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Jalira: Hello again, genie Jalira coming in from the Nagisa’s wish opportunity journalist service, welcome to the show. As you all probably know, Santa himself has recently reached out to Nagisa Fulkami, our friendly neighborhood goddess of darkness, and asked her for her very special kind of support. And that definitely means that we will see a lot more sexy monster girls around Santa's workshop in the near future.

Today I have a very special guest with me to interview who had been chosen by Nagisa’s whims to help out Santa this Christmas. Please, introduce yourself~

Seras: Heya, cuties and hunks watching~. I am Seras Victoria, but you can call me Seras. Ex-human, Ex-vampire, current mermaid and succubus~ It’s a pleasure to meet cha all~

Jalira: That’s quite the record. Do you mind elaborating a little bit on that?

Seras: It’s not all that interesting to be honest. Was human, got turned into a vampire by a vampire. Then I was a vampire and got turned into what you see now by that goddess of darkness. There really isn't a lot more to it…

…well, there is. But I don't feel like elaborating further if that's okay with ya cuties~

Jalira: Of course, that isn't really what this interview is about anyways. Now, I have prepared a few questions for you that our watchers are certainly eager to hear the answers to. Would you be okay with answering them for me?

Seras: Fire away cutie~

Jalira: Alright. First question. You have been chosen to help out Santa this Christmas. What sort of role did you receive, what sort of body did you receive and how does your new body help you with your job?

Seras: I am the proud new sleight puller for Santa, ready to outshine even Rudolph back when he was at his prime. I am faster, stronger and more agile than he ever was and plan to show everyone how amazing I am. Plus I get to show off to all the beautiful girls and hunky boys around here, so I can’t complain~ Hehehe~

Jalira: Show off…? Wait, you have a mermaid tail…

Seras: Shark tail.

Jalira: Excuse me. You have a Shark tail and no legs. I mean, yes, you also have some succubus wings but how exactly are you pulling the…?

Seras: Excellent question cutie. Allow me to elaborate. See, through the power of black magic or whatever, I have gained the ability to swim through the winter air, like I am underwater. That's how I am so adept at my task. After all, isn’t snow falling through the air kinda like water you can swim through~ Makes total sense to me.

All the other girls and boys here should totally wear swimsuits like me when they work here. The more revealing the better.


Jalira: Okay, next question. Why and how did Nagisa recruit you?

Seras: I am not sure why. She just appeared and then declared that I would have to help her. And somehow, all my reasons to turn her down just *poofed* out of my head. So I followed her here through a portal and that's when the true fun began.

Oh my, it was so indecent and so amazing. So inspiring too~ I wish I could touch all girls the way she touched me that day.

Jalira: Err…

Seras: You have to understand that she came behind me and hugged me so deeply, I thought I would melt. And then I did melt and it felt so goooood~

But like not actually melting, more like my feet and legs lost their form as she glided with her hands so masterfully across them. They became like one singular, combined and even stronger limb, before my feet changed into this crescent shark fin. And while yes, it made standing upright a little rough, I have never felt better in my entire life.

And the best part is, that that wasn't even all. She then went for my ass and boobs simultaneously, probably making them a bit larger or something. I don't know, I don't care. I just know that It felt absolutely amazing and that was also the moment I swore I would make any girl I come across feel just as good. Definitely has nothing to do with selfish reasons. Ehehe…

Oh right, and those adorable wings also sprouted from my behind. What do you think~? Aren’t they cute~?

Jalira: I do agree that they fit you very well. They fit your mermaid tail very we…

Seras: Shark tail.

Jalira: Apologies. I mean they fit your Shark tail very well. That being said, on to the next question. How does a typical day of yours look like?

Seras: Well~ I wake up in the morning, go over to the maid of the mansion and enjoy her warm boobs for a bit. That always warms me up in the morning. Then I usually head to the centauress for her amazing butt. She is so noble and strong, the perfect butt for squeezing. And then I go to the slime girl who can recharge your energy with just a minute on her soft and squishy thighs~ Ahh, the thought of it makes me so giddy~ Oh! And don't forget that Goat-krampus girl or whatever. She is always so willing to take it all~ Hehehe~

Jalira: So… you harass girls as your job…?

Seras: Nah~ That's not my job and I am not harassing them. I am just checking if their sexyness is still at their peak everyday~ Ehehehe~

But no, then my real task begins. As the girl in charge of pulling the slaight through the sky, it is my duty to be available at all times for Santa to carry him wherever he wants whenever he needs to go there. Which you wouldn't believe how often that is.

Like seriously, it's a trade secret where he goes, but he leaves the north pole around ten times per day minimum. And I am there to assure he always gets there, all in one piece and without any delay~

Jalira: Alright, and do you think you are an effective helper for Santa this Christmas?

Seras: Are you kidding me? I hold maybe the most important role in this entire facility. It's a massive honor to draw Santa’s sleigh and take him where he needs to be. Being the fastest one around, I don't think anyone can take my post anytime soon. And in addition to that, I get to hang out with Santa a bunch, who is a really amazing and hot guy.

Did you know that he was actually quite ripped underneath those clothes?!? The boss hit the gym to carry all those presents, no joke.

Jalira: Haha, good to know. Well, with that the interview is coming to a close. Is there anything you would want to say before we wrap things up?

Seras: May I touch your booba?


Jalira: Thank you very much for the interview today, Seras! It was an honor meeting you today. This was Jalira, from the from the Nagisa’s wish opportunity journalist service, thank you for tuning in and I’ll see you all… in the second part of this interview~

Seras: Aww… I have been ignored.

Jalira: See you all in a bit~

Jalira: Welcome back to the second part of this interview, streaming live from the heart of Christmas itself with a very special guest. Everyone please welcome the man, the myth, the legend: Santa Claus!

Santa: Ho ho ho, everyone. Thank you for letting me be part of this show. I heard you had some questions for me again, and I will be happy to answer all of them as far as my secrecy allows it.

Jalira: That's good to hear. This year, a certain dark goddess named Nagisa has provided you with some exceptional girls to support you. One of them is a girl named Seras Victoria. For my first question: What do you think of her?

Santa: That's a rough one right off the bat, that's for sure. Seras is a very… special girl who seems to value the assets of my staff and even the other girls that Nagisa sent almost more than the food that gets served at her dinner table. Even I have fallen victim to a few of her “Quality checks” as she calls them.

That being said, her loyalty to our cause is absolutely unparalleled. I have seen very few people in my life so dedicated to making sure that they were always available and ready to take off as Seras Victoria. No matter how urgent, no matter what time of day, the moment something comes up, she is already by the sleigh. I have never arrived there faster than her, and that is a testament to her incredibly dutiful attitude.

Jalira: I see. So do you think having her help out is something that made your life easier?

Santa: It certainly made Rudolph’s life easier, that's for sure. Ho ho ho~.

I do prefer Rudoph pulling the sleigh over anyone simply because we are good friends who have been through a lot, and Seras did not change that. However, looking at it from a practical standpoint, Seras is faster in almost every way, stronger and even a lot more dexterous than Rudolph, which allowed me to make a lot more trips than I have ever been able to do per day than before. And that did help a lot.

So yes, as a strong temporary addition that allows my friend to take a break in the busiest time of the year, I would definitely agree that she has made our lifes easier.

Jalira: Alright, that makes a lot of sense. Then let's go to the final question of the day: Would you say that Seras is a nice or a naughty girl?

Santa: Ho ho ho~ What a question. Her work diligence tells one thing, her work behavior is something completely different. But that being said, I just dont think she would be happy if I put her anywhere other than on the naughty list. So that's where she shall be~

Jalira: And that's where she belongs~ Thank you so much for your time Mr. Claus and I’ll see you again in the next interview of your new employees. This has been genie Jalira from the Nagisa’s wish opportunity journalist service, thank you so much for tuning in and I’ll see you all… next time~


And the first helper Nagisa picked out for Santa personally is… Seras Victoria (Hellsing), shedding her vampire nature to become something less dangerous… or more dangerous? Depending on how you look at it. This shark-o-bus can pull any sleigh better than any reindeer… and may in fact attempt to ride them depending how cute they are.

Seras Victoria: PictureStory

This is one of the 9 Stories and Picture combinations that we, Hiros53 and 97tsukishima made for christmas. Let’s pray that Santa can handle all those monstrous ladies~


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