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Hi all. A while back I posted a standalone story called Max Embarrassment... that eventually moved on to become a trilogy. The third part is not yet written, as life (and illness) keep getting in the way, but for now here's Part 2. 

This story is available to my patreons first, but will eventually be posted on Nifty too. Click here for part 1 - Max Embarrassment 


Max Exposure

“Maximus, Lilandra, so good to see you!” Dr Farley gushed as the Rutherfords walked into his office, standing from his seat to shake Maxwell Rutherford’s hand and greet his wife Lilandra with a la bise. He gave a sly smirk to their son Maxwell who traipsed in behind them. “Maxwell, good morning!”

“George, it’s been too long!” Maximus said with a hearty chuckle as he took a seat.

Dr Farley returned to his own seat on the other side of the desk and replied, “Never apologise for going too long without seeing your doctor. It’s usually a sign of good health, and you are certainly all looking well.”

“Likewise,” Lilandra replied with a dainty giggle. “Nobody seems to have seen much of you around the club lately. The girls are starting to speculate some lucky lady may have finally snapped you up!”

Dr Farley laughed, shaking his head as he said, “I’m afraid the only thing taking up my time is my work, which actually brings us on to what you’re here for today!”

“Ah yes, Max mentioned something about a study and that he’s volunteered for it, which is more than a little surprising,” Maximus said incredulously. “Especially considering his track record of…” he paused to give his son disapproving side-eye, “… LESS than helpful behaviour!”

“What can I say, I obviously bring out the best in him!” Dr Farley said with a grin. “Once I told him about my study, he JUMPED at the chance to… how did you put it Max… give something back to the community and show a whole new side of yourself!”

Max forced a smile and nodded. In reality, he had not volunteered so much as been coerced into assisting in the Doctor’s study in exchange for his silence about Max’s recent, and rather foolish, foray into drug dealing. That had been four weeks ago, and Max had already taken part on one session that had resulted in him being stripped, aroused, anally stimulated and eventually ejaculating in front of a waiting room full of guys. So far, the only other thing he had been told to do was submit regular samples for drug testing, which he had no trouble passing, but had not enjoyed the fact he had been forced to provide the samples under supervision to ensure he wasn’t cheating or tampering.

The invite to return to the doctor’s office was surprising but hearing his parents had been invited too was a little alarming. Max had received just a single instruction from the nurse on the way in – “go along with whatever Dr Farley says!” Max was ready to play his part, however reluctantly it might have been.

“Maybe our little Max is finally growing up!” Lilandra said, smiling sweetly. While Maximus had always been the stern voice of disapproval, Lilandra had always given their son the benefit of the doubt, insisting he was just boisterous and lively, rather than the troublemaker everyone else made him out to be.

“Little Max isn’t quite so little anymore!” Dr Farley said, holding back a snigger as he saw Max blush. “Anyway, while we remain very much aware that Max is now eighteen and able to legally consent to anything he wishes, he has been very considerate of your feelings on the matter and wanted to make sure he had your full blessing for what he is undertaking.”

Maximus looked at his son suspiciously again. That certainly didn’t sound like him, but he trusted Dr Farley.

“So, the study I am carrying out is a fertility study,” Dr Farley started. He paused a moment as he saw Max’s blushes intensify, particularly as he felt his parents’ eyes on him. “Well technically it’s a training program intended to assist those taking part in their own studies,” he elaborated. “I have been tasked with instructing those carrying out ESSENTIAL studies on how to carry out a thorough and comprehensive examination, the importance of accurate and detailed records and how to ensure the validity of data gathered. What that entails, in short, is subjecting Max to examinations of a personal, intimate nature, as a means to train others who will observe the procedure.”

“If it’s for a fertility study, and of an ‘intimate’ nature,” Maximus started, looking a little shocked, “Then you mean…”

“Yes, sexual examination. There will be questions on the subject, as well as full body observation and stimulation resulting in sample collection!” Dr Farley explained bluntly, but still keeping it tasteful.

“And you’ve agreed to this?” Lilandra asked, looking at Max in no small amount of surprise.

“Not just agreed, volunteered, right Max?” Dr Farley asked, his eyes narrowing ever-so-slightly as he looked at the teen.

Max hesitated. He could say no and come clean to his father, admit to his drug dealing, let the justice system decide his fate. As scary a prospect as the study was, facing the police and his father’s wrath seemed so much worse. He had survived the first session with Dr Farley, so he had surely experienced the worst of the potential embarrassment the study could bring. “Yeah, yeah that’s right!” he agreed with the doctor.

“And in order to make sure you are as comfortable with the study as he is, he has asked that we give you a full demonstration of what it will entail before you decide whether you approve or not!” Dr Farley said, smiling proudly. “He’s such a considerate young man and seems to care so very deeply that you give your blessing for this, isn’t that right, Max?”

Max could feel his hands trembling. A full demonstration… for his parents? Surely Dr Farley couldn’t be serious. It had been the best part of a decade since his parents had even seen him naked and he had been happy to keep it that way. He certainly didn’t need them seeing… even more than nudity. But once again he was stuck. It was either go along with the doctor’s suggestion, or face the consequences, so he forced a smile and said, “Yes, it… means a lot to me!”

“Oh, well, I’m… really not quite sure what to say to that,” Maximus said, looking a little flustered. “If Max is so determined to assist you, then I’m willing to give him my permission. I don’t really know if there’s any need to…”

“He was QUITE insistent,” Dr Farley said firmly. “He… wouldn’t tell you this himself, and I’m sorry to spill the beans here Max, but I think they deserve to know the truth.”

Max’s eyes widened. The truth? He wouldn’t…

“But Max has visiting me here for a little while to talk about some of his problems. He’s really coming to terms with the trouble he’s caused in the past, but part of his… recovery is actually demonstrating to the people he cares about just how much he has changed and how determined he is to do good things,” Dr Farley explained. He suppressed a smirk as he heard a sigh of relief from Max. “Seeing him do this is… an important part of his journey to becoming, in Max’s own words, a man worthy of being a Rutherford!”

Maximus might have reacted differently had he heard it from Max himself. His son was a silver-tongued ne’er-do-well who could spin a convincing lie with ease, but this was coming from George Farley, an honest and well-respected pillar of the community! “Very well. If it’s what Max wants!”

“Oh, it is!” Dr Farley insisted. “Now, if you’d like to follow me,” he said as he stood from his desk, “We can get started!”

“We’re doing this now?” Max asked, eyes widening in horror.

“Of course!” Dr Farley insisted. “Your father’s a busy man, Max, we wouldn’t waste his time on a meeting in-person that could’ve just been a phone call. Time is money, am I right, Maximus?”

“Right you are,” Maximus chuckled as he stood to follow the doctor.

Jamie was waiting out in the hall to greet Max as he left Dr Farley’s office, gesturing for him to follow into another room with Lilandra close behind.

Maximus held back for a moment and said quietly to the doctor, “Okay George, level with me here, did Maxwell actually volunteer for… whatever this is?”

“He did!” Dr Farley nodded, then gave a wry grin as he said, “Because it was a better option than the alternative!”

“Which was?” Maximus prompted.

“Something that Elliott would absolutely tell you that you’re best knowing nothing about!” Dr Farley said, referring to their mutual friend and lawyer.

“I see!” Maximus said knowingly. “And what you’re doing will… benefit Maxwell?”  he asked curiously.

“It will certainly teach him a lesson he won’t forget for a long while, keep him from getting into as much trouble and give him more than a healthy dose of humility!” Dr Farley insisted.

Maximus chuckled wickedly and said, “Good, god knows the boy needs it, and it’s certainly enjoyable to see him put in his place for once!” He got a laugh back from the doctor. “And this alleged ‘study’ of yours…”

“Not alleged, it’s actually real,” Dr Farley insisted. “Abstract and obscure as it may be, it’s very much based on genuine experimentation which Max’s participation will assist.”

“Oh, I thought it might be something to do with the ‘other’ club!” Maximus said, lowering his voice to a hushed tone.

“It’s not!” Dr Farley replied, then lowered his tone too and said, “But it would certainly fit right in there. Anyway, we really need to get started!” He shook Maximus’ hand as he followed into the examination room. They found a very unhappy Max standing there.

“There’s… an audience!” Max exclaimed, trembling.

The room was larger than the one he had been in for his first visit, with two rows of four chairs arranged either side of the examination table and another two rows of three in front of it. All but the two seats right in front were occupied. Twenty men and women sat quietly chattering. Now joined by the Rutherfords, Dr Farley and Jamie, who followed Max in, that brought the total number of people who would see him up to 24! Max felt like he was going to throw up.

“Of course, though this isn’t light entertainment, we call them observers,” Dr Farley said. “Plus, if we want your parents to fully appreciate the magnitude of your kind volunteering, it only makes sense to let them see the full experience of an examination, even if it IS only a smaller gathering.”

“Sm… smaller?” Max exclaimed, shaking a little as his parents took their seats.

Dr Farley ignored the squeaked comment and looked to the two honoured guests. “Can we get you a drink at all? Tea, coffee, something harder. It’s five o’clock somewhere, right?” The was a ripple of amused laughter around the room.

“Maybe some popcorn!” Jamie added, getting another ripple of amusement around the spectators.

“No, no, that won’t be necessary, but thank you!” Lilandra insisted.

“Very well, let’s get started then,” Dr Farley said, before moving to the centre of the room. “Welcome everyone and thank you for being here today for this sample examination. Today we’ll be covering the process for administering an examination as part of the HEF trials. Volunteering for us today, as well as in future demonstrations, we have the wonderful Maxwell Rutherford. I’m sure you’ll all join me in thanking him for volunteering his time!” He led a quick round of polite applause. “Now without further ado, we start as always with the taking of vital statistics, such as height, weight and blood pressure, so Max if you could please disrobe down to your underwear, Jamie will take you through those steps.”

Max hadn’t even started undressing and he could already hear whispers as people in crowd quietly conversed in hushed tones to each other. He started by pulling his trainers off with his feet, trying to put off exposing his body for as long as possible, his socks following next. He let out a shudder as his feet touched the cold floor before slowly unzipping his hoodie. As he removed it, he felt self-conscious just about having his arms exposed. It was a bizarre feeling for a teen who was so confident in his own appearance, but it felt like every inch of him was being scrutinized. He flexed his arms a little, trying to show off the muscles that hid beneath his slender appearance, but realised it stopped his strip and probably made him look a bit silly.

He reached for the bottom of his t-shirt and just pulled it up a couple of inches. The narrow strip of skin he exposed immediately drew eyes from all around the room, the slight tuft of dark blonde hair that ran from his navel and disappeared into his skinny jeans feeling thoroughly measly. He took a shuddery breath and pulled the t-shirt up further, exposing his abs, that he deliberately flexed. As the t-shirt continued up, his fingertips lightly grazed his nipples and he let out a slight whimper. He blushed, but immediately lifted the t-short over his face to cover it. He paused for a moment but realised all he was doing was showing off the small patches of dark blonde hair in his armpits and quickly tossed the t-shirt aside so he could lower his arms again.

Avoiding looking at anyone in the audience, especially his parents, Max took another deep, shuddery breath as he popped open the button on his jeans and pulled the sides apart to make the zip slide down, revealing a V-shaped section of his white Armani briefs.

“Normally they’d do this a little quicker, but it appears our little Max likes to put on a show!” Dr Farley teased light-heartedly, getting a wave of amused chuckles from the crowd.

Frowning slightly, Max quickly pushed the jeans down to try and make a point, but as he tried to rush and pull his legs out of the tight garment, his foot caught, and he lost his balance. He toppled backwards, but was deftly caught by Jamie, whose arms wrapped around him.

“If only I had men throwing themselves at me like this outside of the office!” Jamie joked.

Max blushed again, especially as he felt Jamie’s hands very unsubtly copping a feel of his chest and abs before helping him steady himself. “Sorry,” he muttered as he finished removing the clothes.

Standing in nothing but white briefs, Max had never felt so exposed. A few weeks earlier, he had openly ejaculated naked in front of a dozen men, but somehow just standing around in his pants, with his own parents in the room, felt even more humiliating, especially because of the sizeable bulge in the front of the skimpy underwear. Once again, a part of his body he was proud of was causing him embarrassment. It was a disorienting sensation.

Jamie took Max through the initial checks as he had at the first visit, though this time he talked as he worked, explaining each step he was taking to the engrossed audience. Once he was finished, he directed Max to lay down on the examination table, directly facing his parents.

“Thank you, Jamie,” Dr Farley said, giving the nurse an appreciative nod. “Now, the questionnaire you will complete with your volunteers will differ based on your own assignments within the study. Some will be simpler, others much more… intimate! Today will just serve as an example!” He looked to Max and said sternly, “But example or not, please provide honest answers, Max, okay?”

“Yes sir!” Max said timidly.

Seeing his son strip to his briefs, Maximus had barely batted an eye, but the obedient ‘yes sir’ from Max actually surprised him. He stared curiously, wondering if this truly was the start of a positive change in his son’s behaviours and activities.

“Now the questionnaire I’m using obtains a LOT of information around masturbatory habits,” Dr Farley started, addressing the room. “As I’m sure you’ll understand, speaking about such things can be a little embarrassing for our volunteers. Even though they give up their time willingly to take part, that does not make them immune to the feelings that such personal questions will bring, so always be mindful of the need for sensitivity. In Max’s case, the fact he is being observed by his parents is likely to make it even more difficult, so please ensure you remain respectfully silent throughout to avoid any need to repeat such… sensitive answers!”

There were silent nods of agreement around the room, followed by brief shuffling as they got comfortable. Max just grimaced at the comments. Did the whole room really need to know that his parents were watching him?

“Oh, sorry, I almost forgot,” Dr Farley said, pulling a small remote from his pocket. He pointed it at the back wall and then at the wall above the examination table.

A moment later, Max detected a flicker of light in his peripheral vision and looked up… to see himself on a large screen above him. There was a camera mounted on the opposite wall, pointed straight at the examination table.

“For the sake of liability, if you could state your full name, date of birth and confirm that you are undertaking this activity of your own free will please, just so we have it on the recording,” Dr Farley requested.

Max flinched at the word. Just being on the big screen was bad enough, but knowing it was being saved just felt absolutely gut-wrenching. “M… my name is… Maxwell Barnabus Rutherford. I… I was born October 1st 2003 and I am taking part on this activity…” he paused to glance at the Doctor, took a breath and added, “Of my own free will!”

“Excellent,” Dr Farley went on, “And just to confirm your full understanding of what today entails, both for the recording and for the benefit of our… special observers, if you could talk us through who they are and what they will be seeing today!”

Max looked ready to cry at the instruction, but he knew it would be best to just get through it and move on. “Okay, I am being observed today by my parents, Maximus and Lilandra Rutherford,” he growled inwardly at the unnecessity of naming them before he went on, “And they will be seeing me stripped for a full examination and then they will see me… provide a… a sample for Dr Farley’s trial.”

“What kind of sample?” Lilandra asked.

Max looked at his mother and replied, “A sperm sample,” and immediately regretted making eye contact with her as he said the words.

“That’s right,” Dr Farley interjected as quiet chatter began to spring up. “Max is being observed by his parents, in order to ensure their full understanding with his eager compliance and they are doing so at HIS request, isn’t that right Max?”

Max could feel the doctor’s stare. He wanted more than a yes or no response. Taking another deep breath, Max explained, “Yes, I WANTED them to observe today! This was… my idea!”

Jamie was barely containing his smirks at the humiliating hoops Max was being made to proverbially jump through, though he knew worse was to come.

“And finally, you’re allowing this recording, knowing that it will be reproduced, shared and possibly published. Is that right?” Dr Farley asked.

“Yes, I know… people will see it,” Max said, flinching a little.

“Okay, Max, to start us on the questions about your masturbatory habits, please can you confirm that you do, in fact, masturbate?” Dr Farley asked.

Such a simple question, and such a simple answer, but admitting to wanking… in front of his parents. It was mortifying. “Yes,” he said timidly.

“Okay, and do you remember what age you first began masturbating?” Dr Farley asked.

Max was surprised. He had expected the same questions as his last exam, which he had been dreading purely for the admission of being intimate with other guys, something his parents absolutely did not know about. Talking about his early habits suddenly made admitting to being with a guy seem tame by comparison. “N… nine!” Max admitted quietly, his cheeks flushing.

“If you wouldn’t mind repeating that Max,” Dr Farley said, “We need to be able to hear your answers when the video is played back. How old were you when you began masturbating?”

“I was nine!” Max said loudly, wincing again.

“Mmm-huh, and at that age, were you capable of ejaculation?” Dr Farley asked. “I mean, how old when you became able to… cum?” he asked, his provision of the colloquialism actually making it worse.

“N… no,” Max stuttered. He couldn’t even think about looking in his parents’ direction. For them to know their son had been pleasuring himself at such a young age, Max could barely begin to imagine their expressions.

“And what age were you when you did gain the ability to… cum?” Dr Farley asked loudly.

Max sighed and called out, “Eleven!”

“And how often do you masturbate?” Dr Farley questioned.

Max flinched. He had been asked that question before, so he knew the doctor knew the answer… so he would know if Max tried to tone it down because of his spectating parents. He took a deep breath and replied, “Two or three times a day.” He paused a moment and added, “Sometimes more!” though he had no idea why he had offered up the extra detail so willingly.

“That’s fairly standard,” Dr Farley observed. He looked round at the audience and called out, “Sometimes your volunteers may feel ashamed of their answers, but in most cases they are not saying or explaining anything out of the ordinary. In this case, for Max to have been masturbating and ejaculating at eleven years old is quite normal!”

“Well that certainly explains a few things!” Lilandra stated bluntly, not really grasping the humiliation it was causing her son.

Max was really starting to hate the doctor’s reassurances. All they really seemed to do was heighten his embarrassment, though he was starting to get the feeling that was not accidental.

“Now Max, these next few questions may seem a little… irrelevant or unnecessary but I assure you they provide valuable insight for our studies. So next up, when you pleasure yourself, are you normally sitting, standing, or laying?” Dr Farley asked.

“Erm, it… it depends,” Max said awkwardly.

“Ah, I’m guessing that you mean it depends on where and when you are doing it, right Max?” the doctor asked. As he got a shy nod back, Dr Farley called out, “Sometimes it may be necessary to combine or reorganise questions to get the best possible data, don’t be afraid to do so, so long as all questions get covered. Out next couple of questions, Max, are when and where do you masturbate. If you could combine that with the question about positions and talk us though your habits please!”

This couldn’t be happening. Max stupidly cast his eyes over his parents, making brief eye contact with his mother first, then his father before turning his gaze down to his own lap again. They had been staring at him, not amused thankfully, but not as appalled as he thought they might. “Erm, well… usually in the morning when I wake up I do it, because… well, erm… it’s… up!” Max started, already struggling. “That would usually be either laying down in bed or sometimes…” he let his gaze flick to his parents again, “Sometimes standing up in the shower!”

“Mmm-huh,” Dr Farley hummed. “And the rest of the day?”

“Erm, sometimes after I… get home, after school!” Max said, hoping there wouldn’t be any follow question.

“Where and what position?” Dr Farley asked.

Max let out a mournful moan before he explained, “Sometimes in the gym, like… sitting, or sometimes in the… the pool, ya know… swimming!”

“Oh Maxwell!” Lilandra scoffed in obvious disgust.

“And after that?” Dr Farley continued.

“In bed at night, laying down,” Max said, finding that part easy compared to admitting her jerked off in the family pool.

“Oh we can vouch for that. He’s not the quietest about it!” Maximus said, deliberately adding embarrassment to his son’s ordeal.

“Okay, and when you ejaculate, do you tend to propel it a sizeable distance or is it more of a dribble?” Dr Farley asked. The question got a quiet murmur around the room, presumably speculation on the answer.

Max scowled, knowing the doctor already knew this from the anally induced ejaculation in the waiting room, so he just mumbled quietly, “It goes pretty far!”

“Mmm-huh,” the doctor hummed. “And do you usually LET it go far, or do you tend to contain it in something such as a tissue,” he paused for a moment to smirk, “Or as teenage boys seem to prefer for some reason, a sock?” The question again got gentle titters from around the room. A few eyes even fell on Lilandra, though anyone who actually knew the family knew Lilandra had a housekeeper to do such menial tasks.

“I… let it fly,” Max said, staring up at the ceiling and willing it to collapse in him and end his humiliation.

“See, I told you it was unlikely he would have spilled so many drinks on the wall behind his bed!” Maximus said, smirking a little. Max looked mortified.

“Well, I believe that’s enough questions to demonstrate the point. Now onto the physical examination!” Dr Farley explained as he moved to Max’s side. “At this stage, access to all areas is required so we would ask the volunteer to remove their remaining clothing. Max?” He looked at the teen who stared back unhappily.

Max huffed, shook his head and reached down to grab his underwear. He once again made accidental eye contact with his parents, just as he slid the small briefs down and his cock flopped free. As he pulled it over his feet, Jamie held out a hand to take them off of him, adding them to the neatly folded pile of clothes the nurse had put aside during questioning.

Max wanted to cover up more than anything. His parents could see his dick, they could see his balls, they could see his bush. It was horrific. Even the fact his pubic hair was trimmed tidily embarrassed him as it showed them he ‘manscaped’, something he would never have just admitted openly. How could making himself presentable be a source of embarrassment? It didn’t make sense and yet there he was, knowing his own parents could see it.

“Now, before we get to it, I feel it is vitally important to warn you all, and indeed warn the volunteer, that arousal during examination is quite normal and if anything would be more a source of concern if it DIDN’T happen,” Dr Farley explained. “So young Max here is likely about to display an erection and so I would remind you it is not any kind of commentary on his sexuality, interests or sexual proclivities, it is simply the male anatomy, doing what it does!”

He had done it again. The doctor had managed to take something that had been, on the surface, an attempt to minimise embarrassment and completely turned it on its head. To have his imminent erection mentioned in such detail made a humiliating probability into a truly mortifying inevitability. In fact, Max was already convinced he could feel himself chubbing up a little and the doctor was yet to touch him!

Dr Farley began the physical examination, just as it had been during Max’s first visit, though this time he narrated each of the things he was doing, explaining that it was important to establish any potential ill health as it could skew the study data if anything was out of the ordinary. As expected, Max’s cock responded swiftly. As if the lengthening and thickening didn’t make it obvious enough to the many people watching, it also repositioned itself. Starting off hanging down between his legs, as it swelled, visibly bobbing in time with his pulse, it slid up his thigh before continuing on, like the minute hand of a clock moving rapidly from half past the hour to o’clock, finishing up pointing up towards his face.

Dr Farley continued the examination, ignoring the arousal, at least until he had to start moving it around to poke and prod at Max’s stomach. Having the man handle his erection in front of his parents felt like the worst possible thing that could happen… until the doctor found new depths to sink Max into.

“Ah, now as you may see,” Dr Farley said as he held the erection, so it pointed straight up, the bulbous head exposed. “Max’s arousal has now reached the point of releasing pre-ejaculatory fluid. Once again, this is probably quite normal, assuming the volunteer usually produces as such,” the doctor explained. He looked to Max and asked, “Max, do you usually produce this amount of pre-ejaculate?”

Max closed his eyes for a moment, annoyed that the embarrassing questions didn’t seem to end. He glared at the doctor and replied, “Yes, I pre-cum quite a lot!”

“There we go then, nothing to worry about,” Dr Farley said, releasing the dick and letting it hit Max’s stomach with a wet slap. “The final part of the examination is an inspection of the prostate. So, while we would usually ask our volunteer to stand and lean over the table to allow the checks to be carried out, we will skip that today…”

Max breathed a sigh of relief.

“And instead ask him to get up on all-fours to ensure a suitable view for everyone to observe!” Dr Farley finished, barely concealing his smirk at the groan he heard from the aroused teen.

As Jamie lowered the back of the table, making it fully flat, Max shifted round and asked quietly, “Which way round?”

“Your call,” Dr Farley replied, being uncharacteristically accommodating.

Max could either position himself with his hole (and his cock and balls dangling between his legs) facing his parents, or away from them. It was not a difficult call and he turned to kneel in position with his butt away from the watchful eyes.

“Ah, this should help!” Dr Farley said as he reached over to click a button.

As Max looked back, and up, in abject horror, he saw a zoomed in shot of his butt appear on the screen above. He had not managed to avoid his parents seeing his most intimate of spots, he had actually given them an even better view, and to make it worse, he was now facing them too.

As Dr Farley pulled on some latex gloves and made a big show of lubricating two fingers, Jamie reached beneath Max and called out, “For the more leaky volunteers, a dish like this can save a lot of clean-up on your examination tables!”

The comment got some chuckles, particularly for the choice of words.

“Okay Max, I’m going to examine your prostate now. Have you had anything inserted into your rectum before?” Dr Farley asked, again knowing the truth already.

“Yes,” Max replied, closing his eyes to avoid looking his parents’ way.

“Ah, then you know it’s best to try and relax,” Dr Farley explained. “I’ll be as gentle as I can!”

He most certainly was NOT as gentle as he could be, immediately thrusting both fingers into Max, who jolted bolt upright and yelped out in shock.

“Okay, easy does it,” Dr Farley said, urging Max to lower himself back down. As Max settled again, he let his fingers pod and probe at the sensitive gland as he explained, “This in itself may lead to substantial release of pre-ejaculatory fluid. Much like the other activities, this is not any indicator of proclivities, and I can assure you gentlemen of ALL orientations are capable of enjoying anal stimulation, though I don’t need to tell SOME of you that, do I?”

There were a few awkward mutters around the room, the embarrassment having been turned on them slightly for a change, though Max was too distracted to appreciate it. With his head lowered, he let his eyes flick open but all he could see was his own cock, dripping with pre-cum.

“Okay, so Max’s prostate appears to be in perfect health,” Dr Farley started. “So much so that this is a prime opportunity to demonstrate to you all what a healthy prostate feels like!”

“No!” Max gasped, looking round at the doctor.

Dr Farley’s eyes narrowed as he looked at Max sternly. “If that’s okay with our volunteer, of course!” he said pointedly.

Max sighed, knowing he really didn’t have much choice. “Yes, it’s fine,” he said unhappily.

“Excellent. If you could all form an orderly queue,” Dr Farley instructed. “Jamie will provide gloves and lubricant, while I will talk you through what you’re feeling.”

“Erm… even us?” Maximus asked, remaining in his seat.

“Oh, no,” Dr Farley said, shaking his head. “You’re here to observe the process only. I doubt you have any need to be examining prostates, unless you’ve developed some new hobbies since we last caught up!” the doctor joked.

Max was convinced his parents looked even more relieved than he felt at the comment but having two dozen people fingering him in front of them was still absolute nightmare fuel.

Jamie has finished handling out the gloves and small packets of lubricant to the queue of spectators by the time Dr Farley was ready to instruct the first one. Jamie moved along to the other end of the bed, squatted down a little and whispered, “Hey!” As Max turned to look at him angrily, the young nurse went on, “If it starts to hurt and it gets too much, just gimme the nod and we’ll stop, okay?”

Max was more than a little surprised at the offer, unsure whether to believe it or not, but the expression looked genuine, so he nodded and smiled, but it quickly vanished as he felt fingers pushing inside him.

Max had never felt anything like it before, the mix of absolute humiliation of his deeds and his audience along with the pain and pleasure of the repeated prostate stimulation, it added up a heady concoction he could never have dreamed of. Even with the sheer embarrassment of being fingered in front of his parents, his dick remained rock hard, dribbling spurt after spurt of pre-cum into the dish below.

Despite Jamie’s offer, Max had no need to ask for reprieve, though by the last person he was absolutely beginning to consider it.

“Okay, well thank you for that Max. It was a most helpful teaching tool and a valuable experience for our audience today. A round of applause for Max and his rectum!” Dr Farley called out, leading a round of applause as Jamie wiped the excess lubricant from around the hold and helped Max back into a laying position.

The applause for his butt was almost as embarrassing as the fingers that had been inside it, but knowing what was coming next, Max almost wished he could go back to it.

“Now, before we move onto the final stage and extract the sample,” Dr Farley began, “As this is a teaching moment, I will take any questions from the audience.”

Max let out another groan. He could only imagine what humiliating things they might ask.

Hearing the non-verbal complaint, Dr Farley smiled and said, “It may be a good idea to spare our volunteer any undue embarrassment, so Max, you don’t need to be here for this part. If you wouldn’t mind stepping out for a moment.”

Max swung his legs round to get down from the table and looked for his clothes but realised that even if he knew where they were, there was no chance Dr Farley intended to let him wear them. With a reluctant he headed for the door.

“If you wouldn’t mind waiting in the waiting room,” Dr Farley said with a sweet smile. He watched Max leave, then frowned and said to Jamie, “Did I say waiting room? I meant the other room, I’m sure he’ll work it out!”

Out in the hallway, Max clasped his hands over his dick, happy to be able to cover up but embarrassed by the firm wetness he felt. He glanced along at the door to the waiting area. On the bright side, at least this time he wasn’t strapped to a table, forced to exposed and with a vibrating butt plug inside him! As he nervously headed for the door, it struck him how absurd it was that he was relieved to JUST be naked in the public space. He pushed the door with his shoulder and walked through.

Had there been a record-player, it would have been a proper record-scratch moment as all noise in the room stopped as he appeared.

“Oh, sorry, excuse me,” Max said timidly as the various people looked his way, a mix of men and women. There were only seven of them, plus that same damn smug receptionist from the last visit, but at least there were no kids present… and nobody he knew, though being seen by a schoolmate on his first visit had not gone quite as badly as he expected.


Max heard the laugh before he saw the face. Fucking Derren. He had been waiting for him after class.

“What up, nude dude!” Derren sniggered as he stepped into view.

“Shhhhh!” Max hissed angrily.

“What’s up, you can’t be shy after doing all THAT, can you?” Derren asked with a huge grin. Two days ago, he had witnessed Max completely naked, ejaculating from nothing but a vibrating butt plug in front of a dozen guys.

“I swear, if you don’t shut the fuck up, I’m gonna make you!” Max growled angrily.

“Chill. Geez, you’re way too uptight. Saturday was HOT!” Derren said, sounding genuinely admirable.

Max was unsure how to react. It sounded like a compliment, but it was not an enjoyable experience, so it was hard to take it as anything close to positive. “It… was?” he asked curiously.

“Come on, hottest guy in school, doing…” Derren paused as some other students passed them, “Well I know you wouldn’t want me to say, so… just… doing what you did… YES it was hot!”

“You… you’re… into guys?” Max asked, lowering his voice.

“Let’s… go somewhere more private,” Derren said, nodding down the hall. They found an empty classroom, snuck inside and closed the door. “No!” he said bluntly. “I’m not, like, coming out, but… I dunno, I see things and I think they’re hot, sometimes those things involve guys, like Saturday! Are YOU into guys?”

Max considered lying, but if Derren wanted to extort him, he had much more leverage than sexuality, so he shrugged and said, “I’m bi!”

“You… are?” Derren asked, surprised. “Wow, you’re just…full of surprise… and butt plugs, apparently!”

“Yeah, thanks for that!” Max said, blushing.

Derren smirked and said, “Sorry… not sorry… like I said, fucking hot!”

“You’re not gonna tell anyone, are you?” Max asked sheepishly.

“Nah, I mean, who’d believe me anyway, and even if they did… there’s a line between teasing and bullying!” Derren said with a casual shrug.

“Oh, so that’s what this is? Teasing?” Max asked, raising an eyebrow.

Derren shook his head. “Nah, this is just the intro. The teasing has yet to begin and will go on for a loooooong time!” he said with a playful chuckle.

“Is there… any way I could convince you to NOT tease me about it?” Max asked a little nervously, yet his dick throbbed a little.

Derren gulped as he contemplated the question. “L… like… what?” he asked nervously. “You mean… money?”

Max shrugged and said, “Do you WANT money?”

“So, I can just… ask for what I want?” Derren asked, looking increasingly anxious. “Even if it was… to… blow you?”

“Wait, you wanna blow me?” Max asked in surprise, “I thought you’d want me to do you!”

“Both!” Derren suddenly declared. “I hadn’t decided, so… so now I have and… I want both!”

“If it’ll keep you quiet, then fine,” Max said with a smirk.

“Yeah, I’ve seen it, definitely won’t be saying anything with THAT mouthful!” Derren said, blushing a little.

“Hopefully you’ve got a mouthful for me too!” Max said, moving forward to grasp at Derren’s bulge. “Damn, you fucking do, don’t you!” he exclaimed as he felt the ample cock concealed within.

“After you!” Derren grinned, gesturing for Max to get started.


Max shook his head, clearing the thoughts of Derren. After that first day, they had fooled around two more times and had plans to meet up for a fourth, but he figured thinking about his new blowjob buddy was certainly not going to help make his erection go down.

As Max headed for the nearest seat, the receptionist called out, “Don’t even think about it! You think anyone wants to use a seat after it’s had your bare butt on it? You can stand!”

Max growled unhappily, especially as he heard sniggers from the other people in the waiting room. Had he not been naked and concealing an erection, he likely would have argued back with the snooty young man, but already feeling at a major disadvantage, he decided against it and just moved to stand against a wall, his hands still firmly grasped over his cock and balls.

After a couple of awkward minutes of hushed whispers, one of the people in the waiting room called out, “Erm… may I ask, why exactly are you… naked?”

“Oh, erm…” Max mumbled, surprised to have been spoken to. He had simply assumed they were as embarrassed as he was and would leave him alone until he left. “I… I’m… in the middle of an appointment!” he explained. Realising that full nudity for an ‘appointment’ likely sounded a bit weird, so he added, “For a study!”

“What are they studying?” a woman asked from beside the other man.

“They’re looking for the genetic cause of people with penises under two inches!” the receptionist said, straight-faced. The others in the room looked a mix of mortified and amused.

“No! No they’re not! It’s not that!” Max insisted. “I’m not… under two inches!” he said defensively, painfully conscious of the fact he was talking to strangers about his penis, whilst naked in front of them.

“Sorry, I shouldn’t joke. It’s about erectile dysfunction, which is really not something to be ashamed of!” the receptionist added, straight-faced once again.

“NO!” Max yelped out. “I’m not small… OR… dysfunctional!” he insisted. The only thing more annoying that the humiliating lies by the young man was the fact that the taunts had actually made his slowly-softening cock re-stiffen as it remained only just concealed by his hands.

“It’s okay, Max. It’s really nothing to be ashamed of. The Doctor will help you,” the receptionist said patronisingly.

“My dick is fine!” Max snapped, throwing his hands aside to reveal his very not-small and not-dysfunctional erection.

“Oh my word!” “Blimey!” “Someone’s happy to be here!” the other patients called out as they saw the young man fully exposed.

Annoyed more from the smug look of self-satisfaction on the receptionist’s than from the fact he had just willingly exposed himself to even more strangers, Max grasped his hands over the straining tool once again.

“So what kinda study’s got you naked and boned up?” a young man asked, emboldened by Max’s obvious embarrassment.

“It’s… a fertility study!” Max said before the receptionist could make up anything else.

“Fertility study?” the young man replied. “And you’re naked and… up?” He let out an amused gasp. “Were you wanking?”

“Oh my god!” a young woman exclaimed at the bluntness of the question, but didn’t look at all offended. If anything, she was now looking at Max even more intently.

“No I wasn’t wanking!” Max said moodily.

“Then what’s up with the boner, buddy?” an older man asked with an eyebrow raised.

‘Fuck!’ Max thought to himself. Admitting to wanking, even if untrue, would have been preferable to the truth. “I… the doctor was just… examining me!”

“Ha, medical fetish!” someone called out.

“No, this just… happens when they’re… ya know… touching certain spots!” Max said, unable to look around the room he was so embarrassed.

“Certain g-spots!” the young man cackled.

“Do men have that?” the young woman asked.

“They do, but it’s… inside the rectum!” the older man said with a snigger.

“Up his butt?” the young man gasped. “Oh my god, dude, you got a boner from getting fingered by a doctor? That’s freaking humiliating!”

“Yeah, thanks, I got that,” Max mumbled.

Just then, door opened and Dr Farley walked out. He looked at Max, then the rest of the people in the room and said, “Terribly sorry, everybody. Slight mix-up. Max, I meant for you to wait in my office, not the waiting room! I hope nobody was disturbed by Max’s little show!”

“Oh no, not at all, Max was just filling them in on the study and his BIG PART in it,” the receptionist said with a smirk. There were sniggers all around the room from the comment.

“Yes, thank you Ivan,” Dr Farley said with a smile.

Max glared at Ivan, committing the memory to name. He did NOT like the smug young man at all.

“Well thank you for keeping Max out of trouble,” Dr Farley said. “Now come alone!”

Max’s blushes intensified as he could feel all of the eyes in the room on his naked butt as he left. “You did that on purpose,” he growled once they were back in the hallway.

“That’s a completely unfounded and baseless accusation, Max,” Dr Farley said defensively, smirking a little.

“Come on, you’ve had your fun,” Max said as they reached the door. “Can’t we end this?”

“Max, believe it or not, you really ARE part of a trial now, and a very important one too,” Dr Farley insisted. “And I meant what I said before about getting you back on the straight and narrow. This is mostly for your own benefit!”

“Mostly?” Max asked, raising an eyebrow.

“And our entertainment, but that’s just a pleasant side effect,” Dr Farley answered honestly. “Although despite what I said, arousal of that level is not ENTIRELY normal, so I suspect there may be more going on in here than just hating it!” he said as he playfully tapped Max’s temple.

Max blushed at the comment, mostly because he knew it was at least partly true. “Fine, can we just get it over with then!”

“Don’t worry, I have a feeling you won’t take long,” Dr Farley said with a smirk as he opened the door.

Max wanted to react to the comment, but held back as the audience could now see and hear him.

“Now, without further ado,” Dr Farley said as he led Max back to the table, “We’ll conclude the session.” He paused while Max climbed back on the table, amused by the excessive head movements he was using to avoid eye contact with his parents. “Now sometimes it may be worth allowing your volunteers to… how should we put it… prime the pump in relative privacy by leaving them alone to do so, but you must always ensure any samples taken are witnessed, as it is a requirement to ensure the validity of the test results.”

Max groaned, remembering how he had been left to ‘prime the pump’ at his last visit, only to end up even more horny and frustrated waiting for the doctor to return.

“Today it’s not really feasible to have all of us leave, so we will skip that part,” Dr Farley explained. “So Max, if you wouldn’t mind getting started!”

Max stared for several moments. The casualness of the request was almost offensive. ‘Getting started’? He was being asked to masturbate for a crowd, including family members, it wasn’t as simple as just ‘getting started’. He reached down to grab his dick, which had managed to soften during his wait. The irony of being hard when he didn’t need to be aroused and soft when he needed to cum was not lost on him, though what he needed now was an erection, not a good sense of irony.

As he sat stroking his dick, trying to think of every sexy thought he could to help get it up, his mind wandered back onto his first visit, to being exposed in front of all those people, having his uncontrollable orgasm witnessed by so many strangers. That was it, his cock began to swell within his grip, but it seemed it had taken just a little too long.

“Now sometimes it can be difficult to perform while being observed. Once again, this is entirely normal. Performance anxiety happens in literally any situation where one is being observed, especially for something of such an intimate nature,” Dar Farley started. “At times like this, it can be worth intervening to assist in moving things along. Jamie, if you will.”

“Certainly,” Jamie said happily as he moved to Max’s side. “Allow me,” he said as he reached over and knocked Max’s hand away. “Pop your hands behind your head so you’re not obstructing the view,” he suggested.

Max complied, his cheeks burning crimson as he felt Jamie’s hand wrap around his thickening dick. The timing was annoying. To the spectators, it would look like his masturbation had achieved nothing, but being touched by the young nurse had cause an almost immediate erection. As if wanking in front of his parents wasn’t bad enough, Max now had to sit there receiving a hand job from a guy right in front of them.

Jamie was good. Max was under no illusions that the attractive young man would have no issues with making him cum, yet he seemed to keep the pace slow, obviously drawing out the experience. Whether it was to humiliate Max more, or just because he was enjoying it himself was unclear, but Max’s orgasm remained close yet just out of reach.

“Now once again, if further assistance is needed, it’s worth nothing whether or not your volunteer responded positively to anal stimulation as it can be a big help if they are struggling to produce the desired outcome,” Dr Farley explained.

Max frowned and started, “I’m not…”

“Shhh,” Jamie hushed him. “Doctor, if you wouldn’t mind,” he requested, gesturing to the end of the table.

Dr Farley smiled and moved over to pull out some stirrups then quickly lifted Max’s feet into them.

Max let out a groan as he felt his hold being exposed once again, a quick glance up at the screen now showing a view of him straight between the legs, his face, erection and hole all visible at once.

Jamie released the erection for a moment to lubricate two of his fingers, then took hold of the boner once again as he let the slippery digits push into Max’s hole.

“Oh my god!” Max gasped, his hands moving from behind his head to grasp at either side of the table instead as the fingers probed into him.

“I think someone’s finally having fun!” Jamie said with a grin, getting a titter from the crowd. “Doctor, I think he may be close, if you could prepare the receptacle!”

“Of course,” Dr Farley said as he moved into place with a small container ready to receive the sample.

Jamie sped up his strokes as he tapped gently on Max’s prostate, achieving exactly what he aimed to do as he pushed the naked teen over the edge and started his ejaculation.

“FUCK!” Max yelled out as the first shot flew high into the air and landed heavily on his face before Jamie managed to position the throbbing tool to fill the container Dr Farley was holding. Max shuddered and whimpered his way through the orgasm, feeling his hold clenching on Jamie’s fingers as his dick continued to pulsate in his grip.

“And there we have it!” Dr Farley said, holding up the sample like a trophy. “A job well done. Thank you nurse.”

“Oh, my pleasure!” Jamie said with a grin as he finally let go of Max. He reached down to lift the teen’s legs and slide the stirrups away, leaving a post-orgasmic Max panting to catch his breath.

“A round of applause for our volunteer,” Dr Farley requested, getting polite clapping from the crowd. “Now, if you’d all care to exit via the door over there, I thank you for your time today and look forward to hearing from you if you have any questions.

The crowd slowly began to disperse. While all of them thanked Dr Farley and Jamie for their work, some also insisted on thanking Max personally, forcing him to sit there naked with cum slowly drying onto his cheek as he exchanged embarrassing pleasantries with them.

Eventually, only the doctor, nurse, Max and his parents remained.

“So, Maximus, Lilandra, certainly not how I expect you thought you’d be spending the day, but hopefully you have an idea now of how Max will be helping with my work. It really is a valuable contribution he’s making, and he may even be credited in the findings if they result in what we’re hoping to achieve!” Dr Farley explained.

“Well, it’s certainly nide to see Maxwell giving back to a community he has taken so much FROM over the years!” Maximus said disapprovingly. “And a credit in a reputable medical journal is certainly a positive image for the Rutherford family. I can’t say I have any objections. Lil?” he asked his wife.

“Well, I’m happy if Max is happy!” Lilandra said as she looked to her son, he still remained awkwardly naked.

“Max, are you happy to proceed?” Dr Farley asked with a sincere smile.

Max was unsure what would happen if he said no. He genuinely didn’t know if Dr Farley would actually turn him in. He suspected not, but the risk was still there. Though his deliberation came not from the thought of being forced into it, but more from the though of the fact he might… begin to enjoy it! The reaction of his own cock when he thought back to the first event was undeniable, and he would have been lying to himself if he pretended it hadn’t appeared in more than a few wank fantasies over the past couple of weeks. Would today become a part of future ones? “Yeah, I’m happy to proceed!” Max said, a little surprised at his own compliance.

“Excellent,” Dr Farley said happily. “Now as we discussed,” he went on, using his best ‘play along’ eyebrow raise on the teen, “Further involvement in the study requires much closer control of certain… variables!”

“Variables?” Maximus enquired.

“Indeed,” Dr Farley nodded, gesturing for Jamie to go and grab something. “As this is a fertility study, the frequency of Maxwell’s emissions must be both observed and controlled! Which is why we will be using this!” He held out his hand to Jamie who had returned holding what looked like some kind of jock strap made out of metal and leather.

“Oh my, what is THAT?” Lilandra demanded.

“This is a chastity device!” Dr Farley explained. “Slightly more substantial than most you’d find on the market. This one is designed to ensure absolutely no stimulation at all. It will ensure Max is unable to pleasure himself, so your swimming pool filters will remain a little clearer!”

Max blushed, reminded of the humiliating confession.

“Max has agreed to wear this between sessions, isn’t that right, Max?” Dr Farley asked.

Max huffed. Had he known this, he might not have agreed so willingly, but he couldn’t back out now. “That’s right!” Max said through gritted teeth.

“Jamie, help him on with it please!” Dr Farley requested.

As Max allowed Jamie to get him into the device, he heard the doctor continue talking to his parents, explaining what the device did, how it was secured to ensure no way of removing it without the key and to cause extreme pain if tampered with incorrectly. He also handed each of them a key and advised he would be holding the spares, ensuring they could let Max out in an emergency, but that he would otherwise remain locked between sessions with the doctor.

“All done!” Jamie reported as he locked the device in place.

Max looked down and let out a slight groan. No drugs and now no masturbation, this doctor was really fucking up his life and yet… something about losing the control of his own dick… it was almost enjoyable, though he was sure that wouldn’t last long. His mind wandered to Derren and how he would react to it. There would be teasing, Max was certain of that, but it also meant the other teen could no longer blow him. With no other outlet, and not much else he could do with his schoolmate, he could see a lot of blowjobs in Derren’s future!

“Wonderful,” Dr Farley said, now they seemed to have concluded. “I’ll book Max in for his next appointment. It should be in about two weeks!”

Max was glad to have such a reprieve… until it hit him. That meant two weeks without cumming! ‘Fuck!’ he thought to himself as he felt his cock try to swell.



Heck yes. Chastity in play. He’s gonna be so fucking hornyZ

Naked Justice

I am really curious what happens in chapter 3. As much as I love exposure, this happening in front of Max's parents is really embarassing. And what are the nasty secrets of Max's father? Will he encourage his son to be naked at home?