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This story takes place between Chapters 27 and 28 of The Kingswood Eight

Chris and Danny – Part 1

Friday 02 April 2021

“Are you sure about this?” Brian asked nervously as he stared down at Danny.

Danny nodded back, his legs in the air, Brian’s hands grasping his ankles, his hole exposed as he lay with his hips raised on a pillow.

“You’re not in pain?” Brian asked, still looking unsure.

“No more than usual,” Danny grinned, but as he got a nervous moan back from Brian he smiled and insisted, “Really, I’m okay!”

“And you’ll tell me stop if it DOES hurt, right?” Brian asked cautiously.

“Oh my God, Brian. If you don’t stick your dick inside me right now, I’m breaking up with you!” Danny snapped with a playful grin.

“Yeah, that’s the problem,” Brian sighed. “It’s already in!”

“Oh. I… I thought… well…” Danny stuttered. He had felt a slight pressure down there, but thought it was just his lover’s cock pressing against his hole, merely preparing to enter.

Brian pulled back, slowly lowering Danny’s legs.

“No, you don’t have to stop. Just cos I can’t feel it doesn’t mean you can’t enjoy it!” Danny insisted.

“Nuh-uh,” Brian said, shaking his head. “I like… fucking you because it feels good for us both. If it’s only good for me, then… I dunno, that feels like you’re just… some kinda sex toy!”

Danny sniggered and asked, “And that’s bad, right?”

Brian chuckled. “Yes, it’s bad. If I wanted a sex toy I’d borrow one from the library, but I don’t! I wanna fuck my boyfriend and for us BOTH to enjoy it!” he explained.

“The library has sex toys?” Danny asked, confused for a moment, but shook his head and said, “Well… I… I don’t know how long it’ll be until… I can enjoy it, or feel it. You do know I’m okay with you fucking other guys, don’t you?”

“I do,” Brian nodded. “But… like I said, it’s you I want and I can definitely wait for you, no matter how long it is. You’re SO worth waiting for!”

Danny smiled. “You’re too good to me,” he said, shaking his head. “I love you!”

Brian stretched out to lay beside Danny, gently ran his fingers through the boy’s hair and smiled down at him before leaning in for a kiss. They melted into each other, losing any sense of anything aside from each other for a few moments before Brian pulled away and whispered, “I love you too! Oh, and… erm… just cos I don’t wanna fuck anyone else, don’t let that stop you having fun over Easter! Do whoever you like, just… give me all the sordid details when we get back!”

“And now I love you even more!” Danny chuckled.


Saturday 03 April 2021

Danny hadn’t flown for a couple of years, not since his family’s last family vacation to Magaluf the summer before he started at Kingswood, but he couldn’t help noticing how different the experience was now. One of the main things he remembered about his last trip was arriving at the airport and being herded round like cattle. There was certainly none of that this time.

Blane had driven them to the airport, where he had parked his car before they were picked up and ferried right out onto the runway! As they got out, Danny heard Chris yell out, “EDWARD!” As Danny climbed out of the car, he found his friend wrapped around a man in his late twenties, dressed in a suit and hugging Chris back just as eagerly.

It took a moment for Danny to make the connection, but he recalled Chris mentioning the man before. He was apparently the family’s butler/nanny/whatever they needed him to be. Blane remained by Danny’s side. Though he was well on the road to recovery from his accident four months ago, and seemingly past the days of struggling with walking, the entire point of Danny joining the Smith family for the Easter was for him to continue his physical therapy. Blane, older brother to Chris and eldest of the male siblings was taking no chances with Danny hurting himself.

“Budge over, Chris,” Blane said as he and Danny got close to the embracing pair. “Save some for the rest of us!”

Chris tutted as he reluctantly pulled away from Edward.

Danny watched the two young men hug and couldn’t help noticing the look they gave each other. Danny was a people-watcher and one of the skills he was developing at Kingswood was the ability to tell when people had a relationship that involved any kind of sexual chemistry. Blane and Edward clearly had history!

“Ah, and this must be young Mr Davies!” Edward said very formally, offering his hand.

Danny had expected the young man to have the same Irish twang that Chris and Blane both had, yet he sounded distinctly English. As he looked at Edward, he started, “First, it’s Danny,” then grinned and added “And secondly, if they get hugs, then so do I!” Edward and the two Smith brothers all chuckled, but Danny couldn’t help noticing Edward give Blane a quick glance, only moving in for a hug after getting a nod of approval. Danny happily hugged the man, appreciating how gentle he was while noticing he appeared to wear the same aftershave as Blane.

“Lovely to meet you Danny,” Edward said as they parted. “You probably guessed, but my name’s Edward and if there’s anything you need while you’re staying with the family, all you need to do is ask me!”

“Anything?” Danny asked with a grin.

“Oy, easy!” Chris warned. He often had to warn his friends to keep their distance from Blane, insisting his brothers were ‘off limits’. It seemed the same might have applied to Edward. Shaking his head a little at Danny’s playful flirtation, he went on, “Anyway, come on,” and rushed on board.

“Wow, smaller than I’m used to!” Danny commented casually as he looked at the relatively small plane. Chris waited for him by the steps, though by now Danny always refused help, seeing every set of stairs as an opportunity to train. As he neared the top he looked back across the plane and saw the ‘Smith Dynamics’ company logo and said, “Ha, you’ve got the same as the plane. What are the odds!”

“Danny…” Blane started.

Chris looked back and shook his head, then whispered, “Hey, let me enjoy not being the slow one for once!”

“You’re a right little shite sometimes,” Blane sniggered, but followed anyway.

“Which seat’s mine?” Danny asked as they entered the cabin, quickly followed by, “Woah, fancy. Did we get, like, first class tickets or something?”

“Or something!” Chris chuckled. “And sit where you like!”

“Huh, very… casual,” Danny smiled, again noticing the difference from his family holidays. He picked a seat at a table, sitting down with a slight sigh of relief. Chris sat down opposite him.

“I’ll let them know we’re good to do,” Edward said, popping his head briefly into the cabin as Blane took a seat too.

“What? Where are all the other passengers?” Danny asked, still confused as he looked round at the half-empty cabin.

“Wow, even I’m not this slow, am I?” Chris asked Blane, grinning. As his brother went to answer, Chris commented, “Wait, don’t answer that!”

Blane shook his head. “Danny, there ARE no other passengers. It’s just us. This is OUR plane, or rather, our parents’ plane!”

“You… you… you…” Danny stuttered.

“He’s stuck. Give him a slap!” Chris sniggered.

Danny shook his head, trying to gather his senses. “I knew you had… an Edward, but I didn’t know you had a… a plane!” he said, looking in shock from Chris to Blane and back. “How… rich ARE you guys?”

“WE’RE not rich at all!” Blane said, with a tone that made Chris roll his eyes, “But our parents are. And I think to put it in a context you’ll understand… I’d put them somewhere between Tony Stark and Bruce Wayne!”

Danny stared open-mouthed, stunned silent for a few seconds before he said, “I called it small! Oh my god, Edward’s gonna think I’m such a bitch!”

“You are!” Chris sniggered, kicking Danny’s shin playfully under the table.

“And Edward doesn’t think you’re a bitch at all!” Edward said, appearing from the front of the plane. “In fact, if everything Chris says about you is true, you may be one of the nicest people on the planet!”

Chris blushed profusely.

“And believe me, Chris says a LOT about you!” Edward added with a bigger grin.

“Oh my god, shut up!” Chris insisted, prompting laughs from Blane and Edward as Danny just smiled fondly.

Not long after take-off, Chris led Danny into the rear cabin and closed the door behind him. Turning to face Danny he grinned and asked, “Ever heard of the mile-high club?”

Danny frowned. “Is that some kinda club for rich people?” he asked innocently.

Chris giggled and shook his head. “No, not quite!” he said, unbuttoning his shirt. “It’s a euphemism for…” he paused, realising he had used a word Danny probably didn’t know. While Danny was a little smarter than Chris in most things, Chris’ vocabulary was prodigious thanks to his love of reading. He tried again and said, “Sorry, it’s another name for people who have sex on a plane!”

“Well, I’ve heard of it now!” Danny grinned as he saw Chris drop his shirt to the floor. “And I’m QUITE interested in joining. Care to show me how?”

“It’d be my pleasure!” Chris said excitedly. He glanced round at the door and said, “Don’t worry about them, I asked not to be interrupted!”

Danny nodded and replied, “And to be fair, they’re probably in there joining the club themselves!”

“Eww!” Chris responded instantly. “No way. Edward doesn’t do stuff like that. He’s professional!”

Danny clearly thought otherwise, but now wasn’t the time to discuss it. He had a nearly-naked Chris stood in front of him who was about to become a completely-naked Chris.

“Not getting undressed?” Chris asked curiously.

Danny smiled and said, “I thought you might want to do it for me!” It was a fun flirtation, but it also served as a slight cover for the fact that he could dress and undress himself now, but it was most decidedly NOT a sexy sight!

Chris just nodded as he shoved his underwear down, pulling off his trainers to remove the clothing completely as he stepped out of it. With his dick stiffening before Danny’s eyes, he strolled across the small cabin then started slowly undressing his friend. It took longer than expected, but mainly because Chris stopped every time he exposed a little more skin to caress, lick it or kiss it.

Danny moaned happily as he watched, though he was enjoying Chris’ pleasure more than his own, much of his body still lacking full sensation because of the injury to his spine. By the time Danny was as naked as Chris, both boys were rock hard. A sudden jolt of turbulence caught Danny off-balance and he staggered backwards onto a bench seat behind him. As he fell, he reached out instinctively and grabbed Chris who toppled with him, landing on top.

“Well… hi!” Chris grinned as he found himself face-to-face with his friend.

“Hi,” Danny chuckled. “That hurt a lot less than last time we fell together!” he said with a lop-sided grin.

Chris quickly jumped off, sitting further down the bench as Danny sat up looking round at him curiously.

“What’s wrong?” Danny asked, reaching over with his foot to nudge the other boy.

“Nothing, just… worried I may have been squishing you,” Chris lied poorly.

“Not ready to joke about it yet then?” Danny asked, pouting slightly. He swivelled round and shuffled along, then rested his head on Chris’ shoulder, holding tightly onto his arm. “I get it.”

“Thanks,” Chris said softly. He let his head tilt to the side and rested his cheek against the top of Danny’s head. “Ugh, didn’t mean to put a downer on things. We’re alone and naked, we should be having fun!”

“I AM having fun!” Danny said dreamily as he held onto his best friend, enjoying just being close to him.


“Fuck off!” Danny exclaimed as the house loomed ahead of them. “No fucking way you live here!” They were rapidly approaching the Smith house and Danny could barely believe his eyes. “Seriously, this place is bigger than Kingswood!”

“Well there ARE like a gazillion of us!” Chris chuckled.

“Ten’s not quite a gazillion,” Blane scoffed. “I may have to have a word with Mr Beecham about your maths studies!”

As they pulled up, Edward said, “Don’t worry, I’ll sort the bags. You head inside, you know they’re dying to see you!”

“No, I’ll help,” Blane insisted. “Let these two go in and get the brunt of it. I’ll come in after once they’ve calmed down a bit!”

Chris chuckled, knowing what his siblings could be like. Danny gave a different kind of smile, suspecting Blane may have been planning a bit more than ‘helping with the bags’. He followed Chris up to the door.

“Brace yourself, this could be loud,” Chris grinned as he opened the door. He had barely got a few steps inside when there was an ear-piercing shriek as two manic seven-year-olds ran flailing at Chris, almost knocking him off of his feet as they grabbed hold of him. “Told you!” Chris said loudly, peering round at Danny, barely audible over the excitable chattering of the twin boys.

Realising Chris wasn’t alone, the boys disengaged from their big brother. One immediately stepped forward to face Danny while the other grasped at Chris’s hand, hiding a little behind him.

“Hi Danny, I’m Cian,” the bolder twin introduced himself with a huge grin, looking up at the boy a clear thirty centimetres taller than him.

Danny had seen most of Chris’s family during his weekly video calls to home, and similarly they had seen him, but this was his first time meeting the boys in person. “Nice to finally meet you!” Danny said smiling back.

“I’m really glad you didn’t die and you can walk again cos Chris cried a lot when he thought you wouldn’t!” Cian said with the painfully-direct honesty of youth.

Danny grinned as Chris blushed profusely. “Yeah, I’m pretty glad about that too,” Danny said with a wry grin.

Cian seemingly lost his struggle to hold himself back and surged forward, throwing his arms around Danny.

“I can see the family resemblance,” Danny chuckled at Chris as the boy hugged him. As Cian eventually unwrapped himself from Danny, he grasped his hand instead. “And you must be Aidan,” Danny said softly to the more timid of the twins.

Aidan ventured a few seconds of eye contact before staring at the ground again as he nodded silently.

“Hey, come on buddy, no need to be shy,” Chris urged the boy. “It’s only Danny!” He put his hand on his little brother’s back and nudged him forward.

“Come on Adey, he gives good hugs!” Cian encouraged his twin.

“Yeah, your brother trained me well,” Danny said cheerfully. He held an arm out towards Aidan.

Aidan looked up at the taller boy, his eyes wide as he sized him up. As he got a nod from Cian, Aidan took a step forward and grabbed Danny very briefly in a hug before he stepped back and said, “Hi Danny!”

“Hi Aidan,” Danny said back, grinning broadly.

Aidan glanced down at his twin’s hand, holding tightly onto Danny’s before his eyes shot across to Danny’s available hand, before returning to look him in the eye.

Understanding the silent question, Danny held out his hand and Aidan grabbed it, leaving Danny now flanked on both sides.

“C’mon, lets go find the girls so I can say hi,” Chris said, nodding further into the house.

Danny was immediately dragged along behind Chris by the twins.

It appeared that Chris’ younger sisters, five-year-old Clare and three-year-old Fiadh were both having nap time, so reuniting with Chris would have to wait until later. Similarly, his fifteen-year-old brother Finn was currently out and not expected back until the next day which only left Aisling, the eldest of the group, for Danny to meet.

“Ah, Danny, we meet at last!” Aisling said as the small group entered a large sitting room. “Nice to finally meet the boy my little brother’s SO in love with!”

“Ash!” Chris hissed. “I’m not…”

“Relax Chris, you’re not even the brother I meant,” Aisling interjected with a grin, “But that sounds like a guilty conscience to me.” She smirked at Chris’ blushes then said, “I actually meant…” she paused to look at the door as Blane wandered in and finished, “… speak of the devil!”

Blane looked like he was ready to ask why he was being talked about, but the ear-splitting scream that had greeted Chris was suddenly repeated as the twins saw their eldest brother. They let go of Danny and charged at him.

“You’re in serious trouble, mate,” Chris said as he sidled up to a slight bemused-looking Danny.

“Trouble? Why?” Danny asked nervously.

“The twins seem to like you, which probably means you ain’t getting a moment’s peace while you’re here!” Chris sniggered.

“I don’t mind,” Danny shrugged. “They’re adorable. They’re like mini versions of you but… ya know… cute!”

Chris’ jaw dropped dramatically as he glared at Danny for the playful insult.

“You know I love ya really,” Danny said quietly, putting an arm around him. “Despite your family!” he added with a smirk.


“Oh my god,” Danny exclaimed, shaking his head as he followed Chris along the hallway. “How could you not tell me about all this?” he asked, gesturing to their surroundings.

“It’s just a house,” Chris shrugged.

“It’s like a small country!” Danny exclaimed. “A small… but really fancy country!”

“It’s not that fancy!” Chris insisted.

Danny stopped and grabbed Chris’ arm. “Not that fancy?” he exclaimed incredulously. “You have a library… and a whole room just for TV. Then Blane just CASUALLY mentions that you have your own pool that I can do some physio in, and I actually think he’s just joking but then you know what he says?” he asked. He got a shrug from Chris. “He says, ‘yeah, but not the outdoor one, it’s way too cold, we’ll use the indoor one!’ The indoor one Chris! You have a CHOICE OF SWIMMING POOLS!”

“Yeah, I know, most families probably just have the one, right?” Chris asked with a stern nod. As he got an open-mouthed stare back from Danny he burst into laughter and said, “Kidding, I know it’s a bit unusual!”

“No. A carpeted bathroom is unusual. THIS is fucking mental!” Danny said in utter disbelief.

Chris shrugged. “How d’ya think I got so good at swimming? Playing in the bath?”

“You’re not funny!” Danny said, then smirked a little as he said, “Ya rich bastard! Come on then, last stop, right?” he asked, nodding to the door ahead.

“Yeah,” Chris said, dragging Danny along, grinning broadly. “My room!”

Danny stopped in the doorway, staring open-mouthed. “Holy shit!” he exclaimed. “You could fit my whole house in just your room!”

The next several minutes were spent exploring Chris’ room as Danny scrutinised every inch of it. The tour was slowed slightly by the many band posters splashed across the walls, with Danny recognising some and not knowing others, which often led to lengthy lectures from Chris on the history of each band and their contribution to the world of music.

“Mam tried to insist you have your own room, but I told her we’d be happier sharing,” Chris said as they finally finished exploring. “I hope that’s okay! The guest rooms are nice, but I just figured… ya know… it’s us!”

“Guest… rooms!” Danny said, absolutely bewildered. “Eight of you all with your own bedrooms…”

“Except the twins, they share,” Chris interjected.

“Fine, seven rooms… plus your parents… and you still have guest ROOMS… plural?” Danny asked, shaking his head. “Well you’re never allowed to come to my house. It looks like a fucking broom closet compared to this freaking place!”

“Size doesn’t matter!” Chris said sincerely. “I hope I DO get to come to your house some time. I’d love to see your room!”

“Not much to see,” Danny said sheepishly. “Beth got the bigger room cos she’s older, so my room is pretty much big enough for a bed a wardrobe and fuck all else!”

“Chill, it really doesn’t matter,” Chris insisted. “I’m just… really glad you’re here. I hate usually not seeing you during the breaks.”

“Yeah, me too,” Danny said, calming a little as he approached the bed. He let out a yawn. It was only mid-afternoon, but it had been an eventful day and he still tired easily thanks to his ongoing recovery.

“Nap time, I reckon!” Chris chuckled.

“I’m not…” Danny started, but his words were cut off by another yawn. Scowling at Chris’ sniggers he flopped onto the super-king-size bed and muttered, “Maybe a little nap’d be nice!” He crawled along and dropped his head onto the pillow.

Chris smiled at the other boy, watching him lay there for a moment before he stood up. “I might go and…” he started, but stopped as he realised Danny was already asleep. He let out a happy sigh before heading out to go see his little sisters.

Danny wasn’t sure how long he had been asleep when he stirred. At first, he hadn’t even realised he had even been asleep. It was movement on the bed that woke him, movement he was very much used to. “Come here,” Danny said happily, holding out his arm without opening his eyes.

“Okay!” a young voice replied eagerly.

Danny’s eyes shot open and he looked down to see one of the twins crawling along the bed towards him. He chuckled a little and looked carefully at the boy for a moment. “Cian, right?”

“You can tell us apart?” Cian asked, sounding genuinely delighted. Before Danny had the chance to answer, the boy flopped down at his side and cuddled up to him.

Danny was more than a little taken aback but considering the way he and Chris had spent their first night together at Kingswood, this wasn’t really that surprising. He wrapped his arm around the boy and closed his eyes, soon drifting back to sleep.


“Wakey wakey,” Chris called out, making Danny and Cian jump.

Cian immediately jumped off the bed and gave his brother a playful punch as he complained, “You scared me!”

“Yeah, that was the whole idea,” Chris smirked. “Go wash up. Mam and dad are home and dinner’s almost ready!”

“Okie,” Cian said excitedly. He went to run for the door, but stopped and looked back at Danny. “You’re very comfortable!” he said matter-of-factly, then turned and ran out.

“Oh that’s too cute,” Danny sniggered as he swung his legs round off the bed and sat up. “I think I’m starting to see why you find it so hard being away from them!”

“I know, right!” Chris grinned. “Ready to meet the parents?” he asked, frowning slightly.

Danny looked down at himself and asked nervously, “Sh… should I change? Do I have to… like… wear a suit for dinner or something?”

“Can wear your birthday suit if you like,” Chris sniggered, then reached out and said, “But let’s at least tidy you up a bit!”

Danny’s hair was rarely overly tidy, but his nap had messed it up more than usual. As he felt Chris’s fingers running through his hair, tidying it up his eyes fluttered closed and he let out a gentle moan.

“Hey, no boners at dinner!” Chris said, shaking his head.

“Piss off!” Danny scowled. “That wasn’t a… a sex noise. It just… felt nice!”

“I know, I’m just messing with you,” Chris said as Danny stood to face him. “Geez, I don’t think I’ve seen you this nervous before!”

“Well… it’s this place… it feels like I’m about to meet the King and Queen or something!” Danny said, still intimidated by the expansive home.

“Ah mate don’t talk daft,” Chris said, throwing an arm around Danny as they headed for the door. “You know you’re the only queen round here!”

“Ha!” Danny laughed. “And what does that make you? Royal jester?”

“More like a concubine!” Chris grinned.

“Those… spiky animals?” Danny frowned, absolutely lost.

Chris burst into hysterical laughter as they walked along, much to Danny’s obvious annoyance.

“And what’s so funny?” Blane asked, emerging from his own room, grabbing Chris in a headlock.

Chris squirmed to get free, tidying his hair as his head slipped through his big brother’s arm. “We might need to explain the difference between a concubine and a porcupine to Danny!” he sniggered.

Blane opened his mouth to speak, then looked back and forth between the two boys and shook his head. “Yeah, I don’t even wanna know how THAT subject came up! Anyway, come on, we’ve been HONOURED by the presence of mam AND dad. God forbid we keep ‘em waiting!”

Both younger boys picked up on the pointed tone, though it was only Chris who knew the feeling behind it. “Come on, don’t be like that. Can’t you be nice just for once?” His eyes briefly darted to Danny.

Blane let out a low groan and sad mumbled, “Fine, I’ll hold my tongue!”

“What am I missing?” Danny asked curiously.

“About twenty years of Smith family drama,” Aisling said, appearing behind them carrying Fiadh. “Come on, let’s go!”

They were quickly ushered through the house and into the dining room where Chris’ parents were already sat, chatting quietly with Aidan and Clare.

“I’ll take her,” Edward said, taking the youngest sibling from Aisling as he put her into a highchair.

“Danny, a pleasure to meet you in person at last,” Mr Smith said, standing from his seat to greet the boy. He offered his hand, which Danny took, shaking nervously.

“Y… you too, sir,” Danny replied.

“Danny, a pleasure,” Mrs Smith said with a warm smile. While Mr Smith’s accent had been undeniably English, his wife’s accent was heavy Irish even from just the few words she spoke.

“You too, ma’am,” Danny said politely.

“Oh, so polite,” Mrs Smith beamed.

“First time for everything,” Chris muttered as he took a seat, getting a snigger from Blane.

“Yeah, like actually having them both home for dinner,” Blane replied back, sitting beside Chris.

“I told ya not to start,” Chris hissed.

“Something to say, boys?” Mr Smith asked bluntly from the other end of the table.

“No dad,” Chris and Blane replied together.

Cian quickly ran in, happily jumping into the seat the other side of Danny.

“You have a lovely home,” Danny said, looking to the two adults as he sat the other side of Chris.

“Thank you, Danny,” Mrs Smith smiled.

“Yeah, the designers we paid a small country’s GDP to furnish it will be so happy to hear that,” Blane muttered.

“Is there a problem, Blane?” Mr Smith asked pointedly.

“Please,” Chris pleaded softly.

Blane sighed. “No, sorry, I was being rude. My apologies,” he said, though clearly reluctantly.

“So how are things going at school, boys?” Mrs Smith asked, keen to move the conversation on.

“Great, mam,” Chris said cheerfully. He reached out and patted Danny’s arm as he added, “And even better now Danny’s back!”

“Yes, I know the accident t was especially hard on you, Danny, though you seem to be recovering well!” Mrs Smith said with a polite nod.

“It was hard on Chris too,” Danny replied. “Not all wounds are physical!”

There was a slightly stunned silence. Even Danny seemed surprised at his own words as he blushed a little.

“Well he can wipe his own bum again, so that’s progress!” Chris called out to break the tension, getting immediate fits of laughter from the younger siblings. Even Blane and Aisling barely concealed their smirks.

“Christopher!” Mrs Smith snapped. “Don’t be crude!”

Danny was blushing at the comment, but shrugged and said, “He does kinda have a point. Considering four months ago I was paralysed, I’ve definitely made a little progress!”

“More than a little!” Blane said proudly. “He’s put in SO much hard work and that’s not stopping anytime soon. We’ll be in the gym bright and early tomorrow!”

“Early?” Danny whined gently.

“And definitely not bright,” Chris added, elbowing Danny.

Dinner was served a few moments later and conversation managed to stay polite throughout the remainder of the meal, though Danny didn’t need to know the full family history to pick up on the tension between Blane and his parents.


“Oh my god,” Danny moaned with pleasure, calling out to Chris in the next room. “This shower is SO good. Any chance we can take it with us when we go back to school?” he called out to Chris.

“I know right,” Chris said, popping his head round the door from his room. “To be fair though, the showers at school include lots of other naked boys, so,,, kind of worth trading down a bit!”

“Hey, this shower comes with one naked boy. We could always add another and make it two!” Danny giggled.

“Finally, maths I can really get interested in,” Chris said, quickly pulling off his t-shirt. As he neared the shower, he pushed down his jeans and underwear and pulled his feet free, almost tripping over them in his eagerness. “So whadda you reckon?” Chris asked as he slipped into the shower and wrapped his arms around his wet, soapy friend. “Reckon I can make you cum yet?”

“Maybe. Maybe not. Fun to try either way!” Danny said with a playful grin. He had come to terms with two things when it came to orgasms – one, he was recovering sensation gradually and full function was almost guaranteed to return eventually, and two, even if he couldn’t cum, he could still have fun. If it happened, it happened!

Chris smiled, but it faded slowly as he frowned, resting his head on Danny’s shoulder as they pulled into a full-contact hug.

“You okay?” Danny asked softly.

“Yeah, just… I dunno… think where we were this time last year!” Chris sighed.

“Kingswood?” Danny frowned.

“Yeah, but… I mean… like… emotionally,” Chris said, frowning a little.

“Wow, yeah,” Danny nodded. “I was still dealing with the whole Josh thing… and not overly well, if I recall right. And you were like a social piranha…”

“Pariah!” Chris corrected with a snigger.

“That’s what I said,” Danny shrugged. “For screwing Kyle over. And we…”

“We weren’t even talking!” Chris sighed.

“Ah, good times,” Danny chuckled.

“Shut up,” Chris said, grinning back as he shook his head. “We were both miserable…”

“And both single…” Chris added.

“And now we’ve got a total of three boyfriends between us,” Danny added with a wry grin.

“And we’re both… happy… right?” Chris asked cautiously.

“D’you mean… in general, or… with our boyfriends?” Danny asked, unsure if this was leading somewhere.

“Just…” Chris started, then shrugged and said, “Both, I suppose!”

Danny frowned thoughtfully for a moment then said quietly, “Then… yeah, I guess I am… to both! Are you?”

Chris nodded. “Yeah, I…” he paused, blushing. He sighed and said, “We promised honesty, right?”

“Right!” Danny nodded, taking a slight step back, letting his hands casually stroke Chris’ chest.

“I… wasn’t happy,” Chris admitted. He took a deep breath and exhaled slowly as Danny stared. “The whole… you and Brian thing, but… I got used to it. Then things started with Nicky and then Mikey too…”

“Yeah, ya greedy bitch,” Danny giggled.

Chris smirked at the comment too. “Ya know… at one point… last year, I actually thought me, you, Nicky and Mikey might… all get together, ya know, like a… a poly thing,” Chris explained. “And sometimes it seems weird that we did, only… without you, but…”

“But?” Danny grinned, reaching round to grab Chris’ butt.

Chris rolled his eyes as he tried not to smirk at the pun. “But then I see you and Brian together and it’s like… ugh, you two are just so freaking good together. It’s weird to hate it and love it at the same time!”

Danny stared back at his friend for a moment, letting it all sink in. “Yeah, I get it,” he said softly, nodding. “But we’re both happy now, so… let’s just… stay happy. ‘Kay?”

“Deal,” Chris grinned. “Let’s see if I can make you even happier!” he said, letting a hand slide down to Danny’s stiffening dick.

“Well if you’re doing that, I don’t wanna be left out,” Danny said with a devilish grin as he let a hand slide down too.

They embraced again, each resting their head on the other’s shoulder, though this time they kept their lower bodies apart slightly, leaving enough room for them to stroke each other. As they felt the multiple warm jets from the shower all around them, they gradually began stroking faster, both of them beginning to moan and pant with pleasure.

“I’m close,” Chris whimpered. “Are you?”

“Not really,” Danny sighed. Turned on as he was, the limited sensation in his erection meant orgasm through masturbation was difficult. “But don’t stop,” he urged his friend.

“I wanna make you cum,” Chris moaned.

“You will, just… maybe not tonight,” Danny whispered back to him.

“Ugh, oh god, fuck… Danny… Danny… unnh,” Chris moaned as his orgasm crept closer. His moans finally gave way to a high-pitched whimper as he painted Danny’s stomach and crotch with his spunk.

Danny moaned as he felt Chris’ grip tighten around him and heard the pleasured moans. It wasn’t quite enough to push him over the edge, but it certainly gave him a pleasurable thrill.

Chris’ hand finally came to a stop when Danny’s did, the two pressing together once their hands were out of the way.

“Damn, nice show lads!” Blane called out from the doorway.

“Blane!” Chris yelped, suddenly pulling Danny in front of him as he realised they had been caught by his big brother.

“You’re not at Kingswood now, boys. Doors here have locks!” Blane grinned, pointing to the door.

“You’re welcome to join us,” Danny said with a mischievous smile, standing unashamedly naked and hard in front of the young man.

“No!” Chris and Blane both replied instantly.

“Blane, get out!” Chris yelped.

“Yeah yeah yeah, I will,” Blane said with a snigger. “Just came to tell Danny I’ll come grab you at eight, okay? Not QUITE as early as usual.”

“But still fucking early,” Danny moaned, used to being able to sleep in when away from school.

Blane chuckled, “Yup, get over it. See ya tomorrow!”

“Night Blane,” Danny replied, waggling his dick at the departing sibling.

“You’re shameless,” Chris growled at Danny once his brother was gone, turning off the shower. “Hitting on my brother right in front of me!”

“Oh relax, I knew it’d be a no!” Danny shrugged, stepping out as he grabbed a towel. “It always is!”

“Good!” Chris exclaimed. “Wait… always? How often do you hit on him?”

“What? Can’t hear you!” Danny teased, already halfway out of the bathroom with the towel wrapped around his waist.

“You stay away from my brother!” Chris called out as he followed.

After a lot of teasing and joking, both boys had dried off. Tempted as they were to just sleep naked, they decided against it for fear of who else might wander in and both pulled on shorts before climbing into bed.

Danny moaned happily as he sunk into the comfortable bed. “If we’re sticking with the Kingswood showers, can we bring this bed back instead. It’s so comfy!”

“I know, look how comfortable you were earlier,” Chris said, showing Danny his phone screen.

As Danny looked at it, he saw himself fast asleep, cuddled up with Cian. “You took a picture? Delete it!” Danny blushed, reaching out for the phone.

“No chance,” Chris said, pulling the phone clear of Danny’s reach. “This picture is so freaking cute!” He let out a sudden gasp and tapped away for a few seconds.

“What?” Danny demanded. “What what?” he added when he didn’t get an immediate reply.

“Ha!” Chris cackled. “Brian thinks it’s cute too!”

“You… you… you sent it…” Danny stuttered, then let out a groan and said, “I hate you sometimes! What did he say?”

“Well I said ‘watch out, you’ve got competition’ and he replied, ‘no way I can compete with anything that cute. Tell Danny we had a good run!’ so I guess you’re over now!” Chris teased.

“I hate Brian too,” Danny said, though his amusement showed through the faux anger. “And you can tell him that!”

Chris chuckled as he placed his phone on its charger, then looked over to see Danny had grabbed his own. “Checking he hasn’t really dumped you?” he giggled.

“No, just saying good night,” Danny said. He finished tapping away on his phone then placed it aside and shuffled closer to Chris.

They soon nestled together and after chatting briefly about what they had planned for the following day, soon settled down to sleep.

Both boys were almost asleep when the door quietly opened. “Oh!” a young voice exclaimed.

Chris flicked on the lamp and glanced over at the door where one of the twins was standing. “Hey bud,” Chris said, resorting to his usual nickname when he wasn’t sure which twin he was talking to. “Everything okay?”

“Ki-ki went to Blane’s room and I got lonely,” the timid boy said meekly.

Seeing Danny frown, Chris whispered, “That’s what he calls Cian!”

“Sorry, I didn’t know you already had someone in here,” Aidan said, clearly disappointed.

“Hey, don’t worry, always room for another,” Chris reassured the boy. As he saw Aidan stare at Danny, he nudged him and said, “Right?”

“Of course!” Danny said sincerely.

“You sure?” Aidan asked softly.

“Totally,” both Brian and Danny replied at once, then giggled.

“Okie,” Aidan said, smiling sweetly. He closed the door and headed for the bed. Instead of jumping on, he lifted the covers and climbed under them, scurrying his way up before popping out beside Chris.

“Oh, no way, that ain’t right,” Chris said, shaking his head with a stern expression. As Aidan looked at him nervously, Chris grabbed the smaller boy and pulled him over so he slid across into the small gap between himself and Danny. “Better, right?” he asked his friend.

“Perfect!” Danny grinned. He sat up a little and held out his arm to Aidan who looked at it for a moment before lifting his head to let Danny slide it beneath him.

Chris turned the lamp off and the three of them quickly got comfortable. Chris and Danny both lay with their heads together as they both cuddled the boy in between them, who seemed quite content to nuzzle against Danny.

“Night,” Aidan said dreamily.

“Nighty night,” the other two replied in unison once again.

It didn’t take long for Aidan to drift off. Once he was sure the boy was asleep, Chris whispered, “Hey, thanks for this!”

“No problem. All your family seems cool, but these twins…” Danny said, shaking his head slightly.

“I love them SO fucking much!” Chris said, sounding almost tearful.

“Safe to say the feeling’s mutual,” Danny giggled. They fell silent for a few moments before Danny said, “This is… nice!”

“Yeah, it is,” Chris said back, half-asleep.

“It’s…” Danny started, then stopped, sighing a little.

“It’s what?” Chris asked, curiosity shaking off the imminent sleep.

“Ugh, you’ll think it’s lame, but… we’re still going for total honesty, right?” Danny sighed.

“Yup!” Chris agreed.

“Well… you know when we were… erm… trapped?” Danny asked. He heard a heavy breath from Chris that gave his answer. “When you were keeping me talking, we talked about, like, the future and stuff and this is… kinda one of the futures I thought of!”

“You saw yourself in my bed… with my little brother?” Chris asked with a slight smirk.

“Forget it, I told you it was stupid!” Danny said, shaking his head.

Chris reached over Aidan and stroked Danny’s arm. “No, go on… please,” he urged him.

Danny took a deep breath and said, “Well… in one future, I thought about… what it’d be like if… if things had gone different, ya know… if things had ended up with you and me together, and all I could picture was… well, it’s weirdly specific, but it was a Sunday morning. No idea why Sunday, it just was, but we were in bed just, like, snoozing and… in comes our… our kid and gets in with us and we all cuddle together.” He paused, blushing heavily into the silence that followed before adding an awkward, “I told you it’s stupid!”

“That’s not stupid,” Chris sighed. “That sounds amazing!” He thought for a moment. He had thought about being with Danny so many times, even since things started with Brian. He had thought about what he might do if the opportunity arose, and in every scenario, he jumped at it. In his head, he always just grabbed Danny and took hold and never let go, and this felt like one of those opportunities. “But you’re with Brian,” he mused quietly. “And I’m with the guys, so… maybe that future you imagined actually gets to be you and Brian with YOUR kid!”

“Yeah,” Danny replied thoughtfully. He paused a moment and sighed dreamily. Wanting to move on from the awkwardness, he decided to lighten things up a little as he explained, “So I guess after me and Brian get out of bed on that Sunday morning, that’s when you, Nicky and Mikey come round with your kids for a playdate with mine…”

“And we all have a playdate of our own!” Chris suggested with a chuckle.

“Now THAT sounds amazing!” Danny giggled.

They both paused a moment, letting the fantasy play out in their heads.

“You know I love you, don’t you?” Danny asked softly.

“I do,” Chris replied. “And I love you too!”

Neither of them said another word as they nuzzled together, holding Aidan tightly between them. Just on the verge of drifting off to sleep, Chris’ phone buzzed. He grabbed it and opened the message that had arrived, then chuckled as he turned it to show a picture of Nicky and Mikey together with the message, ‘Thinking of you. Also, say hi to Danny!’

Danny grinned at the message before he cuddled back into place again.


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