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[part 10]

Using the box that Jun had made for Zoe as an inspiration, Kimberly had clumsily tried to accomodate her prisoners the best she could. She hadn't bothered giving them clothes, but at least she had put two clean sponges to sleep on, a place to sit, and even her old smartphone for entertainment. Of course, she had made sure that there was no way they could contact anyone, but at least there was something to do in their prison. But despite her best intentions, no comfort or food she would provide could make Jun less angry towards her. "You'll learn to love me!" Kim had blurted one day "Just like Zoe does!". The redhead didn't dare tell her that it wasn't true, that she didn't love her at all. True, she enjoyed being toyed with, but she definitely did not love her. She had tried to talk her our of her crazy stunt, but it was clear that she had gone mad with power.

There was no day that Kim wouldn't use her for pleasure, and although Zoe enjoyed it herself, she could tell that it was unfair. Especially now that they could have potentially been grown back any moment, but the giantess refused to do so until Jun admitted her love for her. At least she wouldn't do anything to her. It seemed crazy, but there was a twisted way where she respected her boundaries. True, she had practically kidnapped her, but she seemed determined never to touch her until she wanted to. And so far, Jun had never accepted.

About five days had passed. After a particularly tough workout, Kim opened the drawer, and still wheezing, she smiled at her prisoners. "Look what you're missing" she said, pointing at her body. From that perspective, she truly looked like a goddess. The perspiration on her skin made it glisten under the light, and her massive tits almost covered her face. "Still stubborn, eh?" she said to Jun, whom in response simply turned her back and crossed her arms, not even dignifiyng her of a response. "The day will come" Kim said, and she retrieved her trustful miniature fuckbuddy.

She threw her on the bed, and started undressing. Even watching her remove her top was a sight in itself. Her boobs bounced over their own weight as the elastic material pulled them upwards and then released them suddently. Zoe couldn't help but be fascinated by the enormous woman, and the fact that she was her prisoner added a bit to the kinkyness of the situation. But she couldn't tolerate her friend being in her same condition without wanting it, so she was determined to try and talk the giantess out of her craze. "Listen, i think we have to talk." she said firmly. "There's nothing to talk about" The giantess' leggings came off, revealing that she wasn't wearing any underwear. "What you're doing is bad. Please let her go, i'll be your pet as much as you like!" Zoe tried to bargain, but to no avail.

"Nice try." Kim now loomed over her "And just for that, you don't get to come today" she grabbed her miniature body, and started squishing it all over her skin. She made sure to collect as much sweat as she could, all while touching herself with her other hand. When she felt like it, her idle hand was replaced by the hand containing Zoe. "You were saying?" she teased her when she was in front of her hungry pussy. "I-I..." the tiny stammered, trying to catch her breath. "I guessed so" Kim pushed her between her plump labia, rubbing her all over the surface, and finally she stuck her inside.

Zoe had became somehow familiar with the feeling, but still, finding herself inside another woman while she orgasmed was an incredible experience. No other forms of domination even came close to it. She had learnt to recognize when Kim was about to explode, and saw that the giantess was indulging more than usual. She liked that she was being used for pleasure, and she relished in the imminent release the immense woman would procure her after coming herself.

But Kim kept her word. She had told her that she wasn't going to cum that day, and she made sure of that. After her loud orgasm, the titan laid on her bed for a few minutes, then simply washed Zoe under the faucet and put her back in the drawer. "Please Kim!" Zoe found herself actually begging. "Be a good girl and we'll talk about it tomorrow" Kim answered coldly, then closed the drawer. Inside, Jun was bored to death. She was playing a candycrush knockoff on a screen that was bigger than she was, and when Zoe entered their makeshift home, she ran to hug her. "That cold bitch" she whispered, scared that Kim would hear her.

"Sorry Jun" Zoe pushed her naked body away "She left me hanging, and i'm, like, incredibly horny at the moment. It's not the right time to be naked around me". Jun wouldn't budge. "You know, we left something hanging ourselves the other day" she teased her. Zoe couldn't believe her ears. Was she really leading her on? Before she could even say anything, Jun kissed her mouth passionately, squeezing her body onto hers. Zoe didn't need her to explain anything further. She grabbed her butt with both hands and pulled her hip against hers.

They ended up clumsily attempting a 69 position on the makeshift bed in the corner of the room, and even though they were both very awkward in what they were doing, both of them loved the action. They were so invested in having each other's head between the other's thights, that when they realized that the drawer was opening, it was too late. "Hey twerp, i changed my m-" Kim said, only to remain speechless when she saw the two girls interwined in that way. "Slut!" she shouted, visibly upset, and neither girl was sure to whom the insult was directed. But they knew they were in trouble, even if it was Kim was the one to blame.

The giantess angrily grabbed Zoe between two fingers by her waist, and brought her to her face "HOW COULD YOU! YOU WERE SUPPOSED TO HELP ME!" Zoe didn't know what to say. It had all happened too fast. "And you! I thought you were better than that!" she said to the tiny asian, who also had nothing to be blamed for. But before any of the shrinkees could even try to apologize in order to calm the immense angry woman, Kim retrieved the shrinking gun and shot Jun a second time. "Wait no!" shouted a worried Zoe. She could do nothing but watch as her friend became gradually smaller in front of her, reaching a fraction of her size.

"Look! Look what you made me do!" it was obvious she was delirious. Kim tried to retrieve Jun's barely conscious form, but she was so small that she would slip away when she tried to pick her up with anything but two fingers. When she managed to secure her to better look at her, the tiny asian was still unable to talk. "Stop, stop you're going to hurt her!" shouted Zoe, which distracted Kim. The giantess then sloppily let the microscopic woman fall, and even if she knew she couldn't get injured, Zoe's first reaction was to run for her friend and check on her condition.  "DON'T TOUCH HER!" Shouted Kim in a fit of rage. Then, without warning, she fired the gun on her. Zoe had the time to see everything get bigger, then her vision blurred.


"Kim, please, this is wrong!" yelled a microscopic Jun when she was conscious enough to talk. Kim, who could inexplicably hear her despite how small she was, said "You want her? You can have her, i don't care anymore. But you get to be bugs. That's it." she then slammed the drawer shut and left her room. Jun waited for Zoe to wake up, and when she was sure she could understand what she said to her, she decided to try and joke about their desperate condition. "See the bright side, at least we can hook up" she tried to smile, but it was obvious that she was trying to mask her real emotions. "How do we get out now?" she said, worried, and hid her face between her palms.

Days passed. Kim would barely acknowledge their presence, leaving them alone for most of the time. One night, she even brought home a date, and she spared no noise while having sex with her. She wanted her tiny guests to hear everything. She only didn't want her to spend the night. It would be too dangerous to have a stranger snooping around in her house and maybe finding the helpless duo. Kim didn't want anything to happen to their friends, despite having them as small as two inches, prisoners in her room. "See, -that- is what you're missing" she said to Jun once the girl had left. She was still naked, dripping sweat, and honestly a great sight for the eyes. But Jun just couldn't tolerate being trapped there against her will.

Unbeknowst to the giantess, the two girls had been going at it for most of the time. After all, they had nothing to do most of the day, and they were completely naked. It was inevitable that it would happen between two people that had such a good chemistry. And despite the fact that she wanted Jun to fall in love with her, somehow, Kim had obtained the exact opposite result. Jun and Zoe had never been so close, both physycally and romantically. They had really fallen for each other.

One night, about an hour after dinner, Kim had surprised them mid-sex, and hadn't reacted as bad as they had thought. "Stop that. We're watching a movie" she had said blankly. She had grabbed them from their home and put them on the table in front of the sofa in the living room. She had become much better at handling their bodies now. She had then carelessly put her feet on the table, and politely asked them to help her choose what to watch. Was it a clumsy attempt to make them forgive her?

About halfway through the movie, Jun stood up. It was boring anyway. She walked closer to the gigantic heel, which was the only part of Kim's body that she could reach anyway, and said to  Zoe "I really don't understand what you like so much about this". Zoe seemed embarassed, but she had learnt to deal with her fetish, so although blushing, she answered with a smile and a shrugh of her shoulders. Jun examined the skin and the shape of her friend's foot, her toes reaching the sky like it was a tall building. And although she had to admit that Kim had pretty feet, even for being so big, she really couldn't understand Zoe's drive towards them. She looked at her own, now a fraction of the size of Kim's and smiled at how many times in the past days Zoe had lovingly lapped at them like a happy dog. She did like to receive the treatment, but still saw nothing fascinating the other way around. She touched the gigantic heel out of curiosity, and Kim immediately jumped at the opportunity. "What a good idea!" she teased. "You too, Zoe! Give me one of your foot massages!".

There was no way she could feel their hands, she was just enjoying playing with them. She set her other foot sideways so Zoe could be able to reach her toes, and waited for the tinies to obey. It didn't take long before Zoe was expertly navigating through toes that dwarfed her whole form, and she loved it. Grunting, Jun decided to give her roommate-slash-captress the massage she had requested. She didn't care for it, but she had to admit that watching her friend having the time of her life among those tree-sized toes was making her horny. She would definitely have Zoe do that to her before going to sleep that night.

"Thank you girls, i love you!" said a relaxed Kim. And for some reason, the sentence seemed to stick with Zoe, to the point that she froze, and looking at Jun, she made sure that the giantess couldn't hear her and whispered "Hey! I just had a crazy idea!"



amazing chapter

Brian Smith

Love it! Love the double shrinking the tiny girl on girl sex, and the giantess foot worship by Zoe!