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Nicky and Mikey – Part 2

Saturday 10 April 2021

“So we grabbed Cian and just threw him into the pool fully dressed. Ash was pissed, but it was SO funny. And he totally deserved it!” Chris explained eagerly, grinning from the screen of Nicky’s laptop.

“Sounds like you’re having fun then,” Nicky said happily.

“So much!” Chris replied with an emphatic nod. “You glad to be home?”

Nicky nodded back just as emphatically. “SO much!” he said sincerely.

“Guessing Mikey’s parents are every bit as bad as he says they are then?” Chris asked, feeling bad for their boyfriend. Mikey had not been particularly open at first about how much he disliked his home life, but once he had gotten close to the others, details had started to come out.

Nicky’s brow furrowed heavily. “That’s the weird thing,” he said thoughtfully. “Either they had total personality changes because of me being there, or… they’re just not really that bad!”

“Seriously?” Chris asked in surprise, rubbing his hair with a towel, still wet from ending up in the pool.

Nicky nodded. He leaned over as he looked at the door and said, “Be right back!” He hurried over and discretely shut his bedroom door before running back to his desk. “Sorry, just… didn’t want Mikey to hear and get pissed.”

“Oh, this sounds juicy,” Chris giggled.

Nicky sighed, a little bewildered as he thought about the week he had just spent at Mikey’s family home. “His parents could say some completely normal, innocent thing and Mikey would just… flip out on them. It was…” he paused. He had wanted to say ‘scary’, as Mikey’s aggressive behaviour genuinely was beginning to scare him, but it didn’t feel right to put that thought in Chris’ head if he wasn’t already thinking it. “It was really weird,” he finally finished.

“Mikey… weird… yeah, that’s unexpected,” Chris sniggered. “So where is he now?”

Nicky shook his head again, but this time with a bemused smile. “He’s downstairs, filling in my parents on pretty much every moment of his life since he was last here. I swear Mikey’s only dating me for my parents!”

“Wow, what a weirdo,” Chris grinned. “And here’s me dating you just for your massive…” he paused as he got a warning glare from Nicky, then smiled again and finished, “Musical talent! Pfft, what did you think I was gonna say?”

“You’re lucky I like you!” Nicky giggled. “What you got planned for the rest of the day?”

“There’s an adventure park not far from here that the twins love… and maybe I do a bit too,” Chris smiled. “We’re heading there after lunch. How about you?”

Nicky shrugged. “No set plans yet. I’ll be lucky if I can get Mikey away from my parents long enough to actually do anything anyway!” he said with a laugh, getting one back from Chris. “Although I DO have plans for bedtime!”

“Oh yeah?” Chris asked, biting his lip as he gave a knowing nod. He quickly tutted and rolled his eyes as he said, “Sorry, let me guess ‘it’s not what you think, stop thinking with your dick’. Yeah?” he teased.

Nicky stared straight at the screen and raised an eyebrow. “Actually, it’s EXACTLY what you think. Mikey was really weird… again… about sex stuff at his house so we haven’t… you know…”

“Fucked!” Chris grinned, his hand lowering off the screen as he said it.

Nicky smirked at Chris’ bluntness as he nodded and said, “Yeah, that. So once we’re alone tonight, I’m fucking his screwy little brains out!”

“Any chance you’ll call me so I can watch?” Chris asked hopefully.

“Sorry buddy, this is a me and Mikey thing. You want someone to watch, go find Danny and Blane!” Nicky teased, knowing how much Chris hated the idea of any of his friends being with his brothers.

“Danny and Blane don’t DO that!” Chris scowled.

“Mate, come on… it’s Danny!” Nicky said with a grin. “Who HASN’T he been with?”

“Anyone I’m related to!” Chris insisted, then gave a wry grin as he added, “But pretty much everyone else!”

“Nick!” a voice shouted from downstairs.

“Oop, gotta go. Say hi to Danny, love you!” Nicky said as he stood from his desk.

“Love you too. Take pictures!” Chris called out as he hung up.


“Night Carl. Night Jenny!” Mikey grinned as he was dragged from the living room.

The two adults laughed at the boy’s obvious over-enthusiasm. Having just been given permission to call them by their first names, Mikey had insisted on using them a dozen times in the last five minutes, much to their amusement and Nicky’s frustration.

“Good night Mikey,” Carl smirked.

“Sleep tight,” Jenny added as the two boys disappeared up the stairs.

“I like Carl,” Mikey said with a huge smile as they reached the landing. “And Jenny. They’re both great!”

“Really? You hide it so well!” Nicky said, shaking his head. “But come on, we gotta get to bed!”

“Are you, like, super tired or something?” Mikey asked innocently. “You’ve been going on about going to bed non-stop for the last hour!”

“Sleeping’s not quite what I had in mind,” Nicky said as he stepped into his room. As Mikey followed him in, he closed the door, grabbed the shorter boy and shoved him back against it then kissed him passionately.

“Oh!” Mikey declared, eyes widening as Nicky pulled back. “You mean go to bed, like… in a sexy way!”

“Finally caught on did ya!” Nicky smirked. “Get your clothes off!”

“But what about…” Mikey started, but even that was too much of a delay for Nicky who grabbed him and yanked his t-shit up and over his head. “I could have…” he started, but was interrupted again, this time by Nicky yanking his jeans and underwear down.

“Step out of them,” Nicky insisted as he squatted to help pull Mikey’s feet free, pulling his socks off as the other boy raised his feet one at a time. With Mikey now fully naked, Nicky grabbed him by the shoulders and walked him backwards towards the bed and shoved him hard so he fell flat onto his back.

“What are you doing?” Mikey asked, surprised but excited by the voracity.

“Oh my god, stop talking and just let me do stuff!” Nicky huffed as he grabbed Mikey’s legs and lifted them both, pushing them back. Once they were far enough back, he grabbed Mikey’s hands and pulled them round so that he was holding them back himself, like he was hugging his own legs. “Hold there a sec!”

“Yes sir!” Mikey grinned, now facing his own hardening prick.

Nicky stepped away and returned a moment later holding a belt. He took hold of Mikey’s wrist and looped it around, pulling one end through the buckle so it tightened, then proceeded to wrap it around his other wrist before securing it around and through itself.

Mikey found himself completely restrained, unable to separate his wrists, leaving his legs waggling in the air. His hole was fully exposed to Nicky, who he grinned at it as he peered at him between his own legs. “This is so hot,” he said excitedly.

“Totally!” Nicky agreed, eyeing the naked boy hungrily. As he dropped to his knees beside the bed, he took hold of Mikey’s milky-white buttocks. Though they were already parted by the position Nicky had put the smaller boy in, he pulled the cheeks apart a little more before plunging his tongue into Mikey’s hole.

“Holy fuck,” Mikey gasped as he felt himself being teased and probed by Nicky’s tongue.

“Quiet, speaking earns spanking!” Nicky growled, the slight breeze of his breath against Mikey’s saliva-slicked hole making him shudder and giggle. He leaned back in again, pressing the flat of his tongue into the boy’s crack before sliding it across the sensitive knot.

“That’s so good,” Mikey whispered breathlessly.

“What did I say?” Nicky said, swatting his hand against one buttock then the other.

“Oww, fucker!” Mikey snapped.

“And again!” Nicky said, shaking his head as he gave both cheeks another slap.

“Stop that!” Mikey insisted.

“Slow learner, aren’t you!” Nicky sniggered, giving two slaps to each buttock this time.

Mikey went to reply, but managed to hold himself back at the last moment, tightly pressing his lips together as his fists clenched.

“Ha, good boy,” Nicky said proudly, popping his head through between Mikey’s legs to kiss him, the boy’s thighs pressing against his shoulders. “You want me fuck you?” Nicky asked as he pulled away. It was rhetorical, Mikey was getting fucked, it was just a fun way to let him know, while also testing the ‘no speaking’ lesson.

Again Mikey almost replied, but simply nodded instead.

“Good boy,” Nicky repeated at the silence. “Although we should probably help you to stay quiet while I do it. Don’t want,” he paused to roll his eyes, “Carl and Jenny overhearing!”

Mikey sniggered at Nicky’s clearly-annoyed use of the names, though the laugh was short-lived as Nicky began to move him again. The position remained largely the same, but he was just pushed a little further, his own dick moving closer to his mouth. Mikey could self-suck. He had been able to do it for about six months now, though with two eternally-horny boyfriends and a dislike of the taste of cum it was not something he had done particularly often. Mikey opened his mouth, knowing what Nicky intended and felt his own dick slip between his lips.

“There, now you just keep that in there, but no cumming until I do, okay?” Nicky instructed.

“Mmm-huh,” Mikey hummed, pulling his arms tightly around his legs to hold himself back in position.

Nicky retrieved the lube he had brought home from school, having not exactly had easy access to it while away from Kingswood. Not bothering to undress fully, or rather appreciating the chance to not be naked, he pulled out his dick and lubed it up. He had been hard since the moment they entered the bedroom and it felt great to finally feel his hand around it, especially knowing what was coming next. “You ready?” Nicky asked, then sniggered and said, “Oh wait, I don’t care!”

Mikey smiled (as much as he could with a dick in his mouth) at the comment, but couldn’t help appreciating the fact that Nicky actually did seem to hold back until he got a nod to continue. He let out a low groan as he felt the large cock impale him, then giggled slightly as the vibrations of the noise tickling his own dick. He circled the head with his tongue as he stared up at Nicky who looked overjoyed to be fucking again.

As Nicky quickly got up to a regular rhythm, Mikey stopped servicing himself so much, simply allowing Nicky’s thrusts to make his dick fuck his own mouth in time with them.

“God you’re so fucking sexy,” Nicky growled as he stared down at the self-sucking, semi-restrained boy. He saw a meek smile in return and paused. “Oh, this hurts doesn’t it?

Mikey emphatically shook his head, feeling his dick pull briefly against either side of his mouth.

“No, not the fucking,” Nicky said casually, “I know this position isn’t comfortable! Besides, can’t have you cumming before I do!” He pulled back, his slick dick pulling out of Mikey and hanging heavily in front of him.

Mikey uncurled as much as the restraints would allow. “You’re too nice,” he said with a sweet smile as he watched Nicky untie the belt to let him lay flat on the bed. As Nicky reached for the initial loop of the belt tightly around his right wrist, Mikey pulled it back, grinned devilishly and said, “You can keep the belt on if you like!”

Nicky grinned broadly. Although he was clearly the dominant one in the relationship, with Mikey doing whatever he was told without fail, they had never really ventured into Dom/sub activities, or bondage, or anything of the sort. Mikey never seemed to bring it up and for Nicky it was just a reminder of his previous relationship with his mentor, Will, who had been very much into it. Figuring this once wouldn’t hurt, he rolled Mikey over onto his stomach, then pulled his other hand back to restrain them together once again.

“How does that feel?” Nicky asked cautiously.

“Scary!” Mikey answered honestly, then looked back as best he could with his cheek against the bed and added, “But I trust you!”

“Aww,” Nicky said, leaning down to give him a quick kiss. “Thank you,” he whispered before pulling back. As he straddled Mikey and began leaning down to push his dick back inside, he growled, “Now brace yourself!” He plunged in hard as he lay down atop the naked boy.

“Holy crap,” Mikey gasped as Nicky began pounding him.

A week without fucking had built a lot of frustration and tension and every bit of it was coming out as he jack-hammered Mikey into the bed. As Mikey began to moan and gasp, Nicky reached down to place a hand over his mouth. Though his parents always respected his privacy in his room, having Mikey sound like he was being murdered might draw a little too much attention.

With so much pressure built up, it was surprising to Nicky that he didn’t blow right away, but he managed to maintain the pace for several minutes, only slowing occasionally to catch his breath before starting over again. He sucked, licked, nibbled and bit at Mikey’s shoulders and neck as he fucked the boy senseless, the muted groans only adding to his pleasure.

“I’m gonna cum,” Nicky growled in Mikey’s ear moments before his cock throbbed out a load that felt like it was never going to end, filling the boy up with his seed. Eventually coming to a stop when his sensitive post-orgasmic prick could take no more, Nicky just lay on top of Mikey for a few moments, catching his breath before he rolled off to the side.

Mikey lifted his head to turn it to the other side and face his lover, giving a huge grin as he did so, just as breathless as Nicky.

“Guess I should take care of you now!” Nicky said with a crooked smile.

Mikey looked suddenly guilty as he pursed his lips for a moment then said quietly, “I’m sorry. I know you said not to cum til you do, but…” he rolled his body away slightly, though his restrained arms made it hard so Nicky reached out to push his shoulder and help him.

“You came!” Nicky exclaimed as he saw the huge wet patch where Mikey’s cock had been.

Mikey, already red, blushed more heavily as he said, “Three times! I’m sorry!”

Nicky chuckled as he slid closer and wrapped his arms around him. “Don’t be sorry, it’s okay.”

“But you gave me a rule and I broke it!” Mikey said, almost in tears.

“Babe, I literally fucked the cum out of you. That’s not you being bad, that’s frickin’ hot!” Nicky reassured him, their noses playfully touching.

“So you’re not mad?” Mikey asked nervously.

“At you?” Nicky grinned. “Never!” He moved forward to make their lips meet, feeling the naked body at his side relax, both from the pleasurable sensation and from sheer relief.


Wednesday 14 April 2021

“Ugh, I wanna touch you both so much!” Chris groaned on screen as he watched Mikey being played with by Nicky.

It had started out as a normal video chat but had quickly devolved into sexual shenanigans. Nicky had continued to show his reluctance to be watched, particularly on camera, but had agreed to at least do things to Mikey whilst remaining ‘off-screen’.

“You will,” Nicky reassured him. “Only four days to go!” he added as he continued playing with Mikey.

Chris let out another moan.

“Oh god, what now?” Mikey snapped, shaking his head, annoyed at the distraction from his imminent orgasm.

“That means only four days left with my family,” Chris pouted.

“You’re just never happy, are you!” Nicky chuckled. “Anyway, concentrate, Mikey’s about ready to blow!”

“Which is exactly what I’ll be doing to Nicky after this call,” Mikey smirked, then let out a moan as he felt his orgasm grow closer.

“Ah yeah, say hello to it from me!” Chris smirked, clearly referring to Nicky’s tremendous todger. The thought was seemingly enough to push Chris over the edge. He aimed cock at his chest to avoid the cum flying too wildly and spurted out a hefty pool of spunk over his chest.

“Ah fuck yes,” Mikey growled, then tossed his head back as he shot too.

All three boys sat staring at their screens as Chris and Mikey recovered from the release for a few moments.

“I should get cleaned up,” Chris said, frowning at the cooling puddle of goo.

“Just call Danny in. He’ll lick it clean,” Mikey smirked, his cock throbbing a little in Nicky’s grasp at the thought of it.

“And that’s what you’d be doing if you were there!” Nicky taunted to the boy beside him. He loved making Mikey eat cum, because he did it so willingly, but seemingly hated it. It was just a fun momentary power trip.

“Yeah, but not by choice,” Mikey muttered.

Nicky sniggered at the comment and said, “Yeah, we gotta clean up too. Say hi to Danny and Blane for us!”

“And Finn!” Mikey said, eyes flashing mischievously. He looked to Nicky as he heard a slight tut and shrugged as he said, “What? Finn’s hot!”

“Yeah, nobody’s touching Finn. You know the rules!” Chris scowled, “But I’ll say hi. See ya both soon. Love you!”

“Love you too!” they chorused back before hanging up.

Mikey sniggered and shook his head as he closed the laptop. Getting a questioning look from Nicky he said, “We miss our boyfriend!” He gave a bigger grin and added, “That still feels like a weird thing to say! WE miss OUR boyfriend!”

“Weird but good, right?” Nicky enquired. As he got a nod back he smiled and said, “Good. Now… what was that you said to Chris about blowing me?”

Mikey didn’t reply, he just lunged at Nicky’s crotch and fished his semi-hard cock from his shorts before getting to work on pleasuring it.

“Ugh, damn you suck well,” Nicky giggled as held his hands behind his head, eyes closed as he enjoyed the blow job.

Mikey didn’t reply, he just continued working away, keen to make his lover cum as quickly as possible. His hard work soon paid off as the enormous schlong spasmed several times and shot his mouth full of spunk. He pulled off, his cheeks bulging as he looked at Nicky, clearly seeking permission to spit… or be ordered to swallow. All Nicky had to do was raise an eyebrow and Mikey exhaled heavily through his nose before gulping down the load.

“Yuch!” Mikey gagged, poking out his tongue as his face screwed up. “I hate that!”

“I love that!” Nicky replied with a snigger. “Anyway, get yourself dressed. We’re going out!”

“Ooh, where we going?” Mikey asked excitedly as he pulled his t-shirt back on.

“Skate park,” Nicky said happily. “Saw some of my old schoolmates are hanging out there and thought it’d be cool to say hi!”

Mikey froze, scowling heavily.

Nicky sensed the cause of the hesitation immediately. After the encounter with Mikey’s ‘old mates’ the previous week, he was understandably reluctant to meet any more. Nicky smiled and said, “Chill, these are ACTUAL friends, not like those twats you used to know!”

Several minutes later, they were out of the house and heading towards the park where Nicky’s friends were skating.

“Oh my god, are you a skater boy?” Mikey asked with a grin as they approached.

“Nah,” Nicky said. “That was always more…” he paused. He had been about to say it was more ‘Matt’s thing’, but any mention of his deceased twin brother was painful, so he took a breath and said, “Everyone else’s thing. I just hung out with them!”

“Ah cool. And… what are you gonna tell them I am?” Mikey asked. “To you, I mean!”

“Is it okay if I don’t tell them… you know…” Nicky said a little awkwardly.

Mikey nodded. As much as he would have loved to be introduced as ‘my boyfriend’ or even ‘one of my boyfriends’, after his own fear of coming out back at his own parents’ house, he could understand why Nicky would hold back. “Just mates is fine!” he said with a sweet smile.

“Oh my god, it’s…” a voice called out from one of the boys who skated down a ramp but fell flat on his arse as he was distracted by the new arrivals.

“Hey Brad, graceful as ever!” Nicky sniggered to the fallen boy who let out a pained groan.

“NICKY!” three other boys called out as he got closer.

Mikey held back a little, still worried the interaction may go the same way his encounter with his former bullies had previously.

After a few quick greetings with the three boys, who were joined by Brad who had climbed to his feet, Nicky turned and said, “Everyone, this is Mikey…” he paused for a moment and said, “My boyfriend!”

Mikey stood frozen, looking as shocked to hear it was Nicky looked to have said it. He gave a brief smile and got one back.

“Mikey, this is Brad, Chris, Dave and Vinnie!” Nicky introduced the four boys.

“Did he say boyfriend?” Brad asked. “Or did I hit my head?”

“He said boyfriend,” Chris replied, “And it’s not like you’ve got anything between your ears to damage anyway!”

“Nicky’s gay!” Vinnie exclaimed.

“No shit!” Dave smirked.

“Is that… a problem?” Nicky asked nervously.

“Only problem’s that you broke Chris’ heart. He’s totally gay for you!” Brad teased.

“Yeah, you wish!” Chris snapped back.

“Why would I…” Brad started, shaking his head in confusion.

“Hi Mikey, nice to meet you,” Vinnie said, seemingly over the shock.

“Yeah, same here,” Dave added, rolling his eyes as Chris and Brad’s squabbles devolved into fighting. “Don’t mind them. They’re totally just gay for each other!” he said, getting a laugh from Vinnie, Nicky and Mikey. “Wait, can I say that?” he asked as he headed over to where they had left their boards.

“Don’t bother me,” Mikey said with a smirk.

“Me neither,” Nicky grinned, casually throwing an arm around Mikey. “Come on, gayboy,” he teased playfully.

“Now I DEFINITELY can’t say that!” Dave said, getting another laugh.


Nicky let out a heavy sigh as he flopped face-down onto the bed. He let out a sudden groan as he felt the weight of Mikey drop on top of him.

“Hi,” Mikey said playfully as he nuzzled his face into Nicky’s nape.

“Hi,” Nicky giggled back. “Also… can’t breathe…” he added with over-exaggerated breathlessness.

“Pfft, loser,” Mikey scoffed, remaining where he was for a moment before sliding to the side.

“Yeah, cos only losers breathe…” Nicky said, bemused by the random and unnecessary insult. As Mikey grinned back at him, he asked, “You had a good day?” He raised a hand to casually stroke Mikey’s hair.

Mikey nodded happily and said, “Yeah, was fun. Your friends seem cool!”

Nicky let out another sigh, but smiled and nodded. “I…” he started, then stopped, shaking his head.

“What?” Mikey asked, noticing the reluctance.

“S’nothing!” Nicky shrugged dismissively.

“No, come on, tell me,” Mikey pleaded. “What was it you said the other day? ‘I share!’ Well prove it!” Mikey goaded him.

Nicky’s eyes narrowed as he sat up, bringing his legs round to sit cross-legged as he faced Mikey. “Damn you and your… ability to remember things,” he smirked. “Fine,” he huffed, shaking his head. He took a couple of deep breaths as Mikey moved round to sit mirroring his position. “It’s just… Chris and Dave and the others… I kinda always felt like they were…” he paused, pursing his lips for a moment, “They were Matt’s friends. Not mine!”

“Oh!” Mikey exclaimed. It was unusual to hear Nicky talk about his brother. He reached out and placed his hand on Nicky’s. “Well they definitely seemed like your friends today!” he said reassuringly.

Nicky nodded and smiled. “Yeah, yeah I know, I… I was glad. I was a bit scared, so… I’m really happy it went well. I like that I can still be friends with them… without… Matt.”

“You never talk about him,” Mikey stated with his usual frank bluntness.

Nicky nodded silently for a few moments, looking down at the hand holding his own. He gulped and looked up at Mikey, barely holding back tears as he said, “It hurts!”

Mikey rolled forward onto his knees and threw his arms around his boyfriend. Nicky eagerly held him back as they moved into a laying position. As Mikey lay on his back, Nicky rested his head on the smaller boy’s chest, nuzzling up against his side as Mikey’s arms held him close. Neither of them spoke, they just lay there holding each other.


Friday 16 April 2021

“It’s been less than two weeks and you’ve already replaced me. That’s just rude!” Chris said, his voice playing from the speaker on Nicky’s phone so that both boys could chat with him as they wandered through the park.

“You haven’t been replaced. He’s just a friend,” Nicky insisted.

“Who just happens to be called Chris,” Mikey added, smirking as he knew he was winding Chris up.

“But there’s also a Brad and a Vinnie… who are ALSO just friends!” Nicky insisted.

“Still rude. I haven’t gone and got myself a replacement Nicky or Mikey, have I!” Chris said petulantly.

“No, but you’ve got a Danny, and I guarantee you’re doing WAY more with him than we are with the guys!” Nicky insisted. “You know you can trust us!”

“Yeah, I’m just kidding,” Chris giggled.

Nicky scowled. “You actually had me worried for a minute!” he complained.

“Ha, sorry,” Chris said, sounding not-at-all sorry. “Anyway, I mainly called to talk about the music competition!”

“That’s months away!” Nicky said, shaking his head.

“I know, but I’ve got some GREAT ideas for song choices!” Chris said excitedly.

“Ugh, snore!” Mikey said, rolling his eyes. Mikey’s musical ability had only been quite a recent discovery, though it was becoming increasingly obvious he had no real interest in it aside from spending time with his more musically-inclined boyfriends. He mainly played the drums because, in his words, ‘I like hitting things with sticks!’

“You go ahead and meet the guys,” Nicky suggested, waving Mikey off dismissively. “I’ll catch up in a minute!”

“Good plan. See ya Chris!” Mikey called out, already running off. Glad to be leaving the boring conversation behind, he hurried along towards the skate park where they had arranged to meet up with three of Nicky’s friends again before he headed back to school on Sunday.

“They’re such fags!” Mikey heard as he approached, hidden from sight. He recognised the voice as Brad.

“I know, right!” Vinnie sniggered. “The way they’re all over each other, it’s… so freaky!”

Mikey froze, standing just behind a skate ramp. It wasn’t hard to guess who the other boys were talking about. He felt his fists clench, but resisted running round to confront them. He found himself thinking of Danny, the first boy who had ever really confronted him about his attitude and more aggressive tendencies. He had promised his friend not to resort to violence and as much as he thought the other boys deserved a punch in the face for what they were saying, he resisted.

“Matt’d be disgusted!” Chris said, sounding repulsed. “I’m almost glad he’s not here to see it!”

Mikey’s fists clenched so hard his knuckles whitened.

“I know, right,” Vinnie repeated. “I swear, the wrong fucking twin died, it shoulda been Nicky. Matt was so much cooler!”

Mikey let out an incoherent yell as he rushed round the corner. He didn’t see who he hit first, but it didn’t matter. They had to pay for what they were saying, all of them. His fist connected with someone’s face, then another before he felt himself get shoved away. He was lost in a blind rage, swinging at the three boys wildly.

Caught by surprise, Brad and Vinnie were both knocked down, with Mikey jumping on top of Vinnie to punch him in the face again.

“WHAT THE FUCK!” Chris yelled out.

“GET HIM OFFA ME!” Vinnie screamed out, shielding his face from Mikey’s punches.

Brad scrambled to his feet and helped Chris to drag Mikey off, though he started kicking out at them all instead.

“I’LL FUCKING KILL YOU ALL!” Mikey screamed out as he struggled against the two bigger boys holding him.

“Mikey!” Nicky suddenly screamed out, running round the corner to see what was happening.

“Your fucking psycho boyfriend just attacked us out of nowhere!” Brad snarled, shoving Mikey away towards Nicky.

“They… they…” Mikey panted. He wanted to explain, but as he stared at a distraught-looking Nicky, he knew he couldn’t say it. How could he tell Nicky what his supposed friends had said about him, about his brother? It would destroy him.

“Come on guys, let’s go!” Vinnie said, jumping to his feet as he grabbed his board, looking genuinely scared.

“Wait guys, this is…” Nicky started.

“Fucking save it,” Chris snapped. “Enjoy your little lunatic!” he added as the three quickly jogged away.

“Mikey, what… what…” Nicky stuttered. Shaking his head, he said, “Just… what?”

Mikey gasped to catch his breath, his face red, his fists sore from the punches he had thrown. “They… they… deserve it!” he said weakly.

“Why?” Nicky demanded. “Why the hell… I mean… they’re my friends, you… you can’t…” he couldn’t even finish a sentence he was that upset. He took a few steps away in the direction the others had gone, watching the empty space as he just shook his head, sniffing back tears as Mikey stood silently behind him.


“Hey boys, you have fun at the park?” Jenny asked as her son and his friend wandered into the house.

Mikey glanced at Nicky, worried about what he might say.

Nicky smiled and nodded at his mother. “Yeah, it was great, thanks mum. How was your day?” he asked politely.

Mikey was a little lost at the reaction. He had expected Nicky to just come in and tell them what he had done, to get him in trouble, to ask to send him home. They hadn’t even spoken to each other in the two hours since the fight. They had just spent the time sitting away from each other in the park.

“You okay there, little man?” Carl asked as he wandered through, seeing the expression on Mikey’s face.

Mikey looked to Nicky who just raised his eyebrows. Even without words the intent was obvious. “Oh, yeah, all good,” Mikey said, nowhere near as convincing as Nicky had been.

“Well go get washed up. I’ll have dinner ready in ten,” Jenny said, giving both boys a gentle pat on the back to nudge them on their way.

Mikey looked to Nicky again and only started moving to follow him upstairs. They silently made their way to Nicky’s room. Once they were safely inside, Mikey asked quietly, “Why didn’t you tell them what I did?”

“Why DID you do what you did?” Nicky asked, keeping his distance.

“They… they deserved it,” Mikey said firmly. As Nicky just stared back at him, he added, “They’re not who you thought they were!”

“Yeah, you’re right,” Nicky said back, shaking his head. “I thought they were my friends, but not anymore I guess. They won’t even answer my messages now, so… thanks for that!”

“But… but they… they…” Mikey stuttered, seemingly caught between telling Nicky what happened and protecting him from the truth. “I’m sorry,” he squeaked as he began to cry. “I didn’t mean to mess everything up.”

Nicky stared back. He found himself looking at two boys. One was an unpredictable, aggressive, violent boy who could flip out over anything and hurt people and had just ruined his friendships. The other was the sweet, caring, creative, loving and affectionate boy he bonded with in lockdown, who he invited into his relationship… who he loved with all of his heart. One made him want to run the other way, the other made him want to reach out and hold him. He knew which one he wanted Mikey to be, but couldn’t help shaking the fear that was not the one he was.

As Mikey stood gently crying, eyes fixed on the ground he felt arms wrap around him. As he rested his head against Nicky’s chest, he grabbed on tightly and whispered, “I’m sorry!”

Nicky let out a gentle sigh and replied, “Yeah… I know.”


Sunday 18 April 2021

Mikey’s eyes shot open as he felt the cock slide inside him. “FUCK!” he yelped out in shock.

“That’s the plan!” Nicky sniggered as he grabbed hold of the other boy tightly, no longer needing to worry about waking him.

“Ah yussss,” Mikey hissed as he felt Nicky’s hands stroking his chest and stomach. Conscious thought had barely managed to creep back in following the sudden awakening, especially as he felt Nicky’s lips on his neck. It was unexpected. Not only because he had been unconscious when it started and literally incapable of expecting anything, but they had not engaged in any kind of sexual activity since the fight on Friday.

They had not been on particularly bad terms, but Mikey had come to realise that Nicky’s penchant for not talking about things seemed to be a true skill, one that allowed him to completely suppress anything undesirable. It was actually a relief that they would be heading back to school shortly, if only to give Nicky more people he trusted that he might speak to. The slight drawback was that it would mean Mikey would have to see Danny. He could already imagine the disappointment on his face when Nicky told Danny what he had done, how he had broken the promise he made about not hitting people.

All of that was temporarily pushed aside as Mikey enjoyed the feeling of fullness from having Nicky’s huge cock inside him. Despite its size, it never hurt him. He remembered the research he had done with Chris and Danny before the first time he let Nicky fuck him. One of the main things they had learned was that relaxing was important, that a lot of the pain came from his hole being stretched unwillingly. He didn’t seem to have that, because being with Nicky he was always relaxed, always calm, always at peace. It was one of the things he loved about having him as both best friend and boyfriend.

“I love you, Nicky,” Mikey said dreamily, his hands gently grasping at the arms wrapped around him.

Nicky hesitated a moment, then replied, “I love you too!” He moved his mouth close to Mikey’s ear, nibbled it for a moment and whispered, “But please don’t cum in my bed again. These stains are SO hard to explain!”

Mikey burst into giggles but heard pleasured moans from Nicky as his sphincter tightened around the large cock from the laughter. As he bit his lip gently to hold back from laughing, he clenched his buttocks slightly and heard another moan of delight. “Thought you’d be saving this for Chris,” he said quietly.

“Don’t worry, he’ll get his turn,” Nicky whispered, then playfully nibbled at Mikey’s ear.

“Nicky, about… Friday…” Mikey said cautiously.

“It’s okay,” Nicky insisted.

“But I…”

“It’s okay! Really!” Nicky said more firmly, cutting Mikey off. “We’re good!”

“Can I just ask one thing then,” Mikey requested, pushing back slightly against Nicky.

“Does it have to be now?” Nicky asked, thrusting into Mikey hard to emphasise his point.

“No, but it’s gonna be,” Mikey said back, not wanting to get fobbed off. “Why didn’t you tell your parents? Was it… was it because you know how much I like them and didn’t want them to think I’d been bad?”

“Cute, but no,” Nicky said, kissing Mikey’s neck before letting his head rest gently against the other boy’s. He let out a gentle sigh and said, “They’ve been through enough bad stuff. I never wanna cause them any more problems!”

Mikey began to interject, “But…”

“We’re done!” Nicky said, his tone making the answer clearly final, though he gave Mikey’s shoulder a gentle kiss to show they were still okay. “Now this time, no cumming til I do, okay?”

“I’ll try, but you’re the one pushing the cum button!” Mikey giggled.

“Well that’s a new name for it,” Nicky chuckled, tightening his grip as he continued the gentle fuck.

They lay happily wrapped up in each other for a few more minutes until Nicky eventually shot his load, pulling his dick out to cover Mikey’s back with it. After that, it took barely more than a dozen strokes of Mikey’s cock before he was shooting his load into Nicky’s hand.


It had been a long drive back to Kingswood. Four hours without stops, but increased to five thanks to the McDonalds break mid-way, much to the boys’ delight. Unlike the journeys to and from Mikey’s house, and despite the incident two days earlier, spirits had been mostly high.

The mood only took a downturn as they pulled into Kingswood and Mikey realised he wouldn’t be seeing Carl again for six weeks.

“Aww, I’ll miss you too, big man,” Carl said, as he climbed out of the car. He held out his arms and Mikey ran eagerly into the hug.

“Geez, get a room!” Nicky scoffed, rolling his eyes as his boyfriend hugged his dad. “Besides, it’s only six weeks. I’ve had longer naps!”

“Don’t listen to misery guts,” Carl said, smirking as he shook his head at his son. “You’re allowed to miss me on account of just how awesome I am! It’s just nice to know SOMEONE cares!”

As Mikey giggled, Nicky blushed a little as he felt slightly guilty. “I… care,” he said meekly.

“I know ya do, kiddo,” Carl said, playfully nudging Mikey away to hold out an arm to his son. “Hmm, not sure I can still call you that now you’re almost as tall as me!”

“Bet I’m taller than you by half term,” Nicky smiled as he hugged the man.

“Wouldn’t surprise me,” Carl chuckled. “You guys want any help carrying your stuff in?” he asked, nodding over towards the Home Building.

“Nah, best keep you away before you hook up with any more of my mates,” Nicky said, giving a wry grin.

“The cheek of it!” Carl scoffed, grabbing Mikey back again to drape an arm around his shoulder. “Mikey’s just my little buddy, right?”

“Right!” Mikey agreed, beaming proudly. “Wait, little?” he scowled.

Carl looked from Mikey, to Nicky and back, then raised an eyebrow.

Mikey rolled his eyes. “Fine, whatever,” he pouted.

Carl chuckled and gave Mikey a teasing slap on the butt as he walked away. “See you in six, bud,” he called after him. “And you take care,” he added, looking to Nicky. “Love ya… kiddo.”

Nicky blushed a little as he chuckled shyly and said quietly, “Love ya too, dad.” He grabbed his bags and followed after Mikey. They both looked back to wave the man off one more time before heading into the Home Building, ready to start the final term of Year 8.


Mr Luigi

Mikey and Nicky are very cute together