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The Monster Master Amulet. I had never heard of it before today and I honestly didn’t think much of it when I brought it home. Though how I got it was most peculiar, I will admit that. 

My name is Kimihito Kurusu, head of the Kurusu household… because I really should be alone at home. Though due to circumstances that is no longer the case, and now I am hosting seven extra species girls at my place. Whoever thought that was a good idea should get their salary cut, but I digress. 

I was on my way home like usual, coming from a late night shopping trip. But not for groceries, rather to just take a breather away from all the noise at home. Being around them is very fun and I appreciate their company a lot, but even I need some ‘me’-time every now and again.

That being said, I didn't actually buy a whole lot while I was out, but that was okay, since it was more about walking anyways. I really didn’t need to bring something home. I could just stroll through the park, relax, and walk home without the need of any worries. 

That was until I decided to take a short break on a bench in the park, where this somewhat ominous looking Lady sat down next to me. I didn’t know what it was, but something about her just drew my eyes to her. Until she spoke up and called me out on it. 

“You seem mighty interested in me, young man. Has my beauty captivated you?” She asked, much to my horror. 

“You… me… I mean… Yeah, it was just such a beautiful night, I wasn’t expecting company.” I fumbled.

“Tell me, what's weighing on your heart? I can tell that you are trying to get some distance from something.” She then asked, much to my continued surprise. 

“Let’s just say that my situation at home is complicated. I have girls at home that can fly, live underwater, slither, walk on the ceiling and are the grim reaper, among other things. It just feels like I need a break from time to time, you know?” I explained, not quite sure why I thought telling that to a stranger was a good idea. The lady however simply nodded.

“I see. So you are feeling overwhelmed by the abilities and capabilities of a group of extra species girls, I presume.” She replied, much more serious than I expected her to be. So even if that wasn’t exactly my problem, I decided to just roll with it and nod. 

“In that case I actually have the perfect item for a growing extra species expert like yourself.” She said and then pulled an amulet out of the little bag she had with her. It looked empty, like there was an open cavity in the middle waiting to be filled with… something. 

“It is a very special item, the amulet of a monster master, and the sign of a demon lord. Touch a monster once, and their power shall be yours. Then it is either yours to keep, or to pass on to another person. The choice is yours.” 

And that’s it. That's all she said. After that, the lady merely got up and bid me farewell, leaving me still sitting dumbfounded on the bench, as she slowly vanished into the night. And yeah, that's how I got it. 

I made my way back home, trying to wrap my head around what the lady had said to me. Though other than ‘she was reciting a fantasy novel’, I couldn't really wrap my head around it. After all, where here in the modern day are any monsters or demon lords?

It was kinda late when I came home, though as usual some people were still awake. Mero and Cerea were still talking in the living room, Papi was doing everything in her power to not fall asleep in front of the TV, Miia just headed upstairs to turn in for tonight, Suu was locked in a bucket because she had done something perverted again, Lala came by the kitchen to brew ‘Poison of eternal death’ aka her sleep medicine, and I honestly had no idea where Rachnera went. A midnight stroll like I did maybe?

Did she have permission to do that? No. Did she care about permissions? Also no. It's not like a police officer has the guts to tell that to her face. So yeah, I was sure she would be back before too long.

After which I did some chores around the house, mainly cleaning up the kitchen a bit, putting away the glasses from Mero and Cerea when they looked like they were going to bed soon, and fixing a bit of the mess Papi made on the couch with the breadcrumb chips she was eating. And just as we were all about to head towards our respective rooms, Mero stopped me to talk.

“Oh dear me, Master, that is a very pretty amulet. And that's coming from someone who has quite a lot of experience with jewelry. Might I inquire where you got it from?” She asked, making both Cerea and Papi stop to look out of curiosity too. That's when I realized that I was wearing that amulet that the weird lady gave me, which was strange, because I could have sworn I put it into my pocket. Oh well.

"How strange it doth appear.” Cerea added, taking a closer look at my amulet as I took it off to show her. “It bears the symbol of a horseshoe, a wing, and that of a fin upon its surface. Had I wist not better, I would declare it represents the three of us."

That, however, was news to me. I was sure that the amulet was empty when I got it. Yet sure enough, the amulet's empty cavity was filled with 3 stones, looking like they could even be removed from the amulet if I wanted. This entire day was really just a massive call that I dearly needed some sleep to get over that.

“Boah! Papi wants one too…!” Papi declared energetically, though her eyes were half closed, so it's questionable how awake she truly was. Though since I knew she wouldn't give up until I gave her something, I tried to fish the stones out of the amulet. And much to my surprise, it actually worked, and I was now holding the three stones with the horseshoe, wing and fin in my hand.

“Alright Papi, you can have it if you promise to go to bed afterwards.” I said, presenting the stone with the wing on it to her. I knew that Papi couldn't resist an offer like that and that this was probably the easiest way to get her to go to bed. The harpy however surprised me with her reply. “Papi doesn't want wings as Papi already has wings. Papi wants something else!” 

Letting out a sign, I briefly looked at Cerea, who gave me a “Do what you must” expression, before I handed Papi the stone with the Horseshoe on it. But at least that was enough to make her skip off content, looking like she was just about ready to use the last bit of energy before she fell into a deep slumber.

“It seemed as if you had made Papi a very happy girl, Master.” Mero giggled, to which I sighed and chucked. So I stretched out the ‘fin’ stone to Mero, yet she just shook her head and covered her mouth in amusement while saying. “But Master, I already have fins. Can’t you give me something else?”

Defeated, I pressed the fin stone into Cereas hands and then the Wing stong into Meros. Cerea just looked at me perplexed. "Me also? Art thou certain?"

“Yeah, would have been mean to give it to everyone but you. So take good care of them.” I said, feeling the fatigue wash over me. “Alright girls, I am going to turn in for tonight. See you again tomorrow.”

“Good night, Master!” 

"Rest thee well, my lord."

With a casual wave, I made my way to my room, eager to drift off to sleep. Something told me that today's sleep would be exceptionally sweet…

— Papi’s room —

“Fuwaaaa~ Papi is happy~” Papi declared, as I plopped my way towards Papi’s little room nest. I was tired because Papi had so much fun today… probably. Honestly Papi’s memory wasn’t the best, so most of what happened was a blur to me, but still, Papi was happy, and that means that it had to have been a good day.

When I arrived at Papi’s room, I could honestly no longer recall why I had gone to Papi’s room in the first place. But I was tired, so thinking wasn’t really Papi’s strong suit at the moment. So I threw on Papi’s sleepy clothes and walked towards the bed, feeling like Papi could just fall asleep at any second now. However, that’s when the clinging of metal caught my ears, making me look down Papi’s chest.

“A pendant?” Papi asked, lifting the accessory up that was placed around my neck. It was quite pretty, being large and round, with a big horseshoe stone in it. Papi quite liked it. Though even that wasn’t doing a lot to keep Papi awake. “Papi gotta find out… where pendant came from… tomorrow…Zzz”

As Papi snuggled into the bed, a weird warmth began to spread across my chest. It wasn't the cozy warmth of Papi’s blanket or the gentle warmth of sunshine; it was the pendant, making a buzzing heat on my skin. Papi tried to ignore it, wanting to fall asleep, but the feeling was too strange and wouldn't go away. “Papi wants to sleep,” Papi whispered, almost dreaming, but the buzzing from the pendant got louder and more pushy.

Then, an even weirder thing started happening. As Papi was starting to get frustrated by the strange feeling keeping me awake, the bed was slowly getting smaller under me, or at least, that’s what it felt like. As time went by, everything in my room seemed to get a bit smaller, the ceiling a little lower. “Papi’s room is getting smaller?” I mumbled, confused and sleepy. But it wasn’t the room getting smaller; Papi was getting taller. At first, it was so slow Papi hardly saw it, but over time it became more and more clear. Papi sat up, my head now much closer to the ceiling than before. “That’s weird.”

When Papi looked down, I saw something I had never seen before. Papi’s legs, which were thin with sharp claws, started to change. Soft fur started to grow, covering my scales quickly in a way that was so interesting. Papi’s sharp claws, perfect for grabbing tree branches, became dull and shorter, turning into something new and different. I watched, with amazed and shining eyes, as Papi’s bird-like legs started to look more like those of another animal. “Papi’s legs are… changing? So coooool!!!” Papi giggled and kicked my changing legs around super excitedly, barely noticing how my wings and stomach were feeling a bit prickly now too.

Only a few seconds later, when Papi’s legs had almost gotten out of reach, did I realize that my entire midsection was stretching, growing longer and thicker in a way that tickled my curiosity even more. “Papi is getting stretchy!” I exclaimed, Papi’s voice bubbling with excitement as I touched my expanding middle.

The more Papi looked, the more amazed Papi became. Papi’s hips and backside started moving away from Papi’s upper body, getting farther and farther as if they were on a fun journey across the bed. It was like Papi was being pulled gently, stretching out into something new, something magnificent. “Papi is sooo long now!” Papi laughed and giggled, filling the room as Papi watched in awe.

And then there were Papi’s hands, or rather, Papi’s wings, which I had always trusted to fly and flap through the air. Slowly, the feathers began to fall away, not all at once, more and more. Underneath where the feathers once were, Papi saw something new—arms, human-like arms, where Papi’s wings used to be. “No way! Papi has hands now!” I declared, flapping my wings around as more and more feathers came falling off. Papi wiggled the new fingers, fascinated by the way they moved, so different from the flapping of wings.

As Papi took in all these changes, I noticed that my midsection had transformed as well. It was much longer now, and when Papi touched it, it felt powerful and strong, like the trunk of a biiig tree. Papi’s butt had become bigger, a true horse butt, with even a little blue ponytail that matched my hair sprouting out from behind.

Just as Papi was trying to figure out how I could use my new hands to touch Papi’s now very far away tail, I felt another pressure growing—this time, where my human half and horse half came together right in the middle of Papi’s very long body. Papi looked down, because I was curious, and I couldn’t believe what I saw. Two new legs were starting to push out right from the middle of Papi’s stretched midsection, growing longer and more distinct by the second. 

“Papi is getting even more legs! Like Cerea!” Papi exclaimed, a laugh bubbling up as I watched the muscles grow and their form become more distinct. These legs looked like they were growing into the same thing as what had become of Papi’s original pair, thick and muscular trunks to support my now much bigger body.

As these new legs grew, Papi noticed that my original legs were changing even more. They thickened, muscles bulging a bit as they took on the full strength and shape of a horse’s legs. The sharp talons that used to be at Papi’s feet were long gone, but now solid, shiny horseshoes that gleamed in the moonlight were there instead, making Papi gasp in excitement. “Papi is becoming Cerea!” I giggled, tapping them together and marveling at the clanking sound they made.

But that wasn’t the only change Papi felt. The pendant around my neck, which had felt heavy with its strange buzzing, wasn’t the only thing weighing my chest down now. Papi glanced down and gasped softly, my eyes going wide with surprise. Papi’s chest had already grown significantly, from completely flat to two sizable mounds to rival the other girls, yet they didn’t stop.

They just kept inflating in size, bigger and bigger. Papi couldn’t help but giggle. Bigger and bigger again, my hands almost couldn’t hold them anymore. Bigger and bigger, at the time I didn’t even notice as Papi’s ears grew more pointy and furry to the side, I was so excited. Bigger and bigger, until they grew beyond what Papi could have ever imagined, now sporting an H-cup size that seemed to be around the size of Cerea’s chest, which much to my absolute delight, was just as bouncy as Papi had always imagined.

“Boing~ Boing~” Papi strutted around in the room, now fully turned into a centaur, with an amazing horse's body, complete with four strong legs and a little blue ponytail that matched Papi’s hair, and a human upper body that was just as remarkable. Papi’s fatigue and tiredness was completely gone, replaced with excitement and desire to make my chest bounce as much as I could.

“Ah! Papi’s gotta show this to Husband! Papi hopes he is still awake!” Papi declared and happily strutted towards Papi’s door and then out into the living room. However, I wasn’t the only one who apparently needed to go to the living room at midnight…

— Cerea’s room —

As I returned to my chamber, weary yet fulfilled from the day's endeavors, my thoughts were wandering with plans for the morrow. “How might I serve my master further, repay the boundless trust he had placed in me?” It was amidst these reflections I noticed a strange absence upon my person; the amulet, a precious gift from my master, bearing the fin of a fish, was nowhere to be seen.

Panic gripped my heart and mind as I frantically searched my surroundings, my eyes darting to every corner of the room, until, by some miracle, I found it again. It was hanging around my neck, its presence unnoticed till now, softly aglow with a mystic light. Perplexed, I reached to remove it, yet found myself unable. An unseen force, as if woven by the very essence of magic itself, prevented my touch. And even though I pride myself in my strength, every attempt was for naught. 

In that moment, a tempest of thoughts besieged me. Should I wake my master, bring this peculiar occurrence to his attention? No, I decided with no further thought. The hour was late, and such a disturbance would ill suit the respect and care I hold for him. It would be rude to awaken him for a matter I was yet uncertain of its portent.

Yet, as I stood there, contemplating the silence of the night and the soft glow of the amulet, a sudden weariness overcame me. It was not the fatigue of a day's labor, but a deep, unnerving weakness, as if the very strength of my four legs, which had carried me through countless trials, was fading away. With no warning, my legs buckled beneath me, and I found myself tumbling unceremoniously onto my bed mat, a prisoner of my own failing body.

As I lay there, a sense of vulnerability I had not known before enveloping me, my legs began to tremble. It felt as though the muscles within, the very sinews that I had trained day in day out, were dissolving into naught but shadows. A panic, quiet yet frantic, seized me; I mustered every ounce of my waning strength, striving to rise, to no avail. The thought of summoning help crossed my mind, yet I swatted it swiftly, the duty I bore to not disturb the peace of the night holding sway over my desperation.

It was a peculiar and frightful sensation, as if the essence fueling my vigor and might was being siphoned away, leaving behind nothing but a shell. In my heart, I feared what this meant, suspecting not the affliction of disease or illness, but the influence of the amulet around my neck.

"But how? Are witchcraft and magic real, perchance?" I wondered, attempting to look down at my form, which is when I noticed something even more alarming. It felt like my strong, muscular, and well-trained lower half was starting to slim and shrink. My fur also lightened in certain areas, which finally pushed me into panic.

"What in the holy centaurs' hoof is happening?" I cried out, though it seemed to no avail. My expectations were dashed as my lower half continued to shrink. My tail, however, did not seem to be shrinking in the same manner. Instead, its hairs were merging, fusing into one singular mass rather than many strands, which did not bode well for me. "Something seriously wrong is happening, and I shall stop it!"

"...But how?" As I grappled with the unnerving changes befalling my form, I espied yet another alteration most bizarre. Webbed skin began to emerge betwixt my fingers, akin to that of a sea creature. I first took note of it whilst attempting to move my fingers, yet now there seemed to be something amiss between them.

I stared in wonder and horror at my hands, separated my fingers as wide as I could, but it mattered not. Right before mine eyes, between all of my fingers now was a thin layer of skin, very much akin to those of Mero. "Why should I, of all beings, develop such a trait?" I pondered, bewildered by this sudden affinity with the aquatic.

No sooner had this question manifested than I felt an odd sensation within my torso. It was a change, profound and unmistakable, coming from deep inside, as if an organ was being wrought at that very moment. With a touch of trepidation, I reached to my neck, only to discover gills adorning either side, moist and undeniably functional. It dawned upon me then, with a mix of awe and consternation, that I had gained the remarkable ability to breathe both on land and beneath the waves.

Meanwhile, the transformation of my equine half continued unabated. It grew ever smaller and less rigid, bestowing upon me a level of flexibility hitherto unknown. This newfound agility was both astonishing and disorienting. Furthermore, the shrinking of my lower half proceeded in a peculiar fashion; it thinned out unevenly, becoming increasingly slender as it neared my tail.

The same fate befell my legs. My hindlegs barely existed anymore, being in the process of fusing with what used to be my tail. My front legs, however, weren't exactly disappearing. They were shrinking and flattening, but once they reached about a third of the size they once were, they ceased shrinking. Instead, seemingly everything hard and rough about them was discarded, with no fur or hooves in sight at all anymore. Instead, they began to look a lot like fins.

I was then yanked forward, feeling as if my spine was contorting in ways that felt alien to me. I tried to return to my previous sitting position, but it proved too uncomfortable. It was as if my upper half was straightened out to align with my lower half, which was most alien to me.

Yet I wasn’t discouraged, flipping onto my back to watch the events unfold from that vantage. Which is when, for the first time, I had a clear view over my body, and that’s when it dawned upon me. “I am turning into a mermaid!”

My entire equine half had been transformed into a long, flexible, hairless tail, upon which golden shimmering scales slowly began to find their home. My tail and hind legs had merged into a singular tailfin at the very end of my body, and my front legs could scarcely be classified as such anymore, as they now resembled front fins.

Even mine ears had changed, being around equally as long, but significantly less furry and far more scaly than before. Though there was one final change that at least had me chuckling weakly at my predicament. “At least my chest feels slightly less heavy?”

It was hardly a consolation, but better than naught. My entire body felt much heavier and more unwieldy than afore, like I no longer belonged on land. Which, considering that I was now a mermaid, made sense, yet in terms of the fact that I probably just shed over 200 kg of my weight, it felt most strange.

“I should probably attempt to inform Master about this…” I sighed, but then faced an intriguing conundrum.

How was I to exit my chamber again?

— Mero’s room —

It is sort of my passion to collect jewelry, so naturally I had to ask my beloved young lord to hand this amulet to me. Originally I just wanted to take a closer look, as my knowledge in the topic of sunken treasure was quite vast, so my curiosity was immediately piqued. Though I couldn’t have predicted that Papi would show much interest in a gemstone like that. Or perhaps I had simply made her jealous. 

In any case, I had just arrived back in my room, the waters of the pool still splashing as I turned the system into Night Mode. I was about to lift myself out of my wheelchair and jump into the waters to go to sleep, when I noticed a weak shine coming from my chest. Looking down, something caught my eye that genuinely caught me off guard.

“Oh my? Is that the gem stone the young lord has given me? But why is it in an amulet…?” For a reason unknown to me, there was an amulet around my neck, even though I do not recall having ever put on anything like that. In fact, the gemstone has been nothing more than a gemstone just a few moments ago, at least I thought so. 

I tried to reach for it and take a closer look, yet my hands just simply couldn’t reach it. It was like an invisible force was preventing me from interacting with the amulet at all, which was more than a little strange. Though that’s when a surge of heat rippled through my body, followed by a wave of weakness the likes I have never felt before.

Because of that, I felt like it was a good idea to just hop into the pool as soon as I could. So I tried to smoothly get out of my wheelchair and dive into the water. Instead, I awkwardly fell to the ground. This feeling of weakness was not letting up. My tail, which was usually strong and reliable, now felt weak and seemed to lack any strength. As I lay there trying to collect myself again, I noticed something even more startling: my tail wasn’t just weak, it was actually getting smaller.

The feeling was strange, almost like losing a part of myself. Each scale on my tail, once bright and full of life, seemed to fade and shrink. It was a gentle sensation but also unsettling, as if the very essence of what made me a mermaid was slipping away. At the same time however, I felt like something else was growing within me, that wasn’t there before.

Something odd was happening to my frontal fins. They started to feel different, growing slightly larger. This change was less alarming than what was happening to my tail, but still surprising. The fins felt stronger and more pronounced, a stark contrast to my diminishing tail.

Caught in this unexpected transformation, I was flooded with questions. How could a simple amulet have such interesting effects on my body? Was there some hidden power within it? Did the young lord know about this? Though I had heard of magical artifacts in my studies, none of those stories turned out to be true, so witnessing something I could only describe as pure magic was a first to me. Which also made me really excited.

As the transformation continued, I watched in fascination rather than fear. My tail, which once was a majestic part of me that propelled me through the depths for years, now diminished even further. With a quiet acceptance, I bid farewell to my tailfin as it vanished, acknowledging its importance in my past and the new journey I was embarking upon. Though I saw it as a loss, I also knew that that wasn’t all there was to it. I knew I was gaining something else to replace it too.

At the same time, an extraordinary sight greeted me at my arms. Feathers, delicate yet strong, started to sprout along my skin. It was a sight to behold—my arms, transforming into wings, perhaps? The feathers grew denser, forming a vibrant tapestry that covered the entire length of my arms and going even further. My fingers, which once were adept at delicate tasks, seemed to merge into this new, more collective form. Slowly a picture was forming in my mind.

My curiosity grew even more as I observed the scales on my frontal fins. They dried and changed, adopting characteristics more akin to bird legs than anything found in the sea. The transition from aquatic to avian was mesmerizing. The scales, once sleek and wet, now resembled the rugged texture of a bird's leg. Of a harpies leg. That’s when it slowly began to dawn on me what was actually happening to me.

That’s when a sudden cough broke my thoughts, making me struggle for air for a little bit. Something Inside of me was changing once again, this time, it was as if I was losing something unnecessary for additional muscle power. Like my arms suddenly felt stronger and stronger, but at the same time, something vanished from within me. And when I felt my sides, I knew what it was. I no longer had gills, which was such an uncanny feeling for me. 

Something sharp suddenly poked out from my legfins, which honestly at that point looked more like legs than fins if I were to be honest. They were sharp talons, appearing one after another, as my legs gained a more stiff and rigid structure and the tips the form of actual feet. And as strange as the notion actually was, I almost felt like I could stand up and walk around like actual land dwelling races. It was fascinating, so I had to try it.

As I put my new legs on the ground, I felt the strength return to me in places I had never felt before. My tail was almost completely gone, but I managed to lift myself off the ground slowly with my new legs as they continued to gain strength. It cost me almost all of my concentration, but then I managed to do what no mermaid had ever done before. Just as my tail became nothing more than a distant memory, I stood on my own two legs. Bird legs, but still, they were mine and I was standing on my own. 

In my excitement I instinctively moved my arms, which almost lifted me off the ground. These things had so much more strength than I was used to, being able to lift me off the ground with just a single flap. But maybe it was because of the still increasing carpet of feathers that now adorned them, with each arm… or wing already having become larger than the entire rest of my body.

But now that I thought a bit more about it, it wasn’t just that my wings had grown huge. It was that the rest of my body had become drastically smaller and slimmer. I don’t want to imply that I was overweight or any notion like that, just that now my upper body felt severely underweight, as if it was made purposefully lighter just to allow me to fly. 

“How fascinating.” I pondered out loud, being the first time I have actually spoken up since I entered my room. I had massive wings that were capable of carrying me through the sky, strong talons that I can use to grab onto objects, and legs powerful enough to lift me off the ground and allow me to walk. “Oh my~ What a delightful development~”

I couldn’t hide my excitement as I happily strided forward and hopped into the water… only to almost drown from my own negligence. How it didn’t occur to me that I could no longer breathe underwater was beyond me, a blunder that is embarrassing to admit. Though it also revealed something else that I should do that I didn’t think of before that.

“I should alert the young lord of this. This doesn’t feel like something that can wait.” I declared as I left my room and pool behind, walking completely wet towards the living room where someone else was already waiting for me.

— Living Room —

Today I woke up to a stir that wasn’t coming from my room, which was both very welcome and also kinda refreshing. Nobody would think it strange if in a house populated by eight people, there just comes a point where no one is allowed to sleep anymore. Though for me, usually, that means one of the girls had snuck into my room was up to some shenanigans. 

For once, I could actually get up gradually and do all my morning routine uninterrupted. It wasn’t much, but still very appreciated. It gave me a lot of time to think about this “Monster Master Amulet” I was given yesterday, as somehow it felt like it did something, though I just had no idea what. It honestly just looked like stones appeared on it out of nowhere, and those stones can be removed for reasons.

It was just all very cryptic.

At that point, the racket that came from down below seemed to only grow louder by the second, which just made me sigh. I think I pretty much already heard all the girls' voices so it seemed like everyone was already awake. So the responsible thing was to just head down, check out what had the girls so excited, and then just start cooking breakfast.

…and then I stood in shock at what I was seeing.

“M-Milord! Thou hath arrived! I beg you to feast your eyes on what had befallen us tonight!” Cerea declared, although she looked completely different. Gone was her horse body and her massive frame, instead she had a yellow scaled mermaid’s tail, finned ears and webbed skin between her fingers, as if she was a full on mermaid.

“Look! Look! Look what Papi can do!” Papi declared, excitingly lifting two chairs, one in each of her hands, which was a weird thing to say. Usually Papi only had wings that she could barely use to hold anything, let alone lift anything. But now she had two strong arms, real hands to grab stuff and more importantly, a massive horse body with four hooved legs, a lot of muscles and power. Not to mention that her chest had gone from nonexistent to very hefty.

“Yes, we have indeed found ourselves in quite the predicament, haven’t we?” Mero asked, shielding her mouth with her wings like it was a fan. Seeing her stand and walk around was very unusual, yet with her new bird taloned legs it was more than possible. She also now possessed huge, pink wings and a much smaller frame, courtesy of her new harpy nature.

“What are we going to do? How did this even happen, darling? Do you know anything about this?” Miia shouted in a panic, although Rachnera, who seemed to have a much cooler head than her, pushed her to the side as she directly approached me. “The ‘what’ that caused this isn’t actually much of a big question.” She said, shrugging her shoulders. 

“All three are wearing necklaces that neither we nor they can take off. All of those bear a symbol that represents their new species and, of course, all of them said that they felt like the necklace was doing weird stuff yesterday night. So I think it's easy to say what caused all this.” She elaborated further, to which Mero and Cerea nodded, while Papi was bouncing her boobs and lifting more chairs.

Honestly… where am I even supposed to look…

“So the real question is to figure out what sort of demonic ritual was used to call upon the darklords power to curse our friends.” Lala added in her usual way, though she did have a point. No matter how I looked at this, it looked like something magical had happened, something that shouldn't be possible under any circumstance. 

Though that’s when I felt a small tug on my sleeve, making me look down to Suu who was standing next to me innocent and wide eyes. “Masta. Can Papi and Suu go out to play in the park together?” 

I took a deep breath. It was really hard to refuse Suu when she was like that and honestly, I could feel her excitement of playing with Papi in her new form. So I took a stand, and announced my plan on how we would handle this situation. “Alright everyone, listen up.”

“Miia, you are going to phone Mrs. Smith and see if you can get her to come over. I’ll cook some breakfast for all of us. In the meantime, you three make sure to get a little bit accustomed to your new… erm… bodies? I’ll think of something while I cook.” I declared, walking past everyone as I headed towards the kitchen.

“And if Mrs. Smith isn’t here by the time we are finished with the food, I’ll take Papi and Suu to the park. Deal?” 

“Yaaaaay! Papi and Suu are going to the park!” Papi yelled as she lifted four chairs above her head, almost hitting herself with them.

“Park! Yaaaaaay!” Suu echoed, as the two of them started to run through the building, as per usual of those two.

I couldn’t help but smile at the sight. Mero taking careful steps and walking like a dignified royal, despite having only bird legs. And Cerea marveling at her webbed skinned hands which she could now use to hold water without spilling a drop. Somehow everything was wrong, but at the same time, it was a very special sight.

…I just hope that Mrs. Smith has a way to fix this mess before it gets even worse…

What could be better to learn what it's like to be in someone else's shoes but a magical amulet that can swap some species around. Am I right?!?

A piece created for VtSparks' April Swap Contest in collaboration with ThatFreakGivz who drew these amazing pictures for the story. Let's hope we will win it all~


Justin Kinninger

I always wondered what some of the ladies from Monster Musume would look like as different species. Honestly I’m surprised the author didn’t do a Changeling chapter or arc.