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I just realized i can refer to older stuff in a much simpler way. I'll eventually do it for all recurring posts: https://www.patreon.com/collection/133869

[part 22]

While in Donna's hands, Erin could hear the sound her feet made when slapping against the inside of her mules. She hated herself fo thinking that, but she already knew that they would have an aftertaste of expensive leather to them. "At least she was wearing sandals" she thought to herself, the meager consolation was that her feet would be relatively less sweaty than usual. There was no doubt about it: even though it hadn't happened in a week, Erin knew exactly what her mom had meant when she'd said she wanted to "use her". There was no point deluding herself that this time would be different.

Donna walked to the couch, dropped Erin on the coffee table without saying a word, and retrieved the remote. She turned on the TV until she found something worth watching, and only then she removed her shoes. "Give me a foot rub, i've ran around all morning" she said after she put her legs on the table. She hadn't bothered putting Erin close to her feet, so the girl had to walk in order to reach the woman's monolithic feet. As she got closer, she could feel them radiating in heat. She put her hands on the slippery skin, and opened her mouth, while sticking her tongue out. 

"Wait, what? I said rub, not lick!" Her mother gave her a light kick, stopping her as soon as she felt the tongue touching her sensitive skin. "I know you're impatient, but the decision is not up to you! I just need your tiny hands now!" Donna scolded her, adding insult to injury. She had justt given for granted that she wanted the usual treatment, she was far from "impatient". But that was what Donna believed now, and there was no convincing her otherwise. At least she wouldn't have to lick for a while, but she suspected that she was only delaying the inevitable.

Erin expertly handled the ridges and folds of her mom's familiar feet, wincing at the fact that they were still emanating heat due to the morning walk. The woman simply ignored her for the whole time, focusing on the TV show that was going on. Erin tried to distract herself by listening to the dialogue, but it just did nothing for her. Not that she had any choice in terms of entertainment, so she had to endure it nonetheless. The living room was directly in front of the main entrance of the house, so when Suzy entered her home, the first thing she saw was her big sister with her feet on her coffee table. "Hey" she waved at Donna, then she realized she was not alone. "Yuck" she said when she noticed Erin. "So the dog can at least prove herself useful sometimes" it was amazing how quickly her attitude towards her niece had changed after that moment.

 "Had a long morning?" Donna asked her sister, patting the sofa next to her to invite her to sit there. "Exahusting" the woman yawned, removing her jacket. She then breathed a sigh of relief when she removed her shoes. "How can you wear ballerinas in this heat?" Donna sounded concerned. "It's a bit embarassing, but i have rough heels" Suzy admitted, bringing her hand to her foot in order to soothe some pain. "But i really have no time to book an appointment at my beautician, and she's always so busy!". Upon hearing that, Donna put an hand on her shoulder, and said "Then let me take care of it! It's the least i can do since you're such an amazing host!". Suzy wasn't sure what she meant, then Donna snapped her fingers and called her daughter's name out loud. "Hear that, Erin? Your aunt needs you!"

Having understood what she meant, Suzy was embarassed. "Oh, no problem, i need to cook yet, and-" - "Nonsense!" Donna interrupted her. "I'll think about lunch. You stay here and relax! Go on, kick your feet up, let her take care of the rest!" Suzy reclutantly extended her legs on the coffee table, and watched as what used to be her niece meekly walked towards the soles of her feet. "Enjoy" Donna stood up, leaving Suzy and Erin in an awkward silence.

She hadn't even considered asking Erin's opinion. She had simply handed her to her sister like an object, expecting her to comply without complaints.


The noise Beatrice made when the air finally filled her lungs again was almost funny for how cartoonish it sounded. She had found herself compressed under the butt of the younger girl for no more than a minute, but it felt like hours to her. Unable to breathe in, she had tried to push with all her might, only obtaining the result of panicking even more. She could hear muffled voices around her, but there was no way she could make up anything they were saying. When the insufferable brat put her on the ground in front of her, she was amazed that she was still alive. "ARE YOU INSANE?!" she blurted out while still shaking "YOU COULD HAVE KILLED ME!". The giantess moved too quickly for her. She flicked her in her face, a simple but extremely painful gesture that pushed her back and almost made her fall. "Relax, silly. You are basically indestructible". She had seen it first hand when she had stomped on her cousin with her shoes on.

Beatrice was perfectly aware of it, but she wasn't sure it was good news, since she was also capable of feeling pain. "Now, where were we?" Julia rubbed her hand under her chin, pretending to have forgotten. "Oh, right! You were about to lick my feet!" she slammed her foot heel first in front of the girl, who was still trying to recover from the hit. "If you think I'm going to do anything like that" she blurted out, but before she could continue, a massive hand swung her from the ground up. "I'm tired of your bullshit" Rachel said, annoyed. She simply brought her hand at her foot, and pressed the poor woman face first into her sole. "The sooner you give up, the sooner the pain ends" she lied. She pressed her head between her fingers, which by the amount of force should have squished it like a grape, but it only made Beatrice scream in pain. "Come on, footgirl!" Julia cheered. "It's useless to resist!" she was having a blast watching her cousin breaking the spirit of this older woman.

Rachel used her to wipe the sweat off her feet all around, sparing no space. On her heel, between her toes, across the whole length of the sole. She then decided to give her another chance. Squeezing her head between her fingers once again, she pressed the tiny face on the ball of her foot. "Well?" was the only thing she said, and a sadistic smile formed when she saw the microscopic tongue peeking from the distraught woman's face, and finally touch her skin. The woman winced at the contact with the sweaty surface, but she was ready to do anything in order to never experience anything like that ever again. "She's all yours" Rachel said, carelessly tossing the battered body at her cousin, uncaring if she caught it or not.


"Everything is set, the meat is in the oven, and it will be ready in about 40 minutes" Said Donna as she came back from the kitchen. "Thanks Donna" Suzy told her sister. "You're an angel. Both for the lunch, and for lending me your little foot scrub here". Donna sat on her previous spot on the couch, happy that she could be of help of her sister. "Of course sweetheart. You know, i used to feel a bit guilty at first, but if it gives her something to do - and - it feels super nice, i guess why not indulge?" Suzy seemed to approve, and after all, why wouldn't she? She was getting a free pedicure, and she could finally put her bratty niece in her place. It was a complete win-win situation.

Erin, on the other hand, could have mentioned several things she would have preferred to do rather than that. After all, even now that she was small, there were so many activities tailored for people her size. She remembered having a few shrinkees as campus mates, and even though they were relentlessly bullied by most regular sized people (herself included), they could lead a relatively normal life. But no punishment she had ever inflicted to any shrinkee came even remotely close to what her sister had done to her. She had turned her into a loyal dog, and worst of all, she had managed to convince other people that she was into it. And while her tongue swirled around the dry skin of her aunt's bare heel, she thought that she was very far from enjoying any of it.

"Look at this nonsense" Suzy said to Donna, catching Erin's attention. On the TV, there was an ad for a show airing that night, which was going to be presented by a celebrity who had been subjected to the shrinking virus. "I had wondered why she had disappeared for a whole year" chuckled Donna. But the controversial aspect was that a show was going to be presented by an actual shrinkee. Sure, they would sometimes appear on TV, but always marginally and maybe they would be interviewed about their condition. Maybe they would advertise a business, like the one Erin had seen that night on a local TV, but nobody had ever taken such a role on national TV. "I wonder when they will learn their place" Suzy said out loud, and Erin suspected she knew what she meant by that. The stale taste of sweat permanently ingraved on her tongue seemed to speak loudly about her intentions. "After all, it was their fault for not getting vaccinated" Donna said, not bothering trying to hide her disappointment. 

The show was called "bite sized" and it was about the bombshell presenter interviewing regular sized celebrities for five minutes, as a play on the fact that both her and the interviews were quite short. The ad that was being aired was a testament to the fact that even Erin herself could have done something despite her condition, but there she was, naked on all fours, offering a mouth pedicure to somebody that despised her. "Why did you stop? Did you find the TV more interesting than me? Go back to work, we're eating in half an hour!" Aunt Suzy sounded displeased. She even gave her a push on her back with her foot. So with renewed hatred in her heart, but nothing to do in retaliation, Erin turned her back to the screen and went back to licking the heel. "You can do mine while we eat" said her mom, examining her own heel.



Brittany boots

If Donna ever walk her in shoes, I imagine the toughest to endure would be running shoes and tall boots


Oh my god, I don't even know what to say. It's just perfect!