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Wow, it's been a while since my last one of these. Having finally got Covid, which really knocked me out for a while, and life in general, time has just gotten away from me. But I have survived the plague, which is a relief, as I'm quite a fan of not dying!! Anyway, in amongst the many dramas that make up every day life, the writing has continued. Below is where things are at and what's coming up.

A Very Kingswood Easter

This was a fun story for me as it was my first time showing the boys outside of Kingswood. The final chapter (chapter 9, Rob and Josh Part 2) will go online this Friday. I hope you've all enjoyed getting to see a bit more of them all. Comments and feedback are welcome, as always!

The Kingswood Eight

With A Very Kingswood Easter concluding this Friday, new chapters of The Kingswood Eight will be resuming from next week (Friday 7 October). With 13 chapters still to post, these will continue up to New Year, when the story will conclude! 

The big drama of Year 8 may be behind them, but there's still plenty more action, adventure, drama, romance and sex still to come as the story continues.

The Kingswood Effect

The Kingswood Effect, a.k.a. book three of the series, as of yesterday is finally finished!!! It barely seems real. It only feels like a few months ago I was finally venturing out on this gargantuan story, and now here I am, three books in and still going strong. 

There will be a short break after the conclusion of The Kingswood Eight, but then The Kingswood Effect will start posting and will continue throughout 2023. As expected, it's the biggest book so far, with the main story consisting of 43 chapters and nearly half a million words. As is tradition, there's an additional side-story that takes place mid-way through, tentatively titled 'Interview Week', although that's likely to change.

It's taken just short of seven months to write book three and while my attention is very much turning towards book four, I have something else in store first...

Chris and Danny's Super Sexy Summer

Ages back I had an idea. I wanted to Chris and Danny to spend a summer together, getting up to crazy antics and misadventures. I wasn't quite sure when to have it. I had originally been thinking between books four and five, but the time was right and it's found its way into my plan as taking place between books three and four.

So before I start work on the next book, I'm sending the boys on vacation. I'm not sure yet just how long the story will be and as always, no spoilers, but work has officially begun today! So excited!!!

Other works

While it's hard to pull my focus away from Kingswood, especially at a time when I'm so excited about what I'm working on, I still slip in a bit of time here and there. 'Stop Touching Yourself' will continue as and when I can manage to slip another little chapter in, and I have many ideas percolating for the final part of the Max Trilogy. Hopefully more to come soon on both of these!


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