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There are a lot of ways to start a day in this day and age. A lot of things you can do in a day. Some people work, some people study, and some people are just there because they live with a super-talented magical girl alien in a different world and are now still looking for what they should be doing there. And Jupiter was one of those people. 

But today was a day off. It was a day when Mercury was out of town and Venus was also… somewhere. The important thing was that both of them weren’t here, which meant Jupiter had free reign to start a completely normal and magic-free day, the likes of which he hadn’t had for quite a while. 

It started with a little bit of tidying up the home, followed by cooking his own breakfast. He really liked Mercury, but also, the silence that ruled the building when she wasn’t present was serenity to his ears, especially during breakfast. Why? Because Mercury is a bundle of uncontrollable energy when she wakes up, which makes eating in peace nigh impossible. 

That being said, after he ate his meal, that's when the fun really started. He had waited for a good while for a good opportunity to try out that new Fire Emblem game, which honestly at this point wasn't even all that new anymore. But that didn’t matter, because today was the day when he would truly indulge in his own wants for a change~

Well, that was his plan anyway. 

“Hello? Excuse my intrusion, but would you happen to have a moment?” Jupiter heard a female voice say just as he plopped himself on the sofa while ready-ing his gaming console. It made Jupiter groan, but he did stand up, as he was not about to ignore someone at the door. 

Although, now that he thought about it a little bit more, where did that voice even come from? It was way too close to coming from the door, but Jupiter knew he lived on the second floor and there was no one else in the room. Though almost on queue, the voice spoke up again.

“Over here. By the window,” she said, and Jupiter immediately turned around to the window which was luckily right next to the couch. And just like she said, there she was, a girl with green hair looking straight into his room. Though there was something strange about this situation, even if Jupiter couldn’t quite put his finger on it…

“Oh yeah! I am on the second floor! How the heck do you…” Jupiter asked, yet when he looked a bit closer he immediately gasped and rubbed his good eye to make sure he was seeing correctly. “...H-Holy crap, you are huge.”

“Thanks~ I don’t quite know how to assert myself yet, so please excuse my rudeness as I stay outside for the time being.” the girl giggled as if nothing was wrong. Jupiter's expression was no exaggeration, as she was standing on the ground level, yet had no trouble looking into his room from where she was standing. If he had to guess, he would say that she was around 4 meters tall, and that wasn’t even the only outstanding attribute about her, as she also possessed 4 very strong-looking arms and impressive stomach and thigh muscles as well. 

Jupiter truly didn’t even know where to look, as her very impressive bust was also being framed by his window. “Like what you see?” And even worse, the giantess girl seemed to have noticed. At this point, he really didn’t have much of an option but to admit it.

“Yeah. You're… quite pretty.” Jupiter stammered.

“It’s interesting. I never actually thought I would come into a situation where anyone would actually ever say that about me.” She replied, looking up at the sky for a tiny moment, before returning her gaze to Jupiter. “But yeah, I agree. My body is quite something now, isn't it? Never thought I’d ever give the girls at the brothel a run for their money.”

“Wait! Brothel?!? Why do you…”

…before Jupiter knew it two hours had already passed. He only noticed because he randomly gazed at the clock on the wall, which shocked him quite a bit. He didn’t do all that much, only sitting on the couch and talking with the massive girl on the outside. Though the two of them had a blast together. 

“And that’s pretty much the whole story of how I ended up living with a magical girl.” He shrugged, to which the giantess nodded.

“Very intriguing. Where I come from, there actually is no magic or similar. It’s something I have only recently experienced for the first time.” The giantess replied.

“For that your body looks pretty damn unusual, not gonna lie.” Jupiter replied, to which the giantess giggled. “I like you, so I guess I want you to experience those magical eggs of change as well.”

“Magical eggs of change?” Jupiter asked, while the giantess opened the window a bit further and reached in with her massive arm, presenting something surprisingly small to Jupiter.

“Here you go. When you take it, I can go back to the place I came from. At least I think that's how it works.” She said as Jupiter took a closer look at the object. It was a regular egg, like the ones he could buy in a supermarket. He was still hesitant, but ended up taking the egg anyway, because the giantess seemed so friendly. 

“So what does this do?” Jupiter asked.

“It opens a hole under you.” The giantess replied, causing Jupiter to regret all of his life decisions as he felt the ground slipping away beneath him. “Brace for impact and I hope you like it~”

And that was the last thing he heard before he finally fell, through the ground of his apartment and into darkness until… 


“Ouch…” He landed in a green plain unlike anything he knew that was nearby. There were a few small lakes, a few trees and a few hills, and yet, if Jupiter had to describe it, it was still mostly empty. Devoid of any civilization. It made the question in his head only bigger the more he thought about it. “Okaaaay…? Why did she bring me here?”

Just as he asked that question, he heard a voice echo throughout the land, coming from everywhere and nowhere at the same time.

“In this realm where you've been trapped, so grand,
The only escape, find eggs eight hidden through the land.
But beware, each one might alter your strand,
In your palm, already lies the first, as if planned.”

“In my palm…?” Jupiter asked, knowing that this was some sort of riddle he had to solve before he even had a chance to get out. Though when he looked down he noticed that he was still holding the egg the giantess had given him, though for some reason, it was now a dark blue color. 

“That’s weird, wasn’t it white before…? Ah!” Suddenly the egg began to shine in a clear blue light, making Jupiter want to drop it, but even before that, it vanished in a flash of light, sending a shockwave through Jupiters entire body. 

“Oh no. I know this feeliaaaaahhh!!!” Jupiter squealed as he felt his entire body contort. His arms were shrinking as his shoulders were narrowing, all while the little guy between Jupiters legs was crying due to the massive pressure that energy put on it. Yet at the same time, his thighs were notably expanding while his ass was inflating, topped off with the fact that two mounds were pushing out of his chest in a way that he was sadly all too familiar with. 

And as his hair grew longer and slowly cascaded down his shoulders, a sad truth began to dawn on him more and more. Closing his eyes and ignoring the growth of his butt and chest for a bit, he moved his hand down to his privates, to check if his little guy was still there. But it was too late. The soldier had fallen.

“Haaa… why does this always happen to me?” Jupiter asked, letting out a much higher octave sign as she slowly let it sink in that she had been turned into a girl… again. Though there was something slightly odd, because her butt had not stopped tingling yet. Everything else had stopped changing when she became a girl, except her butt, which now looked absolutely slappable in its own right. 

“This is definitely way more bottom-weight than I needed. Don’t tell me someone thought he needed to compensate me for losing my junk…” Jupiter joked, having touched her butt maybe a little more than necessary before she decided to move on. Though she couldn’t even take 2 steps before the next egg caught her eyes, that one being just as blue as the first one.

“I shouldn’t… touch it.” Jupiter said, taking a step back before thinking. “But maybe I should? The mysterious voice said that I could only get out if I touched eight? I think? What the heck? The first was already bad enough, why would I want to touch seven more?!?” Jupiter contemplated when suddenly a flash of blue light erupted from her palm.

“What the…?!?” She was just fast enough to briefly see the outline of the egg as it vanished from her palm again causing another shockwave to blast through her body once again, feeling like it specifically targeted her butt to make it jiggle as much as possible. 

“Not fair! I didn’t even touch it!!!” Though her complains did little in terms of actually stopping the magic that dove straight into her butt and then proceeded to once again expand it from the inside. It grew and grew, gaining comically large proportions as she even had to adjust the way she stood, as the center of mass was shifted back so far. 

That's also when her pants started to rip, which was a mix between a blessing and a curse. A curse because now her increasingly large butt was getting more exposed. But also a blessing, because now she could at least be sure that she wasn’t smuggling basketballs in her pants and that those massive cheeks did indeed belong to her. 

“This is so stupid. How am I even supposed to walk with these?” Jupiter asked, giving her butt a slap, which was nearly impossible as the massive, jiggly thing was almost out of range for her hands. Yet somehow, someway, Jupiter managed to take a few steps forward. She looked very awkward doing it and it wasn’t necessarily comfortable having to lean forward so much to counteract her butt weight, but at least she could still walk. 

Well, until a third blue egg in a row came into view and Jupiter immediately jumped back, landing square on her extremely cushioned behind. “No. Nope. Na-a. I am not touching that. I bet that will only lead to… wait… where did it go?”

She swore she only took her eyes off that dangerous egg for a moment and now it was… in her hand again?!? 

“No! Not again!” She shouted, trying to throw the egg. But her hand didn't let go. it was like her hand was being magically controlled to hold the egg, much to Jupiters dismay. And then it started glowing, before vanishing in a familiar flash again…

“These eggs aren’t playing faiiiraaaaaahhhh!!!” Once again her butt was under attack, feeling like exponentially more magical power was poured into it. This time, it didn't even start slowly or hold back in the beginning, instanded going full expanding force right from the get go. 

Jupiter was still sitting from his jump and tripping away from the dangerous egg, but now it seemed like he was being forced to stand up by the sheer size his behind was gaining. As his butt grew larger and even larger, it just became ridiculous, as now she found herself in a situation she had never seen before from anyone. 

She was sitting on the floor and standing on her legs at the same time. It was getting to the point that impossible feats like that were being achieved. Now she really wasn’t sure if walking would still be possible. 

Yet when she tried to stand up completely… she managed to actually stand up, although barely. Aside from her thighs being bloated as all heck, her legs were actually not all that different from what they were at the start of this ridiculous endeavor. So with her butt held high and leaning as much forward as she possibly could, Jupiter actually, for realsies managed to take a step forward, which, for some reason, made her incredibly proud.

Though that's also when she noticed something rolling towards her feet, and she immediately had to groan when she saw what it was. And looking at it wasn’t hard, since she was more or less forced to look on the ground anyway due to her very messed up walking style. 

“Seriously? Another one?” Jupiter sighed, barely able to remain standing in place. “This one is yellow. Does that mean it does something different? Do I even want to find out?”

Reluctantly, Jupiter sat down at the ground much higher than she was used to, her butt already reaching the round with almost stretched out legs. Though she still reached for the yellow egg, causing it to shine in a bright yellow light from within her palm. “Please be something else. Please be something else. Please… huh?”

As the flash rippled through Jupiters body, the tingling feeling suddenly intensified on her ears of all places, which was strange for a lot of reasons. The main one being… While Jupiter could still hear perfectly fine with her mechanical ears that were linked directly to her head, usually she didn’t feel any sensation with them. Like if she were to touch them, she wouldn’t feel much more than if she were to touch her hair for example. 

But now they felt a lot more alive, organic and also stretched. They were stretching like crazy, going up and up way further than even her mechanical ones did. They just went so far above her head to the point where she kinda wanted to check with her own hands. 

They were soft. And long. And fluffy. And twitch really cutely. That's when it slowly dawned on her.

“Do I have… real bunny ears? I mean, I am not complaining. Beats getting another butt upgrade any day of the week.” She breathed a sigh of relief, then pondered for a little bit longer. “According to the voice I have to find eight eggs to get out. I have already found four and three of them were the bad blue ones that make my butt grow to weather balloon sizes.”

“I guess with that logic I should just avoid the blue ones and take all that aren’t blue, right? Might be the quickest and least painful way to get out of here.” She decided with a nod, when she felt another egg roll towards her feet. “Man, these things really want to hang themself to me, don’t they?”

This time it was a green egg, a color she had not seen before. “Well then, time to enact my strategy of touch every egg, but blue ones.” Jupiter shrugged her shoulders and reached for the magical egg, which also immediately started to shine before vanishing in a vibrant flash of verdant. 

The shockwave rang straight through Jupiter's thighs, much to her horror. “I thought only Blue ones where butt eggs!” she declared and quickly realized, she was at least partially right. the change didn't focus on her butt at all, but exclusively enveloped her thighs, calves and feet, or in other words, pretty much the entirety of her legs. 

And just like she expected, her legs quickly started growing at an alarming rate. For as disproportionate and impossible huge her butt was before, her legs now seemingly tried to make up for it… by growing themself. They became so long that she couldn't stand and sit at the same time anymore. 

In fact, as strange as it might seem at first, as she tried to stand up she actually managed to do it somewhat normally. Yes, her bottom half looked like someone scaled it up with a 3x multiplier, and her butt was still sticking out quite a bit even after the legs started growing, but…

“I can stand straight again? I can stand straight again!” Jupiter cheered, taking a few steps forwards and backwards, realizing that aside from her steps being much bigger and heavier than before, her walk at least returned to somewhat normality. And she was more than ecstatic for that fact alone.

“Alright, that one was a win. On to the next… Aha!” This time the egg was a bit farther away, sitting near the riverbank of a nearby body of water. But now that walking wasn’t a pain in Jupiter's astronomical butt, she didn’t mind walking over to it and at least taking a look at it. Though it was very clear even from afar that the egg was red, another color she had not tried before. 

Even though buckling down was the next challenge now, Jupiter somehow managed, picking up the egg of crimson light, which also vanished in the same color it had shone before. That's when Jupiter felt her back tingle with energy, which made her breath and brace for what was coming. “Okay, kinda good? I think? Back is not butt at least.”

There was a prickling feeling on her back, almost itchy, but not quite. It was like someone was poking pointy sticks against her back, except that it felt like… they were poking from the inside?

That's when one after another, something broke out from her back. One, two. They were thin and long, also hard and inflexible, almost as if they were sticks. Three, four. But they weren’T sticks, they were something else. They were movable at intersections, like they were bones connected to each other. But not quite bones. Five, six. That's when they finally grew big enough for Jupiter to see and she saw… 

“Spider-legs? Growing out of my back?” Jupiter asked, touching them and making sure they really belonged to her. And sure enough, she could feel and move them all without any issues, although they did take a bit of practice with muscles she had never used before. “I mean, it's a little weird, but far from the worst thing that could have happened to me. What’s next? Oh! Over there!”

Jupiter pointed towards a tree, where in its leafs a pitch black egg stuck out like a sore thumb. She noticed way too late that she was pointing not only with her arms, but also with her spider appendages, to which she felt slightly embarrassed for. “I definitely need to practice more with these things…”

Reaching the tree, it was pretty much exactly what she expected, just a black egg being cradled in a tree. The only thing weird was how she was effortlessly able to just reach into its leaves, but considering how long her legs now were, it shouldn’t have shocked her. Fishing the egg out of the tree, jupiter noticed something falling down from way higher up, almost dropping past her.

“Hoppla~ Caught ya~” She cheerfully announced, having caught the thing with her other hand, only for her mouth to go wide open as her right hand started glowing in a cosmic black mist and her left hand, much to her terror, started glowing blue. “I didn’t mean to! This is unfair! I want a refund! Refund!!!”

But it was too late, her lower half was once again pumped brim full with magical energy, even more so now that two eggs were attacking it simultaneously. Jupiter watching in horror as her tailbone started to stretch and expand, growing out of her body from the backside like a massive tail many times the size of her arms. 

At the same time her toes began to harden and her feet began to shift, making them look massive an animalistic in mere seconds. Scales also started to make themselves at home across her titanic legs, appearing out of nowhere and seemingly climbing up her legs, which was just the strangest feeling.

However nothing beat when the scales reached Jupiters thighs, as those once again began to grow with incredible vigor while at the same time her butt also expanded backwards as if it was a race. Would the sheer weight of her over a ton weighing butt make her tip over, or would her thicker than tree trunk sized thighs be able to keep her standing. 

And the winner was… her legs! Jupiter managed to stand through the entire ordeal!

“Thank goodness…” Jupiter sighed in relief as the weirdness finally slowed down. Her entire lower body was already almost ten times the volume of her human half, and now it was even scaled like that of a dinosaur, including even the spikes and spines growing out of her dinosaur tail. 

Though there was something that had Jupiter kinda relieved. Having picked up another blue egg sucked, but she could still stand and if she didn’t miscount, that should be…

Congratulations, your quest ends, all eggs are found,

Your final task, before freedom abounds.

Pass the first egg to hands anew,

Then their change begins, just like it did for you.

“Ahhhh! You have no idea how happy I am to hear that…” Jupiter sighed, falling on her butt, causing a short rumble and noticing that she was still higher than when she stood up straight as a human. Damn her butt was big. 

But that was to be expected. After all, even her calves alone were bigger than her entire upper body, which is saying something. Now she had the full size bottom half of a dinosaur, while her upper body was still that of a regular sized human. Though even up there she wasn’t quite human anymore, as she now possessed two really cute rabbit ears that were a lot more organic than her previous ones and six additional spider-like appendages growing out of her back that she still needed to learn to control somehow.

And, of course, Jupiter was a girl now. But considering she had gained the lower half of an extinct lizard in full size in the last 30 min, losing a bit of anatomy honestly felt really insignificant to her. Though at that moment, she was just happy it was over. 

A dark portal suddenly opened up near Jupiter, conveniently being bigger than her new form as a whole. Jupiter nodded and stepped towards the portal, when suddenly something iched in her hand. She looked down and saw that she was now inexplicably holding another egg again, but this one was white.

“...like the one the friendly giantess gave me.” Jupiter said, marveling at the egg a little bit as she also knew what she had to do now. “She also said something about being able to go home after she passed one on. Welp, not like I have a choice. Time to do the same.”

With that Jupiter inadvertently stomped towards the portal, her steps heavy and dangerous, yet she was still occupied with looking at the white egg. And just as she was about to step through the portal, she said: “That reminds me. She never told me her name. Now that I know that she didn’t have a choice, I kinda want to meet her again. She was very fun to talk to.” before she vanished from the magical realm.

And so, the Cycle of Eggcellent changes begins anew…


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