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Nicky and Mikey – Part 1

Saturday 03 April 2021

“It’s not too late, ya know!” Mikey insisted, sitting with his arms folded, visibly tense. “We can change our plans and just spend the whole two weeks at your place!” As Nicky just raised his eyebrows, Mikey reiterated, “It’s really not too late!”

“Your dad’s about five minutes away. I’d say that definitely counts as too late!” Nicky smirked.

“Well… well… we can… we can send him home or… or just have him drop us off at your place!” Mikey suggested hopefully.

“Yeah, I can’t see him going for that,” Nicky said, his smile dropping a little. He knew Mikey was not keen on the idea of going home, but mild anxiety was quickly turning into something a little more concerning.

“Then… erm… you could just… you could say you’ve changed your mind. He’s not YOUR dad, you can refuse to go with him. He can’t make you!” Mikey suggested with an unblinking nod.

“Mikey,” Nicky said, reaching out to place a hand on his knee.

“Or just… hey, let’s just… take off, go… erm… go live in the woods for two weeks. Like a… a… survival thing or something!” Mikey said, almost in tears.

“Mikey, shh,” Nicky said as he reached out and pulled his boyfriend into a hug. “It’s okay,” he whispered as he held him. “It’s gonna be fine!”

“No it’s not,” Mikey whined, gripping tightly onto the taller boy. “They’re gonna be horrible and you’re gonna be miserable and you’re gonna hate it and never wanna be round me again and…” he trailed off, sniffing heavily.

“I’m not gonna hate it,” Nicky insisted. “And even if I did, you’re not getting rid of me that easily,” he added reassuringly with a playful chuckle.

Mikey pulled back suddenly and raised a hand, gesturing emphatically as he started, “Yeah, but…” As Nicky flinched away from him, he paused, unsure what had just happened, though his anxiety kicked in again before he could question it as he said, “They’re so horrible. I don’t like the thought of anyone being horrible to you!”

Nicky took a breath, his heart pounding from the slight jump. He forced a smile back to his face and said, “I know, and that’s sweet, but really it’s gonna be fine. I promise! It’s not like I haven’t met your parents before anyway!”

Mikey scowled. “Yeah, but a ten-minute chat when they’re dropping me off when they’re acting all nice is hardly the same as living with them for a week!”

“Well he’s here now,” Nicky said, glancing over at the car park where he saw Mikey’s dad pulling in, “So it’s too late. I’ll just have to do my best to survive the week.”

“Fuck,” Mikey muttered as they stood and started walking over to the car park.

“And besides, it’s ONLY a week and then you get to come to my place. Just… stay focused on that and it’ll fly by!” Nicky said, going to put an arm around his boyfriend.

Mikey immediately jumped away, blushing as he looked frantically from Nicky, to his dad and back again. “I told you. No… touching. Not with them around. And… and we’re just friends, remember! And I’m not into boys. I’m not into anyone, at all. In fact just… just don’t… don’t even speak to them!”

Nicky just sighed, shaking his head as they continued on to the car.

“They walked on slowly, not knowing what disasters lay ahead of, heading for a week that might destroy them both completely,” Mikey said softly as they walked.

Nicky didn’t respond. Mikey had developed a tendency to narrate aloud, often when he was in a tense or nervous situation. Nicky wasn’t sure whether this one was deliberate, adding to the complaining Mikey had already done, or whether the boy at his side was actually unaware of it. He wanted to reach out and comfort him, but with that forbidden, all he could do was walk a little closer.

“Lads! How we doing?” Mr Corbyn asked cheerfully as the boys approached.

“Fine,” Mikey grunted.

Nicky frowned at him slightly, then looked to Mikey’s father and smiled. “Very well thank you, Sir. How was your journey?”

“Ugh, nightmare on the M1. Some twat in a Micra crashed near Castle Donington!” Mr Corbyn replied, shaking his head.

Nicky smiled, always appreciative of any adult unafraid to use coarse language around him.

“Well let’s get your luggage stowed and get back on the road. Long drive home!” the man said, stretching his neck one way then the other. As the boys lifted their bags into the back he added, “Passed a McDonalds about twenty minutes back, thought we could stop there for lunch if you like.”

“Awesome!” Nicky said excitedly, rolling his eyes a little as Mikey just shrugged.

“And it’ll be dinnertime by the time we’re back near Newcastle, so how about we stop in for a second one then!” Mr Corbyn said, flashing Nicky a cheeky smile.

“I thought mum was cooking!” Mikey frowned.

“She is. Why d’ya think I want a McDonalds!” Mr Corbyn sniggered, getting a laugh from Nicky. He saw the expression on Mikey’s face and just sighed, getting into the car.

“Hey,” Nicky said, discretely reaching for Mikey’s hand, though it was promptly pulled back. “You could at least try with him!”

“I didn’t punch him in the face,” Mikey growled.

Nicky took a half-step back.

“That counts as trying!” Mikey added moodily. “Go on, get in,” he said, rolling his eyes again.

Nicky sighed as he got in. It was going to be a long six hours!


Mikey stormed into his room and kicked his bag so hard it flew across the room, hit the wall and landed on the opposite side of his bed with a heavy thud. “GOD, they’re so fucking annoying,” he growled furiously as he threw himself onto his bed.

Nicky had closed the door but was now stood against it, hands behind him on the handle in case a quick getaway was needed.

Mikey rolled onto his back and sat up facing Nicky, red-faced. “D’you see?” Mikey demanded. “D’ya see now why I HATE it here so much? They’re… ugh… they’re the worst!” he snarled.

Nicky remained frozen in place. Normally, when met with such aggression he would either wait for someone else to speak or simply run the other way. Being at Mikey’s house, alone, with nowhere else to go he was simply unable to do anything.

“Well?” Mikey demanded, expecting agreement from his boyfriend. As he saw the tall boy standing there looking pale, he felt a little awkward. “I’m sorry,” he said weakly. “I just… they really get to me!”

Seeing Mikey calm just a little, Nicky relaxed slightly and took a deep breath. “Look, please don’t get angry with me here…” he said cautiously, his grip tightening on the door handle.

“Okay…” Mikey said, standing up from the bed, though he didn’t approach the nervous-looking teen.

“Since… your dad picked us up… and since I’ve been here,” Nicky said, thinking back through their evening, “They… they’ve been really nice… to both of us!” He saw Mikey’s eyes widen, clearly ready to begin another rant, so he quickly added, “I’m not saying they’ve always been nice to you. I believe you, all the stuff you’ve told me, I’m just saying… they’re being nice now and… I think maybe you’re…” he paused, scared to use the only word he could think of. “Over-reacting!” he eventually said, pressing back against the door.

Mikey stared at Nicky for a few seconds, as if playing the evening over in his head. “Fuck!” he snapped, raising his hands to cover his face as he sat down on the bed. “This is why I still need him!” he said, his voice muffled.

Nicky frowned at the comment. Thankfully, he had seen enough of Mikey’s tantrums, or rather the comedown after them to know any probable danger had passed. He could flip from fury to regret in an instant, but it rarely went back the other way so quickly. He took a few steps closer and asked softly, “Need who?”

Mikey lowered his hands from his face, took a few deep breaths then looked up at Nicky. He looked visibly reluctant, wanting to speak but seemingly afraid to do so.

“It’s okay,” Nicky said, moving closer and raising a hand to stroke Mikey’s cheek.

Mikey’s eyes closed for a moment as he nuzzled his cheek against Nicky’s hand, then let out a heavy breath and looked up again. “Snuffles!” he said quietly.

Nicky was more than a little surprised. It was a name he hadn’t heard in almost nine months – the name of Mikey’s former imaginary friend. Snuffles had been with Mikey since he was very young and had been a secret Mikey carried with him all the way to Kingswood, only sharing it with Nicky, and eventually Chris and Danny, after building up a lot of trust. A short while before the end of Year 7, Snuffles had left… or died… Mikey seemed to flip back and forth on which it was, but a funeral had been held for him anyway, though it was more a symbolic act of acceptance that Mikey had moved on.

Nicky took a seat beside Mikey, putting an arm around him. He didn’t say anything, he just gave a slight smile and nod to continue as Mikey glanced round at him.

“He… he always used to tell me… when they were,” Mikey paused, frowning as he thought about it. He sighed again and shook his head. “He’d tell me when they were being mean, or if they were nice, or if they were talking about me and… and without him, I just… I don’t know! Maybe I’m so used to them being mean that it… it feels like… that’s all they’re doing, all the time!”

Nicky was unsure how to respond, so he opted for a very honest, “That sounds really confusing… and kinda scary!”

“It is,” Mikey nodded, sniffing a little. “And I don’t know what to do because without him I just… I keep getting angrier and angrier and I don’t like it.”

‘Neither do I!’ Nicky thought to himself but decided against saying it. Instead he squeezed his arm around the smaller boy and pulled him closer, turning to hold him with both arms.

“I thought when he left,” Mikey started, burying his face into Nicky’s chest, “That I’d just… be able to… to think this stuff for myself, but… it’s so hard, especially because…” he paused, thought for a moment and finished with, “It’s just hard!”

“I could do it,” Nicky said gently, one hand stroking gently up and down Mikey’s back. “I could… be your Snuffles!” he added as Mikey pulled back and looked up at him curiously. “I’ll… listen to them and watch what they do and what you do and… I’ll tell you if they’re being mean or bitchy or anything bad.”

Mikey stared at Nicky, eyes widening as he took in the offer. “You’d… really do that?” he asked in surprise.

Nicky smiled and shrugged casually. “I’d do it for my best friend. I’d do it for a boyfriend. So how d’you think I feel about doing it for a boyfriend who IS my best friend?”

“That’s sweet. Confusing, but sweet,” Mikey giggled.

“Then I’ll make it simple. Yes, I’d do that. I love you, ya daft little shit. I’d do anything for you!” Nicky said, then leaned in and kissed Mikey, holding tightly onto him.

Mikey pulled back briefly and asked, “Does your definition of ‘anything’ include…” he paused, glancing down briefly to their crotches. “That kind of anything?”

“You freaking bet it does,” Nicky giggled, leaning in to kiss him again.

“This is still fun with two, but I miss Chris,” Mikey said as they parted.

“Yeah, me too,” Nicky sighed, then grabbed him again. As they rolled around together making out, Nicky suddenly stopped and declared, “Oh, hold still!” Mikey did as instructed as Nicky pulled his phone out, held Mikey close and snapped a selfie of them together. “For Chris, gonna say we’re thinking of him!”

“And say hi to Danny too. Guarantee they’re in bed together right now,” Mikey smirked.

“Hmmm,” Nicky hummed briefly, then shook his head and said, “Sorry, just taking a moment to enjoy that thought. Anyway, where was I?” He finished typing out the message and hit send then tossed his phone aside. “Now, what can I interest you in tonight?” he offered playfully, letting a hand slide down Mikey’s stomach and onto the bulge of his erection.

“Could we… make it something quick?” Mikey requested, taking a deep breath as he looked over at the door.

“Sure,” Nicky said softly. “You know what. Come here,” he said moving to sit at the head of the bed. He spread his legs wide and patted the space between them.

Mikey followed. As he knelt in front of his boyfriend, Nicky reached out and grabbed him to turn him round, making him sit and lean back against him. Mikey mewed happily as he felt arms wrap around him, Nicky’s nose playfully nuzzling against his nape, gentle breaths on his neck. “Mmmmyeah,” he moaned contentedly as he felt Nicky’s lips on his ear.

Nicky squeezed the smaller boy tightly for a moment, then reached down with both hands for Mikey’s waist. While one hand slid up, feeling the warm smoothness of his stomach, the other slid down into Mikey’s underwear, grasping gently at the rigid prick inside.

Mikey let out a breathy gasp and let his head loll back onto Nicky’s shoulder, then slightly to the side as he felt his lover licking and kissing at his neck. He let one hand rest on Nicky’s leg, stroking it blindly as his other hand raised, reaching back to run through Nicky’s waves of soft brown hair. “Oh godddd,” he groaned with pleasure as Nicky’s hand quickly got to work jerking him off. He could feel the undeniable bulge of Nicky’s own enjoyment pressing into the cleft of his butt.

Nicky continued to wank Mikey eagerly, his other hand sliding back and forth across his firm chest from one nipple to the other, his mouth eagerly licking, kissing and nibbling the supple expanse of skin before him. He resisted humping the boy. He wanted this to be about Mikey and only Mikey.

“Nicky, I’m gonna cum!” Mikey gasped, his breaths quickening.

“Good thing you like stained underwear then,” Nicky giggled, making no attempt to pull the throbbing cock out from with the clothing. Hearing a playful giggle that quickly gave way to happy moans, he felt the warm wetness of spunk coating his hand as Mikey’s load erupted, only to be held back by the cotton barrier before it.

Mikey panted happily as he shot his load in his pants, leaning heavily back against Nicky. As the pleasure began to subside and contentment set in, he felt his shoulders loosen as he slumped slightly, still held in the taller boy’s loving grasp. He watched with a slight frown as Nicky pulled his hand out, his forefinger sporting a small streak of spunk. As it raised towards Mikey’s mouth, he let out a groan. He did not like the taste of anyone’s cum, especially his own.

Just as the hand neared Mikey’s lips, it swerved to the side. Mikey watched as it pulled back to Nicky’s mouth. Leaning aside to stare back at the other boy, Mikey watched in delight as Nicky licked the finger clean. He smiled thankfully, but the expression quickly dropped as he sighed, “I’m sorry!”

“For what?” Nicky asked, nuzzling his nose into Mikey’s nape once again.

“I just don’t think this visit’s been very fun for you. And then me being all like… make it quick. I feel like I’m not really giving you what you need!” Mikey confessed, then reached a hand behind the small of his back to grope at Nicky’s bulge.

“No need for that,” Nicky said softly, gently pulling Mikey’s hand away. He leaned in close, kissed Mikey’s cheek and whispered in his ear, “I’ve got everything I need right here!”

Mikey raised both hands to grip tightly onto the arms wrapped around him as he let out a happy sigh.


Tuesday 06 April 2021

“You wanna play with us?” Gareth asked sweetly as he stood staring up at Mikey and Nicky. The five-year-old held up a football towards his big brother.

“No, piss off!” Mikey snapped, swatting the ball away.

“Mikey!” Nicky exclaimed, appalled as the small boy’s lip quivered, watching the ball bounce away.

“What?” Mikey snapped, folding his arms defensively.

Nicky leaned down to the boy and said, “Come on bud,” He grabbed the boy up in his arms to run and retrieve the ball. “Let’s go play!” he added, scowling back at Mikey for a moment. “Come on Mel, you too,” he added, gesturing to the girl a few steps away.

Five-year-old twins Gareth and Melanie were the middle siblings of the Corbyn family, with Mikey as the eldest and two-year-old Suzie as the youngest, though she was currently with her mum inside the house.

“But we were gonna…” Mikey started to object, but stopped dead as he saw a furious glare shoot his way from Nicky. He huffed and followed along behind Nicky. As he got close he muttered, “We had plans!”

“Yeah, but we can hang out anytime. Your brother and sister wanna spend time with you, so be a good big brother and play with them!” Nicky said firmly, spinning Gareth round and getting a giggle before lowering him back to the ground.

“But… but… I don’t even like…” Mikey started, but paused once again, Nicky managing to find a new expression beyond ‘fury’.

“We’ll be right back,” Nicky said with a sweet smile to the two younger kids then turned back to Mikey, nudging him back gently.

Mikey began to object again. “I just mean…”

“No!” Nicky hissed at him. “First of all, you’re being a dick again and it’s my job to tell you to stop, but secondly… fuck’s sake Mikey, it doesn’t matter WHAT issues you might have with your parents or with what they’ve done or said in the past. THEY aren’t to blame!” He gestured discretely to the twins.

“But… but…” Mikey stuttered.

“No!” Nicky repeated. “They’re just kids and they’re YOUR brother and sister. Do you have ANY idea how lucky you…” Nicky froze, feeling his fists clenching. Considering his aversion to violence, or even any kind of aggressive confrontation, it was not a pleasant feeling. He took a breath to calm himself as Mikey stared on nervously. “You know what. You’re gonna play with them. You’re gonna play and you’re gonna be nice and you’re gonna be the big brother they deserve. Is that clear?”

Mikey glanced at the two children then nodded sheepishly at Nicky.

“Good,” Nicky smiled. “Now I know you won’t let me do it cos your dad’s over there, but this is where I’d hug you so… just imagine I did, okay?”

Mikey chuckled. Since coming into Mikey’s home, and in consideration of Mikey’s fervent desire not to reveal any details of their closeness or relationship, Nicky had taken to just saying what he would do if he could. It was no substitute for the real thing, but it was still a sweet gesture. While somewhat aggressive, Nicky’s lecture was sweet in its own way, part of Nicky’s ongoing attempts to act as a surrogate conscience for Mikey during the difficult visit home. “Thanks,” he said softly before heading to playfully snatch the ball from Mel.

Mr Corbyn approached Nicky slowly as Mikey began to get caught up in playing with his two younger siblings. He chuckled slightly, shaking his head.

Nicky looked at the man, who glanced back, both of them a little awkward.

“He really listens to you, doesn’t he!” the man said with a thoughtful nod.

Nicky felt a moment of panic. Was the man probing into their relationship. Did he suspect something? Was he about to ask if they were together? Maybe he would demand to know Nicky’s ‘intentions’ or whatever TV dads always wanted to know. “I guess so,” he said a little shyly.

The man let out a hearty sigh. As Nicky looked his way Mr Corbyn asked quietly, “Is he… happy?” As he got a slightly blank look back, he clarified, “I mean… when you’re at Kingswood, or when he stays with you, is he happy?”

Nicky was a little torn. Talking about Mikey behind his back felt like exactly the sort of thing that pissed him off, but Nicky sensed no malice in the question. If anything, the man looked somewhat heartbroken at having to ask it. “Yes sir, I think he is,” Nicky said politely.

“Good,” the man nodded with another, quieter sigh. “That’s all I want for him, so I’m glad he’s made a friend like you. You seem to be… really good for him!”

Nicky continued to stare back at the man. He nodded silently, smiling a little. Mikey’s relationship with his family had always seemed difficult, but seeing it up close and in person just made it all seem even more complex. He didn’t understand it and possibly never would.

Clearly sensing Nicky was uncomfortable talking about the subject any further, Mr Corbyn said, “You should go join them. I think he’d like that!”

“Yes sir, thank you,” Nicky said politely before running over to join in the kick-about.


Thursday 08 April 2021

“Okay boys, be back in here in two hours and we’ll head to the cinema,” Mrs Corbyn instructed, smiling to the two boys before heading off through the mall with Mr Corbyn and the younger kids in tow.

“Ugh, bitch,” Mikey grumbled under his breath.

Nicky rolled his eyes and demanded, “What? What could you POSSIBLY have been offended by in that?”

Mikey shook his head as he said, “She’s just WAITING for me to show up late so she can bitch at me about it!”

“Well let’s not be late then!” Nicky said, resisting the urge to snap at the other boy. Mikey’s constant disagreements with his family, aside from being seemingly unfounded, were beginning to get on his nerves.

“Fine!” Mikey said pointedly, shaking his head again. “Come on, I got money to spend!” he added, heading off in the opposite direction to his parents.

With Mikey separated from his parents and siblings, he seemed to relax substantially, allowing the two boys to actually have a pleasant afternoon as they wandered the various shops. The only lingering annoyance was Mikey’s ongoing determination not to let Nicky get even remotely close to him, growling a nervous, “Someone might see!” as if being less than a metre apart was suddenly going to make everyone he knew suddenly appear and jump to a conclusion.

“Oh my god, look who it is!” a voice suddenly called out as Mikey and Nicky left a shop.

“Fuck,” Mikey muttered, shuddering a little. “Just… keep walking!” he said to Nicky, pretending not to see the approaching group of boys.

“Hey Michael, you’ve not forgotten us already, have you?” one of the boys called out as they closed in behind them. “Oy, I’m talking to you! Or you too good for us now you’re off at your fancy school!”

Mikey stopped and turned. He found himself face-to-face with four boys his own age, though being slightly on the smaller side for thirteen, the others loomed large over him… though they still seemed short compared to Nicky. “Whadda you want?” Mikey snapped coldly.

Nicky moved slightly behind Mikey, visibly shaken by the apparent imminent aggression.

“Just wanted to say hello to an old friend,” one of the boys said with a wicked smirk.

“I’m just surprised he’s even here. I was sure they’d sent him off to a loony bin and just pretended it was a school. Thought he’d still be locked up!” another of the four teased.

Mikey’s fists clenched, ready to lunge at the boy but he felt a hand on his shoulder. He glanced back briefly to see Nicky shaking his head.

“Oh, this your boyfriend… gayboy?” the lead boy teased.

“Or your carer?” another sniggered, getting a round of laughs from the others.

“I’m his friend and we’re leaving now!” Nicky said, feeling Mikey begin to pull away.

“Keep your back to the wall with this psycho faggot around,” the lead boy snarled. “He’ll either fuck you or beat the shit outta you if you don’t play it careful!”

“MIKEY, NO!” Nicky shouted as Mikey pulled away. He reached out and grabbed Mikey tightly, then yanked him back, almost sending him flying to the floor.

“Yeah, do as your boyfriend says, faggy!” one of the boys sniggered.

By now the altercation was beginning to draw the attention of passing shoppers. The group of boys seemed a little worried about how things would look, so they began to back away, hurling back a few more insults as they headed off.

“Fucking twats,” Nicky growled, his hands shaking.

“You shoulda let me kick the shit outta them!” Mikey huffed, yanking away from Nicky who tried to put a hand on his shoulder as the spectators began to disperse.

“Why? Then you’d be in trouble and they’d still be twats!” Nicky insisted, determined to reason Mikey away from his violent urges.

“Whatever!” Mikey huffed, avoiding eye contact.

“So are they…” Nicky started, unsure what to ask exactly.

“From my old school. We were friends once,” Mikey said coldly as he stomped away quickly.

Nicky jogged briefly to catch up and then followed close behind. “So what changed?” he asked curiously.

“We stopped being friends!” Mikey said curtly. “Just forget it okay. Like you said, they’re twats!”

“But they can’t…”

“I SAID forget it!” Mikey snapped, stopping to glare at Nicky.

“Okay, okay, sorry,” Nicky said, taking a nervous step back as he realised his hands defensively. “It’s forgotten!” As Mikey continued to walk on, Nicky followed silently.


The bedroom was silent, Mikey laying motionless on his bed while Nicky lay staring at the ceiling from his mattress on the floor. Even at Kingswood the two rarely shared a bed, each liking personal space when they slept, so sleeping separately at Mikey’s house wasn’t out of the ordinary. What was most assuredly unusual though was the quiet. With eight boys in their dorm at school it could take quite some time to quieten down for bedtime, so the lack of noise felt a little eerie.

“That was a good movie,” Nicky said softly, just to pierce the deafening silence.

“Yeah,” Mikey agreed softly.

“Needed less talking and more giant monster punching!” Nicky said, nodding thoughtfully to himself.

“Yeah,” Mikey agreed again.

Nicky frowned at the response, or lack of it, and said wryly, “But I suppose I was a bit distracted getting a blow job from the guy on the row in front!”

“Yeah,” Mikey said quietly, then suddenly sat up and leaned over the side of the bed as he demanded, “Wait, what?”

“Oh, so you ARE listening!” Nicky smirked. “Don’t worry, my dick is just for you!” he reassured the other boy, then smiled and said, “Well, Chris too. But this week, just you!”

Mikey shook his head as he flopped back down, though he pulled his pillow over and lay on the side of the bed, staring down at Nicky, one arm casually hanging down. “Sorry. I guess I kinda ruined another day, didn’t I!”

Nicky shook his head as he reached out stroked the back of Mikey’s hand gently. “You didn’t ruin anything,” he said, smiling sweetly.

Mikey nodded but didn’t reply, the silence slowly seeping back in between them for several moments. Mikey sighed, psyching himself up to speak. “His name’s Anthony,” he said sadly. As Nicky just looked back at him, his brow slightly furrowed, Mikey added, “Earlier, those guys. The bigger one who… called me an old friend… his name’s Anthony!”

“It’s okay, you don’t have to…” Nicky started.

“I do!” Mikey insisted. “He… I mean… we were best friends from…” he paused and sighed, then shrugged a little as he went on, “From birth, I guess. I’ve always been a bit weird but he always just liked me anyway, but…” he paused again.

Nicky reached up to gently stroke the strands of fiery red hair from Mikey’s face as he lay there taking another deep breath.

“Do you… remember, ages ago back at school, we all talked about what our old schools had been like,” Mikey explained. As Nicky nodded, he went on, “And I said about this… boy at my school who… tried to hold his friend’s hand and everyone found out and from then on he was just… gay-boy?” His voice cracked a little as he said it.

Nicky nodded again. “It was you, wasn’t it?” he asked. He had thought it at the time, just as he suspected most of the dorm had. Mikey hadn’t really concealed it that well. As he got a slight nod from Mikey, he asked, “And it was Anthony’s hand you tried to hold?”

“I like him,” Mikey said, shaking a little. “And I thought he liked me back, but… he just…” he shook his head, “Well you heard him today. That was my life for a year!”

Nicky sat up and grabbed Mikey in a hug. Despite the abject fear of being ‘caught’ since coming home, Mikey held him back just as tightly, sniffing slightly as he only just managed to hold back tears.

“I’m really sorry you had to go through that alone,” Nicky whispered.

“I wasn’t alone. I had Snuffles!” Mikey said with a slight chuckle.

Nicky smiled as he pulled back. “And now you’ve got me!” he reassured him.

“Forever?” Mikey asked meekly.

“Forever!” Nicky replied, leaning in to give him a brief kiss before laying back down.

Silence returned, but this time it was a little more comfortable, the two boys happily just watching each other as Nicky playfully teased Mikey’s dangling arm.

After a few minutes, Mikey pulled his arm back up and propped his head up on it. “What d’you think of Josh?” he asked, seemingly out of nowhere.

Nicky looked a little thrown by the question, but shrugged and said, “He’s cool, but you know I like everyone in the dorm!”

Mikey nodded as he thought about it. “What d’you think it was like?” he asked cryptically.

Nicky shrugged and shook his head in slight bewilderment as he smirked, “I’m gonna need a bit more to go on!”

“Yeah, sorry,” Mikey said with a lop-sided smile as he realised he had shared a half-finished thought. “His home life, I mean. All those years being hurt by his brothers, all the stuff they put him through. Whadda you think it was like for him?”

“Oh!” Nicky exclaimed, slightly shocked by the subject. It was one of those very unusual topics that affected them all, but didn’t seem to get talked about much. “Well he ended up trying to commit suicide because he had no other way out and was so scared of what his brothers would do to him or to us… so I’m guessing it could be described as ‘not fun’,” he said flippantly.

Mikey tutted. “I know that!” he said pointedly. “Also, you shouldn’t say ‘commit suicide’, that’s how it was described when it was illegal. It’s not illegal now so they’re not ‘committing’ anything!” Mikey explained.

Nicky was as surprised by the information as he was by the fact Mikey knew it. He sat up and crossed his legs as he faced the other boy. “Suicide was illegal?” he asked curiously.

Mikey nodded. “Yeah, like… decades ago, but people still use the term like that,” he stated.

“So… what should I say?” Nicky asked curiously, still unsure why Mikey knew so much about it.

Mikey shrugged. “Dunno, maybe… take your life, end your life, kill yourself… stuff like that I guess,” he suggested casually. As he saw the expression on Nicky’s face he shook his head and said, “Oh, no, don’t worry. I only know this stuff cos I read it once in a thing while I was waiting to see…” he paused, clearly stopping himself short of saying something he didn’t mean to. “A doctor,” he finished with a slight blush. Keen to avoid follow-up questions, he returned to the subject of Josh and asked, “So d’you think he’s, like… all messed up and stuff?”

Nicky pursed his lips thoughtfully. Of all the boys on the dorm, Josh was probably the one he knew the least. It wasn’t through choice, they simply just didn’t have any activities together. They were still friends, there was no doubt about that. It was one of the greatest things about their dorm, the fact that all eight of them were close, Josh just happened to be the least close to Nicky! “Well I guess it’s got to have messed with him a bit, but he… seems to be doing okay now!”

“Yeah,” Mikey sighed.

“Why do I get the feeling that’s not the answer you wanted?” Nicky asked, mildly worried as he reached up to stroke Mikey’s arm.

“No it is, I’m glad he’s okay, I like Josh!” Mikey insisted. “It’s just… he spent most of his life being… tortured and hurt and scared and…” he exhaled heavily, shaking his head. “He went through all of it and came out still being pretty normal.”

“Go on…” Nicky urged him, knowing there was more to what Mikey was saying.

“But I put up with a few bitchy comments for a year and I’m so mad I could barely control myself,” Mikey said sadly. “If you hadn’t been there today, I don’t know what I would have done!”

“It turned out okay,” Nicky said, unsure what else to say.

Mikey sighed. “But what if it didn’t?” he asked rhetorically. “I don’t… like hurting people!”

Nicky nodded silently. It was strange to hear his own fear played out in Mikey’s words, but it did feel at least a little comforting to know that Mikey was as bothered by the violent tendencies as he was himself. He gave a broad smile as he said, “Maybe if you want to avoid hurting people, you should do more of the opposite!”

“Which is what?” Mikey asked curiously.

“Pleasure!” Nicky said, giving a playful wink.

“Oh, now THAT’S a good idea!” Mikey said, suddenly perking up.

“Awesome, so can I fuck you yet?” Nicky asked hopefully. Mikey’s fear of being caught in a compromising position by his parents had prevented the two from getting too intimate all week and Nicky was beginning to feel the strain. Going from having two boyfriends readily available to take his oversized dick to having none… it was hard!

Mikey gave a slight groan that answered without the need for words, though he seemed almost as frustrated about is as Nicky.

“It’s okay!” Nicky insisted, quickly grabbing the other boy’s hand. “How about we just jerk each other off!”

“Yeah, I’d like that,” Mikey said, relieved not to have had the same argument all over again.

“Can I… come up there?” Nicky asked cautiously, sitting up to look at Mikey’s bed.

Mikey pursed his lips thoughtfully as he glanced over at the door, then looked to Nicky and nodded before shuffling over to make room. Laying side-by-side, both boys quickly pulled the front of their shorts down to pull out their cocks, Mikey’s already hard, Nicky’s slowly beginning to chub.

“You think I’ll ever be as big as you?” Mikey asked wistfully as he watched his boyfriend’s large cock swell in his grasp.

Nicky huffed a little. While he was much more comfortable discussing his body with Mikey than he was with almost anyone else, it was still a touchy subject. Rather than bring the mood down, he focused on Mikey instead as he reached across and knocked Mikey’s hand away and took hold of his dick. “I think you’re getting there,” he said with a sweet smile.

“Still a LONG way to go though,” Mikey sniggered as he returned the gesture, his fingers not even meeting around Nicky’s meaty girth.

“I’d love you any size,” Nicky said as he leaned in to kiss Mikey.

As their lips met, they lost themselves in the embrace, the unpleasantness of the day… of the whole week… fading away as their lips pressed together for a few moments before opening, their tongues briefly darting out to touch playfully. Though their hands remained firmly grasped to each other’s cocks, stroking casually, their focus remained on the kiss, on each other, on just being together.

After a few minutes of making out, Nicky pulled back enough to part the kiss, though his forehead remained pressed against Mikey’s as his free hand raised to casually stroke through the smaller boy’s fiery ginger hair, silky smooth against his fingers. They both let out a content mew.

“Thank you,” Nicky said softly.

“For kissing you?” Mikey smirked.

Nicky chuckled and shook his head as he pulled back a little. “No, for… telling me about Anthony. I know you… don’t always find it easy to share!”

“Ha!” Mikey scoffed, shaking his head. “Sorry,” he blushed slightly as he got a look of mildly annoyed confusion from Nicky. “I just meant… that’s weird coming from you.” As Nicky continued to look confused he added, “Ya know… cos you never share anything!”

“I… share!” Nicky said a little defensively.

“Sorry, I wasn’t trying to be mean. I mostly meant… you CAN share if you ever want to. With me, or with Chris, any time you want to… about anything!”

‘Like how you being so violent scares me,’ Nicky thought, unsure whether to say it. He gave a gentle nod and said, “Thanks, I know, you guys are the best. But for now… let’s just share this!” He gave Mikey’s dick a gentle tug.

“Come here,” Mikey grinned, pulling Nicky back into a kiss as they returned to jerking each other off.

While they both melted into the embrace once again, Mikey kept up the pace as he masturbated Nicky, the worry of being caught creeping back in. Nicky kept pace with him, though his strokes were shorter on Mikey’s smaller penis.

“Mmm gnn cmmm,” Mikey hummed into Nicky’s mouth.

Nicky pulled back, almost choking as he laughed. “Taking that to mean you’re…” Nicky started, but he got the answer before he finished the question as Mikey’s hips thrust the rigid dick into his hand and began spurting out his load. Nicky continued to stroke, the cum acting as lubricant to make the final moments of Mikey’s orgasm all the more intense.

“Ugh, I fucking love you!” Mikey groaned as he flopped back against the pillow.

“Yeah yeah yeah, whatever, just finish me off!” Nicky insisted, on the verge of his own release from the sights and sounds of Mikey’s ejaculation but the hand on his dick holding still.

“Sorry,” Mikey sniggered, beginning to stroke again. As Nicky flopped back beside him, Mikey rolled onto his side and took hold of the huge cock with both hands, stroking it eagerly as Nicky pulled his t-shirt up to give his imminent load a landing zone.

“Fuuuuck,” Nicky growled as Mikey pointed his dick onto his stomach. Several hefty spurts streaked his slender torso with white goo as Mikey watched happily, stroking until, the final drops had dribbled out.

After exchanging lustful stares for a moment, Mikey rolled away then rolled back with a handful of tissues. “Unless you want me to… clean up another way,” Mikey said, barely concealing a slight sneer of revulsion. He hated cum, but Nicky loved seeing him (and making him) eat it.

“Nah,” Nicky said, running his fingers casually through Mikey’s hair again. “I’m feeling kind tonight. Tissues are fine!”

“Yay,” Mikey said as he quickly got to work cleaning up. After a quick run to the bathroom to flush the evidence, Mikey hurried back into his room where Nicky had moved back down onto his bed. Mikey stood over him for a moment, then fell to his knees, one either side of Nicky then playfully flopped down on top of him.

“Oof,” Nicky grunted, mostly for dramatic effect – Mikey was not heavy! He heard Mikey giggling to his side and pulled his head back a little as he tilted it to face him.

Mikey kissed Nicky’s neck a few times then lifted his head to face him and said happily, “If I had to be here, I’m glad I got to have you with me! You make everything better!”

Nicky didn’t reply, he just leaned in for one final kiss before Mikey retreated to his own bed and they both drifted off to sleep.


Saturday 10 April 2021

The goodbyes had been awkward but well behaved as the boys left Mikey’s house. At Nicky’s urging, Mikey had given all three of his younger siblings a hug, a kiss on the cheek and a genuinely sweet goodbye, much to their parents’ astonishment.

When Mikey had come to say goodbye to his mother, Nicky’s influence was still apparent, but his open disdain for the woman made anything more than a polite goodbye an impossibility, despite her seemingly offering nothing but love and support as she wished him well for the rest of Easter break and his next stint at Kingswood.

The drive was surprisingly peaceful, and mercifully short with arrangements made to hand the boys off to Nicky’s dad halfway between their homes. With barely a word spoken by any of the car’s occupants by the time they pulled up in the car park to wait for Nicky’s dad, it was Mr Corbyn that finally spoke.

“It was nice to see you this week,” the man said to his son, sitting askew in his seat to look into the back of the car where the two boys were sat. “And nice to get to know you properly,” he added, nodding politely to Nicky before Mikey could respond.

“Yes sir, it was nice to meet you too,” Nicky replied, having remained fairly formal in his addressing of the man all week. He gave Mikey a gentle kick as silence lingered for a moment.

“Ow,” Mikey growled, scowling at Nicky before he looked to his dad and said, “It was… not awful to be home!”

“Mikey!” Nicky whispered.

“No,” Mr Corbyn smiled. “I’ll take that!” He let out a sigh as Mikey poked his tongue out at Nicky. “I hope you have fun this week,” he said sincerely. “And at half-term. I swear you spend more time at Nicky’s house than ours!”

“Yeah, well that’s…” Mikey started, but was stopped as Nicky raised his hand. He frowned and rolled his eyes then said, “Yeah, I s’pose. But I’ll be back for summer break.”

“Looking forward to it already!” Mr Corbyn said happily.


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