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The door to the all too familiar office opened slowly, as Maomao warily peeked inside. By this point, she really shouldn’t fear Lord Jinshi anymore. She really shouldn’t. He had called her in countless times and most of the time it wasn’t because of something she had messed up. Most of the time it was just because something kinda bad happened and for some reason, he just really valued Maomao’s opinion on troublesome matters that he then happily dragged her into. 

But most of the time those things weren’t her messes. And that's the thing. Those problems weren't Maomao’s problems, and getting dragged into them was not something she was happy with at all. 

But, and this is kind of her biggest problem, a tiny, little lady in waiting like her didn’t have any right to refuse an invitation from the chief caretaker of the entire Rear Palace. So whether she liked it or not, when he ‘invited her to his office’, there wasn’t really a choice for her in the matter.

With a reluctant sigh, Maomao entered the office, to which Lord Jinshi was already more than delighted to just see her. Meanwhile, Maomao's expression was one of disgust and ‘I really don't want to be here’, which Lord Jinshi happily ignored.

“Lord Jinshi, I have arrived, on short notice, per your request.” Maomao bowed, never really bothering to look directly at the lord. 

“Ah, Apothecary. Good to see you. I have just received an urgent report from a monk stationed at the south of the rear palace and the moment I read it, I knew I had to call you. Thank you for responding so quickly.”

Maomao blinked, silent for a moment. She knew exactly WHY Lord Jinshi usually called her and it wasn’t because of messages from random Monks. What could possibly have been written on that message that made him want to call her to him, and urgently on top of that…?

<We are currently facing a monster we have never seen before. It's flying and constantly talking about things that don’t make sense. Our weapons are useless against it, but it itself doesn’t seem interested in attacking us. Urgently Requesting Backup and Orders!>

Maomao was even more stunned than before. She read the message multiple times and it just became more unusual and weirder every time. That’s when Jinshi chuckled. “Do you see why I have called you here now?”

“...yes. This is indeed something you don't see every day.”

“Do you want to join me to check it out?”

“I feel like I don’t have much choice in the matter, but sure. Lead the way, Lord Jinshi.”

Thus, the two of them were on their way, with Maomao diligently scanning the Message over and over again as she followed the Lord to the south of the Rear Palace. Maomao wanted to believe that the message was a trick of some kind, but it just seemed too implausible. After all, sending an untrue message of this caliber to a high-ranking official could be grounds for termination of their job or worse. 

So the only thing left for her was to believe that the message was at least partially true and prepare for strangeness once they arrived at the place the message had called them to. Though even her wildest fantasies couldn’t have prepared her for what had been waiting for her there.

"Whaaat in the electric universe?! You're tellin' me you're on the fast track to becoming queen of the whole shebang?! Zap me sideways, that's a revelation that's shockin' even my circuits! And here I thought I'd seen it all, but interviewing a celeb of your wattage? That's like striking gold in a sea of circuits. This is gonna be the most electrifying chat in the history of the Iono Zone! Buckle up, 'cause we're about to ride the lightning!"

Maomao didn't know what she was looking at. Heck, she didn’t even know where she should look. That’s when she decided to just take it slow and one at a time.

There was Lady Gyokuyou, the person Maomao was currently directly working for. And then there was a girl in a giant dress that just floated above the ground. She had only one eye, but two additional hair ornaments with an additional eye each, sharp teeth and a wide smile, as well as huge wings and weirdly colored arms. And that’s not even mentioning the fact that if she were to get to the ground, she would be roughly twice as tall as everyone else around.

“Oh my, you have a flattering way of putting it~” Lady Gyokuyou answered, sheepishly covering her mouth. “You are just as impressive. After all, you defended yourself against over twenty of our best men, and managed to disarm them all without hurting them or even touching them.”

"Oh, pshhh, it was totally nada! With my super-secret, electrifying power, I can dance with iron like it's playdough in my hands—total control, all whimsy, all the time. Swords? Ha! They couldn't even dream of grazing me. Untouchable, that's me—zipping and zapping beyond reach!" The floating lady exclaimed, causing Maomao to think. She heard something like that before somewhere…

“Ah, Lord Jinshi and Maomao. Good to see you. I am so glad you received my message and reacted so swiftly.” Lady Gyokuyou called out to them, causing the floating lady to turn towards them as well. Also, now that she knew that it was Lady Gyokuyou who sent that message it became very clear to Maomao that the Lady was currently keeping the huge floating lady in check by wrapping her in a conversation. 

"Aha! Fresh faces in the zone? Love that energy! You've just warped into the Iono Zone—flash warning, you're under the spotlight, live and electrifying! Crack the code to my sparky powers, and bam! You're snagging yourself an epic prize. Get ready to shine, superstar!" The lady winked with her upper left eye ornament and pointed her red finger at the two, making both Lord Jinshi and Maomao just too shocked to react in any way. However, Maomao was mostly trying to decode what the weird lady was saying, as that wasn’t very easy.

“Uhm… excuse my rudeness. I go by Jinshi, overseer of the rear palace. Might I inquire what business brings you here?” Lord Jinshi asked, clearly not intending to make an aggressive move. After all, Lady Gyokuyou just told them very covertly that regular iron weapons like swords and spears don't work on her. 

“Hold on. Iron? Is your power magnetism?” Maomao blurted out and immediately regretted her words as the giant flying one-eyed lady’s gaze instantly darted to her.

"Ding-a-ling-a-ling! Nailed it, spark plug! Magnetism's my jam, my vibe, my everything—totally in my grip. Now, brace for an epic reward, just for you. And hey, no yolk, this prize is egg-straordinarily electrifying!" The floating lady looked exaggeratingly pleased, pointing with her fingers at Maomao, before floating towards, making Maomao instinctively take a step back.

Though seeing her take a step back, the floating lady giggled and threw something towards Maomao, which she, much to her surprise, actually caught with her hands. It was a chicken egg, which now made Maomao wonder even further how it didn’t just splatter all over her when she tried to catch it. However, that's when the floating lady spoke up again. 

"Voila! The golden ticket to your dream bod's on deck. Zap into action, champ—good vibes and good luck!" and just as she finished saying those words, even before Maomao or anyone else had a chance to respond, Maomao felt the ground beneath her feet slipping away, like a portable hole had just appeared beneath her. And without anything to hold onto, she fell, letting out a surprising scream before…


“Ouch…” Maomao exclaimed, rubbing her butt in pain as she took a look around where she had landed. 

She was no longer in the palace, as there wasn't a single building anywhere in sight. It was just a massive plain, with some trees here or there and a few small bodies of water in sight, but nothing like the gardens or forests outside the city that Maomao was used to. But just as she was thinking that, she heard a voice echo throughout the land, coming from everywhere and nowhere at the same time.

“In this realm where you've been trapped, so grand,
The only escape, find eggs eight hidden through the land.
But beware, each one might alter your strand,
In your palm, already lies the first, as if planned.”

“Why is everyone talking in riddles lately…” Maomao sighed, but at least this one was much easier to understand. Find eight eggs to get out, also something about changing. And finally…

“In my palm, already lies the first, as if planned.” She recited, staring at the egg in her hand. “Wait, when did this egg turn blue…? I could have sworn it wasn’t blue before…”

Maomao examined the egg, its blue hue glowing increasingly intense, until suddenly, it vanished in a shower of light, leaving a warm sensation that concentrated around her hips and buttocks. "Wha…? What was that?" she whispered, more curious than alarmed. She felt her body pulsing as if it was reacting to the egg. Somehow there was a pressure in her butt she had never felt before, something that went even deeper than the pain from the impact with the grass before.

Feeling her hand against it, it was the more incredible and illogical thing happening just before her eyes. “How is my butt growing?!?”. It didn’t make sense, yet it was happening regardless, pushing her hands further and further back as the added volume slowly drowned out all the pain she felt just a moment ago. Yet now she looked way curvier than she ever did in her entire life.

“I mean… I guess I can work with that. It’s not like I can get out of here without finding the other eggs…” Maomao signed, finally removing her hand from her inflated butt. Like she had never had any illusions that she might have a curvy body, but now at least her lower half had a definite curve to it. And worst of all she actually started to like it a little bit.

However, that’s when the next egg caught her eye, just as blue as the one before. “This better not make my butt any bigger than it already is…” she sighed, but still reached for the egg on the ground. And just like before, it started to glow until it just vanished from her hands again, making her butt tingle once again, much to her disappointment.

"Not again," she muttered under her breath, a mix of resignation and disbelief coloring her tone. The familiar warmth spread through her enlarged butt again, this time enveloping her hips and thighs as well. It was an odd sensation, like her skin and muscles were knitting together into a new, more voluptuous form. She watched, fascinated despite herself, as her figure transformed, her butt becoming more pronounced, her hips becoming more curvaceous and her legs lengthening and thickening into a shape she had only seen from the finest girls at the brothel. And those were usually really proud of their alluring figures.

"This is getting ridiculous," Maomao exclaimed, her voice tinged with a mix of annoyance and awe. She couldn't help but marvel at the smoothness of her skin and the strength in her now thicker legs. Her new silhouette was undeniably striking, a stark contrast to her slender frame of just moments before.

 "Well, I suppose this is me now," she sighed, her initial reluctance giving way to a pragmatic acceptance. There was a certain power in her stance now, a solidity she hadn't known she lacked. With a shake of her head, Maomao set her sights on the next egg, lying near a small body of water as she let out a sign. At least that one was pink, although that also didn’t exactly bode well for Maomao either.

“Let me guess, pink means breasts, am I right?” She sighed, touching the egg, causing it to shine and disappear in front of her once again. That's when she started feeling an intense pressure from within her chest, making her shout out in panic. “That was a joke! Okay?!?”

As the pink glow enveloped her, Maomao's apprehension gave way to an unavoidable reality. "I really should be careful what I joke about," she muttered to herself, watching as two mounds slowly but surely made dents in her clothes. It was as if an invisible sculptor was at work, molding her from the inside out, her previously modest frame rapidly gaining even more curves than she needed. 

With each passing moment, her clothes strained to contain her new, much more pronounced bust. Maomao could only gape in disbelief as she adjusted to the sudden heft, her silhouette now drastically altered. "This is... a lot," she acknowledged half in wonder, half in bemusement, noting the shift from her once very flat chest to a size she had only seen on the most desired of girls in the brothel.

"This place doesn't do things by halves, does it?" she sighed, a rueful smile tugging at her lips as she examined her reflection in the nearby water. The reflection staring back was almost alien to her; the girl with the analytical mind and quiet demeanor now sported a figure that was anything but inconspicuous. Yet, amidst the shock and slight embarrassment, a spark of defiance flickered within Maomao. 

"Well, no point in dwelling on it. I've got eggs to find," she declared, more to herself than anyone else. Maomao set off towards the next egg, it just dawned on her how different her body felt, with even her gait being drastically affected by her increased assets. That’s when the next treasure, a jet-black egg caught her eye, and knowing what she had to do, she just let out a sigh.

As once again the black egg disintegrated in her grasp, Maomao felt a surge of power coursing through her veins, an experience far more intense than anything the previous eggs had invoked. Her body stretched and expanded, muscles bulking under her skin with a rapidity that left her breathless. 

It was as if she was put through hellishly rigorous training all at once, making her almost drop to her knees, if the magical force wasn’t keeping her up. It was like the pain and fatigue of all the sword swings and fights she went through over the years caught up all at once, making her pant for air. 

“Wait… I never fought anyone. Why do I remember… Hnn…” More and more memories were pumped into Maomao's head, and her body grew almost to validate them. As Maomao sorted through them, her body was expanding upwards, growing in height to match those of even the tallest palace monks. 

“It somehow feels like I have been handling weapons for years…” Maomao's arms thickened as her biceps bulged, being now visible no matter how much she tried to relax it. Her stomach hardened to the point she couldn’t stop the dent of a six-pack pushing out against her clothes, starting to rip them more apart the taller she became. Finally, the strain came to a stop, and her impact on the ground felt way heavier than it ever did before. Yet somehow also lighter.

“This is… I know I have never held a weapon in my hands before. Yet now I feel like I have years upon years of experience fighting with swords, bows, spears, and even just my hands.” Maomao weakly laughed, prodding her massively increased Biceps and Stomach, before giggling to herself. “How incredible that now the idea of getting kidnapped seems so laughable to me… Why do I have the feeling that even if the imperial army were to fight me all at once, I might just stand a chance? Also, why do I kinda want to try it out? This so isn’t like me.”

As Maomao lifted herself onto her feet again, she experienced the weirdest feeling. Her weight had nearly tripled, and yet her strength had increased to a point where she might not even be considered human anymore. One step forward, and she immediately felt like she was leaving a dent everywhere she stepped, yet when she looked down, she saw that it was just her imagination. There was, however, a red egg laying by her feet right then, which made her chuckle. 

“Can’t be much worse than the black one just now, right?” She mused, not an ounce of fear in her body as she reached for it. Picking up the egg, the familiar process began once more—the glow, the disappearance, and the onset of transformation. This time, however, the sensation was different, almost alien, as she felt a peculiar tingling sensation just below her armpits. 

Muscles and skin started to shift and reform, as she felt an entire bone structure trying to push out of her sides. And then it just gave way to a second pair of limbs, as thick, muscular, and powerful as her arms above. They grew and grew until they had reached the length of her original arms, which was when fingers started to form on what Maomao could now officially call her second pair of arms. 

Maomao stared in disbelief, flexing her new limbs with a mix of fascination and incredulity. "Well, this is new," she quipped, her voice a blend of amusement and bewilderment, as she experimented with her newfound appendages, marveling at their strength and dexterity. Even prodding them with her fingers, finding that they were just as bulky as what her regular arms had become.

Despite the shock of sprouting an extra pair of arms, Maomao couldn't deny the surge of power that coursed through her veins, a power that seemed to scream for action. "Four arms now... I guess that means I can wield twice as many weapons, or… do twice as many push-ups?" she mused, trying to find the humor in her increasingly bizarre circumstances. “...why does a second pair of arms not even faze me anymore? This place sure already did a number on me…”

Sighing deeply, Maomao took on a fighting stance, one she had never seen before, yet somehow felt almost uncannily natural to her. “Hyaa!” Not thinking too much about it, Maomao darted forward, attempting to punch a tree that stood lonely on the plain… only to punch a hole clean through the wood, much to her surprise. 

“There is no way…” She gasped, retreating the arm out of the tree, only for something to fall out of it and almost hit her head. Except, it was basically moving in slow motion to her, and she easily caught it with her second pair of arms. “I wonder how Lord Jinshi would react when he sees me like this…” She mused as she looked into her arm, only to see that she was holding a green egg in her hands which already started to glow. 

“I guess I don’t get a break this time…” Maomao mumbled as the green egg in her grasp went on to vanish. Almost immediately, she felt a tingling sensation coursing through her legs, spreading rapidly to the rest of her body. Still standing next to the tree where she had just demonstrated her newfound strength, Maomao watched in a mix of astonishment and mild alarm as the landscape around her seemed to shrink. 

The hole she had punched into the tree, once at eye level, began to rapidly descend as she grew, moving downwards and out of reach to her increasingly ridiculously sized body. It was a peculiar sensation, watching the world grow smaller, or rather, herself growing larger, the tree diminishing before her very eyes until she towered over it, a giant among the now seemingly miniature forest.

As her ascent finally came to a halt, Maomao found herself at an awe-inspiring height of almost 4 meters. The world looked vastly different from this new vantage point, the plains more expansive, the horizon farther. The tree, with the hole she had made, now looked more like a little sapling that she could easily pluck from the ground. 

Adjusting to her new perspective, she realized the sheer magnitude of her transformation, not just in size but in the potential power and responsibility it entailed. "Well, this is going to take some getting used to," she said aloud, her voice booming unintentionally and echoing across the open space. With a deep breath, Maomao steadied herself, feeling both the weight and the exhilaration of her new form. While previously she had felt like her body would leave marks with every step she took, now that wasn’t a question anymore, as her steps practically caused earthquakes wherever she went.

The shaking caused by her steps also revealed a purplish shining object near the crown of the tree she had punched a few minutes ago, making her giggle as she already knew what it was. “Alright… let’s go into this optimistically. Surely a purple egg will have some sort of interesting effect, right?”

With a tentative touch, Maomao activated the purple egg, its luminescence swirling into nothingness. Almost immediately, she felt a familiar rush, but this time, it centered intensely around her thighs. Muscles knitted and expanded with astonishing speed, each fiber bulking up, transforming her legs into pillars of pure strength. 

The growth was relentless, pushing her already muscular physique to the brink of what she thought possible, her thighs becoming incredibly pronounced and powerful. "Crap, hiding these is going to be a challenge," she quipped, her tone laced with a mix of awe and resignation as she observed her transformation. The size was one thing, but the raw power she felt coursing through her was something else entirely, a testament to the egg's potent magic.

As her muscle growth dimmed down, Maomao noticed an unexpected lightness to her movements. Despite her towering stature and the added bulk of her thighs, she moved with an ease that defied logic, her body adjusting to its new capabilities with surprising agility. "Feels like I'm walking on air," she marveled, taking experimental steps that felt more like glides across the landscape. Until she threw a kick, causing an accompanying rush of air which alone was almost enough to uproot the tree she had punched earlier. 

“...I think my level of fighting techniques now extends to kicks as well. I am sorry, poor tree…” Maomao put all four of her hands together and bowed in apology, looking at the tree that was barely standing anymore. Though at its roots, a small shimmering yellow object now caught her eye. And even though she really was sorry for what she had done to the poor tree, curiosity got the better of her once again.

“I really shouldn’t… but I haven't had a yellow one yet…” Resigned to her fate, her fingers barely brushing against it before it, too, vanished in a familiar blaze of light. This time, however, the sensation was entirely new—a peculiar tingling began just above her tailbone, where no previous sensation had ventured. 

Almost instinctively, she reached behind her, only to feel the beginnings of something foreign yet fascinatingly part of her. Segments, chitinous and articulated, started to form and extend, lengthening into a formidable tail that seemed to have a life of its own. Maomao watched, a mixture of awe and slight apprehension in her eyes, as the tail grew longer and more dexterous. Experimentally, she willed it to move, and to her delight, it responded with a fluidity that suggested a natural extension of her body. She marveled at its movement, each segment bending and flexing with an ease that belied its alien nature.

Just when Maomao thought she had mastered the control of her new appendage, it ceased its growth, finalizing at a length that was more than half her height. The tail, with its impressive reach of over two and a half meters, arched elegantly above her, its tip swaying with a gentle, hypnotic rhythm. It was a surreal addition to her already extraordinary form, yet Maomao couldn't help but feel a surge of excitement at this new dimension of herself. Especially once a bit of focus caused a drip of liquid to drop out from her tail. 

“No way! I can’t believe it! I can produce poison?!? Is this a dream?!?” Maomao’s mouth immediately started drooling as all four of her hands grabbed hold of her tail, her eyes practically shining from pure happiness. “I shouldn’t do it… I shouldn't do it… Don’t put a scorpion tail into your mouth Maomao… but this poison looks so tasty…”

Congratulations, your quest ends, all eggs are found,

Your final task, before freedom abounds.

Pass the first egg to hands anew,

Then their change begins, just like it did for you.

“Eh?” Maomao stopped, her tail just barely not in her mouth. Blinking a few times, she let go of her tail, taking a step to collect her thoughts again. She might have gotten a bit too excited about that last change, now that she thought more about it.

But honestly, who wouldn’t? Maomao now possessed an enormous scorpion tail, filled with deadly poison that she was just too eager to try herself whenever the opportunity presented itself. But don’t let that distract from her body, which had made several leaps towards curviness, to the point where now she might be simultaneously the bustiest and most buxomous girl of all the girls in the brothels. And she wasn’t even accounting for the fact that she was now almost as tall as the buildings in the redlight district. And with her newfound strength, it wouldn’t even be surprising if she could lift those buildings with her four muscular arms and her incredibly toned legs.

“...might be difficult to live my life like this, but meh, I'll manage somehow.” Maomao shrugged as a large dark portal opened up in front of her, so huge that even her giantess form could easily stroll inside. As she was about to take a step forward, she felt something in one of her hands, something she was all too familiar with. It made Maomao chuckle. “So I am guessing this magnetism lady also had to hand over an egg to finally be free again. Alright fine, I’ll do it. And after that, it's straight back to the palace.”

She casually walked through the portal, her last words being “I wonder what Lord Jinshi will say when he sees me. Hehehe~” before she vanished from the magical realm.

And so, the Cycle of Eggcellent changes begins anew…



it feels like you had a lot of fun with this and She will too :D


What can I say? I like my girls 4meter tall, with muscles to spare and a few extra arms all while her butt is great. So yeah. I had fun writing this~