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Monday marked the two-year anniversary of me starting this page. It really doesn't feel like that long, but it's been a wonderful two years. When I started it, prompted by a reader who insisted it was a good idea, I was convinced I wouldn't even get one patron, let alone over 20 of you. Yes, compared to many creators out there that number seems low, but to me it really means the world.

Writing my stories and being able to share them is the thing I love most in the world. Having such wonderful supporters while I do it just adds a whole new level of joy, so a genuine thank you to all past, present and future patrons.

Anyway, that's enough looking back, it's time to look ahead at what 2023 has in store.


As much as I love all of my writing, I think it's undeniable that Kingswood is my true passion project and that's not changing in 2023. Next week will see a few Kingswood-related posts, including two mini-stories and Chapter 0 of The Kingswood Effect!

Throughout 2023, The Kingswood Effect (TKE) will continue to post weekly, but just to give you full details of what to expect, below is a rough summary of the plan for posting:

  • January to June - The Kingswood Effect Chapters 0-20
  • June and July - Book three bonus story 'Interview Week'
  • August to end of December - The Kingswood Effect Chapters 21-40

I'm still struggling to find as much time as I would like to write, so Book 3.5 (a.k.a. Chris and Danny's Super Sexy Summer a.k.a. CDSSS) remains in progress, but is coming along well and should hopefully make for an enjoyable read. For those of you who enjoyed meeting the rest of Chris' family in 'A Very Kingswood Easter', you'll be glad to hear they're all back in CDSSS.

Book four (currently untitled) has been started but will likely remain on hold until CDSSS is completed. Don't worry though, current schedules still have it planned to be completed long before TKE has finished posting, so don't expect any long delays between books.

Editing is every bit as time-consuming as the actual writing, but editing of TKE is well underway and the first 20 chapters are expected to be completed within the next couple of weeks. It's very fun revisiting the story and polishing it up to make sure it's as enjoyable as possible for you all.

Interactive Stories

For anyone who missed it, or hasn't ready the latest part yet, Part 27 includes the final vote of Greg's Naked Nightmare. Part 28 will be the final part, posting on Sunday, though there may also be an apilogue shortly after wrapping up the loose ends. The full story will eventually be posted elsewhere, but for now it remains a patreon-exclusive, just you all you little pervs.

As I always like to give you something extra where I can, so after Greg's Naked Nightmare finishes posting, I will be sharing a document titled 'Greg's Naked Nightmare - The Road Not Taken'. As I wrote each part, I included a brief summary of what would happen for each part if chosen. This is intended to show you what the outcomes would have been for the votes that didn't win. If you're curious to see what would have happened if things had gone differently, you might enjoy giving it a read.

As I have definitely been enjoying having something different to work on when I need a break from Kingswood, I am intending to continue having interactive stories. Expect a new one to start relatively soon. I may even give you all the chance to vote on what the story will be about...

Other Stuff

You may have seen I recently posted an interactive game on here. As stated in the post, it was just a trial run to see if the concept worked. I am unsure where it will lead. It could result in further interactive games. It may even lead a fully interactive 'choose-your-own-adventure' style erotic story (something I have long wanted to do). Or it might not lead anywhere, but either way it was fun to try and thank you to those of you who played and have feedback on it.

So, with all of that going on it's looking like a busy year. Thank you all once again for your ongoing support and I hope I can continue to entertain and excite. All the best.

Matt x


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