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Part 1 (text) - https://www.patreon.com/posts/no-good-deed-1-74677814

part 1 (pic) -  https://www.patreon.com/posts/no-good-deed-jin-75125109

part 2 (text) - https://www.patreon.com/posts/no-good-deed-2-75873772

part 2 (pic) - https://www.patreon.com/posts/no-good-deed-kim-76155872

part 3 (text) - https://www.patreon.com/posts/no-good-deed-3-77400842

part 3 (pic) - https://www.patreon.com/posts/no-good-deed-77778377

part 4 (text) - https://www.patreon.com/posts/no-good-deed-4-78686928

part 4 (pic) - https://www.patreon.com/posts/no-good-deed-5-79132903

part 5 (text) - https://www.patreon.com/posts/no-good-deed-5-80340868

part 5 (pic) - https://www.patreon.com/posts/no-good-deed-5-80676828

Part 6 (text) - https://www.patreon.com/posts/no-good-deed-6-83040224

part 6 (pic) - https://www.patreon.com/posts/no-good-deed-6-83759084

part 7 (text) - https://www.patreon.com/posts/no-good-deed-7-84972640

Part 7 (pic) -https://www.patreon.com/posts/no-good-deed-7-85243161

Part 8 (text) - https://www.patreon.com/posts/no-good-deed-8-86757363

Part 9 (pic)- https://www.patreon.com/posts/no-good-deed-87008215

[part 9]

Zoe didn't have the time to try and reason with Kim. She could only watch helplessly as her friend's body contorted and deformed in front of her very eyes, probably the same way it had happened to her a month earlier. While Jun's last words were smothered in the convulsion caused by the shrink ray, Both Zoe and Kim watched, raptured by something that seemed to come out of a sci fi movie. But despite its gruesome appearance, the process was relatively painless. It was supposed to be a healing gun after all.

When Jun finally reached her final height, her bones stopped shifting and her body started gaining some sorts of composture. She looked around herself, visibly confused. She had the time to mumble something incoherent, then dropped to the ground like she'd fainted. "Jun!" Zoe sprinted towards her, worried for her friend. While she held her limp body in her arms, she was relieved that she was breathing, but she seemed too shaken to be able to talk. 

Zoe had been so used to being much smaller than Kim, that she had forgotten how petite she was compared to her at regular size. She looked so frail while she laid in her arms. "Don't you touch her!" the words came booming from the sky. The tone was so imperative that Zoe instictively followed it without question, dropping Jun on the floor. She only realized what she'd done instants later. "WHY DID YOU DO THIS!" She screamed to somebody who she considered her friend. "I trusted you!" Kim said without answering, like she was the victim somehow. Then, she bent over and picked up zoe between two fingers. "You stay put for now, i have to talk to her". Then, before she was able to protest, Kim lowered Zoe in her massive cleavage, then moved her left tit a bit up, just so she had the space to stick the small girl underneath. "WAIT!" Zoe tried to buy some time, but the immense mammary came crashing over her, smothering her words between her breast and the fabric of the sports top.

From her position, she had no way of speaking. When she tried to open her mouth, she would swallow droplets of sweats that would prevent any words from coming out. She hated  how horny she was feeling, but there was nothing she could do about it. After all, she had been interrupted during a very delicate moment, and the place she was now wasn't helping her in any way. But she was still worried for her friend. While unable to speak, she could still hear what was happening outside of her sweaty prison. Kim was now focusing her attention entirely on Jun, who seemed to be still unconscious. 

"Wake up, baby" she said with her softest tone. What she failed to consider was that Jun had never been shrunken before, so when she finally opened her eyes, what she noticed wasn't the sweetness in her roommate's voice, but the fact that she was now as big as a skyscraper. "OH GOD!" Jun screamed, and after that, she stopped saying anything coherent. She screamed in horror, unable to process her surroundings. In front of her, Kim was squatting trying to comfort her, but the fact that her bare feet were much bigger than she was didn't do any good to her agitated scare. It was like King Kong himself was moving around her, in a clumsy attempt to make her feel at ease. 

The shrieking girl seemed inconsolable, and her screams only became louder when Kim picked her up in her hand, trying to pacify her, but obtaining the exact opposite results. "Don't worry, it's fine! I'll take you to my room now" she said to no one in particular, since Jun wasn't exactly listening. and not knowing where to put her, but needing both hands to put away her friend's clothes, she thought "why not" and decided to stuff the shrunken girl under her other breast. It seemed to stop the screaming, although she suspected it wasn't exactly voluntary.

Kim cautiously walked towards her room, extremely aware of the precious cargo that she was holding in her sports bra, only to realize how stupid it was, considering that there was nobody else in the house to hide from. It was probably her guilt to drive her to act all suspicious. Although she was dying to examine her newly shrunken friend, when she entered her room she took some time before freeing her from her prison. She was actually enjoying the power and control she had over not one but two girls at once. There was nowhere they could go, nothing they could do if she didn't want to, and she was loving it. She secured the shrinking gun in a drawer under her desk, and sat and played with her phone for about two minutes, not really paying any attention to any of the content she was watching.

She then realized that she could feel the squirms of both girls, and that Jun was trying much harder to find a way to leave her prison. She finally decided to take her out, and using only two fingers, she scooped the little asian, and deposited her on the desk in front of her. "How could you do this!" were the first coherent words she could muster. "Your dad finally sent the replacement gun!" Kim answered gleefully. "And you wasted it to shrink ME?!" Jun looked angry. "We were supposed to grow back Zoe! Oh God, Zoe!" she said as she realized where the girl was. "Don't worry, the bitch loves it!" Kim pressed her index finger on the outline that marked the position of her friend, pushing her further into her breast. "Plus, the gun is a prototype! It can be reused!"

Jun was so angry that she ignored the last comment, and shouted "And you went through my mail! I trusted you!". Kim grinned, then became serious all of a sudden. "I only got your stupid package because you were too busy being with your little friend over there!" the giant slammed her fist on the desk, making everything on top of it shake, Jun included. Kim started crying. "Are... Are you jealous?" Jun said, unable to fully believe what she was saying out loud. "You could have told me, i would have never put myself between you two!". Kim looked at her, and decided to lay her cards on the table. "I'm jealous, yes. But not of her. Of you!" she blushed. "Oh my God!" Jun answered when she realized. "I-i-i don't know what to say!" Jun stammered "I never looked at you that way, i always saw you as a friend!". Humiliated, Kim stood up, and put Jun inside the drawer of her bedstand, next to the few pieces of jewelry that she owned. "Then i will make you love me!" she said as she slammed the drawer shut, leaving Jun in the darkness.

She then walked towards her desk once again, and retrieved Zoe. She seemed to have some troubles breathing, but other than that, she looked fine. "Why!" she shouted, when she regained her breath. "You shut up!" Kim pointed her ginormous index finger so close to Zoe's face that it seemed like she would knock her down with it. "You shouldn't have done that!". Zoe slammed her foot on the desk top, and angrily answered "That's no reason to shrink her! She's not yours to play with!" Kim smiled, knowing perfeectly that she was in control. "I know." then after a brief pause "But you are." she pinched one of Zoe's ankles, and lifted her in the air like she was weightless. She brought her to her face and whispered "you'll convince her. Talk to her until she accepts to be with me. Then i'll consider releasing you"

"How do you expect me to do that!" Zoe screamed, blood raising towards her head. "I can't just magically make her like you!". Kim raised, and walked towards her bed, then laid on it. "You're smart, you'll figure something out. In the meantime..." she lifted Zoe into the air in front of her, then after liftling both legs, she sandwitched the tiny woman between both the soles of her feet. "We can still have fun together!". Zoe uselessly tried to wiggle free, then Kim started rubbing her feet against one another. "NO! STOP!" she tried to scream, but the giant was relentless. "Oh, shut up! You love this!" she teased the tiny. And unfortunately for her, she did. Zoe quickly got lost in lust while she was manhandled by the goddess. The mere act of being smothered by two feet that were both much bigger than her whole body sent her spiraling in a wave of pleasure that easily overshadowed her fear.

Kim only stopped when she noticed that Zoe was actually moaning, and decided to save some play for later. She released from the grip of her feet, and before opening the drawer that already contained a naked Jun, she sensually said "See you later, toy". She then dropped her inside, and closed the drawer so only a little glint of light could enter, enough that allowed to see Jun sprinting towards her once she spotted her position. "Oh my god I'm so sorry!" the asian rushed to hug her friend. "It's all my fault!"

Zoe cherished her hug, but she couldn't help but think it was weird for two reasons: first of all, she had forgotten what it felt like being around somebody her own size. And also, because they were both naked, which didn't seem to stop their bodies to press onto one another's skin on skin. "How can you say that!" she commented. "If it wasn't for you, i would probably be in the hospital right now! Or worse!" she couldn't even get herself to think what would have happened if Jun hadn't shrunken her that faithful day, and tears started falling from her face "You saved my life! I don't care if we're prisoners of your crazy roommate, it's still better than the alternative!"

Noticing that her friend was becoming emotional, Jun decided to lighten the atmosphere with a joke. "You smell like feet" she teased her, without letting her go. "I know" Zoe answered. While they embraced, Jun couldn't help but try and figure a way out of there. On the bright side, though, her chronic knee pain seemed to have disappeared.



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