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Chris and Danny – Part 2

Sunday 4 April 2021

As Danny awoke, he felt an arm draped over him and a bare cheek against his chest. After a year and a half at Kingswood, he was used to waking up with a ‘Smith’ at his side, though today was not Chris Smith in his usual position, it was Chris’ little brother Aidan.

Danny raised his head a little to glance at the clock and saw he still had ten minutes before his alarm was due to go off, ahead of his daily physio session with Blane (the eldest Smith brother!) so he let his head flop down and looked at boys to his side.

While it was Aidan who was clung to him, Chris was still present as always, right by Danny’s side. As he lay on his side, his mouth slightly open with a small dribble of drool from the corner of it, Danny had to stop himself sniggering. Instead, he just lay there enjoying the closeness to the two boys for his final few peaceful minutes.

As the time for his alarm grew nearer, he reached for his phone and deactivated it to avoid waking the others, then gently lifted Aidan, sliding him across to rest on Chris instead. Both Smith boys stirred a little, but only enough to get comfortable together without really waking up.

Just as Danny began to climb out of bed, he saw the door gently open. Blane appeared, a young boy held in his arms – Aidan’s twin brother Cian. He grinned at the sight of Chris and Aidan together, then watched silently as Blane walked over to the bed, lifted the covers and placed the sleeping seven-year-old on Chris’ free side before tucking them back in. Once again Chris stirred, unconsciously wrapping an arm around the other twin.

Danny grabbed his workout clothes and quickly dressed then followed Blane out into the hallway. Once the door was quietly closed, Danny grinned at the young man then gestured to the room they had just vacated and said, “That was too fucking cute!”

“I know right,” Blane chuckled, smiling fondly. “You sleep okay?”

“SO well,” Danny beamed. “That bed’s amazing! You glad to be home?” he asked cautiously as they wandered through the house.

Blane let out a low groan, unsure how frank to be with the boy. “Yes and no,” he answered honestly. As Danny looked at him, silently prompting him to go on, he elaborated, “I’m really happy to see the twins and the girls, but…” He paused.

“Not so much your parents?” Danny asked with a sympathetic smile. “Kinda hard not to pick up on that!”

Blane sighed and nodded. “Yeah,” he said wistfully. “Every time I see them it feels like thing just get worse and I’m worried one day it’s just gonna get so bad I won’t be able to even come back here and… that’d kill me, not seeing the others.”

“So what’s the problem?” Danny asked as they headed into the gym. “Between you and them, I mean.”

“This!” Blane said, gesturing to the large room full of equipment. Danny looked understandably confused. “All of it,” he went on, gesturing to their surroundings in general. “You’ve seen this place, and the plane and… and the staff and everything. We’ve got so freaking much and there are so many people out there with so little and it just feels… wrong!”

Danny nodded thoughtfully. “Yeah, I guess that makes sense. So… your parents don’t agree?”

“Let’s stretch,” Blane instructed as they got in place, starting to lead Danny through his daily warm-up exercises. “And no, they really don’t,” he said, returning to the conversation. “They always make the lamest arguments, like… ‘we already give to charity’ and ‘we’ve worked for what we have’ and it just… pisses me off. I mean, most of their charity donations are just for tax purposes and yeah, I admit they work fucking hard for what we have, but… well that just ends up with them barely being home. Me, Aisling and Edward have raised the others more then our parents ever did and it’s like… having all this money is more important to them than having a family!”

Danny had been following along with the stretches but stopped and just nodded. “Yeah, I get why that sucks,” he said sympathetically.

“Ugh, sorry, I don’t mean to rant at you, I just… being back here always bothers me more than I expect it to!” Blane admitted.

“It’s okay, family can be tough,” Danny nodded.

“Understatement of the century,” Blane sniggered. “Anyway, let’s forget about that. I brought you with me so we could keep up your progress, so let’s not start slacking now! Finish your stretches then onto the treadmill.”

Danny let out a groan but nodded his understanding.


“Excellent work,” Blane said proudly as Danny walked slowly behind him. “Finish up with a few lengths in the pool and we’re all done for the day!”

“Really? All done? You sure you don’t want to LITERALLY work me to death?” Danny grumbled, getting a smirk from Blane. He gave a weary chuckle and said, “I’ll run and grab my swimwear.”

“Nah, don’t bother,” Blane said, shaking his head. “Finn’s the only one who uses the pool this early and he’s not back yet.”

Danny stared back for a moment, slightly confused, then caught on and said, “I’m not going skinny-dipping in your house!”

“Sure you are,” Blane said, grabbing Danny’s sweat moistened t-shirt to pull it off over his head.

“Oy!” Danny complained as his clothing was removed. “Fine,” he eventually conceded. He kicked off his trainers and pulled his socks off, then looked round at the quiet pool area and let out a sigh. Shaking his head, he pulled his shorts down and stepped out of them.

Blane immediately grabbed Danny, picked him up and tossed him into the pool. As the boy emerged, coughing and spluttering, he grinned and said, “Come on then, it’s not as big as the pool at school, so you’ll have to do a few more lengths than usual. Get to it!”

“Bastard,” Danny grumbled at his unceremonious entry to the pool.

“I’ll be right back,” Blane said, scooping up Danny’s discarded clothing. As he saw the boy staring in dismay, he smiled and said, “Oh relax, I’m just going to grab you a towel, I’ll be right back. Now go on, I said get to it,” he said, gesturing down the pool.

Danny started swimming as instructed, relieved at the smaller pool as it meant he got to cling onto the end for a brief breather a little more often. He kept on swimming lengths, glancing over at the door at every opportunity, convinced Blane wasn’t coming back. Just as he was nearing the end near the door, he spotted movement and was about to hurl some more abuse when he realised it wasn’t Blane!

Instead, it appeared to be the final member of the Smith household that Danny was yet to meet, fifteen-year-old Finn. Suddenly very aware of his own nudity, Danny grabbed onto the side of the pool and ducked down out of sight, hoping the older boy was just passing through.

“You only wanted to stay on so you could see me in just my swimwear,” Finn said cockily as he walked in.

Danny didn’t hear a response and assumed Finn had earbuds in. The mention of swimwear sent a ripple of panic through him as that made it pretty clear this was no fleeting visit. He considered revealing himself (figuratively) but figured if he could stay hidden until Finn was in the pool, he was less likely to have his nudity spotted.

“If I show you that, what do I get in return?” Finn asked playfully, quickly followed by, “Oh come on, this has gotta earn me something!”

Danny was frozen. This was no ordinary call. Whoever the teen was speaking to, the flirtation was undeniable. He felt wrong to listen in and yet his cock was already stiffening.

“More? I can’t really show MUCH more than this!” Finn insisted. A momentary pause. “No way, not in here, someone could come in!” Another pause. “Ah come on, don’t be like that. Fine, but… just for a second, okay!”

Danny’s heart was pounding. As he peered off to the side, he could just about make out the reflection of the older boy in a window. He watched as he put the phone down then stepped away from it.

“You see me okay?” Finn asked. “Okay, here goes,” he said, looking round for a moment before he yanked his shorts down to his ankles. “There, happy now?” he asked, then giggled and said, “Yeah, I guess it does. Can I pull them back up now?”

Danny’s hand lowered to his own cock, stroking it as he stared at the faint reflection of the naked teen, desperately trying to control his breathing to remain concealed.

“Ah come on, really?” Finn whined. “Okay, well… you’d better show me something in return!”

Danny stifled a gasp as he saw Finn’s hand move to his dick, stroking it quickly. He could hear it too, the gentle fapping he knew all too well from sharing a room with seven other boys.

“Yeah, yeah, come on… lemme see ‘em!” Finn pleaded. “Come on babe, you gotta show me!” He huffed and snapped, “You’re just a fucking tease! Wait, sorry, no I… ugh fuck it! Bitch!” He pulled out his earbuds, the call seemingly ended. He suddenly froze and looked round, calling out, “Is… is someone… there?”

Danny froze in place as Finn quickly pulled up his shorts. It was the first proper look Danny had managed to get at him. Sure, he had seen pictures and occasionally caught glimpses of him on Chris’ weekly video calls, but in person this was his first opportunity.

Chris had often described Finn as the ‘odd one out’ amongst the boys of their family and he could now see why. Blane looked very much like a ‘ten years older’ version of Chris, a glimpse into his likely future development. The twins were the opposite, a glimpse into Chris’ past, the two seven-year-olds looking so much like Chris had at their age. All four of them sported the same soft brown hair, emerald-green eyes, soft features and a chunky-yet-defined physique.

Finn was… different! His jet black hair and piercing blue eyes alone made him stand out, but his slender-almost-skinny physique, now almost entirely on show, and slightly angular features made him look like he might have been from an entirely different family. Having met their parents though, Danny had immediately spotted that Chris and the others’ appearance seemed largely inherited from their mother, while Finn’s traits seemed to come from their father.

“What the fuck!” Finn exclaimed, appearing on the side of the pool, staring down at Danny. “Who the fuck are… wait… Danny?!”

“Hi Finn,” Danny said meekly, trying desperately to look at the teen’s face and not the obvious bulge of his unsated erection. “Nice to… see you,” he said cautiously.

“You were fucking spying on me!” Finn exclaimed, appalled.

“No!” Danny insisted. “Well, yes, but not on purpose. I was hiding because…”

“You’re naked!” Finn exclaimed, staring down. From such a direct angle he could easily see Danny wasn’t wearing anything.

“Yeah, exactly,” Danny said, “I didn’t want you to see, but… but then you were… on that call and… and… I’m sorry, I’m sorry, I’m so sorry!”

“You… you… didn’t hear anything! You got it?” Finn said, staring wide-eyed at the boy below him. “You say a word to anyone and I’ll fucking end you!”

“I won’t, I promise!” Danny said nervously.

“You’d better not!” Finn snapped. He glared for a moment then turned and stormed out, grabbing his phone on the way.

Danny stayed clung to the side of the pool for a few moments but jumped as he heard the door again. As he looked, he saw Blane walk in carrying a towel. “You done already?” he asked as he saw Danny wasn’t swimming.

“Yeah, yeah I wanna get out,” Danny said, slightly shaken.

“Was Finn just in here?” Blane asked, holding the towel up for Danny to step straight into as he climbed the steps. “He looked ready to swim but he as going the other way!”

“Oh, erm… I guess he saw me and decided he didn’t want company!” Danny said nervously.

“Lucky for you!” Blane sniggered, wrapping the towel around the naked boy.


Danny flopped down onto the bench, shaking his head in disbelief. “They… they… can’t be human!” he said, getting a snigger from Edward who was sat beside him, bouncing Clare on his knee, baby Fiadh asleep in a pushchair beside him. Danny glanced over to where Chris and Aisling were being tormented by the twins in a game that had started out as football. “Nothing human runs around like them two have all morning and still has that much energy left!”

Edward chuckled. “That’s exactly what Chris was like at their age!” the young man said, smiling fondly. “He was about that age when I joined the family!”

Danny smiled sweetly. “I like that,” he said happily. “They really do treat you like part of the family!”

“That’s because I am. I’m secretly Chris’ dad!” Edward said, po-faced.

“You… you… what?” Danny stuttered, wide-eyed.

Edward sniggered as he shook his head. “So gullible!” he smirked.

“Whass gubbible?” Clare asked, looking up at him.

“It means he’ll believe anything!” Edward said as Danny blushed.

“You gubbible!” Clare laughed, pointing at Danny.

“Yes I am,” Danny said playfully to the little girl, then glared at Edward, annoyed but mostly amused. “So they’re a lot like Chris then?” he asked, turning his attention back to the four siblings.

“Hmm, not so much. I mean, yeah, full of energy and absolute cuddle monsters,” Edward said with a nod, “But… Aidan’s really thoughtful and careful, while Cian’s more of a jump first, ask questions later type. Chris is somewhere in between them.”

“Gubbible,” Clare giggled, shifting round on Edward’s lap to watch her older brothers and sister.

“What’s… Finn like?” Danny asked cautiously. Since his encounter with the teen in the pool, Finn had not ventured out of his room and had declined to join the rest of them for their morning out.

Edward let out a sigh that prompted a slightly nervous frown from Danny. “Oh, sorry, I don’t mean anything from the sigh,” Edward said a little awkwardly. “It’s just… well no offence to you and your people, but teenagers are… tricky!”

“On behalf of my people…” Danny started, but stopped, not wanting to be too rude in front of the child sat on Edward’s knee. He let out a low groan instead and prompted, “Go on!”

“It’s just… teenage years can be a hard time. It’s when you really figure out who you are,” Edward explained.

“When you become the final cookie,” Danny muttered, smiling to himself as he remembered the metaphor a friend had recounted to him back in Year 7. “Sorry, ignore me, go on,” he urged Edward, who looked understandably confused.

“Finn’s still… finding himself. I think that’s the best way to put it!” Edward said diplomatically.

“So… you’re basically saying he’s a moody…” Danny started, paused to glance at Clare and then spelled out, “B-I-T-C-H?”

As Edward sniggered and nodded, Clare looked at Danny curiously and said, “Thass not how the alphabet goes!”

“My mistake,” Danny said, holding back a grin. “Why don’t you tell me how it goes!” he said. “And quickly before your brothers drag me back out there!”


“Be prepared for their wrath!” Chris said as he and Danny wandered into the house. “If you think they’re terrors when they’re happy, you should see them when they’re not!”

“Oh god,” Danny giggled.

After their family time in the park, Edward, Blane and Aisling had headed home with the others, much to the annoyance of the twins who had wanted to stay with Chris and Danny. While Danny had been willing to let the boys tag along, Chris wanted some alone time with his best friend so he could show Danny around the local botanical gardens.

While Danny didn’t share Chris’ love of plants, he always loved hearing Chris talk about the things he was passionate about. Books, music and plants – they were the main things that Chris could really get carried away talking about. Seeing the local beauty spot, Danny began to understand why Chris liked the gardens at Kingswood so much. They were like a little piece of home for him. It had been nice to see the place Chris loved so much before they joined the rest of the family back at home.

“Yeah, if you see Cian charge at you, cover your crotch. The little bastard goes for the balls every time,” Chris sniggered as they headed towards his room. He got a laugh and understanding nod back from Danny.

As they wandered along, another door opened and Finn emerged, stopping dead in his tracks as he saw the two thirteen-year-olds.

“Oh my god. It’s alive!” Chris teased.

Finn looked like he wanted to say something back, but his eyes fixed on Danny, blushing slightly.

“So we finally meet,” Danny said, before Finn could say anything. “In person anyway,” he added. He stepped forward and offered his hand.

Finn remained frozen in place for a moment, he gave Chris a brief, very nervous glance before fixing his gaze on Danny.

Danny knew what he was thinking. He could see it written all over his face, the fear that his embarrassing phone call earlier had been gossiped about and laughed at with Chris. Danny just shook his head ever-so-slightly.

Finn let out a breath, seemingly not even realising he had been holding it. “Yeah, nice to meet you too,” he said, shaking Danny’s hand.

“What you up to?” Chris asked. “We were just gonna go play video games if you wanna join us!”

“Can’t,” Finn said with a dismissive shrug. “Just on my way out.”

“Aww, I’ve barely seen you since I got home,” Chris complained. “Don’t you wanna hang out with your favourite little brother anymore?” he asked as he stared at Finn with puppy-dog eyes and an over-exaggerated pout.

Finn rolled his eyes and shook his head. “Ugh, I hate when you do that!” he grumbled.

“Yeah, but only cos it works,” Chris said with a cheesy grin.

“Look, I really do gotta go out, but we’ll hang out later, promise!” Finn insisted.

“Yay, you’re the best!” Chris said, happily grabbing the older boy in a quick hug.

Finn shoved the younger boy away, clearly not a fan of the hugs, at least not with Danny watching. “You’re not wrong,” he smirked as Chris walked away. “See ya later,” he said, then as he turned and passed Danny, gave him a meek smile and whispered a little awkwardly, “Thanks!”

Danny just smiled back and then ran after Chris.


The moment Chris climbed into bed beside Danny that night, he felt the other boy’s hand grasp at him desperately. “You okay? he asked with a slight smirk as he felt Danny press up against him.

“I NEED to cum!” Danny growled.

Chris sniggered and asked, “Bit horny, are ya?”

“Chris, I NEED to cum. I don’t WANT to cum. I NEED it. I haven’t done it for days and every time I get close, one of your brothers or sisters seems to show up out of nowhere and totally cock-block me. Make me cum or I swear I’m… walking home!” Danny threatened. It may have only been a couple of days, but between spending so much time around Chris and Blane, Danny would normally have been quite horny anyway, but his encounter with Finn in the pool that morning was pushing it to a whole other level.

“Walking… to England?” Chris asked, raising an eyebrow.

Danny grabbed Chris’ head and held it inches from his own as he growled, “Yeah, THAT’S how horny I am. So make me cum already!”

“Can’t ya just knock out a quick one in the shower like a normal guy?” Chris teased.

“I can’t do a quick anything!” Danny insisted. “Everything’s still… kinda numb so it takes FOREVER. Just jerking off I’d be laid here for like an hour!”

“Great! I’ll watch!” Chris grinned.

Danny let out an almost inhuman growl.

“Geez, okay, chill,” Chris smirked, shaking his head. “How d’ya wanna do it? I could suck it!”

“Or I could fuck you!” Danny said, his hands tightening a little as they gripped onto Chris.

Chris pressed his hips forward slightly so that his underwear-clad bulge pressed against Danny’s as he replied, “I think I like the sound of that!”

“Get lube!” Danny snapped, clearly eager.

Chris had barely got his lubricated finger out of his butt before he felt Danny’s rigid tool sliding inside him. He let out a low moan as Danny pushed all the way in. It was a pleasant change from the dicks he was used to. Mikey was on the smaller side, while Nicky’s massive schlong could do amazing things, but was still slightly uncomfortable at times. Danny was happily in between.

Danny let out a slight whimper as he started fucking Chris. It felt good, but the physical sensation was barely a touch on what it would have been before his accident. He kept thinking back to that night on the school’s roof garden, the first time he had fucked Chris. It felt incredible, the tight hole squeezing his cock, the unexpected but pleasant heat, all of it. The fucking he was doing right now did bring with it the intense excitement of knowing he was fucking his favourite person in the world, but lacked the physical stimulation he really needed to get off.

“You okay,” Chris asked, reaching back to grasp gently at Danny’s thigh.

“Yeah, might just… take me a while,” Danny sighed.

Chris nuzzled back against him and sighed dreamily, “I’m okay with that!”

Danny grasped tightly onto Chris as they lay spooning, using short sharp thrusts into his hole as Chris grasped tightly onto his arms. “You can… play with yourself… too,” Danny gasped, already feeling himself beginning to tire.

“No,” Chris said, raising Danny’s hand to kiss it gently. “I don’t cum til you do!”

“You don’t have to… do that,” Danny sighed, appreciating the gesture.

“I know,” Chris replied softly, pushing back slightly against the other boy.

As Danny’s stamina began to ebb, he felt himself getting closer and closer to release. Chris was moaning happily along with him as he felt the heavy breath on the back of his neck. Suddenly, the door opened and both boys froze in place.

“Chris?” one of the twins whispered through the darkness.

“Fuck,” Chris whispered, quickly pulling away from Danny as he pulled boxers on. He sat up and said softly,  “Hey buddy, you okay?”

“Can we sleep in here?” It was Cian, Chris recognised the tone, though the ‘we’ gave away that both twins appeared to be standing there. “To make up for you ditching us earlier!” he added pointedly.

Chris turned slightly to glance at Danny in the low light. “Sure,” Danny whispered, reaching down to pull his own boxers back up.

“Yeah, that’s fine, come on over,” Chris called out, clicking on his lamp to make sure the two boys made it across the room safely.

“Are you okay?” Aidan asked as he neared the bed. “You’re all red!”

“Oh we were just…” Chris started, then paused, smirking. “…wrestling,” he finished, getting a chuckle and slight headshake from Danny.

“I’m going in the middle,” Cian said firmly, then glanced at his twin and said, “Adey got it last night so it’s my turn!” He jumped onto the bed and climbed in between Chris and Danny.

“How ‘bout you, lil dude?” Chris asked Aidan. “Which side you going?”

Aidan didn’t answer, he just swivelled back and forth on the spot as he stared down at his hands, clearly shy.

“Come on,” Danny said, holding a hand out to welcome the boy in to his side of the bed.

Aidan needed no more invitation than that. He jumped onto the bed and climbed over the three boys, getting grunts and groans from them as he scrambled across before getting in place on Danny’s free side.

Both twins cuddled up against Danny, though Cian also reached behind him to pull Chris closer, until he was sandwiched between the two older boys.

Chris shot Danny a brief apologetic look to Danny for the interruption and further delay to his orgasm, but he just got a sweet smile in return. Chris turned off the light and the four boys fidgeted for a few minutes, all gradually settling into mutually comfortable positions.


As the wind blew around Danny, dead leaves rustled, grating against each other like nails on a chalkboard. The wilted plants and decaying statues of the Kingswood roof garden stretched around him endlessly in most directions, all except the path right ahead of him which led straight to a stone balustrade, a sheer drop on the opposite side.

Danny knew where he was just as much as he knew what was about to happen. He wanted to turn around and walk through the door that he knew should have been there but as he turned, he just found himself facing the balustrade once again. He heard his own shaky breath as he panted, the only sound he could make as words evaded him.

He took a few steps forward. As he walked, a figure emerged from his right, heading for the edge – Josh! He watched helplessly as the other boy climbed up, peering over the edge to the gaping chasm below.

Danny turned, desperate to call for help, to have anyone there, to have someone who could help him save Josh, but he remained alone, the dead, desolate garden empty and silent save for the constant screech of dead leaves in the wind.

“Come on Danny,” Josh said, staring at him hopefully. “You know this part!”

Danny tried to speak but no words came out. He could feel his throat closing up slowly as he struggled to find the words he needed to talk Josh off the ledge.

“Nothing to say?” Josh asked. “You don’t wanna help me?” He sniffed, then tears began to roll down his cheeks… blood… beads of it rolling down, leaving red streaks in their wake.

Danny tried to reach out, but his arms felt heavy, impossibly heavy, hanging limply at his sides as his throat continued to close up. He tried to gasp, to take a breath to allow himself to speak, but nothing got through. He stood there unable to move, unable to speak… unable to breathe! The seconds ticked by with Josh moving closer to the edge, each moment that passed slowly increasing Danny’s desperate need for air.

He could feel himself getting dizzy as he stood watching Josh get ready to jump, tears of blood spattering down onto the stone rail.

“Danny!” a gentle voice whispered as Danny woke with a start, gasping for air, almost in tears.

“You were having a bad dream,” Cian whispered, sitting up with his hand on Danny’s shoulder.

Reality swept back in as Danny remembered where he was, the dream gnawing at his mind. “I… I’m okay,” Danny said weakly, mostly glad to just have the ability to speak again.

“It sounded really bad,” Cian said, nestling back down to cuddle against the older boy.

Danny nodded as he took a deep breath. Aidan had rolled away and remained fast asleep, but behind Cian, Danny could just make out slight movement from Chris.

“It was,” Danny agreed softly.

“What happened?” Cian asked, his arm draping over Danny’s stomach to grip at him tightly.

Danny knew he couldn’t share the details with the young boy, so he just said, “I was remembering when friend was in trouble!”

“What kind of trouble?” Cian asked curiously.

Danny thought for a moment and said, “Something bad was going to happen to him and I was the only one who could help!”

“That sounds scary,” Cian nodded, his eyes already drooping sleepily. “So did you help him?”

Danny sighed heavily and decided to give the reality-based answer rather than the version from the dream. “Yeah, yeah I did,” he said quietly.

“I thought so. Cos you’re awesome!” Cian said happily, letting out a cute little yawn. “If you get scared again, you know where I am!” he said as he closed his eyes.

Danny lay for a few moments, stroking the younger boy’s back as he drifted back to sleep. He suddenly felt a hand grab his own.

“Was it the you and me thing or the Josh thing?” Chris whispered, reaching out to comfort his friend. “I know you’ve had dreams about both!”

“Josh,” Danny replied succinctly.

“Been a while since you had one,” Chris said sympathetically. “Everything okay?”

“Yeah,” Danny insisted. “They still just… come up now and then,” he admitted. “But I don’t need to worry with Cian to look after me,” he added with a slight chuckle.

“Yeah, proud big brother moment there!” Chris said happily, gently stroking his little brother’s hair. “You gonna be okay?”

“Yeah, I’m good,” Danny reassured him. “Let’s go back to sleep!”


Monday 5 April 2021

Danny had been quite rudely awakened that morning. He had felt hands grab at his ankles before being yanked down under the covers and dragged out of the bottom of the bed, leaving Chris and the twins sleeping obliviously around his vacated spot. He had almost screamed out in surprise, but Blane’s hand over his mouth had silenced him.

Their morning workout had been an awkward one. Danny’s sexual cravings were yet to be sated since arriving at the Smith household and it was becoming undeniably apparent in the persistent erections that he was finding it impossible to conceal. Blane noticed easily, and though he gave a lot of smirks to the younger boy, never teased him outright, though that actually seemed to make it worse.

Unlike the previous day, Danny had brought swimwear with him for the inevitable swim that would follow. While he wasn’t naked as he had been the previous morning, he may as well have been. His cock swelled the moment he was clad in his Kingswood speedo, leaving very little to the imagination. He followed Blane through to the pool area, his hands cupped awkwardly in front of the sizeable bulge.

“Ah, perfect!” Blane exclaimed as he spotted Finn already in the pool. “If you’re here, I don’t have to stay. Keep an eye on Danny while he does his laps, could ya?” he requested, not even giving Finn a chance to respond before he rushed out.

Finn paused, treading water in the middle of the pool as he stared at the younger boy. The way his hands were positioned, the speedo was almost completely concealed. “Not going skinny-dipping again, are ya?” he asked with a smirk.

“No!” Danny declared urgently, dropping his hands away, though he quickly put them back in place as he realised he had just shown off the bulge of his ongoing erection. “Fuck my life,” Danny mumbled as Finn grinned, shaking his head.

“You getting in?” Finn asked, feeling a little sorry for the embarrassed boy.

“Oh, yeah,” Danny said, scurrying forward. He jumped into the pool feet first and only moved his hands from his crotch once he was safely in the water. As he popped back up, tossing his head to flick his wet hair aside, he glanced at Finn who had already returned to swimming lengths of the pool. Figuring the conversation, what little there was of it, was over, he started swimming too.

After a few lengths, both going at different speeds, they both reached the same end at the same time.

“So are you… gonna be in here every morning?” Finn asked as he gripped onto the side of the pool.

“Oh, if I’m… bothering you… I can ask Blane if we can move to later,” Danny said apologetically.

“No, you’re not bothering me,” Finn insisted. “I was just… ya know… talking.”

“Oh!” Danny said, venturing a meek smile. “Then… yeah, I guess I am!”

“Cool,” Finn said, then paused a moment and nodded as he repeated, “Cool.” He frowned a little, clearly contemplating something. He eventually gave a hint of a wicked smile and asked, “So why were you swimming naked yesterday?”

Danny blushed heavily as he stuttered, “I… erm… I… well… I just… didn’t bring… swimwear!”

“But you remembered it today, and… seemed to be really enjoying wearing it,” Finn teased, giving a lop-sided grin.

“A bit like you were enjoying your phone call yesterday!” Danny said back, raising an eyebrow.

Finn recoiled a little at the comment, blushing as heavily as Danny.

“Sorry,” Danny quickly apologised.

“It’s okay, I guess I deserve that,” Finn admitted. “Are you sleeping with my brother?” he asked after a few moments of silence.

“You already asked a question. Shouldn’t I get a turn?” Danny asked playfully, hoping to just avoid the question. “Unless this is some kind of interrogation!”

“Yeah, I guess,” Finn said, already looking weary at the thought of what the boy might ask.

“Who were you on the phone to yesterday?” Danny asked, shuffling along slightly towards Finn, hoping that being able to give his reply more quietly might encourage him to actually answer.

Finn rolled his eyes and shook his head. “Just some… girl I’m trying to sleep with,” he said with a casual shrug. “So my question…” he prompted cautiously.

“Am I sleeping with your brother?” Danny asked, tilting his head playfully. “Well last night I slept with three of them, if that’s what you mean!”

Finn poorly hid a smirk as he said, “You totally know it’s not!”

“Oh, then… what DO you mean?” Danny asked feigning innocence.

“Come on!” Finn frowned.

“No, I don’t know anything, I’m just a sweet, innocent little boy!” Danny said with an over-exaggerated shrug.

Finn went to reply but stopped himself before he spoke. He looked round nervously to make sure nobody was coming in then turned to Danny and silently mouthed, “Sex!” As Danny looked back at him, frowning and shaking his head, he said, “Sex!”

“What about it?” Danny asked, still playing dumb.

“ARE YOU HAVING SEX WITH MY BROTHER?” Finn snapped angrily, the last word echoing round the large room, making himself flinch.

Danny went to answer then stopped himself as Finn looked on expectantly. “Wait, which brother?”

“Oh my god, you are SO annoying!” Finn growled. “Blane! Are you and Blane doing it?”

“Oh!” Danny said, shaking his head as he held back a smirk. “No. Me and Blane have never had sex,” he said bluntly, then smiled a little as he said, “But I HAVE wanked near him a couple of times!”

“Jesus!” Finn exclaimed, his cheeks flushing bright red. “You can’t just… say stuff like that!”

“Like what?” Danny asked, genuinely a little confused. “Wank?”

Finn turned his head, unable to even look at the boy. “Yes,” he hissed.

“Why not?” Danny asked curiously. “You do it, don’t you?”

“I… I’m… I…” Finn stuttered awkwardly before insisting, “No! No, I… I don’t!”

“Mate, I literally saw you doing it yesterday!” Danny sniggered.

“Shut up!” Finn growled. “You… we… you’re… not meant to just… say that stuff!”

“What stuff?” Danny asked, amused by the other boy’s embarrassment and a little intrigued about his reluctance. He had come across guys before who weren’t that into sex, like his dormmate James, but even he was able to talk about it. “Sex!” he said, smiling as he saw Finn flinch. “Wanking!” Another flinch. “Penises!” He was almost in hysterics watching Finn slowly back away from each word he threw out. “Cum! Testicles!”

“Stop it,” Finn said, still unable to even make eye contact.

“Masturbation! Nipple! Cock! Vagina, eww!” Danny went on. “Blow jobs!”

“You… you know about blow jobs?” Finn suddenly asked, eyes wide. “You’re only, like, ten!”

“Screw you, I’m thirteen!” Danny said back firmly, then smiled as he added, “And a half! And sure I know about them. I know lots of things. Just like I’m sure you do!” He was curious now. Being too embarrassed to even say the word sex, he was intrigued as to know how much the other boy actually did know, or rather, how much someone who didn’t go to Kingswood knew.

“Yeah, I know… loadsa things!” Finn defended himself.

Danny gave a playful gasp and lowered his tone to a whisper as he asked, “Wait, so does that mean you’ve…” he leaned closer and in a low husky tone, whispered, “… had sex?”

“Yes!” Finn snapped, eyes wide. “Loads of sex. Loads of times, with… with…”

“Loads of girls?” Danny offered, barely holding back laughter.

Finn scowled as he snapped, “Yes, with…” he paused, thinking of a different word. “Many girls!” he finished. “I have THAT, like… all the time!”

“Oh, must be awkward to arrange when you can’t even say it,” Danny said, now openly sniggering at the older teen.

“Fuck you!” Finn snapped, now burning such a bright red he was at risk of boiling the pool.

Danny jumped up to lay with his stomach on the side of the pool, his butt aimed towards Finn as he said, “Okay, go ahead!”

“No, I… I didn’t mean… I mean… I don’t… erm… not… erm…” Finn stuttered, almost hyperventilating.

“Aww,” Danny pouted as he slid back into the water, slowly moving towards Finn. “It’s okay, if you’re straight, you can tell me. I won’t judge you, I’m very open-minded!”

Finn stared back for a second, holding back a laugh as he shook his head and said, “You’re really annoying!”

“Thanks,” Danny grinned, giggling gently.

“So when you said you’d… w… wanked near Blane…” Finn started.

“You said it! Well done!” Danny interjected, getting a glare back.

“Do you mean, like… WITH him?” Finn asked curiously.

Danny frowned thoughtfully. Finn was Blane’s brother, so he was unlikely to do anything to get him in actual trouble, but ultimately Blane was still a staff member and even though they had never touched each other, it still felt wrong to share the things they HAD done, minimal as they were. He shook his head and said, “Nah, I just meant… he was in a shower cubicle, I was in the next one, he never knew!”

“Oh, so it’s not like he’s… watched you… do that?” Finn asked, more just reassuring himself.

“No, plenty of others have though,” Danny smirked.

“They… what… erm… seriously?” Finn asked, visibly shocked. “Like… on purpose or… or, like… getting caught?”

Danny shrugged. “Both,” he said casually.

“Fuck!” Finn muttered, shaking his head, clearly lost in thought.

Danny smiled as he looked the teen up and down. “Is that your way of asking to watch me?”

“No!” Finn snapped. “I… I told you… I don’t… erm…”

“Ugh, you’re straight, I get it. I’m just offering to wank, not to frickin’ marry you!”

“Y… you’re offering?” Finn asked, trembling a little.

Danny rolled his eyes. “No, I guess not. Because if I did I don’t think you’d ever manage a full sentence again!” he teased. He looked around as Finn scowled at him then said, “But I AM gonna sit on the side of the pool and knock one out. You’re welcome to watch… if you want to!”

“What? Here? But… but… but…” Finn stammered.

“Butt!” Danny called out, giggling to himself as he jumped onto the side of the pool and revealed his butt. He almost choked on his laughter as he saw Finn’s eyes almost pop out of his head. Despite his achiness from the workout, Danny managed to roll himself over and sit up, then pushed his speedo down to his knees.

“Oh my god, Danny, stop!” Finn called out, holding his hand out to shield his eyes from the boy’s exposed penis.

“Nah, it’s fun,” Danny insisted as he took hold of his dick. “Like I said, I know you do it,” he said as his hand slowly sped up. “In fact I saw you doing it… ugh yeah… right over there,” he pointed to where Finn had been stood the previous day on his call.

“Wait, are you… thinking about me while you do… that?” Finn asked, nervously lowering his hand to watch the boy stroking his rigid tool.

“I am!” Danny admitted openly. “It was hot! Whoever the girl was that hung up on you, she’s a fucking moron!”

Finn almost smiled, but his blushes were too strong.

Danny continued stroking. It had been several days since he had last cum and it was hard to achieve thanks to the lack of sensation, but the excitement of the situation was helping push him towards finally achieving release. It was still going to take a few minutes, though in a way that added to the thrill as he sat there, out in the open, at risk of being spotted by any of Finn’s family who might wander in.

“I can’t believe you’re just… doing that in front of me!” Finn said, shaking his head a little.

“Just a normal Tuesday for me,” Danny sniggered.

“It’s Monday!” Finn replied, unsure why it actually mattered.

Danny shrugged. “Still fairly normal,” he admitted. His eyes bulged momentarily as he looked at Finn and spotted a hand moving underwater to his crotch. Was he… touching himself? The movement of the water made it hard to tell, but Danny tried not to let on he had seen. Considering the older boy couldn’t even talk about sex, being ‘caught’ playing with himself (again!) would likely end the exciting moment on the spot. Instead, Danny sped up his strokes.

“Oh god, I’m gonna cum soon!” Danny panted.

Finn just nodded, eyes fixed on the pre-orgasmic dick.

“Oh… my… goddddd!” Danny yelped as he finally managed to cum, spraying a veritable fountain of jizz ahead of him, splashing audibly into the pool as Finn stared on, mesmerised. Danny whimpered his way through the intense release, stroking until it was too sensitive to continue. He leant back, resting on both hands, unashamedly on show to the older boy as he caught his breath. “Did you… enjoy that?” he asked with a grin.

Finn continued to stare silently for a moment, then shook his head as he returned to his senses and said, “N… no. That was… oh my god, that was so gross!” he insisted, rushing for the ladder.

“Then why are you boned up?” Danny asked, mildly offended by Finn’s choice of words.

“I… I’m not!” Finn insisted, turning to shield his front from Danny as he grabbed his towel and wrapped it around his waist. “That was… disgusting!” he snapped, holding his bunched up t-shirt in front of his crotch. “Don’t… don’t go back in the pool without anyone here. I don’t want a bollocking for you drowning!” he snapped, then walked quickly to the door.

Danny watched as the door slowly swung closed, shaking his head. He reached down and pulled his speedo back up and then stood to grab his towel. “Straight people are so confusing,” he muttered to himself.


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