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The court of Queen Titania, bathed in the ethereal glow of twilight, hummed with a palpable sense of wonder. Alastar stood at the center, his initial shock melting into a cautious curiosity. Surrounding him were the fluttering forms of Fiora and Lenis, two important looking fairies, one with red hair and one blonde, their expressions masked by serene composure. And of course Titania herself, whose casual posture on her throne of intertwining vines was a stark contrast to her advisors' formality.

Titania leaned forward with a grin, her voice a refreshing blend of warmth and mischief. "So, Alastar, I bet you didn't expect your day to turn out like this, huh?"

Alastar chuckled, rubbing the back of his neck. "Yeah, this is definitely not how I planned my Thursday going. You all look exactly like I’d imagine from fairy tales, though. But, uh, how come you're the only one I can understand?"

Titania’s laughter was light and clear. "Because it's my native language as well, though sadly Fiora and Lenis here don't understand a word, unfortunately. Makes discussing things like Netflix a bit challenging."

Fiora, her voice gentle, yet in a language that Alastar swore he had heard before, yet couldn't understand, spoke up, <Majesty, you can understand him, right? This is not a situation like last time, right?>

Lenis, her tone equally polished, added confidently, <Of course she can! Our wish magic would never fail! Our queen now is the most powerful of the powerful because of that~>

<Could you two shut up for a moment?> Titania hissed quietly, then turned to Alaster again and translated for him. "They’re just making sure you’re not here to start any trouble. Old habits, you know?"

"Got it. Tell them I’m all about peace," Alastar replied, giving a thumbs up in their direction, which only added to the advisors' confusion. 

As they turned towards their queen, Titania relayed this back in their flowing tongue, earning a nod of solemn approval from both fairies.

"Now, down to business," Titania said.. "You’re here because, frankly, fairy suitors are a bore, and I need someone who can shake things up. You game?"

Alastar raised an eyebrow, intrigued. "What’s in it for me, though? I mean, I get that being a fairy king sounds cool and all, but what exactly does it entail?"

"Power, magic, immortality—pretty standard package," Titania explained casually. "But also, you get to make a few wishes. Anything you want, to help you fit into the whole fairy king role."

“Are you serious?”

“Totes serious.”

Alastar pondered, his mind racing with the possibilities. "Any wish, huh? That's a heavy offer. What's the catch?"

"I wouldn’t exactly call it a catch, more like a possibility for mishaps." Titania explained, confusing Alaster a little bit. “See, I have only been queen for a few months now, and therefore I am not exactly the best when it comes to using my powers. So if things don't turn out exactly the way you like, then I have warned you right now.”

“Sounds dangerous. Do I have to make a wish?”

“Well, if you want to have a hot, big breasted fairy wife, then yes. Because at some point you will have to wish that you become a fairy too.”

“Gotcha. Should I make the wishes one by one, or all at once? Also how many wishes do I need to make?” Alastar asked, to which Titania thought for a little bit. 

“You need to make exactly four, and I think it would be easier for me if you just made them all at once. You know, to save time.”

There were a few moments of silence in the room, with only Alastar mumbling to himself for a little bit. Until finally, he declared his wishes. “I wish to be a fairy, because I have to.I wish I could use magic just like you, because I always wanted that. I wish I was strong and handsome, so we can fit together. I wish I had a harem of cute fairy girls, because you know I have to. You don’t mind, right?”

“Of course not~ Let's begin~” Titania grinned widely as she stretched her arms forwards, starting to chant in the other language. <He wished for a fairy body fit for an elegant member of royalty! Grant him the body of a fairy with six wings, making him unique amongst our race!>

As Titania's incantation filled the air, a shimmering light enveloped Alastar. He felt a tingling sensation, soft yet insistent, spreading from the crown of his head to the tips of his toes. The first to change were his ears, elongating and sharpening into elegant, pointy tips that would not have been out of place on the most regal of elven lords. His skin, under the touch of the wishing magic, became softer, its texture refined to a silken sheen that glowed faintly in the twilight of the fairy court. Alastar watched, both amazed and slightly alarmed, as his very form began to echo the ethereal beauty of his new companions.

Next came the most breathtaking part of the transformation. From his back, with a sensation that was more exhilarating than painful, sprouted three pairs of delicate, translucent wings, each shimmering with iridescent colors that changed as they caught the light. They fluttered gently at first, as if testing the air, their movements graceful and sure. Alastar reached back, his fingers brushing against the gossamer textures, a laugh escaping him — a sound of wonder and disbelief. He turned to Titania, who watched with a mischievous sparkle in her eyes, clearly pleased with her handiwork. "Well, how do I look?" he asked, half-joking, half-serious, trying to adjust to the weight and feel of his new wings.

“You look undeniably great~ This first wish worked out fantastically.” Titania nodded, satisfied with her first work. “Ready for wish number two?” 

Aliester nodded in approval, to which Titania started chanting again. <He wished to be magically powerful, yet physically frail! Grant him a dainty body filled to the brim with magic>

As Titania's voice rose in another melodious incantation, Alastar felt a strange, pulsating force envelop his body. It started deep within his core, a bubbling fountain of energy that spread rapidly, filling every crevice of his being with a vibrant power he had never known. The sensation was intoxicating, a mix of euphoria and a slight hint of fear as he felt his physical form beginning to change once more. His muscles, once defined and robust, began to soften and lose their definition, his body shrinking subtly but noticeably. Alastar watched, almost in disbelief, as his stature diminished, his once strong form now becoming smaller and seemingly more delicate. 

“Wait! Is this supposed to happen?” Alastar exclaimed, a note of panic threading his voice.

“Sorry, might be a side effect. But I’ll make sure to pump you full of magic in exchange, alright?” Titania responded with a reassuring smile, though her eyes twinkled with an unspoken mischief.

“I guess it's fine...?” Alastar replied, his voice trailing off, rubbing his arms that now had a distinct lack of definition.

Yet, despite his decreasing physical strength, the power coursing through him was undeniable. It felt as though he was being infused with raw, untamed magic, a force so potent it seemed to crackle in the air around him. Alastar felt lighter, not just in body but in spirit, energized by this new, mysterious power that tingled at his fingertips and buzzed through his veins. He raised his hands, watching the faint shimmer of magic playing around them, a visible testament to his newfound abilities. The whole thing left him feeling vulnerable in a physical sense, yet incredibly potent and alive with magical energy, which he was, on second thought, very okay with. 

“Yeeaaah, sorry again. But I promise, the next wish will be much better!” Titania reassured, to which Alastair nodded. “Yeah, make me a strong and handsome king!”

“Oh~ Definitely~” Titania giggled and began to chant again. <He wished to be a cute and shy girl with a lot of appeal! Grant him a sexy female body filled to the brim with the charm of shyness!>

As Titania's chanting intensified, a soft, golden light enveloped Alastar. He could feel his body changing once again, this time more profound and unsettling. His shoulders narrowed, becoming more rounded and less pronounced, while his waist cinched inward, sculpting a distinctly curvaceous silhouette. His hips flared gracefully, creating a stark contrast to his now slender waist. As he looked down in bewilderment, he noticed mounds forming on his chest, growing steadily beneath his tunic. Most shockingly, he felt the unmistakable sensation of his manhood receding, a fundamental part of his identity shifting, leaving him in a state of stunned silence.

Fiora, observing the transformation with a furrowed brow, turned to Titania, her tone laced with concern. <Majesty, are you certain this is what he desired? It seems... quite specific and unusual.>

Titania waved her hand dismissively, a sly grin on her face. <Absolutely, Fiora. He asked for this, a transformation to fit perfectly into our world.> Turning back to Alastar, who now gazed at his reflection in a nearby pool of water, she remarked, "Look at you, absolutely adorable and utterly irresistible!"

“W-wha? I didn't wish for that at all!” Aliester complained, yet then felt a tingle down her spine that made her deeply uncomfortable, even if just for a moment. “What was th-that?”

“The feeling of sexyness, my friend~”

That's when Alastar noticed, that not only had her body made a drastic hop to the otherside of the genderwall, but now every movement she made carried a new, enchanting quality. Her gestures were softer, her posture naturally engaging, and every step seemed to carry an unintentional but undeniable allure. Try as she might, she couldn't remember how she moved before anymore. 

The only way she knew how to move she also knew was filled with captivating charm, and she didn’t know how to turn it off. Yet somehow, even though her confidence was shaken, it was paradoxically boosted by an overwhelming sense of her new, mesmerizing presence. Despite the unexpected change, Alastar found himself oddly at peace, intrigued by his new form and the enchanting allure it seemed to naturally exude.

“I see.” It just seemed easier to go along than to complain, so she didn’t answer in a grand manner. Titania however, seemed absolutely delighted. 

“Gosh, you are adorable. I nearly underestimated how potent this wish magic actually is. But alright, time for the last wish!” Titania declared, clearing her voice. <She wished to be my loyal wife and harem caretaker! Grant her the drive to satisfy all of my girls, the will to serve me and the loyalty to be my wife!>

As the final words of Titania's enchantment echoed through the air, a cascade of names and faces flooded Alastar's mind. Each name belonged to a member of Titania's extensive harem, each face was enchantingly beautiful and uniquely memorable. With this sudden influx of knowledge, a profound sense of loyalty and admiration for Titania welled up within her. Alastar felt her heart swell with a devotion so intense it was as if her very essence had been intertwined with the fairy queen's from the moment of her creation.

This newfound loyalty was accompanied by an eager anticipation to meet the other members of the harem. Alastar's thoughts were now tinged with an inexplicable desire, a yearning not just to meet but to intimately connect with each of them, to be part of their world and to serve alongside them under Titania's rule. Every thought of hesitation or confusion about her drastic transformation seemed to wash away, replaced by a confident acceptance of her role as Titania’s wife and a caretaker of her harem. This role filled her with a purpose she hadn't realized was missing from her life, and every fiber of her being now vibrated with an eagerness to fulfill her duties, propelled by the enchanting allure that now defined her every move.

“I… This feeling…” Alastar tried to comprehend everything, yet her mind was still reeling. Yet just a glance at her wife Titania calmed her immediately. 

“So. Are you ready to be my wife?” Titania asked, wearing a smile that was almost blinding to Alastar.

“Y-Yes! P-please take me!” She said, standing up from the ground, having no idea when she had even dropped to the floor to begin with. 

“Alright. I think it's fair to say that you are my wife Alicia starting now~” Titania declared, to which Alice eagerly nodded, her cuteness stunning Titania for a moment as well. “Then follow me, Alicia.”

“Y-Yes!” Though just as the two of them started flying out of the throne room, Titania stopped for a moment, eyeing Alicia intently. 

“Something is missing. One sec.” Titania cleared her voice and started chanting again. <She wished for bangs that cover her face and to understand the language of the fairies! So grant this to her!>

All at once, every sentence and word Titania had ever said made sense to Alicia, almost as if she was forced through a language crash course in the blink of an eye. Yet that's also when a lot of questions came up in Alicia's head. One of them more pressing than the others. 

“Wait, I thought you could only grant four wishes!” Alicia declared. 

“Wouldn't be much of a queen if I didn’t have a few perks.” Titania winked, to which Alicia giggled. 

“Like turning every male sutor into your female harem member?” Alicia remarked, to which TItania straight up laughed. 

“You will like them all, I promise. Mrs. Harem caretaker~”

Alicia might have been tricked a little bit by her newfound royal wife, but at least she knows that Titania was the best wife anyone would have ever gotten. Though now Alicia realized that it was lucky that Titania at least spoke Alicia’s language. 

Just imagine how bad the situation could have been if the wish granting fairy didn’t even understand the hero's language… 

Well, now they do understand you. But do the fairies really grant your wishes how you want…?

Sequel to Fairly big Translation Problems (Fairy Tg)


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