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As it's been a while, here's a quick recap. After Riley is forced into chastity by his mother to prevent inappropriate touching, his brothers Evan and Callum get involved to help 'manage' Riley's behaviour, which normally resulted in them teasing and humiliating him at every opportunity, often with the help of Callum's friends, Bobby and Peter.

After finally giving Riley the chance to have an orgasm, Evan sets Riley up for a night of sexual torment at the hands of Callum, Bobby and Peter while he and his friends bet on the outcome. Drunk and rowdy, Evan and his mates drink the rest of the night away as their friend Jeremy looks after Riley for the night. The morning after, Jeremy leaves Riley in the care of Bobby, who seems to be on the brink of a relationship with Riley, before heading downstairs to see the aftermath of the party.

Click here for Part 11 

Part 12 – Hangover

Jeremy grinned as he stood in the doorway of the lounge. His four friends were all unconscious, one laying lifelessly across an armchair, one on the ground and two cuddling adorably together on the sofa. He crept in quietly and took a couple of pictures to tease them with later before he shouted out, “WAKEY WAKEY YOU DRUNKEN WHORES! TIME TO GET UP!”

The sounds that came from around the room could have been mistaken for the dead rising from their graves. To be fair, the four hungover teens didn’t look too dissimilar from the living dead either.

“You fucking cunt!” Daz growled at the untimely alarm, not moving from his spot on the sofa.

“I’m gonna fucking kill him!” Frankie added from the floor.

Evan raised his head and opened his eyes just a crack. He couldn’t see much before he had to close them again, the light hurting his head, but what he did see he didn’t like. “Forget that, it’s my mum that’s gonna kill ME if we don’t get this place cleaned up!”

“Stop shouting,” Daz groaned from right beside Evan, despite the actual low volume of the others.

Both teens’ eyes suddenly shot open. As they realised the position they were in, they jumped. Unfortunately it was Evan who came out of it the worst, rolling off and landing heavily on the floor beside Frankie.

Frankie started to laugh but ended up groaning. “Ha haooooh my fucking head!”

“Fuck,” Evan complained, the jolt waking him a little more.

“The fuck did you guys get up to?” Jeremy asked as he roamed the room, casually kicking empty beer cans and smirking at the winces the noise caused in his friends.

“Shit, we really need to clean up,” Evan groaned as he started to look round at the aftermath of their wild night.

Baz, strewn on the armchair, finally opened his eyes and glared at Evan. “Just get your little fag slave brother to do it!” he snorted.

“HEY!” Evan yelled furiously, turning to face his friend. “YOU DON’T CALL HIM THAT!” he snarled.

“Geez, whatever, just kidding!” Baz said defensively, raising his hands.

“He’s a bit sensitive about the F word after spending the night with Daz and finally coming out!” Frankie sniggered, still making absolutely no effort to get up off the floor.

“Fuck you!” Evan and Daz said at the same time.

“Aww, they even swear together. How cute!” Frankie teased.

Jeremy shook his head at the exchange as his gaze swept the disastrous room. While it was a mess, it all looked to be fortunately superficial, the sort of thing that would take some time to tidy and clean, but would leave no lasting effect… except maybe the smell. “Ev, you may wanna crack a window. Smells like… well, it smells like you lot in here, and that ain’t cute!”

“The windows on the wall, help yourself!” Evan gestured randomly. “Ugh, I’m gonna throw up!” he baulked at the slight movement.

“Yeah, I think someone already did!” Jeremy said, dry-heaving as he side-stepped a small puddle on the way to the window.

“Well fuck this shit. I’m outta here!” Daz said, standing from the sofa.

“No fucking way!” Evan insisted. “You helped make the mess, you help clean it up!”

Daz shook his head as he stood. “Not my house, not my problem!” he said dismissively.

“I’m with him!” Baz agreed, staggering to his feet.

“Carry me!” Frankie demanded, his arms flailing wildly in the direction of the others.

“I could, or… you could go fuck yourself!” Baz said, giving him a gentle kick to the stomach.

“Oof,” Frankie grunted. It was enough to prompt him to move and he climbed unsteadily to his feet.

Evan shook his head angrily at all of them. “Seriously, you’re all fucking abandoning me. Fuck you all!”

“Love you too, Ev. Great party. See ya!” Baz called out with a smirk, getting similar shouts from Frankie and Daz as they headed for the door.

Evan scowled as he turned to Jeremy and shrugged as he said, “S’pose you’re fucking off too!”

“Nah, I don’t like leaving a mess,” Jeremy shrugged.

The comment deflated Evan’s anger a little and his shoulders slumped as he looked round at all the work he had to do. His eyes suddenly widened as he looked back to Jeremy. “Riley!” he declared frantically. “What did…” he turned to look at the chair his younger brother had been tied to the night before.

“Oh, finally remembered him, have you!” Jeremy said a little coldly. “Relax, I cleaned him up and took him to bed. Kept an eye on him. Now he’s with… one of the others, I never really got their names last night!” he explained, having left Riley in Bobby’s care.

“You’re the fucking best,” Evan said, clearly relieved. “You enjoy last night’s betting then?”

“Did he really volunteer?” Jeremy asked suspiciously, ignoring the question.

“I didn’t force him to do anything!” Evan insisted, avoiding the question without lying. “But you know mum can be a bit… extra. She started it, I’m just… helping it along!”

“Hmmm,” Jeremy hummed thoughtfully, looking Evan up and down suspiciously. “And this has nothing to do with your… you-know-what?” he asked cryptically with a smirk.

“That’s got nothing to do with it!” Evan snapped, starting to pick up bottles. “Anyway, if you’re staying then… at least help clean up!” After a few moments he asked quietly, “Is Riley okay?” as he continued to tidy.

“Seemed okay. Bit worn out, which is probably to be expected. Perked up a bit when his little boyfriend showed up!” Jeremy smirked.

“Boyfriend?” Jeremy asked with a confused frown. Much of last night was blurry, but bits of it still floated through his head. He remembered Bobby and Riley making out. “Oh, I… didn’t even know they were together!”

“They weren’t,” Jeremy said, shaking his head. “But I’m guessing that’s changed by now!”

Evan thought about it, a smile slowly spreading across his face. “Riley and Bobby,” he mused quietly to himself. “Cool!”

“Aww,” Jeremy grinned, glad Evan’s happiness for his little brother appeared to be genuine.

“Wait, no, not cool!” Evan said, suddenly wide-eyed. “Fuck. Mum can NOT find out!”

“She’d… have a problem with it?” Jeremy asked. He had never met Evan’s mother, but from the things he told them about her she just sounded awful. Homophobia would not be much of a stretch compared to the other things he had heard about her.

“Fuck yes!” Evan exclaimed. “I mean… she’d flip out just if she knew Riley was gay… Cal too, but finding out he had an actual boyfriend… she’d kill him… and Bobby… and Cal for bringing a gay into the house… AND me for letting it happen. Fuck!” He huffed, shaking his head. He sighed as he glanced around the room again and grumbled, “That’s a problem for later. For now… we clean!”


Thankfully, cleaning didn’t take as long as Evan had feared and between his own efforts and Jeremy’s assistance, he soon had the house spotless again, with a whole can of air freshener sprayed around to cover any lingering odours. He had even had the foresight to have the trash disposed of away from the house for fear of his tyrannical mother finding the evidence.

Evan collapsed onto the sofa, getting a slightly disgruntled look from Jeremy who had just finished perfectly positioning the cushions. “Ughhhh,” he groaned, finally allowing himself to feel the affects of his hangover. “I think I’m dying!”

“I think you probably need to drink something,” Jeremy said seriously, then smirked as he grabbed his crotch and said, “And I’d be happy to help!”

“Ugh no way,” Evan scoffed.

“Think of it as payment for all the help!” Jeremy said, standing up and towering over Evan.

“If you want your dick sucked, go upstairs. There’s, like, four gays who’d be happy to give it a go right there!”

“Four gay KIDS. Betting on them playing with each other was weird enough. No way I’m doing shit like that WITH them!” Jeremy insisted. “Come on mate, I’m gagging!”

“Jez…” Evan whined.

“I suppose I COULD go ask one of your brothers,” Jeremy said thoughtfully, “Though I might accidentally let slip some of YOUR little secrets while they’re doing it!”

“Cunt!” Evan growled, shaking his head. “Fine!”

“Ha, awesome. Nobody sucks dick quite like a straight guy!” Jeremy said happily, quickly pushing the lounge door closed before pulling out his stiffening prick.

Evan growled as the dick was held in front of his face. Shooting Jeremy a final look of annoyance, he took it into his mouth and gagged a little, but managed not to fully choke. It was not the first cock he had sucked and was not even the first time he had sucked Jeremy’s. Their regular bets sometimes strayed into sexual territory, though in their case dick sucking was normally a punishment for a loser rather any actual attempt to give pleasure to the recipient. The few times Evan HAD gone all the way with sucking dick had not been part of his friends’ shenanigans, it had been part of… something else… something nobody other than Jeremy knew about… something he planned to keep that way!

“Hey, don’t forget the balls, straightie,” Jeremy teased.

Evan pulled back and glared once more, taking hold of his friend’s dick with one hand to keep up the stimulation as he lapped away at the heavy balls beneath. Hearing Jeremy moaning with sheer delight spurred him on more. He may not have revelled in the act of cock sucking, but like most things in his life, if he was doing something he wanted to do it well. He took the dick back into his mouth, swapping his hand to cup and caress the balls while he allowed his other hand to slide between Jeremy’s legs and probe up into his crack.

“Fuck yes,” Jeremy chuckled as he squatted a little to allow Evan easier access as he felt fingers poking at his hole. “That’s… that’s gonna… make me…” he gasped, knowing exactly what was about to happen. “Evan… swallow it!” he ordered as his legs went weak and he had to put an arm down onto the sofa to steady himself.

Evan let the spunk fill his mouth. While the idea of eating cum was not an appealing one, he didn’t find the taste particularly objectionable and simply allowed it to pool as Jeremy’s cock spasmed wildly against his lashing tongue.

“Okay… okay okay okay,” Jeremy said, pulling back and slapping both of Evan’s hands away. “Damn, you sure I can’t convert you to our side. You would make a LOT of guys VERY happy!”

Evan gulped to swallow the load, getting a grin from Jeremy. “Sorry mate, ass is hot, but you know me… I love the pussy!” he grinned.

“Well, I think my work here is done,” Jeremy said happily as he zipped back up. “Enjoy the rest of the hangover!” He leaned down close to Evan, kissed him playfully on the cheek the yelled in his ear, “BYE!” just to watch him flinch.

With Jeremy gone, Evan was sorely tempted to pop a couple more aspirin and just fall back to sleep, but it seemed he had something more important to deal with first. Sticking with part of his idea and swallowing a couple of pills first, Evan headed upstairs where he heard noise coming from both Riley and Callum’s rooms. He left his youngest brother to whatever he was doing and headed to the open doorway to Riley’s room instead.

As he looked inside, he found Riley restrained on his bed with Bobby laying on top, the two boys making out. He cleared his throat and laughed as Bobby jumped so far he actually fell off the bed.

“Bobby!” Riley yelled out, trying to look where the other boy had just fallen.

“I’m okay,” Bobby groaned, standing up and rubbing his arm.

“Sorry bud,” Evan sniggered. “But that’s exactly what I came to talk to you about. I’m guessing… it’s official, yes?”

As Bobby blushed heavily, Riley nodded proudly and declared firmly, “Yeah, he’s my boyfriend and if you’ve got a problem with that…”

“Woah woah woah, hold up mate,” Evan said, shaking his head as he raised his hands defensively. “No problem here. I mean… look at the shit I’ve had you do. You really think I got a problem with a bit of boy-on-boy?”

“Oh, I guess not!” Riley frowned, a little deflated, having been ready to fight. “So what’s the problem?” he asked with a curious frown.

“Mum!” Evan said bluntly. “I don’t wanna scare you, but… if mum found out that you’re gay she’d hit the roof and if she ever found out you two were together… believe me you’d never get within two miles of each other ever again, and that’d suck cos you’re stupidly cute together!”

“Aww, thanks,” Riley said with a huge grin.

“No, wait. Stupid AND cute,” Evan corrected himself playfully. “But my point is, you gotta be careful. If mum’s away like this every week, then… great, you can do stuff then, but outside of that… you gotta keep your distance. Far as mum’s concerned, Bobby’s JUST your little brother’s mate, got it?” he asked, looking to Riley.

“Got it!” Riley nodded.

Evan looked to Bobby and said, “And Riley’s JUST your mate’s big brother, that’s all. Understand?”

Bobby nodded as he declared, “Yeah, I do!”

“Good. I don’t want to see mum screw this up for you guys,” Evan said supportively. “There IS just one more thing though!” As Bobby and Riley looked at him questioningly. “That!” he said, pointing to the cage on Riley’s dick. “From now on, if Bobby’s around, it stays ON. Doesn’t matter if you’re restrained or not, your dick is off limits to you AND your boyfriend. You start getting regular relief from Bobby and I guarantee mum’ll know! Fuck knows how, but she will!”

“So I’ll never get to play with it?” Bobby asked, distraught.

“I’ll… think of an arrangement,” Evan reassured him. “But yeah, at least for a little while you gotta get used to no action again. Sorry mate!”

Bobby and Riley sighed at the news, but reluctantly nodded their understanding. Things may have been about to change, but some things seemed doomed to stay exactly the same for Riley.


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