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Jalira: Hello again, genie Jalira coming in from the Nagisa’s wish opportunity journalist service, welcome to the show. As you all probably know, Santa himself has recently reached out to Nagisa Fulkami, our friendly neighborhood goddess of darkness, and asked her for her very special kind of support. And that definitely means that we will see a lot more sexy monster girls around Santa's workshop in the near future.

Today I have a very special guest with me to interview who had been chosen by Nagisa’s whims to help out Santa this Christmas. Please, introduce yourself~

Alex: Ho ho ho~ Merry Christmas to you all~ It’s such a pleasure to be here today~ My name is Alex and I am currently here in this local town to spread the joy of christmas and bring the right vibe and mood to everyone~ Ho ho ho~

Jalira: Oh my. Uhm, you're quite big.

Alex: Well, that's pretty normal for Snow worms I would say. When you have a body over 30 meters in length, it makes sense to hide most of it underground~

Jalira: This might just be me, but isn't it dangerous to burrow through the ground under a city like that? I mean, won't the ground be unsteady…?

Alex: Aha! Never underestimate the Christmas miracles of Santa Claus when he is on duty! I am no ordinary Sandworm! I am a Snow woman Sandworm, a Snow worm, so to say. And I can dig and burrow through any surface as long as there is snow on it without causing any damage to anything at all! So as long as towns are covered in this lovely white, I can freely move without hurting or damaging anything! What a Christmas miracle, don't you think~?

Jalira: That does sound amazing, not gonna lie. Now, I have prepared a few questions for you that our watchers are certainly eager to hear the answers to. Would you be okay with answering them for me?

Alex: I am ever and always ready to help~

Jalira: Glad to hear it. First question. You have been chosen to help out Santa this Christmas. What sort of role did you receive, what sort of body did you receive and how does your new body help you with your job?

Alex: My job is to go through the cities and spread joy and smiles throughout the streets. Had a rough day at work? Or a difficult exam at college? Maybe you have been stressing out about some gifts you still need to buy for your family. I am here to help you with all of that!

Jalira: And how do you do that?

Alex: In all sorts of ways. Sometimes the people just really only need a good drink and someone to talk to, sometimes a few sweets do the trick. A bright smile also helps a lot of people. But mostly it's through hearing people out and listening to their plights that their moods improve a lot. I am the pep talk Santa mega worm~

Jalira: About that. I see that you are… uhm… quite big. Like your human body pretty much only makes up like the tongue of your actual body and I can see your teeth down there as well as parts of the rest of your massive body. Aren't people slightly scared of you with that appearance?

Alex: That's the thing that I find so interesting too. Yes, they are. But that mainly serves them to become more aware of me. Like no one is going to ignore a snow worm burrowing through town. And then, with a little bit of cooling off magic and dispersing the fear and worries, people become really talkative.

It’s like: Oh, a giant Snow worm dressed in a Santa costume is asking me what happened to me today, might as well tell her since this is surely the strangest thing that happens to me today.

Jalira: That kinda makes sense in a weird way. Like people think that you being a snow worm is stranger than you asking them about their day. It's a strange approach, but I can appreciate it. Okay, next question. Why and how did Nagisa recruit you?

Alex: Don’t have the best explanation for why, since the mind of a goddess is still a mystery to me. But if I had to guess, it's because of my willingness to try strange things and the fact that I appreciate weird monsters. Like the crazier the better for me. And I definitely get the best part of that pie~

I mean, I don't see any other ones in Santa’s camp running around with a thirty meter body~

Jalira: Yeah, from what I have seen so far, you are definitely the biggest. Mind telling us a little bit more about your first encounter with Nagisa?

Alex: Naturally. So when she appeared, she pretty much made immediately clear what she was after, asking me a rhetorical question if I wanted to help Santa before shoving me through a portal without even listening to my answer anyway. Not that I am complaining. And that's when the magic happened.

Almost immediately I lost the ability to spread my legs, but that wasn't actually the main part. Because then my feet started to inflate like crazy, becoming bigger and bigger and rounder and bigger again, until they became like a pot around me. Then that pot grew teeth and turned out the be my new main bodies actual mouth, big enough to not only swallow me whole but also multiple entire other human beings.

Then the thing just started to expand back and back, growing and growing and it almost felt like Nagisa was pulling on me too. I lost track so quickly about my new size, it's incredible. Finally, 30 meters and a color job towards the bluish theme later and my body was seemingly ready. Then Nagisa gave me a Santa cosplay and I have been feeling festive ever since~

Jalira: Do you think you have your tail under perfect control by now?

Alex: Nope. Good think it's 90% undersnow, right? Hahaha~

Jalira: Err… yes. Let's move on to the next question. How does a typical day of yours look like?

Alex: Let’s see… I usually get up and get myself up and motivated for the day~ Then I check the board which towns Santa has assigned me to pay a visit next. And then I make myself on the way to one of these towns~

They are usually all over the globe, so I try to manage my time so that I’ll be around when the sun shines, although not always possible. After all, I can pretty much only travel to and from locations that have a layer of snow covering them. I call my trick… Snowportal~ Hehehe~

And when I reach those places, I have already told you what I’ll do. Mostly talk and listen to people, get some drinks or some sweets, listen to jokes and laugh with the people. My main goal is to make the lives of everyone around me just that little more colorful, despite my body being mostly white. Ehehe~

Jalira: Have you ever caused damage to anything?

Alex: I am extremely self conscious and worried about that, which is why I am also super careful to not accidentally hit something with my large body. Actually, I prefer to have most of it in the snow anyway, since it can't really cause any damage in there to begin with.

Jalira: About that. Is your body just not there while in the snow? Like is it in another snow-dimension or something?

Alex: Honestly, until someone gives me a better explanation, this might as well be my head canon now. My body is simply in a snow-dimension whenever it’s not surfaced. Yap.

Jalira: Okay then, do you think you are an effective helper for Santa this Christmas?

Alex: I will admit that I don't exactly have the most important job in the grand scheme of Christmas, but I try to be an everyday hero, not a supergirl. So I think I am effective at what I am supposed to be doing, which is spreading the Christmas spirit and making people smile when they walk through the street.

Because you have no idea how happy it makes me when people go through the street, point at me and say “Hey look! It's that friendly giant Santa girl again!”

Jalira: That does indeed sound heartwarming. Well, with that the interview is coming to a close. Is there anything you would want to say before we wrap things up?

Alex: Remember people, Christmas is for everyone! Never think that you don't deserve happiness! And I am here to proof that to all of you~ Ho ho ho~

Jalira: Thank you very much for the interview today, Alex! It was an honor meeting you today. This was Jalira, from the from the Nagisa’s wish opportunity journalist service, thank you for tuning in and I’ll see you all… in the second part of this interview~

Alex: Ho ho ho~ Remember to be nice, everyone~

Jalira: See you all in a bit~

Jalira: Welcome back to the second part of this interview, streaming live from the heart of Christmas itself with a very special guest. Everyone please welcome the man, the myth, the legend: Santa Claus!

Santa: Ho ho ho, everyone. Thank you for letting me be part of this show. I heard you had some questions for me again, and I will be happy to answer all of them as far as my secrecy allows it.

Jalira: That's good to hear. This year, a certain dark goddess named Nagisa has provided you with some exceptional girls to support you. One of them is a girl named Alex. For my first question: What do you think of her?

Santa: To be honest at first I didn't really know what to do with her. Her attitude was absolutely wonderful, her curiosity was delightful and her dedication to spreading joy was admirable, but there was that simple fact that she had a building parameter long body that simply couldn't be overlooked.

Yet Nagisa actually seemed to have a plan for her in mind so I let her explain. She gave Alex the ability to practically teleport through snow and gave her a costume in my liking to spread her overwhelming enthusiasm. And to my surprise, that actually turned out to be a rather good idea and I have appreciated her company every day since then.

Jalira: I see. So do you think having her help out is something that made your life easier?

Santa: It's a bit rough asking that question, since I just simply dont think it's a fair question to ask.

It's not her job to make life easier, nor can she help out a lot around the workshop with that massive body of hers. But that doesnt matter. She is the heart and soul of Christmas embodied with radiating enthusiasm that is downright infectious. There have been multiple days full of work that have been brightened up simply by her being there.

Not everyday is a good one, but she is the one who brings out the best in everyone's day every day. And that's a skill not everyone has.

Jalira: I see. Then this really was an unfair question for her. Let's finish it off with a fair one instead: Final question of the day: Would you say that Alex is a nice or a naughty girl?

Santa: Ho ho ho~ Never judge a book by its cover. Alex might be the purest definition of hard shell with a soft core. Except she wears her heart on her sleeve for everyone to see. I don't even see anything in her entire soul that could be considered even the slightest bit naughty. A nice girl, through and through.

Jalira: And that's where she belongs~ Thank you so much for your time Mr. Claus and I’ll see you again in the next interview of your new employees. This has been genie Jalira from the Nagisa’s wish opportunity journalist service, thank you so much for tuning in and I’ll see you all… next time~


And the Second helper Nagisa picked out for Santa personally is… Alex (OC), a returnee from the Halloween event. But this time she is not here to scare people, even if I wouldn't be surprised if she with her giant Sandworm and Yuuki Onna body might intimidate a lot of people. No, she is here to spread joy of the purest form possible, cheering up any and all that need a bit of good mood in their life.

Alex(Oc): PictureStory

This is one of the 9 Stories and Picture combinations that we, Hiros53 and 97tsukishima made for christmas. Let’s pray that Santa can handle all those monstrous ladies~


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