably have kicked the boy away if he wanted to, but he didn’t, which apparently meant he was happy to go along with it.

“Wow, you’re close already!” Avery sniggered. “Been a while, has it?”

“Relatively,” Danny replied, unsure if he was actually allowed to answer.

“Kingswood’s a gay school, huh?” Avery asked abruptly, though he sounded genuinely curious.

“Mostly,” Danny replied, followed by a breathy moan as he neared orgasm. “Are you… gay?” he asked nervously.

He felt movement on the bed followed by a growl in his ear as Avery replied, “None of your fucking business!”

Danny felt more than a little intimidated, not only by the comment, but by the whole situation, yet the imminent release already felt intense. “Ah, god, I’m… gonna… blow…” he gasped.

“Mmm-huh,” Avery hummed, his hand still stroking rapidly.

“Fuuuuuck!” Danny gasped as he began to shoot. He felt the first spurt hit the pillowcase, the rest streaking his chest and stomach as he unleashed a load befitting his ‘long’ 12 hour abstinence! Avery’s hand continued stroking right to the end, the last few dribbles coating his fingers and getting rubbed right back onto Danny’s dick, lubricating it a little. “Okay… stop,” Danny gasped as his dick grew rapidly in post-orgasmic sensitivity.

“What happened to doing whatever I want?” Avery asked with a wicked chuckle.

“Ah no, not this, please!” Danny demanded, the stroking rapidly crossing the line from pleasure to pain. He began to buck and try to get away, but felt Avery climb on him, sitting on his legs. Danny still squirmed but couldn’t really get away as the stroking continued.

“Ah yeah, feels good, doesn’t it!” Avery sniggered.

“Nooooo!” Danny whined. “Stop, pleeeeease!”

“Not yet!” Avery insisted, speeding up his stroking even more rapidly.

“Fuck fuck fuck fuck,” Danny cried, feeling the wet patch on the pillowcase from his first load touch his cheek. “Stoppit, pleeeeease!” he whined weakly.

“Not. Yet!” Avery insisted again.

Danny continued panting, gasping and moaning as the painful stroking continued, gradually feeling the pleasure rising once again. It was no less discomforting, but there was a twisted feeling of enjoyment along with it. “Oh god, you’re not…” he gasped breathlessly, panting heavily. As he realised the plan.

“Yeah I am!” Avery insisted. “Now shut up and take it!”

Danny let out a whimper, pressing his lips together tightly to stifle his moans as he bucked again, less to get away from Avery’s hand and increasingly to fuck it. “Oh… oh fuck… fuck… here I… it’s… OH MY FUCKING GOD!”

An orgasm ripped through Danny, intense in a way he had never felt before, a mix of both pleasure and pain as they met in a crescendo or orgasmic bliss. He managed to shoot a surprisingly big load considering it was barely minutes since his last as his back arched as the feeling ripped through him.

As it finally subsided, he felt Avery’s hand still stroking. “NO, STOP!” he yelled out. The boy couldn’t possibly keep going.

Laughing for a few moments, Avery continued to stroke before he finally stopped.

“Ah… thank… you…” Danny panted, having been truly worried the boy was going for three. He let out another grunt as he felt Avery’s finger teasingly circle the head of his embattled cock. “Ugh, that was… insane…” he gasped.

“Meh, I’ve had better,” Avery replied casually. “But yeah, this was fun. See ya around, Danny!” he said casually.

“Wait, untie me!” Danny demanded.

Avery never replied, except with the sound of the bedroom door closing, followed moments later by the door to the hallway opening and closing too.

“Fuck!” Danny grunted, pulling at the two ties.


“No, thank YOU,” Mr Everett said as he left the room ahead of Avery’s parents. “It’s been a pleasure!” He looked at Avery, sitting there alone and asked, “Oh, where did Danny go?”

“Oh, he got a little tied up with something!” Avery said innocently, “But he did a great job sir. Kept me very entertained!”

“Mmm-huh,” the Headmaster frowned at the boy.

“Well thank you for your time,” Avery’s mother said with a smile. “Come on Ave, let’s go,” she said, holding her hand out to the boy. “Oh, you’re sticky!” she scowled as her son took her hand. “We’ll stop at a bathroom on the way out so you can freshen up!”

“Thank you all for your time, have a safe journey home!” Mr Everett said as he waved them off. As soon as they were clear, he shook his head and started off down the hall. Knowing the nearby room that was used by the students during the interviews, he headed in and immediately spotted the discarded clothing by the sofa.

As the door to the bedroom opened, Danny called out, “Avery, is that you?” As the pillowcase was yanked off of Danny’s head, he flinched at the sudden increase of light then blushed heavily at the sight of Mr Everett. “Oh, erm… hi sir!” he said awkwardly, glancing down briefly at his hard-again cock and the remnants of his two loads, slowly drying onto him.

“I don’t want to know, do I?” Mr Everett asked, shaking his head as he untied Danny’s wrist.

“Probably not, sir,” Danny replied, blushing profusely as he sat up and reached over to undo his other wrist.

“So, this would normally be where we would discuss how the morning went,” the Headmaster said as he sat at the foot of the bed, still shaking his head a little.

Danny raised a leg to slightly conceal himself as he nodded, surprised and slightly amused that the man was still intending to hold a conversation.

“So, three that were a straight-up no and one who left you… tied naked to a bed. Am I to take it I’ll be needing to arrange some alternative candidates?” the Headmaster asked, trying to conceal his amusement at Danny’s obvious embarrassment.

Danny shook his head as he stared over at the door. “No sir,” he said, his cheeks burning. “Maybe not!”


Naked Justice

Well I had my favourite for Danny two meetings ago. But that's not your plan. I think it's Stephen, Aaron's brother. And he's deserved it!

Dave Armstrong

I was so worried about you would handle Danny. And my anxiety grew with each new interview. The expectations were so high. But then the twist that always seems to come with Danny. Avery turns the tables and Danny finds new, arousing humiliations from someone who can't yet ejaculate. Absolutely perfect Matt! I will never doubt you again.