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Rob and Josh – Part 1

Saturday 03 April 2021

“Ah you bastard!” Rob grunted, woken suddenly by a sharp smack to his balls. He pulled his covers up over his head, determined to deny that it was morning, doing his best to ignore the assault.

“Morning!” Josh called out cheerfully. “Get up!”

“I’ve got a better idea… fuck off!” Rob grunted, holding the covers tightly as Josh tried to pull them away.

“Noooo, get up!” Josh insisted.

“Piss off,” Rob snapped back.

“Fine!” Josh said petulantly. “If you’re staying in bed, then so am I!”

“I don’t have a problem with…” Rob started, but any further words were lost to a grunt as he felt Josh jump on top of him. He let out a groan but lifted his arms to hold tightly onto the boy atop him. “Have I told you lately just how much I hate you?”

“Like… daily, but tell me again anyway,” Josh giggled, letting his cheek rest on Rob’s face as he pulled the covers back.

Rob growled and began to squeeze the other boy tightly.

“Rob, getting… kinda… hard to… breathe!” Josh wheezed.

“Shh, it’s okay, you’ll start to feel sleepy any second. Just go with it!” Rob said softly.

“You know you’ll probably get detention or something if you kill him!” Chris said with a snigger from the foot of the bunk.

“It’s a risk I’m willing to take,” Rob smirked. “But fine,” he added, loosening his grip. He looked to Josh, who hadn’t seemed panicked for even a second and smiled, “I suppose you can live… this time!”

“Too kind,” Josh giggled. “But you’re definitely awake now, so time to get up!”

“Can we just… circle back to that whole ‘how much I hate you’ thing?” Rob grumbled, giving Josh a sharp shove so he rolled away and fell to the floor with a thud, getting a laugh from the others in the dorm.

“And just think… you’ve got two weeks of that!” Danny said to Rob, pointing to the boy on the floor beside the bunk.

Rob rolled his eyes and shook his head, then looked from Josh to Chris before looking back to Danny as he asked, “Any chance you wanna swap?”

“Ha, no way!” Danny scoffed. “Josh’s brothers may be cute, but Chris’ brothers are HOT!”

“Hey!” Chris yelped out. “What did I say about my brothers?”

“That it was fine for me to do whatever I want with them so long as I don’t get them pregnant?” Danny teased. The whole dorm knew the rule. Chris’ brothers were off-limits.

“You’re welcome to sleep with MY brothers,” Josh said to Rob as his head popped up beside the bunk. Rob smirked but Josh’s smile quickly dropped as he turned to look at Danny curiously and asked, “You think Ellis and Jensen are cute?”

“Danny thinks everyone’s cute!” Chris joked. “Anyway, we gotta get going. We got a plane to catch! Enjoy Josh’s cute brothers!” he said with a smile as Rob reluctantly climbed out of bed.


Rob let out a gentle moan as he closed his eyes and held tightly onto Luke. “This sucks,” he complained.

“I thought you were looking forward to it,” Luke frowned as he held the younger boy.

“I am,” Rob nodded, pulling back but keeping hold of Luke casually. “I just… I guess I just mean the timing sucks. We finally get together and then it’s stupid Easter!”

“You’re missing the good part,” Luke said with a cheeky grin. “You know how happy you are to see me every day? Ya know, cos of how generally amazing I am!”

“And modest!” Rob added dryly.

“Well multiply that feeling by a hundred and that’s how good it’ll feel when we see each other after Easter break!” Luke said happily.

“Ooh, I like that thought,” Rob said, nodding excitedly.

Luke chuckled as he let go, raising a hand to muss the boy’s hair. “Thought you would,” he said, then leaned in for a kiss.

Rob let his eyes close as he felt Luke’s lips against his own, mewing contentedly as they made out for a few moments. As Luke pulled away, Rob frowned a little and asked, “You know Ellis Foster, right?”

“Yeah, why?” Luke asked, then nodded as he caught on and said, “Oh yeah, he’ll be with you and Josh, won’t he?”

“Yeah, and Jensen from year twelve!” Rob added, referring to the other ‘Son of Kingswood’ as the boys who were wards of the school were formally known. “What’s Ellis like? He doesn’t really hang out with Josh much at school so I don’t really know him.”

“Oh, yeah, he’s cool,” Luke said, nodding happily. “You ever wanna tease him, ask him about science class in year eight. He’ll know what I mean!”

“Ha, cool!” Rob chuckled. “Danny thinks he’s cute! Jensen too!”

“Danny thinks everyone’s cute!” Luke smirked

Rob shook his head as he laughed. It always seemed a bit weird how everyone seemed to know Danny, but thinking back over the incidents, accidents and punishments he had been involved in, it was really no surprise. Rob felt a momentary pang of jealousy over Danny’s ‘fame’. After all, Rob was a top grade student and captain of the rugby team, yet outside of his dormmates and rugby team, most guys in the school didn’t even know his name. He shook it off. His issues with Danny were in the past and he was happy to keep them there.

“But yeah, I can kinda see that,” Luke mused, thinking about Rob’s declaration. “Him and Patrick had a bit of a thing last year though, didn’t really end well, so I don’t see a lot of him,” Luke explained, referring to one of his dormmates.

“Cool,” Rob said slightly dismissively, his head elsewhere for a moment. “Hey, erm… I know we’re… kinda new and everything and I don’t wanna, like… scare you off or anything…” he started awkwardly.

“Sleep with who ya like, and feel free to share the details. It’s kinda hot!” Luke quickly interjected. “So long as it’s me you’re looking forward to seeing when you get back, then we’re all good!”

Rob grinned and pulled Luke into a hug. “Best boyfriend ever!” he declared excitedly, then blushed heavily as he added, “Sorry, getting ahead of myself… you’re GONNA be the best boyfriend ever!”

“You’re so cute,” Luke said with a grin. “Anyway, you better get going before Josh comes hunting!”

“Yeah,” Rob said, pouting a little. “Miss you already,” he said as he neared the door.

“Loser,” Luke teased, then blushed a little as he added, “But me too. See ya soon!”


“Alright lads, everyone good?” Jack asked as the four boys approached.

Boys at Kingswood who found themselves without parents or guardians could be taken on as ‘wards’ of the school, but from a legal perspective they needed an actual person to act as Guardian. That was Jackson Cooper, or Jack as he was known to the boys. He was currently legal guardian to three of the four approaching boys.

“Hey Jack,” “Hi Jack,” “All good, Jack!” the three younger boys called out as they headed towards his car.

“Sorry didn’t catch the name. James, is it?” Jensen asked with a wry grin a few steps behind the other three.

“Ha, smart-arse” Jack laughed, shaking his head at the seventeen-year-old. “We all good to go?”

Ellis looked round at the others for a moment and started, “We just have to decide who gets to…”

“Shotgun!” Jensen suddenly called out, claiming the front seat in the car.

“Dammit,” Ellis growled.

“You lose,” Josh said, patting the fifteen-year-old on the back, then gave a wry grin as he glanced at the cocky-looking Jensen and said, “Not to Jen, though. Check your phones!”

Jack watched in amusement as the older two ‘sons of Kingswood’ pulled out their phones.

“Yeah, that doesn’t count!” Jensen said, shaking his head as he read the message from Josh that said, ‘Shotgun’, sent a few moments earlier.

“Ahh ha ha haaaa!” Ellis cackled, pointing at Jensen. “Loser!”

“Jack, we need a ruling on this!” Jensen demanded.

Jack chuckled. He was used to this from the boys by now. Glancing at the phone in Jensen’s hand he said, “Looks like it was sent before you said it, but while you were within sight of the car. Sorry bud, shotgun rules apply here. Josh wins!”

“In your face, suckah!” Josh cackled, throwing his bag into the back of the car before hurrying to claim the front seat.

“You see, this is why I insist he’s not stupid,” Rob said, amused by the entire exchange between the three adopted siblings as he got into the back of the car. He grinned as Josh looked back at him and added, “Despite how often he seems determined to prove otherwise!”

“Oy!” Josh whined.

“Ha, who’s the sucker now?” Jensen teased the younger boy.

“Me, in a couple of hours I should imagine!” Ellis sniggered.

Rob’s eyes widened so much they threatened to pop out of his head as he looked from Ellis, to the man climbing into the driver’s seat and back again.

Ellis sniggered at Rob’s reaction and said, “Relax,” he said, nudging the boy at his side. “Jack knows what goes on,” he explained. He frowned a little and said, “Well he doesn’t actually KNOW, but he… sort of knows.”

“Yeah, I’m sure that clears it right up!” Jensen said from Rob’s other side, shaking his head at the unnecessarily vague comment.

“He knew what I meant!” Ellis insisted.

“Yeah, but did he know what you mean, KNOW what you mean or ‘sort of’ know what you mean?” Jensen teased.

“Get used to this,” Josh sniggered as he looked back at Rob.

“What I believe Ellis was intimating was… I know what you boys get up to because I’ve been where you are!” Jack explained as he backed out of the parking space.

“You went to Kingswood?” Rob asked in surprise.

Jack glanced at Rob in the rear-view mirror and smiled as he nodded. “Yup, ninety-six to two-thousand-three, I was a proud student of Kingswood!”

“Wow, you left a year before I was even born,” Jensen said, shaking his head.

“And now I feel old,” Jack said, chuckling through his sigh.

“You’re not THAT old,” Rob said with a polite smile. “So did you, like… never leave?” he asked curiously.

Jack shook his head. “No, I left at eighteen, just like everyone else. Travelled for a year, then did Uni,” he explained.

“So what brought you back?” Rob asked, intrigued. Josh talked about Jack a lot and he sounded like a great guy, but none of it was ever about his past, just the things they had got up to over the half-term and between-term breaks.

“Graham!” Jack said, slightly wistfully as he drove down towards the school gate. He paused a moment before he realised all four boys were staring at him. “So back when I was at school, I lost my mum to cancer when I was twelve and my dad to heart disease when I was fourteen.” There was a collective sigh of sympathy as Jensen reached forward and placed his hand on the man’s shoulder. “Thanks,” Jack said with a sweet smile. “So I ended up as a Son of Kingswood myself. Graham was my legal guardian. Basically, he did the same job I’m doing now. He… helped me through some really tough times, so when I found out he was planning on retiring, I just knew I wanted to do what he’d done… and here I am!”

“That’s so cool,” Rob said as the others smiled proudly.

“It also means technically he’s our brother!” Ellis said with a grin. “Ain’t that right, bro?”

Jack gave a hearty sigh, though the smile he failed to hide betrayed the annoyance he was trying to convey. “Unfortunately so,” he said with a smirk, getting a playful giggle from Ellis. “How about you, Rob? Any brothers or sisters?”

“One at home and seven in my dorm,” Rob answered, but as he saw Josh go to say something he added quickly, “And if you tease me for that I’ll punch you right out of that front seat!”

The others burst into laughter as Josh folded his arms and pouted.

“Threats aside, that’s very sweet,” Jack said, reaching across to elbow Josh. “The one at home. Older or younger?”

“Younger,” Rob said, smiling but giving a gentle sigh. Spending Easter with Josh was a rare treat, but it did come at the cost of not seeing his own family. “His name’s Milo, he’s…” he paused, thinking, “Nine now! He’s awesome.”

“Oh, so you’re a fellow big bro,” Jensen said, casually throwing his arm around Rob. “Ugh, my little brothers are SO annoying!”

“Hey!” Ellis and Josh chorused, getting a laugh from Rob and another bemused headshake from Jack.


Rob stood in the middle of the room, looking from one bed to the other. Although Josh didn’t spend a great deal of time at Jack’s house (which technically was a house owned by Kingswood that came with the job), it was very distinctly Josh’s space, decorated with posters and banners his favourite sports teams. It usually housed just one bed, but a second one had been put in there in anticipation of Rob’s stay. Rob could have had his own room. The house was expansive, with multiple guest bedrooms, often housing past Sons of Kingwood for big events, but Josh had made it quite clear that he wanted Rob staying in his room.

What was unclear was the bed arrangements. Josh’s bed was big enough for two (more than two really) and they had shared a bed before, but he was unsure whether the second bed was at Josh’s request or just part of Jack’s normal visitor prep.

As Josh wandered in, Rob looked round at him and smiled, but then looked back to the beds. “Erm, should I… erm… where should…” he tried unsuccessfully to ask.

Josh grinned and charged, grabbing Rob and tumbling with him onto the larger bed.

“Oof,” Rob grunted as he landed on the bed, Josh half on top of him. “Well that answers that,” he said, slightly winded.

Josh rolled away and jumped up onto his feet in a single smooth gesture. He was always quick and agile, but his time spent studying both martial arts and dance throughout year eight had seen his flexibility and agility both increase massively. “You’re welcome to sleep over there if you like,” he said with a shrug, nodding to the other bed. “But you’re welcome here too.” It sounded like a completely sincere, genuine offer, ensuring Rob had a choice. Josh jumped towards Rob again and pulled his legs up in mid-air, landing in a cross-legged position as he bounced to a stop, grinning. “If you wanna sleep with your own brother, I mean,” he teased over the comment from the car ride earlier.

Rob’s eyes narrowed as he sat up, shaking his head. “I knew you wouldn’t let that drop!” he grumbled.

Josh shrugged as he said, “Nah, Jack was right. It was sweet.”

“Thanks,” Rob said, both surprised and happy at having less teasing than usual. He shuffled up to lay his head on one of the pillows. “This house is so big!” he said, shaking his head.

“Yeah, hide and seek can take a while here,” Josh nodded sternly as he lay down beside Rob.

“Yeah, the impact on hide and seek, that’s clearly where I was going with that,” Rob said sarcastically.

Josh ignored the sarcasm and excitedly asked, “So whadda you think of Jack? And El? And Jen?”

Rob smiled and nodded as he rolled onto his side and propped his head up on one arm. “Well I kinda already know Jensen a bit from rugby, but Ellis is funny and Jack’s so nice!”

“I know right!” Josh said happily as he mirrored Rob’s position. “Jack’s so cool,” he added, his admiration quite apparent. “Is it… weird not being at home?” he asked quietly, moving the conversation on quickly as he often tended to do.

Rob nodded again. “Yeah. Milo was pretty gutted when I said I wasn’t coming home right away, but it’s only an extra week. He’s really excited to get to know you,” Rob explained, the two having arranged the first week of the break with Josh’s family and the second with Rob’s.

“Does he… know about me?” Josh asked cautiously.

“Yeah, I just told you he’s looking forward to meeting you properly. Keep up!” Rob sniggered.

Josh frowned and shook his head. “No, I mean… about… stuff?” he asked cautiously.

“Oh!” Rob said, nodding his understanding. ‘Stuff’ was a wonderfully useful word to Rob and his friends. It had no set meaning, could be used in just about any context and allowed them to talk about difficult or embarrassing things without actually saying them. On this particular occasion, ‘stuff’ clearly referred to Josh’s history of abuse, attempted suicide and total change in his family life as a result. “Nah,” Rob said casually. “I mean, if you wanna tell him he’s old enough that he’ll understand and he definitely wouldn’t judge, cos I taught him well, but… I dunno, I figured that’s your secret to tell… or not. All he knows is that you’re my best mate and that I might think you’re kinda awesome.”

“Thanks,” Josh said softly. “Actually, about… stuff… there was something I wanted to…” He never get to finish as the door to his room flew open.

“What up, bitches. It’s party time!” Ellis declared as he barged in, an amused-looking Jensen right behind him.

“Oh yeah, first night back,” Josh nodded, sitting up.

“We interrupting something?” Jensen asked, having spotted the position the two boys had been in.

“First night?” Rob asked curiously as he sat up.

“No, you’re not interrupting,” Josh called out to Jensen, looking almost relieved to have avoided the conversation. He looked to Rob and sat up beside him as he explained, “Tradition here. First night back we… play Truth or Dare!”

“Yeah, we do!” Ellis declared excitedly, jumping onto the foot of the bed.

Rob looked to Jensen, the most mature of the three brothers and usually the voice of reason, but he simply shrugged and said, “You don’t mess with tradition!” He took a seat on the fourth corner of the large bed.

“Okay, usual rules apply,” Ellis declared, then smiled wryly at Rob and said, “But for the newbie, truths you can ask literally anything. Refuse to answer or we suspect you lied and there will be consequences. Dares can be anything, but can only involve up to one other person, cannot require leaving the house and, for Josh only, no direct sexual contact.” He paused and gave Josh a curious look as he asked, “Right?”

Josh blushed a little and nodded, shrinking nervously from Rob for fear of any kind of teases.

Rob just nodded. The final caveat was not a surprise. As things in the dorm had grown progressively more sexual in their time at Kingswood, Josh had made it clear that he simply wasn’t ready to do things with anyone else yet, one of many issues he had from his abusive childhood. “Oh, can I… add one more rule,” Rob requested, his cheeks reddening at the prospect of what he was about to say. “Could we… I mean… for me at least… erm… no butt stuff. I don’t do that,” he requested, pausing for a second before he added, “Yet!”

“That’s okay, neither do I!” Jensen said casually.

“You don’t?” Rob asked, surprised.

Jensen shrugged as he shook his head. “Nah, just not something I enjoy. It’s not that unusual. I think they say, like, half of all gay guys don’t do…” he paused and gave a wry grin before he finished with a slightly teasing, “Butt stuff!”

“Huh, cool,” Rob nodded, ignoring the tease. It was not something he had heard before.

“Okay, so them’s the rules,” Ellis said, clearly keen to move things on. He gave Rob a quick wink as he said, “By the way, my butt’s open for business!”

“Ewwwww!” Josh groaned as Jensen and Rob giggled.

“Okay, poor choice of words, but you get the idea!” Ellis said, rolling his eyes. “Oh, and we go round clockwise, and the truth or dare comes from the person to your right. So let’s keep with tradition, oldest goes first. Jen, truth or dare?” he asked, grinning massively at the seventeen-year-old to his left.

Jensen grinned and said, “Let’s start bold. Gimme a dare!”

“Okay, I dare you to… take Rob’s trousers off!” Ellis said with a snigger.

“What, hey, hold up!” Rob quickly objected. “This is HIS dare!” he said, pointing to Jensen.

“I know,” Ellis said with a broad smile. “That’s why HE has to do it.”

Rob huffed and tutted but conceded, “Fine!”

Jensen crawled across the bed as Rob lay back and undid the trousers. The annoyed boy was clearly not intending to make it any easier as he lay without lifting any of his weight as Jensen began to pull. As his underwear began to slide down with them, he realised his mistake and immediately lifted his hips from the bed as he yanked the boxers back up and held on tightly. “All done,” Jensen said as he tossed the trousers aside. “Josh, truth or dare?” he asked.

Josh looked at his two adopted brothers. The look he got back from them instantly communicated their apparent plan as he said, “I’ll have a dare too!”

Jensen paused, as if giving it some thought before he held back a smirk and said, “Josh, I dare you to take to take Rob’s t-shirt off!”

“Oh come on!” Rob complained. “You guys are totally ganging up on me!”

“Yeah, we are!” Ellis admitted shamelessly.

The honesty threw Rob off a little as he had been ready to argue. Having the fifteen-year-old just admit it had been somewhat unexpected. He was shaken from his thoughts by Josh grabbing his t-shirt, which was unceremoniously yanked up and off before being thrown to join the trousers.

“Oh yeah, just so you know,” Josh said, reaching out to tweak Rob’s nipple, making him yelp and flinch away, “He has REALLY sensitive nipples!”

“Awesome!” Ellis said excitedly.

“Thanks for that,” Rob grumbled. “Well let’s get this over with,” he said, shaking his head. “Let’s just speed things up shall we? I’ll take a dare!”

“Ha, nice,” Josh cackled. “You know what to do,” he said, gesturing to Rob’s underwear. “Get ‘em off!”

Rob shook his head as he stepped off the bed, then reached into his underwear with one hand to cup his cock and balls, then pushed the boxers down with the other. He moodily sat back down on the bed, putting as he covered his crotch with both hands.

“Is there really any point covering up?” Jensen asked with a smirk. “We’ve all seen it before!”

Rob blushed at the implication and kept his hands firmly in place.

“He just don’t want us to know he’s got a boner from me playing with his nipple!” Josh teased.

“No I don’t!” Rob insisted.

Josh leaned over and grabbed for the nipple again, but Rob jumped a little and swatted the hand away before realising he had momentarily exposed himself to the two older boys and covered back up as they laughed.

“Come on then. Truth or dare?” Rob demanded, hoping to move the focus away from himself and his nudity.

“Hmmm… let’s go… truth!” Ellis said, grinning at how much it would annoy Rob to be deprived the chance of revenge.

“Oh,” Rob pouted, having prepared himself to give a dare. “Fine, then… I’ve got it. Tell us all about the most embarrassing thing that’s ever happened to you!”

Ellis sighed and shook his head. “Fine. This one time, I was playing truth or dare with three other guys… and I ended up sat there naked in front of them all!” As Rob frowned curiously, Ellis burst into laughter as he called out, “Oh wait, that’s you!”

Rob didn’t react, even as the others laughed. Instead he waited a moment for them to get quieter and said casually, “Very funny. I figured it might be… science class in year eight!”

Ellis’ giggling stopped dead as his eyes widened. “You… who… I mean… who told you… erm…” he stuttered awkwardly.

Rob barely concealed his glee and made a mental note to give Luke an extra big thank you when they got back to school.

“Wait, what happened?” Josh asked curiously.

“N… nothing!” Ellis stuttered. “Nothing happened! I don’t know what he’s talking about!” he insisted.

“El, mate… you know the rules. He asked the truth, you gotta give it!” Jensen said, reaching out to slap him on the back. “Besides, if you don’t we’ll give you a punishment and then I’ll tell ‘em all about it anyway, so suck it up, buttercup!”

“Fuck,” Ellis muttered as Rob and Josh giggled at the name-calling. He scowled at Rob and said, “I’m gonna kill whoever told you!”

“It was Isaac!” Rob declared, referring to the Year 10 rugby captain who shared a dorm with Luke.

“Wow, snitch!” Josh said, disappointed.

Rob grinned and said quietly, but loud enough for the others to hear, “It wasn’t really. I just thought it’d be funny to see Ellis get his arse kicked trying to fight Isaac!”

“I could take Isaac!” Ellis insisted.

“I know you could TAKE him, but you definitely couldn’t fight him, bumboy!” Jensen teased, getting raucous laughter from the two younger boys as Ellis glared at him furiously. “Anyway, we’re getting distracted… back to science class!”

“I hate you so much,” Ellis growled. “Fine, it was year eight and we were in science class,” he explained, pausing to prepare himself to go on.

“Yeah, we guessed that much. Get to the good bit!” Josh demanded.

“Shut up, I’m getting there,” Ellis insisted, shifting a little uncomfortably. “Anyway, me and Miles… he’s my best mate, we were sat together and I was a bit distracted, by… something…”

“Miles was wanking him off under the desk,” Jensen added. As Rob and Josh laughed, he raised his eyebrows at Ellis and said, “Don’t worry, you miss any other embarrassing details and I’ll make sure to fill them in!”

“Thanks,” Ellis said coldly.

“Yeah, okay, so… I’m a bit distracted by what Miles is doing and not really paying attention to what Mr Darby was saying. I’d been in a bit of trouble around then and kinda needed to avoid getting in any more,” Ellis went on.

“He’d just spent a week naked!” Jensen interjected with another omitted embarrassing detail. “You’re welcome,” he added playfully as Ellis glared again.

Ellis let out a sigh and shook his head. “Yeah, so I wasn’t keen to do it again and Miles knew that, so when he suddenly says ‘quick, put your hand up and say yes’ I just do it, cos I figured I’d been caught out for not paying attention for something. Turns out Mr Darby was actually asking for a volunteer!”

“For…” Jensen prompted.

“For a… demonstration on… prostate health!” Ellis blushed heavily.

“Prostate?” Josh asked curiously.

“Butt stuff!” Rob added with a wry grin, getting an amused gasp from Josh.

“Oh my god, what happened?” Josh demanded.

“Well Mr Darby asks if I’m sure, and I’m ready to say I changed my mind, but then he asks if I only said it because I wasn’t paying attention again, so I can’t back out without getting in MORE trouble, so I have to say yes and he makes me get up and… strip in front of everyone, which wasn’t so bad. I mean, like Jen said, I’d just spent a week naked and you kinda get used to it pretty quick,” Ellis explained. “But… cos I was all, like, horny from what Miles was doing I was still a little bit… up!”

“Oh,” Rob pouted. “That’s it? That’s your embarrassing thing? A bit of a boner? Yawn!” Compared to the things he had seen Danny and Chris endure, or his own rugby-team forfeits, it seemed pretty tame.

“That’s just the start,” Jensen said happily. “Go on,” he urged his younger sibling.

“Well… he had me kneeling up on a table so everyone could see and he starts… examining me,” Ellis said, pausing to make sure the two boys understood. Seeing Josh look a little confused he said, “With his fingers… up my butt!”

“You got fingered by a teacher in front of the whole class!” Josh declared in awe.

Ellis nodded. He was actually beginning to look a little distressed.

“You can… give a bit less detail if it helps,” Rob offered quietly.

“No! I want all the juicy details!” Josh demanded, leaning forward in anticipation.

“I asked the question, I decide what answer is okay!” Rob insisted firmly.

Ellis gave the younger boy a meek smile. “Well, short version then. I got hard…”

“Oh my god!” Josh declared.

“And then I started to…” Ellis paused, gulping. “Leak!”

“Oh my god!” Josh repeated.

“And then… it… he…” Ellis tried to go on, but couldn’t.

“He shot his load in front of the whole class!” Jensen finished for him.

“Oh my fucking god!” Josh declared, jaw slightly agape. “That’s… SO… hot!”

Ellis raised his hands to cover his face. “I hate you all,” he muttered unhappily.

“Hey, I’m sorry,” Rob said, reaching out to stroke his arm.

Josh looked round at Rob then pointed and called out loudly, “Ha, told you Rob had a boner!”

Ellis’ hands suddenly dropped away as he stared Rob in the eye for a second before he looked down to see the erection, right before it got covered up again. “Now THAT’S hot!” Ellis giggled.

The next hour was filled with much of the same. While the three Sons of Kingswood did their best to embarrass Rob, their coalition quickly crumbled and soon they were daring and embarrassing each other just as much, and all ended up as naked as Rob.

Despite his initial embarrassment, Rob ended up enjoying the game. Aside from some fun and genuinely enlightening truths, it was nice to get to see a bit more of the two older boys. He had seen both of them naked multiple times before, Jensen more than Ellis, but a glancing look at someone in the locker room was not the same as having them sat openly naked in front of you for an evening.

At seventeen, and an avid rugby player, Jensen was a fairly imposing figure. Lacking the usual bulk that many of the other players in the school had, his broad shoulders and well-developed muscles were an impressive sight, his pecs separated by a tiny tuft of dark hair that also sprouted a little around his nipples. With his strong facial features, defined jawline and dark hair, he could have looked quite intimidating, but he had gentle eyes and full lips that were usually smiling. Dark hair also adorned his forearms and shins, spreading a little way up his thighs, while a hefty patch sat above a fairly average-looking dick.

Ellis was sporting a substantially different look, with his dark blonde hair, grey eyes and slight hint of chubbiness around his cheeks making him look almost cherubic. It was a thoroughly innocent look that was the total opposite of the mischievous personality beneath. Being just fifteen and fair, he lacked the hairiness of his older adopted sibling, sporting a patch of almost-ginger pubes above his fairly ample cock, a slight smattering of downy hair on his shins but little else. While he was far from chubby, as he sat cross-legged and hunched over on the bed, he had a slight podge.

Rob had continued to try and hide his erection as he sat there, even after doing various dares like jerking off or slapping Ellis in the face with his dick, though his attempt at concealment was as much for his stomach as it was for his genitals, sporting a heftier podge than Ellis. Now thirteen, he had gained weight since joining the school eighteen months earlier, but having shot up a good ten centimetres in the same period, he remained similarly proportioned – ‘adorably cuddly’, as Chris called it. Being on the chubby side, while also sporting glasses and being fairly academically-inclined, he felt decidedly nerdy at times, which sometimes made him feel a little out of place with the other rugby players.

As Rob looked at Josh, it was strange to see just how little he had actually changed in those same eighteen months. He had grown a little, but considering he had been much taller than Rob when they met but now stood at almost the same height, he noticed it more than most. Josh was a little on the skinny side, despite his penchant for sports and his excessively physical extra-curricular schedule, though he was surprisingly strong, his muscles simply not yet showing the development that was happening beneath the surface. Not even thirteen yet, Josh had only been released from chastity a few months earlier (now having the ability to ejaculate), though his dick showed surprisingly little sign of development too, still short, skinny and hairless.

The atmosphere remained lively and playful as the dares and questions continued until it got back round to Rob. Caught up in the spirit of the game he casually said, “I’ll take a dare!”

Josh grinned wickedly. “Okay,” he said, climbing off his bed to grab a marker pen from his desk. He handed it to Rob as he climbed on the bed and said, “I dare you to go and get Jack to write his name on whichever part of you he thinks is the cutest! Without getting dressed, obviously!”

“Oh my fucking god!” Jensen declared in shocked delight.

“Mate, brutal!” Ellis said, sounding genuinely impressed.

“You… you… can’t… you can’t be serious!” Rob said, his heart racing.

“Ooh, are you refusing a dare? Yay, we haven’t done a punishment yet!” Josh said with a huge smile.

“Josh, come on,” Rob pleaded.

“The dare has been given!” Jensen declared with forced formality. “Are you doing it or are we punishing you? And believe me, punishments are WAY worse than dares,” he glanced at Josh as he added, “Even really evil dares like that!”

“Hehe, thanks,” Josh giggled.

Rob looked to be on the verge of hyperventilating. He had gotten used to being seen naked. Aside from the regular changing in the locker room after PE or rugby practice, he had been subjected to some dares and forfeits as part of the team building things he did with his rugby team, but that was always just with other students. It was never in front of a teacher or adult. “Are the punishments really that bad?” he asked meekly. As he got a nod from all three of the others, he let out a gentle moan and climbed off the bed.

“I fucking hate you,” Rob scowled at Josh before he turned and opened the door. He almost expected the others to run out after him to watch his humiliation in progress, but as he shut the door and started nervously down the hallway, the door remained closed. Being in the massive, strange house was already a little intimidating, but being naked was making it magnitudes worse.

Every feeling, every sound, every moment felt heightened. The plush carpet beneath his feet felt nice, yet served only to remind him of his own nudity. As he reached the stairs, he winced a little as he realised his hands were clenched so tightly onto his cock and balls that he was actually hurting himself a little, the marker pen in his grasp digging a little into his thigh. He released the pressure slightly, careful to keep himself covered.

On the bright side, if there even was one, at least he didn’t have a boner. He couldn’t help but smirk at the thought of Chris or Danny in his situation. Danny would have absolutely had an erection too, while Chris would have not just been hard, he wouldn’t even be bothering to cover up. He would just shamelessly march up to Jack, demand he complete the task and walk away even more horny. He shook his head as he tried to erase the thoughts, worried that thinking about Danny and Chris with boners was likely to inflict him with one of his own.

As he crept down the stairs, he realised that creeping really wasn’t needed. It’s not like he needed to avoid being seen. It was quite the opposite. He could hear the TV playing from the lounge Jack was currently using, the sound masking his approach.

‘Okay, just walk in there like this is nothing and ask him to do the thing,’ Rob thought to himself, determined not to show his embarrassment. He knew from his various tasks and forfeits with the rugby team that in situations like this, it was easy to become your own worst enemy and he was didn’t want to let that happen. Standing right outside the open door, he took a deep breath and stepped through.

“Evening Rob. How’s it going?” Jack asked, utterly unfazed by the sudden appearance of the naked boy in the doorway.

“Erm… okay… thanks,” Rob said, totally thrown off by how unbothered Jack looked.

“Something I can… do for you?” Jack asked, pausing the show he was watching.

Rob looked down at himself, convinced for a second that his clothes had simply reappeared, but all he saw was exposed skin. “I… I’m naked!” he stated, immediately cursing himself for saying something so utterly obvious and pointless.

“Oh, I didn’t notice,” Jack said sarcastically with a wry grin. “Truth or dare going well for ya then?” he asked casually.

“How… how did…” Rob stuttered, still frozen in place, his hands threatening to injure himself once against as they nervously clenched over his private parts.

Jack rolled his eyes as he shook his head. “Former Son of Kingswood, remember!” he said bluntly. “Truth or dare on first night back has been a tradition since before my time!”

“Oh, erm… cool,” Rob said, somehow finding the lack of reaction to his nudity more embarrassing than laughter would have been.

Jack stood and slowly approached. “So what’s the actual dare? Do I have to do something with that?” Jack asked, pointing to Rob’s crotch.

“What? No!” Rob exclaimed, terrified that the man might think he was propositioning him somehow. As he looked down, he flushed bright red as he realised, “Oh, the pen! Ugh, god,” he groaned. As Jack sniggered a little, Rob took another deep breath and said, “I have to get you to… write your name… on whichever part of me you think is the…” he paused, took another breath and finished, “The cutest!”

“Oh my god,” Jack guffawed. “That’s savage. Who came up with that one?”

“Josh,” Rob pouted, continuing to plan exactly how he would murder his best friend in his sleep for this.

“Of course it was,” Jack chuckled, knowing only the closest of friends could get away with being quite so mean to each other. “Hmm, so let’s get a good look at you then!”

“Oh, okay,” Rob blushed, dropping his hands to his sides as he avoided eye contact.

“Yeah, not what I meant, but thanks for the show!” Jack said, sniggering.

“Oh, I thought…” Rob started, then shook his head as he covered back up, letting out an annoyed moan at himself.

Jack circled Rob, looking him up and down as he quietly mused, “So what part… is the cutest?”

It felt like an eternity that the man spent pacing round him. Rob had never felt so exposed in his life. He couldn’t help noticing he didn’t feel unsafe, which was a pleasant surprise. He knew Jack was just playing with him, even if he was being a little mean about it.

“Okay, come on then,” Jack said, holding his hand out for the pen.

Rob went to hand it to him, but his hands were trembling a little and he managed to fumble and drop it. Immediately he bent down to pick it up, handed it to Jack as he stood and then realised he had uncovered again, grasping his genitals so fast he almost punched himself in the balls.

“Let’s get this over with,” Jack said as he popped the lid off the pen. He started moving his hand towards Rob, lowering it towards his chest.

Rob let out a gentle whimper. What if he was going for a nipple? He might actually touch it. He’d get hard, he knew he would, he felt a momentary twitch just thinking about it. He couldn’t, could he? Rob was on the verge of hyperventilating when Jack smirked and raised the pen higher.

“Okay, hold still,” Jack said. He reached out with one hand and placed it on the back of Rob’s head, holding it in place as he moved the pen to write ‘JACK’ across Rob’s cheek.

Rob stared wide-eyed at the man as he finished writing and pulled back. “You… you think…” he stuttered, unable to ask the question fully.

“Of course,” Jack chuckled, then leaned in to playfully kiss Rob on the forehead. “Now run along, and tell the others to leave me out of the rest of your game!” He turned Rob around and gave him a quick slap on the butt to send him on his way.

Rob virtually sprinted back to Josh’s room, his chest heaving as he closed the door behind him, the other three frozen in place for a moment before bursting into raucous laughter.

“Ha, Jack thinks Rob’s cute,” Josh teased.

“I can’t believe you actually did it,” Ellis said, sounding genuinely impressed.

“Take a sec, bud. Catch your breath,” Jensen added as Rob flopped back down onto the bed.

“How was it?” Josh asked, leaning down close to Rob who had buried his face in a pillow.

Rob turned his head and scowled at Josh. “Oh, just fucking marvellous!” he said coldly, getting more laughs from the others.

“Well we waited for you to continue,” Jensen said. “But good job, mate. Fucking brave, I’m telling ya!”

Rob couldn’t help smiling at the approval of the older boy, the grin broadening a little as he caught a glimpse of himself in a mirror and saw the writing on his cheek. “Okay then, I guess Ellis is next, and after what you guys just made me do… I’m not going easy on you!” he promised.

“Well I’d be stupid to take a dare now!” Ellis declared, then gave Rob a quick wink and said, “So I’ll take a dare!”

“Let me give you a prostate exam!” Rob blurted out, not even taking a moment to contemplate.

“Holy forking shirtballs!” Jensen exclaimed, very visibly amused.

Ellis let out a low growl then muttered, “Guess I shoulda seen that coming!”

“Yeah, and now we get to see YOU cumming!” Josh sniggered, getting a cackle and a high five from Jensen. “Ohhh! Why don’t we see what dare El wants to give you next. Might be able to do both at the same time!” Josh suggested.

“Lemme suck your dick!” Ellis demanded, not even waiting to see if Jensen agreed… or even wanted a dare.

Jensen smiled and nodded. “Oh no, how awful. How dare you!” he said sarcastically. “Fine, then I’m giving Josh HIS dare too!”

“Wait, I… you know I don’t…” Josh stuttered awkwardly.

“Watch and wank!” Jensen said quickly to put the boy at ease. “You’re still okay with that, right?”

Josh nodded happily. While doing things with others still felt wrong, playing with himself was definitely okay and he felt absolutely no shyness about doing it in front of his best friend and adopted siblings. They had all seen it before!

Just a few moments of preparation later, Ellis was on all-fours at the foot of the bed, with Jensen stood in front of him and Rob positioned behind, fingers lubed and ready, while Josh sat at the head of the bed, already playing with his small erection.

“Do you… actually know what you’re doing? I know you said you don’t… do butt stuff!” Ellis said, now feeling more than a little awkward.

“Oh, I just meant my butt. I know my way round. I have a friend who… taught me a few things!” Rob said, a little embarrassed but also a little proud of his burgeoning sexual proclivities.

“Luke?” Josh asked curiously.

Rob shook his head and replied, “Jazz!”

“Oh! Hot,” Josh grinned.

“We doing this or not? My dick’s not gonna suck itself!” Jensen said, unashamedly waggling round his dick in front of Ellis’ face.

“Wow, imagine if it could,” Ellis sniggered, “That’d be… unnnh!” He let out the grunt as Rob’s finger plunged into his hole. “COULDA FUCKING WARNED ME!” he yelped out.

“Shut him up, would ya?” Rob said with a smirk to Jensen.

“Gladly,” Jensen said, pushing his dick into the younger teen’s mouth.

Josh let out a gentle moan as he watched the other three, sliding down a little to get a better view of Ellis’ rapidly-stiffening prick. He felt a slight twinge of regret at not being directly involved in what was happening at the foot of the bed, but remained quite happy as he wanked slowly. The entire evening had been exciting and he already needed to cum, but he kept the pace slow, not wanting to end his fun early… or look premature to the three older boys.

Despite the sudden entry, Rob was being gentle as he probed Ellis’ rear. He had recently befriended a boy from another school, one where they were kept locked in chastity until the turned sixteen, which inevitably meant a lot of anal stimulation in place of masturbation. He had picked up a few pointers and was already enjoying putting them to good use, though he remained cautious.

“Feel free to use two fingers,” Ellis said, momentarily releasing Jensen’s dick from his mouth.

“Nice,” Jensen nodded as he watched Rob chuckle and happily comply.

“Think we could get Chris or Danny to volunteer for a prostate exam in science class?” Rob asked Josh jokingly.

“You kidding? They’ve probably already offered, the dirty bitches!” Josh giggled as he continued wanking.

As Rob laughed and nodded his agreement, he took hold of his own dick with his free hand. He hadn’t been dared to wank, but the whole situation was simply too arousing for him to resist. While he had no romantic attraction to Josh, he was undeniably cute and Rob always enjoyed seeing him naked. Jensen was just pure sex as he stood there, one hand up running his fingers through his hair, revealing the smattering of dark hair in his armpit. Ellis wasn’t much to look at in that moment, with Rob only really able to see his back and the back of his head, but knowing the sensations he must have been feeling from being impaled on both ends was every bit as exciting to think about as it would have been to see.

“How about… nobody cums… until El does!” Josh suggested, clearly regretting it as soon as he said it, his little cock throbbing wildly as he let go, seemingly on the edge.

Ellis pulled back a little from Jensen, though that only served to push Rob’s fingers harder into him as he asked, “What makes you think I’m gonna cum from this?”

“Mate, you’ve got a puddle!” Josh smirked, pointing to the hefty wet patch from the boys constant stream of pre-cum.

Jensen and Rob both leaned over to get a better view and burst into laughter as Ellis just growled and got back to work on Jensen’s dick.

Seeing the obvious excitement spurred Rob on more and he started working more firmly on the older boy’s prostate, giving it the pounding he knew would push him over the edge. When he finally took him far enough for release, it was a like a chain reaction through the group.

“He’s cumming!” Josh called out, the only one with a view of Ellis’ straining tool. As he watched it spurt up thick white goo, he wanked himself over the edge and grunted his way through an intense orgasm with a small load.

Seeing Josh shoot pushed Rob over the edge too and he leaned forward to spurt his load onto the small of Ellis’ back, a little of it dribbling down into his arse crack. Jensen began to shoot moments later, the first shot hitting the back of Ellis’ throat before he pulled out, shoved the younger boy’s head down and spurted onto his back, two of the shots flying far enough to mingle with Rob’s.

Ellis suddenly flopped down onto the bed then whined, “Ewwwwww… wet patch!” making the other three laugh.

Several tissues later, all four were cleaned up and casually laying on the bed. Rob and Ellis had both pulled on their underwear, but Josh and Jensen both remained comfortably nude.

“So, truth or dare?” Josh asked playfully.

“Oh my god, aren’t we done?” Rob giggled, getting a laugh from the others too. “Well I’m not having any more dares, so… truth!”

“Do you think I made the wrong call helping Ryan and Mark avoid jail time for what they did to me?” Josh asked, staring at his best friend.

“Wh… what… I… what…” Rob stuttered, completely sideswiped by the question.

“Josh…” Jensen said softly.

Josh looked round the group, then suddenly smiled and started laughing. “Ha, just kidding. I was just messing with Rob!” he giggled.

“You fucker!” Rob growled, shaking his head as he lunged at Josh, the two wrestling playfully for a moment.

“Yeah, I think that’s my cue to leave. I gotta make a call anyway,” Jensen said as he climbed off the bed, shaking his head at the two squabbling boys.

“Ooh, gotta check in with your boyfriend,” Ellis teased.

“Shut your face,” Jensen snapped at Ellis, then rolled his eyes as he said, “Also… yes, but shut up anyway!” He leaned down to gently kiss the top of Ellis’ head, patting him gently on the back. “You kids have fun!” he said patronisingly as he walked off, his clothes bundled under his arm.

“Okay, you two need to stop!” Ellis said as the two younger boys continued wrestling.

“He’s right,” Rob said with a nod. “We shouldn’t be fighting each other!”

Josh nodded too and gave a sly smile. “We should be fighting HIM!”

“What, no!” Ellis objected, but it was too late, they were on him.


“Love you too, see ya soon,” Jensen said as he hung up the phone, letting out a hearty sigh. Just as he was about to get off the bed there was a knock at the door. “Come in,” he called out curiously. “Oh hey,” he said happily as Josh walked in.

“Hey,” Josh smiled meekly.

“You okay, bud?” Jensen asked, pulling on a t-shirt.

“Yeah,” Josh nodded, pouting a little. “Rob and El are… doing stuff and I got kinda…” he paused, too embarrassed to say ‘lonely’, so instead he finished with, “Bored on my own!”

“Doing stuff?” Jensen asked with a frown. “Like… sex stuff?” he asked. He got a nod from Josh and chuckled. “We LITERALLY just did stuff!” he exclaimed, unsure whether to be impressed or concerned.

Josh shrugged and said, “They really like… stuff, I guess!”

“Ah well, their loss is my gain!” Jensen said happily, sitting back down onto his bed as he patted it to invite Josh to join him.

Josh grinned as he ran across the room and jumped on. “So whadda you think of Rob?” he asked curiously.

The older boy nodded and said, “I already kinda knew him from rugby. He always seemed like a good team captain,” he started.

“He really is!” Josh said proudly.

Jensen held back a smirk. Despite the teasing, fighting and insults, the mutual admiration between the two boys was absolutely unmistakeable. “But it’s been nice to getting to know him off the pitch. He seems like a good kid!”

“He’s the best!” Josh replied, then frowned heavily and said, “But you tell him I said that I’ll kick you in the nuts so hard they’ll have to start calling your Jennifer!”

Jensen burst into laughter as he nodded and insisted, “Your secret’s safe with me!” then added under his breath, “Not that it’s much of a secret!”

“What?” Josh snapped.

“Nothing!” Jensen grinned, still chuckling. Silence crept in between them and as he looked at the younger boy, he could tell something was on his mind. “What’s up?” he asked bluntly.

“Nothing,” Josh lied poorly.

“Does this… maybe have something to do with that question you asked Rob before?” Jensen asked softly.

Josh sighed, pursed his lips thoughtfully for a moment then nodded.

“You wanna talk about it?” Jensen asked, reaching out to gently stroke Josh’s leg.

Josh thought again for a moment, frowning a little. “I dunno, I guess I’ve just been thinking about it a lot since Ryan showed up at school.”

“Ryan was at the school?!” Jensen exclaimed, looking severely alarmed. “When? Are you okay?”

Josh blushed. “Oh yeah, I guess I… kinda didn’t really tell anyone. Well, Rob knows, and Alex, cos they were there too, but… we handled it,” Josh explained.

“Jesus, Josh. You need to report shit like that!” Jensen insisted.

“I know. I think there’s a lot I SHOULD have done,” Josh replied, scowling slightly. “And now I just… keep getting really angry about it all.”

“Talking helps!” Jensen insisted. “When I… lost my parents, I went through some pretty dark times and I got angry a lot too and talking helped.” As he saw Josh go to reply, he quickly added, “But I could only do it when I was ready, so don’t worry if you’re not yet!”

Josh smiled. That was exactly what he was about to object about. Instead, he just nodded as he thought for a few seconds then said, “When I… do want to, I’m a bit scared because… I don’t wanna give anyone more stress!”

Jensen nodded. “Yeah, I get that,” he said softly. “I know you mostly talk to Danny about this stuff but he’s got his whole injury and recovery going on, but you also talk to Rob, but he’s got the rugby tournament and the new boyfriend and all of that. I get why you wouldn’t want to add to that for either of them.”

“Wow, stalker much!” Josh exclaimed, surprised by how much his big brother knew.

Jensen just shrugged. “Maybe,” he giggled. He shook his head and stroked Josh’s leg again as he explained, “Look, I get that we’re only related, like, legally… and we don’t really hang out when we’re at school, but… I really do think of myself as your big brother, Josh. That means it’s my job to look out for you, so… yeah, I keep an eye on you, I stick my nose in, I ask questions. You matter to me, mate. A lot!”

Josh sniffed, tears forming as he stared at the older boy. “I’ve never had… I mean, my… my brothers… you’re just…” he stuttered, his lip quivering.

“Aww, come here,” Jensen said, pulling him into a hug. “I got ya, little bro!”

“Thanks,” Josh whispered, sniffing back tears as he gripped on tightly. “Big bro,” he added with a delighted chuckle.