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Rob and Josh – Part 2

Saturday 10 April 2021

“How are you drunk already? It’s not even 9am?” Jensen asked in absolute bewilderment as he sat in bed and stared at his laptop screen.

“Italy’s an hour ahead of the UK, ya know!” the young man on the screen replied.

“Yeah, that really doesn’t answer my question!” Jensen replied, unsure whether to be amused or worried about his boyfriend, Rocco.

“Easy access to booze and very little adult supervision!” Rocco sniggered. “That answer your question?”

“Ugh,” a groan came from beneath the covers, a hand emerging a moment later to cover Jensen’s face. “Shh, early… talking… shhhh!”

“Oh, someone’s not alone!” Rocco smirked. “Did ya hook up?”

“Hardly,” Jensen said, swatting the hand away from his face. He pulled back the covers and aimed his laptop down at the boy at his side.

“Oh, hey Josh. Greetings from Naples!” Rocco said, slightly slurred.

“Jen, why are your boyfriend’s nipples talking to me?” Josh groaned.

“No, not…” Jensen went to argue but stopped himself, growling in slight frustration.

“Whatever, well hi from your boyfriend’s bed!” Josh replied, venturing to open one eye and look at the screen.

“Good thing I’m not the jealous type!” Rocco said, grinning as he shook his head.

Jensen pulled the covers back over and put his laptop back on his lap, but a moment later Josh shuffled up to cuddle beside him.

“Any reason you’ve got a ten-year-old in your bed?” Rocco asked, raising an eyebrow.

“I’m thirteen!” Josh insisted.

“He’s twelve!” Jensen argued, knowing the Josh had abandoned his actual birthday in June in favour of celebrating on a more significant date in March instead.

“Only legally!” Josh argued.

“That really doesn’t answer my question,” Rocco asked, using Jensen’s own words in a slightly mocking tone.

“Well lil Joshy here is sleeping with me, because his bestie is hooking up with Ellis… AGAIN but Josh is too chicken shit to actually tell his friend that he’s being a bit of a dick, so he’s just hiding in here with me instead!” Jensen explained bluntly.

As the week had gone on, Rob had spent an increasing amount of time fooling around with both of Josh’s adopted brothers. Josh had eventually confided how left out he felt to Jensen, who eased back on his time with Rob, but that just resulted in Rob and Ellis doing more together instead.

“No, that’s not true,” Josh whined.

“Oh really? Which bit wasn’t true?” Jensen asked curtly. His patience for the issue between the two boys had grown increasingly thin as Josh continued to avoid talking to Rob about it.

“The…” Josh started, unable to actually deny it. “The bit… with the words,” he said, knowing he really couldn’t disagree.

“Sounds stupid. Go away, I wanna do naughty things with my boyfriend,” Rocco said, the alcohol making him a little more direct than he might usually have been.

“You can be naughty with me here. I like watching!” Josh grinned.

“Eww, isn’t that, like, incest or something?” Rocco scoffed.

“Only legally!” Josh said, giggling at his repeated words.

“Sorry bud, gonna have to kick you out!” Jensen said, lifting his arm to let Josh move away.

“Wow, what happened to bros before hoes?” Josh pouted.

Rocco’s jaw dropped slightly on-screen. “I’m no ho!”

Jensen smirked as he said, “You kind of are!”

Rocco rolled his eyes and said, “Fine, whatever, but either way… piss off Josh, Jen’s mine for now!”

“Whatever, enjoy your wank,” Josh pouted as he left the room.

“We will!” the two seventeen-year-olds called after him.

Josh wandered down the hallway towards his own room and found the door open. As he stepped in, he found Jack picking up the bags he had made the two boys pack the night before.

“Ah, there you are. Nothing else to go in these, right?” Jack asked as he spotted Josh.

“Oh, yeah, just need to put my laptop and a couple of chargers in,” Josh said. “It’s okay, me and Rob can bring ‘em down in a minute,” he offered, then added under his breath, “If I can get him away from Ellis!”

Jack raised an eyebrow. The issues between the boys hadn’t gone unnoticed, though they didn’t yet appear to have reached the point of requiring intervention, so he just continued to keep his distance for now. “Hmm, okay then. Well come down soon, breakfast’s nearly ready. You seen Jen?”

“Oh yeah, he’s in his room,” Josh nodded.

“Thanks,” Jack said as he placed the bags down again and headed out into the hallway.

Josh grinned for a moment then turned and called out, “He was just watching TV, by the way. You can go straight in!” he called after Jack.

He stood and waited for a few moments, then heard a distant knock, a door open and a yell of, “OH MY GOD, GET OUT!” from Jensen followed by a quick apology from Jack. Josh burst into snorts of laughter.

“I think Jack just walked in on Jensen doing something naughty,” Rob sniggered as he walked in. He noticed Josh laughing and said, “But I’m guessing you heard. Morning, by the way!”

“Morning,” Josh replied, the smile dropping from his face. “You got anything else to pack? Jack was just checking.”

“Oh, just this stuff,” Rob replied, gesturing to the shorts and t-shirt he was wearing. “You okay?” he asked with a slight frown.

“Yeah, fine,” Josh said, putting on a smile. “Hurry up, breakfast’s nearly ready.”

“Awesome, I’m starving!” Rob said, quickly pulling off his clothes to shove into his bag before pulling on the outfit he had laid out the night before. “Can’t believe you’re coming to my place today. I can’t wait to see Milo!”

“Yeah, you do seem to have a thing for brothers!” Josh said, slightly coldly.

Rob frowned for just a moment, then burst into laughter. “Shady bitch,” he giggled.

Josh just smiled and headed for the door.


Within moments of pulling into the driveway of Rob’s house, the door had opened and Milo had appeared. “ROB!” he yelled excitedly as he charged towards his older brother and grabbed him in a tight hug.

“Hey Milo,” Rob giggled happily, pulling his arms free of the younger boy’s grip to put them around him.

“Now THAT’S a nice welcome,” Jack chuckled as he looked at the two boys for a moment.

Rob’s parents soon appeared to welcome the new arrivals. After quick greetings between the adults, Jack was invited in for a cup of tea, almost against his will. Rob had once joked that his mother believed it was a legal requirement that anyone setting foot on their property be provided with tea and biscuits.

An hour later, Jack was setting back off after a quick goodbye with the boys. His goodbyes often seemed less painful than many of the other boys’ parents, simply because he was often at Kingswood himself carrying out various duties, so Josh never really had to go that long without seeing him.

Rob quickly got settled back into his room, with Josh eagerly having a nose around it too. Unlike the mansion Josh and the others lived in, Rob’s family home was substantially humbler. Though there was a guest bedroom, Rob had insisted it wasn’t necessary and that he and Josh could share. It had almost broken his mum’s brain to have a guest NOT use the guest bedroom, but she had eventually accepted it.

“Can I come in yet?” Milo asked through the door. “Mum said I have to let you get settled in but she didn’t say how long that takes and I haven’t seen you for ages and I’ve got so much to talk about and I don’t know how much settling in you actually need to do cos it’s YOUR room, so you should already be pretty settled and…”

“And breathe!” Rob said, pulling the door open as he and Josh laughed at the boy’s mile-a-minute ramble.

“Yay!” Milo declared, bounding into the room. “Hi again Josh!” he said excitedly to his brother’s friend. The nine-year-old was excitable at the best of times, but especially so after seeing his brother for the first time in a while. He sat down on Rob’s desk chair, span a couple of times as he giggled playfully but suddenly stopped, seemingly remembering his purpose in the room. He turned to face Josh and sat staring at him.

Josh felt a little awkward having the younger boy glaring his way. He looked back for a moment then glanced at Rob.

Rob shrugged at Josh then looked to Milo and asked, “Everything okay there?”

Milo’s eyes narrowed suspiciously as he looked Josh up and down. “Rob’s always going on about how cool and awesome you are, but I wanna decide that for myself!”

“Oh my god, Milo!” Rob said, shaking his head as Josh smirked.

Staring Milo dead in the eye, Josh nodded slightly and said, “However cool Rob says I am…” he let his eyes briefly dart to his friend, to make it clear there was teasing coming his way about that, “I am SO much cooler!”

“Hmmm,” Milo hummed thoughtfully for a moment, looking stern. As suddenly as the serious expression came on, it disappeared, replaced by a grin as he declared, “Okay, I believe you. We’re good!”

“Well, that was easy!” Josh sniggered.

Having seemingly completed his ‘test’ of Josh, Milo burst into everything he wanted to fill Rob in on. As Rob continued unpacking, nodding along to his little brother’s manic ramblings, Josh just stared in absolute bewilderment.

“And Brayden D got a super rare pokemon card and he brought it into school but Brayden S told everyone it was a fake and everyone believed him but Brayden D was all angry and called him out in the playground and they started fighting and it got REALLY crazy cos Freddie started helping Brayden S which nobody expected cos they fell out over that game of Fortnite but it turned out Brayden D had pissed him off more over a different pokemon card they were going to trade but then Brayden D backed out and then cos Freddie doesn’t get on with Georgie he started helping Brayden D just to piss off Freddie so it was like two on two and it was getting really savage with like blood and everything from Brayden S falling over and scraping his knee but then Mrs Taylor runs over and starts screaming at them to stop and the Braydens do but Freddie and Georgie are still going at it and she actually had to step in and pull them apart which was just mental!” Milo rambled without stopping to breathe.

“Wow, those Braydens are trouble!” Rob said, nodding and holding back a slight smirk.

“Well Brayden D and Brayden S are, but Brayden W is so cool. He never gets in any trouble and he’s super smart!” Milo insisted.

“How many Braydens are there?” Josh asked curiously.

“Just those three, and two Jaydens, but the Braydens and the Jaydens don’t play together. The Jaydens stay on the Year 6 side of the playground!” Milo explained seriously.

“Oh, of course,” Josh nodded.

Finishing up with the unpacking, Rob took a seat on the bed next to Josh just as Milo burst into another story. “Get comfortable, we could be here a while,” Rob whispered.

Josh shuffled slightly to the side, so he was in contact with Rob, but not quite leaning on him as he smiled and whispered back, “I’m okay with that!”


Sunday 11 April 2021

“…and I told him he shouldn’t…”

“…but then he just went and…”

“…even find that many squirrels…”

Josh laughed as he heard the snippets of what Milo was saying as he pushed him on the swing, the boy’s voice fading in on each swing back and then back out again as he swung away. “Jesus, he really doesn’t stop, does he?”

“Not often, no,” Rob chuckled. “Only to eat, sleep and watch pokemon! He really seems to like you though.”

“Well that’s understandable,” Josh said smugly, then gave Rob a slight smirk as he added, “Because of how ‘cool and awesome’ I am.”

Rob rolled his eyes. Josh had teased him over what Milo had said endlessly since the previous day. “Shut up or I kick you in the dick!”

“Fine,” Josh sniggered. “But Milo’s cool too,” he smiled sweetly.

“Oy, why’d you stop pushing?” Milo yelled out.

“Cos my arms are about ready to drop off!” Josh said, having been pushing Milo on the swing for a good fifteen minutes now. “Ugh, I need a break!”

“From the swing or from Milo?” Rob chuckled.

“Both,” Josh laughed back.

A few minutes later, the boys had made their way out of the playground area and wandered further into the park. Having found a bench, they had sat down and Rob had taken the opportunity to demonstrate what he had said earlier, handing Milo his phone as it played an episode of Pokemon. The boy fell immediately silent.

“Oh my god,” Josh mouthed, shocked and relieved at the lack of chatter.

Rob smirked and nodded. “From what Danny says, Chris’ little brothers are… also a handful!”

“It’s weird thinking of Chris as a big brother,” Josh mused. “I’m so used to seeing him with Blane!”

“Yeah, I get that,” Rob agreed. “A bit like Danny being a little brother. That just seems… wrong!”

“I know right,” Josh nodded. “I’m glad they’re all nice though. I guess growing up I kinda just assumed all brothers were…” he paused, cautious of the younger ears listening, regardless of how distracted he was. He mouthed silently, “Cunts!”

Rob’s head tilted sympathetically as he nodded a little. Josh didn’t talk about his biological brothers very often. “Yeah, I guess they didn’t set the best example, did they!” he said, feeling it was a total understatement.

Josh took a deep breath. A week earlier, he had asked a question about his big brothers, but seeing the nervous reaction from Rob, Ellis and Jensen, he had laughed it off as a joke, but the thoughts still hung heavily in his mind. This just felt like a perfect opportunity to ask it properly… if he could psych himself up to do it.

“Who’s Ivan?” Milo suddenly asked. As the older boys looked to him, his gaze remained fixed on the screen as he said, “He wants to know if you’re free!” Frowning a little he added, “And he included a winky tongue poke emoji, whatever that means!”

“Oh my god!” Rob declared excitedly, snatching the phone back from Milo.

“Heyyyyy,” Milo complained. “I was watching that!”

“Sorry bud, you can finish it later if you like, or maybe on Josh’s phone!” Rob said as he opened up the message that Milo had seen pop up.

“Who’s Ivan?” Josh asked curiously.

Rob grinned. “He’s a friend from my primary school! Last summer we hung out and he…” Rob paused, deliberately turning his back to Milo as he said quietly to Josh, “He came out to me!”

“Oh, cool,” Josh smiled, nodding gently as he pulled out his phone. He handed it to Milo and said, “There ya go, bud. Can you find the episode you were on?”

“Yeah, thanks,” Milo said happily.

Satisfied that Milo was distracted again, Rob started tapping away on his phone as he explained, “When he came out, he… wanted to do stuff, but… Alex had just asked me out and it didn’t feel right to do stuff, plus I was… still locked!” He blushed at the thought of the chastity device he had worn for a year. “But now, I’m unlocked and I have permission from Luke to be with anyone I like!”

“Oh I know,” Josh said, thinking back to the amount of time he had spent with Ellis and Jensen the previous week.

“He’s nearby!” Rob said happily. “Look, could you…” Rob started as he stood up and glanced at Milo. “Could you keep an eye on Milo while I… go… do stuff?”

Josh wanted to object, but held back as he nodded and said, “Erm, yeah, okay I guess!”

“Great,” Rob said happily. “Hey, Milo, I’ll be back soon!” he said quickly before hurrying off down the path.

Milo took a second to register what had been said, then looked up and looked in the direction Rob had gone. “Where’s he going?” Milo asked, looking back to Josh.

“Just… saying hi to a friend,” Josh reassured the boy. “Like he said, he’ll be right back.” Seeing the boy look a little upset, he shuffled up next to him. “Why don’t we keep watching. What pokemon’s that?” he asked, hoping to distract him.

“That’s Riolu!” Milo said happily, excited to be able to show off his knowledge. “Ash got an egg and when it hatched it was Riolu which was awesome cos it evolves into Lucario which is TOTALLY my favourite!”

“Cool,” Josh giggled. It was sweet to see how excited Milo got about it, though Josh felt a gnawing sensation in his stomach as he remembered how his brothers had taken great pleasure in destroying his first set of pokemon cards when he tried to start collecting them when he was five.

“That one’s called Grapploct,” Milo declared as a different pokemon appeared on screen. “It’s a fighting type even though it’s an octopus, which is stupid!”

Josh giggled and nodded, getting comfortable with the boy as they watched.


Wednesday 14 April 2021

“Tell me more about what you did with Ivan!” Luke requested, his crotch not visible on the screen though the movement of his arm made what he was doing utterly undeniable.

“Really? More?” Rob sniggered.

“Unless you wanna tell me more about Ellis and Jensen!” Luke said, giving a lop-sided grin.

“Hmm,” Rob hummed thoughtfully. He had resisted sharing details of Josh’s adopted brothers with his new boyfriend, simply for the fact that Luke knew them and it felt wrong share private things about them if they were going to be around each other at school. He had no such compunctions about Ivan, though, having shared a little about the three times they had now met up. “Okay, well I’ll tell you more, but only if you move back and lower the camera a bit!” he demanded, already moving back into a similar position to let Luke see him masturbate as they chatted.

“Deal!” Luke said excitedly as he shifted backwards.

“Okay, so Sunday was like I told you before. He was pretty nervous as he hadn’t actually been with anyone before,” Rob explained, “So we just kissed a bit and then he let me jerk him off.”

Luke bit his lip as he let out a low moan, stroking his dick eagerly.

“I don’t know if maybe that freaked him out a bit, cos I didn’t hear from him on Monday, but then yesterday he messaged again and said his parents were going out so he’d be home alone,” Rob recounted. “Anyway, I go round and he’s still pretty nervous, but this time he says he wants to jerk me of, so I was like… sure, go ahead. He was… okay at it. You know what it’s like when a guy is only used to handling his own!”

Luke frowned thoughtfully for a moment then shook his head as he said, “I was a bit of a late starter. Most of my guys weren’t first-timers! So I’ll take your word for it!”

“Be glad I wasn’t a first-timer. I was terrible at first. You really need to thank Sam Fletcher for how good I am! He taught me SO much!” Rob said, proud of everything his mentor had taught him in Year 7.

“That’s a different kinda hot,” Luke sniggered. “But yeah, Ivan wanked you off then? Go on!”

Rob sniggered at the eagerness as he nodded. “Yeah, he did his best but I had to… help finish,” he said with a wry grin, “But by the time I’d cum, he was rock hard and gagging for it, so when I suggested sucking his dick he didn’t even hesitate! So yeah, gave him his first blow job.”

“Ugh, that’s SO hot,” Luke grunted, masturbating frantically. “And today?”

“Blew him again,” Rob said proudly. “I suggested him returning the favour, but he was a bit too nervous, so I just let him jerk me off again, which was a bit better than yesterday. Still didn’t make me cum, but he got me pretty close!”

“Oh fuck,” Luke groaned as he began to shoot. As he finished, he stared at the screen as Rob did the same. They both grinned contentedly before quickly cleaning up. “I feel like I should be kinda jealous or something, but seriously, the thought of you with the others is a major fucking turn-on that I didn’t see coming!”

“Awesome,” Rob said happily. “Although I think it’d be kinda fun to be with someone else… WITH you!”

“What, like a throuple?” Luke asked curiously.

Rob thought for a moment and shrugged. It was not an unusual concept. After all, he was sharing a dorm with one throuple already. “Possibly,” he said casually. “I was mostly just thinking for hook-ups and stuff, but… I’m open to new things!”

“Yeah, me too,” Luke nodded. “Anyway, three times in four days. That’s a lot, you seeing him again?”

Rob nodded emphatically. “He wants to try sucking before I go back to Kingswood, so we’re gonna build up to it!” he explained.

“You not thought about having Josh join in?” Luke asked, squirming a little at the thought of Rob with his best friend.

Rob immediately shook his head. “No, Josh is… he’s not doing stuff yet. Besides, I think he’s happy just hanging out with Milo!”

Luke giggled a little and asked, “They getting on okay then?”

“Oh my god,” Rob said, rolling his eyes a little. “SO well. Milo can’t get enough of him!”

“Glad you’re having a good week,” Luke said with a smile. “Don’t forget to grab your Yu-Gi-Oh cards when you head back. I wanna face you in a proper match, remember!”

“Oh, I remember,” Rob beamed happily. The card game was one of the many things the two had bonded over before starting their relationship. “And we should make it interesting too. Loser has to make out with the winner!” he suggested, adding the second thing that had bonded them.

“Wouldn’t that mean it ends up in us making out, no matter who wins?” Luke asked, raising an eyebrow.

“Oh I guess so. How awful,” Rob sniggered sarcastically.


Thursday 15 April 2021

“You boys okay in here?” Mrs Wilson asked, popping her head around the door to the lounge.

“Yes Mrs Wilson, all good,” Josh said politely. To his side, Milo just nodded happily.

“Oh, where’s Rob?” she asked curiously.

“Just nipped out for a minute to see his friend,” Josh explained. “Said he’d be right back!”

“Oh, he never mentioned anything,” Mrs Wilson replied, looking slightly concerned.

“It’s just round the corner. He lives on Windsor Close,” Josh said, keeping Rob out of trouble.

The woman nodded and smiled, “Oh that friend. Ivor, wasn’t it?”

“Ivan,” Josh corrected her, frowning ever-so-slightly at the name.

“Well I’ll be out the back doing some gardening if you need anything,” Mrs Wilson said before disappearing.

Milo nestled up close to Josh, pulling his arm around him as he let out a sigh. “Rob and Ivan are doing sex, aren’t they?” he asked flatly.

Josh had to stop himself from laughing aloud at the sweet choice of words, though the shock of hearing Milo say it certainly made it easier to hold back. “Oh, I… erm… I don’t… erm…” he stuttered, unsure what to say.

“It’s okay, I know Rob likes other boys,” Milo said, not moving from his position at Josh’s side, his eyes still fixed on the screen. “Is Ivan his boyfriend?”

“No,” Josh answered honestly. “No, they’re just friends.”

“Friends who do sex!” Milo exclaimed.

Josh was a little concerned. He knew knowledge of sexual things was fairly normal at Kingswood, but that was for boys eleven and older. Many (or most) of them knew very little before going to the school. Josh’s own knowledge of sexual things had come from a somewhat unpleasant source – the abuse he suffered at the hands of his brothers. He couldn’t help thinking about James as well, a fellow abuse survivor. He hated that it was where his mind went, but hearing the young boy even mention sex set something off in him.

“You… know about sex stuff?” Josh asked cautiously.

“Sure,” Milo said frankly. “From, like, TV and the internet and stuff!”

Josh was more than a little relieved, but still felt the need to clarify, “So you haven’t… done any of it?”

“Eww, no!” Milo said, suddenly pulling away and shaking his head, though he quickly pouted as he thought about it. “But it must be fun though. It’s all Rob seems to do now. He’s always with Ivan or doing naughty video calls with guys!”

Josh didn’t know what to say, or quite how to react.

“Do you and Rob sex?” Milo asked innocently.

Josh actually smirked this time. “Actually, it’s HAVE sex, and…” he paused, thinking about the things he and Rob actually HAD done together. He shook his head. “No, we don’t!” he answered.

“Well I hope he’s having fun,” Milo said sincerely. He moved back into position beside Josh and said, “I miss him, but this is still nice!”

“Yeah it is,” Josh smiled, putting his arm back around the boy.


Friday 16 April 2021

Josh sat on the front steps of the house, staring down the driveway. He had to keep forcing himself to unclench his fists as he got increasingly annoyed with each passing minute. When Rob finally appeared he jumped to his feet, folding his arms to hold himself back from lashing out.

“What you doing out here?” Rob asked, confused to see Josh waiting.

“TWAT!” Josh snarled at his friend.

“I remember when we used to start with hello,” Rob sniggered, assuming Josh was just joking.

“You’re a selfish cunt!” Josh snapped furiously.

“Woah, what?” Rob said, stopping dead in his tracks at the bottom of the steps.

Josh stomped down to confront him. “Where the fuck have you been?” he demanded. “I’ve been messaging!”

Rob frowned and shook his head. “You know where I’ve been, I told you I was going to see Ivan!” he said defensively, then shrugged as he added, “And my battery died!”

“Yeah, you were going to see Ivan FOUR hours ago. You said you’d be back in ONE!” Josh said, still keeping his arms tightly folded, though his fists had clenched again.

Rob shrugged. “Okay, well… sorry I’m late. We got… distracted!” he said with a smirk.

“It’s not ME you need to say you’re sorry to!” Josh said, slowly getting redder. As Rob looked at him, confused, he said, “Milo’s football match! You promised you’d go with him to cheer him on!”

Rob’s eyes widened. “FUCK!” he yelped out. “I forgot. I… I…” he stuttered as he looked down the driveway.

“Too fucking late, they’re long gone!” Josh snarled. No longer able to hold back he rushed forward and shoved Rob hard. As Rob staggered, tripped over his own feet and fell to the floor, Josh towered over him and said angrily, “You made Milo cry!”

“No!” Rob moaned, devastated to have upset his little brother. “Fuck!” he groaned, holding his hands over his face.

Josh wanted to kick the crap out of his best friend, but it was blindingly obvious how upset Rob was by the realisation of what he had done. It completely deflated Josh’s fury.

“I’m such a bad brother,” Rob said, shaking his head, his voice muffled by his hands.

“Yeah, you are,” Josh agreed bluntly. “And a pretty shitty friend too, actually!” he added. He stared down at Rob as he peered back at him for a moment, then dropped to the floor to sit beside him. “I was so excited about these two weeks. Yeah, I wanted you to get to know Jack and the others and I was really looking forward to meeting your family, but… mostly I was just looking forward to spending two weeks just with…” he paused, blushing a little as Rob stared at him. “With you!” he said, shaking his head in utter disappointment.

“Josh… I’m sorry…” Rob said weakly.

“But no, you jump at every chance you get to be with anyone OTHER than me. You spent the week at my place fucking Ellis and then you’ve just used me as a babysitter for Milo this week while you’re off fucking Ivan. And by the way, Milo totally knows what you’ve been doing!” Josh blurted out angrily.

“You… you TOLD him?” Rob asked furiously. “He’s just a kid!”

“I didn’t TELL him, he figured it out,” Josh snarled back. “He’s nine, not a moron!”

Rob wanted to be annoyed, but he knew he was the one in the wrong. “God, I suck,” he said, shaking his head.

“Yeah, too much, that’s the problem!” Josh said, venturing a hint of a smile, unable to resist the joke. He got a weak laugh from Rob. “I don’t get it,” he said, shaking his head. “You don’t shut up about Milo half the time, you almost wet yourself with excitement when you get to come home and see him, but this week you’ve just… forgotten him!”

“I haven’t forgotten him!” Rob snapped angrily. He recoiled a little and said, “Sorry. I… I haven’t forgotten him, I just… I got caught up!”

“In sex? Come on, you’ve got it available in every freaking direction back at school and you don’t act like this!” Josh reasoned, shaking his head.

Rob let out a sigh. “Yeah, that’s the thing. At Kingswood, sex is EVERYWHERE. Almost everyone’s at it, ALL the time so when you get it, it’s like… well, this is just normal. But I never got that outside of Kingswood. I’m not one of the really hot guys like Chris or Mikey, so nobody ever paid me this kind of attention before. I’d… have boys at school I liked and they wouldn’t even look at me twice, so when one of the cute guys I actually went to school with pretty much offered himself up…”

“You jumped at it,” Josh nodded.

“Yeah. And I didn’t just get to be WITH a cute guy from a normal school, I got to be the experienced one! I got to be the one who was all, like, no… this is how you do it, which was… amazing!” Rob explained.

“What about Ellis and Jensen?” Josh asked accusingly. “You didn’t go to school with them!”

“Come on, a friend’s hot older brothers. Who isn’t into that?” Rob asked with a wry grin. “I mean, you know what we’re like around Blane or when Chris video calls Finn. This was like that, but… actually being able to do it with them!”

Josh nodded thoughtfully for a moment. “Okay, so… maybe you’ve got your reasons,” he posited, “But you can’t blame them for everything. YOU still chose to ditch your best mate and your little brother for hook-ups. That just makes you a dick!”

“I…” Rob started to object, then paused and nodded, “You’re right. I’ve been a dick, but I’m gonna make it right, I promise!” He frowned for a moment and asked, “What time is it?”

Josh pulled out his phone and said, “Just gone two!”

“Okay, if we run, we might actually get to the sports ground for the end of Milo’s match!” Rob said, jumping to his feet. “Up for a run?” he asked, holding his hand out to Josh.

“For Milo… totally!” Josh said as he let Rob help him up. “I’ll race ya!” he said, running down the drive. He disappeared round the corner as Rob began to follow. He reappeared a moment later looking sheepish.

“Realised you don’t know where you’re going?” Rob sniggered.

“Shut up!” Josh said, smirking at his own mistake.


“Nighty night, sleep tight,” Rob said as he closed the door to Milo’s room. He stepped across the hallway into his own room and looked timidly at Josh as he shut the door.

“Everything okay?” Josh asked, though he had eavesdropped on most of the conversation anyway.

Rob nodded. “Yeah, he’s never been one to hold a grudge. I think I made it up to him just by getting to the match to see his goal,” he smiled proudly. “And he was actually starting to get annoyed that I kept apologising all afternoon.”

“He’s a good kid,” Josh said with a smile.

“He is,” Rob said as he looked to Josh. “I’m glad you were here to look after him.” As he saw Josh go to reply, he quickly added, “To support him, not to keep him busy while I did Ivan, if that’s what you were about to say!”

“Shut up, you don’t know me,” Josh pouted, their not-so-secret code for ‘yes, you were exactly right’.

“And I still feel like I owe you an apology too,” Rob said meekly, sitting down onto his bed.

“You don’t,” Josh said, shaking his head. “But…” he paused, huffed and shook his head.

“No, go on,” Rob urged him.

Josh sighed, pursing his lips as he thought for a moment before he asked, “Do you remember last year, around the time I met El and Jen and you got all whiney and pathetic about worrying I was replacing you?”

“You know, it’s your kind words that I love about you the most…” Rob said flatly, blushing a little at the reminder of his insecurity. “But yeah, I do… why?”

“Well I… I promised you back then that I’d never stop needing you, but,” Josh started, pausing as he felt increasingly awkward. “But… I’m kinda… worried you stopped… needing me!”

“What? Why?” Rob asked, visibly upset to realise he had made Josh feel that way.

“Sex!” Josh said bluntly. “You… you do it a lot, and I’m not saying that as a bad thing, cos I know it’s not. It’s just… you really like sex and you do it with… everyone, but I don’t and I know that’s weird.”

“No!” Rob quickly insisted. “That’s absolutely NOT weird! Look, I LOVE Kingswood. I get to be myself and do things there that I know I’d NEVER get to do in a normal school, but what you have to remember is that Kingswood is the weird place! I’m thirteen and I’m on my second boyfriend and I’ve been with… hell, I don’t even know how many guys, I’d have to try and count. THAT’S weird. You’re only twelve, mate. Not having sex… not WANTING to have sex, that’s absolutely normal!”

“I’m thirteen!” Josh insisted.

“The law would say otherwise!” Rob smirked, knowing that Josh had moved the date he chose to celebrate his birthday, but that it could not be changed legally.

“Ugh, you’re as bad as Jensen,” Josh grumbled. “But… you’re not gonna… like, move on from me because I’m not having sex, are you?”

Rob’s brow furrowed as he shook his head, taking the other boy’s hand. “Remember, we may not be as flashy and dramatic as Chris and Danny when it comes to the BFFs things, but… you’re stuck with me, for good!”

Josh smiled sweetly for a moment as he thought about what to say back. Eventually he ventured, “Could we… wank together?”

“I mean… most people seal a deal with a handshake, but I suppose we ARE Kingswood students…” Rob joked.

Josh rolled his eyes and replied, “Ha ha. I just meant… I like wanking. That much I can do, and I know you like any sex stuff, so I thought it was something we could do together that we both like!”

“You don’t have to,” Rob insisted.

“I want to!” Josh nodded back. “Come on!” he said, crawling across the bed to lay on it, leaving room at his side for Rob. He pulled his hoodie and t-shirt off and tossed it aside, then lifted his hips as he pushed his sweatpants and boxers down to his knees.

Rob knelt beside him and grabbed the bottom of his t-shirt, but paused for a second.

“Oh, and about what you said earlier, out the front… about not being one of the hot guys,” Josh said, sensing the hesitation. “You couldn’t be more wrong!”

Rob smiled, pushing through his body-consciousness thanks to the kind comment then pulled his t-shirt off as he lay down beside Josh. Both boys grabbed their dicks, Josh already hard and Rob well on his way. As they slowly began to build up a steady pace, Josh sat up and shook his head. He looked down at his hand and then Rob’s before starting to climb over him. “Budge over!” he ordered.

Rob moved over so they took each other’s spot. He was a little confused at first, but as he started wanking again he realised they now both had their free hands laying on the bed between them, Josh wanking with his left hand while Rob used his right.

Josh waited a few moments then slipped his hand across to grip tightly onto Rob’s. He let his head loll to the side to look at his friend, expecting some kind of teasing but all he got was a content smile.

They resumed their wanking, neither in any huge hurry to cum, both just enjoying the quiet intimacy of the moment. Soon enough though, the pressure began to build. Rob was first to cum, coating his stomach in a small load of thick goo, while Josh shot a few moments later, his load leaving a watery streak up to his chest.

“That was nice,” Josh said happily as he caught his breath.

“It was!” Rob nodded. “You’re, erm… you’re not planning to jump off the roof tomorrow, are you?”

“Geez, you attempt suicide after a hook-up with your best mate ONE time…” Josh replied, giving a wry grin.

“We really shouldn’t joke about that,” Rob giggled, knowing it was actually a painfully serious matter.

“I know, that’s what makes it so funny,” Josh laughed, rolling over to cuddle against his best friend as they both laughed hysterically.


Sunday 18 April 2021

“Wow, couldn’t have timed that better if we’d tried!” Mr Wilson said cheerfully as he saw the car pulling up next to them.

They had just pulled into the car park at Kingswood as Jack had parked beside them, Josh’s adopted brothers riding with him. As Rob’s dad got out to greet Jack and fill him in on Josh’s week, the boys all piled out, hugs flying in every direction.

Rob eagerly introduced Jensen and Ellis to Milo, who had insisted on coming with them to maximise their time together. Within moments, he was rambling a mile-a-minute at the two older boys as an amused Rob and Josh watched on.

After a few minutes, Jensen caught Josh’s eye and nodded away from the group, the two boys discretely splitting off to chat privately.

“So did you talk to Rob about your… thing?” Jensen asked, concerned about his younger sibling.

Josh nodded. “Yeah, he carried on with all the sex this week, but with a friend instead of Ellis but eventually I just kicked his arse about it… kinda literally… and he sorted things out and everything’s good now!” Josh reported.

“Well that’s good I suppose,” Jensen smirked, curious about what may have gone down during their week together, but probably happier not knowing the details. “But I meant… the OTHER thing!”

“Other… oh…” Josh said a little sheepishly. He had shared some troubling thoughts with the older boy when they had been together the previous week about his biological brothers, as well as the fact he wanted to talk about it with Rob. “Yeah, yeah we… talked about that a lot and I’m feeling a lot better now!” he said with a fake smile. He hadn’t mentioned it at all. In fact, after hearing Rob talk about his own issues and how they had affected him, Josh had made a conscious decision NOT to talk to Rob about it. The original issues, and subsequent attempt on his life had caused his friend enough worry and stress. The last thing he wanted was to cause them any more.

“Are you sure?” Jensen asked suspiciously, eyes narrowing a little.

Josh nodded emphatically. “Yeah, totally!” he insisted. He felt bad lying to the older boy, but just couldn’t handle talking about it right then.

“Okay then. Good,” Jensen said with a slight head bob. “But you know you can always talk to me… about anything, any time. I’m not just your big bro during breaks, remember!”

“Yeah, I know. Thanks Jen,” Josh said gratefully. “C’mon, let’s go rescue El from Milo!” he said gesturing back over towards the small group.

A few more minutes later, Milo was forced back into the car, having insisted on giving all four older boys hugs, though he gave extra ones to Rob and Josh. He was almost tearful as he got in, but a quick reassurance from Rob that it was only six weeks until half term and he soon bucked up. After waving them off, the four remaining boys started making their way towards the Home Building.

“Hey, you got a sec,” Rob said, grabbing Ellis’ arm.

“Whassup? Looking for another blow job?” Ellis asked with a dirty chuckle.

Rob thought for a moment, tempted to say yes until he reminded himself what he had stopped the older boy to say. “I’m good thanks,” he said reluctantly. “About last week… and all the stuff we did. I just want you to know… I thought it was fun…”

“Yeah, me too,” Ellis said cheerfully.

“But…” Rob went on, pausing nervously, “But it was just… a one-time thing. Well, obviously more than one time!”

“A lot more!” Ellis smirked.

Rob nodded as he said, “Yeah, I just mean… erm… now we’re back here, it’s just… erm, I kinda… have someone…”

Ellis gasped dramatically, clutching at his chest. “You… you… just… you used me… for sex?” he asked, jaw quivering. He raised a hand to stroke Rob’s cheek. “But I thought we were in love!”

“Wait, what… no, what… no… what… no, nuh… no!” Rob stuttered, shaking his head nervously.

Ellis burst into laughter, gently slapping Rob’s cheek. “I’m messing with ya, dickhead. I know it was just fun and if you come to stay again, we might have more fun, but chill, I know you got your thing with Luke!”

“You’re such an arsehole!” Rob scowled.

“You’d know! You spent half of last week playing with it!” Ellis giggled. “Anyway, thanks for letting me down easy,” he said with a derisive smirk. “But if you’re ever at a loose end and want some fun… dorm two-oh-three!” he said, giving a playful wink before running to catch up with Jensen.

Rob hurried to catch up with the others and they made their way inside. As they reached the first floor landing, they split up, with Ellis and Jensen heading on to head up to the second and third floors respectively, while Josh and Rob continued the opposite direction back towards their dorm. As they rounded the corner, Rob stopped as he saw Luke at the end of the hallway.

Considering the issues they had had over the past few days, Rob was cautious of seeming like he was ditching Josh again and just gave him a questioning look.

Josh smirked, shook his head and said, “Go on then!”

“You’re the best!” Rob said happily, giving Josh a quick squeeze before he took off at a full sprint towards Luke. Unfortunately, momentum got the better of them and their meeting was more ‘violent collision’ than ‘romantic embrace’, but they made it work, their lips meeting as they kissed. “I missed you,” Rob whispered as they parted slightly

“I missed you too,” Luke said back softly.

“Puke!” Josh sniggered at them as he walked past, shaking his head. “Get a room!”

“That’s literally the plan!” Rob called after him before kissing Luke again.

The End

For what happens next, it's back to Chapter 28 of The Kingswood Eight


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