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Interactive Story - Greg's Naked Nightmare - Part 27

  • 1. Message both Carl and Riley, to play with them both and attempt to kick-start their potential relationship 3
  • 2. Message Ollie and see if he wants to meet up again for some fun, or maybe more!? 6
  • 3. Message his housemates and see if any of them are free 0
  • 4. Just head to the toilets and hope to pick up someone random, or wank if he doesn’t find anyone 0
  • 2023-01-10
  • —2023-01-15
  • 9 votes
{'title': "Interactive Story - Greg's Naked Nightmare - Part 27", 'choices': [{'text': '1. Message both Carl and Riley, to play with them both and attempt to kick-start their potential relationship', 'votes': 3}, {'text': '2. Message Ollie and see if he wants to meet up again for some fun, or maybe more!?', 'votes': 6}, {'text': '3. Message his housemates and see if any of them are free', 'votes': 0}, {'text': '4. Just head to the toilets and hope to pick up someone random, or wank if he doesn’t find anyone', 'votes': 0}], 'closes_at': datetime.datetime(2023, 1, 15, 0, 36, 34, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 'created_at': datetime.datetime(2023, 1, 10, 16, 2, 4, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 'description': None, 'allows_multiple': False, 'total_votes': 9}


For part 26 click here 

Part 26 Voting Results

Hanging out with Lewis after a tiring day, Lewis suggests they re-visit Greg's previous suggestion of 'winner fucks the loser' over a game of Mario Kart. As they begin to play, Lewis puts down his controller, apparently wanting to lose. What does Greg do?

1. Restart the race and insist the bet is only valid if Lewis plays to the best of his ability – 13%

2. Forget the race and just fuck Lewis senseless – 75%

3. Put down his own controller and insist he is a bottom too – 13%

Part 27

Greg continued racing, unsure if Lewis would have second thoughts and attempt to play, but as he neared the end of the first lap, his friend’s controller remained untouched. Greg was unsure whether he was happy with it or not. Losing would have meant getting fucked by Lewis, but… would that be so bad? He had been fucked before, by… that kid… Greg felt his cheeks flush as he realised he couldn’t even remember the name of the first guy who had fucked him just a few days earlier. It also made his cock twitch just a little, or was that more the result of the fact he seemed to be heading towards the race’s other outcome… fucking Lewis!

It wouldn’t be the first time Greg had topped either. He wasn’t sure if he was supposed to choose ‘top’ or ‘bottom’. He wasn’t even sure yet that he actually liked fucking guys, but the deal had been made and it seemed Lewis had already decided the outcome.

“Fuck it!” Greg mumbled as he placed his controller aside and turned to face his housemate. “You sure about this?” he asked, seeing him still looking quite anxious.

“Very!” Lewis said with a nod.

Greg grabbed Lewis roughly by the side of his head and pulled him into a kiss, an aggressive embrace without being rough, clearly borne of excitement and eagerness. Lewis happily kissed Greg back, his hands blindly fumbling to hold him as their eyes closed and they toppled back onto the bed together, getting increasingly wrapped up as they made out.

Greg pulled away but stayed close, smiling in a mix of amusement and shock at his own vigour, slightly entranced by the look of nervous excitement in Lewis’ eyes as they flickered open. Keen to get to the main event, he started, “Have you got…”

“Bottom drawer!” Lewis interjected, anticipating the question.

Greg chuckled, gave Lewis a peck on the lips then bounced away to the side of the bed to reach down to the drawers in the small cabinet at its side. He smiled to himself as he felt Lewis’ keep hold of his hip, their legs remaining tangled together too. As he opened the drawer, he pulled out the pack of condoms and small bottle of lube, then smirked as he turned back to face Lewis. “These look brand new! Did ya buy this just for us?”

“Yeah,” Lewis said, nodding as he blushed profusely.

“That’s adorable!” Greg said with a slightly teasing smile, but as he saw Lewis wince a little he leaned in for another momentary kiss before growling, “But also hot!” It got a relieved chuckle from the nervous young man. As he opened up the packet, he pulled out a condom and tossed it to Lewis as he began to shuffle round. “I tell ya what, you put that on me… you probably need the practice…”

“Hey!” Lewis complained, but smiled a little as he did it.

“And I’ll be down here… getting you ready!” Greg said with a playful wink, brandishing the bottle of lubricant.

“Okay!” Lewis said, seemingly happy to follow Greg’s lead.

Lewis fumbled with the small packet a little, his hands shaking as he hungrily eyed Greg’s raging erection. He was so engrossed in what he was doing that he barely even felt his legs being parted to give the other man access to his butt. It was only when he let out a pleasured moan at a hand on his balls that he really noticed. With Greg’s erection gripped in one hand and the condom ready to roll down it in the other, he paused as he felt Greg’s hand moved back to apply a glob of cool gel to his hole.

“Ah fuck!” Lewis gasped.

“You… done much down here before?” Greg asked softly as his finger slid over the tight hole.

“Only… a little bit…” Lewis shuddered. “Oh fuck,” he gasped softly as he felt the tip of Greg’s index finger push inside him. “That feels so weird but so good,” he stated candidly.

“Haven’t you got a job to be doing?” Greg asked with a snigger as he looked down at his still-unsheathed prick.

“Sorry, kinda… distracted,” Lewis gasped as the finger probed in deeper. His eyes fluttered closed as he lay there for a few minutes letting Greg finger him.

Despite the obvious eagerness, Greg remained both patient and gentle, taking his time to pleasure Lewis slowly with a single finger until he was acclimatised to it before venturing a second. He heard a slight grunt as the hold stretched a little further, but the pleasured moans and tightened grip on his own dick in return told Greg he was definitely doing it right.

Taking a few more minutes to enjoy fingering Lewis, Greg eventually broke the silence by saying, “My dick’s a fair bit bigger than a couple of fingers. You sure you’re up for this?”

“Definitely!” Lewis insisted, taking the momentary return to his senses to resume his application of the prophylactic.

“Good!” Greg growled as he finally pulled his fingers free. He moved round so he could kneel up and star down at Lewis before adding, “I’m gonna fuck you like you’ve never been fucked before!”

Lewis gasped slightly as his eyes widened, then he caught on the subtle humour and sniggered as he said, “If you can say that to me when it’s NOT my first time, I’ll be REALLY impressed!”

“Challenge accepted!” Greg chuckled. “Now shift round!” He pulled at Lewis’ leg a little to turn him, then lifted both of them and pulled them apart to make the hole he had just been teasing visible. He glanced at the naked and increasingly-relaxed young man before him and decided once again to just go for it. Pushing forward, he pressed his dick against the hole and the pressure built, but then it popped away, not going inside. Trying to act like it had just been a tease rather than a failed attempt, he smiled and reached down with one of his hands to hold his cock as he pushed it in once again.

This time, the felt the tightness of the muscular ring opening to let him slide inside. He let out a shuddery moan and then chuckled as he realised Lewis had made almost exactly the same noise. Just as he had with the fingering, he took it slowly, allowing Lewis to get used to the sensation of the raging boner inside him.

“Doing okay?” Greg asked sweetly, desperate to really fuck but unable to resist his unexpected protectiveness of his housemate.

“Oh my god, yes,” Lewis said, panting slightly as he nodded. “You can… go faster if you like!”

“Oh, I like!” Greg said, eyes flashing wildly for a moment. As if to highlight the point, Greg slammed into Lewis, his full length plunging inside him. They stared at each other in shock, but as Lewis grinned and nodded, Greg let out a low growl and pulled back before slamming in again.

“FUCK!” Lewis called out happily.

Greg repeated the motion a few times, gradually getting faster, enjoying the moans and gasps it was drawing from Lewis. Just as he could see Lewis getting used to it, Greg switched it up, changing from the long, hard, slow thrusts to a series of rapid-fire short thrusts, pulling out barely more than an inch before jack-hammering back in.

“Ah Greg, fuck. FUCK!” Lewis moaned happily, his hands grasping wildly at the bed. It was followed by a slight whimper as he felt Greg pull out.

“Turn over!” Greg barked, enjoying being in charge. As Lewis happily complied, Greg couldn’t help slapping the pearly-white butt that came into view, sniggering as it jiggled slightly. Seeing Lewis laying flat, he reconsidered slightly and said, “Okay, butt in the air!”

Lewis complied once again, pulling his knees up to raise his butt towards the man in charge, his face buried in a pillow as he panted excitedly.

“Ah, that’s it!” Greg said as the puckered hole came back into view. Pushing in once again, he couldn’t help notice the sensation was ever-so-slightly different from the other position. Not necessarily better or worse, just different. He continued pleasuring Lewis, switching back and forth a few times between his full-length thrusts and his rapid fucking. “Ah, fuck, I’m gonna cum soon,” he eventually moaned as he stopped a series of quick thrusts. “Come here!” he said, reaching forward to grab Lewis’ shoulder.

Lewis allowed himself to be pulled back, moaning contentedly as he felt Greg’s arms around him. Leaning a little to one side as he turned his head, Greg leaned in and the two of them kissed as he resumed fucking. They moaned in unison, the sound echoing back and forth as their tongues wrestled. Eventually Greg pulled away and let out a pleasured growl as he slammed hard a few more times and stopped, his cock throbbing wildly as he shot his lod into the condom.

“Oh my god,” Lewis moaned happily as he felt Greg orgasming. “Make me cum, please!” he pleaded as he tried to look back. Once again his lips were met by Greg’s. This time though, he was pulled back further until he was leaning heavily against the sweaty torso at his rear, feeling arms wrap around him.

Greg let his right hand drop to Lewis’ dick as his left happily roamed the hot, clammy skin of his torso, occasionally grazing a pert nipple as he wanked and kissed him all at once.

Moaning his way through an intense release, Lewis continued kissing Greg as he showered his own chest and stomach with spunk. Continuing on until his moans became whimpers to indicate the post-orgasmic sensitivity had kicked in.

Greg let go of the dick and stopped kissing all at once, but his hand was immediately up at Lewis’ mouth, offering up the remnants spunk to the lips he had just departed. He mewed happily as he felt Lewis sucking at his hand before pulling his hips back a little to pull his still-hard prick from his friend’s rear. He reached down to pull the condom off, tied it in a knot and tossed it over towards the bin, giving a slight fist pump as he made the shot.

Lewis chuckled at the gesture before he started tilting over sideways, pulling Greg with him. They collapsed in an exhausted sweaty heap, still wrapped up together, arms and legs tangled as they lay in happy silence that soon gave way to a post-coital snooze.


Greg and Lewis had slept through until early evening when they ventured out of Lewis’ room in search of food. Finding nothing in the house, as usual, they had decided to order pizza, but before doing so decided to ask their other two housemates if they wanted in on the order.

Sajid had been a bit reluctant at first, approaching Greg with extreme caution, like he was just waiting for some humiliating revelation to be shared about his sex life with Amber, but when none seemed forthcoming he relaxed and actually seemed to chill.

Reggie had been equally cautious. He had been fine with Lewis and Sajid, but barely seemed able to even look at Greg at first. It was actually the last slice of pizza that finally settled things, both reaching for it at the same time and making eye contact as they did so. Greg gave a curious glance. Reggie looked back first nervously, then apologetically. Greg returned the look with a frown that quickly gave way to a lop-sided smile. It was when Reggie leaned back and gestured for Greg to have the last slice with a seemingly sincere smile that Greg nodded back. They had never really been friends before, and that likely wasn’t about to change, but it seemed they would at least be able to be housemates.

Conversation through the evening managed to stay off of Greg, his recent nudity and its related shenanigans, mostly out of sheer awkwardness. By the time they all headed to their own rooms, it hadn’t even been mentioned once. As Greg was closing his bedroom door, Lewis was just heading into his room. They exchanged a long glance and brief smile before each disappearing.

Flopping down onto his bed, Greg grabbed his phone. Worried about what he might see, considering the messages he’d had waiting for the previous night, he was happy to see that all he had was a brief conversation between some of the members of his study group and just a single message from Riley that said, [Evening!]

The message had been sent over an hour earlier and it was getting late, so Greg replied with, [Hey, was busy, still up?] As he saw it almost instantly show as read and saw Riley was typing back, he got comfortable, ready to chat.

Riley: Hey! What was keeping u busy? More insanity????

Greg: LOL no not this time. Just dinner and chilling

Riley: Cool cool. So you actually going ahead with this thing tomorrow???

Greg: I kinda have to… and… I kinda want to

Riley: Hmmm??

Greg: Well if I don’t, I’ll deffo get in the shit with Trev and might end up in real trouble for the stuff I been doing

Riley: And the ‘want to’ bit??? ;)

Greg: Ugh, I dunno. Its all a bit weird. I can’t explain

Riley: Fair. So what about the website?

Greg: What about it?

Riley: What are you gonna do?

Greg: Do I need to DO anything???

Riley: You’re just gonna let videos of you sit there for everyone to just see?

Greg: Maybe. I don’t even know if that’s a problem. When you showed me the site I didn’t get scared I just got horny!

Riley: I remember hehehe

Greg: Can’t believe that prick made me cum in the cafeteria

The messages stopped.

Greg: Riley???

Greg: Did I say something wrong???

Riley: He made u cum! We’re done stuff together SO many times and he’s NEVER made me cum. Never even tried!

Greg: Oh, sorry

Riley: UGH, don’t be sorry. It’s not your fault… and it was deffo funny!

Greg: Thanks -_-

Riley: My pleasure… well, obviously your pleasure, but u get what I mean LOLOLOL

Greg: So you’re kind of into Carl then?

Riley: Shut up!!

Greg: I’m not teasing. I wanna know!

Riley: Promise you won’t tell anyone?

Greg: Promise!!

Riley: I know I shouldn’t, cos he’s straight and one of my best mates, but I like him but all I am to him is a casual cock-sucking mate! I hate it!

Greg: Has he said that’s all he sees you as?

Riley: Doesn’t need to! I just know! And I know he’s told you same as he’s told me. Straight but likes doing stuff with guys!

Greg: Well dress it up how he likes, but if he’s doing it with guys then he’s not completely straight, is he?

Riley: No, but that doesn’t mean he’s into me.

Greg: You ever actually asked him to do anything back to you?

Riley: …

Greg: Have you????

Riley: … No!

Greg: Maybe you should try then. Worst case scenario he says no and you’re still not with him.

Riley: But that’d be so embarrassing!

Greg: Oh no, it sounds like the most embarrassing thing that has ever happened to any of us ever. How will you ever live with such embarrassment??

Riley: Sarcasm is not helpful!!!

Greg: No, but it’s funny. Just talk to him. If the last few days have taught me anything it’s that being honest about how you feel can lead to good things!

Riley: It’s also led to you getting NAKED ON CAMPUS! LOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOL

Greg: You suck.

Riley: Yes I do, and maybe tomorrow if your little show goes well I’ll congratulate you by demonstrating ;)

Greg: Well now I’m deffo doing it.

Riley: It’s gonna be so funny… and hot! Have you got to talk or anything?

Greg: Not really. Trev will be doing the talk. I’ll mostly just be there to… demonstrate. Might be a few questions though. I can probably wing it

Riley: We should practice. How long have you been a nudist?

Greg: I… don’t know.

Riley: What made you get into it?

Riley: Where do you usually do it?

Riley: Do you know any other nudists?

Riley: Is it legal?

Greg: Okay, okay, maybe I need to prep a little bit!!

Riley: No, don’t. It’ll be so funny watching you get embarrassed about being so clueless.

Greg: Sure, cos standing naked in front of dozens of people isn’t already embarrassing enough!

Riley: OMG, it’s gonna be hilarious.

Greg: And we’re done. Night Riley!!!!

Riley: Aww, no fun.


Riley: Fine, night, see you tomorrow… all of you LOLOLOLOLOL!!!!!


The next day, Greg headed into University as usual, attending his morning lecture, and had the inevitable ‘lectures should not be scheduled this early’ conversation that came up every week. Surprisingly, nobody spoke to Greg directly about the upcoming seminar that afternoon. He heard snippets of conversation about it, suggesting people were very much aware, but they seemed to be avoiding openly teasing him about it. In many ways, that made it worse, as it was all building up to the moment he would expose himself to them all. It was strange sitting there wishing to be teased.

The other problem that ‘came up’ was Greg’s dick. With the embarrassing event in the constant forefront of his mind, Greg’s horniness was running wild. He had spent most of the morning lecture sitting in a way that concealed an erection, to the point where he could feel a significant wet patch as precum soaked into his underwear.

With the event barely an hour away, Greg decided he needed some relief. He was moderately confident that sheer nerves would stop his dick from plumping up to embarrass him on stage, but he figured it was still best to play it safe and ‘empty the tank, so to speak, to really be sure. He knew just about all of his friends were on campus. There was no way any of them were going to be missing the chance to see him publicly humiliated. There was a chance his housemates were around too, but he was less sure on them. Thankfully, it seemed just about everyone he knew now brought with them the prospect of sex.

Unsure who would be best to really help relieve his pent-up excitement, he considered his options.

For part 28 click here 


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