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Calm down. I have to calm down. I am Nagisa. Today, I am Nagisa! I am not myself, I am Nagisa! I have her orange hair, her robe and her magic. I can do this! I can do this! 

I am Nagisa. Goddess of Darkness and Chaos, bringer of mischief and improver of lifes. Don’t forget my mission, don’t forget my task. It was bestowed by Nagisa personally onto me, which means I can’t fail her now. I have to be the best Nagisa I can possibly be.

And that means, dealing with this situation right here.

“Sir, I beg you to calm down.” The desperate waiter pleaded with a rowdy man, to not much avail, as the burly man slammed his fist onto the table in anger. “Calm down?!? Thanks to your shitty service, my would be next girlfriend just left me! And you expect me to pay this shit on top of it?!?” 

“S-Sir, r-regardless of your personal circumstances, you did s-still eat at our establishment. And that means…” The waiter stuttered, clearly scared. He didn’t look all too experienced in his job in all honesty and the guy he was facing looked like a 2 meter biker gang leader boulder of a person. So safety concerns were warranted. 

“Just because you serve food comparable to dogfood here, doesn’t mean you can start demanding stuff!” The burly guy stood up, clearly trying to dwarf the poor waiter. “And you expect me to pay for dog food? Do I look like a dog to you?!?”

“You do to me.” I casually said, placing my hand on the burly guy's shoulder and freezing him in place. I made sure no one in the restaurant was paying us any attention, except for the waiter in front of me, who now looked even more confused and frightened than before. So I shot him a grin, and moved my hands slowly to the ears of the burly guy. “You have the ears of one.”

With one quick motion, I pulled his ears upward, causing them to rapidly grow fur, elongate and move to the top of his head. But I didn’t stop there.

“And the sporty frame of one~” I said as I made his beer belly turn into a light six pack.

“And the tail of one~” A tail popped out from just above his butt, as his entire body reeled in anticipation of my next command.

“And of course, the hopeless addiction of getting your owner to head pat you and call you: ‘Good girl’. Just like a dog~” I touched, moved and shifted his body around to let her have a more appropriate form. A little bit more boobage, a little bit more fur, bigger hips and drilling an endless need into his head later, and now there stood a very confused Dog girl who only whimpered as she tried to collect her thoughts.

So naturally, I had to give her the coup de grace. I moved my finger around her collarbone and made an actual collar appear around her neck. And the moment I did, I knew I had to let out a cheeky comment.

“Nice Dog Girl you have there~” I said, snapping both of them out of their stupor. “But maybe you should tell her to be a little bit more quiet. Her barking is disturbing the customers like me.”

“Wait… Huh?” Both of them had pretty much the same reaction, but I made my way out of the restaurant. They clearly had questions and that was fine. Because soon they would find out what my curse was all about anyway. Being a little bit cryptic is the Nagisa way, after all.

Calm down. I have to calm down. I am Nagisa. Today, I am Nagisa! I am not myself, I am Nagisa! I have her purple eyes, her sizable chest and her pretty face. I can do this! I can do this! 

I am Nagisa. Goddess of Darkness and Chaos, bringer of mischief and improver of lives. Don’t forget my mission, don’t forget my task. It was bestowed by Nagisa personally onto me, which means I can’t fail her now. I have to be the best Nagisa I can possibly be.

And that means, dealing with this situation right here.

“...and thus, I grant you the power of any two animals you choose, brave hero. But choose wisely, as you can not change your blessing after you have selected them,” I spoke in a profound and meaningful tone, trying to sound as authentic as I could possibly be. The hero, that was standing in front of me in the summoning hall, seemed to believe my every word at least.

“I understand, Nagisa Fulkami, Goddess of Light! I will think deeply about these blessings and make sure to choose only the right ones!” he said, to which I did my best to suppress a wince.

So naturally I am here on a ruse, but being called Goddess of Light somehow still hurts my pride, if just a little bit. Maybe I have become a bit more than just a Nagisa-wanna be by now, who knows?

Anyway, I already know what this guy is going to wish for. And I also already know how I am going to twist it in a way that will profit the land he is going to a lot. Not to mention himself. Now I just need to wait in anticipation until he says ‘I have decided, my goddess!’

“I have decided, my goddess!” The hero said, proudly patting his chest as I acted like I didn’t already know what he was going to say. “I was not much of a fighter back in the world I was in, more like a quiet guy with a thirst for knowledge. But if I really need to fight, then I would like the strength of a Lion, with the ability to fly like a falcon. If that is a possibility.”

“So it shall be,” I spoke, opening up a portal underneath the guy, causing him to slowly sink into it. “Though I’ll just warn you right now, your thirst for knowledge might combine with the power of a Lion and Falcon in unexpected ways. And still, I pray you bring hope and prosperity to the land, so that it may overcome the terrors of evil!”

The hero nodded as he completely vanished into the portal, with it closing shortly behind him. Then I let out a sigh.

“Gosh, that was a cheese line, what the heck!” I let out, opening up a magic mirror to watch the lucky guy who just caught a one way ticket to an isekai. Leaning back into my chair, I pulled out popcorn as I activated the mirror. “Now all that's left is watching if he turns out okay. Alright! Entertain me!”

As the hero descended through the swirling energies of the portal, his transformation commenced with elegance, just like it was supposed to. His human legs, once boring and plain, morphed seamlessly into majestic paws, each toe elongating into the curved, powerful claws of a lion. 

Swiftly fur sprouted out from around his new foundation and enveloping his skin, cascading up from the paws to his thighs in a rich wave of golden hues. The fur, thick and lustrous, shimmered subtly in the portal's otherworldly light.

The most anticipated change occurred next. As he fell, his silhouette altered drastically; his hips and spine extended backwards in a smooth, fluid motion, as two new lion legs sprouted, complete with their own hefty paws, mirroring the front pair. This quadruped stance was perfected by the emergence of two grand falcon wings, bursting forth from his shoulder blades. 

The wings spread wide, powerful and commanding, speckled with the browns and whites typical of a falcon's plumage. Simultaneously, his chest reshaped, the contours of two breasts forming, while his masculinity faded, completing his transformation into a formidable, mythical sphinx with the prowess of a lion and the grace of a falcon.

“Though that really wasn’t a surprise, was it?” I let out, shaking my head as I hand-waved the mirror away. “What else did he think would happen, if he wished for a Lion and Falcon hybrid?”

And with that, I teleported away, leaving the divine realm of that world vacant, satisfied with a job well done.

Calm down. I have to calm down. I am Nagisa. Today, I am Nagisa! I am not myself, I am Nagisa! I have her cool persona, her dark flair and her sexy behind. I can do this! I can do this! 

I am Nagisa. Goddess of Darkness and Chaos, bringer of mischief and improver of lives. Don’t forget my mission, don’t forget my task. It was bestowed by Nagisa personally onto me, which means I can’t fail her now. I have to be the best Nagisa I can possibly be.

And that means, dealing with this situation right here.

“Alright, let me get this straight…” I said, trying to paint a full picture of what the two of them had told me. “You two have been in a relationship for over a year, you, girl, have realized that you would like to love the guy, but also you have realized that you are into girls. And when you saw the sign of my evil witch shop, you decided that making a deal with the devil was your best possible solution?”

“I wouldn’t have put it THAT extreme, but yes. We saw your shop and wanted to check it out,” the girl said confidently, while the boy only nodded shily. 

“Alright, I can definitely help you. But this will only work, if both of you are willing to absorb a little bit of each other's fantasies into your bodies.” I said, making up rules on the fly while fiddling around with random magic tools that had nothing to do with the case.

“Fantasy? Into our bodies? What do you mean?” the girl asked and the shy boy agreed.

“Your dream. Your fantasy is for this guy to be a girl, because that way you could love her even more. I can help him absorb that fantasy of yours, so that it becomes real. But in exchange, you will have to absorb an equal amount of fantasy from his dreams too,” I said, pulling out a fancy looking scale from a shelf and setting it on the table for dramatic effect. “It needs to be balanced between the two of you. Without that…”

“I’ll do it!” the girl yelled out, before the boy had even a chance to say anything. “I know about most of your fetishes, and I am okay with them. Turn me as much as you need, but turn the love of my life into a woman!”

“Same here! If this is really possible, then please…” The boy said, talking for the very first time. 

“So be it,” I said, touching the top of the scales to make the entire object glow in dim magical light. “When you are ready, put a coin that belongs to each of you on each side of the scale. Then it can begin.”

“O-Okay!” Both seemed intimidated, but went along with what I told them. With a flick of my mystical fingers and the placement of their coins upon the scales, the Magic began anew. The timid guy suddenly felt his body soften as his stature began to diminish. His shoulders narrowed, his muscles softened, and his entire frame shrank, giving him a more delicate and petite appearance. 

His face, once marked by masculine features, softened as well, with his cheeks becoming rounder and his jawline softening into a cute, feminine contour. As his height decreased, his chest began to swell gently, the beginnings of breasts forming, modest at first but quickly becoming more pronounced.

Simultaneously, the girl watched in awe as her own body embarked on an almost opposite transformation. She felt a surge through her spine, straightening and elongating her to a new towering height. Her limbs thickened with a new, robust strength, her muscles subtly defined under her skin. 

As she grew taller, her breasts began a remarkable expansion, ballooning from a modest size to a nearly surreal amplitude that strained against her now-tight clothing. The change wasn't just physical; her outfit began to morph as well, her simple clothes darkening in color and altering into a revealing, dark goth style ensemble, complete with lace, leather, and an edgy aesthetic that perfectly complemented her new formidable gothic appearance.

“So he had a thing for tall strong goth girls, huh?” I let out, making them both snap out of their analysis-paralysis, as the boy turned pretty girl desperately tried to explain.

“N-No! I mean… Yes. I am into goths. But also into tall girls! And strong girls! And busty girls! I just… didn’t think Alena would become all of that… combined…” she said, tapping her fingers together cutely in embarrassment. 

“It just means that your masculinity must have been worth a lot~” The massive and exaggeratedly goth girl Alena said, giving her now way shorter girlfriend a big hug. “Thank you so much for doing this for us! I didn’t think this would actually work!”

“All in a day's work for a goddess~” I replied instinctively. And while I realized that I might have broken character with that just now, it really rang true for me personally. These were certainly my favorite types of days…

Calm down. I have to calm down. I am Nagisa. Today, I am Nagisa! I am not myself, I am Nagisa! I have her power, her might and her ambition. I can do this! I can do this! 

Though, today, it's a bit different. There is nothing in particular that's on the schedule, just checking up on the work I have done so far. And you know what? Seeing the fruits of one's labor feels pretty damn good.

“This is stupid. Why do I have to be the one cleaning the tables after the shift?” the dog girl asked, yet had reluctantly already started to polish a table with a towel. 

“Because, if you do, I will give you lots of headpats after my shift~” the waiter spoke in an almost singing voice, to which the dog girl's ears twitched. Her eyes were instantly filled with longing and her efforts of cleaning immediately doubled. 

“A-As if something l-like that interests m-me!” she stuttered, clearly doing her best to deny her current state. Yet anyone with eyes could see how excited she was. Especially by the speed she was cleaning the tables.

“...finished,” she then flatly stated, returning to the counter with averted eyes. “Now don't forget what you promised.”

“Then come and get your pats~” The waiter said with open arms. Two seconds later a dog girl nearly one and a half times the size of him had tackled him to the ground. Her face was in his chest, nuzzled deeply in his embrace while his hands were on her head. Ruffling, playing, patting, stroking everything a dog girl could ever ask for. 

And both of them were having the time of their lives.

In another world that was way more peaceful than initially presented, there was now an academy with a very peculiar headmaster. She wasn’t human, and she was way larger and stronger than everyone else there. And as it turns out, also much smarter than everyone else there.

“Headmistress! Headmistress!” An excited sounding teacher barged into an office, making the very large inhuman person inside look up from the note she was writing. “We have new reports from the researchers in the chemists branch. Your prediction actually came true! There is magic in…” 

“It's chemistry, not magic. This has nothing to do with Magic,” the sphinx corrected, rising to all four of her pawed legs as she made the teacher stare in awe at her. “What is the matter? Didn’t you want to show me something from the chemist's branch?”

“Y-Yes! I just… I am so in awe everytime I see you move around. You command this aura of power and wisdom, something that both humans and demons should aspire too! I mean, you even ended a war simply by walking onto the battlefield,” he explained, to which the sphinx playfully rolled her eyes.

“The war between humans and demons was caused by a lack of communication. It took a few spells to separate the armies, but really all I did was give the two sides a bit more to think and a bit less to fight. And that seemed to have worked quite well,” the sphinx explained, to which the Teacher nodded. 

“I might have also kicked a few idiots butts, but those are small details.” The teacher nodded even harder. It felt like he was looking up to her like a star. 

“Now then, shall we check out why the chemist branch has summoned me?” the sphinx asked, walking towards the door as the teacher's eyes became even wider.

“Wait, I didn't even mention that. How did you-…?”

“Now that, my dear little apprentice…” the sphinx interrupted, smiling as she winked at him. “...that was magic~”

When the sphinx walked through the door, I felt like it was a good time to check out the next place I wanted to visit. This time, we came back to a more modern scene, in the middle of a park, where two girls sat together on a blanket. 

One of them was a cute little girl, a little bit on the shorter side, but with lots of cuteness about her. The other one was quite extreme. Wearing jet black clothes, having a huge frame and even more huge boobs that were too big even for her immense height. Though that did nothing to dissuade the feelings between them.

“I tried making cookies yesterday. Do you want to try my results?” the regular girl asked, to which the huge goth girl immediately returned with shining eyes. 

“YOU CAN COOK?!? Why didn’t I know that?!?” she asked, leaning over the much smaller girl, almost drowning her in cleavage.

“B-because… I wasn’t really all that confident in my baking before,” she explained, trying to fight her head out of the loving cleavage. “I don't know… people told me a boy shouldn't bake cookies for girls… I thought that was bullshit, but I got scared to show you before. And now I am trying out a few of the things I’ve always wanted to do, you know?”

“Gimme! I wanna taste your cookies!” the goth girl exclaimed, pulling her partner upright, causing her immense cleavage to jiggle right in her face. The other girl gulped, but nodded.

“Here,” she said, handing the box with the cookies over to her massive girlfriend, who immediately stuffed her face with one. “I haven't baked for a long time. So I am not sure if-…”

“Holy crap! Girl, they are amazing! You are the best cook ever!” the goth girl exclaimed, hugging her girlfriend again, this time in a more gentle manner.

“I think you are exaggerating.”

“I might be. But to me, it's true, you know?” the goth girl whispered into her girlfriend's ears, pulling her head a little bit higher so that it wasn’t directly in her boobs anymore. “They are very tasty - I like them. And knowing that they are from you makes them even better. And that's what makes them truly the best, you know~?”

And as the two of them kissed each other, I put away the magic mirror. Standing up from my chair, I did a big stretch, feeling proud of what I have achieved.

Being a dark goddess entails a lot of different roles. Sometimes you need to be evil, sometimes you need to be benevolent. Sometimes you simply have to offer people a trade, or an offer they can't refuse. But one thing is for sure: 

You did it right, if everyone is happier afterwards. That's the way of the Fulkami. 

Just a little story about someone having to go through a week of Nagisa's life. Thank you so much for celebrating my 3rd anniversary with me.


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