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[part 21]

Julia didn't really get herself to say anything. She was just holding the woman in her hand, the possibility of having done something wrong materializing in her head for the first time. "It's the woman i told you about! The gym shrinkie! You told me i could take her home!" She preemptively justified herself before her older cousin could even say anything. Rachel's only response was to laugh histerically after a couple seconds of incredulous pause. "I can't believe you're that crazy!" she made fun of her cousin. "Oh my god you actually kidnapped her!". Julia's worried grin turned into a frown. "You told me i could!" she stomped her foot on the ground. "Yeah, so you would shut up!" she kept laughing "I didn't think you'd actually do it!"

Julia's grip on the tiny woman became looser, so the tiny managed to speak freely "Thank god you came to talk some sense into her!" she spouted, while still held in the hand of the younger girl "I was just preparing for my workout and she-" - "What are you going to do about her cellphone?" Rachel simply spoke over her, interrupting her without a care in the world. "I left it at the gym of course!". Rachel seemingly liked the answer "And what about cameras?" - "There's only two in the whole place, and they're all at the entrance." She seemed satisfied with her idea, then continued "And it was full of people, so nobody is going to suspect me!". Rachel was impressed. Julia had really thought of everything. "HOW DARE YOU!" The tiny spoke from her hand. Get me back there this instant or i'm suing both of you!

"Oh yes?" Rachel seemed much more confident now. "Please, do go on." she invited her to mantain her promise, perfectly aware that she had no way of leaving the house without her help. "But while you find a way to do so, i think it's time to introduce you to your new life". The fact that she was in a world of trouble stil had to sink in for the tiny, but she started to realize that she wasn't exactly safe. "Listen, i have to go back to work, there's people waiting for m-" Julia interrupted her with her laugh "How sweet, the tiny thinks she's too important to stay with us". Rachel looked at her, and ignoring anything she'd said, she simply told her "First of all, we have to find you a name". With an irritated tone that gradually sounded more and more scared, the tiny said "I already have a name. It's Beat-" Once again overpowering her with the sound of her own voice, Rachel simply spoke over her "What do you think, Julia? After all, you get to keep this one".

Beatrice's eyes widened in horror, but the girl holding her in her hand simply answered "Footgirl!" without the hint of a doubt. Rachel rolled her eyes and answered "You really love that name, don't you? But yeah, at least it seems appropriate". The woman, who was inevitably becoming aware of the gravity of her situation, tried to speak "What do you mean keep me? You can't possibly be serious! I have to go back home, i have a very important meeting at work tomorrow!". Without ever losing the smug grin on her face, Rachel got her head closer to the tiny, so that her breath now invested her in all its aroma of the coffee she'd had with her mom an hour earlier, and said "Don't worry, both problems are easily solved. First of all, this is your home from now on" she pointed at her surrounding room "And the other good news is that you don't have to worry about your boring job anymore! We'll give you a more suitable task. Something even someone as small and pathetic as you can be useful for!".

Before she could even ask anything, Julia brought her to her face, and while stroking her hair with the opposite index finger, she calmly explained her role "You'll be my tiny little foot girl!". Seeing the confusion in her eyes, she tried to be more clear "You'll do to me just like Toejam does to Rachel" Then having just realized that the two had never met, she slapped her own forehead and said "Oh, right! Toejam!" She practically ran to the cage with the tiny flailing her arms in her hand, and opened it to get her shrunken cousin. She then deposited both girls on the floor between her feet, one in front of the other. It was clear that Erin was bigger in size; the virus had apparently hit Beatrice more, and her head barely came to the height of her shoulders. She could appreciate just how beautiful this woman looked. She could tell that, not unlike herself when she was her regular size, she spent a lot of time in the gym, and she was probably one of those women who made people turn their heads when she passed down the streets.

Beatrice was even more confused now. In front of her, there was a relatively big shrinkee, who was completely naked save for something that resembled a collar around her neck. She had a defeated look on her face, and despite her bigger size, she couldn't apparently get herself to even look in her direction. "What do they want from me?" Beatrice asked in a panic "And what the hell happened to you!" She wasn't used to seeing anything like this. Thanks to her status, after her diagnosis she had managed to become part of a special tiny preservation program. She kept her job at her company, only on a smaller role that didn't involve much live interaction with customers, and had even managed to secure her own spot at the local gym, where she had personally bought custom equipment so she could keep training despite her condition. She was one of the smallest tiny she knew, but people still feared and respected her, and anyone around her was sure never to harass her or any other tiny while she was around. So such a blatant lack of respect was something she'd never experienced.

Her train of thought was interrupted when Julia removed her gym shoes, quickly saturating the air around the tinies with the smell of her perspiration. She was wearing socks, but the air was definitely not pleasant to breathe. Immediately, the other giant followed, and after sitting on the ground, she removed her sandals, exposing the slightly dirty bottoms of her feet in the direction of the girls. "Come on Toejam, show her why we keep you around" the giant named Rachel said to the small girl, who started walking towards her without opposing in the last bit. When she reached the girl's wiggling toes, she did the unthinkable. She stuck her tongue out and started licking the area underneath. Beatrice's first reaction was to gag. She could not get herself to imagine what the sole of somebody's foot would taste, and especially not after spending hours in shoes like it was apparent the giantess had. The tiny, on the other hand, seemed to be unphazed by the horrid experience, like it was something she was accustomed to. The only thing that betrayed the fact that she was far from enjoying the experience was her ashamed demeanor. And who could blame her? She was licking the dirt under somebody's lowest body part just for their amusement!

"See? This is what you're going to do from now on!" Julia said with glee. Bea couldn't get herself to look away from the terrible scene. The giant's foot was a slight shade darker underneath it, sign that she had walked a lot that morning, but the trail of saliva left by the shrunken girl had made it clearer wherever she had already passed. The poor girl was even bigger than she was, and she had been brought to submission like she was nothing more than a dog. "No way i'm ever doing anything like this!" she bursted out, only to amuse the giants. "I was wondering, how do i get her to lick if she doesn't want to? It's not like i can take her tongue out" Suzy asked with genuine concern. "We'll just beat her a bit until she finally makes up her mind" Rachel casually said. "It worked with Toejam here, it didn't even take that long".

Beatrice couldn't believe her ears. "You would never do that! I refuse to believe you would be so cruel. This is a prank, isn't it?" She asked with a glint of hope that didn't do a very good job at calming her. Rachel bursted out laughing, and finally addressing her after having ignored her pleas for most of the time, she said "No. Not a prank. And if you don't think i'd ever do it" she said, as she pinched Erin's head betweeen her fingers, and forcing her to face the new tiny "Consider that this one used to be my sister"

The shock was so strong that it was like she had gone deaf for a few seconds. Would it really be possible that somebody could be so vicious, that they would make their own sister their pet? Or actually, their slave? "Tongue out, Toejam" the giantess said, and the tiny immediately complied, like a robot. She showed the tongue, that had become black from the dirt she had licked off, and to make things worse, a single tear crossed her darkened face, leaving its clean trail among the otherwise dirty cheek.  If the tiny really was her sister, there was basically no limit to what the ruthless giantess could do to a complete stranger, like she was. "I see you're starting to understand" Rachel said when she saw the drastic change of expression on the girl's face. "Now back to work, Toejam. I needed this after my walk"


Meanwhile, Donna had finished arranging the groceries and the few clothes she and Rachel had bought together, and realized how much she needed some pampering. After all, she was on vacation, and since she had not wanted to be a burden on Suzy, she had basically done anything she could around the house to be of help. She thought of having a nice, warm bath, and maybe a massage from Erin, since there was no reason to hide her from her relatives anymore. But just as she was about to prepare the tub, she remembered that Erin needed to be punished, so instead of having her rub her clean feet after the bath, she would have her service her before. She could always bathe that evening. Still wearing the attire she had used at the mall that morning, she walked towards the girls' room.


"Please, i'm begging you! You have to let me go!" Beatrice squirmed in the hands of Julia. She was poking and prodding her body with her fingers, like she was nothing more than her property. "First off, let's get rid of these useless clothes" she said, once again, completely deaf to her prayers. Without caring for its integrity, Julia ripped off the top from the shrinkee's upper body, exposing her generous chest. "Holy crap, they're enormous!" the unwanted compliment wasnt' exactly received well after such a violent gesture. "They're like three times the size of mine!" Julia cupped her own breast with her other hand. "I think they're more the size of your nipple!" Rachel commented, amused. "You know what i meant!" Julia answered. Then, without any further ceremony, she pulled off the tiny's leggings, without caring that she was destroying them in the process. "My, what a body you have, Footgirl" she said as she slipped off her tiny shoes. "Were you a model or something?"

As soon as she pronounced the last sentence, the bedroom door opened, and a split second before Donna's face could peer inside, Julia was quick enough to hide her tiny captive on the only place she could think on the spot: under her ass. "I'm taking Erin for a while" Donna said, apparently unaware of the new guest in the room.  Rachel and Julia exchanged a quick look, and both looked pretty confident that Erin wouldn't spill the beans. "Sure mom!" Rachel handed her tiny sister to Donna, giving her a cold look that only meant "Don't even think about it". Julia could feel the squirms under her, but absoultely no noise came out. She could only imagine how much her prey was trying to scream for help, but it was all useless. Donna happily took her daughter in her hand, and walked out. "I'll give her back in a couple hours" she said before closing the door.




Incredible story and it gets better by every chapter! Hope there will be some more renders for this story soon 😍

Brittany boots

I wonder what Donna has planned